The Cedarville Herald, Volume 60, Numbers 27-52

-WWW THE C BD A R V I L L I HERALD M m mU> — — — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER pmelel A mm .; «M» Xwwi wtr A wmm W m i toMto * t m tew* Office, CedsrviUe, Ohio, October SI, 1887, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8,1987 GOV- DAVE t IS HAVING HIS TROUBLES Gov. Martin L. Davey la doing his best to whitewash a lot o i scandal in the state highway department, State Auditor Ferguson having held up all bills lor payment for highway materials and supplies. It has become known that Franklin county is buying what is known as 135-T mix, a black tarvi.a , mixture for road surfacing. Contractors say / ;re is no such thing as that is what ia known as the highway department specification. It may be just what the standard is and always has been but o f course the price is different for the product the state has been purchasing. Franklin county pays $6 for 135-T from the same company the Btate gets 135-T but. the state pays as high as $13 and $14. Consequently the State Auditor has held up payment o f such bills. The Dayton pike and the Cincinnati pike out o f Xenia were covered with 135-T according to reports. Governor Davey says he will have, his own investigation and ordered the head o f the department to explain. Ferguson says Davey and State Chairman Pouleson o f the Executive Committee know more about road material prices than does the head o f the highway department. In as much as Ferguson is a Democrat the argument is confined to that party hut Gov. Davey has a problem, on his hands that may not be solved to the satisfaction o f the public. KLU KLUXER BLACK AND THE SUPREME CQURT ■l From one angle, several sections o f the populace may con­ sider the Roosevelt appointment o f Kluxer Hugo Black to the Supreme Court a*blow to religious beliefs and the first stone in the Rooseyelt Communistic plan'to break down our democratic form o f government fo r a dictatorship. , From another angle the Roosevelt appointment'has been a lesson to the people that have supinely followed the radical movements o f the New Deal Communists and brain-trusters, all of-whom have been failures in private business or never have had individual responsibility, including Roosevelt himself. The Black appointment speaks for itself and is proof o f the type of mentality Roosevelt wants in high places, even our courts, making them subservient to dictation from a higher source. Little o f the blame can be placed on Black, who came from the Kluxer back woods in Alabama. He represented the type o f citizenship and was elected by that element due to his mem­ bership where the KKK brand was burned on the forehead of a bellboy. A 66-year-old farmer Was "whipped with a black snake whip because, he refused to join the Klan and ’an arch deacon o f the English Episcopal Church had been whipped, tarred and feathered because he openly disapproved of Klan activities. A Catholic priest was shot down in cold-blood ■during the time these and other atrocious acts were committed during the year Black says he was a member. Hundreds of negros were burned to a stake or hung from a three and their bodies riddled with bullets while the “ firey cross” burned, the signal o f a gala day in Klandom. . Under permission of a Roosevelt commission controlling radio, Black was granted time to address the people and make admission o f his membership in the Klan, and express himself between the lines that he had no regrets for his membership and what are you going to do about it? ‘ Before Black reached ,mid-ocean the New Dealers in Washington had picked his assistants, a Catholic and a Jew, both o f whom are obnoxious to Kluxers, but vgere selected to quiet the uproar over Black’s , appointment. .Both will be oh the government pay roll only until the Klan, demands their removal. It was also notable that the Klan burned across near the Roosevelt residence in Hyde Park, at the time Black was speaking over the radio, the event celebrating Black’s appointment to the Supreme Court. Other Kluxers in the Senate rushed to defend Black and the attack made oh Roosevelt for his appointment. The Black admission o f Klan membership certainly left the lie. on Roosevelt’s lips who confessed he knew nothing about Black’s membership in the Klan regardless o f the fact the open charge was discussed on the floor o f the. Senate. The whole mess is left at Roosevelt’s door who was seeking a stool pigeon oh the high court that he could control. Roosevelt’s idea o f civic and religious morality is about on par with the legal ability o f his appointee. Its a case of "birds o f a feather flock together". PREDICTION ON EUROPEAN SITUATION JBRIGflTENS The Roosevelt