The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 1-26

H' jf % hp ( » ^ i tauimftmxr.Aimit in * €> «te THE CEDARVILLE HERALD ~K A B M B U L L ---------------EDITOR. AND PUBLISHER | aaaorap" rntfeerct s*B«tM awm .; «hte rnmmm* ss**i v*n*r r w i m Entered *fcihePo«t Office, €ed«rvi!le, Ohio, October SI, 1887, as secondclassmatter. - iT iss f _________ HERE IS ©HE FOE ROOSEVELT OR AMY SUPPORTER If Franklin Roosevelt is to be taken at his word as to the necessity of packing the supreme court a8 well as passage of much of the proposed social security laws let him or any of his supporters answer the following? I f Mr. Roosevelt is so concerned over what he terms a crisis, why does he as Chief Executive with all the law and the constitution ab his command not use his authority to bring southern states into line that do not give the negro the right o f citizenship and be permitted to vote? If Mr. Roosevelt believes in social security and equality as w ell, why does he not.use the power that lies in his hands to force the south to conduct mixed schools for the white and negro races a3 is done in the north? Probably some northern admirer ©f the Mew Deal would like to answer th is question. If Mr. Roosevelt wishes to be honest why does he not take th e same stand in the south as he did in the north at the last election and proceed to outlaw lynching and burning negroes a t the stake? Mr. Roosevelt pledged a negro publication in Pittsburgh that he would do this, yet he has refused to con­ sider any action since the election. I f Mr. Roosevelt is for social security and equal rights, why does he not urge his puppet congress to outlaw the “jim. crow” car, where negroes are herded lik e cattle once the train crosses the Mason and Dixon line? If Mr. Roosevelt ean exercise so much concern for the negro of the north what about the unfortunate “nigger” of the south that may be serving a sentence for some crime and is forced to treatment on the chain gang that is a thousand times more cruel than was ever known in slavery days? Why does Roosevelt stand for inflicting brutal treatment on southern highway workers and y e t stand by the labor unions that refuse to permit prison labor on northern highways? I f Mr. Roosevelt is the great humanitarian he poses to be and permits Ms organization to use his birthday as a harvest to gather funds for the Warm Springs Foundation, why does he not open the doors o f the institution to all classes, colors and creeds, as do the Shriners, who have a dozen hospitals over the country that give aid to all crippled children? Why dis­ criminate against a helpless negro boy or girl if this doctrine, of social equalization of which he boasts is not a smoke screen? To You, Mr. Wilberforce Educator? How can you join hands in th is circle of demagogues and be a party with the chosen few that continue to sell your race, especially the hundreds of helpless negro cMIdren, down the river, for a few tainted dollars or political honor? Mr. Wilberforce Educator, you too must take your seat in the “jim crow” car once south of the Ohio river, where social security and social justice still holds the negro in the same class as- the mule. No Southern negro can get political recognition from Mr. Roosevelt and no Northern negro w ill ever sit in any seat south of the Ohio river where he will come in contact with the “Lilly W h ites” Mr. Northern negro, how much longer are you going to permit your race being traded off by a few of your people that are profiting from political perferment financially? WHAT A REAL DEMOCRAT HAS TO SAY Those who heard Senator Garter Glass, D.» Virginia, former secretary of the treasury under Woodrow Wilsdn, author of the Federal Reserve act, in his radio attack Monday night „against Roosevelt and Ms Communistic-Labor Union plan to control the courts o f the country, must agree that nothing more courageous has been uttered on th is subject in a ll the debate that has taken place. The Senator by his spoken attitude has registered a rebuke to the atheist mob in control of the govern­ ment that is as much against the Christian religion as an in­ stitution in this country as it is for the enthronement of the forces of destruction by the representatives of the Soviet gov­ ernment. Senator Glass refers to the Roosevelt proposal as a plan to pack the court