The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

% I *BW THINWS ARE ADV EE T I81B BY MERCHANTS F IR ST ADVBR TISBMENTH K E E P YOt' ABRBART OF TH E T IMES READ TH EM ! 9 ke Oedmtik Pterald. A D V IB ttM N G IB M 1WH ..AS MUCH AS TH E HEADUNB * OK TH E V M t t PAGE OFTBN IT IB OF MOB* SIGNIFICANCE TO YOU. SIXTY FIR 8 T YEAR N O . I S CE 0 AEVIUJS* OHIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 8,1888 PRICE, |SJO A YEAR LETTER FROM STATE DEPARTMENTS i Y m R etty lN»»d of Mtaf i tjhw-s»*|lww«*w*w«ww»‘« ' iftlad *uit; m common pleas court 1 » |" Jquiets titks to m* acre of Bwf*re**iikf 'Twp, res! estate which, according to* . '/.he petition, Is p&w uniter it* juris. COUUMBUS.—The 1 m official dicti£ ,, . highway m*P <rf Ohio has teen iaauad{ Defendant. named In the esse am } fey the SUt* Department of High- the fcrtr* ^ William H. Jfc-{ W N f R **» Announced by Highway deceased; the unknown belt* Director John Jaater, J r . C&piei msy-;0f R. Harvey McClellan, deceaaed; be obtWned g n u * a t any of the « ra<.& Kyle, Edna Ferguson, Robert twelve division eugintor’s i«a*{M*GMIaii, Cow Swahb, George quarters or directly from the depart*. &««[* , Stella .Howard* Mary HowardJ ment in Celuwbus, Director J a s t c r s g ^ ^ Scott, and unknown heirs o f , said. The map for 29S8 has been re-jije*sie Scott, deceased; Hugh $.} vised not only to include highway s e a b o r n , Mabel Croushorn, Alice! ehangn* but an addition to thelHcClellan and the Beavercreek Twp. board of education. : \ 'T h e city school board, the petition set forth, is successor in interest to the Beavercreek board. Tfee originat conveyance of the property was made Co the Benyemeek board July 22, 18St fo r * constderationof |150, At­ torney W, A. MiHof 'vcprcsents the petitifenpr. “legend" baa been made and tire cover h a t been redesigned to portray an ox* drawn covered wagon caravan and scene in keeping with the spirit of the Northwest Territory sesquicenteh* nisi celebration this year. A notaticn warns motorists that they must stop in Ohio highways a t lefisfc^teii feet from the fron t or r e a r of a school bus when the vehicle is loading o r un- loading. Typical standard warning signs used in the state are shown, and .p o r tio n of the state's . traffic laws and regulations is listed, Attention is' called to the fact tha t the state highway patrol offers ‘twenty-four hour service in case o f accident or emergency, and \l'e twenty-eight high­ way patrol stations with the telephone number of each are named. „ "Gel Vaccinated!** This was the * warning issued by Dr. Walter H. Hartung, director o f' the State- De­ partment of Health, Sa the result. o„ " an. outbreak of smallpox in Columbus which i t is feared may grow to epi­ demic proportions. ' "Ohio has had a .mild form of th is disease fo r several years With only an occasional death,** D r. Hartung asserted. "Owing to the mildness a large proportion of the population remains unvaccinated. In­ variably a virulent form of smallpox Arrives some day and reaps a harvest o f death among the unprotected. Smallpox can he prevented only by vaccination; and revaccination, His- • tory teaches th a t Whenever '* com­ munity, a state o r a nation neglects vaccination fo r smallpox i t pays for its, saiulsawn i s eventtually,” ' .' Associate State Forester Bernard E . Leate, formerly in charge of forest fire, control, in hi* annual report just Issued- which covers the fiscal year 'ending Ju n e .30; announced th a t the average fire, burned only &£ acres, which was the smallestAverage area' destroyed in any one of the fifteen years slime the division of forestry has been Active in fire cohtroh •Dor -, ing th e fifteen-year period* a