The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26
i i . may at, iata THE C B P A I V I L L 1 HERALD ------- -- — EDITOR AND PUBL16HXX at th* P o M O flke , CodorrtU®, Ohio. October 8 1 .1 8 8 7 , FlUDAY. MAY 20, 1938 NEW DEAL PftOiTEIUTY CERTAINLY A SUCCESS Ohio la r*f*rd*d at both m industrial «a well as an agri- cultural state and ia former years was looked upon as one of the most substantial in the nation. Her dtisenshlp was com- posad oi a sturdy people, progressive and possessing the inde pendence o f the Puritan ancestors. Only three states in the union today have more people on WPA and direct relief titan has Ohio, New York, Pennsyl vania and Illinois, the first two being strictly industrial states and Illinois combination of the two cluses. Federal reports say that 448,000 people in Ohio are now on government projects, and this does not include many hundred others who hold political federal jobs in Ohio, as well as the hundreds on salary in connection with the AAA. State Auditor Joseph Ferguson in a public statement says Ohio has 144*798 direct relief cases*the largestnumber in the history of the state. These figures do not include charges for support in charity in stitutions, The number of persons beingsupported by the WPA according to agency reports is 824,599 and 448,000 by state relief. TJsing the average of 8.1 persons per case there are a total of 1,272,500 persons in this state on some form of relief, state or federal. The population of the state is 8,600,000 and this places one out of every five citizens on relief, not includ ing federal, state, county, municipal and AAA office holders, This is anew record for Ohio for duringno other panic, nor the early days o f the depression have state or federal govern ment been called upon to support so many people. From an economic standpoint the Eoosevelt Communistic New Deal is . a huge success. Another year o f Democratic management such as we have had and Ohio will add another million to relief rolls. The New Deal system is cresting more dependents than' either the federal government or state governments can support, i t WAS FLORIDA; NOW IT IS PENNSYLVANIA One week ago there was a heaven sent message commuted to New Deal leaders in the re-homination of a southern Demo cratic senator In a Democratic state—Sen. Pepper of-Florida. This messagewas the signal for more “go-ahead” legislation to please the radicals and satisfy the appetite of a mad-man in the White House. The lash was applied by party leaders on Democratic congressmen who had dared to vote their convic- . tions againstmany Communistic laws demanded by both Roose velt and Lewis. . , This week there came anothermessage.but. this time from Pennsylvania where the Lewis-Roosevelt-Farley combination With tens of millions in. ptihlic,works and relief tried to bribe the electors. Farley" endorsed Gov. Earle but this was im mediately repudiated. The Communists backed Lieut Gov. Kennedy as did Farley but he.was defeated so bad in theDemo cratic primary little has been said about it in New Deal circles, Now members of Congress'?eel a measure of relief. Meantime. Roosevelt to get away from the sting of such a marked defeat forsakes Washington for a quiet run-around-the-country. Can Roosevelt build his dictatorship, on the plan of “ keep ing them drunk and keeping them hungry" in &state that has just cast more Republican votes than the New Dealers could purchase or bribe? NOTICE? I f f e c t i v e J u n e 1 5 t h . Ail Coal CASH W i t h O r t e r v M D e l i v e r y TheCummingsfrCmwellCo. C» I*. McGaiiw NOTICE! * ■ l Account o f trifegatar and Intermittent Grinding that will be done for neat few w«#St* ' Our Kcsriilar (grinding Days Will He Monday,Wednesday, Friday Of Bach Week KELLOGG’S ■M w l H om in y Purina Btotena C.L.Medium Ih oM tLN a SttMi TVUrMOMK_* From uuu4« motto* w* leant that certain Republican factional lender* in the Seventh District have Seen kerning strongly and riving eneettr- gement to the proposed suggestion hat Ohio’* Grange leader, Mr. I* J, Tabor, permit the use of hi* name a* a candidate for governor against John h. Brfcker. In much as this on- ouregement cornea from supporter* it the Baker faction, and Margaret la opposed to be a personal friend end lolitical supporter o f Mr. Brisker, here may be a short circuit in the political wires as the campaign pro* gre-ssee. . . Oar Democratic friend* in the oanty ere secretly nursing a sore humb following the turn down given be committee endorsed candidate for. ilerk of the Board o f Election* when, •harlea Bales took the winning prise. One. faction o f the Bern is glad, the other sad, Everybody, smiled when they read the.published statement last week that Lowell Fees, Yellow Springs, had vrithdrawn as a candidate for the Re publican nomination for Congress. Mr. Fess had never formerly entered o r ?ven circulated petitions. He says he withdrew in the