The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 27-52
w m ftX B t i w b & y , m r m m %% T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D KARLH BULL — — ~ EDITOR AND PUBLISHER M M titfr-W M M t JW tw ttl A w * .: OM* X vmwmt A***-J MU*rt V«U«y V n u K a tsm t *t the post Office, Cedsrville, Ohio, October 31,1887, f* iMKsond elm* mutter. m FR IDAY ^EPTEMB^ 17, 1937 NOW COMES THE TIME FOR LOYALTY TEST With the anRait«#m|&nt this week th a t "Hon, Charles Sawyer, Cincinnati, win WHa candBWate for the nomination lor governor on the Democratic ticKet, against Gov. Martin L. Davey, interest centers on the faction of the Demo cratic committee behind the Governor and;the other faction floundering in bewilderment by the Sawyer announcement, Homer Henrie, chairman of the contrriling'-committee may yet have more of a task on his hands than impeaching a Greene cbunty sheriff, v State patronage in the county from the expert shovel and pick appointeeHo the higher-ups has all come from Gov. Davey. The test of loyalty faces many Democrats in"the county. To back Davey and Sawyer win the nomination and election, means the air for all Davey followers, We shall watch with interest the factional lineup in the county th a t the record can be kept straight. Our prediction a t this time is tha t Chairman Henrie is already out on the end of the limb. Since Gov. Davey has taken an approved stand for law and order and respect for court* decisions in labor disputes, he has won the emnity of the racketeer labor bosses but the same can be expected if Mr. Sawyer wins the nomination and election. It is forecast th a t whoever the Republicans nominate and elect labor union leaders and their followers must obey the law. Ohio stand? in a fair way a t least for two more years of haring a governor the nation can feel assured will give sup port to our courts, th a t is more than Indiana:, Michigan and Pennsylvania can say. ANOTHER CASE OF “HE KEPT US OUT OF WAR” - The European situation coupled with th a t in the fa r East created a “new appeal” for the New Deal but not one that -has created,'as miich comment on the, exposure of high-up Dem ocrats as members of the Ku Klux Klan. Once more we. are given the Roosevelt pledge tha t the nation will not engage in !war, this statement being based on reports from Bernard M. ~ Baruch, New York Jew Wall Street operator that holds the reputation of making and unmaking presidents, Baruch was the middleman between foreign nations and Woodrow Wilson, betraying the latter it was not long until the U. S. declared war and several millions young men were soon in camps or on foreign soil regardless Of the Wilson presi- ' dential pledge “He kept us out of war.” .Baruch made Wall street interests hundreds of millions. He sold Herbert Hoover “down the river” and now the “Father Devine” of Hyde Park publically pledges the nation as safe from war infested terri tory based on what Baruch reports following a tour of Europe. Baruch was the god-father of Hugh Johnson, the custodian of the Blue Eagle in NRA days, when Wall stAset interests received New Deal blessings while placing the heel of the gov ernment under Johnson’s orders, on small business and small manufacturers. . It is well the New Deal has annexed Bernard M. Baruch, , outside of Wall street, we know of no other interest, political or " economic,, tha t cares for his advice. HOW LONG WILL THE DOLLAR STANDARD PREVAIL It was unusual to read thisW%k of the financial plight the Cincinnati schools are found, especially coming at the opening of th e school term. Cincinnati schools opened Monday and /fac e , a certainty of a t least four weeks vacation during the holi days and an early spring adjournment. At the last election the citizens of Cincinnati voted down ‘ a special tax levy and another levy will be voted upon,at the coining November election. This ,is a strange situation especial ly as Cincinnati is the home of Robert Taft, the father of classi fication of property fo r taxation. Hundreds of millions of personal property in th a t city goes tax exempt under classifica tion, which was sold the farm organizations, but when more - money is needed for schools, fire or police protection, real estate must carry the load. The plight