with a lot of “wet nurses,” a paving of the way to “mobocraey,” such as the sit-down strikes; forcing ideas of “visionary incendiaries” on the people arid the “termination of white supremacy” in the south. The last statement evidently was made on the belief that should the Republicans gain con­ trol of the government they could pack the court again and force the south to accept the vote of the negro that has been disfranchised for years in those states. The Senator pictured a reign of terror that w ill follow just as sure as Roosevelt Is permitted to pack the court for the underlying issue with both Roosevelt and Lewis is confiscation of private property. Sen. Jos Robinson, the mouth-piece of the Democratic- Jackson-Communistic regime, in true IClu KIux Klan, tore into Senator Glass, over the air Tuesday night, when Robinson evaded the real issue and attempted to defend the administra­ tion plan, labor union control as w ell. The reading public should consider who Robinson is and what state he represents. During the NRA days Robinson as Roosevelt spokesman backed Hugh Johnson and the Blue Eagle that crushed many northern .manufacturers with high labor costs. Representing Arkansas, Robinson, was like other South­ ern Senators only opening the way for northern industry to locate in the south where the seale of wages under NRA was much less than in the north. It was not so many months ago that Arkansas “croppers” or farm tenants a3 we know them, were ravaging the state, even to the extent of burning farm buildings due to the fa c t that the Roosevelt administration was turning all the AAA funds over to land owners, who did not repay the “croppers” for their share, Roosevelt social security evidently was never intended for the tenant andjabor class in Arkansas and Sen. Robinson never once came to the defense o f this class of people. The southern states have no expensive relief programs such as have been forced on north­ ern states because the poor white and blacks are forced to labor at southern starvation wages. The record only shows up Robinson as a demagogue bluffer trying to make the “tail wag the dog.” If Roosevelt is permitted to pack the court the generations* o f today w ill not have to live long to witness an aroused north, that has been sold out by a traitor of the Aaron Burr type, forcing the south under military power to submit to the same wage conditions as the north and the negro restored to his full- citizenship. Sen. Glass has sounded the alarm to both north and south. Sen. Robinson by his attitude is hastening the day of the division of the north against the south. m am m m ' fcs* 1 Bediieed Phone tsenl atari, ih»a and tit#. . account :j also the %IM Disloyal citixinshipl What are -we coming- too? Jfennomtee and Amish farmers of Pennsylvania travel to Washington to ask the Government not to grant a loan of ? 105,000 for a consolidated school. These reli­ gions people do not engage In debt nor do they borrow money. They have none of their people on relief. They are a thrifty people. Have good bread for her citizenship, farms well improved and possess fine stock. They are God-fearing and live their religion seven days each week. Under the New *Deal atheists en­ throned in Washington these people who have always been thrifty are now branded as disloyal citizens. th a t will give' the speculated more profit than the fanner red jived, to dowse 1 first cost. However It was not American wheat that featured in the. market. Aus­ tralian and Argentine wheat, 8,262,- 0G0 bash®!#, was sold to Italy Germany and jSngkBsd to feed the- armies. I t is reported that Gefrn&a needs a t least SO million bushels f; I t might be a good thing to le t the child labor act be endorsed in every state without protest. The sugar- coated sweet tasted appeal has a filling th a t will prove bitter and dis­ appointing. With i t will come con­ trol of home labor by the dictation of inion labor leaders. Sen. Vandenberg, it., Michigan, has introduced a bill to ,et the age limit a t 14 years instead of 18 as Roosevelt and ..Lewis have written into law. The Michigan senator also wants the “pay feature" written in. Under the Roosevelt dan no farmer's son could be borrow­ ed o r loaned to a neighbor to help in larvest if “eighteen years old or younger,” even though the lad was not laid in money or