The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 1-26

.u u m u a W U 1 A w a n w a rn , l* c d mfd f t m u l Ik. P. il «rv vieMug is ffjeefe, Pr J C. Ashvilta. M. C, 'weekend «M Kyle. ThsLttltt AM * * • n .* . Will five e fewer ia tip lorsfollewiuf Frifey, Jwe M. Par Hwnwtfaai ph'«M Mr*. O n ■» Tmmtu qr Wn> A. K> Rkhwd* by Thurefey noee. Rev, Retort Stewart of fperte. in , who attended General Synod of tto Reformed PreSbyterfe* Church, *pmt a few days horn visiting with hit father-in-law. Mr, H. W. Freewell and other relative*, CtDAR DAY QUEEN AMO ORATOR Mr, Ed Nesbit, former Cedarville resident, with headquarter* in In­ dianapolis, Ind., *topped here Tact- day for a abort visit, Mr. Nesbit is makiflf this territory for a wall paper company in Peoria, 111, Mr. and Mr*. Qllje Hyatt o f Wil­ mington, 0., visited Martin Weimer and mother, Wednesday, . Mrs. Frank Heck of Dayton and Mrs. Foster' Martin of Nashville, Tenn„ were guests of Mr*, Ellen Weimer, Tuesday, MAST JOHNSTON Mr. Frank E. Wiley and fsmilyjteffc Wednesday for Wapello, .Iowa, foe a weeks visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy C, Wiley, Mrs. Jennie B. Fursfc and grand daughter, Miss Edna Pearl Roush, both OfGallipolis, Ohio, nre the guests of Supt, and Mrs. H. D, Furst, this week, . Mrs, Greer McOallister 'visited in Pleasant Hill last Monday and Tues-f day, attending the high school com-[ mencement exercises, She also was a guest recently at several parties given in'honor o f Miss Catherine Bl«:k, of Evansville, Indiana, whose marriage takes place hr,June. Mr.' and Mm H, G. Funsett "and! family left Thursday for their new home iii BrownstOwn, Ind., where the former is connected with the Kieffer Paper, Go. -The Tarhox residence on Cedar street just vacated by th e|W sett family,has keen rented to Mr. C, L. McGuinn,Who Willmove his family here from Yellow Springs. f’ *..... . ^ Mr.'and Mrs. J. E. Hastings at­ tended the funeral o f Rev. J. H, Moorehead, pastor o f the Kebr Pres­ byterian; Ghurch, Columbus, Tuesday. The sefviee was held from the church with ^burial faking place at Memorial Park Cemetery, Dayton. Rev. Brownlee, Dayton, and Rev. Wilson, Columbus, had charge of the service at the grave. Rev, Moorehead died. Sabbath during.service, suffering a heart attack' during a' number by the choir. The deceased was a cottsfft of Mrs. J. E. Hastings and leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Agnes Lee, who is connected with the' Na­ tional Broadcasting Co., New York . . ; • , ,, Dr. Ralph Atkinson, of Los Angeles, Calif,, was elected moderator at the opening session Of the eightieth gen* oral assembly now In session in Cleve­ land. C O Z Y ttkw FIRfT PggSBYTEKIAN CWlfMIt Rev. Beajeaein N. Adams, Miaieter Nickel Supper, Saturday, May 3ffi, «t the Church, Sponsored by the H ;s, Habtott? School Class for the tone- hi of the Fund to sand delagata* to the Oxford Young People's Confer fence, the public is cordially invited to patronise this supper< Sabbath School, id a. in, Lessons Maintaining Personal KWeienry ” Daniel t.HW, It, 20* I Cor. 9:S4 M, Golden Text; **K»ery wan that striv- oth in the games exerciseth self-eon?- trot in all things,” I Cor, 9:2$. Worship Service, 11 a. in. Theme; “The Duty of Servitude.” Sermonette; -The First Job,” Christian Endeavor, 7 p, m. leader; Miss Parma Hostetler. The following 'officers and commit­ tee chairmen were elected at the last meeting; President, Noah Sharpe* Vice Pres, David Ramsey* Rec, Sec'y, Audrey Chaplin* Cor, Sec,, Martha Kreitzer; Tress, Junia Creswell; De­ votional Com. Chairman, Rachel Cres- wellj Missionary Com. Chairman, Sahtotb. aa4 spuria) *• bs mads of tn* Day * p. t . t. . i p m Loafer, Henry Finsay, Union Bwrvtcs, i v »■>- la tto Pros- hyisrian Church will bo wafer th« di­ rect** of CsfenriU* Cofege fein* ihc Annual fecesiaarsats Sorrier, President McChosney wfli bring the message. i Thom will be no mkl-wtok service :this week, aa it; is our custom to omit this service Comnwneoaumfc week as the 'College program feamnda opr at- teaiiou, The churches amgmatiy in. ierestad in our Christian College, Foil