The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 27-52
CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1988 Local and Personal The Ross Twp. Farmers institute will .be held Feb. 8-9 a t the school house, White Plymouth Roclc chickens for sale. Roasts. J. A., Burns. Mr. Carey P. Ritchie, wife and .daughter were guests of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Ritchie for several days recently. Mr. Ritchie is a teacher in the Pittsburgh schools ever , since his return from the World War in 1919. ' , . For Sale-—Used Fairbanks-Morse gas engine, 3 hp. in A-l condition*. Price reasonable. Pickering Electric. Pone 22. ' Mrs: E. ■B. McKinnon's Sabbath School class meet this Friday evening ■ for a social hour at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spracklin. D inner-Bridge Thursday Evening Twenty-two guests were delight fully entertained by. Mr. undkL&Mys. Fred Dobbins a t a lovely dinnermrnige party at their home, Thursday evening. Dinner was served a t small tables centered with bouquets of yellow and white chrysanthemums. Following the dinner the group formed six tables for bridge. Guests were Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemens, Mr. an.d Mrs. Fred Townsley, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Conley, Mr. and .Mrs. Pauli ,Orr, Mr. and Mrs. John Ault, JVIr. and Mrs, Wilson Galloway,. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Confarr, Mr. and Mi s. Hugh Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. j Harold Dobbins, Mrs. I.ucy Turner and Mr. Russell Roberts. W om an ’s Club Entertained Thursday Mrs. B, N. Adams hns'been visiting! relatives in Wisconsin, for . several days. ••••.. Miss Dorothy Galloway, who is at tending Dennison University, is home for a weelc-end vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gallo- wav, ■ . . . Miss Jessie Small, who has been an invalid for a year or morp, was moved to Xenia, Tuesday, to the home of Mrs. Anna Armstrong.; Mrs. Armstrong has- been caring for Miss Small for several months. Miss Mary Margaret McMillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mc Millan, who teaches, in the West Mil- ton-, 0., high school, has been ill suffer ing from scarlet fever. Mrs. McMil lan has'been spending some time with her daughter. ■ ■ .Mrs, I. C. Davis, of Cedarville, was hostess to forty members of the- Wo man’s Club of Cedarville for its regular meeting Thursday afternoon. Following a business session, tKc group knotted a comfort. A salad course was served by Mrs. Davis, assisted by Mrs. Ralph George, of Jamestown, Miss Ina Murdock, Mrs. William Hopping, Mrs. Harry Ham- man, Mrs. John Davis and Miss Wil- mah" Spencer. C o -O p e ra tiv eC lu b Hosts To W ives o f Members . According to a report of the Clark County Dairy Herd Improvement As sociation, Mac ■Harris, Clifton, took honors for OctobeV among seventeen) herds. His herd produced .793 pounds of milk and an average of 43.9 pounds of butter fat. j - Members of the Co-Operative Club entertained their wives a t the regular meeting Monday evening in the M. E. Church dining room, the Ladies of the Church' serving the dinner. The speak er of the evening was Miss Joy •Joyce, a reporter of the Davtpn: Herald, that gave much of her experi ence in' her work under a title of ‘’Go ing.. Places.” The" talk was interest ing and covered a field that ma.nvi knew little about. Miss Joyce ..con-’ ducts-a . special column in. the Herald each dav. , DIRECTORS TO DISBAND CEDARVILLE GRAIN CO. One of the enjoyable events during | Girl Scout Week .was a display of hand-craft work and a puppet show at the Masonic Social rooms. There were many who enjoyed both the display and the show.. Arrangements were under the direction of . Mrs. Harold Reinhard and Mrs. Anna' Collins ' Smith. .. . The directors of the Cedarville Farmers Grain Co., have voted to dis solve the'corporation and that a- Certi ficate for that purpose has been filed with the Secretary of State in Co lumbus. The directors arp William Conley, Arthur Cummings, A. H. Cres well, W. J. Cherry, Clayton McMil lan "and I-L’S. Bailey.