The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 27-52

Utai; Swum *"niiui % Hi** Gsnevia** Jesses eetorttihisd tb* »m3m* 0 the "ow Mg** me* * * * * * * Urntorn k « R n S i h £ T f f i E r K W K : ,TW *■**• ^ ' th« Knoti keew, DseemW 13th, The Mimri Chri#tMM party (rf th* --* -«•.—■ - L*,,.,Mm Reeesreh ch ib wtH b« fesM 0 the G*)« Rase. • student « f the-Ohio Ht***»n Dm, Friday «**& *, Dee, 8 St*te U*lr*r*%i Ootemlma^spaat ft* ft « : * o'clock. All vesemtieba p u t to Hr*. W» W. Galloway pot w*k and with Itl* parent*, Mr. a»d,*» *Wi# I n . Gael Rea*, HRw Rath .Bom* M for w*k-*a 4 eUMt*. Visa Libby Thorn.* of Dele- w *«, Ohio, and Mr*. Thahna McCor­ mick of Worthington, Ohio. For Rent—Six-room house, go. Main rtw t. J. M. M. McMillan, Mis* Bath Burn* ent.rt.inod * hooting party from Worthington, O., .to a ft o'clock dinner, Saturday eve ning. ' Misses- Josephine Aold, Doris Hart­ man and ©inor Hughes, were week­ end guests o f Miss Dorothy Daugh­ erty of Batavia; 0. * - ■'' PMV «"«)l«Wi_l.lVl.l,!,. Cedar Cliff Chapter, D. A. R-, will meet at the home of Mrs. Anna Wilson, Saturday, December 4, at 2 P- *D- iater than Dec. 1st J. A. Filsoe; Clifton grocer, haa »H hia topiae** to Be* Miller, Springfield, who haa taken charge. Mr, Filson ha* been located in CUf- ten for eleven yean. Ho has not an­ nounced his plana for the future. Member* of the College Dramatic CIpb will give the play “ The Late Cbrl*topl*er Bean” in the opera house, Deo, 9th, Members o f the cast are Genevieve Jason, Springfield; Fred Lott, Cleveland; John GiUispee, Cfn cinnati; Mary Johnston, Yellow Springs; and Jane Frame, John Peter< son and James Anderson, Cedarville. Messrs. Clyde A, Hutchison,’ Jr,, and Paul Miller, Columbus, were guests over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, S. West. -** Mr. and .Mrs, John A, Davi* are announcing the birth of a ..daughter, Friday, Nov. 19, at the City Hospital, Springfield, O; i ‘ ✓ Let your ,money earn an income. Current‘ dividend 4 per cent per an­ num. Cedarville Federal Sayings & Loan Assn. AH the four children, Winfrith, of Columbus,, Deland, of New York, Miriam, of Toledo, and Bruce, o f Per rysvilta with the wives, and the hua- »nd, *nd three grandchildren, will be guests at the Methodist 'Parsonage, Thanksgiving Day. ,,Thdma* French, colored; 70, of this place died Friday at' the .Miami Valley Hospital, following a long ill ness. The funeral was''held Monday afternoon from the A. M. E. Church with* burial in Jamestown Ceihetery. He is survived by a brothey, Edward ajnd a .sister, Bessie French of this place. ” ' Mts. Mary Little Dice, Xenia, honored her niece, Mrs. John .Little, —s--------------- ;Sandusky, 0., a recent bride, and Mrs. The Union, Thanksgiving sendee Robert Winters MacGregor, Sr., Or- was held Wednesday evening in the leans, Mans., who is spending part, of U. P. Church, the service, being.con-'the Winter in Cedarville with her son ducted by Rev- B, J. Adams. ^ and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. --------------------------- f Mrs. Robert MacGregor, Jr., with a Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kyle and lovely tea at the JLittle home last daughter, Eileen o f Manchester, will Friday afternoon, guests being receiv- spend a few days with their parents, ed from three until five o'clock. Guests Mr. and. Mrs. J, E. Kyle, and attend from here included Mrs. Robert Mac- the Thanksgiving dinner of the Kyle Greg'Or, Jr., Mrs. W. S. Hopping and family at the same place. •' Mrs. Karlh Bull. Judge James S /fo s t and aon.Nor^ . Hiss Jesse Small, who has been in a man-West; of Madesta, Calif., were convalescent hospital jn _ Yellow the guests on Tuesday of hia cousin, Spnhgs. was bought to her hpme Mr. J. S. West and family. The trip S i to’Pontiac, Mich., was plane suffered ayaralytic. stroke and they were ebroute home from and has not recovered. he,je‘ ________ f . . ... | The first car o f “Wonderbam". The Charles Mason ^residence, in Wilbeiforce burned Tuesday . night ^ e» ■ « « , a »h .