interest of party harmony, “ Ted" Brown, the Springe- fielder, who holds a .city job by the (grace of Miss Bakerat the expense of Springfield taxpayers to pay a poli tical debt, still holds the fort and has not'withdrawn from the race, nor ha| he filed his nomination papers. According to a report o f State Treasurer Khisley Greene county has dropped 27.1 per cent,in sales taxes collected. The state as a whole is down 35.6 per cent. Slow sales on automobiles,-furniture and a score o f items that require heavy taxes such as building material, apeak for the drop. It can be expected when the New York Times chart on business,in the country took s'*greater drop in April than any month since the break in the stock market in 1929. The New Deal prosperity plan of public spend ing and high taxes hah broken down business. going m te the DwoaiHt attorn** gen- •ml’* stow wtth the graft ia conaac ties wHh attorney* fee* m eeaaoetiea with closed hooka brings to mind whet a Democratic newspaper man urn* hinted a* te plans tor milking to* late owe Bonk. We are in*, formed by egg newspaper friend that m certain tetter from Green# county appeared before m state department' month* age with the signature of a Greens county attorney attached. We have solicited the aid of a prominent Republican attorney in Columbus to help in securing the content* of the letter of a fac-wimile of the ««n;e. Soma interesting reading for deposit-- ora of -the closed bank as well as oRiaena in general is in the making if we can get the desired tec-aimth-. This also will only give Mis*Margaret Baker a greater opportunity of “dig ging in" when she starts her parts “house-cleaning.” "Call Me Jim" Farley stuck his neck out a bit too far Monday night: by publlcally endowing Goy."Earle, D., Pa., for senator in the primary. At mid-night the Gov. repudiated the Farley endorsement and charged him with butting into state affaire, Farley also endorsed Lieut. Governor Ken nedy, backed by John L, Lewis and the CIO for governor, but Attorney Jones, Pittsburgh; D„ backed by the state Democratic committee won, Farley was playing tight and loose between the CIO and AFI, labor 'can didates and picked,one from,each side of the labor controversy. Return* in dicate the complete victory for Penn sylvania Democrats and a route for the Roosevelt-Fariey hacked Lewi* CIO candidate*. A real test of John L. Lewis as a Roosevelt political lead, er in that state was made in the Democratic primary and it was a black-eye for the Communists. Suffer ing such a'rebuke where some ten million dollars was promised for new post office buildingsandWPA projects certainly entitles Roosevelt to another jaunt on the Atlantic. "Keeping ’em Mytna Has GabU and Tracy Up In The Air Charley West, the Ohio Democratic brain-truster .that has been attached to the New Deal pay roll in Wash ington, was kicked out of the In terior office, as a secretary to the secretary, or something, by NewDeal er Ickes, announces hi* resignation. In fact Sec. Ickes put -West out months ago and he has-been doing politic*! pimping for FDR and draw ing hit |10,000 a year salary with cakes and bedding added. Roosevelt wanted to place the "Professor" in the treasury department at $16,000 a year but Sec. Morganthau, and. James J. Farley said "NO." Roose velt is now trying to find another soft spot for the Ohio gent who "knows too much of the inside of the New Deal" to leave him wander on the plain* And incidentally or accidehtiy let some secret slip. It seems Gdv. Davcy has'done equal* Ijr as well with the famous "Smith" family attached to his office. His secretary is Myriia Smith, who only draws $0,500 yearly. Dir husband lias a couple of job* and draws a couple of salaries that total $300 a month, A brother-in-law has to have his sustinanee and Ohio kick* in for $250 a month. I f any of you "Smiths" happen to be on relief, WPA or in need o f a "lift" dig up some rela tionship with the lady secretary and get in her good graces. What "Mytna'* says gees with Martin L, Some time ago Roosevelt said the trouble with the newest depression was that everything was too high in yrke. A year ago everything wss too low in price, even wages. Now, labor must bo reduced. 'Ihe railroad management took the sue and said wages would fee reduced this com ing slimmer. William Green, head o f AFL said "NO"j John L, Lewis with FDR in the roll of "Charley Mc Carthy," turned the stooge on his knee and says, “ Tell ’em there will be no wages," And up to date FDR has act said there will be any wags cuts# depression or no depression, Wo have been unable to get any response, mb even a threat, about the charge that certain campaign funds contributed from Republican .headquarters did not find its way into the treasury o f the Republican com* mittee in Greene county. Miss Mar garet Baker, Springfield, who tries to tel! the boys what and what not to do politically in that city, has talked much about cleaning up the Republi can party, -So far, Margaret, has not called on the writer for details and we have been sorely disappointed in view o f the pleading she once made in this sanctum for a party house- cleaning. Wo aspect to- have » fac simile some of these days which will furnish the proof and then Miss Margaret will have her thanes, The 'im.rging of filth jin Democratic ranis before two grand juries- InOhio, Cincinnati and roiombse, and counter Thrift Is * Boro through tbs Csdarviito Fsfitoul "Test Pilot,” MstroGoMwyu-Maysr's dyaami* serial reman**, optalng Sunday, May *1, at tL* Xante theater, te Xante ter * flva* day engagement, Stan three o! toe traatwt namss to Hollywood:; Clark Gable, Jfyrn* boy and Spencer Tracy. Lionel Barrymora hands to* brilliant supporting oaet ef this glorious drama ot the lives of man who don't live long and the woman to«f love as long ns they live Among the sensational flying teat* Introduced to th* action soquenoea te to* terminal velocity spin, which is considered toe mote dangerous tent to . aviation. Another shows the wing* arumpls and drop off a plan* traveling at to* spaed ofAlmost 8 mites pgr intent*. . mission for * showing « t the White House. Later she withdrew her per mission, but approved the picture. Doctor# disagree on the propriety of showing such pictures to either old or young. comedianwho more than often has fait the sting o f th# "love bug." The fancy of love, the tee® and the birds caused Harry Hopkins, famous WPA New Deal spender, to plunge into the matrimonial tea following Hie sting of the "love bug," Harry gives W* ag# as 48, and Mrs. Dorothy Hale,, New York actress, 32, both having chanted the "I Dp" twice ift their live* previous to the third contemplat ed blessed event in July, Jimmy Roosevelt, the- greatest private secret tary in history, a $19,000 * year fir*t To many «he*.idrimre. is but a part of a designcd plan to keep the natioh liberal minded anet tend tddevalue human life. It is also lookefi uponaa tho first step for a pertain kind of criminal operation in the home,-now a __ _ violation of law in every state. With drunk imd huuagr^" in PennsyTvania ^ ' Df 1*PP*oval the picture i* now^aiefto Franklin D. Roosevelt; gets the being shown in the larger cities over^credit of the first introduction of the nation. Over in Italy, Mussolini Harry and DOrothy a few weeks ago. has ordered theconstructionb f "nurs- "Stung" at' first,, sight -say*-Harry, ing homes" in every section o f the’ And the comedian nightly . confides country to care for more than*a mil- to hi* pal, “Ah! Love is * wonderful lion flligitimate children born out of thing." Romance! Broadway .Lights! Wedlock With the approval of the New Deal billions to spend! Why Dictator to re-populate the country, a long courtship in.this era o f the The country will care for th# infants New Deal with life/so abort? 1 until they are three years old, while the mothers are permitted to engage '’ in work of various- kinds, Here's * newplan for the Roosevelt NewDeal er#Who'have gone to Europe for most of their other atlmlnistration ideas. didnot bring results at the ballot'box. Nor did the Hopkins kind words of "vote' as you please" hold the WPA vote. “The Birth df a Baby" picture’film has been haying labor pains o f a dif ferent kind down in Cincinnati where City Manager Sherrill has refused the theatre to show the picture with out eliminating certain features held Ob jectionable. Moreover he would not permit youths Under 18 years of age to witness the picture. The contro versy over the picture is nation wide and started - whin Mrs, Roosevelt backed up after {mblically giving per- CEDARVILLE COLLEGE SENIOR CLASS PLAY A romantic comedy "Garden of-the Moon", will be sponsored by the Senior Class o f -Cedsrville College oh "Ah! Yes, It was a case of Ipve at Tuesday night. May $1, Watch for first sight" says the famous radio further announcement. •a v utfai. Mr. P O* visit* wttt m • j SaFtoteg bar tew! -lamp Mrs, £ s If OurClothing Dummiet Could Talk Urn Charlie McCarthy--- They'd tell you to* «*»* pllmenta they'va received through to* plate glaaa to (nir vrtodow* - *, Of toe meu and women who bar* stood fa front of toeae windows and Jnw« pronounced th* -clothing to h* to* finest rates* in town, « Thay’4 laugh at to* time ‘ they’d had te undraw right there to public to please * young man Who wanted- to "try on the anit to toe window,” These “dummies" * » wearing to* smartest spring and summer clothing ever .designed. 1 VOGUE SHOP SpringandSummer S U I M * day aftei bytarten sentry} Miss V is oiweri w»* the Wait am entente 1 soon to M ; i fkMAIh i 'll'* -■ JUDY “E AMP MORE Other Summer Suite *17.7SW*32.!MI SHOP 22 So* Fountain j&Ve,' Springfield, Ohio “ The EDC «>- -.1 : i \ 3F° M . Rl . SUI H. BO u a-* t-n. a css* Adi Vj -ft. mm V t 4 ■L : A i a 1 t i i i ■■ ( f
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