of the schools is to reduce the financial load or find more tax revenue. This brings us to the point of how long can the taxpayers ,of the state continue to make possible the “dollar standard” for public school, as well as college or university training? Each year we find all branches of education clh a .higher dollar standard. The young man from a poor home has less chance for a medical education today than two years ago, and so with other professions/ Our best physicians, attorneys, ministers and other professional men and women did not ail come from families regarded rich, . That the “dollar standard” is not popular in some sections is best proven by the demand for teachers from the smaller colleges in the sta£e. Instead of making it easier for young folks to gain, a higher education or training for a profession, the “dollar standard” is leaking ifr'harder. A “thumber” asked fdr a ride wit 9f Xenia, Monday, dressed .in''summer trousers and shirt, shoes fair. Well shaved and good looking, bound for Buffalo, N. Y. Ho had walked all night (Sunday) to keep warm, no coat and not able to get lodging from Cin cinnati to Xenia. Had been five days G ltar commission* that have to d i with ' handling paroles for Ohio prisoner*. Around Columbus .there has b*en grumbling* of the ’‘public sale” of pardons and paroles since the day* of former Governor George'White. Re cently a Columbus newspaper pub lished a «ri*» of letter*, shoring how most*anyone could secure a parole, if the te rn s were ,j»et. The,, recent bandit shooting near Springfield where a policeman and*.deputy sheriff /were shot1, as well as a bandit, was the di rect result of . liberating dangerous character* with, prisomrecords- through the “for sale route/ ’ 1 It has beei proven that scouts representing cer-' social security money was used to help hold, up government bonds in Wall street. One vfeek the Roosevelters curse Wall, street, the next day they use government money to prime the governments own bond market. This indicates that American investors are not anxious to own the New Deal paper bonds. Tuesday, Roger Bahson, noted economist, following the action of the government, predicted ' 20c dollars due to inflation"jjnd repudia tion of the public debt. The govern- went method of priming the bond market is not expected to give aid to general business, all line* showing a decided drop the last month. i Here’s “That Certain Woman”! J on the “thumb" route from New Or leans, where he and a companion' tain politicians'and some well-known located last June. / Occupation, ‘Democratic^ attorneys have set up a restaurant or hotel cook, or second system that has netted the loaders helper as a baker, Held one job eight several hund- cd thousand1 dollars weeks until government social Security,Reputable, Democratic a>*jRestaurant, Osborn, Ohio Dr- Rey- The Greene County Health League will hold its regular meeting Septem ber 24th at "6:30 p., m., a t Hardins inspector found he was not registered/well as Republican, have openly con- He and restaurant proprietor had "demed what, has been going on. The agreed on terms satisfactory to both, state pays high to convict gangsters the cook having,a paid up union card and in return the ,gangsters pay high in Buffalo union. jto get freedom through a corrupt set- XJncle Sam’s political snooper says up of Democratic .politicians, each The Mississippi' Valley Conference if you work another day I will arrest board having control 9! pardons and on Tuberculosis will be held Septem btfth you and the proprietor. Pro- paroles, is responsible to the Demo- ber 22-23-24-25 in Dayton. The head* prietor says that can be arranged so cratic administration. No one can put he paid off the union cook and let that on. the Republicans for each mem- him go. The cook registered and was ber has been ,named by Democratic numbered by the New Deal like a pedi- powers. Governor Davey may mean greed hog- or federal prisoner, Ap- well in proposing a change, in fact he plied to unioh headquarters for a job should fire every member of these boqrds. ' He should call on the Ohio as cook, none to be had, other restaurants were letting cooks , go. Thousands of girls walking the streets hunting jobs having been laid off by employers to hold down