™ ., ' “ F ™ " * , * « “ ? » " * “ '■ . '-I about Masoh w I w i T be sold from the'ear. Special nine o clock. Mr. and Mrs. wi<* be foundjn and their . son-irt4aw and Pr,ca f Jr Z . „ . ' * l u X e r Mr and MraWOliam *Ivetfistanebt in this ban*, daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Wujiam.tian-, rttrMUSiNRR A-CttESWfEL President MeChesney preached inj the First Presbyterian Church, Rich- j mead, Mat Sabbath. He alse was at! the Kiwanis (Hub, Yellow, Springs,; Tbeaday night. { Dr, McOmeney, Dean Steele, Judge] Wright, Rev. Bwjamin Adams, and! Mr, Karlh Kill attended a delightful { and educational meeting of a Literary Club at the Home of Mr. John L. Dorst, Springfield, Monday night. . M § f‘ College Gospel Team The Cedarville College Gospel Team conducted two services last Sunday. In the morning the group, went to Emery's Chapel near Yellow Springs, Ohio, to conduct the regular morning worahip of that churc,h . In the eve Christmas Seals ore here o^atat THty protect yow home from Tuberculosis Thousands of men and women in Ohio will open their mail on the morning o f Nov. 27 end find one or move sheets of Christmas Health Seal*.' For thirty year* the little sticker* have financed the fight a- ,K„ ~ __, „ , . -'gainst tuberculosis in Ohio under the churches which was held in the ^ r , ^ 0" ' J®4, ^ £ Methodist Church. The speakers w e J fl,,ated »nti-tubcrcplosi8 and — Doris Ramsey w|io spoke on "Prayer,” Bennett McNeal whose subject was "Faith,” and John Taylor who dis­ cussed "Good Works.” Ted James sang a solo, "Prayer Perfect.” The Gospel Team plans to go to the Ca­ tawba M. E. Church this Sunday. health 1 groups located in every county of the state and In some of the cities. It is estimated that more . than 750,<Hf letters containing the 1Seals will be sent to residents of the state soliciting, cooperation Tn the battle that is being waged against tuber- Donald Fouiks, W^ynesville, is presj- *»dd,«oh; Christmas ^alth dent of the organisation and Dean C. J 818^ mI at jg *® ^ W. Steele is the faculty adviser. throu*h. P®” ohal «ol«^tion. Every . . person m the state will be given an Program o f ,Thanksgiving °P^ rtT ? 1° ^ uu e A Thanksgiving worship service ^ j was held Wednesday in the College dePic^ f po” f *nd colorful Town Chapel at a joint meeting of the Y. % Bari*,d » hU warm « * M- andY, W. C. A. The pr og r am.Hue and three-cornered hat, he chairmen of the organisations,1bnnf t<» mii,d one of the most FVances Kimble and Justin Hartman prepared-the program. After the de votional period in which- Wavealine Kelso read the scripture short talks were given by Roy Linton, Catherine Harbaugh, and .James Anderson. Special music was furnished by’ Ray Sisson and the College Male Quartet. SURPRISE PARTY SUNDAY AT ROSS COUNTRY HOME A group of relatives and friends gathered at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. popular and ancient character* in many lands—the man who went from house to house warning of danger, telling .the news and protecting the household. s ' The seal was designed by A. Robert Nelson, well known artist of New York,' who has linked it with Alex­ ander Woolcott, the Town Crier of the radio, who has donated a radia talk on the. Christmas Seal Sale, recordings of which will be heard throughout the land between Thanks­ giving and Christinas. Like the Town Crier of old, the ginated in a room ....-------„ -----.• .-a. stove was used for heating. Detect-; W-mters in .Dayton job shojf are ing smoke Mr. and Mrs. Dabney rush-’ out on strike demanding *1-20 .an ed up stairs'to get theiif baby; Before .hour; which «je pwnws say they can, they knew it their return by the stair- not -pay with the social Security taxra way was impossible. The father wifh levied on them. K we remember all the baby jumped to the-ground, with- of these master printers vrera Strong out injury but Mrs. Dabrtey suffered the Rmwevelt NRA to crush the a bad leg injury in her jump. The »«»*»« print shops with high union loss is placed at *1,000 for house end wages, , ^ contents. Subscribe io “ TB fi ffERALT*” Cozy Theater THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY NOVEMBER Z5-M-27 ^ B I G D A Y S ■ JEAN HARUOW CLARK GABLE —-in— “ S A R A T O G A ” SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS SUNDAY and MONDAY NOVEMBER 28-29 JOE E. BROWN “RIDING ON AIR** NEWS AND COMEDY Milkmoney... isHOME TOWN monay SteadyJokoakHoa ol mllk *»oa*y teeen* steady besteaw la a Moeelteapete, Aa fe* dm ^ ami aAeif ketee tewa '.RIISfsNe ttsjppg#«tetils* . 