The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 1-26

f MM* NEW THINGS ARE ADVERTISED BY MERCHANTS FIRST, ADVER­ TISEMENTS KEEP YOU ABREAST OF THE TIMES. READ THEM! ADVERTISING IS NEWS, AS MUCH AS THE HEADLINES ON THE FRONT PAGE. OFTEN IT IS OF MORE SIGNIFICANCE TO YOU- W i SIXIETH YEAR NO. 1 NEWSLETTER FROMSTATE DEPARTMENTS CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1936 I PRICE, ?1.50 A YEAR DIVORCE SUITS Declaring his w ife left him ten years ago and has been continuously absent ever since, William Calhoun has instituted an action againBt Agusta Calhoun, to whom he was married August 3, 1916 at Newport, >Ky. He charges wilful absence from home. Bessie F, Knisley, in a suit against Leroy R. Knisley, X e n i a , 0., charges gross neglect and cruelty, de- COLUMBUS.—Additional improved conditions in Ohio were reflected in a report released on the real estate foreclosures throughout the state during the month o f September, A marked decline in the total fore­ closures fo r the month in comparison with both the August total and the , , . . . . , , , total for September, 1935, was listed , , , . . , ,, , in the report which was based on da ta iie" el£ “ d m supposing her collected by Secretary o f State busband and. hls ^ cluldren b y a George S. Myers from county sheriffs ™ ™ af ' They were married and compiled by the Governor's Farm REaf ch 30’ 1931' plalnt,ff seek* and Home Protective committee in c o -;" S t a t i o n to her former name of operation with Ohio State university. i ® rr.y,„ _ , . . The September estimated to‘tal o f ! InsKaffenbarger, filing suit against foreclosures was 1073, and invoivedjJohn I^ffenbarger, to whom she was seventy-one farms and other p r a p > a™ d ° ‘;tober n > 1922 at Sp™ g- erties classified as residential, busi- ,field- ®:, Cha^_e^ WlfUl a1b!? nCe ness or vacant platted land. The state total was derived from , seventy-six county , sheriff reports showing 935 sales and an estimate of eighty-eight sales based on the population andj farm areas in the twelve unreported countries. A marked decrease was home for a longer period than three years, They are the parents o f four children, according to the petition. WILL BE DEPUTY TOSUERffF-ELECT Sheriff-elect George F. Henkle. has named Cecil A . Strobridge,, Xenia, former CedarVilllan, as deputy sheriff with the duties o f . road patrolman. Some time ago Mr. Henkle named Ralph Davis as'first deputy and Henry Jackson, colored, turnkey at the county jail. Mr. Strobridge* is 39 years o f age and was bom in Gedarville. his father being John Strobridge. He is a nephew o f David Strobridge o f this place. At present Strobridge* has been employed by Delco Products, Dayton', resides in Xenia, Strobridge served, in the World War and has. been active as chairman of the Democratic Veterans' Associa­ tion. /He formerly was employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad as a tele­ graph operator. He secured hia re­ lease and joined the National Guard INJUNCTION SUIT FILED jln. *917 and. sewad overseas for A temporary restrain order, halting l9' * * * * . " J ^ s - a n d .also fo r five !a scheduled public sale o f O sb o rn™ ntb* ln ‘ he army o f 0CCBp« twn a- ‘ property, has been allowed by Judge long thaRbm* Germany ^ >n o f Charles • Strobridge is married and has August - and |one son' Gecil L., now a- sophomore in —'— 1 ~“hool,, Xenia. He is a First M 1E - Church, noted when the September total was compared to. the 1,440 sales in the!** L- G™ dy on application o f Charles, previous month and to the 1,422 sales ^ 0dng'_ Ba;t0.n ,D.ea? ’ Augus. 1and Central High sch ol, Xenia, in September, 1935. Farm sale prices Helen Pugliesi, plaintiffs m an injunc-j . . . —r »v.— * „„v. ......... ...... _ IT , , , n T.