The Cedarville Herald, Volume 59, Numbers 27-52

C. E« Hill was culled to Peebles, Wednesday, by the critical illness of his sister, .Mrs. Mabel TJiora- man. M rs,.Hattie Owens bas returned home after a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Lott in Pittsburgh. Mri and Mrs, Frank Creswell enter- . tained the Dinner-Bridge piub, Thurs- night* at the home of the Misses Knott near Pitchin. Mrs, A . E, Richards was called to Cincinnati last Saturday by the critical illness o f Dr. C, M. Wilcox, who is well known here. Attorney Fred McClellan, wife and son, Frederick, o f Muncie, Ind., visited his cousins, Ellen Weimer and Anna Miller Townsley, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Walker, of Urbana, spent the week in Cedarville, caring for Miss Louise Graham, who was injured in an auto accident. FOR SALE—Five desirable houses in Cedarville. Reasonable prices, and terms; Farms listed m Greene and- surrounding counties. Easy terms ar­ ranged. W. L. Clemans, Realtor. Office in Gaines Bldg., S. Main St. (4t) The Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. E. Church will serve lunch • in the Bank Building, Friday evening, Oct 30, during the Hallowe’en celebra­ tion. ' Mrs. George Gordon and Mrs. Paul Townsley have issued invitations to a number-of guests for a luncheon next Wednesday at one o’clock at the home o f the. latter. Mr. Howard Harbison and sister, Mrs. David McElroy, spent the week­ end in Palestine, Ind., visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Carson. Mr. H. C. Wolfe, who resides on the Frank Creswell farm, Federal pike, has rented the Albert Anderson farm, Clifton and Springfield pike, and will move there in the spring. Mr. Ross Wiseman, who resides on the Smith farm, Courtsville road, will move to the Creswell farm. BRIDE-ELECT IS HONORED AT “ SHOWER” Miss Evelyn. Thordsen, daughter of Mr- and Mrs.,J. H. Thordsen, east of Xenia, bride-elect o f Mr. Gail Little, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Earl Little, east o f Jamestown, was honored at a mis­ cellaneous “ shower” given at the Thordsen home Wednesday afternoon. The hostesses were Miss Phyllis Little, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Thordsen. Fifty guests were entertained and enjoyed contests and a social time, Re­ freshments, with pink and white ap- pointmets, were served. Miss Thord­ sen was presented a miscellaneous array o f gifts. The date of the approaching nuptials has not been announced. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Adam Huff, of Clifton, to informally announcing the en- rtgement and approadhang marriage E-their daughter, Miss- Annis. to Mr, d* Masincup, o f Churchville, Va. The uptials will be quietly solemnized at 10 Huff home November 7, Both Miss Huff and Mr. Masincup re employed in "the offices of the Du- ent Rayon Mills in Waynesburg, Va. [iss Huff was graduated from Cedar- ille High School and Cedarville Col- tge and taught in the Clifton grade chodls fo r three years. She later 'as graduated from Miami-Jacobe lusinees College, Duyton. Mr. Masincup attended the Church- iusiness College, Stauton, Va, Mfas Huff and Mr, Masincup will rrive at the home of the pride’s arents November 6. 7Z , x *rs**4a*-= *#*!**#** i COLLEGE NEWS Demonstration Of Home Canned Meats e n t e r t a in f r ie n d s AT INFORMAL PARTY Mr, and Mrs. Lauria Straley, south Ced&rville, entertained a group of ends at their home Thursday cve- ig. . Games were enjoyed and prizes ■re awarded Mr. and Mrs, Delbert iwcry and Mr. Mark Bingamon. Re- jshments, appropriate to the Hnl- vo’en season, were served, Those present Were Mr. and Mrs. atheth Heinz, Mr, and Mrs. Eldon »$z, Mr, and Mrs. Mark Bingamon d£s»n, Maynard; Mr. and Mrs. Ken- til Bryan, Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Lil- l f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wigal, of mestown; Mr. and- Mrs, Delbert awery, o f Washington C. H>; Mr, d Mrs. Harold Dobbins, Mr. Paul idollan, Miss Frances Straley, rs, H, D. Straley, o f Xenia; Mr. and to, 0 . M. Burrell and daughter, eanor, o f Springfield and Mr. and to. Lauds Straley and son,. Donald. Money to Loan at C. per cent, on *1 Estate, Cedarville Federal Sav- Ks and