1 am - ■ Carl Boss, of near Cedarville, Sun- 1907 Christmas Seal warns of danger day for a surprise dinner party honor- —the danger of tuberculosis. ing the birthday anniversaries of the ------------- r— 1— father of Mrs. Boss, Mr. U. G. Fergu- u . * ur » son of near MUledgevRle and their Wl“ £ W* rt i ° . . ~ little granddaughter, Jegnie Reese of Become Bnde Dec. 29 Accordion and pimp music was en-' l*™ whose engagement ;oyed by the guests and was furnish- ,Mr‘ ^ly<k Allen Hutchison, Jr., of ed by Miss Helen Boss and Miss Dona CoIumbus- formerly of Cedarville, was Claire Shfeley of Jamestown. announced several month*, ago, has * Those enjoying' the occasion were: ‘•hosen December 29 at the date for Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Ferguson and Miss her weddmg. . ' ' ' Imogene Ferguson of near Milledgo- The nuptials will be solepmized at ville; Mrs,-Elizabeth Smith and son,- E*o Cedarville M. ■£. Church. The Herbert, Mrs. Ward Sheley and bridegroom's father, Rev. C. A. daughter, Dona Claire of Jamestown; Hutchison, pastor o f South M. E. Mr: and Mrs. Esta White, Mr. and Church, Columbus, and former pastor -Mrs;. John Chitty, Mr. and Mrs, ° f the Cedarville''church, will officiate Gerald Bock, Mr; and Mrs. Bollo ft the’ceremony, Chitty of Bowersville; Dr. and Mrs. Miss West ia the daughter of Mr, ‘ft* L- Ford o f Washington C. H.; Mr- and Mrs. Joseph .Stewart West and Stanley Chitty of Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. was graduated iron* Cedarville Col* Arthur Jones of Springfield; Mr. and lege in 1934 and attainted Ohio State Mrs. Wm. Reese and daughter, Jeanie University. She taught at Bussell- of Dayton and Gale Ross of Colum- ville, O., for one year and in Spring bus,. jValley Twp. Gigh School for two '— s—--------- —r* j years. She i* popular among a wide EDWARDS GARAGE LOCATED [circle of friends it;,.Greene County NOW IN NEW BUILDING *nd a number of patties have been •— ... given in her honor since theannounce- Paul Edwards, local Dodge and Pty- teeht of her batrathal. mouth dealer, announces the opening*- Mr. Hutchison, wl«0 was graduated of-hi* new -salesroom and garage from Cedarville College in 1938, is an Which is housed in a modern fireproof assistant in the chemistry department building on ' S. Main street. The at Ohio Steto University^where he is garage is equipped with the latest completing requirements for a doctor's mechanical devices for rendering first- degree in chemistry. He has been a- dass service to 'the motoring public, wetded A fellowship, to Columbia Uni- He invite# all toyvisit his new garage varsity "and will, be .engaged in re- *pd sales room without obligation. search-work there later this year. Tuesday evening, Nov. 30th Mr. * -.—y ----- —, — - EdWards will have a moving picture General- Smedley Butler says: “ If tliat will be free to all entitled we don't*control liquor the nation is “Wheels Across Africa,” and “An finished.” And the only way to gain Evening With Major Bowes,” control is to stamp it out entirely. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH R*H* Aj JsMiMen, Minlater Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Meryl Stormont, Bupt Preaching, l l a . a u Theme, “ What te Your Religion Worth.?” Y. P. C. U-, 6:30 p. nt. Subject, “Does It Matter What You Believe?” Leader^Eleanor Finney. Union Service, Methodist Church, 7:30 p. m, A Missionary Play will be given by (he women o f the Presby­ terian Church. Choir Rehearsal, Saturday, 7:80 p m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p, m. Leader, Mr. Arthur B. Evans,’ Regular Monthly Meeting oif the Session after"Prayer Meeting, 100 per cent attendance desired. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH * Charles E. Hill, Minister Church School, 10 a. nt. L. J, George; Supt. ' ■ . : Worship Service, 11 a. m. Subject: “Follow Me!” Reception o f members. Church Conference, at Selina 2:30 p. m. The District Superintendent, Dr. C. E.’ Turley, will preach and con­ duct the-conference. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m.' Union Meeting,-7:30 p. ,m- in our Church. A Missionary play will he given tinder the direction of Miss Basore, of the Chllege. Our Epworth League' is participat­ ing in a Booth,Festival; to- be'held in Trinity Church;" Xenia, Saturday. Proceeds gb’ tq thC 'support -o f the Methodist Children's Home, at Worth­ ington. Ali-day meeting of the Ladies’ Aid, W. F. M, S., and W. H. M. S,, will be held at the Church next Wednesday, Dec. 1. The Golden Rule Circle will - be meeting this Friday evening, Nov. 26, at the home of Mrs. G. H. Hartman: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Benjamin N. Adams,, Minister1 Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Lesson: “Christian Fruitfulness.” John 15;1- 16. Golden Text: "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, and so shall-ye he my disciples.” Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Theme: “Building the Kingdom-” Sermottette: “Hidden Treasure.” Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Topic; “ Suppose There Had Been No Missionaries.” Mat. 2819-20; -Luke 24; 47; Acta 2:89. 1 Union Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. At the Methodist Church, - A .mis- siohary play still he presented en­ titled, “The Woman Who Turned Back.” „ , . Session Meeting, Monday, 7:30 p. m. Junior Choir, 4 p. m., Wednesday. Mid-Week Study Class entitled: "The Lay Leader Looks at the Pres­ byterian Church.” 7:30 p. m., Wednes­ day. This first period still be devoted primarily to enrollment and organisa­ tion. " ' Senior Choir, 8 p. ni., Saturday. MISSION PLAY AT THE UNION SERVICE COLO WEATHER AUTO NEEDS Make your car as cosy a» your living room for winter. Come in arid let u* show you how economically you can do it. YouMl find here all this acces­ sories and Heeds to keep winter out­ side and to protect your motor, *0 that winter driving will be a pleasure. FORD AUTO. RADIO $ 4 8 .0 0 a ” **. 1 * 1 TOto HBATEB *14 ,00 FORD • ; e iO l t DEFROSTER . . . . * * * * * Ford Anti; Freeze- ..$1 .00 Snper-Pyro $1.00 - . " , ’ ' , ■ ; ■ Have your motor checked—change to winter «AI and greased. Brake* may need adjustment. Our service will please you under able Ford men,’ Phenes 8 JEAN D. PATTON FO tm SALES A SERVICE ....... mm j#t*» Xenia Avefcas A mission play entitltd, "The Woman Who Turned Back” will be presented at the Union Evening Serv- ce on Sunday 7:30 p. m. The pub­ lic is cordially invited to come and enjoy the inspirational message which is a part'of thia play. The east, of characters is Miss Basore as Ellen Carter, the missionary* Mrs- Adams as Mrs, Carter as--Frances, Ellen's sister, and Miss Jessica, Taylor as Sang Tab, a'native Korean women, The play will be presented at the Methodist Church. Mr. Reece Barber, who has been visiting here the past week, leaves, Thursday for Dayton where he will spend a day, before returning to his home in Beverly Hills, Calif. 1 c o n s ig n m R i m m a ■ m wm .. springfipj ) wmmommm ca s i' A X X m m EVERY M m iY Shsnaaa Av*. , .. BPSDIftraRLB^ imk m i ■sspaei worry by • W h e n e v e n t s in o th e r .tow n s m e a n !much to you a n d y o u rs ,.k e e p in form ed b y l o n g d i s t a n c e t e l e ­ ph on e . It co s ts little, « « V T R t O H I O BKLL T E L EPHONE CO. r of jEv«y ^ ”* *; Overcoat Hers lii'A vV«- True, Warm Friend ¥ou don't grade your friends by the inoney ' ' you make. You don’t like Bill because he makes • *10 a week more than Frank. * ' 1 ’ 1 * t “ * t * : * Anfi so It is.with these O'coats. Every coat . was a fine' garment before it got in and It's,a . fine garment when it goes out. . . and that.goes . . whether it's a stunning brown plaid at *25 o r . a-gorgeous gray oxford, at *50. ' " \ Regardless of your, figure, physically or M- nanclnlly, we have the selections,. That's what wo want to put over today., •. that W* have the overcoats, SUITS AND OVERCOATS * 2 5 O ther Su its and O ’C oa ts ujp t o $75 and $100 V o g u e S i i c p 20 «IHi 22 SO. FOUNTAIN AVI* - SPRINGFIELD, OHIO MANHATTAN AND ARROW SHIRTS— BEAU SRUMMNELTIES aaur- The public is M e d to inspect our newsales andservicestation and eiqoy free motion pictures; Tuesday Evening,Nov* 30 BEGINNING AT 7:30 P. M. Sosiid FilmBto be Shown a r e :........ ■ : ' ' Adfeoib mmbc A” “AN EVENING WITH MAJOR BOWES” N a n ! E d w a r d * ■ §»s the.Ntw Dodge mid. iPiyuwHith Me*ot'