The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 1-26
r * < » > ' c » j » c l **LSP8 esj^ijrr r- F»C CEBARV&LE HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, IS*? •f h a m l and. Personal X*». B, N. Ai a a s was la Ce5a®v3?e for « few hears, foesda^ vVmring*. Her. Adams v r3 fee InstaSsS as castes* o f F irst Ffces^teriaa, Mcaday., J oe ? 14, 8 f 0 p. jo,, ar.3 will begirt las fwateafe Jane 15. S a n t o !i»a a t $ p * r cent on Kwd HOUNTAIN MUSIC TOWC Estate. CrJarciUe Federal Savings* ON D. A, B, PROGRAM Loaft Association. s ........ *................... . ........ * American muiic as found among Mr. ar.d Sirs. Harmount of Dayton Kentucky mountaineers was the theme rrcr.t !a::i Friday evening with Mrs. 0f a umuue program presented by Mrs. CHURCHNOTES SI. Ridgeway and Mabel Cria. Paul hcr.r i Mrs. S. € . Wright have 'sen visiting relatives In IdavSte, Jed., the past week, expecting to return this week-end. C. W. Steele, Jc&a Fes and Albert, Grstbe attended a mseting of Beard of Christian Education held Is Dayton Y, M. 0, A. Monday aftersdaa. They were accompanied by Sirs. Steele and Mrs. W. BLMeGhesney, who spent the affeEsooa a t the h o s e o f Br. and Mss. W. B. Hassls&ajs. ’ ert BlacGregesr was among a t a deligHSal party a t f Mrs. John Wood* Xenia, eaing. Three tables of bridge were played, Mrs. MacGregor being one of the prise wineprs, t FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Robert Jacobs, when Mrs. O. W. GHURCH Kuehrmann was hostess to Cedar Cliff Sabbath School, ID a. m. Chapter, Daughters of the American Ramsey, Supt Revolution, a t her home Tuesday eve-1 Lesson—-The Obedience of Noah, nirg. ; Gen. 8:20-22;9:8-17, Golden text—By Mrs. Jacobs presented word pictures faith Noab, being V’arr.ed of God con- of scenes in a mountaineer’s home an d . coming things not seen as yet, moved then illustrated each scene with a n ' with Godly fear, prepared an ark to appropriate song, sunk without ac companiment. Her program was well l the saving of his house. Heb 11:7. I Worship Service, 11 a. m. Dr. W. Monday ; Sir. and, Mrs. John Lott of P itts - ' burgh, Pa., have teen visitiag for several days with the letter's mother, i Hattie Gwens. j Mrs. Alfred Brighiman. was the hostess a t a coffee sapper held a t her home e& Thstsfey, April 15. Refresh-1 meats was served and games were. p-layed. Many received prizes. Mrs. Paul Cummings, has returned These pyesaat were: keme after a visit with relatives in Mrs. A tm Chaplin and daughter, Detroit, Mich. She was accompanied , Program Audrey? Mrs. Harrison Beck and by her mother Mrs. F . D. "Wright, De- daughter, Grace; Mrs. Walter Sot- troit* who has been spending the week reff, Mrs. Leroy Jordca, Mrs. George here. Morris? M es . B sv M Taylor, Mrs. —----- --------- ------- S a rd s Wiseeup, Mrs. Henry Wise- Miss Ruth Burns had for dinner received by the group, which included twelve guests from George Slagle Chapter, of Jamestown. Mrs. Fred Townsley, regent, presid ed and conducted the D. A. R. ritual In the absence of the chaplain, Mrs. Fred Dobbins. A salad course was served by Mrs. Kuehrmann, assisted by Mrs. R. R. Townsley, Mrs. Paul Townsley and Mrs. F. B. Turnbull, a t close of the Mrs. Fred Shew of Peoria, 111., a cap, Mrs. Sara Wisecup, Mrs. William guests Saturday evening a t her home: B rightens, Miss Jose Dick and Miss north of town, Mr. Herbert Burns} Jean Trsesdafe and Hostess, Sirs. Al- and wife of North tewisbnrg. I fred Brightman. t Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow of i Everyone enjoyed a delightful eve- ‘ Columbus and Mr. Glenn ImiJ of i ning. I Urbans. I ■former resident of this place, has been visiting a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. - A. H. Reinhard, and with other friends. It. McGbesney will preach. Young people will meet a t 7:00 p. m. The meeting of the Missionary So ciety has been postponed until Thursday, May 6. Rev. Benjamin N, Adams was made a member of Dayton Presbytery at the Spring Meeting held in Oakland Presbyterian C-hurch last Tuesday. GIRL SCOUT NEWS [ 9 8 1 m m m m m % m . n Bring Out Your Best Points! S U M M E R D R E S S E S By Jean Nedra and Glen Row I 2 - 9 8 - 3 . 