Loan Association. The annual college mixer, sponsor­ ed by the Y, M. C. A., and the Y , W. C, A., was hold in the gymnasium Thursday evening, October 15. Over one hundred; o f the student body and faculty were present to enjoy the good time, Folk dances and games yseityi directed by James Anderson and demonstration a*t the v! .,CeC1‘eam localities. Considerable interest has been shown in the project the “ Use of 4>, Home Canned. Meats’’ which will be given in the various communities throughout Greene County as the part o f the Home Demonstration Pro­ gram. Temperance Notes Sponsored by Cedarvilla W, C. T. U, cake were served after able evening. Recently in an address to 200 proha tionary patrolmen, Mayor LaGuardia admonished : “ Don’t join pail clubs. Whiskey is leaders will he trained to assist m ,fpom it and y<mn, ^ lofc That ig a good prohibition speech a very e n jd y -;” ; ^ ” ^ " ™ the Nev: York mayor, who The Leaders training from the Nev. York been scheduled for f ew ye3rs ag0 Was so bitterly op- . [Thursday, December 3rd. Miss Norma Mr. John L, Dorest and Dr. W. R. ' Asphbacher, Nutrition Specialist will P d * r ” h,b,t,on McChesney attended the services in dedication o f the monument o f Horuce Mann at Antioch College, Friday afternoon. Miss Emma Force visited relatives in Marion over the week-end. Miss Mildred Bickett visited her sister in Hillsboro during the week­ end. Miss Gienna Basore was the guest of Miss Georgia Skinneli at Miss Skinnell’s home in Frankfort. The Literary Society met Monday evening. Mrs; Frank Creswell gave a very interesting talk upon her trip through the West this summer. A reading was given by Miss Gienna Rasore, and music was furnished by Blutclier Gibson, Eldon Fonllr, Wil­ fred McDonald and Wavealine Kelso. The Monks’ Club had their fi-st meeting" Tuesday evening at the library. The following officers were elected: Paul Angell, President; Ken­ neth .Sanderson, Business Manager; Rachel Greswell, Asst. Business. Man­ ager; Durydice Collins, Librarian. Plans for the future wore discussed. Dr, W. R. McChesney, delegated by the Speaker o f tfhe House o f Rep­ resentatives, attended the funeral of the Honorable George Arnold, a mem­ ber o f the House -of Rrepresentatives •from Preble county. Mr. John L. Dorst, Business Man­ ager o f Cedarville College, is spend­ ing several days this week in Cincin­ nati in the interests of the college. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sweinehart of Apple Greek, O., Mr. and Mi’s. Her­ bert Fry, Waynesviile, 0., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dean several days last week. DIEHI.-FLATTEK NUPTIALS ^ Miss Mary Leah Flatter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard' Flatter, Clifton pike, became the bride of Mi*. Carl Diehl, Yellow Springs, when they were quietly married at the; home of the .bride’s parents, Tues* lay afternoon at four o'clock. The ingle ring ceremony was performed by Rev. C. V. .Neel, pastor of thqj Clifton Presbyterian Church in tin* presence o f about twenty guests. The marriage took place on the twenty- sixth wedding anniver ary of Mr. and Mrs. .Flatter parents o f the‘-bride. Following the ceremony an ice course was served. The bride is a graduate of Cedar­ ville High School and has been em­ ployed as a stenographer for De- Wine and Hamma, Yellow- Springs. Mr. Diehl, is a graduate of Bryan High School and 'attended Wilmington College and te .now employed at Pat­ terson Field. For Sale—Laundry coal stove. In­ quire at Mrs. McKibben’s, north of High School building. ■ (2t) COZY THEATRE SOUTH MAIN STREET FRIDAY and SATURDAY Also Comedy and Cartoon SUNDAY and MONDAY * o ? J S 5 > t o * * ) New* and Comedy TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY *"4Xg tar* M Wanterpl - PKO-RADIOPicture. DirectedbyChrltty Cebannt. AssociateProducer:RobertSisk — also— March of Time and Comedy Dr. Fred p. Smith died at his home in White Plains, N. Y., September 4, In his earlier years Dr. Smith was a Y.M.C.A. secretary and even then militantly dry. An. effective .cam­ paigner, he won many to the .dry cause and was appointed chairman to cussed by Ruth Radford, Home Dem- fne Citizens. Committee o f One Thou give.this training