The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 27-52

■ ’ ■ ■ ■ " X ’ ........... -v * For Sale—Hay Press. 1G-18 Bailer: ! C. E. Barnhart. Accounts Insured up to $5,000 by L u n ch e o n -B r id g e G iv e n \ iln lH M ll-. TA_ 1 I /I « n v. W - . Cedarville Federal Savings & Assn Loan Judge and Mrs. S. 0. Wright, who have been on a vacation trip through i vest, returned home last Friday. T u e sd a y A fte rn o o n A t ' K n o tt T e a Room Let “Jimmy” PRESS your S u it - Price 35c—at Home Clothing Co. per Mr, Lawrence Kennon and family o f Cleveland are visiting D. Ralph Kennop and family, west o f town. Money to loan, at G Real Estate. Cedarville Savings & Loan Assn. cent, on Federal Dr. and Mrs. W. R. MeChesney are visiting relatives in Cartter, 111., this week, . Leave Laundry at Home Clothing Co, We call and. deliver. Mr, Joe Boswell o f Dayton was a Sunday visitor with Martin Wcimcr and mother. Current dividend—4 per cent per annum, Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan Association. . Dr. Marion Stormont of St. Louis, Mo., is here this week for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stormont. Miss Mary Huff of Brooklyn, N..Y,, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.-Adam Huff in Clifton. Orte o f the most attractive and love­ ly nud-suinmer social Ipnetions vyas the luncheon-bridge given by Mrs, Paul Cummings, Mrs. Walter Cum­ mings gnd Mrs. Lawrence Dukes at the Knott Tea Room, near pitchin, Tuesday afternoon. Thirty-seven guests were entertain­ ed at a' three course luncheon which was served indoors while tables. for bridge and rook- fyere arranged on the lawn. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Delmer Jobe, Mrs, O. W. Kuehrmann, o f Xenia, and Mrs, William Hopping Those' present were •Mrs. Harold Ray and Mrs. O. W, Kuehrmann, of . Xenia; Mrs. Tiffin Walker, of James­ town; Mrs,' Willard Barlow and Mrs; Messrs. W. R. Watt and Robert Jo,m Johnson, o f Columbus; Mrs. MacGregor .ate attending the Na- Creighton Lyle, .o f Marianna, Ark.; tional 'Swine Show in Springfield, ' Mrs" GeorEe Gordon, Mrs. Howard 111., this week. ' ! Arthur, Mrs. Fred 'Clematis, Mrs. ■ ( Lloyd Confarr, Mrs. Frank Creswell, Mr."William McCullough, wife and ; Mrs. Ro^ert Jacobs, -Mrs. Delmer daughter, of Cleveland, are visiting i i^obe, Mrs, Lloyd Wildman, . Mrs. this " week with ' MV. arid Mrs. J. M.'I Robert MacGregor, Mrs, John Davis, McMillan. ‘...... '.'! Mrs. Arthur Evans, Mrs, Harry Ham-' ________________________j mon, Mrs. Ralph Townsley, Mrs. Fred The Women’s Missionary Society of ! Dobbins, Mrs. •Donald Kyle, Mrs. the U. P. Church .will meet in the I p» u! Townsley,' Mrs, Collins William- church Monday, August 23, at 2 p. m: Ison, Mrs. Hugh Turnbull, Mrs, Arthur Miss Margaret Bailey . has been spending the week visiting in Cleve­ land, O, Miss Jean Marshall o f Xenia is a guest this Week of her aunt, Mrs. Lula Watt, I The annual .McMillan reunion will . be held this Friday evening at the Alford Gym. Mr. Ollie Hiatt of -Wilmington and Mr. Dock Durham, of New Antioch, 0., visited with Martin Weithef this week." Mrs, II. H. Cherry entertained ■a few guests Wednesday afternoon in honor, of Mrs. William _Garber . of Chicago, and .Mrs. Walter Condon pf Ada, Ohio. .. . Betty Jane Myers of this place, who has been to the hospital for a tonsil and adenoid operation is now con­ valescing at her home. .Postmaster- R. G. Ritenour, H. H. Brown, Marion Allen and Richard Timberlake leave the first, of the week- on a fishing trip to Canada. Dr. R. A. Jamieson and wife left •this week, for Winona Lake, Ind., where, they will spend a' few days and then visit relatives in "Newton, Iowa, and Hanover, 111., expecting to be . absent about two weeks. Mr. John McFarland and wife of Dayton, and son, Joe McFarland,- of Indianapolis, Ind.,. spent Wednesday 'with Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Marshall, The McFarlands tire former residents of this place and Mr. John McFarland is ninety-two years of- age and en­ joys. good health, • . Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Gordon, who will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday afternoon and evening, August 22, have issued no invitations and friends are welcome to call from two to four during the afternoon and, during the evening. Rev. and Mrs. L. L; Gray and Miss Margaret Lackey of' Jamestown, Mr. and M rs/J . I. Patterson, Mrs. 0 . E. Bradfute and Miss Helen Brad­ iate o f Xenia wore dinner guests of Mrs. Effi.e Lackey on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Funsett and family arc enjoying, a vacation iii Noblesville, Ind., their former home The children will remain there while the parents go to Wisconsin, fo r a visit, i The Executive Committee will- be hostesses. Mrs. Donald Kyle is pro­ gram.-chairman and Miss Mary .Kyle, Xenia, returned, missionary for India will address the meeting.- The Male Quartet of Tarkio. Mo., College, under the direction of Miss Eva Ballangee, is on. the annual sum­ mer tour covering five -thousand miles. The, quartet will appear at the Clif­ ton opera house, Monday, Aug. 23 at * P. hi. Dr* Earle Collins, president of Tarkio. wifi, speak. ' Cummings, Mrs. Aden .Barlow, Mrs. Walter Iliff, Mrs.. Harold Dobbins, Mrs. William Hopping, Mrs. Florence Reynolds, Mrs. Robert • Bird, Mrs, Herbert Bailey; Mrs'. Edith Blair, Mrs. 0., A. Dobbins, Misses Wilmah Spencer, Ruth Burns and Lounette -Storrett, of Cedarville; Mrs. Paul Cummings, Mrs. Walter Cummings and Mrs. Lawrence Dukes. • M iss D o re th a Corry G ive * D e ligh tfu l Show er For Co in ing B r id e ! The home o f Miss Doretha Corry, Clifton pike, was opened Wednesday afternoon to a number o f invited friends' honoring Miss Eleanor . Bull with a “ shower/' whose marriage to Mr. Greer McCallister, takes place August 27th. I Guests enjoyed contests and Miss Bull was. honored with a number of gifts arranged beneath a pink parasol on a table. / r The hostess served an ice course, pink and white used for the color scheme o f the appointments. The guests were Misses Eleanor Bull, Carrie Rife, Wilmah ,Spencer, Doris Hartman, Jane West, Betty Jane Judy, Julia McCallister, Pauline ! Nelson, Dorothy Nelson, Rebecca Galloway, Mrs. Paul Edwards, Mrs.! Karlh Bull, Mrs.. C, L. McCallister,! Mrs. Anna Wilson, Mrs. Will Spencer,! of Cedarville; Miss Martha Condon, o f Ada, O.; Miss Frances Straley, of Xenia; Mrs. Ella Brewer, of Clifton;' Misses Esther -Waddle, Betty Shaw, and Carrie Ellen Estle, and Mrs.1 James Avramoff, o f Springfield. j CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK 1 w to th e —-- SPR IN G F IE LD L IV E S T O C K S A L E S C O M P A N Y Sherman Ave.. Springfield, O. Phone: Main 335-J \£end aCa£&tor M c C a l l i s t e r r a d i o s e r v i c e * Whin You N m 4 Htpair ot Puts Sonin PROMPT, LOW-COSTSERVICEONAll SETS Ask tor Our Literal PIu •I Tiads-Is Alltwuca so Y mu 014 Set HEADQUARTERS for the NEW 1938 RADIO A G A IN A U A R AHt A Rev. C. E. Hill visited the Con­ ference of the Methodist Protestant Church, at Sabina Camp Grou ’d, Wednesday. ••Mr.' Henry, R. Howells, of Ooium- bus, and Miss Eileen 'Hoover, of West Jefferson,, will be united in- marriage in the .Methodist Episcopal Church here, on .Saturday' evening, 9:00' p. m. Mr. -Corry, Supt. of Schools at- West J-effersdh,- will play, and Mrs.- Corry will sing; - • O w n your home, easily done, through Cedarville Federal Savings F Loan’ Assn. M o. -Elizabeth Nash, Farmersvi-lle, i., a former resident of this com-' mmity. bad. the misfortune to fall nst week and suffer .a compound' fracture of the hip.