total of 4,670 forest fires were fought and controlled by the division, it,was s? id, . Attorney .General Herbert 8 . Duf­ f y has been asked by Conservation Commissioner Lawrence Wooddell to bring condemnation proceedings for the acquisition o f Starve Island, Io> gated InL ak e Erie near Put-in-Bay, a s a bird sanctuary. Tim island, Commisalonsr Wooddell stated, is al most enttrsfy rock and is the only place in Ohio where terns, an Arctic bird which summer* in the Great Lakes region, nest regularly. He al­ leged th a t the island offers no a t­ traction fo r human habitation and th a t the owner wants a prohibitive price, Official of Ohio State university predicted th a t the enrollment fo r’the current t e r n will be the largest for p a r t it io n c a s e s Partition of real estate baa been authorised in two eaac 3 and ec;um»s- -ionefs named fo r this purpose, John W. Prugh, Charles Zell and T. H, Zril were appointed to appraise SilvereWek Twp- property involved in ,’hc, partition suit of Herman Haller against Martha Ann Williamson. . In the partition case of Harry C, Andrews against Grace Andrews Dal­ las and others, E. N»" Richman, Earl W. Burrowea and H .R . Kendig were designated appraisers of the real es­ tate involved. .............. INDICTMENTS ROLLED A three-court indictment against Dallas Knisley and a separate indict- went against Wilbur (Knxsley have Seen moiled by prosecutor Marcus 8houp, according to journal entries. CASES DISMISSED « Upon, motion o f the plaintiff, .the petition of Mary L. Rumbaugfc has een dismissed by 'the court. ESTATES VALUED > Two estates have been appraised under probate court direction-as fel­ lows: Estate o f Elsie Milhaupt; gross value, |5,710.31; obligations, f 1,148.- 86; net value, m & M . Estate of Mary- Graham; gross value, $1,200; obligations, $519.63; net value, $6$0A7. APPOINTMENTS MADE Leota Stewart hga been named ex­ ecutrix o f the estate of C. O. Stewart, late of Jefferson Twp., without bond. Alonzo Hollingsworth has been ap­ pointed administrator of the estate o f Franklin ti, Harness, late o f Hew Jasper Twp., wider $2,000 bond. J,,J . Curiett, F . R. Jones and Ray 8 . Fudge were named appraisers, Gertrude E. Titlow has been des­ ignated executrix of the estate of Calvin R. Titlow; late of Bath Twp,, under $ 6,060 bond* J. J . Cttrtetty H. R, Kendig and Carl .'eider were ap­ pointed appraisers. Pearl Sowers h a t been naased a d ­ ministratrix of the estate of Bessie Sower, late of Fairfield, under f t , 606 bond, Mary GarireR and Helen Gaeary have been appointed- co^exeeuttfxe* <.f the estate of W. J . Penewit, late of Spring Valley, under $5,000 bond, " W. S, Rogers has been named ad­ ministrator o f the estate of Sallic A. A Harris, late of Xenia, under $1,006 A i Disposal Plant Village council in regular monthly session Monday evening devoted much time to disemwkm of the proposed > newer and sewerag* dfspowsl plant, The usual monthly businasa waa transactod and bjlla paid alter which representatives of engineering Dims were heard. Council is debating the various kinds of disposal plants from differ* entangles. .The original cost, month­ ly overhead cost, power Cost and up­ keep, Ho decision has been made as yet on the type best fitted fo r the needs of the village. Again no actual survey has been made by an engineer and no location has teen determined upon, Much o f this information is necessary, along with the financing plan, before the propostioa cru be placed before WPA Officiate, ■Council has informally divided to employ the engineering firm o f Bur­ gess and Niple, Columbus, their prop- ositipn fo r preparing plans and spec­ ifications; - engineering, , etc,, .with terms deemed best.' A meeting with the engineers will be held Monday evening fo r working out more detail before the contract hj apptoy*d, Council also desired t o have Solicitor Harry B. Smith present to approve the lagal question* for.