„ member o f the averaged 71.91 per cent of the judg-ltlon suit aga.nst C. Hubble, 0 . G. Ui- x ton and John Baugtm, as sheriff. Dr. -McChcsney Speaks Monday, November 80, Dr. W. R. McChesney led devotions and ad­ dressed the assembly, His address, which was based dn-fhe story o f the Pilgrims and on the description of- the Statue to “ Our . Forefathers” in Boston, entered in the theme “ Faith,” In this very excellent ■address, Dr. McGhesney stressed the fact that faith in God is an even greater at­ tribute of a people than morality, education, justice, law, but that all are necessary for the Welfare o f a nation. . Senior' Pictures Excitement reigne<$ among the geniors Tuesday, December 1.. Mr. Marble came, bringing the . senior pictures. Rustling o f Jiaper and mur­ muring o f voices followed. Each senior was well pleased with his portraits. Superintendent’s leather Dies Pupils and faculty |members and everyone connected with the Public Schools, extend sympathy to Supt. H. D. Furst, whose fathei| residing near Gallipolis, died Monday night. ment and 81.89 per cent o f the ap- j Court interpretation of the respect- Every Pupil TcSt Cooperating with the' state depart­ ment o f education the jpreene County Board o f Education financed for the ;county schools the program o f Every Pupil 'Tests in several subjects this jweek. High school daises participat- Federal Position inS in the testing, Wednesday and ______ . !Thursday, included English (grades E. J. Fadden, Xenia, who for the 7' 12>* modern history, algebra, and Engineer Resigns praised valuation and urban prop-1 , erties 73.16 per cent o f the judgment ivo r*ehts o f Part,es to thc ? . ac ln and 75.25 per cent^of the appraised equipment‘described in the petition is valuation. ■ •• .also sought by Young and Dean, who ____ _ ipurchased a- filling station and tire. An important collection o f valen-‘ busi,iess ,in 0sborn la3t Marcb f ’ j .. „ . „ ______________ „ „ tines o f the ‘sixties and 'seventies has l.ater tbair intercsts to t e ;jast three years has been identified been presented to the Ohio State ^ n(lants, Hubb e an Ur on. a !with the various government works Archaeological and Historical Society PugI,ftsi®’ ^'0' pa,ntl,ffs’ ovvn aa . ,un~'programs, including CWA, FERA.and by Miss Helen E. Jacoby o f Indiana- cancelled first mortgage and hold a pA> h&g resigned his present en, polis. it was announced by Director seI>‘°,r _first lien ” a tbeproper y, be |gjneering postition—with—the—Dayton- arilhmette_(3r6A Henry C. Shetrone. The valentines petition aversTTlarcus Shoup is at- j di3tl.ict WPA office to re.cnter th„| Results of the examination will be are hand-made and were sent to Miss torney for the plaintlffs' 'employ o f The Mead Corp., at Chilli- »ubmitted to county and state officials Jacoby's mother, then Julia Eaton,! PARTITION ACTION icothe' when residing at Delaware. The col-; . „ .. Fadden will be employed in the en- fgineering department of the Mead! seventh and eighth .grade arithmetic and seventh grade geography. In the lower grades the following subjects were tested: English (grades 3-6j, .... . concern, with which he was once as-i against John; . . . . . . . . i liu .A 'n M I . family PARTITION ACTION lection has been kept in the envelopes - Partition o f Xenia pl;operty is the! in which they were posted .and are °Wect °f* a Petition filed b>’ still in perfect condition... They will Hawes, Kennedy St,, against jsocjatcdi be placed on exhibition at the so- Hawcs- 3371 Home Ave., Dayton^! ciety’s museum for a short Aime but throuKh Jud« e P; L- Johnson- Eacb cannot be exhibited for a long perfod party to the action owns a one-half until glass is procured which will interest ,n * * F T * * ' e ■ y e ‘ , program,'Fadden later became assiBt- Shetrone said. The valentines were and Savings Co., according to t h e ^ ^ engineer under WPA, in termed by the museum curator as the P o tion . [charge o f the county office Here.