The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 27-52

CEDARVILLE HERALD, TRIDAY, JUNE 9$, 1*31 Mr. Howard Gorgas of Minnesota University was the guest a t Miss Don ns Burns, Monday. For Sale—Baby bed, walnut. Phone 200 . Miss Lounette Sterrett, who teaches in the public' schools in Erie, Pa., is expected home this week for the Bum­ mer vacation. Prof.- T. S. Robe and family of Cumberland, 0., are visiting a t the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mc- Kibben. Miss Julia McKibben left Monday for Oxford, O., where she has entered Miami University for advance work in her Master of Arts degree. Prof, and Mrs. Henry Hey of the faculty of Frenchburg, Kentucky, were guests of the Jamiesons Wednesday of this week. The Golden Rule Circle of the M, E. Churph held its class party a t the home of Mrs, Aden Barlow Thursday night. Mr. John Lott came Saturday from Pittsburgh, Pa., to spend a few days here. He was accompanied home by bis wife who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. W, H. Owens. Rey, E. 0. Ralston, United Pres­ byterian pastor, Clifton, has recover­ ed from an operation for appendicitis at a Xenia hospital and is now a t his home. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. West had for their dinner guests Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. C, E, Hutchison and family of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hart­ man and family, Rev. C. E. Hill and wife of Cedarville, and Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Xenia, O. For S a le-O il' Perfection , kitchen range. Call' this office for informa­ tion; Tuesday, the Jamiesons entertained Mrs. Clara Wright and daughters, Mrs. Helen Paxton and Miss Elvira, of Morning Sun, Ohio. Misses Donna and Ruth Burns a t­ tended the alumni banquet, of Hanover -High School, Hamilton, Ohio, on last Saturday evening, and were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krucker. - Miss Ruth Burns of Cedarville has resigned as supervisor o f' music in New Carlisle and will be connected with the faculty of the Worthington schools, Columbus, for the coming year. Miss Carma Hostetler, who has been the guest of her brother and sister-in- law, in Greenrivery Utah, has returned home and is now a student in Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Chest Clinic will be held under the auspices of the Greene County Health League and Greene .County Depart­ ment of Health, July 7th at the Court House. Dr. W. A. Briedenbach, di- agnosticion. Red Cross Junior and Senior Life Saving instruction, examiner, John F. Richards. Lessons four days with examination on the fifth day, starting Monday afternoon, June 28 a t 2:00 p. m. No cost for life saving work. Phillips Swimming-Pool,. Xenia, Ohio, For information, call 49 Cedarville. CORRECTION FOR SCHOOL NEWS In the issue of June 11th the fallow­ ing seniors should have been included in the School News: Marie Collins, Warren Elam, Martha Jane Martindalc. Mr. A. E, Faulkner, Xenia, former county auditor, who underwent an operation at -Miami Valley .Hospital, Dayton, last week, was forced to sub­ mit to a,, second this week. His con­ dition is reported fair. Mr. John L. Dorst and wife have been spending their vacation touring the west A card this week indicates they were at Colorado Springs and would leave for - Santa Fee, New Mexico and- then start east for home. Mr. Dorst is business.'manager of Cedarville College. Miss Flora Nisbet of Xenia has been spending the week here with Miss Jessie Small and other friends. Word, has been received ■ that Mr. Harry Owens, Detroit, formerly of. this place, has been ill-for some time and has been in a hospital in his city for treatment. He is reported some­ what improved. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Charles E. HiU, Minister Church School, 10 a. m. All will go immediately into their classes. At 10:30 the orchestra will play two numbers, and then th-s Worship Serv- vice will begin, at about 10:40, •and will be concluded about 11:30. The subject in the Worship service is “Consider the Lilies." The Annual Epworth League Con­ vention of Wilmington District will be held on the M. P. Camp Grounds, Sabina, Sunday afternoon and -eve­ ning, our group will present the drama, “Bread," which won second place in the State Drama Festival. Mr. and Mrs. Gouid James and daughters, Ruth Ann, Marjorie and Carolyn of Wellston, O., /were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Masters Sun­ day. Mr. James is a /brother of Mrs. Masters,' Carolyn James, who has been visiting the Masters’ family, returned home with her parents' Sunday. Miss Esther Hines of Silverton, O., is visit­ ing her unde and aunt, Mi-, and Mrs. C. E. Masters 'for a few weeks. HOME CULTURE CLUB OFFICERS RE-ELECT TUESDAY Mrs. J. Harry Nagley, of Xenia, president, and other officers of the- Home Culture Club- of Cedarville were re-elected for the coming year a t the annual business meeting a t the homo of Mrs. S. C. Wright, of Cedar- ville, Tuesday afternoon. Other officers 'are Mrs. C. E. Hill, vice president; Mrs. Cora Trumbo, secretary, and Mrs. C.- E. Masters, treasurer. j The club voted to discontinue its I“Guest Day” meeting next year. An- jnuaT reports of officers and committee 'chairmen were submitted and the fol­ lowing program committee was named to serve in. 1937-38;-Mrs. Ddla John­ son, chairman; Mrs. Paul Orr, Mrs. A, E. Richards, Mrs .F, A. Jurkat and Mrs. C. E. Hill. A covered dish luncheon was served preceding the business session. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. N. Adams, Minister Friday, June 25—A reception in honor df our new pastor, Rev. B. N. Adams, and his family, 8:30 p. m. Sunday, June 27—Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Mr. Paul Ramsey, Supt. Lesson: “Messages from Genesis." Heb. 11:3-10, .17-22. Golden Text: “These all died in faith, not having re­ ceived the promises, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." Heb. 11:13. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. “The Thirst For God." Junior Sermon: “Thristy But Not Thirsty Enough.” Union Service, 8:00 p, m., at the United Presbyterian Church. Rev. B. N. Adams, will speak on “Swine, or the Lord of Love." Monday, June 28—Monthly Session Meeting a t the Manse, 8:00 p. m. June 28-July 5, Young People’s Con­ ference at Oxford, Ohio. ' again a year ahead with Features like .Robot Dial Electric Automatic Tuning PewonalixedAcousticAdapter Electric Target Tuning Local Station Indicators BetweeA‘Station* Silencer. man hm t wave IKEIVEAI Of S EMM 01MOMME (Oil Will manion- unwranM I BnUn.i,, p l c“»l *U. - **'• UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A, Jamieson.’ Minister Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Meryl Stormont, Supt. . Preaching, 11 a. hi. Theme, “Bright Hearts.” We will have with us Prof. Henry Hey as guest soloist. Prof. Hey is Professor o f ' Science in Frenchburg, Kentucky. Y. P. C. U„ 7 p.' m. Subject, “Recreation that Reveals Character.” Union Service, p,. m,, in our Church. Rev. B. N. Adams will bring the mes­ sage this week. Choir Rehearsal, Saturday, 8 p. m., in the church. ' Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m„ in the church. Leader, Mr. J. E, Kyle. The Women’s Missionary Society will meet next Monday, 2 p. m., in the church. The Y. P. C. U., are to hold an ice Cream and cake festival Saturday evening in the Bird store room, formerly ..occupied by the Kroger Grocery. Both the ice cream and cake are home-made and guaranteed to be first-class. If any wish the above for your supper hour, if you telephone your order to Miss Martha Waddle, chairman, it will be deliver­ ed to your home. Your patronage is solicited, the proceeds, to send dele­ gates to tlie National Convention to be held at New Concord, August 18- 22. Waddles telephone number is 191-F-12. Official Fight Pictures Shown At Fairbanks Many of the fight fans in this sec­ tion will drive to Springfield to see (he official ring-side motion pictures of the Braddock-Joe Louis world's heavyweight championship fight, which attracted a milllon-doilar gate in Chicago, Tuesday night. The pictures, which were filmed nt the ringside by Special high-speed cameras, have been rushed to leading theatres throughout the country by airplane. They will be shown in Springfield at the Fairbanks Theatre, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 24-25-20. The sound