The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 27-52

SfDlSVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, fiSFWBSft 8,1N7 L o c a l a n d P e r s o n a l Mr. #i?d Mrs. H, A, Reinhartl and son, John, le ft Thursday for Mt, Carmel, III,, «ml S t Louis, Mo., where they will visit fo r several days. Mrs. Dr. A. W. Lockwood, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. cj. M, Pickard, returned to her home in S t Louis, last Tuesday, The Young Married People’s S. S. Class, taught by Mrs, McKibben, held a picnic Wednesday evening in the Bryan State Park, Mr, S. T. Baker is having a rea l-' ■ deuce formerly known as the Ellen Little property on Chillieothe street remodeled and modernised. There, is quite a demand at present for modern property for rent. Miss Susanna West, who teaches in the Toledo public schools, is spending her vacation here with her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. West. Mr. Alfred Swaby, Clifton pike, has returned home after a visit to Georgia where he visited a nephew, who is in charge o f an airport. The trip 'was made by plane; Dr. and Mrs. Radford Potter, o f Toledo, and their little daughter, Virginia, are guests at the Methodist Parsonage. Rev. and Mrs, Hill ac­ companied them .Thursday on a brief visit to friends’ at Middletown and near Peebles, They will return Sat­ urday, N. Dr. and Mrs. G,.M. Ritchie returned home Tuesday after a ten weeks visit with relatives in Pittsburgh, Law­ rence, Mass., and other places in the East. While away ■they accompanied their son, Rev. Orland Ritchie, on a motor trip through the New England states into Maine. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chappell from Denver, Colorado, were guests from Monday until Wednesday, of the Jamiesons. Mrs. Chappell is a neiee o f Dr. Jamieson. James A, Vest is now in Cedarville,- Those wanting carpenter work can reach him at the McGuinn coal and grain ofiice on Miller street.' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kyle had for their guests this week, their son, Mr. Willard Kyle, and family, o f Man­ chester, O.;, and Mrs. Kyle’s brother, Dr. Homer Mclntire, wife and chil­ dren, Kathleen and Homer, ,Tr., of Wasus, Minnesota. * Dr. James S. McCampbeil, 84, died last Wednesday at the home of his son in Little Rock, Ark„ following an extended illness. The deceased was a former resident o f this county having practiced as a dentist 'in Xenia until twenty years ago when he located in Montgomery, Ala. He is survived by his son, Joseph, a brother, John McCampbeil, Cudarvillo, and three grandchildren. 'His wife died several years ago. . The funeral was > held ,in Mont­ gomery, Ala., Friday. COZ Y THEATRE FRIDAY : A u gu s ts “The Soldier and The Lady” Story taken from Jules Verne’s . famous book “Michael StrognlF’* --w ith— ANTON WALBROOK . ELIZABETH ALLAN SATURDAY August 7 - JACK HOLT — in— “Trouble In Morocco” —also— Cartoon, Musical and Sport Reel SUNDAY and MONDAY August 8-9 ROBERT TAYLOR BARBARA STANWYCK “This Is My Affair” —with— VICTOR McLAGLEN —Added—• News and Cartoon Fcmdalo Farms, with three herds in tlie ring at the Greene county fair, won nearly three-fourths of the prizes offered in the' Hampshire class. Champion boar, champion spw and aged herd were among their winnings. Arthur Evans has been in charge of the herd. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson o f Lennox, Iowa, have been, visiting the past week with Mr. and Mrs. D, R. Johnson. The latter celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary, Tues­ day evening. Their daughter, Mrs. Charles Conner and children of Os- horn, spent the evening with her parents. Mr, William , Conley left Wednes- :ay night by train for Chicago'where l\e will meet his son, Mr. Robert Con­ ley and family of Crystal City, Mo. From there they go by boat to St, lgnac, -Mich. They will have the Robert Conley car with them and will visit points of interest in -northern Michigan. They expect to spend a week or ten days at Bay View, Mich. . The Y. P. C. U. of the United Pres­ byterian Church are holding -an Ice Cream and .Cake ' sale Saturday .eve- Yng in the fdirmcr Kroger Grocery store room, in the Bird block, and solicit your patronage.1 If you wish Ice Cream, and Cake delivered to your home for supper, telephone Cedarville 157-F12, to Miss Eleanor Finney, chairman of- the committee. This is given to raise money to send dele­ gates to the National Y, P* G. U. Con­ vention to be held in New Concord, Ohio, August 18-22. ' .Eleanor Reed,'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Reed, entertained a number of her young ■■friends Tues­ day afternoon at the home o f her aunt, Mr. Aden Barlow,. Church st. Those assisted in entertaining and serving were: Mrs, Arthur Reed, Clifton; . Mrs, Barlow, and Mias Mary Pierce,^ Xenia. Those present were: Martha' Jane Greswell, Martha Kennori, Phyllis Jean Adams, Dorthy Waddle. Ruth Irvin, Geraldine Frame, Lois Brown, Arline Funsett, Carolyn Galloway, Clara Galloway, Helen Williamson, F.thnbelle Williamson, lean Bradfute and Elizabeth Thomas. The Cedarville Girl Scouts wish to thank the Community for their splen­ did cooperation' Saturday night at thojr Ice Cream Supper, ■Also Mrs. Leo Anderson, finance chairman and her committee of mothers and women wfio made this sale possible; Mr. .Frank Bird, who donated the store room and all the other merchants who helped us so splendidly. .The net proceeds were §23.21). Next Tuesday’s meeting at the Mayor’s office. Bring medium sized cake Ivory soap, knife and box to store materials for soap carving. “Ever Since Eve” New Hit! g * Patsy Kelly, favorite comedienne at W T l f a m S S r n romantic comedy, chocked full ifiK 53 youthful romantio sequence*. It 1* the first D*viMand Bob Montgomery and has won abhialmIn New York. ’’Brer flince Bve’’ * theater, ta ******14, ** * **** A* 1 ........ ...... UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A , Jamieson. Minister Sabbath School, 10 a. m, Meryl Stormont, Supt. Preaching, 11 a.- m. Theme, “ The King o f Glory*” Y. P. C, II., 7 p. m. Subject, “ Gambling, a Racket,” Choir Rehearsal, Saturday, 8 p. m. Street Seiyice, Saturday, 9 p. m. Orchestra w8Tplay. Song service led by Mr. Arthur 'G. Duffey. The mes­ sage by Dr. Chas. E. Hill. Remember the Congregational and S. S. Picnic Friday, August 13th, at Shawnee Park, Xenia. Let everyone plan to come and enjoy a day o f fel­ lowship. I f you do not feel acquainted with some o f the members’ o f the church, this is your opportunity. The Y . P. C. U., are making special effort this summer to raise sufficient money to send a large number o f dele­ gates to the National Y. P. C. U. Convention which meets at New Con­ cord, Ohio, August 18-22. A special offering will be taken at the regular church service on Sabbath for this purpose. The loose money in the plates w ill'go to the Y. P. C. U. The Y. P.( C. U. are also planning one more Ice Cream Social for this purpose, to be held Saturday'evening this week in the vacant Bird Store room, where good home-made Ice Cream and cake will be for sale. Those wishing bulk Ice Cream and Cake sent to your homes for supper, may tele­ phone to Miss Eleanor Finney, chair­ man of the committee, Cedarville 157- F12, or if you send word to the par­ sonage, it will be relayed. ORDINANCE NO. 19$ METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Charles E. Hill; Minister Worship Service, 10:40 a. m. tism and Reception of Members. Epworth League, 7:00 p. m. Street. Meeting; Saturday, 9:00 p* ni., at Post Office comer. Bap- ■'FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Benjamin N. Adams, Minister Sabbath School, 10:00 a. m. Sub­ ject; “ God Feeds a People.” Lesson: Ex. 16:11-20; 17: 3-G. Golden Text: “ Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father.” Morning Worship, 11. a. m. Theme. “ The Divinity of Truth." Christian Endeavo^, 7:30 p. m. Topic: “ Gambling a Racket." Ex. 20:15, Matt. 27:35. Leader: Pierre McCorkell. ... Wednesday, 7;30 p. m, Christiqn Endeavor Social at the Church. Special Announcement. The third of (the series; of street meetings will be held tomorrow (Saturday) evening. Place: Beside the. Post Office. Time: 0:00 p. m. Speaker: Dr. C. E. Hill. E n t e r t a in s f r ie n d s AT DINNER PARTY Miss Lounette Sterrett Was hostess to a group of friends at a delightful dinner party at her home in Cedar­ ville Wednesday noon. Guests were Mrs. Cameron Bickett, Mrs. David McElroy, ahd Mrs. William Ferguson, of Xenia; Mrs. Creighton Lyle, of Arkansas; Miss Eleanor Ster­ rett, of Cleveland; Mrs. Elder Corry, of Clifton; Miss Mabel Stormont, Mrs Raymond Williamson and daughter, Frances, Mrs. Hugh Turnbull and daughter, Martha Jane, Mrs. Frank Creswcll, Mrs. Paul Cummings, Mrs. Howard Creswcll, Miss Mary Burns and Miss Mary Williamson, of Cedar­ ville. Rev. Lee E. Rife, D.D., wife and daughter, of Philadelphia, Pa., are here on a month’s vacation visiting among relatives. Dr. Rife is pastor of the Norris Square United Presby­ terian Church in Philadelphia. , Prof, and Mrs. O. W. Kuehrmann expect to move to Xenia soon and the fatter was complimented this week with two bridge parties, Monday evening Mrs, Frank Creswcll gave a dessert-bridge to members of her bridge club. Prizes were awarded Mrs./Dclmar Jobe and Mrs, Paul Orr and a guest, prize to Mrs. Kuehrmann, Wednesday afternoon Mrs, Robert Jacobs entertained with three tables of bridge, prizes going to Mrs. Ralph ToWhsley and Miss Wilnrnh Spender with a guest prize to Mrs. Keufir niann. —JJMF—uiwi Ml.'I Ii ii - -|- |- rutUnlial FARM LOANS 4 Low Intarask 4 Long Term 4 Pair AppmiMl 4 Prompt Strvico Winwood & Co* , SPRINGFIELD* OHIO AuHtrUtHMfftgm SnfMhtfin lb* ftilmiil I wncnm Ctmtmi ri IwM AN ORIDNANCE MAKING IT AN OFFENSE TO DAMAGE BREAK INTO, TEAR UP, REMOVE OR DESTROY ANY PART OF THE PAVED STREETS, OR ANY OF THE HARD SURFACED STREETS OF THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE, OHIO, WITHOUT FIRST OBTAIN­ ING A PERMIT SO TO DO, AND GIVING BOND^TO THE VILLAGE IN AN AMOUNT AND WITH SECURITY TO BE APPROVED BY THE MAYOR. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE, OHIO: SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for,any person or persons to damage, break into, tear up, remove or de­ stroy any part o f the paved streets, or any part o f the hard . surfaced streets o f ’the Village without first obtaining from the Mayor a permit so to do, and executing and deliver­ ing to the Mayor a bond t o ’ the Village in an amount to be approved by said Mayor, said bond to secure the proper replacement o f that part o f the paved street or hard surfaced street to be damaged or removed, and' to indemnify said Village against any and all damage resulting from the injury to, or the breaking into or, tearing up o f any of the said streets. The operation o f any machinery or vehicle, or the hauling o f any machinery, implements, or other prop­ erty over any o f said streets which shall in. any way damage the surface o f the same shall be an offense under the provisions o f this Ordinance. SECTION 2. Any person or per­ sons violating any o f the provisions of this Ordinance shall, one.conviction thereof,' be fin^d in any sum not ex­ ceeding Two Hundred .Dollars (§200.00), and shall pay the costs o f prosecution. SECTION 3. Ordinance No. 88, passed September 15, .1916, and any and all ordinances, or parts o f or­ dinances, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period. allowed by law. - - Passed this 2nd day o f July, 1937. KENNETH L. LITTLE, Mayor of. Village of Cedarville, Ohio. Attest: John G. McCorkell, Clerk o f Village of Cedarville, Ohio. (August 6-13) SUNDAY TRACTION SUSPENDED Miss Jeanette Neal had as her re­ cent guests Miss Helen Ross, Miss Betty Coulter* and Mias Batty Cope­ land, Hillsboro. On last Friday swim­ ming was enjoyed at the Phillips pool, Xenia. Later that day refreshments: were served at the home o f Miss Neal. The Sunday traction service be­ tween Xenia and Dayton was suspend­ ed August 1st on older o f the public utility commission, On week days the traction will alternate with’ a bus be­ tween the same points under the trac-, tion management. Mr, and Mrs. J. Lloyd Confarr span* several days last week in Chicago. Mr. O. W. Kuehrmann and wife o f Indianapolis, Ind., have b*en visiting here with their son, Prof, O. W. Kuehrmann and family, the past week. Current dividend—4 per ' cent per annum. Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan Association. Dr. H . N . Williams DENTIST X-RAY EQUIPMENT Yellow Springs, Ohio .S en d a CaM term£h McCALLISTER RADIO SERVICE *** WhenYon NoedRepair orParts Service PROMPT* LOW-COST SERVICE OH A LL SETS * Ask lor Out Literal Plan oi Trade-In Allowance an Your Old Sal • T 7 HEADQUARTERS RADIO for the NEW 1938 a he a p Dr, Charles Baskin and wife of Akron, O., spent the week-end as guests of.M r. and.Mrs. Clayton Mc­ Millan. Dr. Baskin is a skin special­ ist in his city. He formerly attended Cedarville College some years ago. ELECTRICI TY L ightens those H eavy Summer W ashes The size o f the family washing always increases in hot summer months* But that is no serious problem in homes which have an electric washer*. Electricity has taken the drudgery out o f washday, so that the heaviest I '% ‘ ’ OP. ■ washes are done quickly and easily. As for the cost o f washing electrically . . . a penny’s worth o f elec­ tricity will wash two tubfuls o f clothes at present low rates, The DAYTON POWER &LIGHTCo. \