exchange of labor.” A fine and imprisonment is to be provided where youths, boys or girls, ire employed in any way under eighteen years of age. Mr. Farmer v’ou are being led to the auction block md are bu t one step from control eday by union labor headquarters. A Northwestern University “pro­ fessor” appeared before the con­ gressional committee considering the law to permit Roosevelt to pack the Supreme Court. When asked if he was a candidate for the high court when packing time came, admitted that he desired the honor. The next iay a prominent magazine carried an article over this professor’s name wherein he approved the sit-down strike, labor union control, and every­ thing. “Mamma” Roosevelt has no taste for beer, believe it or not. A t least a muthern paper carried the propa­ ganda, I t was during the campaign in Georgia when Farley, et al, lost in heir fight to put the liquor forces in control of the legislature in that state. 'Having won in Alabama and North Carolina, Georgia was q disappoint- nent, but the fight is being continued. The Democratic organizations even nade postmasters deliver in behalf of repeal. Farley might have been a good prize fight promoter before Roosevelt decorated him with a “Crown of Thorns,” but he is 100 per cent with the liquor interests. The Georgia press carried a story of the distaste “Mamma” Roosevelt has al­ ways had for beer since she was a weeny teeny, little girl. Remember when “Hubby” forced congressional repeal, “Mamma” came forth with advice as to how women “must learn to drink their cocktails with dignity and grace." “When in Rome do as the Romans do," is good advice. Competitors using: deceitful methods to retain their losing business, proves that — MOTORISTS MUTUAL is becoming PREDOMINANT! MOTORISTMUTUAL INSURANCECO. € Oiuo Vie D***i*y, Pei*. C u t Crkpla, Sec’y. <?* B . MAMTMAM, C*£sn>lMs, Ohio Italy is nibbling for some of our cotton. Four years ago the New Deal ventured in the cotton business and loaned government money to farmers at the rate of twelve and one-half cents a pound. The growers let the government keep the cotton and the New Dealers have been paying insur­ ance and storage on several million tons all this time. Italy says if Uncle Sam will loan her three million dol­ lars, she will purchase cotton to that amount. Sec. Wallace will call it a profitable sale. From his viewpoint the cottort cost twelve and one-half cents a pound but the money did not cost anybody anything. The same rule gave the Iowa sheriff the chance to sell the Wallace farm publishing busi­ ness to satisfy creditors. Norman Thomas, socialist candidate for president in 1936, in a radio speech last Saturday evening does not let the New Deal in on any of his pet theories. A socialist hates a Communist more than a Republican or Democrat. Thomas is against packing the high court by Roosevelt Russianized sym­ pathizers. He says what we need in the country is a chance to prove democracy is a success. Elect a So­ cialist and sec! Local subscribers also will share f cm E S S A ^ € H '''C tO B M EET ING a Sii.9.000 saving annually du e to- ——— intra-state long' distance reductions.-j <rj10 Research club met Thursday The -reductions are effective on -all'afternoon a t the home of Mrs. Lloyd Telephone Rates: > , Now Effective •iaiis of 72 miles OT more “ length,-; who entertained for her sis- _—:— - . , with a few reductions on some calls of ter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Bird, who is ill ^6 to 52. m iles,. Beginning a t five cents.m jn Pomeroy, O'. Twenty-one mem- Scn, Holt, West Virginia, Dent., says he was tempted with a bribe to get his vote on the court packing plan Holt has been, against most of the New Deal and Roosevelt would not even consider him in making appoint­ ments in th a t state. A few days ago a Department of Justice attorney | asked him to recommend a candidate | for a federal judge in his state. There \ are vacancies and the Senator was «non-plussed. Not able to get a" jau- f itership for his state, Holt is exercised l r‘ow asked to name a federal : judge hu t the “Eve and ,the Apple” ; story did not tempt Holt to change for the court packing plan, Wheat prices went skyward week hut the producer of wheat A native barn Indian to symbolist, the sit-down strike situation, dressed in hat with feathers, walked to_ the