course and the sub­ ject matter will include menus and recipies for dinners which will have canned meat as the basis. The nutritive value o f the various foods used in these menus will be dis- onstrnticn Agent and leaders wilt as sift in the planning and preparing of tho food; Women throughout Greene County are urged to attend the meetings in sakd for Law Enforcement. In this capacity he became even more widely known in. this and other countries for his ardent 'support’ o f Prohibition. The Brewery Industry, trade jour- tlieir own communities according to nrqt u;.gjng an advertising campaign the following schedule: -m college periodicals, “ to educate Bath 1wp., Jan. 12; Caesarcreek students to drink beer.’ ’ Twp., Jan. 15; Cedarville Twp., Feb 24; Jefferson Twp., Dec. 8; Clifton., Jan. 14; New Jasper Twp., Jan. 19; Ross Twp, Dec, 11; Sugarcreelc., Jan. 21;. Silvercreek., Dec. 9; Spring Val­ ley., Jan. 20; Lauman-Old Town Run, Jan. 13; Collins-Oak Grove., Dec. 4; Lower and Upper Bellbrook Pike, Feb. 5. “ Not one-tenth o f one per cent of the youth in college know what really good American beer tastes like,” this brewers’ journal deplores. “To them ’ it is little more than a name. They will have to he educated,” If the beer journal editor possessed the proper education he would know SHERIFF ISSUES NO GAMBLING ORDER IN COUNTY HOME CULTURE MEETING . Sheriff John Baughn, on complaints reaching his office, has announced a drive against all forms o f gambling in tho county, dice, race horse tickets, slot machines'and numbers. Xenia ijs the only town in the county that has prohibited slot machines but other forms of gambling flourish. It is said every village' in the county has wide- open gambling. MAN WANTED with farm experi­ ence to habdle local service work for Nationally! known company, rnanent position. Pay every •week Car necessary. Our men earning f]er^nl,ic, from $35 to $75 a week, Not neces­ sary- to write letter. Just fill out coupon below' and mail to Box 1(14, Dept. 7944, Quincy, Illinois. . i The Home Culture Club was enter­ tained at the home of Mrf. Fred Shew, Tuesday afternoon, “ Banks” being the subject o f the “ Guest Day” program. Mr. It. 0 . Wcad, cashier of the Xenia National Bank was guest day speaker and reviewed the1history of banking, A musical program was presented by Miss Helen Ross, accordianist, and Miss Jeanette Neal, violinist. Twenty-three members and forty- eight guests enjoyed the afternoon. A social hour was enjoyed,: and refresh­ ments were served, the hostess being ^*c5* assisted by Mrs. Raul Orr, Mrs, H. H. Brown, Mrs. Della Johnson and Mrs, Stormont. Mrs. J. H. Nngley, Xenia, is president of- thfi_ club. Wanted- used eftrs.' Xenia, O, -We buy and sell new and Belden & Co., Steele Bldg., For Sale—Bailed or loose hay. E. Barnhart, Cedarville, Ohio. C. Subscribe for THE HERALD ONLY a J v / T W E E K B U Y S A R E A L CROSLEY 1937 RADIO , THIS LOW M I C E $ 1 0 9 9 AT OPEN EVENINGS \ Richards Drug Store Cedarville, Ohio COAL The weather the past few days is a reminder that Winter is not .far off and you will need Good Coal. High Grade Coals in Yard YELLOW JACKET, DANA KENTUCKY BLOCK Genuine POCAHONTAS LUMP (Coal Treated for Dust) Genuine POCAHONTAS EGG COAL (Dust Treated) Iowa and Home Grown Timothy Seed » i - PURINA FEED OF ALL KINDS The Pu*Ri*Na Store €JL.McGuinn TELEPHONE— 3 South Miller St. Cadarvilla* O, that the youth do not attend college to learn the taste of beer. The most detestable character cn God’s green earth is the man or wo­ man who owns a saloon and will sell poison beverages to his fellowman for the sake pf gain; and next w him is that man who willingly closes his1 eyes and ears to the cries, moans and wants of his wife and gees to the vRe saloon poisonous liquor. A fool, an imbecile, an idiot, or a -Farm. oilman being with just common horse_______ sense knows that alcohol does not! "! build character. It destroys char- ' seter. It is tho laboring man’s most deadly enemy. It is a foe to man, plant and animal! No man can take a dring without becoming that'1much less a man. children, and to imbibe the Dr. H. N. Williams DENTIST X -R A Y EQUIPMENT Yellow Springs, Ohio Foi* Sale—Apples, Grimes Golden and Red Delirious. Nagley Fruit! Phono 152-F-5. i t kFarni Loans ^ I- lowest ir.teiest * c havcY ever had I 2 -No stock to buy i-V eiy prompt approssu! 