* guidance of council. The Columbus engineering firm is now engaged in installing a sewerage system said disposal plant for Routh Charleston, ■-'The view> q , I M ' ln " ° " t Assembly The commercial, department anper- cised by Mr. James Whteon pmaentod the following Wary Intfnwtiag pro­ gram in Monday's assembly; Vocal nolo—Mr, Wdtson (cornet oh ' 1 Th^ financial statement will be published a t a late r date. Sympathy Extsndsd . - Classmates and teachers- extend their sympathy to the parents, broth­ ers, and sisters of Roger. Bailey, a freshman, who died a t Miami Valley Hospital following an appendectomy. rieultural studcnt, participated ln the Amiawurw ww**se w kuv *_ »_ any spring quarter In history. Early Itend. W. j l, stedde, W. JI, Ftehback indications pointed to a total student * ~ “ * *“ * ■ - * *.... * * ■ population of Nightly leas than 12 , > 006, The total fo r the corresponding record, quarter In 1637 was 1 1 , 162 , th e registrar reported, I S r i i t A c c e p t e d h i C o . ForCM.T.C. Camp Greene County's procurement quota of twelve; ewroiiees for th% Citizens Military Training Gimp to fas con-' ducted in July at Fort Benjamin Har­ rison, Ind, fe now three fourths filled, Dr, Marshall Best,, Kenis, chairman oftheCMTC c.ampS'ito in th!« county, reported Tewriay tha t enrollment an- plications of eight youths have been #ppnwed^ileivJbg one vacancy in the emrntyh temp quota and fmt Is the procurement: quota, The enrollment drive will enntiuus five another wmth. and G. W. Miles were designated «p». praisetft, ’ SALE AUtttOftlEKD Bufeli'c Sale by- the administrator ef personal property owned fay _the Thomas E , Rumbaugh estate has been euthorixed fay the court, * C ' ' W l l ‘I > r k f r l u F 0 f 8 A p ^ t t l S f o r C o u r t , Thirty-five grand and petit jurors: tor the May term of common'phm emiefc will he drawn from the jury wheel In the county clerk of Vmiris office at 16 a, m, Mimdsy, April 1.6, The names ef twenty persons to Ecrve osi the 'petit jar# venire and fifteen to compos# the gfand jury will betelfotedi . . , , , .5 The grand ju ry WiH tometi*; Mt>n- J®*i ****“ ***l*ftt e y ijr> n a g 9. «n« week later than usual, a M t o l i e w t o Acting Crnnrvm Fleas J ^ g # wHIi« pomMH r tb**# #ddtt»e*uil m - j c la rie s Dechsnt of l^ tenon a ii l w tUW accepted la s» ~ s e p j ^ busy with * grand jufy aessten in E w M a dMMfwe!##.. in ether cutmtlws'^|»>i« rmn rmnty th# firs®week la May. TAR LIST PROFS fay Miss Trumho. pevotionsf—lamia# Graham. Music-iJAck Hopping, gu itar; Helen Boss, acOordian; Irene Eckman, piano; Alma Brewer, violin. 4 Vocal duet—Loufae Graham and Janetto Neal, accompanied fag Jeanette Bootes. News Flashes--Jay Peterson. Atcordiap $eJ<M-Helen Ross, . Panel Discussion—Character in Business. I hs I by Donald Fields a ssisted fay Gail Bhaw, Haney Finney,* Carrie Stewart, Ruth Ellen Dennfhy, Betty Judy, : Kathrine Randall. Vocal duet—Alma Brewer and Martha J . Turnbull accompanied • by Ann Smith, . A special feature of the program wag the-presentation o f a very a t­ tractively decorated "oil can" as a championship trophy to the winner# of the class tournament, junior boys* team. Each member o f the terns was ^prepriately awarded a medal, Ssfcaat News - Aprii 15 «High School Daftcc, May -Senior Class Hay, May l3^Junior-Sen?or Baaqaet* May 22—Bsccalsurcste, May 2l~-Comtneneea!ent. , Sealer Tests Results of tho annua! echoiatehip tts t fo? high school seniors,* held in c^cnia, Saturday, tftveal