The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 27-52
ff.Vl HJ.I>'*-*# *» *W P W -7!*4T# CELEBRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Pretty Garten Ceremony Unites - Couple On Friday Evening In a natural setting of beautiful four-tiered wedding cake occupied-.* MR, and MRS, C. H. GORDON Mr. and Mrs, C. II, Gordon recently celebrated their fiftieth wadding anniversary a t their home in this place. Photo by John V. Tarr, Columbus, Local and Personal | Mr, and Mrs. Pete Kane and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Sherman of Mt, i Sterling, 0., visited with Martin »Weimer and mother, Sunday, Miss.Ruth Burns is spending week with friends in Dayton. tbo I Mr. and Mrs, J, M, MeMillan had for j their guests over the week-end their i brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Masters was called to ; Mrs- Carl Frazier, and daughter, Garret, Ky., by the serious, illness o f' Nancy, of Camdem, -0. her brother-in-law, Mr. Ed Cecil., -----——----- —r- Mr. Louis McDorman, who with his two sons were enjoying an outing in Canada on a fishing trip, was taken, ill and had to be rushed home where he entered the Springfield City Hospital. We understand he has improved and Is now at his home near Selma. . Money to loan on Real Estate at G per cent. Cedarville Federal Savings .& Loan Assn. Mr, A. J, Chislophcr of Jamestown1 visited with Mrs, Ellen Weimer, Sun day, • ■ foliage, a pretty wedding was solemn ized in the garden a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. Karlh Bull, of Cedarville, when their daughter. Miss Eleanor, was united in marriage to Mr, Greer McCallister, of Cedaryille, Friday eve ning at 8 o’clock. The vows were exchanged before a ‘naturally-formed altar beside the pool with small cedar trees and other ever greens creating a background for the nuptial Beene, which was illumniated by large floodlights. Dr. W. R. McChesney, president of .Cedarville College, officiated a t the double ring service, which was wit nessed by 100 guests. Preceding the ceremony a program of nupital music was presented, the , musicians performing on the porch of /the Bull home, which overlooked the garden. Mr. Arthur Puffey, of South Charleston, sang “The Rosary;" hy Nevin, and with Mrs. Mildred Foster, of Yellow Springs, sang a duet, “My Hour,” by Ball. Mrs. Foster then sang “I Love You Truly," by Carrie ------ Jacobs.Bond. Miss Lena Hastings, of Among the out-of-town guests here Cedarville was accompanist and play- for Die wedding were* Mr. and. Mrs. ed the “Bridal Chorus" from “Lohen- G. F. Siegler, Marietta, 0.; Mr. and grin," by Wagner, as the bridal party Mrs. Arthur Duffey, South Charles- came from the side entrance of the ton; Mr. Kenneth Ferryman, Lan- j Bull home .and across the terraced caster, O.; Miss Mae McKay, New i lawn to the pool, (Burlington, 0.; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde ; Walking first in 'th e bridal proces- ' P- Whitmer, Pleasant Hill, O.; Miss sion liras the maid of honor, Miss!.Frances Chase, Columbus; Mrs. Anna Frances Chase, of Columbus, who'Smith and daughter, Barbara, fronton, ; wore a'gown of yellow net overjO.; Mrs, Mildred Foster, Yellow taffeta, fashioned along princess lines: | Springs; Mrs.. Alma B. Schroder, The gown was floor-length and had!Chicago; Mr. Carleton Schroder, Chi- ■short puffed sleeves. She wore a Juliet j cag°; Mr, Carter N, Abel, Jr., Ironton, ' cap of yellow, net and carried an arm .O.j Mr, J. C. Sampson, Toledo, O.; prominent place in the dining room. Baskets of gladioli and other late summer flowers adorned the Bull home. Mr. and Mrs, McCallister left by motor on a wedding trip Friday night but did not reveal their destination. The bride is traveling in a navy blue two-piece crepe ensemble with navy accessories. Upon their return they will reside at the home of^he bride's uncle, Mr. W. R. Watt, near