The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

IpUMtfj »iinurn miwi man inniminji m m m m m * m m wmmwm wum. mum* mmmmk ?m mmm mmm m , 4 ® a » BtXTYFIEST mrnmmmmsawsxsscm w m m & m a mmmmgm > m F H B S T * E 00LUMBU8.--- Announcement ^h»t small-business operators who normal ly hav* a personnel o f not mop* than two employes, hot whohire addjflqn- Hi help during the Christmas season,’ will be liable end must contribute to the state unemployment compensation food wa* made here by Chairman Charles S’ Leasers o f the Unemploy­ ment Compensation co»ysi*f5oR. "Bnu- pleyment o f a third worker make* the employer liable on ill three workers fo r .the entire calendar yea t/* Chair' 1man Leasure asserted. "The law says ten employer subject to thU act with­ in any calendar'year is subject to the net for the whole o f the calendar year/ With only two employes an employer is not .liable, but j f he, hires a third worker* even for a day, ho is liable and must make_contributions to the,fond baaed upon the 'wage# paid to all of bis workers during the entire year." Prediction that the c ming weeks will find the public indicating inereas- >ed interest in the Northwest Terri­ tory was made by E- J. Mildren, secretary-director of the Northwest Territory Celebration Commission o f Ohio.. Special text 'hooks on the history of the territory, from which Ohio and five adjacent States were carved, have, been issued by the commission to all Ohio schools fo r .use as a reference in ^preparing 'manuscripts in a contest sponsored hy the federal commission,' Mr. Mil- dren said. In addition 25Q Ohio li­ braries have arranged reference shelves' and exhibits o f literature of the period o f the Ordinance o f 1787, Which created the territory. “ The start on .December 3 o f the ox-drawn covered wagon caravan’from Ipswich,, Mass., entente-; over the original* pioneer trail to Marietta has brought' about addfed interest in the .coming sesqui-centennial program," Mr. Mil dren pointed out.. “ By the time the paravan arrives to Marietta, on April 7, OWoefeswill be in a highly te- W-wt COURT NEWS i».wW!isW-#iajiM wnw-ji."■ FORECLOSURE EDITS Horn gedml $aring.sqdLoan A»- aodation egaiwst Emma Z*N, aaekiag judgment for f a g a i n s t Archie Newsome attd others, for |1,< 3EM4; against Deary Michaels and tor ggatott Harry Hopkins, for $101,37; against Harry M. Pudge and others,, for $2,871.98; against Douglas Neal and others, for $1,8*3,89; against Carrie Jenkins Har rls and others, for $436.86; Peoples eafepaay against Cora and John Kel sey, for 644S4& PARTITION su it f iled Partition o f real estate situated in Fairfield is the object o f a petition filed -hg Harry C. Andrews, Canton, O., against Crace Andrews Dallas; ??6 jR* Torreaoe Ski Ddyton, O., and and others, Moarir D. Rice is attorney for the plaintiff. DIVpBCE REQUESTED Charging extreme cruelty, Evelyn Ferguson has brought suit for divorce from Epgen* Ferguson, Xenia. They were marpipd July 30,1932 at Detroit, MiOh., according to the petition. C h r fe tK U P S e a l s Uncter Way ORDER NAMES PLACED Acting Judge Frank M. Clevenger has directed the jury commission of Greene County ‘to place the names o f 340 persons, selected in accordance with law, into the jury-wheel. DIVORCES GRANTED Four'divorce decrees have been a- warded b y .the court as follows; Helen Davids from Virgil Davids, on grounds of gross neglect; Geo, F. Smith from Stella M. Smith,- on grounds- o f neglect, with the defend­ ant restored to her former, name o f Gravitt; Ernest Truman from Ethel Truman, on grounds of neglectf Mar­ tel- E. Klontz from Mary A. Xkmtz, on. grounds of neglect. Dp to date, rajjprns for the Christ­ mas seals ha* been encqprggigr, but the committee is hoping that som* hava just nfegtected sending money in, and have not ignored their letter en­ tirely. Mye^r m$y fool that one wlmia dollar is hard to part with, especially urith all other holiday*expenses; eo if there a?e those who feel