- Last most significant part o f several items: r n » p p r n a i i „ r erti'r Ju,y he was promoted to the Spring- vvhich Miss Jacoby contributed. ! ’ .... , ■ , ~. . . ■ [field district as field engineer and ---------- i The Peoples Buildmg and Savmg9 hen ^ office ^ ^ Another warning to hunters and 13 p a*a 1 ia a m° ! *months ago, was transferred' to the ) others who handle wild rabbits cldfure action filed against Walter against tularemia, commonly termed and Uaomi Shoem ft, requesting “ rabbit fever,” was issued by the J^Bment for $723.S)8 estate is involved. . for a comparative study, which will enabte each class room, teacher to note the progress o f her own group. Health Picture • He and members o f his! At nine o’clock, Tuesday morning, plan to move soon to Chilli- ia health picturo w,n shown in the purposes next year includes, an esti­ mated $105,554 yield from real estate taxes, based on a maximum $2.80 county levy in.all districts inside the 10-mili limitation. cothe to reside. jauditorium. This picture is being At one time-works division manager!shown throu* h tbe, cob^ sy o f tbfe w various high schools o f the county Any patrons who would care to see this/ picture arc welcome to be present at nine o’clock next Tuesday morning, December 8. State is a s ....................................................... — . .... . X< nia renl Department o f Health. — , Finley Van Orsdali, chief o f the dL w ii I " c o n s t r u c t io n vision o f communicable diseases, a s -, WIL CQ Rl. serted that cold w ith e r offers no pro-' Court interpretation o f a wBl tection against the’ malady, as some requested in a suit brought by David persons think. Contact with the un-jC- Bradfute, as executor of the cooked flesh or with the blood of an .a8tate o f Elinor Agnes Collins against infected rabbit makes possible the tbe Xenia National Bank^ Jennie contraction o f tularemia, although .Bradfute and others. enlarged Dayton district. Mrs. Laura Huffman Burned SeverelyjtionnryWa> History ,Picture -Shown . i During the noon hour, Tuesday, a |history picture entitled “ The Evo of .. the Revolution” was shown in the ;auditorium. This film clearly depicted the problems which ted to the Revolu- C, George H. ^ ^ u g h c ^ " w i l f ^ : s m i t h is attorney for the plaintiff, the germs. Only nineteen cases of the disease have been reported offi- ACCOUNTINfe SUIT FILED Burned severely in a manner yet to i Grade School Operettas be determined, Mrs. Laura Huffman,* Be sure to keep the date, Thursday about 80, Bowersyille, was rcmoved lDccomber 17‘ for the two 8*-ade school Tuesday afternoon to the Dr. R. L > perettas- A Christmas operetta is Haines private hospital in James- !bein* R e n t e d by the first three town, ' »;grades. The fourth, fifth, and sixth The aged woman, who lived alone, *ffrades arc ffiviijg a Mother Goose removed her burned clothing, put on Operetta. The children and teachers cially so fa r this year, but last year Judgment fo r $105.57, allegedly;other garment8 nnd walked to the;are busy preparing for an evening o f aixty-one persons were afflicted and duc on an accopnt- “ saugh.t by tba Home o f her sister, Mra.^follie Moor-,g0od entertainment, so don’t forget five fatalities were recorded, Dr. Can Grcf ne County Lumber Co. in a suitj ghort diBtancc away where1 the date, Thursday, December 17. Orsdali stated. .fied aga.nst Ernest Mangan T h e , ^ ged late Tuesday morning.: _ jplaintiff s attorney ,s John V. G.bney.| Dr ^ ^ Bowcraville, whoi The division o f minimum wage o f; __________ o f Industrial DIVORCE GRANTED * On grounds o f gross neglect and the State Department Relations will be expanded as a result „ . _ _ , , o f the recent federal court decision wiIful absence J* F* Garratt has been Jeannette Junior Class Rings [treated her at the Moorman hpme.i The arrival o f the junior class rings 'said she suffered first degree burns|,ast week caused many oh * and her back, arms and hips, and also of approvnl throughout the entire on nor bacK, arms and hips, and also; -------- ,----- -------- " , E suffered considerably from shock, 18choo,\ 11,0 rings are different this owing to her advanced age. | She has been unable ta give a co jherent account of the accident, al- upholding the constitutionality of the awardcd a d'vorce ^rom Ohio minimum wage law according to Carratt. Miss Elaine W. Schaffler, superin- ’ ntciw foawn tendent o f the division. At the pro- : PETmO.N, DISMISSED jth ou gh it is believed her clothing was Sent time only eight field investigate j A Petition filed by Rebecca Mart^ :ignited wi,on ^ attempted