The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 1-26

Local and Personal * f j RESEARCH CLUB BANQUET 5 » m u w n x w h e r a l d , f r i d a y , D e c e m b e r i i m Thfe Jtesaareb Club Christmas banquet will bft hM4 » t the Ireft ----------- s-----— •* Lantern, Xenia, Friday, Dec. 11 at Mrs. Allie Anderson, who has been &30,4>. m, The banquet is an annual ill fo r some time, is reported in a ,Rffalr fo r members, their husbands very critical condition. . [and friends', < Bar, D. W, Guthrie and wife spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Pitts­ burgh, Pa, j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owens o f De­ tr o it, Mich., spent the week-end as guests o f the former's mother, Mrs. Hattie Owens. Miss Maude Hastings o f Kent, O., spent Thanksgiving vacation at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Watt spent Thanksgiving in Dayton with Mr, and Mrs. J. P, Schaffer, Mrs. Watt re mailring over fo r a few days visit, Mr.‘ Kenneth - Ferryman, who has been ill at.honv for three weeks, has improved and has returned to his school work at the Boys' Industrial School in Lancaster, O. Mrs, Mary Harrison o f New Galilee, Pa,, is spending the winter here with her nephew, Dr. W.‘ R. McChesrtey and wife. Mr. and Mrs. John Lyle o f Marian­ na, Ark., have been guests o f the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Creswell, and other relatives. Dr. Homer McMillan o f St. Glairs- ville, 0 ., chairman o f the general council o f the Synod o f the Presby­ terian Chtfrch in Ohio, spent Wednes­ day night with Judge and Mrs. S. C. Wright. Harold Strobridge leaves Saturday for Yonkers, N. Y., where he expects to ta k e 'a position with the Fisher Body Corporation. * ' Persons interested in the story be­ hind the Christmas Seal movement hear “ The Story of Christmas Seals” over the Columbia Broadcasting Sys­ tem, Wednesday evening, December 9 at 8 o’clock, when the Cavalcade of America will devote its whole thirty minute program" to this theme. The Dorcas Bible Class and the Men's Bible Class o f the U. P . Church enjoyed a covered dish dinner Tuesday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Auld. Forty-two were present fo r the event. Mrs. M. I. :— Marsh isrteacher o f the Dorcas and Rev, R. A. Jamieson, for the Men’s class. Mrs. Cora Trumbo had for Thanksgiving Day guests, Mr. and Mrs. Rosea Wilson o f Centerville; Mr. and l£rS. Robert Trumbo, Jr., and children; Mr. .-and Mrs. James Ward and children;-.Mr> and Mrs. R. B. Trumbo, Sv*, and Mr. F. B. Trumbo, ail ' of* Osbdrn; - -and M isx-'E isie Shroades o f Cincinnati. In a ceremony quietly solemnized at the Church o f Christ parsonage, Jamestown, O., Miss Evelyn Thordson, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thord­ son, south o f Cedarville, became the bride o f Gail Little, son o f Mr, and Mrs, Earl Little, near Jamestown Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Olin Hay, pastor o f the Jamestown church, officiated at the single ring ceremony and Miss Florence Fergu­ son, .o f near Yellow Springs, and Eugene Ghpifin; o f Xenia, were at­ tendants. The bride wore a gown o f royal blue transparent velvet, fashion­ ed with a peplum and long tight- fitting sleeves, and trimmed in silver metal cloth. She wore harmonizing accessories and a shoulder corsage of gardenias. Miss Ferguson wore a green wool frock with brown acces­ sories. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the members of the at the Thordson home. Mr. and Mrs. Little left on a wedding trip Tuesday after­ noon^—They are now at home-on-the Carl Robinson farm, east o f James­ town.. Mrs. Little was graduated from Cedarville High School in 1986 and Mr. Little from Jamestown High School in 1932. •Mrs. Harry Purdom and two chil­ dren o f Baltimore, Md., spent Thanks­ giving with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tarbox. Mrs. J. W. Johnson,_ o f Cedarville, Mr.and Mrs.. Willard Barlow, o f Co­ lumbus, Rev. and Mrs. Main, o f Love­ land, attended the wadding Saturday o f Miss Eloise- Thomas, o f Fort Thomas, Ky., to Dr. William Beek of Chicago, which took place at 4:30 o’clock at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Starbuck in Wilmington, 0. Preceeding the ceremony Mrs. Barlow sang “ I Love You,” by Grieg. Mrs Beek, Mrs. Barlow and Mrs, Main were formerly teachers in the -West .Carrollton, O., schools. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zciner of Jamestown and daughter, Marguerite, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ridgeway and Miss, Mable Crain. . . RALPH L. RIFE WED TO MISS ELLEN JOHNSON Mr. Ralph L. Rife, prominent local farmer, /was wed to Miss Ellen Louise Johnson, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Johnson, o f East Liver­ pool, Ci, at the home of the bride, last Saturday, at noon. Twenty-eight guests, including ‘ the immediate families and a few other relatives, attended the nuptials for which Dr, Davidson, pastor o f the United Presbyterian Church o f East Liverpool, Used the single ring cere­ mony. The service was read in an attract­ ive setting o f palms and baskets of white crysanthemums arranged in the ■ living room o f the Johnston home. Mr, Larry Johnston, sister-in-law o f the bride; played the “ Wedding March" from Lohengrin as members o f the bridal party took ,their places before an improvised altar. ' Miss Sarah Johnston, sister o f the bride, and Mr. Paul Rife, o f near Clifton, brother o f the bridegroom, were attendants. Miss Johnston wore a gown o f pink lace, with harmonizing accessories, and-a cors­ age o f roses. The bride, who was given in mar­ riage by her father, wore a gown of white satin, made along princess lines, and fashioned with ft train. She wore a long tulle veil and carried an arm bouquet o f white tosep. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the Johnston home. Mr. and Mrs, Rife left by motor on a wedding trip Saturday afternoon and tqWft their return Will reside Oh a farm near Cliftoii. Mrs. Rife attended Wester Reserve University, Cleveland, and ha# been employed a# bookkeeper at Oglesbee « Department Store In East Liverpool. Mr. Rife was graduated from Cc- darvllle College and attended Ohio State University and is now engaged in farming near Clifton. He In the son o f Mr# W» C, Rife., Among the guests at the wedding were Mr, W. C. Rife, Mr. R|{f» Mins Christine Rife and |Mi«« Nellie Waddle, o f hear Clifton. THE GOLD RULE CIRCLE The Golden - Rule Circle o f M. E, Church held its monthly meeting at the Church, Friday, November 27th. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. McCallister. Mrs Hill read from the Scripture, after which several songs were sung. Each captain o f the two membership teams had ten members present. The basket committee reported that 221 fruit baskets were distributed to the sick and shut-ins fo r Thanksgiv­ ing. Bills for flowers were ordered to bo pad by the treasurer. It was de­ cided to have the December meeting in the form o f “a Christmas party. Each member is to bring a gift to be exchanged. Mrs. Aden Barlow ip chairman o f the December committee. The meeting was closed with prayer after which a short program was pre­ sented. Dainty refreshments were then served. Dallas Marshall, deputy county recorder, who has hoop in the. Mayo Hospital, Rochester, Minn., fo r treat­ ment and observation, is expected to return home Saturday morning. D. A. R. MEETING KYLE FAMILY DINNER ASKS FOR $492 JUDGMENT Mr, and Mrs, O. W . Kuehrmann o f Indianapolis, Inch, -were guests over Thanksgiving with their son, Prof. Q. W . Kuehrmann and family. THORDSON-LITTLE NUPTIALS COZY THEITOE S O U T H M A I N S T R E E T F R I D A Y a n d S A T U R D A Y BOB BIIEB In 110.00 and Five Free Tickets Given Away This Friday Night. S U N D A Y a n d M O N D A Y with S I M O N E t SIMONS T H U R S ., F R I ., a n d S A T . Dec. 10-11-12 backed by every citizen in the land." jVCgar,ik\«iS of the winter night. As a Cedarville citizens are responding attraction Dan O’Connell and hi- splendidly to the appeal sent out by letter to many o f them on Thanks­ giving Day. Many have already re- ^miko.” The Pickering Electric Shop turned the enclosed envelopes with }m8 jnstalled a loud speaker system, payment for part or all o f the seals. '^ s usuai the crowd was interested in —------- ------ -— ~ :the many prizes given during the For Sale—Base burner, small gas'evening. There is no admission stove, washing machine, wringer, and charge. ; several other household articles. B. ;-------------- ; '■------- • E. McFarland. j Subscribe to THE TIERA L P Mrs. Lula Watt entertained at din­ ner Thursday last, Mr. W. L. Marshall and Mrs. Mary Hawkins, Xenia, and Mr, Alfred Marshall, Middletown. Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Pickering were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pickering afrd family, New Jasper, Thanksgivng. Mr. Ward Creswell, who has been Miss Helen Thompson, who teaches in Cuyahoga county, near Berea, spent her Thanksgiving vacation, here with her father, Mr. J, Q. Thompson. Cedar Cliff Chapter o f the D« A. R» j Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kyle enter- ) Alfred Ferguson, Jamestown, has ill hrvM fm » TlAiRDmhAi* numtinai . j i l . ■ t . i ... ' i ___ _ i j « « « will hold this December meeting a tta in ed members o f the late John the home o f Mrs. W. G> Grant in jKyJe family at a Thanksgiving dinner Selma, Tuesday, Dee, 8, at 2 p." m. Jon Thursday, November 2(5, at one The assistant hostess is Mrs. Lewis o’clock, Covers were laid fo r twenty. McDorman, The members will please take notice that dues must be paid during December. Persons whose names may have been overlooked in tho mailing lists ! or who may wish to purchase more stamps, will find them on sale at Richards and Brown’s Drug Stores. four guests. Those present were; Mrs, Elizabeth Kyle, Mr, and Mrs. J, C, Kyle and (family o f Lexington, Ky.j Rev. and For Sale—Willow baby carriage. ‘ Mrs, Gavin Reilly and family o f Co- m M n A m , . / I . J _ ....1 1 1 — 1 « « - . . _________ _ Phono One, Cedarville. Messrs. Homer Smith, Arthur Evans, Arnett Gordon, Hervey Bailey and Gregg Turner formed a motor party that left Monday for the Chicago Live Stock- Show,. returning home Wednesday evening. located in Denver, Colo., is now Io- { Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Stanton and ___i * J •— 1 1 A T T _ ________J. i t . I . _ . • • v _______________ T T 1 -1 - g cated in Dayton. He spent the Thanksgiving vacation here with relatives, Miss Rebecca Galloway, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Galloway, who is attending Dennison University, at Granville, O., spent her Thanks­ giving vacation at the home o f her parents. Mr. and Mrs; Hugh Thomas, of Indianapolis and their daughter, Miss Ruth, who teaches in the Greenfield, O., schools, spent Thanksgiving here with Mrs. Thomass’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Keckler, o f Eaton; and Mr and Mrs. J, W, Frank and son, o f Dayton, wore guests last Thursday o f Mr. and Mrs, Russell Koppe. Word has been received here o f the serious illness of -Mr. W. W. Trouto at his home in Columbus. Mr. Troute is a former resident o f this place and since residing in Columbus has been bookkeeper for the I. J. Gates Milling Co. He suffered a. stroke of paralysis last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gould James and their three daughters, o f Wellston; O., were guests o f Mr: and Mrs. C. E. Masters for a couple o f days the past week. Mr. Jam§s is the brother of Mrs. Masters.' Lowell Thomas says, “ Any cam­ paign that has for its object the pre­ vention o f tuberculosis should be Rev. James Stormont, wife and two children of Avello, Pa., visited with the former’s mother, Mrs. Ida Stor­ mont. They came to Cedarville to be present at the Creswell annual Thanksgivings dinner- which was held at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull. The weekly party in the opera j house Wednesday evening as sponsor- j ed by the Cedarville Merchant's Association, drew a packed house Hill-billy Band furnished entertain­ ment, with Paul Cummings at the If you’re thinking of giving . . . . • RED FLANNELS • CELLULOID COLLARS • OR MUSTACHE CUPS We can’t do much to helpyou • BUT IF You’re anxious to give what men really want— what they will wear this year