announcement o f the weeks program will be found elsewhere in this paper. Choir Rehearsal, Saturday, 7:80 p, m, . wlit* *1* one ouarUr o f the money moot sad otiwr asefal aasl on arms eyre fevefed u larger par- m Umm mm the termer. would get ptoeifed * cheat* of n.iik t»n tliuM oHtrv valae thaa they new get frum hope and beitey. The strat- , liag fact eunfe oat that tf tfe money| Wtmrn Keeiep Care Pattaate spont; m drink wore apmn m rietifeg f Wmaou y> teats at. the Keeiey REV. B. J. ADAMS TO D1KBCT - SCOUT COUNCIL AS CHAIRMAN Rey. B, J. Adams, pastor of the local Presbyterian Church, has been named chairman of the organisation and extension committee of the Greene County district Boy Scout Council. Rev, Adams will be asaist* ed by Ward Creswell aa Held com­ missioner* Glen Johnson, Fairfield, mum M M * HANNA’S GREEN SEAL Secau^e it 4 <p/t.eMd 4 J^axtKzx and, weax* Ic - f t g e x , . , YET COSTS NO MORE PER JOB fR jm watt » m M mm ft „ w . ________ _____ Mitt tiut is heaaativ auA tm aae I mm , JT f PHHPSHP WWWW IMPLEMENT, Inc. Answer Box X care this paper. iiniiUiiinmmfemM>w(uilii<iiliHfe»»illni JUSTIN HARTMAN, MissMary Johnson, Yellow Springs, will share honors of Cedar Day exer­ cises on the College Catnpus, Wednes­ day, with Mr. Justin .Hartman,-both beingchosen for the hdpor on the vote of the student body. Both,are mem­ bers of the, Senior Glass o f Cedarville College; * ■' . ■ ‘J ^ district commissioner, and Paul Me- Doris Ramsey* Social Com, Chairman, f Xenia, neighborhood com- Rsehel Harrimar., - ’ j^issioner. College Baccalaureate Service, 8 p. tir .„. m. Dr. McChesney wi0 speak in the1 Wanted-ParDe* *«-operatei cream Presbyterian Church. [riarion. and routes. May be handled College Commencement Week, This ,h conn6ct,on wth ,om# ^ bu,“ week will be filled up with the various:ne8a'' events of Commencement Week, Thiia^ do we dramatize at the close o f the 5 ?car that fine task o f building in the intangible qualities of mental equip­ ment, moral fiber, and.spiritual fervor which is accomplished quietly In the routine of. class-room and chapel throughout the whole year. j Mid-Week Bible Study, Wednesday, p, m. Study I John 3, Choir Rehersals, Junior Choir" Sat. nr; Senior Choir, Sat. 8 p, m. I NVES T IN F- Al Ni I NS T EAD OE REPA I RS Temperance Notes GIBNEY Allen Bldg. Xenia, Ohio 3p, S. MAIN ST, KriMfucRy- Marriage In Announced AitnouhceMentis being made o f tbe marriege of Miss Mary Pierce, daugh­ ter o f Mr/, and Mrs. Elmo Pierce, Xenia, and Mr. Paul Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Lestev Reed, o f this place. The ceremony was performed at the First Presbyterian Church, Lexing­ ton, Ky., Sunday, March' 27, with Rev. Robert Wv Miles officiating at the double ring service. .Mr. add Mrs. Reed are residing here/ Mrs. Reed attended Bdlbrook High School and Cedarville College and has been4teaching in the Xenia Twp. Mkiboolf'.>■.i from CcdarviUe College and has been an instructor at Camp Greene, OCC camp, for the last' two years; •- •d• . . ;• ' t .1- .•/• ' C ollege Musical Recital Monday A fternoon On May 3dth, Monday afternoon at 4:00 p.,m., tliere will be JicM ih tho CoD.ege Ghopejihe;;finnl*md9iefF of :the «chool year under' Dio direction ■of'.-Mildred'. M' Creswell," director of music nt Cedarville College/ Eight members of the voice and piatto cTaga will imrform ftn.tim.:gro|rdtt,:'^the.'drst; Half being from -tRe «hildteni's Mass land the latter.half- 'from'.fhfecollege• dasses, ■ . '-'g : ■■’j Members rendering piano solos wlll be Rachel Ifarriman of the college, and the following, children;’ James Adams, Frances Little, Margaret An­ derson i Martha Lane Creswell, Billy Furst, and phyllht Jean Adnnm. Ted James of the voice elaai from the college will give several vocal numbers accompanied by Mrs. Gres- well; ' The public Is cordially invited to fthis recital. . I imiir'l) r" ■ ij— is tr ■ -n— .