the names of {w is e s t senior toys among thaapper .ffgfity-fivo per cent o f the Gresnn- county eeMora. John Ketolmrd with a seoro Of 2S6 lout: of a possible 460 and Robert fijiunevhnt with a stare of 235 tied for * 3th position, ’Oihcr local seniors who participated So the competition were Nancy F in ­ ney, Mary Alice Whittington, Donald' Fields, and Lucille Curt, Bay geaat . I t has been found necessary to change the date to r the Buy-Scout picture show previously announced to r April 26, Complete details as to (he dale am! the tifte o f the Picture show will fee annouHted next week, ' - Stamp* B*i«g S»M Bnv Scouts Mtc aiding in th* **!# of stamps to raise funds f«# the «<m<- semtinu* of wild life. This project b being sponsored % the Green# County Gams Frotetllf# Aswwtetion ts oonperatlon with state- and federal >itrial, Tj» petit jury will report on up; tiro when %tMt case is assigned fte faathorlti Jan!##'Lifts# fRftf Best Jntiatmle»ti% the |«nlo* class plug, wa# wril graaented Friday “ ™-iJ . . fev*»f*ig. Wnfw m appveriatH* audl R, 8 , IIIfkfMA postmaster a t wfalrii .6 W t t e GedarvjHaGpeiw •■*• - ...terferc# ha*, bmm mm*A tor th# tarn* Ndaa#, « » • ew * # ra t e th* *a*t. mwntorsimwltJm, for Ms flftti to o r y o r **m {iUotU* by Ifiss Rob* wm | Mg as- iimisMAM m % w m m Ap «*ti##itsd 328 tssggf&r-g had failed to HI# pgfssaaS turopeyfer 'tms. rstoma whet?- the dtS'l'toc was laachad Thoraday afteteot'P, the eaonty ftodJs«r*« ftffk# reported, iMfttedf ptapayers dtrsoerided r>rt 1 h ftnAtor's tMffV# |g ,farf# .......... . * * * * * dellmiuency #«rf| The udfte# l . third, He a w l ^ , Mr. W*te#a m d Mia. Chtea- aiaak F rO ag aw a fag ah m od mifurmerig appftfa>t«f during « **m»fa-' w#*h. U n r i _____ ___ t— totel *€ 3,17$ .rrifirftft hftd.fa»#ft Died,' heap adwtelrirtthm, " ^ day, a t Xenia, No results have been received. Every Rapid T**U Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Every Fnjdl Tott# were given to vari­ ous, rin s e s throughout the school.; Median^ of tho local classes will bo compared;with flioso of other schools in tho state; Stators Visit Capital Thu touior class, accompanied fay Miss Hanna, visited the state capital,; Thursday, April 7. While in Colum­ bus,, th# pupils saw many places of special interest to students of civics.«r N*ws | At a recent' class meeting, the seniors selected diplomas. ■ ■ Daily practices a te being conducted j by Miss Rife in preparation for the senior class play, May 5 and 6. Watch.! fur details, BiHfUlI F ire Greene County high schools have formed a baseball league. Dur-, ,t.g tho spring, each school will play ovary stiier teas* in tho league twice, Tfc tho end the team having tho t o t record will he declared dinner oS the ocujity and eligible to c:.lct the dfs- trist baseball tournanueit. - . %ho county teagae sehcdnte is as' fellows; , „ Basritall Ssfa*da!» April 8««>lfcl!bfosk^liem April 12 , ■ April ID--Bow«3uiilc—There, Aprii 10-Sp ring VaiksMOiejre, April 22-' 'Jkiverett-ek-- Here, April n{!-- -Be!Shttf)k -■'There May G--- itowmriHe --Here, ■ 1 May G Spfmg Valley—Here, May 16—BeaveteteriMThere, School Funds Are Distributed R . A . M u r d o c k S e l l s FatCattleAtProfit R. A, Murdock, local famter and BtteW*n, !»ld 4$ hMm te .fat Hew- ford risers to tfaaDavtea FaMdag Co., Pftjmwat «f $UA«t i> mmrn* to laat w^k that W tm * city, exempted vUlago and rural 600 pound.. The price waa $7.75 per school district# of Greene-County for hundred.. Cattlemen as well as sheep retirement of found?!®1#!* ate taking a big gut on their ation note.