speech in Chicago this week did not tend to give moral support to those who have been giving world peace much thought. Three weeks ago the "Herald" compared the , present with the days o f Woodrow Wilson and his “ He kept us out o f War" campaign. Bernard M. Baruch, Wall Streeter, had just returned from Europe, and was Roosevelt’s informant as to conditions abroad. Baruch pushed Wilson into the World War and how far away is Roosevelt, if his.Chicago speech can be taken one hundred percent? When a nation begins to talk o f hbycott o f the world markets, especially Japan, trouble breeds fast, and in unexpected places. Italy and Germany Stand together in the conquest in Spain. France fears border warfare and jumps in Uncle Sam’s lap for protection from this end. Would Roosevelt enlist American youth to back the doctrine o f his Chicago speech? ESTATE HEATROLA 9 • ■ * Goal an d Gas Types Different sizes to meet your require­ ments. Now is the time to see us before you buy your stove. - Fairbanks-M orris Radios W * have assumed the dealership for this popular line. 193ft Models and they are priced from $9.98 to' $150. You are invited to call and listen to the last word in radio. ■ i We offer great trade-in values for your old stove or radio. ■I drivarie tiotttst {se t. The original purpose oi the sabs tax eeojd ha •»- dorsad hut under tits state fax com­ mission whore H costs more than a million in salaries to politicians, we might just as well abolish the tax altogether. Kiansman Hugo Black, the Supremo1 Cincinnati papers report ltffi auto. Court and the flooded Order are the’ mobile accidents Saturday and Sunday topics o f the week in the state as within the city in' which more than well, as tite nation, A -little -trip in’ half that many wore seriously injured. Pennsylvania over the week-end and The suggestion has been made it is the same subjects prevail other than time now to drpp the driver’s license the Klan has returned to burning law as it has done no good whatever market from day to day leaves quite a hole in "the investigent purse, whether it is the Jittle fellow or the millionaire. As ope market investor explained to his attorney, you had as much chance in. the “Number Game” , as a win for profit following each speech Roosevelt had made of late.’ Fearing a complete wipe-put4 the Greene county young Democrat -that bit in the market quit $700 looser and the fee paid an attorney to wind; up his affairs with a brokerage office/ I 1 r I huge crosses on the high hiHs and other than give a lot o f politicians'gives information that all applica-' mountains. In sections where those jobs. We get a report from a brother (tiohs for positions at the 0 . S .& S, 0.1 o f foreign birth predominate New,publisher .o f a street car motormanj Home Deal Democrats have had to fold up'that had to quit his job because o f Henry, the Chairman o f the Demo- ■ their tents and hide until the feVer failing sight. He had never owned cratic Executive Committee, The * passes, ■ ., ! an automobile, Fearing be could not question now is what fee is required/ The revival o f the Klan issue, get a driver’s license and having if. any, to get a job at the Home? Is ' brought to the first pages by Roose-1heen active in politics for thirty years the percentage required the same asi velt naming Black to' the highest,in his ward, he called upon a Demo, that assessed on Democrats that ap- court, and having him slip in by the -cratic politician for aid in securing plied fo r the chance o f writing autp- back door, route rather than the fron t,a license. What happened we cannot mobile driver’s licenses? Democrats door that honor and austom recognize, repeat other than to say the motor-1 dp not seem to be much interested in cannot <be drowned out by built-up man that could not meet requirements |the fee grabbing plan^exposed id the New Deal issues. The Klan >is Roose- to operate a street car due to imper- jlicense issuing. It is going to be some velt’s baby fo r no one has practiced, fuct sight, wap granted a license to time before the Democrats hear the bigotry, preached,,claps distinction o r ,drive an automobile.- You can form , end of the County Infirmary'fiasco, bamboozled the public more success- your own conclusions as to the value, No scandal will fall on any Greene ful than i*as»t.he Hyde Park Squire.,®* the license law for motor carjcountain following *investigation ‘o f i While the^nation talks Klan and the |drivers. , ’ j.the State Highway Department in the purchase o f road materials by State on Auditor Ferguson. The young Demo-’ V £»; VJft tflv 4 *|||? ■A m mediocre -timber placed ' on -the Su­ preme Court, Roosevelt on his western trip planned to escape Washington, at this time, fails to mention the name of one Senator that voted against the court packing plan. The big bad boy of the White House that was going to spank these Senators in public view, opposed to court- packing let alone a Kluxer on the bench. In a Cleveland store window Euclid ave., the main drag in the city, crat named to engineer road material i is an electric range with a sign over deals in this county is unable to func- it stating the government has ordered; tion for the t company that dropped 67 b such ranges for the resettlement several thousand •into the state cam- buildings near Mt, Healthy, west of paign fund Cincinnati. The government hasj squandered millions building a ram-' bling sort o f apartment house under | brain-truster ideas fo r those who have always been residents in the slums, ~ o f the city. There will be the latest ; ^or ®a*e' in refrigeration. Slum residents with' bultet, 6 *■» ramshackle sfove, a cot, half c la d /new’ ( For Sale—Drop apples, fiOC per bushel. P. M. Gillilan. Phone 86. j . A murder a day keeps marriages away! Pity poor Joan slways-a bloodhound, never a bride in her latest and snappiest picture, “Back in Circulation" in which she is co-starred wl,th “he-man" Pat O’Brien, This breezy newspaper romance, with a new and smashing angle to it, will open at the new Ma* jjestic theater in Springfield, October 10. ‘ A spectacular train wreck provides a thrilling introduction to “Back in Circulation" & Warner Bros, pictqrlzation of tlie Cosmopolitan magazine story, . “Angle Shooter” by Adele Rogers St. John. The story revolves around the death, under mysterious circumstances, of a millionaire/- Pat O’Brien editor of a metropolitan tabloid newspaper wants to solve the mystery, •but hip hot-tempered girl-friend Joan Blondeli is more inter­ ested in a marriage, ceremony. ' The brilliant supporting cast Includes Margaret Lindsay, John Litel, Regis Toomey, and Walter.Byron besides a score of others. ' ■ rutbnlial All the talk that the Civil Service Commission that heard the Kildow case was packed against the deposed superintendent, proved something- di f - . - ...... , „ , ... ferent when tlie decision was render-;0® “ lief will be asked to pay as much ^edarviUc, Route I ed Monday, and the County Infirmary M $8 per room a month. In addi-j -LgJg.-ia,. , ■. j., Superintendent restored with his wife tion there will be the cost of electric j to their former positions. We heard, lights, gas and water rental each much of the. testimony during that.month- How can this class o f down hearing and on the face o f what went antl out humanity meet the New Deal into the record the Commission could Standard o f the more abundant life on do nothing else than return the d e /th e rations issued by relief agencies? posed to their former status. Prose- How many Greene county Democrats cutor Shoup, did a splendid job with can boast o f electric ranges in their what he had to work with in the way kitchens? Is not the housewife of o f testimony. Inmates o f any institu- the taxpayer that is paying for all tion *seldom get much consideration this folly entitled to some o f the when placed on the witness stand. It present day conveniences along with is unfortune that the Infirmary or a section o f humanity that has hard-, any other home must be forced to ly enough clothes to keep them warm ? accept a Iude woman o f the lowest The more power dams for generating morel character, such that even a electricity we have the more electric sister would .not recognize, that she ranges and. refrigerators sold, the alone could gi e the place a bad name, jSr®ater dividends including stock No court or board could accept her controlled by a trust company for its ward at the head o f Pennsylvania avenue. i •Dining ’room suit, table,, chairs, solid oak. Good as | Will sell cheap. Mrs. Carl Ross, FARM LOANS / Low Interact /L on g Term /-'Fair Appraisal / Prompt Service statements. A Democrat o f good standing whispered to us during the hearing that the Democratic executive committee had forced -the charges against Mr. and Mrs. Kildow and dumped the whole thing in-the'lap of the Democratic County Commission­ ers.'.- New Dealers certainly do not get much comfort in reading the editorial comment on the Black Supreme Court appointment in both Democratic as well as independent daily papers. The New York Post has been loyal to the core for Roosevelt but the religious issue'came to the front due to the views o f the publisher and the Post spates no words in criticism o f not only Black but Roosevelt in making the appointment. The „ Pittsburgh paper that first exposed Black’s mem­ bership in the Klan and his present life membership, which has never been renounced, is^owned by a wealthy Jew. The fact that the Klan organ ization in Pennsylvania endorsed both Roosevelt and Black is causing Demo crets to wonder wjiat connection exists between Roosevelt and the Klan'and whether or not he has one o f those life long memberships where it can be said he did not belong to the Klan. ' E-\- The continued drop in the stock Winwood & Co, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Authorise# Mertgagi Loan $*hciiotf*r FnriistiftI fRMfWNs r<iny *f Amrka THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY SALE O c t o b e r . 7 t o 1 6 , i n c l u s i v e SHARE THE SAVINGS |n Every" D e p a r tm en t -35.37 N. Main S f - A trip to the northeastern part of the state where Sen. Robert Bulkley, Dent., Was ’ formerly strong reveals that the Senator let his foot slip when he rushed to Roosevelt’s de fenae on Black's appointment. In as much as Cleveland has always been regarded strong Democratic there are those who say the Roosevelt recogni tion o f a 'Kiansman did much to give the Republican candidate for mayor such a big vote at the recent primary, Cleveland has thousands o f foreigners that have no use for the Klan, The question now is how can Sen, Bulkley explain his defense o f the appoint­ ment o f a Southern bom and bred Alabama Kiansman to the Supreme Court? All the daily newspapers in Cleveland are demanding Black’s resignation. Sen. Bulkley is hiding in the dog house , rather than face the issue squarely, - hoping evidently to play safe by riding the issue double in view that he must face the elect­ ors in the Democratic primary next year. The Senator also grabbed the court packing plan but has since be­ come silent on that issue, QHMMNGS & CRESWELL HARDWARE COMPANY 3**t»i Main St, Cadarrill*. O. Anti-sales tax petitions are now being circulated ever Ohio to repeal a recent law that compels the collec tion o f sates tax on your second hand car. The new ear carries the sales tox, then when , you have traded it after one, two or three years use Should there be a second sales tax eoliectod? This petitons ask for a referendum. Some iff these days days some one will Be elected gov­ ernor o f Ohio on a. campaign for the repeal o f not o n l/ the satee tax but some others as well, fo r instance the tt/iA ■Week Starting ISATUKDAV , o c i . ■ 5 % PICK fOWEU 9 ° c T. 8 th O i. SPENCER TRACY I.tUSE RAN1ER B ig city throb .nd k . r ‘ York.” “Dram* which capt«r®* of New *11 o f the heart wUh. * f J ”\rM E SCj ” dJ E 'FE? i ! ? JACK ®Er S r o W M M A X ir 'R M E N - JIMMY McLARwl. l /kllMl.i mi DEAN, b l o o m , mountain and other ce lehrated F A I R B 4 H M XKATURE NO, 1 SATURDAY 8And# JO m “God’sCountry and the Man” FEATURE NO. * “Thief Meet* Thief’ . ■ ■/ .W ith -. - DolijrI*8 Fnlrb«ttk«, Jr. Vjiforlo Htiiiop Alwsya Two Hit* WITH Tom Keene Hetty Compton. Charlotte Henry Only , 1 5 e t in e Cgfttfathiiib. §kmm Locfll Mr. Paul mm trip week# The Wo Tfawa/Oct. Oraoe Porte Cedar Cli meet, Octot Mrs- Raymo J, S, West Mr, and moved this property onl road, formi Rose Chaml Mrs. SidneJ Ind., and Mrjj o f Kendallvill end here as C..H, Crouse,! Mr, D. F. .. m in poor heatt{ been moved to Springs, MrJ 88th year. Mr. and Mi this place, and - Ringer of X l spending two ] vacation, retuJ Rev. B. N, t® Berkley, €a| illness o f his Friday."Rev, I hope fo r the James R. Ba| "Sunday Schooj ..terian Church day.* Sixteen' . at the eoverel .. social entertail Mrs. Cora ^children, Jame lands, Cal,, har make their he dren have beer Mrs. Hosking: with her fath« Frame and wil ' Duke Peters •home from He ia rdcoveil recent opCratio Mrs, .CurtisJ from Columbti Frances Kenncj spent, Sunday - Grace Kennoz From reporl{ change in the j Small, who $uij last week, andl Clellan Hospita Mr. and Mrc as their guest j Catherine Bloc is the Comhu] Pleasant Hill county. On Tuesday . the members in Selma had I >at the: parsone surprise to th| wife,- Dr. and Mrs companied Drl Chesney to Mq evening to at byterial o f Fiil Was the speal Miss Dorot| Los Angeles, this place, wi| reside with he man, Wintoni mother, Mrs.] died irt Los Miss May Burlington e j at dinner Sur Whitmer an<| Hill, 0 .; Miss ville, Ind.; and Mr. Rex I add Mrs. Gq place. Mr. John burgh, and place, are ap troit, Mick, - Illness of a| Harry Owen] ,hospital for f Charles Cross call f«{ the third tir petition.; Armistice tlnue to Tha] N o qu the national! Theanm Greene Com ton townshl farm, ns October 18. both1star tests, Rul will be the contest, warn and kt WyCnJotj IPJty poor Joi It and snapple Ico-starred wi romance, wii It tlie new M Introductli trlzation of tl Iter” by Ada lie death, und O’Brien edlti |ve the myster is more inte pgaret Llndsa oesidea a scoi a * a ! ' 111 ITEENTH :Y SALE i s i v e 17 N. Main St,