9 8 Being well dressed Is more a mailer of time and effort than actual money spent! We have simplified even that now By assembling in one collection th e ' smartest styles of the season! • Light ground prints • Fine quality crepes • Soft dusty shades • Flattering pastels • Amusing trimmings • One and two piece styles! Thirty-two girls, who are training for girl scouting, met Tuesday a t four 1o’clock a t the home of Martha Jane . Creswell. The girls were trained in "knot tying and trail blazing by Mrs. Reinhard, the temporary leader. , Four patrols were organized as fol- jtlow’s: Oriole Patrol, leader, Frances Williamson; assistant, Doris Towns- ; ley. Wolf Patrol, leader, Nancy Wil- . liamson; assistant, Doris Jean Conley. ^Peacock Patrol, leader, Martha Jane ' Turnbull; assistant, Wanda Hughes. *Johnny-Jump-Up Patrol, leader, i Nancy Finney; assistant, Lois Brown. , Observation games and paper racing finished' the meeting. Announcements will be made at j school concerning the next meeting. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson. Minister Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Meryl Stormont, Supt. Preaching, 11 a. m. Theme: “The Church and the World.” Y. P. C. U., 7 p. m. Subject. “I f Every Church Member Were Just Like Me?” This is the climax of a series of four studies on the Ghurch Mem ber. Leader, Betty Tobias. Union Service, 8 p. m., in the Pres byterian Church. The message by Rev, Chas. E. Hill. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m., in the Church. Leader, Mrs. Lucy Turner. Chair Rehearsal, Saturday, 8 p. m. I PLAN CHURCH PLAY i Clifton awaits the presentation, Friday, April 23, of “Black Cats,” a 1farce to be given by young people j of the Clifton Presbyterian Church at I the Opera House there. J Showing of the comedy will bring ? to a close an intensive period of re- *hearsal by all members of the cash I Those taking part will be Julia Martin, ; -Mae Young, lone Eckman, Nancy : Luse, Junior Luse, Arch Myers, Al- ’ bert Grube, Ralph Knaub and Ervin j Cultice. The prompter will be Rachel »Cultice. | Woman wants day work. Phone METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Charles Everett Hill, Minister Church School, 10 a. m. Lester J. George, Supt. Worship Service, 11 a, m. Subject: “Lovest Thou Me?” John 21: 17. Epworth League, 6:30. After a Social Half-hour, and a supper*, the E. L. from Yellow Springs will con duct a Candle-light Service. Union Meeting in the Presbyterian Church, 8:00 p. m. The Rev. C. E. Hill will attend a meeting of the Conference Endow ment Commission, of which he is a member, next Monday, in Broad Street M. E. Ghurch, Columbus. QUEEN ESTHER NEWS ! 108-R-2 If-* (2t> REPORT ON DEATH CAUSES IN COUNTY Make while your selection colors anti sii 2 e now— ranges. are complete! You'll wear these for so many occasions! It's un usual to find such quality and style so low priced! 12 to 44* j f Wsfm Mere! The Smartest New H A N D B A G S % R em a rkab le Values! VT. -vO 'P The monthly meeting of the Methodist Queen Esther was held a t the home of Mrs. Hill, on Tuesday evening, April 1 8 . Lois Brown had devotionals and Minhie Lewis review ed a chapter of the/Study book. After the meeting refreshments were-enjoyed. a Plans were made to have a picnic a t Dorothy Kennon’s, Friday evening, after school. Meet a t Mrs. Creswells. When you can get good-looking bags for so little money* it’s NEWS! Designed with such interesting details! Durable simulated leathers in many new grains. Expertly made. ! In 1036 there were 235 deaths in ‘ Greene County outside the City of ■Xenia. The following were given as f the 10 leading causes of death: ■ Heart disease, 76; cerebral hemor- | rhage, 8; accident, 27; cancer, 26; *arteriosclerosis, 22; pneumonia, 18; | senility, 12; nephritis, 9; premature i and stillbirth, 7; influenza, 5, | Heart disease as you will notice, J was listed as the cause of 75, or ap- , proximately one-third of these deaths. I t is probable tha t some of the deaths ?listed under arteriosclerosis and i senility should be included under ' heart disease, making the proportion , even higher than tha t indicated a- bove. Heart disease is the leading cause of death throughout the United , States and jprobahly throughout the : world. What is the explanation? j 1. People are living to reach the _Heart disease age. j 2. The wear and tear of living un doubtedly has some influence. 3. Please do not underestimate Syphilis as a cause of Heart disease. 4. Very likely the thyroid comes in for some consideration. 5. Scarlet fever and rheumatic fever still take their toll. 6. We wonder whether aleohpl, coffee and tobacco have received the credit they deserve. Wanted, as general assistant in small sanitarium, white woman, be tween 25 and 50, Reliable, trust worthy, and efficient, with good reference. A good home, good wages, and a permanant position if satis factory — address Yellow Springs Sanitorium — Phone 470 Yellow Springs, O. ITHOUGHT YOUWSRS A “FUSSY £A1*£R H ot ANYMORE- * 4 . '/"S, Girls’ Simny Tucker T-Straps Beautifully made with attractive cut-suts and perforations. Fine for dress or everyday wear. Of patent leather or smooth side leather. Durable double soles. 1 .6 9 pair 1 ,4 9 Celeste Walking Oxfords The built-in arch support Isamna* firm support and perfect rout- fort. Soft kid triJMwd wj|k.; stitching and perforations. Steel shank. Leather heel, rubber taps. . 2 * 9 8 P a i r C. PENNEY C ^ p a ^ i n s . COZY THEATRE FRIDAY JOE E. BROWN When’s Tour Birthday’ SATURDAY JOE COOK LARRY CRABBE —in— • - Grey*s c. ;*aA rS ^ a -Mahoney^ ipiwnW’wiTiiaii-wi i»iwi i t w ^ i n i SUNDAY rad MONDAY J«AN A im iU k GEOROE BRENT «More Than a Secretary” m E m t S iam S t. Xetiiat, O. T u e s d a y * » a W e d n e s d a y WILL ROGERS BITJuL” Over-indulgence in food, drink, or tobacco frequently brings on an over-acid condition in the sto mach, gas on stomach, headache, sour Stomach, colds, and muscular pains. To get rid of the discomfort and com et the add condition, take A L K A - S E L T Z E R Alka-Seltsor contains Sodium Acs- tyl-Saiicylato (an analgesic) in com bination with vegetable and mineral nlkaiisers. Your druggist sells Alka-Selteer by the drink and by the package. B t W ! - A LK A L I / fc ' YEAKLEY-MARSHALL » J Mris. O, W. Kuehrmann n f this pi$<te MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED bas been chosen a delegate of the _____ j Xenia Woman’s Music Glul> to the Na- Miss. Mildred Marsliall, daughter of Itioflal Bienriial Convention , of Music Mr, and Mrs. Murray Marshall, of *C5ubs wMdl ^ be beld tllis ^ GJXV in Cedarville, became the bride of Mi-. | IlldXaiiapolis' opening today. Paul Yeakley, son of Mr. and Mrs. j ^XVSSSf. U. V. Yeakley, of Xenia, in a cere mony quietly solemnized in Richmond, Begin saving now to buy a home with Cedanille Federal Savings & Loan Association. Mrs. Russell Wells of Xenia visited with relatives here the past week. ft tna., Tuesday. Rev. C. B. Croxall offi ciated a t the single ring service. Miss Lois Sears, of Jeffersonville, and Mr. Ronald Marshall, cf Alpha, were attendants. The bride wore a navy blue lace dress with navy blue accessories and a shoulder ebrsage of pink sweet peas. Miss Sears wore a navy blue suit with blue accessories and a should corsage of sweet peas, Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.* Yeakley returned to Xenia and were guests of honor a t a wed ding supper at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Payne, of near Gedarville, Tues day- evening. Those present at the supper besides Mr. and Mrs. Yeakley and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Payne were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Payne, Miss Thelma Yeakley and Mr. Robert Max well. Mrs. Yeakley attended the Cedar ville schools and is now employed at the Trebein Tavern. Mr. Yeakley Was graduated from Xenia Central High School in 1935 and is employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. af Middle- town, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Yeakley are residing temporarily at Trebein. Subscribe to TSE HERALD THE TOPIC FOR TODAY SUPPLEMENT FEEDS There seems to be little argument against the fact that a good supplement will save grain whether feeding Iambs, cattle or hogs. The saving is done in at least two ways— * 1. Development of meat requires an input of protein which must be provided by grains or some other means. -Corn with 10 percent protein a t a price of §1.25 per bushel or §2.21 per cwt. is a rather costly way of supplying this, having a proportional cost of §8.84 per cwt. on a 40 percent protein basis. 2. A balanced ration feed with the proper variety of ingredients and mineral content acts on the digestive system of animals to allow it to absorb the greatest amount of energy from grain feeds. The* need of a separate mineral is also eliminated. First of all, in buying supplement you buy protein, so see that you get the greatest amount of protein for your money. To compare a 36 percent feed to a 40 percent, 10 percent should be added to the price—-in other words a $58 feed is actually costing §63.80. Next, animal protein such as tankage and fish meal produces greater and faster gains than supplements deriving protein principally from soybean meal. With WAYNE feeds we invite comparison chance to talk analysis and ingredient. and welcome the GEDARVILLE GRAIN GO. Telephone 21 South Main Street Cedarville, Ohio •n XENIA NATIONAL BANK OVER 102 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE April 19th, 1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord Were Fought Battles of Business are won by Preparation and Co-operation. Good banking relations have been a powerful element in every successful business—such a relation will Increase your chance for success. , Build for yourself a favorable business acquaintanceship and a, cash reserve—then when opportunity conies you will be pre pared. There is no Mystery in the Banking Business. We sell credit and service. Come in and discuss in confidence with us your finan cial problems. * *“s*>■ * i ' ■. * EasyPleasantWayTo LOSJEJFAT How would you like to lose your fat, increase your energy and improve your health? How would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent hipa and abdomen and at the same time make your‘skin so dean and clear that it will*compel admiration? Get bn the scales to-day and see . how much,you weigh—then get a hot- • tie of Kruachea Salts that cost next to nothing and which will last you 4 weeks. Take one half teaspoonful in a glass of hot watef in the morning- cut down on pastry and fatty meats— go light on potatoes, butter, cream and sugar—and when you have fin ished the contents of this first bottle weigh yourself again. Notice also that you have gained in energy—you feel younger in body— Kruschen will give any fat person a joyous surprise, Refuse imitation*— safeguard your health—you lose fat SAFELY the Xrijsdjea way, NOT*—Wauy-pwpt* fled that tit* ' ~ wbilatak- t'.fft n m : m \ We invite you to establish an account with us. Each deposit insured to $5,000.00. We pay the taxes on all deposits. \ We buy and sell U. S. Treasury and Federal Land Bank Bonds. •• ■ o Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. Capital and Surplus $365,000.00 • ' *!. "‘I ► ■ r ‘ ° ,J l Strong, Conservative and Helpful Bank National mi Corner of Main and Detroit Sts. I Xenia, O. -- j 4 s>{ ‘ . ' , vftf .
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