to start . , . _ , . „ ors are avaliable to enforce the mini- against Rocellus Martz has been* flre # cor1 stoye fa the kitchen^mediately from Europe,because o f the and ordered dismissed, the court having ---------— ----------- *i„ „ui„ situation there.. year since the majority o f them do Jno t have stones. The few set rings which wrere ordered have been delayed due to*the fact that the manufacturers not able to get thc gems im- were -mum wage scales for women — , minors in the dry cleaning, laundry, refused to grant the plaintiffs restaurant and hotel indutsries, which affect approximately 42,006 employes. The number under the protection of the wage law will be increased to more than 100,000 when a scale for women and minors in retail stores is put in force, and a larger staff of Investigators will be required, Miss Scheffler said. and no be held No .elaborate cerenionies official inaugural ball will when Governor Martin L. Davey is inaugurated for his second term quest for award. [Mrs. Huffman was apparently able t o : there a re cxt|nguiBh the blaze herself, as separate maintenance ^ of ^ flre ,n her jhome. i 10 Are Indicted By Grand Jury MAKE SURE YOUR | C. H. S.‘ Wins Doublchcader - In the local gymnasium, Tuesday {evening of last week, the local high ;ba8ketecrs scored a double victory jover Silvercreek teams. In the pre- fliminary, all members o f thc girls' Greene county fqqes a financial Crisis in 1$37 upless the. stgte legis­ lature cornea to tbe respue by pro- yiding additional, financing or a re­ distribution o f prosept tax revenues. It has been estimated-by the county euditoFs ofliee that- the county will qrind up next year.-with, an operating deficit o f $51,090. A general fund budget for 1937 * ,adopted by county commissioner^, calls fo r $2J^1,982.82 fpr operation o f vauious° branches o f county government, but the revenue njow in sig^it from all sources totals oply $170,460, the -board disclosed. • •No levy is bejngrmade.for boad re­ tirement purposes fpr; thp first time, assets held, by tbe interest and sinking fU.nd trustees.;bying* suffieieat to. cover the county’s extremely Iosif bonded dfbt. . . . * Contributing primarily to, the an- Committee Named To Petition For Bank From Department At a meeting o f the Cedarville Merchants' Association Monday eve­ ning, a committee was named to seek signers petitioning the State Bank De­ partment to make a survey as to the possibility o f forming a new. bank hero. The committee is composed o f G. II. Crouse, Mrs. Dorothy Wright apd Harry Wright. The signers will npt be obligated to take stock as this u/jill come later i f the request is granted. BORNCARMVRL, HORSE SHOW ATPITCUIN tipipated year-end deficit next’ . year, according to T, J. Smith, tax deputy in) the auditors’ office, was the loss o f approximately $35,000. annual revenue derived from motor vehicle, fees, fol­ lowing expiration of-this. law. Pre­ vious to 1935 this amount was avail­ able to the county to offset the in­ come loss after adoption o f the classi­ fied tax amendment on personal prop­ erty. The county-wide,re-appraisal of prpperty in 1937 will Cost $18,000, an additional drain on-the general fund, he, said. A healthy balance, o f $53,000 carried over from 1935 will enable- the county to,end 1936 with a probable $21,606 balance, but this, “ nest egg” will be completely wiped out next year, officials say. Ijtelief Officials , Announce Policy Njew Ohio Vote Form Is Urged A campaign fo r elimination o f the straight vallot in Ohio elections is now under way. Atty. Gen. John W. Bricker ap­ proved the form o f petitions-contain­ ing a proposed constitutional amend­ ment to end straight balloting. If the petitions are signed by 304,- 489 voters the proposal will be on the ballet at the next state- wide elec­ tion—November, 1938. The amendment provides: That thc electors shall' have the opportunity to vote for candidates only by making a mark in the blank space in front o f the name o f each candidate for whom he desires to vote. That thc names o f the candidates shall be arranged in a group under the title