— CEDARVILLE *0 ,f Hies Rebecca Galloway, sophomore. Denison University, Granville, ar- FR IDAY irived homo Thursday. Miss Dorothy rGalloway, a sister, is expected to re- tnun home from the . same school, short METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Charles E. Hill. Minister CL reh Service, 11 a. ra». Subject; “ In Donor o f our HeroicDead.” -High School League, 9:30 p. m. College Baccalaureate, In the Pres­ byterian Church, 8 p. m. Tlm Ladies* Aid Will aa usual nerve the Commencement Day dinner, at the Church, at noon Friday. Reservations should be made by Thursday noon. Call Mrs. Cora; Triimbo, or Mrs. A. R. Richards'far' reservations. Cadarrilla W» G.T. M* Drinker Jails Belf Far Care, Bilt Taxes Pay The Bill the defense, kissed bin wife good­ bye and marchedhimself off to jail. The judge did, it is true, sign the commitment papers. But that task in such a case aa this, waa hardly more than clerical. “Death crouches in every workshop where there is drinking.4' The work­ man needs alcohol education,., #. 0 ri UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . , - Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Meryl Stoommt, Siipt. A letter will be read at 10:45, ia the closing exercises o f the Bible School, from Mrs, Margaret J. Work, telling of her visit to Pale­ stinerecently, during the Easter Vaca? tion. • ’ ‘ \ Preaching; il. 0, m. - Theme: “Have Faith in God.” This is Memorial Day Iasjparable Alcohol is bad. It lower* the effi­ ciency o f young menandwomen. But alcohol ha* its associate in tobacco. How much of the degeneracy to as­ cribe to one and how much to the other, we may never he' aide to de­ termine. ; “ Railroad'- engineers, machinists, factory workers, construction corps, —all endanger life when they subject Drain and body to the dewdssing effects o f nlcohol.” Spread theknowl­ edge of what alcohol is. and what It does, “■ ; - » M o s tly Navy B lue Sheers Can Be Worn Right Now and For Early Fa ll Half-Priced DRESSES Liquor Retards BmptayiMat 6 that were 22.95 |0 that were 19.95 21 that were 18.00 Othat were 15.00 Vi Friee 11.50 % Price 10.00 Vz Price 9.00 Vz Price 7.60 BABYCHICKS-STARTED CHICKS Blood Tested Custom Hatchinsr ‘iflT dM M M iA ~ d ^ d d h a r ' -BlVamdiMBSadamMBr SBwD s” X a IIB I m I w I 424 Hubert Ave Phone 842 Bpriagfeti, O. C o s tum e S u its > | J ‘ - ' ' % . ! ConsiMlng of Silk Bfew aai W m I CMt 8 that were 29,95 — x/% Price 15.00 1 that was 25.00 _ y2 Price 12.50 DOLORES DEL RIO r m u r r ZANDERS IFriday, both being homo for » i GEORGE SAHDfcls^ jvlsC8tion before final exnmlnntioni ^International Settlement” Also Uarloen and FDriil Mrs. II. M, Jackson, who was called hem bythe sllnesa ot her mother, Mrs. Nancy Oglesbee, has returned to her hnftie in Louisville, Ky. Mis, O g lo l^c is now much impiovcd. Mm Geo tga Gordon entertained tm |mesitere o f the Claskfe Run Glub, | T u e s d a y a lle rn o t'K a t th o h om e o f IMis, Joseph Gordon* "Dr." Davey, |Greener County dietician was the ^PnMfe'Cowboy No. I ^jspakw. SATURDAY GENE AUTRY •■---III'—» B y t h e M a n y C o n l l i c t ln o *% REFRIGERATOR CLAIMS l <10$SAl CAMorrf 1 1$ c*uA*uri ADDED EDGAR BERGEN CHARLIE MCCARTHY “ K H E K m m I E A S Y ” SUMPAY mm* MONDAY WALLACE BEERY VIRGINIA BRUCE H I L L B I L L Y B A N D C O N T E S T ' BY SPRINGFIELD LEGION George fskir* Post WL -6, ivjriow, flpriudlridJran- iMuGRbe • nrtfef rruimilv BenffiSsTU- tea* Iii M.’neel.i Hall o? that iHrthe Vm>h ftft part, of June, All band mam- ism must ba above *# years of «ie , ‘ B ad M m o f B r im M o n .’ t sHof e A M K R K A N I W i l O N P O P P Y B A L E f A K R g P L A * R H A T L B D A Y T h . American I ^ g b n baa. n>H S a f. vrfey for tho auto of p*por popfikf en tb* ptroota In >erinoa t*»Wfta in tbe count jr Tbe proeeefe go te tbe oepport of dhtaMed 1 Tbs»*ftoW«MmM(«*lM*br the vr«tld‘* !■#**« vfemlcs! msaafsetwries cBipeo' 2 & t rnmmi the M smnmm »U «e ■ retdtMkfag; ell-ftset Mmm *§» 3 The few fesilsM . ig ftj f e y f Geaersl Ileetrl* Thrift WeftMMMS JLu. IS ft , effi1 ttptuft •aymb S T h e i ■Uses. hapewD yourcostswitha CHEVROLET! THE S IX SUPREME CUT YOUR GASOLINE COSTS CUT YOUR OIL COSTS . . . . CUT YOUR UPKEEP COSTS m U worthwMk ntotorinj mw it t f e h i j M*Ni«r *•»« ts-si m* il rm -" il P »■ M cCUUSTER SERVICE CEDARVILUC. OHIO CUMMONMI CHKV1 ALKT • a ij m i 4