films depict plainly and clearly every blow of the sensational battle and while the cameras were catching the fighters actions the sound machines were recording every word, every.grunt and every groan of the fighters and the great crowd. The clear, cioRe-up pictures of the battle are said to be even better than a $27.50 ringside sent, Theatre patrons can see everything that hap­ pened during the fight and all the thriller-punches have been reproduced in slow motion so fans can study the exact way the blows were started and where they landed. The Fairbanks Theatre in Spring field will show a complete hew feature picture, “Breezing Home," in conjunc­ tion with the fight film a t popular low | price scales, MISS REGENA SMITH IS COMPLIMENTED Miss Wanda Turnbull, teacher in the Xenia public schools, was hostess to a group of friends at a party at her home on Cfnbill Road, near Springfield, Thursday afternoon, honoring Miss RVgcnn Smith, of Xenia, formerly of Cedarville, bride elect of Mr. .Tames Avramoff, of Springfield. Contests were enjoyed and prizes were awarded Mrs. Frank CresVvell, of Cedarville, and Mrs/ Lawrence Bar­ ber, of Xenia. The bride-elect was presented an attractive array of gifts concealed at the end of a “mystery cliuin," An ice bourse, with pink and green appointments, was served. Fifteen guests from ■Xenia, Springfield and!| Cedarville were entertained. The marriage of Miss Smith and Mr. Avramoff was solemnized in the Wittenberg College Chapel, Spring- field, Saturday morning. STEVENSON-HICKMAN NUPTIALS WEDNESDAY Miss Nina Stevenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CharleB Stevenson, be­ came the bride of Mr. Vernon Hick­ man, Springfield, at the bride’s home, Wednesday in a beautiful out-of-doors ceremony. The ceremony Was per­ formed before an altar o f madonna lilies and fern on the veranda of the Stevenson home, Rev. J. J. Mentzer, reading the double ring ceremony be­ fore some forty-fice guests. Preceding the ceremony Mr. Walter Corry, of West Jefferson, played a thirty-minute program of nuptial music on the piano and Mrs. Corry sang “Oh Promise Me” and “I Love You Truly.” Leading the bridal procession were Marilyn Powers, of Dayton, cousin of the bride, and Anna Lee Smith, of Butler, Ind., niece of the bridegroom, who, as flower girls, wore duinty frocks in pastel shades and carried baskets of daisies, and white roses. Following the flower girls walked Mrs. Charles Spencer' (Doris Swaby), of Columbus, formerly of Clifton, a bride of one week, who, as matron of honor; wore a gown of pink em­ broidered organdie, with white acces­ sories, and carried an arm bouquet of pink roses and baby breath. The bride was lovely in a gown of white mousseline de sole pnd lace, fashioned along princess lines, with a slight train. She wore a Juliet cap of seed pea) '^ and carried an old- fashioned nosegay' of white roses, sweet peas and baby breath. She also carried the handkerchief which ,was carried by her mother at her wedding. Mr. Oiten Helvern, of Springfield, attended Mr. Hickman as best man. Following the ceremony a two course wedding supper was served in the Stevenson home. Eight guests were seated at the bride’s table, which was decorated with honeysuckle, ma­ donna lilies and white tapers in crystal holders. Other guests were seated at small table. Mr. and Mrs. Hickman left Wednes­ day night to spend a week in Michi­ gan. Upon their return they will re­ side in Springfield. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hickman were graduated from Cedarville College. Mrs. Hickman has taught in the Sel­ ma, O., schools for the last three years and Mr, Hickman is employed, in the research department of the Buckeye Incubator Co., Springfield. He is the son of Mr. anil Mrs. Harley Hickman, of Springfield, formerly of Xenia. Guests at the wedding includod Mrs. Margaret Milroy, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Powers, Mrs. Euta Coleman and Miss Anita Creig, of Dayton ;„Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith, of Butler, Ind.; Dr. and Mrs. Russell E. Halstead, of Xenia;' Miss Clara Kyle, of Winona Lake, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spencer, of Columbus, aiid Mr. and