office of Madame Perkins, queen of tin anion racketeers, and walking deleg te for John X. Lewis, The Inditn hat. with him' ja stuffed hen which he wanted tf"~present.t o . Sister Perkins in keaprng'with the sit-down strikers. Government secret service agents ■ Cedhrviile telephone subscribers will share in state-wide reductions in rates of The. Ohio' Bell Telephone Com- ‘Jsny tha t became effective today, ac- rding to W. M. 5’rymah, commercial •anager of the company, file reductions applyoto a number - charges for auxiliary telephone rmpment used by focal subscribers. The charge for use of a handset lephdhe is reduced by cutting the riod of payment in, half. The pre- .n t monthly cradle charge of 15 ents will apply for 18 months instead on rates for the shorter distances, *t-,ers -were present. they reach a maximum saving of 20 cents. i Miss Maltha Cooley, Marquette, ______________ | Mich., who is here on her spring vaca- Mr. and Sirs, Don Allen have "ion’ read C r e s t i n g paper on moved to Galena, Ohio, where Sir. Al- h isto ric Trees” for her mother, Mrs. lea wall ;have Ms trucking head- Jeanette Gcoley, who is in Florida, quarters. Mr. Alien is operating three 'lirs* Hei>ve^ Baile^ gave an anusual large u tility , trucks in Ohio and on v;i,“d flower®> using as Iier Michigan hauling building brick for a Along the Wild Flower Trail, manufacturing concern in th a t city. ! DelicioUs refreshments were served ______ : the members after which a pleasant «T. - social hour was enjoyed. I f l;.quar news were handled today the way the liquor news was handled yesterday, this nation would get a shock that would carry us back to Prohibition in a year,” says f 36 months vas in the past. This - - --------- „ , . , , , ‘aits a total saving of $2JQ. t , t i ti l t . do°r cards’ r “ d' Vcharge of §1.00 on L ta lla tion of J ° ,t t ™™l ™ to JW ‘ f W Have You Forgotten new telephones is discontinued, inh ib iti m r John Anything. have caused many a $1.00 charge in the future will apply ^f.71163 Holmes> “ ■Ws article, - iiu i f chase back after another only on moves of telephones to differ-j ^ Year of RePeal” rec*>tly ap hotel_towel and bar of soap, notes the ent locations, either on or off the sub-. in the Christiaa Century, IAltoona Tribune, scriber’s premises. Instead of a monthly charge of 15 chased the Indian from the Roosevelt cents for cut-off^ keys, there will be reservation. He should have known an installation charge of $1.00 or better than offer a “setting hen” th a t $2.00, depending upon the wring in- had no union label bn its setter to the volved. Madame. . You probably haye noticed that all markets in this section are flooded with Texas grape fru it and at prices much lower than last year. Nothing can be,saia against the quality of the Texas product. Texas is selling her product aud growers are getting the benefit. Not so in Florida where growers all followed the New Deal nuts and as a result grapefruit and oranges by the hundred thousand bushels will rot on the trees, Texas said to Mr. Wallace and his tribe, “No, thank you ,we will> run our own busi­ ness.” New Deal methods did not ap­ peal to the Texans. Florida listened and is paying a heavy penalty. As we came through the state north we purchased two bushels of grape fruit and three bushels of oranges. All choice tree ripened fru it just from the. truck at the entrance of the orchard. Grape fru it a t 25c a bushel, oranges at 35c and 50c a bushel certainly should sound interesting to local ad­ mirer’s of any citrus fruit when local prices are 35c a- dozen for the same sized oranges that were boxed half ripe for shipping purposes. Tree ripened citrus fru it is as far superior to shipped fru it as a good cantelope ■s over a pumpkin. Out of state ship­ ment of oranges and grape fru it is governed by the crack-pots of the New Deal. You can haul all you want in mtomobiles but dp not use a truck. All •oads entering Florida have armed guards ta-ubeck trucks haffiihg citrus Tttit. Oiiiy. given the “Q„ K.” ThatTs’the'^ason. you can purchase a bushel of oranges there tor less than what you pay fo r a dozen here. Send your congratulations to Roosevelt-Wallace and Co. The 25-cent monthly charge for an- extension bell a t a location remote from an extension telephone -is re ­ duced from 25 to 15 cents a month. There is no.charge for