the payments that would go to the New Deal Com munists. » . , Taking his haniFbag," hat find ;Coat,_ it was hit the pike for honje -in Buffalo- where1 *a>r<;wiclowed mother would welcome, a son, all she had was the widow's pension as a result of the father being in the war. Cook admitted he slipped a vote to Roose velt against the adyke of his mother* bum McClellan will give an address on “Prevention of Cancer, Jn addition there will be shown a short moving picture on some.phase of tuberculosis.' quarters ho'tel will be the Dayton Bilt- more. APPLES FOR SALE Nagley’s Orchard, (tf) £ At . - < • , , . Own your home. Let us help you. Bar Association to disbar every at- CedarviUe Pederai Savings & Loan torney sitting on these boards as wellj Assn. ■ as attorneys that have conducted the auction for the benefit of the gang- Bette Davis, popular blonde star o£ the films, has Henry Fonda- a* her new heart-throb and rough lover in Warner Bros, new hit, “That Certain Woman,” coming to the Majestic theater in Spring- field for a week starting Thursday, September 16. ‘ - Supporting Miss' Davis and Fonda in this story o£ a woman who told her husband; "goodbye’’ on tlioir wedding night, are' suoh ’pop- 1 ular performers as Ian Hunter, Anita Louise and Donald C r i s p . ; 'i sters and for the profit to the Demo cratic .politicians. | Subscribe to “ THE HERALD” jm-BQha&or.CopeMnuL-Dqm., New York,, issue^air* statement- Monday-r.-.sjayjng Roosevelt’s appointment < of - Hugo Black to the-Supreme Court was the naming of- a -life member of the Ku Klux Klan. - Sen: David Walsh, Demi., Mass,, has demanded of Roosevelt that Black’s resignation be called for at who came from a Republican home.;once. Alfred E. Smith, Dem., adds Now he says he has learned the same his voice, having been the victim of language southerners use when they the Klan sharpshooting in a presi- talk behind the door of Roosevelt dential election: Attorney General and the New Deal. Says what they Cummings, who hails from a Klan call Farley would not look well in state, does not-deny the charge but I print and that New Dealers are pour- asks “Why 1should membership in mg millions of dollars Into Huey SOme order bar a man from a court jg gpoT CASH PAID FOR 1 CONSIGN. YOUR LIVESTOCK - —. to th e .— SPRINGFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES COMPANY Sherman Are. Springfield, O. Phone: Main 835-1 Long’s state every month to keep the appointment-?’’ Long followers sweet and on some ..... 1 kind of a job When asked about' The' Second break in the stock 11 Long s death, he says Lou.sannawor- market %vith{n -,eS8 than a week 8cn tJ| shipped Huey and they mention names prlces tumbling new record j f of New Dealers who ordered he jlist as ,had ^ predlcted from Senator 'piugged. When we parted every trustworthy source. The New I the cook holding “union and social Dea, dump*,! 300 million dol,ara into | security cards says, thanks for the 4-t,— M_. . „ , = .... , l ' . . , , tne marKetrhopper, Monday, to try to ll lift your a qnalntance and don’t let boost theHHce of falling government'! anybody fcll you 4hat Rooseyelt and bonds. I t is reported this credit 11 John Lewis are pot playing a racket Horses — Cows (Of Size and Condition) Pfompt removal of . Hogs, Sheep, Calves, Colts . Telephone 454 on laboring men. X e n ia : f e r t il iz e r :& TANKAGE c o . FRIDAY IS CGNSTfTUTION DAY % Today we celebrate tfie one hundred and fiftieth anni versary of the signing of the Constitutioh of the United States, the most remarkable document in the history of any civilized government That it has existed over this expanse of time proves its worth and what the framers saw in the future. I t has been amended a t times but for good and specific reasons. Today the battle is to preserve it from its enemies—the New Deal* tha t would convert it as if it were a twig that could be bent to suit the radicals of the day. Roosevelt liquor to aid the cause, of the more abundant life eyidently has not gojie sp well do>vn in Oxford, the' seat .of Miami tlniversity,, Local booze emporiums in Oxford have beep (<>verly anxious and thrown all .kinds of inducements to Miami students to' indulge in the “flowing bowl." Citizens have become aroused arid a local op tion election in town' and township ujider the three branches of liquor certificates will be voted upon in No vember. President Upham in a public statement exhorts the electors to come to the defense of the students in that families send their children to Miami expecting a different influence. Prcsi dent Upham in taking the step he has is risking his job for the reason Miami like .other state universities in Ohio, receive some federal aid. When you fight liquor you are stabbing Franklin D. . . . reported this credit was | - from the .“Sterilized gold,” whatever]! view, the MinniiMi9Hi>n>nMiiniiMMnpilMH<ui|miHMiloHi'il>iHinm —1 *-• *1’ i.J ... i ■ mtv . :WiL "iff! T H E O H I O B E L L T E L E P H O N E . C O , THE TOPIC F01 TODAY B Hog Feeding Thi* wumd f—A it for tho I«tder who has had whaat too good to use for straight hog feed and wh6 has sent in w ill send it to the m illing market. WHEAT— 1400 pounds ground light weight wheat or re cleaned screenings which according to Henry St Morrison , is almost as good for hog feed a s heavy wheat. OTHER GRAINS—-300 pounds Wayne Grain Substitute which consists o f ground corn, ground barley, fine ground oats* standard m iddlings, hominy feed , limestone and 8alt. This is a feed mixed a t A llied Mills plant, is reg" istered in Ohio with a guaranteed! minimum protein o f 10 P*1* criit and is NOT as an ambitious rumor hair it,? Cincinnati flood corn. This feed adds Veriety. t ‘ i SUPPLEMENT*—300 pounds Wayne Hoy .40 which nafedsi no explanation for its performance. , ^ • The above feed mixed and delivered at today’s prices « * complete hog feed with 14.5 per cent protein at ▼38.50 p er ton. A price less than hominy t And so much greater feed value 1 It’s worth, anyone’s time to inviMttigate. CEPAKVILLEGRAINCO. m ■ ' te lephon e 21 . South Main Street Cedarrille, Ohio The liquor interests in Obm induced ahs ^gp^i»tlblegml»tV^'f<S»r yeiarii epue to '"old-age” pensions, thinking ttie business was 106 per cent safe The last Democratic legislature re duced the cost of licenses so that Ohio will have less revenue for old age pen sions. Those holding the old licenses must pay the higher fee, according to a* ruling of Attorney General Duffy. By surrendering the old 11 cense to the state board and applying for a new one they can got it a t the reduced fee. **The Democratic admin istrations in Washington as well as Columbus are doing their part to re pay the liquor Interests for campaign contributions. The taxpayers wi|l be called upon to put up for old age pen sions. - The Columbus Citizen has a fine illustrated article showing what has been done with state and federal money building a lake down in Demo cratic Pike county. The New Deal put in a pot full of money and the state under Gov. George White put up $200,000»to enrich a company cojn posed of Democrats that held title to land rights about the Jake, which has been completed. Th'< Citizen exposes the. psV.9f jmblic money for- the en f*pA ffJIroFjgtt iahj’ttfiW .„ .h.^sitc, 'mf^rate^Dfflnoirhiic1 i«"y,” 'h s tefifted by'fhc Citizen, at a hapdsome price. .State Chairman Frahcja PoiSlsbn, Cleveland-, has pur chased what contractors say is a $60,- 000 residence for the nominal Sum of “less than $10,00/),’* Democratic politicians have first Choice of resort sites arid the State of Ohio will pay the yearly cost of upkeep of the “duck pond” in the backvlroods of southern Ohio. .<>*• /■Mr; ill at Mn week. . Mis Miam aceora hiWE p« sett a Mr, daugh summ Mr, a turnec Florid Mis way, t Gallov . Unive Rebeci last y Mes Wilsoi daugh- Anna Barba) Fridaj Mrs- Ilenrit Cathei guests “ Mrs. ' dianai - , . .of hei ’ Woi Mrs. 1 ersvill a Da> due tc | critica held f ■Mr. tained dipner The weinei Storm- played Brown Dr. ' hosts , / . sl/'Gre .^Babel ; . . .Rrodei Sparts Mrs. ( , ville, ' bar of , Mr. . „ his ds mer. s Michif : and n Mr. . - twtr d Dorot) ' ago; * «• forme: Mrs, •r Woods i. : of. Mi. Will v - , fined.J L. Jo. drivini ■ revoke days i fine. ' way I north Mpr - ppr ce A.Lee Sf3 Gov. Davey offer* a plan of con* LEW WL ROC FAir BANK! “Smokp Tree'Range” * STARRING RUCK JONES AND HORSq Featuro No, 2 “Fly-Away Baby” Glendg Fgtrell Barton MacLano Only M g Til 6 » «1 8HH Nart wIab i i
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