for the first time— we certainly can help you, Not only do we know what men want and carry i t . . . hut we carry it in every conceivable style, fabric, pat* tern and -price. Years of experience in select­ ing these items have helped us to absorb thoro- ly the elements of good taste and good value. Come to Springfield because Vogue Shopping makes Christmas shopping easy, “AFTER YOUR NAME HE’LLLOOKFOROURS” Vogue Shop 20 and SX Ssuth Fountain Avc. Bpringfleld, Ohio Miss Mary Margaret MacMillan, who is attending Muskingum College, spent the Thanksgiving holiday at home. For Rent—-Two-car Mrs. Mary McMillan garage. Call <2t> jlumbus; Mr. and Mrs. R, Henry Kyle o f Dayton; Mr, and Mrs, Gordon C. Kyle and family o f Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Kyle o f Dayton, and Dr. and Mrs, Kyle and daughter, Marilyn. brought suit against John Johnson, as executor o f the estate o f R. D. Bryan, in common pleas court ashing judg­ ment for $402, alleging personal serv­ ice fo r Bryan during his lifetime. Elizabeth Parker also asks $899 com- pensation for service. For Sale:—-Hampshire male hog. Morris Peterson, DOG LICENSES GOING UP Ravages o f dogs on Greene county sheep means more funds to pay these damages. As a result. the county commissioners have been forced to In­ crease the cost o f all dog licenses 25c each. Auditor J, J, Curlett announces that licenses for 1937 go on sale Sat­ urday morning at his office. Automobile buyers who finance their cars through The City Loan enjoy tho advantage of modern terms...up to 24 months or even longer time,..with step-down payments. Your payments get lest end easier to pay at your car be- comet’ older end more expensive to drive...e finance plan in step with present day needs. Besides.,.you/ establish your credit where you can got money quickly for an emergency or ■to take advantage of an op­ portunity that comes your way. . During these times of op­ portunities, it's always good to know where'you can get a supply of cash...on the spur o f the moment. So buy your car through Tho City Loan end enjoy a mod- ern finance serv ice-.good for cars or cash ...or both. fm C O r Z n m _ • . J- Merle Furman, Mgr. 24 ,‘ E. Main St. Springfield f KROGER STORES % S e n s a t i o n a l . . . <7SALE! A Penny It big manay In Kroger's this weak. Hara Is our way of declaring extra dividends to our easterners. Many Items here, which yen had been used to paying a lot more for—ct amazing money- saving prices. M A C K E R E L Van Camp’s—REG. DR INKS Kroger asserted carbonated— 12-ez. battles REGULAR PRICE—3 ter 16c (Pies heftte charge) Buy 3 1 _ and get 1 I C FOR PRICE o Till C ars 50 c ■ay* l a and get 1 1 6 POfl 1 S P I C E S Sudan—asserted REGULAR PRICE 3 Cans 24e Buy3 W^ and get 1 I f ! JOB 1 W N O O D L E S S O U P tarbssra Ana Tomato REGULAR PRICE S Cans 26c . Buy s *| ^ and get I 1 ft POR 1 V Country Club—REG, PRICE 5 7-o t. Pkgs. 25c Buy6 B E A N S Red—sine 300 REGULAR PRICE t Cans 30c • t S ? 1 I ® ” U S ' 1 * M A T C H E S Avalon Brand REGULAR PRICE 4 Pkat. lie l c F A C I A L T I S S U E TW I NK L E Gelatin Passnrt Asst. Plovers REGULAR PRICE 4 lexei He • ■ j g f ' l e Swansoft, 200 count— REG. PRICE 3 Box. 27c W a s 1 f t T I S S U E Cliften—sett and abserbent REGULAR PRICE t Ralls 2SC Buy* 1 A and get 1 1 1! POR and get! I B FOK 1 mwk± ** ■■ w ■ C A M A Y Facial Seep "For beantlfel women" REGULAR PRICB—4 Bars 33c ' 1 c S P A G H E T T I Country Club—REG. PRICE 5 7-ox. Pkgt. 25c NA PK I N S Hostess—gaper, Pink and White, SO count . - S f ' 1 ® . W , 1 c POR 1 S O D A Avalun Sul Seda—stock up REGULAR PRICK 2 Bexes 16e # 1 ® ■ A Ceeelrv Cleli :tMS«d - ® ' n MEAT r n n u i r e n d . w m . COCKTA I L Country Cteh—deficient diced truiti . * ¥ ’ 1 ® RIG. PRICK—SMU, 1 Hi J Bologna PINEAPPLE Country Clnh Sficuu ante, REGULAR PRICK t«$«' l e lb. 15c Apple Sauce PteUM-tl Brand. REGULAR PRICK . 3 MU, BCanc 2»c . , H i* 1 1® Franks lb. I5c B A N A N A S ................. 5 l b s . 2 4 c G R A P E F R U I T ...........2 f o r 9 t Pinkmcatn L E M O N S d o * . 2 9 c ORANGES ...... .10 lbs, 45 e Florida A P P L E S 8 l b . , 2 8 c Good Cookers