The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 27-52
CECAEVILLE HERALD, TODAY, AUGUST M, 1MT, T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D KARLH B U L L ---------— EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ‘ KEXBX 1 —HlUou! SditurlU Auoc.; OWo Newiptyer A»»oc.; Miami Valley I'rcas Assoc. Entered at the Post Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1887, as second class matter. - ________ __ FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1937 -__________ _ 8 glftas, shsnipaigiie in the fa c e 'o f Washington demolished on the eapitol! borrowers were promised everything of the tmlc o f the Brookljn b r id p land the private money lender was to with the Empire be driven from ,the temple. Now what for good measure. building thrown in ■the Mayor of Canfies, when he offered steps. : the youth a bouquet o f flowers on be- •half o f the city. The flowers were When Roosevelt place his veto on do we find ? The same friend vetoing ♦ thrown in the gutter in the face o f a i&-w interest loans to farmers he said a continuance o f the low interest rate! The 1937 lamb crop is estimated by R O O S E V E L T M E A SU R E S H IM S E L F W I T H S T R IN G While Democrats rave over the type of man named by Roosevelt for the Supreme Court, Republicans register only disgust that the stigma is not on anyone other than Roosevelt himself, In naming Sen. Black, Alabama Klux Police Court Judge for the high honor, it may be a good thing for the nation at large. At least it gives the public a general view* of what Roosevelt considers legal talent to decide important court ques tions. He was looking for a rubber-stamp man and named him as Number One in the Supreme Court packing plan that his own party has turned down more than once. The New Deal has among its. most loyal supporters those who have for years been the target for every Klan movement. In Black’s appointment Roosevelt endorses the Klan methods of intolerance, terrorism, persecution of Catholic* Negro and Jew. Black made his record defending Klansmen in his state. He boasted of liberating as many as 500 prisoners sent over for violation of laws in that state. Senator Copeland, New York Dem., laid the charge of Klan control against Black on the floor of the Senate and it has not been denied. Those who endorse the New Deal must now swallow the Klan platform of “ Burning the Catholic on the Cross of Fire; stringing the negro from a tree at the end of a rope and castra tion for the Jew.” It was this platform that made Black a police judge and also a senator and now Roosevelt puts his rubber stamp on the highest court- Other court appointments must be measured with the same string Roosevelt uses on him self. ’ ■ With Roosevelt in the White House and Black on the .Supreme Court,'John L. Lewis is in his glory, D E A T H F O R K ID N A P E R S By a ne.W Ohio statute kidnaping is a crime punishable by death. Even if, as provided by the law, the jury recommends mercy, still the punishment is life imprisonment, i Here is a good enactment. The crime of kidnaping, especially child stealing, has seemed to grow. Light sentences do not deter. There is a fear of electrocution that' hangs over those who commit major crimes. It certainly does cause some -who otherwise would run afoul of the law to pause and con sider. And if one will not obey, then his removal through the infliction of the death sentence at least takes from society a dangerous member. Mercy is a good companion of justice, yet mercy must never take the place^of justice and when a criminal is con victed of kidnaping mercy should drop out and let justice have full sway. —Ohio State Journal. . ------------- -o~ ----- ___ closu.--- ---- „ „■ . Kluxer and a son glorifying the tears for the farmer and, even held (the property. He is now the largest county where theuppea rw e ofs lo t -. Amencan spree abroad, we are enjoy- ipp aJV individual or a financial con- 1 bolder o f city and village property in machines andgambling lias brought mg a costly experiment in finance and i to public ridicule if they even! the world. In some cases even bids annals but the show must go on. F. D. asked for their intereston a loan. In higher than the loan to get the prop- 11, could not have offered more insult those days it was “ pay it if you like,1erty, Then hires a large number of In American history and traditions by jf „o t we’re with you." Then came jthe New Deal faithful to manage the the appointment of Kluxer Black than the easy costless money from the!property on.government salary. Again had he ordered the statute of George New Deal fountain. Farm and home you might be reminded o f the story up unusual acts o f political party leaders but* even court .procedure. Chillicothe has for mayor, a former citizen of Jamestown, Janies E. Ford, 73, who was removed on order o f a Common Fleas Judge, Harrison W. Jewell, Delaware, on impeachment proceedings. The impeachment was- instituted by a group of ministers in that city. Ford was elected on the Democratic ticket for mayor as a re former and promised to stop gambling in the city. Instead the ministers -ay he winked at gambling which re sulted in Court impeachment. He will appeal the case to the higher courts, lie was recently nominated by the Democratic primary for a second term as mayor of his city. Ford served two terms as state senator in this the Fifth-Sixth District. T R A F F IC C O N T R O L A PO L IT IC A L A S S E T r ■* • A report on a recent traffic survey brings out three things. , The first is a personal safety, the necessity for protecting the limbs and lives of all. The second is the moral safety, the build ing of an appreciation of the value of proper regulation. The third is the need for protecting the economic benefits that come as a result of the everyday use of the automobile. ' Such a survey as outlined above is interesting, it is just what every automobile owner or driver knows, but very fre quently overlooks all three branches- of the report. Traffic accidents total millions in actual damage to property, hospital bills and garage expense to say nothing about the value of time or earning power lost, ' . ^ The report is good so far but we do not stress the actual cause of, a large per cent of motor car accidents. Of all the statistics gathered there is as little as possible put in ink show ing or even reflecting that a large per cent of accidents are due to drivers under the influence of liquor. Most of these accidents ,are smothered no doubt due to the fact that the state is in the retail liquor business and it is a branch of the state that governs traffic control. - There was a former law that permitted local officials to deprive drunken drivers of their licenses. Now this power is in the hands o f the state, the same political unit that issues the license and controls, the sale of liquor. This evidently ac counts for the absence of the hundreds of motor accidqnts that are directly due to liquor being surpressed. With cancellation of driving rights in the, hands of state politicians traffic control becomes a political asset to the party in power. Governor Davey Extends Personal Invitation To Ohio State Fair Range states saved fewer lambs this year but some other recorded a 3 per cent increase in lambs saved* Early preparation of the seedbed increases Ohio wheat yields. Subscribe to THE HERALD Executives from a number of cities this week appealed to Gov. Davey to provide some way for relief to be continued. It is’ surprising what can be suggested to milk money on of the pockets of the rural county citizens to keep up the political relief racket practiced in the big city counties. It is proposed that a state wide tax law be passed to levy taxes in the rural counties-to feed the won’t workers in the cities. The executives want an extra session of the legis lature to .pass such a law. Relief, WPA and a lot of the-half-baked So cialistic plans in operation now are but political .rackets. There is de mand for labor' everywhere but labor will not seek or take a job offered as long, as there is free eating provided. ■We have a first hand view of what some of the world-peace panieeas mean when transformed into demands for war. Under universal or inter national taw through treaties, etc., war cannot he declared- without going through a legal status. To get around all this red tape before being per mitted to engage in a legal war, the participants justi start fighting with out the usual chip on the shoulder. That is the situation with Japan and China at ..the present time with the l1. S., England. France, and other nations sitting-on. the side lines. Meantime Roosevelt dispatches war-craft to the Shanghai where the war is iti pro gress—probably to stop the war-— maybe! COLUMBUS (Special)—Exhib its at the Ohio State Fair inspire the citizens o f Ohio to greater achievements, says Governor Mar- GOVERNOR MARTIN L. DAVBV tin L, Davey in extending an invi tation tof the people of Ohio to Fair Opens Saturday COLUMBUS (Special)-—A de parture from previous years will be* offered by the 87th Ohio State Fair at Columbus, August 28th, September 3rd, when it opens Its gates to the public on Saturday. Earl H, Hanefeld, director of agriculture, in announcing the Saturday opening said that it would be largely devoted to Junior Fair exhibitors and their activities. There will be special entertain ment features both Saturday after noon and night, including a Rodeo and Stampede, come to Columbus for the 87th ex position, August 28th-September 8. “ Each year, the Ohio State Fair brings to the people of this state a dramatic presentation of pro gress and achievement,” says the Governor. “ It has earned, the en viable reputation of being one of the finest agricultural and indus trial expositions in the world, “ Thousands of Ohioans annually visit the State Fair. They meet in a great social gathering to view the state’s latest developments In agriculture, industry, commerce, education and art. It is from this great display that our citizens are inspired to greater accomplish ment. “ It is fitting that we commend the many persons, who have worked hard to make the 1937 State Fair the greatest in history. They have performed an outstand ing public service to the people of this state. “ As Governor of Ohio, it is a pleasure to extend a cordial greet ing and hearty welcome to those attending the State Fair this year. May this historic exposition con tinue to play its prominent part in the development of a greater Ohio,” Big Rodeo Scheduled For Ohio State Fair COLUMBUS (Special)—Lovers of the Wild West will have their inning at the 87th Ohio State Fair at Columbus, August 28th-Septem- ber 3rd, where one of the outstand ing entertainment features will be a Rodeo and Stampede. The first performance wilt be Saturday afternoon, August 28th, in front of the Grandstand, to be followed by a Saturday night show and a performance every night thereafter except Sunday, The spectacle will conclude with a fireworks display, It certainly is a bitter pill the present day Democratic publisher has to- swallow in the Roosevelt appoint ment o f Sen. Black, southern KKK, to become a member of the Supreme ■Court, We have not heard iv single Democrat publisher approve en dorsement of the Black appointment. Most o f them regard jt as a very unfortunate political mistake. The., overage old time Democrat looks upon Black as n misfit, a radical, and some even brand his a ■certain stripe of anarchist. One tiling is certain no one denies but what he was a KKK leader- and won his senate seat against a Democrat that opposed the hooded order. That was back in. the days when the Klan had the Pope moving headquarters here from Italy, Blae.k is not fooling anyone. He had John L. Lewis’ endorsement, that was a written order for Roosevelt to jump through the hoop. To refuse would mean that the Democrats must dig up $50,000 the national committee has borrowed from the Lewis union boys, Sen. Joe Robinson, .who had been pro mised the Supreme bench, faced op- f position from Lewis, and when told his party leaders could not back him and hold the Lewis support, he sank to the floor, in a faint. He recovered', later sufficient to return to his hotel, but death wrote “ Finis” to a chapter o f traitorship from the White House. It was no wonder Roosevelt would not attend the Robinson funeral, he darved not anger John L. Lewis. Powell Crosley, Jr., head of the radio corporation that bears his name, Iis in an open fight with one of the ; Roosevelt stooges, on the Communica tion Commission, a socialistic set up to control the radio, telephone, tele graph. To get a square deal Crosley, engaged the services of the head of the Democratic Publicity Bureau to represent the company before the communication hoard. Whatever you get from the New Deal comes high G VLLKY NO. SIX— for Crosley had to pay Charley Micltnelson, famed publicist, at the rate o f $-10,000 a year, to get on the inside of how the'New Deal'works, or how much does it taken in cold cash for the Democratic National Commit tee before you get a hearing? In addition ('barley holds his $25,i;00 a years publicity job. Crosley may wake ip and find out lie has been the chump of the New Deal game. Keep the Roosevelt family , Mf of the head lines impossible. When F IL has not gone on a crazy iant rum. “ Mania” drags out the family skeleton and in story flaunts it to Ihe jitiblj • through a leading home magazine at so much a word or line. This wee) young John, who hns been giving France the American version of the New Deal, goes on a tear and hurled x- n/ete Car’ The O r tJ 0* to * O Give people a better motor car— one that’s smarter, safer and smoother riding, as well as more economical _____ _ T-and they’re bound to say, " I t ’s the ’ . know it’s more comfortable, because with distinctive New Diamond Crown Spcedlinc Styling. They know it’s safer, because it’s the only low-priced car with Perfected.Hydraulic Brakes, New. All-Silent, All-Steel Body and Shockproof Steering*. And they also only car for us!” That’s what Chevrolet has done, in Chevrolet for 1937, and that’s what people everywhere are saying. They know Chevrolet is smarter, because it’s the only low-priced car it’s the only low-priced car with the Knee-A ction Gl iding R i de * and Genuine Fisher No Draft. Ventilation, i See and drive. Chevrolet for 1937 and convince yourself that it’s the only car for you. FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION nw-zlcliofi ontl Shockproof Steeri/i# on \ftt\(vr /V l,itx p models only* Generai Motors fnttallmertt I'lan— monthly f/UYfttetftt to suit you rpu rst, CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION, (.IrnvrtU Motors Sulcs Oorporation, . DETROIT, MICHIGAN . • CHEVROLET CUMMINGS CHEVROLET SALES I*. Cedarv ille , O h io
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