-was announced Tueeday,Ceding stock this year in most in- fay .David Button,' state director 1 of .school finance. The cash payments included $20,> 080 to ru ral districts in the county, stance, yet Mr. Murdock states that he finds a small profit regardless <&' the fact th a t he paid six cent* a pound for his feeders, which were unusually $0,711 to th e Xenia city district and tight when purchased. Haring been $4,371 to the Osfaorn Bath exempted 'roughed one winter and a summer « i district*. j grass the calves went into tho feed The distribution . represents tlte{ lot on December 1. The cattle were final 50 ycr cent’on the November al» [followed fay lOOhead o f feeding hog* locations,' Button pointed out the^whlch must fa# considered as p a rt 6 f foundation program, which grants th# profit, Mr. Murdock hit* recently state aid to pufaltc schools, has fae#n ’purchased 60 steer c a lm th a t aver- operating tinder a "deficit*' policy.' aged 236 pounds a t nine cents. This permit* local District* to faowolvi • from banks in anticipation of te - { « ., , , , „ , n . _ tarded foundation payment* from th e 1 v l f t m v*0* W J r A 1 8 111 , . state, j The foundation fund on March 311 was $11,164,104 “in the ted", Hutton D e m . F a c t i o n a l F i g h t said, With another “paper” alloca­ tion to he made May $1 and with « sharp drop in state sate* tax revenue*,; Button anticipate*; a greatly increased deficit fay next fall. Distributive shares of eleven rural districts in the current cash alloca­ tion were announced by County School Superintendent i t. C. Aulintan as fob lews: ■ • Beavercreek, $3,R12,04; Caesar-* creek, $564,14; Gedarrille, J*$49M Giftou, $468,52; Jefferson, $ fs«S$,=. 32; Miami, $1,760.27; Ross, $l,*44. 25; SUvwreek, $2,973,77; Spring Valley, $1,685,06; Sugarereek, $2,* 347,11; Xenia Twp,, $878,90, Little DamageDone To Fruit Tree* Tfes entrance of April with plenty of ice the f ir s t two day# gave fru it powers some concern a s to whnt damage was done. B» f a r little dam age has ’been reported. Buds war#, te r te advance due to th* high tew petatura during March, With coM rains and snow along th® lake aft favorMsle vreatfa** cau fa# tspw ted to t a few days. Farmers are tnrimw to complete thshr wring plowing fent the rains-are lidding wp work along th a t line, tlnly a few have even efiwn thete clmrsf s##d. .folijEiF. BtonerDIed WatmeRclaj JohA F4^tetior, 77, died at Ms hSiae cu the XcMs 3aftst?tewii pike, Wed f-.c^daymorning ait J.’Afa o'clock. Do had hem irt failiny health for site mouths ouffsrihg twm a complication of d?»*a sa«, , 4 Ho was faof» in ffeftttsville# Da,, Da, February 8 0 ,1M1 And had lived in Greene <ounty thirtjr-teftp yetis, He was a member of th# Jameatomr 1T» Church, TfcefoBuwlwgchHdrsn •ursiv#; Mrs, Ur.kCno Turner, JavneaCnwn; .«Umt»c! A, t o m i i h l \ % *t hotnesiri MraJ D a^y , D., an M*» M<**n o f DsvfW' three- g r a n d - H i - ^ |m|i}leel «ne*flng jl# hlldW-n ard a farMher, l.ymen R- O#. V»^in|f»to%n thst fa# ,*111 fa* ,* fftnd!- JteotttwUe, Pa, Bis -wife. Mi «, M if-J^ f* for a third iem , Th* ennmitiew garet, fftener, *md one rMIrf Pr»r*4~t’ mm 4 m Jn faotfaed ,d n o turn In death, fvsfaer* the CltqsHMS «»af, Uwt mllttla Funeral eerytree will he romdnCted emweee he hokt down * U H » t the hotne F tdftjr e l I F. If tft .Jrtke, CluirlM Uew^rr, former l>- L- Itm a rtem , will fa#* in tie>»tens»*t g w e sw ha# sle* rfaerge of the terries. Bartel In dame* nounred i n f Sw, of KU.t* [CvovtDavey Aik* Fur Thinl T«rmTn«idjky Federal officials have been callftd ittfu Clark eounly to settle * dispute between two factions of the Demo­ cratic patty as to which will have the say in naming applicants' fo r relief labor. The situation became eo serious Dr. Carl Watson, Columbus, had to place a deputy from his office aft the Spr k iftM A office to hold down