o f the office for which they are running. The party desibnation would be printed after each can­ didate’s name except in the case of non-partian/candidates. That the names of the candidates shall, be rotated on successive [bal­ lots. The form o f the proposed amend­ ment was submitted by KingBley A. Taft, Cleveland attorney. Temporary discontinuance o f the custom o f issuing grocery orders to “ employable” clients on relief rolls as; a step to compel able-bodied but jobless clients on Greene county direct rejef to accept work as corn huskers wqs anounced Friday by Mrs. June Tqwnsley, case supervisor o f the de­ partment. Mrs. Townsley explained that the Grpene county bureau o f the National r^amployment Service has experi­ enced great difficulty finding corn hunkers to supply the needs o f the farmers. The shortage is attributed to -the fact employable relief clients have refused to accept such place­ ments preferring to draw, direct relief without' working for, such benefits. Ip order to cope with this situation, Mrg. Townsley said grocery orders wopid not be issued at the regular time,. Dec. 1, to clients having an employable status, and that this new policy would remain in effect during the corn husking season. The main object in mind, Mrs. Townsley ex- Income in prospccirfor general fund plap^d, -is—to keep- employable~per- son? working whenever, jobs are a- voilpbte- She pointed out that corn* husjeers, on the average, are able to carp eight to 15 cents a shock, or Mrs. Turnbull Called In Death, Tuesday $1.6,0 to $2 a day. “ Some o f our clients have said they know nothing abopt corn husking but now is a good a time as any to learn,” said Mrs. TPwnsley. ■ . Bifths Reported j In Greene. County Tije following births have been reg­ istered in Greene county for part of Augpst and September: Charles Donald Bratiigan, Warren Elwqod Coyle, Robert Martin Barr, James Tony Bridgett, George Allen McPherson, Ruth Anna Beers, Norma Jean] Baxla, Louise Geraldine Bower- master, Paul Edwin Ford, Leota Kathedena' Gooldin,, David Michael Haglpr, James Clifford Hull, Ethel Marlene Hartsook, Sarah Marie Jamason, David Lee Johnson, Juanita Louiqe Jocks. - James Edward Louderback, Millard Elgin Parks, Jr., Joseph Patrick Ryan, Biaijqhe Lavonne Sturgeon, Vernon Dean. Thompson, Charles . Dean Thompson, Charles Richard Cool, Dorothy Jean Markin, pale Eugene Rothwell,, Carol Ann Spahr, Wayne Rudolph Bell, Jr., Donna Grace Bowe?s> Stuart Keith inderrieden Elden Hiens, Jr., Roger Edwin Mat-j hews,, Roby Ellen Mathews. Helpn Blanche Smith, Wanetta Lou Miller, Le Roy Eugene Barton, Charlene Laura Barton, Thomas Le Roy Taylqy, fifrlvki Eprline Scott, Mark Gib|on .JtogB, Robert pea Car­ man, William, S^gjpc Dudley, Dopal^s Mrs. Jennie Turnbull, wife o f J. E, Eugene FjUgate, Sandra Lee Detty, •Turnbull,'rfeld-at her home on Kenia Shirley Apn BjMtfitt, W iliam Law- The 28th Annual Corn Carnival and Horse Show under the auspices o f the Pitchin Grange will be held at the school house today, Friday, This is one o f the leading farm events in the Pitchin vicinity, As in past years, the carnival will , feature exhibits o f corn but will offer’ prizes for winning entries o f other grains, Special classifications have been arranged for exhibits o f 4-H Club members and members o f the juvenile grange which will include potatoes and corn. - Numerous prizes will be awarded in \ the domestic science department for the best samples o f breads, pies and cakes. A sweepstakes pi-ize - will be given for the best cake in the show. Prizes will also ho given for the best candy and for sugar cookies. Girls, not more than 14 yeax-s old, may enter- embroidery, aprons and quilts in a - special contest. The program committee has ar­ ranged six running contests operi to boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18 years. This will be held as the opening numbers on the day’s program and -will include a 50-yeai'd deash for .boys below 14 years o f age,° 100-yard dash- for boys from 14 to 18 years; 60-yard dash for girls be­ low 14 years, 50-yard dash for girls from 14 to 18 