an extension bell that is directly associated with an extension telephone. * Mileage rates for subscribers liv­ ing in Cedarville exchange area, but outside the base-rate area, are reduced 25 to 40 ceuts per quarter-mile, de­ pending upon class of service. Additional directory listings for business .subscribers is reduced from $.50 to $.25 a month. Rates for extension telephones, in- ‘ eluding a bell in connection with the instrument, are cut from $.75 to $.15 a month for a residence extension. A labor union racketeer, art alumnus of dear old Roosevelt-Lewis U.» gets feverish a t the Miami, Fla., Denm eratic Herfiid, and'asked for a state­ ment from the owner and publisher whether The Herald, is with Roose velt and the Democratic party, or not. We have been following the Herald, which is noted for its independence, being the strongest and most in' fluential paper in fhi ssouth, and if we are able to judge, ■;ha labor union racketeer received .1is answer and no blue print was necessary to under­ stand what the editor was writing about. The Herald challenges Roose' velt’s sincerity as well as his honesty in his plan to pack the Supreme Court. The fact that John L. Lewis approves the Roosevelt p lan ,'if he is not the father of it,;is repulsive to the Miami Herald and i t should be to all patriotic citizens. - Those that are fol­ lowing Roosevelt and Lewis today will repent some other' day, j'usfc as#the auto workers in Detroit are doing now. Briggs Co. employees are dissatisfied and say they receive less money under the Lewis settlement plan than be­ fore the General Motors strike. Wanted—As geiji small Sanitarium, /white woman be- ieral assistant in tween 25 and 50. Reliable, trustworthy and efficient, with good reference. A good home, good wages, and a per- manant position, if; satisfactory. Ad­ dress Yellow Springs Sanitarium. Phone' 470 Yellow Springs, O. Subscribe for THE HERALD COZ Y THEATRE FRIDAY April 2 A thrilling dash across the Atlantic in a mystery plane with stolen secret plans, and then— i III I i HIVIIWI i * “CRACK-UP” -, ' starring 3ETER LORRE , . BRIAR DONLEVY SATURDAY April 3 “MAD HOLIDAY” a breezy hysterical thrill drama with 2DMUND LOWE ELISSA LAND! ZASU PITTS TED HEALY SUNDAY and DEEP W ELL SHALLOWWELL ELECTRIC PUMPS We are in position to supply your deep or shallow w e ll' pumps with installation complete. We have several pumps in use and can guarantee satisfaction and give reference. Peep Well Electric Pumps $ 80.60 ap When you get ready for your private water supply system or bath room installation, call us for estimates. All work guaranteed. Let us install a hot water circulating pump on your hot water heating system. With this you get all the heat possible just where you want it. F. E« Harper Phone 30 Cedarville, O. MONDAY April 4-5 “Go West, Young Man” In which MAE WEST in a modern .romance gives her advise ‘down on the farm.’ ' added COMEDY AND NEWS . ANNOUNCING Clifford €. i f ewer Takes over the Tin and Sheet Metal work of E. HUEY Bf, Mr. Brewer has had 12 years experience in all kinds of Tin and Sheet Metal Work and Is ready to answer all the calls to this kind of work. Please call or see Brewer for estimates and prices Phone 12S-R-2 LET THE UBIKO LIFE GUARD PROTECT YOUR C l f f i E a sy P ie a s a i t W ay T « LOSE FAT How would you like to Ipse your tat, increase your energy snd improve J»ur health? How would you Bke to lose your double chin and yovx taa prominent , «>ps and abdomen $nd at the same time make yoar skin,, so dean and clear that it wdl comps! admiration? Get on the *cales> and how much yon wm*b—theu^ge * het- tia of Kruschen f&Ifs that cost m xt to nothing and last you 4 weeks. Take one hiff toa^ocafm ia a glass of hot water bt tfc* mottling— cut down on water and fatty meats—- 8° h'ght ca ‘hstter, omea, and supti:—aeA in -, ished the of bottle' ■wrigh fa tmM MMfK. , ■, Notice jftpit£fchUK$M FASTER GROWTH GREATER VITALITY QUICKER FEATHERING FREE FEED t o m ov t ® m CLA IMS W | W ILL o s v e y o u a ik e iu & f y f t e e E N O U G H FEED F O E m m m d a d y . c h e e k s r o r o n e w e e k r S K ? t f j&yous f ife? won eRk*4- . COAL, FEED, GRAIN, SEED WOOL, FENCE and LIVESTOCK ^.ANY O N E JN NEEO 'OF.FE'ED © R A R E SHORT OF FINANCES, SEE - US ABOUT-O 0 R FEED FINANCING. ; - - ' C liMHS & CfiESWELL Csdsrfjile, Ohio g p M i M p j p