4- Ova 'icv.vnteco mjISion doi J i lors loaned /T.;/:,c must/ be a good reason r WiNWOOD & COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, OHIO ftoils CsQod Ttm a* end TtopOhr&fat ct*r* ft tti Miss Goldie Barton, Bellbrook, and Mr. J'ames Kannedy, Cedarville, an­ nounce their marriage which took place in Covington, Ky„ September 27. They are now residing on a farm ! east of town. •’ .................................................. [MILTON’S | XENIA’S NEWEST | |LADIES’ APPAREL j STORE | Come in and let us show you the 1 J latest styles o f new dresses and I ; our complete line of women’s ac- | | cessories, including purses, hosiery, f | sweaters, skirts and millinery. § Dur Coats, both fur trimmed, anrli | sport, are the finest that can be 1 | obtained. § | We are certain that the price and | quality of merchandise, shown in f MILTON’S will appeal io you. f 27 E. Main St. . Xenia, O. | . t |j SI HasYonrBusiness In Probate anil Juvenile Courts The Past 12 Years Been Handled CAREFULLY, INTELLIGENTLY HONESTLY and PROMPTLY? Does Experience Count? IF SO, RE-ELECT S. C. WRIGHT JUDGE OF THE PROBATE COURT (Political Advertisement) VALUABLE COUPON FREfl A P A C K A G E O F H O P E APPLE SHAPE LAXATIVE HOPE APPLE SHAPE LAXATIVE is delicious, tastes like candy. Each tablet is shaped like an apple,.its action is smooth, easy non-griping. Children love it! The ideal laxtitive i‘or both adults and children. Try this five cent package without charge. You will never he without a package of PiOPE APPLE SHAPE LAXATIVE in your medicine cabinet. Present this coupon at the drug store whose name is stamped on the back hereof and you will receive, absolutely free, with the compli­ ments of your druggist a regular 5c package of HOPE APPLE SHAPE LAXATIVE. Meed’s Cut Rate Drugs 30 S. Limestone St. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO KROGER STORES Carried Over by Popular Request!! Kroger’s Here’s Wftaf 5c Will Buyl Brown Sugar Tomato Puree Pork & Beans Cleanser Palmolive Northern Bog Food Tomato Soup Bulk. Flit In ■ supply at thU low price. Avondale •trained tomatoc. Country Club —in tomato •auce. i Llghthome—i keep iupp1y . on bend. Soap—“Keep that school Ctrl complexion.” TI mub —The llnenlzed tli»ue— loft and life. Hncy Br healthful balanced ration for your dog. Lb. Barbara Ann —Rich and Invlgoratin*. 5® 5® 5® 5® l . r 5 ® 5® 5® 5® Con Caii Two Cant Roll Can Muitard. .5 Oi. Jar 5c Embaisy Honeradhh. ROLLED OATS. .Lb. Sc Bulk HERSHEY ....Can 5c Cocoa—1-5 Lb. HERSHEY ....Can Sc Chocolate 8yrup. Potted Meats. .Can Sc Armour*!. BLUING ....BaHIa Sc Easy Talk—4 Ox. KIRK'S............. Bar Sc Hardwater Caitlle. Toohplclu . . . .Pkg. Sc Keep a i.uppty on hand. TOBACCO ...Pkg. Sc Show Boat—Smoking. SPAGHETTI ..Pkg. Sc Country Club. LookWhaflOe Will Buy! CATSUP PEAS Country Club Fancy—made from red ripe tomatoei. - 14 Ox. Bottla Avondale—A tender tweet pe»..Take advan­ tage of thli feature. No. 2 Can Cocoa— Kroger'! tow price. Avondale—Lone •livery ihredt— the Taite difference. Can No.2Va Can KABO C h ili Sauce Bar Candy Peanut Syrup—A real DIMS vatuel 1Va Lb. Can Blua Labtl Country Club— Addi flavor to meali. ■and Chewing Giinr—all popular brands. • Ox. lottlo 3 for BRITTLE—Fresh and deliciously , crisp: 10® 1 0 ® “JO® 1 0 ® 1 0 ® 10 ® 10® 1 0 ® Pall Lb. FIG BARS ....Lb . 10c or Ginger Snaps. Corn Flakes. .Pkg. 10c Country Club. Bran Flake*..Pkg. 10c Country Club, Elec. Lamp*. .Each 10c Westlnghouse 30 or BOW. Oilvet. 3 y 4 Ox.eot. 10c Appetiling—Hollywood. RuHer. .7 Ox. Jar 10c Peanut—Embassy. Mayon’ie, 4 ox. it, 10c Country Club—Rich. Rad leant .Lg. Can 10c Tall Boy—A real buy. ■RUSHES ...Each 10c Large, hard bristles, Bak. Choc..’/x Fkg, 10c Our Mother’!, MEATS BACON........ -rib. 27e BOLOGNA ............. lb. 15c FRANKS................................ lb.15c CHEESE................................. lb.23c JOWL BACON......................Ib.20c PRODUCE s a n a n a s ....: : : ; . 5 tbs. 25 c APPLES, Grimes...... bu. $1.29 CAULIFLOWER........ head 19c POTATOES...............10 lbs. 25c GREEN BEANS...... ...2 lbs. 15c