years, 50-yard dash for girls below .10 years, and 50- yard dash fo r boys below 10 years. Interest in the horse show which will take place beginning at 10 a. m. has reached, such a height that horse owners from all parts o f the county will bring their animals to the show, Grassland~state: In- this- department there will he prizes offered in nine classes. These are weanling colts, mare or gelding one year old, mare two or three years old, gelding two or three years old, mare' four year old or more, gelding four years old or more, mare and suckling colt, sweepstakes, and team in harness, The committee in charge o f the iioreshow consists o f Howard Tuttle, bill and O. B. Maxwell. Crossland pointed out that visitors can come and stay all day as they will be able to obtain .a lunch which will be served at noon in the grange hall, Both Friday and Saturday nights a cast selected from Pitchin Grange will present “ The Old Home Place,” a play directed by Miss Agnes Fink, In the cast will be Paul Funderhurg, who impersonates .an elderly gentle­ man; Marvin Miller, who appears as a prominent physician; Agnes Fink, who portrays the physician’s wiife; Freda Johnson, who appears as the physician’s daughter; August Wise­ man, as the snob; Walter Johnson, as a man o f all work, and Matilda, the wife of the hntidy man. Music will be furnished at the Sat­ urday night presentation by the Pitchin High School Orchestra. January llth . the Governor announc­ ed, The governor will take the oath o f office, administered by Chief Justice Carl V, Weygandt o f the Supreme according to plans. BROTHERHOOD MEETING Methodist Men’s Brotherhood Meet- BABY’S BIRTH HAS PROPERLY REGISTERED jgquad were given an opportunity to “ ; . " Ishow their ability, as the Silvercreek Al Johnson, 27, Medway, O., con- Every child, is entitled to a proof .lassies were able to score only one stable, and three 19-year-old ^Mont-|0f j,jg age< His birth certificate is his J field goal during the entire game. The final score was 38-2. The main fray o f the evening prov­ ed more interesting, Although Silver­ creek quintet succeeded in scoring first, the local lads soon overtook their opponents and led the way dur­ ing the rest o f the game. In the last quarter o f play, Silvercreek were suc­ cessful in field goals and threatened to take the load; however C. H, S. Was victorious With a score o f 26 to 22. gomery county youths, Edward. Cot- ofi Th0re are many tfmeB m a jterman, A. C. Reed and Arnold B*rU!person’s life when proof o f exact age 'were indicted Monday by the Greene » / . , . , . » . . [county grand jury on burglary and larceny charges in connection with the is required, A few instances are: when establishing rights, to mothers’ pension; to obtain workmen’s corn- alleged theft o f GO chickens Oct. 29 pensatloiltd»enaatsff<or children; to ofo- from F. A. Gordon, near Osborn. tain a passport; - t o enter certain vj i V . w uu Twelv® true “ 1 * ‘ ‘T 1* " * 10 p6r; «h oo ls and colleges; In applying for Court o f Ohio in the comparative ' ^ n8’ ^ . rc .reported by . f he grand .permission to- takes eWl service exam- r ' S v L f oaz ,,n ,n „t Capitol Building Buildmg before a J MarcUB McCalllstcr to clear the small group o f friends and relatives, docket o f pendinf? cases be­ fore he retires from office in January. Seventeen Witnesses were examined. Other indictments were returned as follows: Frank Zicari, William Van an early age. A lso, many -others, Visit the County Health Office or call to make.! sale yaur own child’s birth has been properly registered. Furthermore; Inquire as to thc reg-1 iatratien >of yourvo*?n-birth. ing at Cedarville M/E. Church, Mon-jpe, D0na)d Craig and Eu^cne Lukei', 'i day- Dac‘ ,7t»Vat 7=45' “ «*« #urni9j,' ; ali of Cincinnati, accused of burglary ed by Cedarville H. S, Orchestra and . d jarccny {or MSerted compHclty in Cedarville College Doub e quartette. thfe theft ^ c]othj vAlucd afc $150 Welcome fy Mayor LHtle and re- fr()m the Charlc(, Rus9ell dt cleani spouse by J, W. Whiteside, chairman. !pJant here Nov> 6. Robert Eml)ty> IT’S WINTER AGAIN C. H, S. Teams