Cedar ville. Mrs. McCallister was graduated from Cedarville College in 1935 and has taught in the public schools at Pleasant Hill, Q„ for the last two years, Her father is publisher of the Cedarville Herald and- is well known in Ohio publishing circles. Mr. McCallister is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McCallister, of Ce darville. He attended 'Cedarville College and is employed by the Zenith Radio Corp., in Dayton. —Xenia Gazette. Mr.' and Mrs, Donald Snarl Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dobbins returned, two children of Jersev City, N. J., home Wednesday after a trip to Do-; have' been guests of the latter’s troit, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. j parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Stro- . | bridge. Mrs, Jean -Kidder (Lillian Mi, Elder Corry and family have] Kunklej, who accompanied the Snarrs returned home lifter a trip th e Smoky Mountains and Kentucky.' ' Thursday through, ft) ■ q }» q -visited with friends here Mr. and Mrs. W. C< lliff had for their guest last week, Miss Florence Summers of Dickinsons N. D, . Dr. M. I, Marsh, who has been ill and bedfast the past two weeks, re- about the same condition. mams m Own \vour home. Let us help you. Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Townsley and family visited relatives in Fort Wayne and Kendallvilie, Inti., last week. ■ i The three missionary societies of \ the M. E. Church enjoyed a covered I d>sh dinner Wednesday evening on the J lawn a t the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Chase, near Selma. • Mr, E. L.- Stormont, who has been quite ill" for several days, is now re ported Somewhat improved. Misses Elsie Post and Gretchpn Tin dall have returned home after spend ing the.summer a t Lakeside. Mr, Robert Taylor of Smith’s Ferry, Pa., is here on a visit with friends. Mr. Taylor is a graduate of Cedarville Gollege, Class of 1.935. Prof. Reed and family who have been spending the summer in Co lumbus, have returned home. ■'Prof. Reed has been taking special work in school music, in O. S. U. Mr, arid Mrs, Paul Cummings, who have been enjoying a two weeks vaca- , tion in Michigan, are expected to re- J turn home this week. ,v t;r Sale-Z-Parlor Furnace, Radiant; or, two Axminsler hall one nine feel long, one, twelve Irs. J. M. -McMillan. and ; bouquet of Premier roses. Little Miss Barbara Smith, of Ironton, granddaughter of Mr. M. W. Collins, of Cedarville, was ring bearer and followed Miss Chase. -She wore a dainty frock of white net over white taffeta, with satin ribbon: trimming. She wore a wrist corsage of red rose buds and a wreath of Premier roses and baby breath in her hair and car ried the two rings in a small basket gaily decorated with green and white satin streamers. The bride’s ring was fashioned from the gold, from the bridegroom’s material grand parents' wedding ring and the bride groom’s ring was made from the gold in the bride’s maternal grandparents’ wedding ring. The bride was escorted into the garden by her father, who gave her in marriage. She was lovely in a gown of white brocaded summer satin, the gown being fashioned along the ’same lines as the gown worn by her mother a t her wedding. It Was fashioned floor-length with a alight train and had 'a high collar, held in place with two strands of pearls and with Tong, tight-fitting sleeves form ing points over the hands. The bride runnels, | wore a j,a]0 0f -gardenias in her hair Mrs. J. P. Schaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swartzel, Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mrs. C. H. Ervin, Miss _Lois Haller, Mrs. Sarah Haller, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Van Horn, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Kerns, Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buell, Mr. and Mrs. William Harbison, Jr., Xenia. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Benjamin N. Adama, Minister Sabbath School, 10:00 a. ni. Lesson: j day Until (h* following Monday. Al most 000 ministers will be present, and nearly as many laymen on Friday and Saturday when joint sessions will ,be held. j In general the forenoons are given to business, but all the afternoons' and evenings present features of interest to all, and to which all are Can They Play? t L. , - ' V " /C--" l-J* Miss Cletis Jacobs Entertains Girl Friends I feet i Current dividend, 4 per cent per an , , nnm Cptlnrvillf* Federal Savings &! •LGunlist Church, Columbus, as ■returned from n tour of Europe. ; i Z i - S . U . ;tB 1„S, S u ta v i., ev„„i»s : « H Thc bri(k „nd a t e * * . .--------------- ------- deviation enjoyed n picnic on t ^®« at the pool by the bridegroom, his (c<,untj* •■lunch. lawn. Li*. Hill formerly was ^est man> Carter N, Abel,, Jr., praior of that church bef<"c coming to 'Cedarville, Mrs. Janet Murbach, head of the French department of Eastern State Teachers’ College of Richmond, ICy., was the guest of Miss Donna Burns, Wednesday. 1 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bull, Mrs. Jeanette Cooley and daughter, Miss Martha, returned homo last week after a visit to Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, Tenn, C O Z Y THEATRE FRIDAY, Sept. 3 EDWARD G. ROBINSON “Thunder In The pity” —also— “Dick Tracy” and color cartoon Dan’s.- Beauty Shop in the Nagley ’.wilding announces an opening special for Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 8 and 9 ns can be found in this issue. New equipment has been installed and an attractive beauty parlor with un- e-’ecllcd service offered the ladies of this community. of ironton, formerly of Ccdarvifle, and the officiating minister. During the ceremony, Miss Hast ings played “Venetian Love Song,” by Nevin, and as the bridnl party left the yard to return to Dip house she p l a y e d Mendelssohn’s March GIRL SCOUTS SATURDAY, Sept. 4 BRIAN DONLEVY FRANCES DRAKE “MIDNIGHT TAXI” ■—and—... Selected Sort Subjects SUNDAY and MONDAY, Sept. 5-1 JEAN HARLOW ROBERT TAYLOR —in— “Personal Property” News and Musical Comedy TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Sept. 7-8 . “I Met Him in Paris” —with— CLAUDETTE COLBERT MELVYN DOUGLAS —added— POPISYE CARTOON & PICTORIAL - . t ^ ; , , SOON “WEE WILLIE WlNKlfc” Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Grindle have returned home after spending ‘ten days in*Washington, D. C,* and other Eastern points of interest. They j were accompanied by their niece and t nephew, Lillian and Wendall Stewart. | | PIONEER STORIES j j ‘ OF OHIO [ | BY GILBERT I<\ DODDS f THE BEGINNING On July 13, of this year, there went on sale a t Marietta) a special stamp of ’the 3-cent denomination—of the j largest size—which depicts the first territory or colony of the United States, wherein was set up thc colonial policy of this nation. The Stamp was designed by North west Territory Celebration commission who have charge of the scsquicehtcn- nial program (vhich commemorates tiny settlement of the territory north and west of the Ohio River. At one side of the stamp will be shown Rufus Putnam, the “father of the Northwest”; one the other side Manasseh Cutler, the agent of the Ohio company who a conducted the necessary negotiations with congress for the sale of lands in the old North west and Who secured- the passage of the Ordinance of 187 which guar anteed to Aettlers of the territory democratic government, the full rights of American citizens, public support' of education and free labor. Under the Ordinance the pioneers of the Ohio Company established Marietta, April 7, 1788 and July 0, 1788, Gov ernor Arthur St. Glair officially in augurated the territory, NOTICE! I now have my Grinder and Mixer installed and the Dayton Power & Light Co. is making electrical connections t o d a y s If nothing prevents, we will he ready to grind and mix your feed on and after Monday* September 6th. CALL AND SEE US McGuinn The Pu-Ri-N* Store TELEPHONE—3 South Miller St, Cedarville, Q. “God Requires Social Justice.” Lev. invited. Dr. Frank Hickman, Prof. 19:9-18, 32-37. Golden Text; “As ye?