th e | two factions* L o c a l B o y s T a k e H o n o r * A t X e n i a H o b b y F a i r William Kyle; Xenia Gentrid High School atudent took grand prise a t < the seventh Xenia Rotary Boy's Hob­ by Fair, Saturday* H# carved three character* from colored soap.that won 1 the honor. He" Was given , a wrist watch, The catviaga were of two boys and a girl built t o the theaw. "faove fa Strtmger th an Ricbea”. . There were 110 firs t prises awarded in the various classes and eighty sec-, bud prise winners, and sixty-one tfaird prises, - Local Winners were: Arthur Judy, Jr,, in Woodworking and Cabinet making; Ernest Collins, nt th# Model class. %'! Xt Was estimated th a t 3,500 patrons attended the fa ir om Friday and Sat­ urday. ^ e n . V i c . l ) o n a h e y W e a r s N o N D C o l l a r Ohio w>Hto represented ob the con* gmskmal investigation of TVA fol» lowing charges of corruption by Dr. Arthur Morgan, who was deposed as chairman o f the board, by Preside)1 , Roosevelt. Five senator# and five congmunen will hear the charges. Sens, Borah and Wheeler, Repub­ licans, have declined to serve, and their place* must t o filled, Gong. T. A. Jenkins, Ohio R., Is al*o a mmn- ber of the committee, There will to six Democrat* and four Republicans* 1 ‘a u H . M a r t i n W i l l B e I CiTadHatiDii Orator Dr, W. Mi .MtCheaney* presMenfc of CedasvHle -Golleie, announced this week tha t Attofaey Raul 0 . MaMlib . .had been cfaceen as speaker on, c<mt> heard th# Injiiftttiun suit fay th# ^ime&cement day, June 3 rd, In th# tail Herit'a Unkm ajteiftet tto Edward f joug#, Th# graduating class Wren Go, BpringtkM, to* mad# theJggjjj number between, forty and fifty* J u d g e M a r i o n O w e n K a p * C I O C l e r k U n i o n Judge Marion B, Owen, tlrtofta, who injunction permanent Th# CTO a t tempt'd to unionls# th# clerk* with threat# of all kinds against the rebel- tioua as well aa against the atose. D . A . B . M e e t i n g Two honorary degrees o f doctor of divinity w«U t o conferred fay th# eftti leg# this year, th# annstineement to to fttiide following endorsmant fay th* faculty. \ ' Cedar Cliff Chapter % A* R. will meet TuM ay , April 12 a t %V, M, a t th# tom# o f Mrs, H. G* Funaett, wltit Mrs. M, J , Bafabi, aa«i»tant- h*wleg#,jJf| Mrs, Robert Ja«*fa# wl!l give * diamuh slen «» A m m km Maak'* C O ^ r iR A T lf « MiMflNG The Co-Opfttativ# d u b will hold .# meeting t o organtaatton poi'>u>«» at DM Mitt C m *. Mend*? »mHm at 7 P M , prompt If, ft, brow n r a D o r r in I*N|rgD.AL aFWNO ffTOBM FHfSfCIANS SHEET Mr, M, Hi Brewn rrinmnd Wedpei dmit from -llontlMStel, O , ■rto r e to fa«4 fa#*# t o a fanaliuoa trip , Ite mporta a moat tmuauai rM* fcmuo thmwgfa tto murm yomrod e— st r i sritli trawa ami wwm ipfiwwvn wiw i V mmp C h . i mm wvmrm aatmriad m far wmth »* Waat Ubartp ft* TiftgMi oomrtf. Tfarra wm. m a t Kanoedr lamagp la .a* MuA* o t tr t t i W to sritfa Phyekisna from fire or more ears t-iiun4i<wc countlft* wet# guest* td tfa# Green# Cesrsly Meriest ftotety a t a mfmofaot'- eouraft in pediatric* Wad- neaday atternoo# # 1 , o 9, and M, ©„ How* tor*, br«, A, Graeme MlirheU ftml Itofc- #rt Lyon# of the Unl**r»itjr of 0 » - rinnati driivarad lactmra* to tto c*l group and |*ad to ruaatona « padiatria Tto annua) mmdng of tto O. >. and 1 O. HoaaWa vats and aargtea) m u a ltis f *taflf, pmwd t>f Ohio pfagrirtaa* praaaia tb rit p rofeaaimn. urto dowato i«*rrir*a to tto inatltntton. waa uton | held ttor* Wednuaduy Fettowtof a htnefawm and toaia—a M tth g . f*W- turtng riwtton «d ■ — to r i: Jotned in tumuem tto remalkdar of tto ftftor- any* to trill ha a aatotoato ate# Dr B I t MrCteHan, Xante, to of tto votoataar alatt. awi tto Dr. A., C, llaaaaags*. Xeala,