Mrs. James AvrnmofT (Regena Smith) of Springfield. Mrs. Hickman, Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Avramoff were former school­ mates at Cedarville College and all became brides within one week. Hare You Given Thought Where Your Loved Ones W ill Be Placed? You owe it to your fam ily to p repa re before hand fo r th a t time when a burial place w il^be needed. Why w a it until th e hour of need when you or the fam ily must make decision under a nervous stra in ? Your investment now in a suitable lo t re ­ lieves you as th e head of th e fam ily of a ta sk a t a time when your thoughts are centered in th e vacancy In the home. If you own your lot which is fu lly endowed you have no o ther care. The endowment guaran tees perpe tual care in a mutual company where the lo t owners have fu ll control through a board of trustees. Many young men with families have made th is provision and have selected th e ir lo ts in Massies Creek Cemetery. They are fully aware of the high s tanda rd of care th e Board of Trustees has required fo r all lots. • ’ • ‘ ! / ’ . ■ Every safe-guard is provided fo r perpe tua l grow th of th is Association to insure your protection in the years to come and th a t fu tu re generations will continue a program of security as stable,as your boards of past years have done. W ithin recen t months the Board of Trustees have g rea tly improved the appearance of Massies Creek. Cemetery ,by an e legant and a ttrac tive new entrance. Certain ru les govern all burials as well as erection of headstones and monuments. No favo r is gran ted one lot owner th a t is no t g ran ted another. Drive out and make an inspection of th is century old in­ stitution. There are many choice lots fo r sale and information can be had from any member of th e Board of Trustees o r any officer. If you have no t a suitable m arker on a lo t you may own, why not provide fo r one. The rules do no t make it compulsory but the respect fo r those who have passed on, ca r one— ; modest in style or price, elaborate and costly if you like. ’ E ither r is p roper and adds to the attractiveness pf any burial ground. W hy Not Make a Choice of a Lot Soon? MASSIES CREEK Cemetery Association, Walter C, Iliff, Pres.; R. S. Townsley, Vice Pres.; Meryl Stormont, Secretary; Karlh Bull, Treasurer mmmam COZ Y THEATRE TONIGHT RICHARD DIX CHESTER MORRIS DELORES DEL RIO in an exciting undersea drama “Devils’ Playground” —also— . “Dick Tracy” SATURDAY The theatre will operate j VIRGINIA BRUCE usar, i 7 * £ • £ ■ « * ' 1 McCAIXISTER Radio Service C#darv»lle> Ohio continuously from noon until mid- j night, Thursday, Friday and Satur­ day, to accomodate the big crowds.: This second balcony will be open to the general public, permitting colored patrons to enjoy the thrill of seeing ' their idol of the ring, Joe Louis, in tlie championship ring. The pictures wilt he shown a t the Fairbanks in Springfield, three days only, Thurs­ day, Friday and Saturday, June 24- 25-26. ! f:D RADIO MELVYN DOUGLAS —* In —■ “Women of Glamour” SUNDAY and MONDAY LORETTA YOUNG * TYRONE POWER ADOLPHE MENJOU — In — “Cafe Metropole” rusemote for Less Money onYour 1937 Vacation- GO IN M AKE this Vacation the best you’ve ever had—go in , a Chevrolet! You’ll travel more safely in a Chevrolet, for it’s the only low- priced car that combines such fea­ tures as Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, a New All-Silent, All-Steel Body and Shockproof Steering*. You’ll travel more comfortably, too, for only Chevrolet brings you the Improved Gliding Knee-Action. Ride* a t Chevrolet’s low prices, And ytfu'll also travel more economically, for Chevrolet’s New High-Compression Valve-in-Head Engine is unusually thrifty with gas and oil. Decide now to have more pleasure for less money on your 1937 Vacation—-go in a Chevrolet! *KrM,‘At1isn mnJShackpri*/ Sttving on Matter IV tux* mA h an ty. Central . g u m Intnttmmt payment, m n il year punt. C H E V R O L E T M O T O R D I V I S I O N G iiiir a l U a i t u S d l a i Ca rp tre n ian D E T R O I T , M I C H I G A N FORECONOMICAL TflANOPORTATION THE ONLY COMPLETE C A R - P R I C ED SO LOW CUMMINGS CHEVROLET SALES 1 Subscribe to “THE HERALD" CEDARVILLE* OHIO