that way, perhaps a dime, quarter or half- dollar could, bo spared. Each contribution, no matter how small, will aid the organization in accomplishing Dpi.goal. la st year, receipt* totaled around one hundred dollars; the local committee, with the cooperation of thepeople o f the town ship, hop## to aWe/Jl the fund to two hundred dollars this yyar. . Dost o f * historical pageant bjr tee caravan personnel in forty-nine Ohio cities during April and May, and again in September and October, fo r which there will be no charge for ad­ mission. A plea for the donation o f high school text books for use by inmates at the London prison farm was made last weak by Chaplain C. E. Shields, who has charge o f the educational classes' at the inatitution. The high school work ijubeing offered there for the first time, although elementary courses have been conducted for six years. “Because o f the need result­ ing frohs the introduction' o f high school work I amappeattng to the public and particularly to 'school officials o f this state for any discarded text books which would help meet our needs,” Chaplain Shields stated. The initial enrollment in the big school course -was fifteen, but there is an immediate prospect o f additional stu­ dents. Equipment needed included an unabridged dictionary, a set o f wall maps and a portable blackboard. Premium list# for the- thirtieth an­ nual Ohio com and grain show at Ohio State university will be available within a few days and may be obtain­ ed from county agricultural agents, Vocational agriculture teachers or di­ rect from the agronomy department at the university, it was announced by Paul P. Breeion, research agronomy assistant.' The show will fee conduct­ ed in Ives hall from January 24 to 28 and wilt feature wheat, onto, barley and soy bsana in addition to com, TVophie*, merchandise and cash prizes will be awarded, - SaieS tak collections for 1937 Will probacy show a decrease o f approxi­ mately eleven per cent,,1acoording to State Treasurer Clarence H. Knisley. Hie drop in revenue, be explained, will be due to the exemption o f the tax ©nfeod- I f tho food tax bad boon coat!need tbs total for the year would have been about nine per cent more than the 1936 -total, it was eetlmated. Comparative total cotteetkma for the two years up to the latter part of November.were $42,472,609 in 1937, and $47,799, 738 in 1936, FAWCETT FAILS TO CONNECT The ftnuuti convention of the 6bid State Treasurer's Association was held in CekUnbus, Tuesday. Harold J. Fawcett, Om m ceunty -deputy tree*, urav was -defeated tor re-election a# secretary lit % a ¥ #W Peetton Whin officer* were net advanced at h u b m . - .. • Hit mem Ontotwe tmm tin m touad §*mM *mm .atoriteg were^JnLoTor »e-tt*ft *4 die to aMto.dEEtoto .dtf #**-*to:*$.f«**i, totems! pttttks to tli* oegautoattei. to toe pto CASES DISMISSED Two petitions bgvs been dismissed by the court, as follows; Wilbur Wright, against Ruth Wright, and Esther^Sicuro against Jerry Skruro. Mstato o f ..IBmiau.F; Itotoa: grew value. $5,060; obHgatioiis, $2,087.85; net vMue„f2B02,l6. Estate o f Lotitia A . Troute; gross value, $2,106; obligations, $1,103.74; net value, $996.26. Estate pf Jacob H. Tippy: gross ,Value, $11,037.04; debts, $3,775.98; administrative cost, $419B4; net value, $6,847.47. ^ Estate o f MaDiha J. Ttosslar; gross Value, $8,18254; debts, $4»2; adminis­ trative cost, $0,60; net value, $7,- 61654. • ; Estate o f Evie V. Glfr«m: grops Value, $1,747,50; oMjgatiens, $19746; net value, $1^5Q^5. Estate o f IsMw.Gfirard; gsptojralue, $14,386} debts, $6$643; administrative cost, $706; feet vaiu«r.$1.6>643^7. appo in tm S t s m ade L._ A. Jones and Carl G / Jones have; been namsd co-adminiitratora o f the estates o f Reuben jEk JoneS and Martha R. Jones, tote jpf Bprifeg Val­ ley Twp., under bends tetftttof ^2,000. Frank L. Johnson has-beefe appoint­ ed administcatmr o f the estate of: Ethel Harris, tots o f GsdayviUe, under $3,000 bond. Scott N, Jams* has been designated administrator o f tije .satato o f Anna L. James, !#to o f Xania, under $1Q9 bond. Harley Bryan aad w* L. Bryan have been nasied co-adaWnistreters of the Milten Bryan eetate. under $1JfOO bond. ]Local Sec-Treas Dr, B. It. -McClellan, of the Mc­ Clellan hospital ’ staff, Xenia, was electedpresident of the Greene County Medical society for 1938 -at the annual 'election Thursday. Dr, David Taylor; of'Fellow Springs, was elected vice president,mid Dr. Donald Kyle, o f Cedarviile, secretary-treas­ urer. Retiring officers are Dr. T. H. Wift- ans, o f Osbotn, presideHt;~Dr. C. E. Miller, o f Osborn, vice president, and Dr. S. C. EttiS; -Xenia, secretary- treasurer. “Tinkers and Thinkers" “ Tinkers and Thinkers” was” the title o f a very'interesting lecture by Mr. Samuel W. Grathwell. heard at a combined assembly o f CcdarviUa Col­ lege and CedarviDe High School, Wed­ nesday morning. . Mr, Grathwell, a forceful speaker, presented a -fine discussion o f what thinking-realty is'and what it is not. His delightful "humor and expressive diction made toe, lecture a real stim­ ulus to dearer .thinking. All I know mail. “Another thing is unemployment -up a year. Wak*' your hatchet*, and This cor years worked fa factoring plant, seasonal lay-offs slon periods. There to this to? the proposed Iflftent Insurance advance—-it should, tion With a pr employment to ’be an aid, for i suffer seasonal lay unfortunates, as '“relief cltonfS" are those whose to industry have known in the worker a* “ unem^l Reliefand Dnes therefore, are tfero distinct subjects', tell me it would he into operation in Ja I,effort to g«t payments throw away Inroad-axe." has for many in ' * warn*- the usual inaual depres said regarding Of unsmploy paid a year in ba in connec >r relief. Dn- .was .designed , people who ot for those -referred to in the- large o f usefulness , and whp are o f.the ’ social »le*,« sent-Insurance . separate and ble authorities; ible to put the advanc ed payments to tb* wgible unemploy Cedsrville Cottage. They have been friends for several years. The Cedarviile College Mixed Crops gnder the direction o f Mrs, Ward Cnmwelt will present “Tho Holy City” in the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening, December 12. C, C. Basketball The Cedarviile .College Wskietbatt season opened Saturday night, De­ cember 4th with a 30-24 victory over V, M* C. A. of Springfield. Kenny McNeal led the Cedarviile offense with eight points. The boys played rather ragged basketball but showed signs o f possibilities. Eugene Kavanaugh, a freshman from Ross, played a very commendable game in his initiation info .College basketball. The Cedarviile to -keteera lost a 37*34 overtime battle on the Wilber- force floor Tuesday evening of this week. High scorer for the Codar- ville boys was Everett Wiseman, grad­ uate of Selma, who is a fine defensive man as Well an a sharp shooter. Mc­ Neal played a very good defensive game and all tea boys bad that old Csdarville fighting spirit. Tomorrow night the boys go to Ot- tqrbein for another tough battle. ed, and that it veff-.obviously true. The proponents of toe idea -do not deny that. Win ar|i therefore con­ fronted with two frumi-—first, it is not a proper fund from frhkh to pay re? lipf as such; second^t ia not possible to do so until jttst|before the next primaries. 1 .- Actually, politics |t * difference of opinion on vital Isaqi*- It would nof please either you o^tne if We should have to concede te*|'pottticg had de­ graded to the level- o f 'misleading political maneuvers. |Slit; there- isn't a selfish candidate , ing who would-not; portunity o f pa; o f unemployed or $16.00 a week just AFTER election. WASHINGTON.—Failure of con,., gress to follow proposals for striet agricultural control was flayed by President Edward A. O’ Neal o f tee Farm Bureau, who charged to* kgi* lators with “ mutilating" the proposoc program. ' . . O’Neal’s wrath also was directed at Secretary q£ Agriculture Wallace for friarrecent letter to the senate criticis­ ing the senate bill. Wallace, O’Neal said, “ is apparently changinghis posi­ tion," "V The farm bureau president's state- ment~f&llo\vpd a whole .week's fine pfe the legislation in both senate, anc houses ■ ■'•-■■■■ In the upper chamber, the attack was leveled principally fey G. O, P, Senators Borah o f Idaho, MeNary o f Oregon, Austin- o f VermontJ ant Bridges of New Hampshire, although one Democrat, Senator Leeu-of Okla­ homa, flayed the measure and pro­ posed a substitute bill. _A fresh attack from the Democratic side was scheduled fop- today from Senator King of, Utah, who. calls the measure “a damn fool bill." The -house, meanwhile, was in re peas until Monday after five days of Rebate and •comparatively peaceful Consideration o f peveral minor amend­ ments. The leadership successfully; maneuvered around a showdown on a parity-price amendment, sponsored fey the Patman bloc, by‘ obtaining an a- greement to defer consideration until fee first of next week. - The .local quintet, led by Donald Fields wbo contributed nineteen| Ws hearer8i Music was M s b - ed a so-called ht o f paying maxlmv age pensions, f o r . election, only to ' fa il: governor Bv. me |he op; ,*0106 thousands oyable peoplp 'ore AND NOf * 4:Tfiwite#sa; program' for old juatbefove the jittering old age pstodona fall bseause teey are only promise* -mid not setmd rsaaon- ing. It seem* to' me the same thing is true now- When such political maneuvers suc­ ceed in confusing enough voter*, virtual dictatorships are possible. There are two philosophies o f pblitics: one)1 that good government is good politics; and: afeOttkr, that a process o f leadingypu to‘believe that someone is doing something for you that be is not is good politics. We have had too-much, of the latter already; Greene CountyHome OfficialsTo Itesign Mr, and Mrs. James R. Soward, for the last 14. years superintendent and chief matron^ of the Greene County Children’s Home, witt relinquish their post about next March 1 and retire to a farm on the Lower Bellbrook pike tferee miles from ‘ Xenia, the .couple disclosed Saturday. Their joint resig­ nation Will be submitted "later, to .the fiv.e-njembor board o f trustee's*w^hich supervises affair* o f the institution, and which will, appoint their succes- administration, .wttnwsed ’ the <shtt* dren's home- population grow to an ,all-time pe*k of 1,04 about four years ago. A present the population is be^ low average, totaling 50 boys1'and girls. Normally the institution can accommodate 65 -in singfr beds. Officials To Oppose yan #rv # t Parole Officials in Greeae - and Clinton county were givaa a .^urprise Wed­ nesday Wh*n. informed that the Ohio Parole Board had ^commended a parole for Louis Vandervoort, effect­ ive December 20tin ’ Vandonroott was found guilty m 1922 for the murder o f a Wilmington i . _ . . , policeman while attempting burglary.'county rUr*1 djBtnct» we« M i °1' He w o also. a c cU * B killing Elvas Jo^ * creek, $1,12857; Cedarviile, $7,009.93; Clifton, $817,04; Jefferiton, $4,71155; Silvercrcek,*$5,947.54; Spring Valley, $3,971.92; BUgarcreck, $4,09453; Xenia TWp. $567.78, FUND TRANBFMpt SOUGHT An app^cation filed in common pleas court by Beaverereek Township trustees, sMldng permission to divert $6»500 from a geiierel fund surplus to the township.toed at-d bridge fund to pay eristiag afed future obligations, has been assigned for hearing on Dec. 13. STATE EMPLOYEE WINS A jury ift eoifetoon Pleas Court, on Monday granted a verdict to Earle C. Latham, Cokunhus, .agato*t.ttid...Stote ’Workmen'* CmapensatieiiBoeifd, hold­ ing that he k ettgifele for compenea- tkm due to injury in .an *pto acchtont while enroute from Celuiwbus to Mlddiotowp to examine an elise under order*. 'Hie accident happened in this eounty and. the commfrslon has dish­ allowed bis claim. POSTPONE FORFEBTURB Acting Common Plefes Judge Ftouk M. Clevenger, has CMisentod to post­ pone until December 30 .procedure In­ stituted by Praeeciitor Mptobs ttboup to declare the bond, o f Al Johnson, 28, former constable, who it is bettered has jtaaped hi* bond ,.b#iqg * w i ' Rev. Adams Adresaes Students Rev. Benj. Adams gave a very in­ teresting talk at the chapel program Monday. He compared a piece o f coal to a diamond slid pointed out that tee value lay in tlw fact that the one reflected the light that earn* to it. He .urged everyone to live transparent lives end not selfishly absorb alt the things that come along without pass­ ing goodness on to others. fr i c used of Matthews, a X*M* policeman, but was neVer tried, Clinton county also has other indictments ,agptott Vander- voort and Prosecutor Settling of that county-will seek to bafe the young man placed wider arrest the moment he is liberated from prison. Schilling has presented his plans to Prosecutor Shoup o f this county. Gospel Team The College Gospel Team had charge o f tho Worship service at the Bate Presbyterian Church- Sunday morning. Talks wore given by .Mary Johnston, Donald Foulks, and Rachel Creswett on subjects pertaining to Ghri#to>as. Doris Ramsey had charge of tho de­ votional period and Junia and Rachel Qraswril sank a dpet. Jphn Fox, Junior at Cedarviile College, ;s pastor of this church. President McChSsney occupied the pulpit o f tee Richmond,, Ind. Pres byterian Church test Sabbath. On test .Wednesday he addresaed the teachers* meetlhg of Springfield"at the-Senior High School and on Wed- uosday tof this week spoke at the Parent Teacher's Association at tha Lincoln school, Springfield, Ohio. Mr. John L, Donat, business man apsnt test Tteu-sdpy, Friday and Satofetey h* daefemati . -on: Cotta** points, played a good hrandof basket-^ by-the College “Harmpnteers;"- ball and defeated the visitorsJl-26.|u'nder the direction/of ”^ s , Ward _ _r . ' ' _ .... Jpre*wett, director <4 mu*ic in that’ o Sr, <cj H°!fc! ^ Uw institution. A splendid" dinner .wa* Saturday, the O.-S. and S. O. H o m e L ^ - by the Iobal East^ ^ basketeera proved too much for Coach j(Jhapteri ' ' ‘ « - ; • Orris first and second^' strings of] ' , - -, , boys.' ' 1 .. J ; In .the preliminary tilt, the sewnd'C 0 ]|g<rg ChOFUS J ll " stringers were beaten 31-23; and! in r '' ■- die main fray, O. S. S. O. won 28-24.1 School Districts Received $ 41,961 Greene County’s eleven rural school districts- were allocated $41,961,68 in the current fourth quarterly distribu­ tion of funds under the Ohio school foundation program, County Superin­ tendent H. C(, Aultmnn announced Wednesday. The latest distribution waa not in cash but in’tee form of certificate* authorising the district boards of edu­ cation to borrow funds with a promise by the state that cash allocations will |be made later to take up the notes. The' distributive shares of the “ T h e T i g e r ” T « j B e Dramatized Wednesday ••: 0 ''- On Wednesday night, December 16, at 7:80, a new draTMtisatlon catted "The Tiger" will be preeented at the First Prcsbyterten Church. It is baled oh the life o f john B, GoUgh, and viyidly .pprtrpya the viciousness o f the alcohol appetite -which Cough S P. McNaught in -dapfrting certain dramatic episode* in the’-life of one of America’* most famous reformed drunkards, Other member* o f tha cast who will have -important parfr Jum: Mr*. B. N. Adams, Mary Watt* Byil, John Taylor, Frank Wiley, A. E.-Richards, David L, Ramsey and Jagw* F.-jRamsey. No admission will b# charged. Everybody walpome. FOCKE MKAT’DUJT$ttlB $WJT ON STRIKE likened to a -tiger in his blood. Rav. B. N. Adatt*r Jttv. O. E. Hill , t J . and Rev. R. A- Jamiesc" will assist bfitT,e8 **d vegetables in Florida and Zero Weather Starts Winter With Zest -While the first thro* days o f De­ cember were mild and often spoken of as “ ruling tee winter," surprise sero Weather bit this section early Tuesday morning. Fortunately stioisr cover* the ground and will blanket most o f the wheat in this section. According to the weather department in Columbus, Tuesday wa* the oohfcst diy for December 7 since 1886, The whole, south Is covered with freezing weather and frosts even to the Everglades in Florida. fitraW- muIFMR TIMtMJI Ninpty-two men, frthera and tons, or hdopted sons for the event, fa t' Pictare Displayed A beautiful picture, “ The Ship­ yard," painted by Edwin Barrow*, te on display in the school auditorium, This painting from the Institute o f Fine Arte, o f Dayton, has bean tent which in turn l*nt tt te the publictejmj^, jn the dining room at the local ^ ix^ hm bring Monday morning, during / f * “Jthe second annpsl “Mason-Son” ban-1 uiar ais^tK0!y ponoaf nienupdr* Of ww|qUe^ loco! D, A.' R* 'chapter visited tho Following the dinner the group was hy Repre'sentative K. B. W b/ V CK S |Ban^ham? Olintott County, and district Mrs. J, E. Kyle, regent, Onesided » d ]governor o f Rotary, In company with by ScriptureL nvmber o f Rotarisns Rep.BmqjtotBL reading by Mrs. Roger Henderson, ofjvj8jtpdSeveral European countries, ih- a^®n‘ „ _ .. . . eluding Italy,.’ In ’ that connfcry Mr*. H. G. Funsett,-chairman of throUgH , ^ comm ons, * Mr.* thc^Americanism comm.ttoe Present- - ^ ^ interview ed the picture ahd explained the plan ^ j a asolim- His address WM-to- o f exhibiting a different picture eachL3K,sting Rni t o ? ll(it lt he month. ^ u p t.H . D.'Furst and MissLj,e ^ifferenceo o f ’many things- bb- Capie M. Rife spoke briefly m-ac-l------ — , . . . .* ceptihg the picture. . C.M. & Defen s Spring y.Uey ,the m o f welcome; afterptering , e C: H- S- yarsity teams handed tlie rf^ tin g in the htoda o f W rW . Bprmg .Valley squad t ? ? defeats, G alW w ; ^ Mr, Bang- Friday evening when the. two teams haniV^ introduced^by PresIdmit W ; clashed m the local ^ymnawum. CoJtege! Whd a preliminary team, Cedarv^ JuriiorLerved ag rfepr^ eriWiye from this High were beaten 22-6, by the ^ M c o u n ty during tee-nine^ andfiinety- Junior High. The Red and White firp<. gener^ ‘ aggemblies wRK* Rep." lassies had little trouble m mainteife- ^ re8^ e ^ ^ ^ - “ » l ‘" “V » ! ? S m the first halflcdmeV.Mr. DrrWai mafid by Justin and finished 27-12. ^ ' llfartman, who 'responded in Amam|ier- served as we have them*'in’ this Country. ‘ Mr, paul On, retiring Maatorygave tfeat brought- a round of.; Applause . .Christmas Program Tuberculin Test Given Sunday evening, December 12th will County' -health authorities will be Ibring one o f the big mUsicSl treats o f T at the schobl, Friday, December 10; toj the College, when ifee1Mixed Chorus administer the Tuberculin- tests to ;forty-five students w ill, Stag An ' pupils o f the grades 91-12;;as wett as oratori6/“ The-Holy' Cityj” by A. i adult employee? of the public tohoote* Gaut,.1»ithe Presbyterian Church, at Piu-ents wishing to tekfe advantage o fU f l 'p . m ;. A S S h y g k » S i £ v „ . . - ^ - , rT.«_nty*Jato*s. A lid e to ^ ^ n to ^ to •' ^w ol Witt close Wednesday, De- 0Ij tbe Austlfi cirgAh, This wBClesd cember 22 for tee Christinas vacationtoipect^ i&to the*Pwcesslbriat andDto f and- open M0Itday, January 3. _ (chorus in robes Witt enter by the two ti n, „ . ■ * iSide ’ doors singing the Chriktnias Adult Class Offered !carol, “O Comto All Ye Faithful." f A Farm Mateinery Short Course Sixteen numbers from the,Oratorio for farmers o f tbe local community i* toill* fotttov, the Chorus works' being being sponsored by thc Vocational interspemed by solos. The following Agriculture Department The ten-day soloists will render inditfduai coUrse, under tlie direction of Mr. pdmhers;^ featrice MeOetian, soprano; Albert Crumley, special instructor, Genevieve Jiesson, contralto;5 Ray will begin at 2:00 p. m., December 20, giMon> tenor; Ted James, tenor; Fred ’ and will continue ,each afternoon tor Lott, baritone, and tee College Melody * two weeks in the new vocational build- f e o imposed o f Jefricn Tsylpr, Ruth *"*•_ ■ , , . Stehbins and Virginia Townstey Witt Mr. Crumley- has taken special 18sng the tri6f «At Rventide lt Bhatt* ' training at -Ohio State Uiiversity Be Light." * . . t'; and has had,fifteen year** of practical Mildred Bickett CresWeli, Director experience »n cart and adjustment o f of ;Mu*ie at the College will direct machinery. The class will first take thia workf alld the brganafed piano up the study of, field moWers. ThreeUii; M Martha Bryant and Reeferi used mowers will be ready for dem-lifarriman. onstration on the first day. Other types o f machinery to be considered will depend on the desires'of the men enrolled. . ’ . The enrollment for this course will be free. The cost of all materials ahd parts will be paid hy the owners o f machinery. All local farnieip fere invited to enroll in tee course. Persons inter­ ested are asked to give their names to L. J. George, the local agriculture instructor, before December 16, En­ rollment and follow-up work peytein- ng to .the course will be in charge of MTr. George. During the morning hours of the tenAtey course, Mr. Crumley wilt give advice to any member o f the class, visit his farm ,"ind actually adjust farm machinery. Sugar' cane in Lonisanna1 suffered damage that would also hit the citrus crop, J am es T urnbull fa lls AND GETS BROKEN ARM James Ttu-nbull, Mrs. H u g h Some 160 meat cotters at the Focke Packing plant, Deytonr are out on a strike tor riMKter feeurs and higher wags*, Tlmiriiafc toslosad down, son o f Mr, a n d rpbull, fell several days ago, breaking both hones in his right arm -just shove the wrist. Christ**** Program On Tuesday, December 21, at two o'clock, tee younger children of tee Cedarviile Public .Schools wit) present a Christmas program, The public is cordially invited to attend this pro­ gram. - ‘ M Most o f the grades contributions art from regular class room activities, Much of the planning o f the work is being done by tee children. COLLEGE glee club w il l HOLD BAZAAR, DEC- 14TH Trio Arrested jFor * Theft of Live Stock- Franklin- county officials placed under arrest Ray E. Ross, 36, his wife, Frances, 29, and Harold G. Riley, 29, charged With the theft o f sheep from the Ed Turner farm, National Pike w?st o f Columbus. Authorities claim the parties under arrest may have had something to do with numerous thefts o f live stock covering fire counties. J, M. McDolman, Columbus pike, east o f Cedarviile, lost 68 head o f lambs Valued at $600 mod Sheriff Henkel and is convinced the salsa people took the McDorman lambs. Deputy Cecil Strobridgs and “Mr. McDorman made a trip to Kentucky Sunday thinking some clue might, he picked up there. According to Information from Co­ lumbus both men have admitted the theft of tea McDorman iambs, as well as other thefts. Both have pgjiou record* and will likely be tried n Columbtis for theft o f the lamb* stolen from Edward Turner. W. A, TURNBULL TAKEN TO' HOSPITAL FOR -TREATMENT W. A, Tumbdil is a patient in the McClellan Hospital, Xenia, tor teaat- meftt and a possible operation. Ha has not been in good health for some time. The College Glee Club will hold a bazaar and Christmas program in the Cottage Chapel, Tuesday evening, Dae. 14th. A musical program of Christmas music will ha given to the Chapel tor Which ah admission o f 10 tottts will be charged. The program starts at 8"$. to. In tea other room* articles will be for sale not to exceed 10 cents, foe cream, mike and candy will be on sale also. Evartome {* to riled. PASTMASTKRS WILL MEET MONDAY IN JAMESTOWN Mesters-riect and Fa*t-Ma*ters of tee Eighth Masonic District of CMto will meet to JamestoWn, Monday***. ntog for tee Sanaa! Pact Mittifl* Convocation, Urn meeting trill toOn t e ^ o fH a iy jL H c k f e ^ D t o « t e t j*W*frr Grand fe s te r o f * , fe X fc Dittrich Tto Maaflin’-riett will at 4:80 to tee JameSt Lodge room* tor theft* . ... .rmaffeat at 4:80 to tee Jamestown tifitisyto tor tee coming year, D tow 'w S fhe m n A tor tee Estteiw Star. mm mm wm* < m *~ ton, Fayetta; Ptokaway m i t e X *