Travel 1 During the next two weeks, C. H. S. teams will travel out.of town, This Iweek, three squads will compete for [victory over Bryan High at Yellow [Springs, Friday night. . Next Friday night, Selma High will With a heavy mantel o f snow cov- * , : " a , " " ing all out Of doom we .arc .finding furni#h thc competition at Selma. Guest speaker, Dr. Jesse Swank of Springfield, Light refreshments served, . J. W. Whiteside, County Chairman, II, C. Aultman, District Chairman. grand larceny, for alleged theft Of eight hogs; Llovd Lane, oolored, charged in three separate indictments with arson, shooting with intent to kill and burglary. eri g the first dhreeidays mf^Bmsember o f the winter "variety. Tuesday the marcary stood nbout 12 above. 'Wed­ nesday morning a heavy snow, Coin tinulng until Thursday with colder CHURCH t o h o l d b a z a a r The Ladles’ Aid o f the U. P. Church will hold a bazaar and market in the Exchange Bank Building, Saturday, December 12, opening at one o'clock, ave., Tuesday at 2 p, m., following an illness o f several weeks. The de­ ceased suffered a paralytic stroke about two months ago. Mrs, Turnbull was the daughter of Jonathan and Eleanor Dimmit Smith and was born near this place on April 17, 1861, She hod been a lifelong resident o f the commnnity and was a member o f the United Presbyterian Church and the Wednesday Afternoon Club. Mr. and Mrs, Turnbull cele­ brated their 49th wedding anniversary Thanksgiving Day. The deceased is survived by her husband, a daughter, Mrs. L. T, Marshall, and a son, Paul Turnbull, Xenia* and a son, Howard, who re­ sides in Clark county. There are several grand children and two great grandchildren, Thu funeral was held from the home Thursday afternoon, with burial In Woodland Cemetery, Xenia, rence Carrylen,, {Ksntpij K ew it Lgacl). Infant Krqbs, Infant Itnpson, Wayne Marvin Ci^tice. Robert Edwin Burgert, Larry Robert Acjton, Bnymond Eugene Le- Mar, Cnrojyn MApljae Miles, Melvin Jean McCloskic, Eileen Kay Mason, Margene Meddqck, Ann Elizabeth' Morton, Jgckie El.m° Martin, Vir­ ginia Mae Mowen, ^lviii Leon Newell Margie Lon Puthoff, Annis Lorene Peterson, Cynthia Lee Sickles, Donald Harold Stewart, Caroleen Gayle Swindler, Colleen Kay Swindler, Eya Wanda Shearer,. Carolyn Joanne Smith, Barbara Marie Shipley, Jqdith Ann Snead, Robert Ellis Smith, Shirley May Spence, Nancy Jo Thomas, Barbara Jean Varvel, Marie Ann Wagner, Helen Yce. TO HOLD PUBLIC SALE Albert Peterson, who has been a tenant on the Stretcher farm, will hold a public sale, Wednesday, Dec. 9th, and will locate In Yellow Springs. Charles Jamieson, who resided on the Harrison-Baker farm will succeed Mr. Peterson. Mice Mary Orsllngor o f Chicago and Miss Isabelle Cling o f Dayton, were /guests o f Mrs. Anna Collltis Smith the first o f the week. Three Are Hurt In Automobile Accident Three of five members of the family o f Fern Taylor, Hamilton, O., were injured, two severely, when the nuto in whch they were returning home from Columbus skidded on the Colum­ bus Pike, two miles from Wilbpr- forcc, and overturned in a ditch, Fri­ day. Injured members were treated at McClellan Hospital, this city, where Mrs. Taylor, 30, was reported in a “fair” condition today. She suffered a fracture o f air upper right cheek bone, ib is e s and contusions. Her husband suffered a cut on his head and a 12-year-old daughter, Ruth, a fractured right leg. Two other cliil- dre were unhurt, Taylor, interviewed by sheriff’s deputies at thc hospital, blamed the accident on wet snow which made the highway slippery and caused the car to skid. Gov. Davey Wants Legislature To Return Gov. Martin L. Davey has asked the leaders o f the Ohio legislature to return next Tuesday to pass state social security laws. It is up the leg­ islature as the Governor cannot; com- pol the law makers to return! as a result o f the manner in which ad­ journment was taken. The legislature took this method o f keeping the Governor from Calling another ses­ sion. P r o te c t Y ou r H om e from T u b e r c u lo s is BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS