The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 27-52

; I I H «• k n 1 ?» I I I & • 1 R: 'WBQOtoKB W.n.'m»i..i»r.«»i«irt«. ^ i i r o r 3 W | m 3 * ^ 2 1 w sm m m m m T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D ; ^m iS S ^B U U , ’— "pmTOR AND PUBLBBK& ~ ir»w»i-»—v.n««.i iditatM i i m . Ohl« R vwnmjhh - A*wc.j MJ»»a Y*li*y vrm Max. ; - t ■!, * r -r—i-------jr * —■ - ........ '■"■■^ " l'".-""-,'J--" - '--J'-"‘-'I'”" ' ■ Entered nttheFosfc Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 81,1887, m cectmd c I m * matter. TODAY, JUNE 18, 1987 ______________ . STATE EMPLOYES MUST PASS DAVEY HAND BILLS Governor Davey has called the legislature in extra session ' 'fo r Jhne 21 to pass his padded appropriation bill amounting to more than 290,000,090, The last session j a m m e d without passing the bill which a t th a t time was for 889,000.000, Since then * new hill has been drawn with the increase. The Senate refused to pass the 89 million bill and those Democratic members th a t wanted to stand by the party p la t­ form of ‘’no new taxes,” took th e lead in opposing the Gov­ ernor’s program of more money for increased public salaries more new political appointments. This .group was called the “hatchet men,” a term th a t may sound sweet to the Tax­ payers of the stjate as the 90 million bill calls for more new taxes, “The hatchet" group expects to cut off from four to five million. - . ^ „ , . .. Orders went out front the Governor s office Tuesday for all state employees to leave their posts to pass a four-page handbill to all homes in the hope of the public backing the “more new tax 90 million Davey program.” Davey’s picture is featured on the first page. All Democrats are expected to receive the bill passers with open arms and report they are ready to pay more taxes to keep the politicians on the payroll rather than on the Lieut, Governor Paul Yoder and Sen. Baggott wilt take the lead a second time„for the “hatchet men,” which will have more support a t the'special session than in th e adjourned session. All through the hand bill appears the personal pronoun “I,” mean­ ing the Governor. Mr. and Mrs. Ohio happen to be the tax­ payers of the state, most of whom are not on the state payroll, INVESTIGATING INCOME TAX RETURNS With the New Deal making much, fuss over the investiga­ tion of income taxes for those able to own yacht and. racing stables, it has fallen to the lot of a few other to give suggestions to the administration where pay dirt might be found. Men of wealth usually pay no more taxes of any kind than do ordinary people, just what they are compelled to pay. The law has a loop-hole, the income tax law passed by a Democratic administration, per mits the incorporation of a com pany whereby lpsses over pleasure ventures can be deducted from income. Men of wealth tha t own a costly yacht or a stable of fine horses can charge the loss against their incomes and be within the law. The present agitation is directed to those of wealth tha t may not be supporters of the new Deal. The other side of the issue are not dormant by any means. One Congressman demands that congress investigate Roose­ velt’s income. The cover has been titled on Mrs. Roosevelt's income.- A company using her broadcast a t several thousand dollars a‘night, had orders to pay. certain such each week to listed charity organizations. The New. Deal income tax law requires income taxes on all gifts of money even to charity over a designated amount. Now it Is intimated tha t no such tax has been paid and th a t using the name* of the company to pay charity does not release Mrs, Roosevelt. „Anyway no New Deal congress is going to investigate a Roosevelt or a Democrat or Communist th a t supports the Roosevelt program. How about the income tax and losses of Vanderbilt, the millionaire, tha t . breezed Roosevelt over the ocean for several weeks in his mil­ lion dollar yacht? I P - -3 Its.I Col. Hugh Johnson took the air Tuesday night to pour a h it of hot. ta r and place a coat of feathers on the Roosevelt-Communistic plan to con­ trol the Supreme Court; the 80-liour week plan for all labor; the breaking down of state and local government for control from the White House. The. congress is , accept for passage only such laws as come from Ring-frank­ lin. In view of the fact that Hugh was stable boss over the Blue Eagle Under the brain-trust NRA when big business was to gobble up small busi­ ness it is surprising that Roosevelt's new NRA cannot be swallowed. John­ son charged that present plans axe those from Europe where every effort is being made to break down our pre­ sent form of government. All of what Hugh said fs so but the American people have not yet been convinced that he has suffered a full change of heart. His part in the old NRA has left a bitter taste in the mouths of decent people but the direct attack on Roosevelt only brings smiles. Johnson should come clean and expose the old NRA even {Rough his dirty hands would be held before the people. We are gradually nearing the time when a spade will be called a spade even in Democratic ranks. There are .millions that never would follow syphilitic leadership under a Republi­ can administration. We hardly believe that Democrats want that kind of leadership any more than Republicans, European nations have fallen in the ages past by so doing. Communism is the dream of a. syphilitic poisoned mind. - Ohio psoplc think than what Jtoos* velt might think. JUkf Vive Presi­ dent Garner, Donahey, “say* his piece” Vic opposes packing the courts and takes a pot shot a t Harry Hopkins and the manner in which re­ lief money is spent in million dollar chunks. The Senator wants money appropriated by congress to be ear­ marked for use as intended, not as Roosevelt or Hopkins might want. Who-dares question the honesty of either Donahey or Garner, neither of which would even take advice from John L, Leyfia,, let alone dictatorship. Dictator Roosevelt wants a secret investigation of what he calls income tax dodgers but no Democrat income taxpayer will likely find his bare feet in the Communistic sand, A New York .congressman- wants Roosevelt's income return investigated first. Why not that of “Mamma" Roosevelt and her hundred thousand radio contract. The naticyi has a right to know about all this charity chaff that is thrown to the wind. Congress might also go into the Warm Springs Foundation for a peep. Jh e dancers that are contributing huge sums on the Presi­ dential birthday plea might find and hear some of the same brand of statements we picked up in Georgia last March. What about the numer­ ous Democrats that have purchased. 500 or thousand-acre farms to eat up income from another source ? The New York congressman did a good trick in demanding an investigation of Roosevelt first, even . with the hand-picked investigating committee. M asons dedicate new HOME THURSDAY EVE The dedication of the new home for Cedarville Lodge No. 622, F, * A. M. took place last evening under the di­ rection of Paul Orr, Master of th* lodge. The speaker of the evening yraa Probate Judge Harry Gram, Springfield, past Grand Master of Ohio,. Dinner was served to more than sixty members and guests by the ladies of the Eastern Star. Mr. S. M. McKay, Xenia, well known insurance man, underwent an operation Tuesday night a t the Mc­ Clellan Hospital, Xenia fo r appen­ dicitis. Ned Brown left this week for Al­ ton, Mich., a summer resort where le has a seven piece orchestra-which goes' under - the name of "Red Brown's Orchestra." A . special trailer has been fitted out for camp­ ing. . fiftmiHiiifimiifftfmifttfiiHwitimimfmfmfmiJiiifiiMfimij; I 5 PER CENT f I FARM LOANS j I No expense to borrower for f | commission or appraisal. Any - 1 | part payable a t option of I 1 . borrower. I | ASK FUND TRANSFER Prosecutor Marcus Shoup has asked Common Pleas Court for authority to transfer $8,0Q0 from the road fund to pay cost of re a l estate appraisal. The *purpose of the transfer is to repay the road fund a t p later date. RESEARCH CLUB MEETING The regular meeting of the Re­ search Club Was held last Thursday a t the home of Sirs. Carrie 'T'ownsley, North Main street. The next meeting _ will be the annual picnic which will Tiiiiiiiiiiiimhimminm... be held .at Bryan Park. |WM. H. McGERVEY f | 204 E. Second ' 39 W. Main 1 XENIA, OHIO New Hay Rope GOOD QUALITY Save 50 % Xenia Iron & MetalCo. 17 Cincinnati Ava. Xenia, Ohio HAIR CUTS 35 c ON AND AFTER JUNE 10TH With All Barbers In Jamestown Bowersville Cedarville Jeffersonville South Solon Governor Davey considered himself a “Super-G-Man” and with a liberal supply of viands, lemonade from state operated stores, set out to bring the Communistic labor leaders to a point where the heads of three steel com­ panies would fall for the set-up and sign a union contract to close a strike that has been in progress more than two weeks. Either the viands did not satisfy the inner man or the lemonade had lost its lemon, for the represent­ atives of industry did not get intoxi­ cated enough to put a name on the dotted line. Instead the company sxecutives made it plain that they would sign such a. contract. Glory be to their sptink. Once more Ohio's governor meddled in something he had no business and as the boys in the street say, "He's* all washed up,” Now that the Roosevelt-du Pont, wedding is only a short distance, away and the Roosevelt income tax snoopers are given new powers we could hard­ ly expect any member of that Republi­ can family to fall victim to the whims of the Communistic Senate, The du Ponts are not such bad people especially when young Roosevelt gets the family blessing to marry the daughter. I t would be interesting to witness King Franklin a t the cere­ mony where regal splendor of the du Pont millions will shine like stars in a blue heaven, The only time "Papa and Mamma" Roosevelt abhore royal economists and great wealth is when they ore out to string the public and preach class hatted for political pur­ poses. If all the Roosevelt boys were to marry millionaire girls from Re­ publican families, even . Franklin might want the way left open in case a second marriage was ever desired . Postipaster General James Farely made ah address before the graduaing class of the Louisanna State Univers ity some day* ago a t which time he laid great praise on the late Sen. Huey Long, Three years ago while We were in that state, and a guest of that same institution, any mention of Farley or even Roosevelt brought stinging re buke as the people of that state were loyal to Long. Since the political gunman's bullet sent the Senator to his grave both Roosevelt and Farley have offered every thing possible 'to wipe out the history of the past. SHELL STATION • GROCERIES—Fresh Stock CANDIES/ TOBACCO COLD DRINKS f tW . Dawson (Fam erly Operated by O. F. Everhart) In some sections dinner lunch clubs, various woman's clubs and or ganizations are offered a list of so called entertaining 6r instructive speakers, either men or women. A lot of fancy -subjects are listed for a Choice but the basis of each is Com munistic and ‘carries with ■it the doctrine of class hatred, In cities where the foreign element predom­ inates speakers lay stress on issues that anc pleasing to that sect but back of it all is a well guarded , attack on our form of government and especially ideals that have been hand­ ed down from the days of the Puritans. In this county speakers have jliscuased topics that bring race strife.. Most of these speakers are not Able financially to travel over the country for the “good of the cause" but it has been discovered that the Democratic national committee is financing scores in this now field of endeavor. Bert, Vic Donahey in - a public statement Monday must have set . many Democrats in Ohio to thinking more seriously of what has been going on in the New Deal^^||, Donahey sup­ ports what he thinks is right in the New Deal whether it suits Roosevelt or not. He thinks more of what the Vice President Garner and wife landed in Cincinnati last Sunday night, where they spent the night, unannounced except to ’ hotel em­ ployees who were cautioned as to silence until the party took its de­ parture the next morning for their home in Uvalde, Texas. The AjMnday “Enquirer” carries a story that Vice President Garner and Roosevelt have broken over public policy legislation in congress. Garner is a Democrat of the old school and he has no use for the Roosevelt brand of Commun­ ism. He opposes court packing, wants the budget 'balanced and demands that the administration return to true Democratic principles. Roosevelt knows little or nothing of finance, less of law and order, has a mania for controlling the courts along the line of dictatorship: and is under the magic spell of John L. Lewis the labor Communist, that will be ,a candidate for p-'-sident on the Democratic ticket m.der'present plans in 1940. The Garners will not be back in Washington ‘during the present ses­ sion of Congress, In case the court packing bill, is a tie vote, the Vice President will be 8,000 'miles from Washington; This is interesting news to Democrats that have been uphold­ ing Roosevelt's hands. No other Vice President in yjthe history of the country ever found it necessary to leave his post to save' his personal as well hs his political reputation. Owner of an identification tag through a protective association, can have same by proving property by the” number and paying for this notice. Apply at this office. Messrs. Howard Arthur and W. R. Watt inspected several fine stock farms in Indiana last Saturday. Mr. Arthur purchased a fine Duroc male hog, he specializing in that line and breed. Dr. W. R. McCheaney officiated a t the marriage of Miss Margaret Louise Berk, and Mr. Frederick Hough, Day- ton, Wednesday evening a t 7:15 in the Memorial Presbyterian Church. The bride is a graduate of Cedarville Col lege and has been teaching in the Dayton schools. The couple will re side in Dayton. MISS DORIS SWABY MARRIED WEDNESDAY EVENING DONAHEY’S HAVE ENOUGH Hal Donahey, son of Senator Vic Donahey, has resigned as superin­ tendent of Indian LaWe, a position he has held for six year. I t is said a coolness has deveioppd between the Senator and Gov. Davey over party management in the state. Davey's winking at union labor lawlessness in strikes has caused the Senator to be somewhat critical of such action. Miss Doris Swaby, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Alfred Swafoy, Clifton* pike, became the bride of Mr. Charles Spencer, Springfield, a t the home of the bride, Wednesday evening a t 7:80 o'clock. The ceremony was read by Dr. Daniel Brownlee, Dayton, using the single ring service. The vows were taken before an altar of green-, ery and flowers, Miss Nina StevenBon and Mr. Charles Borst, being attend­ ants of the couple. The bride wore a silk crepe sports frock with accessories to match and carried a large bouquet of Johnanna Hill rosea, and babybreath. Miss Stevenson wore a pink silk linen frock with rose accessories and carried an armful of Briarcliff roses and baby- breath. Following the ceremony an ice course was served the bridal party and thirty-five guests. The couple left that evening on a wedding trip by motor. They will be a t home'after June 21 a t 43 Chittenden Ave., Co­ lumbus. The bride and groom are graduates of Cedarville College and attended Miami and Ohio Universities. She has been employed as Commercial teacher in the Pitchin schools. Mr. Spencer is taking a post graduate course in chemical engineering a t Ohio State. The O. S. & S. O. Home Board of Trustees have asked the State Board of Control for $30,000 to install a water tower, pumps and reservoir. ARROW SHIRTS F a th e r ’s D a y Sunday,June 20th Howtopampev'Dad You'd probably like to (my D d $ 9 world with a fence around it fo r Father's Day, Sunday, June 20th. But if you can't scrape up this much cash, why not drop in here and buy him an Arrow shirt or an Arrow tie? Arrow shirts have the best-looking collars made by man . . ; the incomparable form -tit Mitoga cu t , . . and ire Sanforized, a new shift if one eVer shrinks. $2 up. Arrow ties have the same fine styling that has made the shirts so celebrated. $1 and $1.10, MCDCEMAJN’S 4 r 1 • HnwiwgfVwll RWhi C Xm l* , O k k WHAT YOU GET FOR YOUR LIVE STOCK IS WHAT COUNTS Wh*t your live stock sella for, or wfcuat commiaaioo is deducted,, isn't so important am what YOU ^receive. The high prices bid at our auction and our low commissions enable you to take homo more money for your stock. That is what counts! MAKE OUR MARKET YOUR MARKET SPRINGFIELD LIVE STOCK SALES € 0 . Sherman Ave. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Mala 1M-J PROOF OF ALL 5 BASIC SERVICES f o r C o m p l e t e H o m o R e f r i g e r a t i o n 1 . M EATE tltt.A1IUTY 2. MEAIEISTMME-ABILITY 3 . HEATER MOTECT-MIUTY 4 . SKATEI ifKRI-AIILITY 5 . AEEATEEIAYE-AMITY Oaiy nuamAIREhas the CUtft CUMKNT eOSTTCTUftONU Simfhit trfrig if mtimg mttmmim evtr M l* / Givee , , ■UPDUDUTVatamazing saving, m THBFKOOF with an actual ;decok metertcst. ! OCOMBINE AND SEE HOW YOU CAN MAKE AMAZING SAVINGS GY BUY ING T H IS WAY—ON M o o n NEWINSTANTCUBE-RELEASE ‘ IN EVERY ICE TRAY Only Frigidaire Has I tf Instaatly'releases ice-cube* from tray, two or a dozen s t a time. Yields 20J4 more ice by ending ikucctmelMgewsste. Come in ana see its quick, easy action. WrigjkMrmto made only b y Qonorml Motors Cummings Phone 78 HARDWARE COMPANY South Main St, ELECTRICITY NEVER j TAKES ’ VACATION ' Tho electrical servants in your home never take a vacation . . , never want an afternoon or evening off, For electric service is continuous service * .. ready day or night when­ ever you press the button. Yet the cost of electricity has gone steadily downward until it now stand s at the lowest point in its history. The Dayton Power a n d Light Company V-r Local ai For Sale—Oi range. Call tl turn. Choir Rehear ing the Friday week. ■ Mrs. Margai quite ill at h. street. Mr. Kenneth been here for returned to Lay is employed aw Industrial Schoo For Sale—Ont tractor. Just In A-l condition. Springs, Ohio. Prof. II. W. be located in t where the fom State working Mrs. Adda A Ruth and Mrs daughter, spent relatives in Mil Miss Rebeer,- been attending Granville, O., h the summer , va Miss Genehn Friday morninf! •New York, wlu ing the past fo Mr. Greer A1 Miss Julia, an went to Chicai visited at the Schroder, an au Mr. McCallister tion of the Zen that city. The home ol . Straley, south scene of the 1 Sunday. A has at noon. Rela the day were: Mr. and Mr Richard, Max Springs; Mr. a Bob and Paul, Mr, and Mrs. H Mrs, O. A. D Arthur Evans; Mildred of Was Burrell and Fi field, and . host Mrs, LUiiris St Net Co Smar Sheer , m V 17-19 W m m A ,r \