- She was removed to the Miami Valley Hospital,- Day- ton, and hbr condition is grave.. Mrs. Anna Lloyd, Farmersville. and a sis­ ter of Mi's, blush, is also convalescing from an -operation, ■.■performed last Monday at the same hospital. Both ire daughters of the late John Jamo- -mn,-known to our older citizens. •"•Patrick; Cooney, Gli, who had re- ■ii'icd in this community most of his 1 ife, died Friday at .a hospital, in Day- on. '"Burial took' place Monday. He 's' survived b y , four brothers, John •in<l Martin Cooney, Cedarville: David ('coney, Springfield; "three sisters, Mrs, Thomas Flynn, London; Mrs. T, 1. Grogan. Wilmington and Miss Catherine Cooney, "Springfield. A mechanical announcer in -a field illlce of the New Jersey department f ayieultuic .telIt: anyone who calls >y l< lephonc the latest market news •a potatoes. Dr. H. N. Williams DENTIST X -R A Y E Q U IPM E N T Yellow Springs, Ohio . A moderately favorable price out- ook for most types of tobacco was re­ ported on July 28 by the Washington Bureau of Agricultural .Economics, "tile total yield from the 1937 crop will he considerably larger than that of la-* year hut consumption of tobacco also lias increased, Prof. C. W. Steele, and w ife' are visiting in Wheaton, IHV with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. - and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson and daugh­ ter. ■ N ew spaperm en G iven ' W e lc om e A t Open ing ’ Lancaster Plant ■When ■ it comes to a 'genuine host the honor goes to Kenneth Kerr, who is one of the busiest men in the state. -Last--^Saturday Mr. Kerr and his as­ sociate, Charles Sawyer, held open house at the Eagle-Gazette plant in Lancaster. Taking one of the . old aristocratic homes of'that city for an office- with all the modern business in- novatioris, an addition was erected at the reiir that houses tt^e mechanical plant. It has many new attractive features besides all that is up-to-the-' minute in equipment. Following the “ welcome" the guests from all sections of the state went to the Kerr farm- west of Lancaster -where hospitality such' a.s none but j the host could provide was laid before scores of -newspaper men. Mr. Kerr j is'United States Marshal, keeps a di-1 recting hand on daily papers in Logan, Washington C. H. and Lancaster and manages a big farm that is noted for its saddle horses. Iricidently, Mr. Kerr at- his odd moments, contributes of his time, finance,. mid ,, political ability . towards keeping, things Straight in the. Democratic party in several counties. With one Democrat trying to im­ peach another in Greene county ‘vye may most any day find the genial Saturday host, over in this county ex­ tending the "olive branch" between •oral Democratic factions. Dr, Paul,J. Volkert Dentist OFFICE HOURS Monday and Friday 9:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9:30 A. M. to $:30 P. M. .'-0 •. Office Closed Wednesday _ Phone: 73 THE SMART SHOP Reorganization Sale The Biggest Event o f the Year Prices Have JBeen Still Further Reduced^ For Quicker Clearance SUITS-COATS-DRESSES-ACCESSORIES The Smart Shop 3 8 S. Detro it St. X en ia , O h io PROSECUTOR SHOUI.V .MARRIED LAST SATURDAY Subscribe for THE HERALD Prosecuting ‘Attorney Marcus Slump and Miss Dorothy Clemmer, daughter of' Mr. ..and Mrs. .Foster Clemmer, Xenia, were married last Saturday, the ceremony taking place in St. Brigid's .church, that city. Attorney Robert Slump, brother of the groom,, was best man, and Miss Betty Cle.m- Jpier, sister of the bride, was brides­ maid. ■Following the ceremony a breakfast Was served at the Clemmer home to thirty-five guests. PICNIC SUPPER Couple r> O il v S Gals” i A group of former school friends |in Cedarville High School and Cedar-! Ivilla College enjoyed an informal j picnic supper at the home of Mr, and i- Mrs, David McElroy, Stevenson Road,! Thursday evening. The affair was n r - ! ranged in honor of Dr, and M rs,! ■Ernest' McClellan, of Rochester, N .} Y,, who are visiting here. Those present from a distance be­ sides Dr, and Mrs. McClellan were • Mrs. Josephine Hill, of Pittsburgh; f ■Mrs, Creighton Lyle, of Marianna, j Ark;; Miss Florence Williamson, of r Bowling Green, O,; Mrs; Hairy Wad-f die, of Columbus; Miss Loqnotte j Sterrett, of Erie; Pn„ and Miss { Martha Cooley, of Marquette, Mich, J From St. Paris to London They’re Coming-in Crowds-to CAPPEL’S GREATEST AUGUST Yes,. Sir. and Yes, Madam, they’re coming to CAPPEL’S GREATEST AUGUST SALE because the discounts ot 10% to 50% are bonatide reductions from.regular prices on standard, high quality Cappel bouse furnishings— from St, Paris to London, from Ur- hana to Xenia, and all the towns and countrysldo between, they’re coming, in crowds, to CAPPEL’S GREATEST AUGUST SALE. AUTO DAMAGED tiAaOiifnl Frances Farmer and flio fiery dancing star, Thelma t - J f f t S S ! tor the affections of Bdwnrd Arnold In "The Toast of NeW York/’ R K. O’s magniheinti story of the big oily when it Smiered with gold and overflowed with champagne, * U “ The Toast pf New York,” Is the story of a multi-millionaire s love tor ft beautiful show girl, whoa- kiss cost him a fortune. Hand­ some Gary Grant Plays Arnold’s business partner, who .wlim tho. S s s ’ toveT With only a smile, flow these three work out their romkntic troubles makes an exciting and glorious picture. Jack Oakie is also starred nfi tho comic Aid to tlio great Fisk, ' Tills brilliant production will open Its first, engagement In this territory at the beautiful new Majestic Theatre In Springfield, Tburm U f, Awitiat 1*, and Is scheduled tor a week’s engagement. , Mr, Paul Ramsey and family re­ turned home Wednesday,"evening after spending several days in Idaville, Ind., with Mrs, Ramsey’s parents, En- routc home an unusual accident happened, near Greenville when a driveriess car backed into, the highway striking the Ramsey Car. Mr. Ramsey saw the car' moving but thought there was some one In it and that it would stop nt the roadway. It de­ veloped the car was on n grade ahd that the breaks did not hold allowing the car to coast to the rend. Little Vivian Ramsey received a slight cut but the other members escaped tiny sorious injury. The Ramsey ear had one wheel mashed down with other damages to the car. COIL BED SPRINGS Regular Sale $7 20 $5.25 to to $22.75 $18 .75 GAS RANGES Regular Sale $55.00 $3975 to to $189.75 $169 .75 9x12 AXMINSTER, WIL­ TON and KARASTAN RUGS Regular Sale $48.00 $29.75 to to $149.00 $ 119 .75 LINOLEUM-LIKE 9x12 RUGS Regular Sale $7.20 $3.95 DINING ROOM SUITES Regular Sale $ 10 7 .75 $79 .75 $198.00 $129 .75 BEDROOM SUITES Regular Sale $ 7 1 .75 $39.75 $845.00 $024.75 Never have we shown a finer, smarter collection ot Bedroom Suites. The prices include $39.75, $49,75, $59.* 75, $69,'75, $79.75. $89.75, $99.75, $109.- 75, $11.9,75, $129,75, and so on up, KITCHEN CABINETS Regular Sale $23.75 $ 1 7 .75 $10200 $69.75 PORECLAIN BREAKFAST SETS CAPPEL-MADE LIVING ROOM SUITES Regular Sale $79 .75 $49.75 $225.00 $149 .75 Deep In comfort, rich in style, with their Interior construction perma­ nently guaranteed, no finer living room furniture is available anywhere, CAPPEL-MADE INNER- SPRING MATTRESSES Regular $45.00 to $55.00 Sale $29.75 to $37 .75 Regular $15,00 to $44.50 Sale $10.95 to $29.75 At these prides they represent val­ ues which cannot be duplicated any­ where. CAPPEL-MADE STUDlt) COUCHES Regular $32.75 to $85.00 Sale $24.75 to $59.75 CAPPEL-MADE Studio , Couches, too, still exhibit the high quality Mr, Frederick Cappel built into them. OPEN TILL p A 1>T>T? T C . 60 DAYS 9O’CLOCK 1 4 r\ r r P 1 m ^ ,SAME EVERY \m J J L 11 JL J U J U K J AS EVENING , 124-130 E. HIGH ST. CASH