®* the Psychology of Religion in would that men should da to you, do Duke University, will speak Monday ye also to them likewise.” Luke 6:81.;at 4:00 p. m, and 7:30 p. m, and a Worship Service, 11:00 a.m . Theme:;moving picture (Missionary) will be “The Gospel of Good, Old-fashioned j shown a t 8:30 p. m, Meetings Thura Work.” j and Friday a t 2:00, 4:Q0, and 7:30. Union Evening Service, 8:00 p. m. !Saturday, 2:00 p. m. Anniversary of Dr. Hill'will speak in the United;Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society- Presbyterian Church. Wednesday, Sept, 8, 8:00 p, m. School of MissiopS. Opening session. Illustrated Talk on “Looking Into Korea Today," Enrollment and or ganization. Thursday, Sept. 9, 8:00 p . ’ m. Christian Endeavor Social in the Church.. The Faculty and Students of Cedarville College will be ;the guests of honor. J. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Charles E. Hill, Minister' Church School, 10:00 a. m, L, George, Supt. Worship Service, 77:00 a, m. Labor Day Theme: “Jesus.answered them, ‘My Fa tte r worketh even until now, and I work':”. John 5:17. ■-*■ Epworth League, 7*00 p. m. and of the Home Society a t 4:00 p. m The Ordinatjon Service Sunday, 3:00 p. m. will be an impressive one. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson. Minister Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Meryl Stormont, Supt. Preaching, 11 a. m., by the pastor. F irst of a series on the “Three Six- teens of the New Testament,” Y. P. C. U„ 7 p. m. Union Services, 8 p., m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p, m. There will be no choir practice Sat urday evening. f - . ‘A / ■ . V v H y: Bartones Ideal Comedy Co., will open a week’s engagement starting Monday night on the Barr lot, South Main st. The company! played here Union Meeting, 8:00 p. m., in' the several years ago and presents a clean United Presbyterian Church. Theme: Proffram vaudeville, tabloid plays, “Thte Church and the World.” i sineing and dancin8 act? with wire The Ohio Annual Conference of the .walk5ng and acts a trained ®hini- Methodist Episcopal Church will be panzeo' There. wiU be a change in in session in Westminster Presby- f ea®h flight, Monday night be- terian Church, Dayton; from Wednes- "infr fre®to a11, , ' Cletis Jacobs of near town enter-1 tained the following guests with a covered dish supper Monday night *i Jane Frame, Eleanor Cooley, Gretchen Tindall, Elinor Hughes, Lois Waddle, Betty Tobias, Frances Kimble and < Christina Jacobs. This group of girls has enjoyed out- j ings, campings and parties since their fifth year in grade school. AU except Jane Frame and Frances, Kimble who will be . finishing their] college work, will leave next Week for their various teaching positions In this | county and adjoining counties. Eleanor Cooley will be teaching a t I Casstown, Cletis Jacobs a t Bradford, Christina Jones a t Conover, all in] ] and carried an arm bouquet of Pre- jMiami county. *mior roses. Her only jewelry was a ’ Betty Tobias will be located a t I ’ — — rr Ismail link bracelet, a gift from a!Sulpher Grove, Bfqntgomepr county, Dr. C. K, Hill and wife’had a dole- *former roommate, Miss Catherine fGretchen Tindall at Wostville, Cham- ni*m of members of the Gift Street ] Block, Evansville, Ind., who has since Pa*gn county, Lois Waddle, Oak1 'Grove, Clark county and Elinor] Hughes a t B.envcrcroek, Greene | Twenty-five Girl Scouts, “Followed the Trail,” Tuesday and found an Ice Cream party. Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 7, please “Wedding’meet on Cedar’street equipped for the 1hike to “Cliff.” Picnic supper, songs, A reception followed In the Bull 1twilight service, patrol work and the home with members of the wedding ]Campfire Invistiture c e r em o n ^ ll be party and the bride’s parents rcceiv-. conducted for Clara Galloway, Phylis ing guests. An ice course, with green Jean Adama and Almeda Harper, who and white appointments, was served, wi}1 becomc Tenderfoot Scouts, the ices being molded to represent cupids, roses and love birds, A large Subscribe for THE HERALD O P E N I N G S P E C I A L Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 8th and 9th $ e . o o Machineless $ « . $ « \W - = — PERMANENT , & = = = Other Permanents $1.50, $2,25, $3.25, $4.00 Soft Water Shampoo and Finger W av e .... .......50e Hair Cut ................................... ...... ................35c Facial .......................... ...................{......... ........... ,75c Arch ...... ....... ....... . ...................................... ........35c Hot Oil Shampoo................... ............................... 50c " Manicure ...:.............................!._’..............;...... ...50c BEA’S BEAUTY SHOP Cedarville, Ohio. Phone: 14 ferrali Mlnntvlteh’e Orjglnct Harmonica Rescale Lovers of truly fine harmonies music in this territory will travel to Springfield, Saturday, September 4th, to epjoy a personal appear ance, engagement of Borrah Minna- tltch’s world-famous “Harmonica Rascals,” which Is scheduled for the' Fairbanks theater’s stage eae day only. The “Harmonica Rascals” are currently on a coast-to-oosst tear which, will eventually take them Into Nbw York City for an extended engagement on the Great White Way. They jug^ recently complet ed in Hollywood important roles to two fine pictures, “One In A Mil lion” and “Love Under Fire,” pro ductions of the 20th. Century-Fox studios. The Rascals are a troupe of the world’s ' ten best harmonica play ers and among the company are a variety of nationalities, personal ities and races. Minnevitch has al- ways maintained * a policy of promptly dismissing any member of his troupe upon, discovering a better player and shows ho p refe r ence to race, creed, color, size or appearance. His Rasbals are able to present more than 1,000 melodies, ranging. from classics to modem swing; . Their stage presentations include a “little of everything” along with plenty of side-splitting-comedy en tertainment. The Fairbanks the- •-ater Jn Springfield will present the “Harmonica Rascals” at popular Price,, scale and will show In con junction an exciting, thrill-packed screen feature, ”Wlngs Over Hon olulu.” Dr, Paul J, Volkert Dentist OFFICE HOURS Monday and Friday 9:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9:30 A. M. fo 8,:30 P. M. - Office Closed Wednesday Phone: 73 THE GREAT MONTGOMERY COUNTY F A I R FOUR BIG DAYS FOUR BIG NIGHTS DAYTON, OHIO SEPTEMBER 6TH (Labor Day), 7TH, 8TH, 9TH A BIGGER AND BETTER FAIR PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY 2 New Ford Automobiles, Frigidaire, Zenith Cabinet Radio Electric Washer, Upholstered Living Room Chairs, Groceries and Other Valuable Prizes HORSE RACING DAY AND NIGHT Large Exhibit of Livestock, Agricultural and Horticultural Displays, Boys’ and Girls’ Club Work, School Exhibits Big Display of Farm implements GAMES,SHOWS,RIDESANDOTHERENTERTAINMENT . -A ' ’ - ' * 6 BIG FREE ACTS BAND CONCERTS B i g P e t P a r a d e , T u e s d a y , S e p t . 7 t h $ LIBERAL PRICES. FREE ENTRANCE. ENTER YOUk p W CHILDREN’S DAY, SEPT* 7TH SOLDIERS’ DAY, SEPT, 8TH All children and soldier* admitted free to grounds until 8 P* M« on day designated. ADMISSION~r25c (All children under 12 years accompanied by parents admitted free any day or night, H. L. MICHAEL President* & Seatafcaiy* 1
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