- C edarv ille Sorority '* In itiates New Members Six new members were initiated into Alpha. Theta Tau Sorority of Ce- darville College in a ceremony at the home of Miss-Grace Biekett, east of Xenia, Thursday evening. Mrs. Eloise Kling, of the college faculty, is supervisor of tho social sorority. Following the initiation games were enjoyed and refreshments, with -Thanksgiving ' appointments, were served. Those present were. Misses Jane Frame, Opal Seaman, Florence Fer-, guson, Merium Rolk, Wanda Griffith, Barbara Grey,'Helen-Chitty, Beatrice Grey, Margaret Olinger, Doris Ram sey, Marcella Tobin, and the hostesses, Misses Marie Collins, Louise Cosier, Ruth Booher and Grace Biekett. .<— ----- - PORK IMPORTATIONS CONTINUE The Chicago Tribune pointso u t how impossible it is to have better hog prices as long as we have free trade under the New Deal. We face love prices for a time due to the arrival of 800,000 pounds of dressed liam and loins last week fj-om Poland. p . A; R. Entertains Members and Guests JAMESTOWN MAN IS DEAD AFTER FALL “The End of tho World” was the j hi 0 fall from the roof at the home subject of an inspiring address by Rev. ?t(f W- M. Thomas, near Jamestown, A, Ward Applegate, pastor of th e , early Thursday, William Person, a Friends Church, Wilmington,-at th e : carpenter, suffer^! injuries resulting annual banquet; for members and' in bis death, Authorities are investi- guOsts of Cedar Cliff Chapter, Daugh- gating to learn if the fall might have j ters of the Americun Revolution, of, keen caused by Person’s coming in j Cedarville, in the Rotary Cluh rooms, contact with electric wires that pass * inrXenia, Tuesday evening. | above the house. Person, who leaves In discussing present conditions and P s ' v’*c aa<** 8Qn»Donald, had resided needs of the people, Rev: Applegatei,M a long time and was declared, “We are living in different j Wl t h f ra,' k M,)orman, jr., who* worlds. We have been living in th e ! ^ aS on rnof tit the time Person( world of drink'and in the world of j 1 - I prohibition aiid now we are living in i ** ls- beli.eved that Person touched ' the world of repeal.” j an electric wire that caused him to* Mrs. J. Ervin Kyle, .regent, presided electrocution as the wire and Dr, Roger Henderson, of Clifton, WHOLESALE ARRESTS 1Deputy game wardens have caused wholesale arrests this week all over Ohio in enforcing the limitation on all kinds of game. Columbus reported 150 arrests the firstday. Seven hunt ers have lost their lives so ■ far and scores injured. A : hearing was held before’ the County Commissioners Wednesday on a petition for the cleaning and improv ing'of what is known as the Steirett- Laekoy ditch in parts of Ross aliH Oe- d'arville Twps. Bids will be willed for following the viewing o f the ditch by the conrmissioners. .Joseph W. Kiteher, Grange Lecturer, and .member of Miami University facility will speak at .the annual banquet of the Clark and Greene County Demeter Club, Olivo .Branch school, Saturday, 7 p. m. WILL PAY STRAIGHT SALARY $35.00. per week,man.or woman with Into 'sell Egg Producer to Farmers. Eureka Mfg. Co., East. St. Louis, 111. For. Sale-Upright piano 'in good condition. ’ Apply at this office for information. , For Sale—Base burner in good-con dition; at a low price. Cedarville Farm .niplenk-nt. ' L. Dukes. Program— W e ek o f November 18 / > Friday and Saturday., November 18-19 T G “RACKET BUSTERS” o Humphrey Bpgart-r-George Brent CARTOON—MUSICAL H E Sunday and Monday. November 20-21 z “Three Loves Has Nancy” A Janet Gaynor—Robt. Montgomery NEWS—CARTOON—TRAVELTALK T Y Wednesday and Thursday. November 23-21 R “KEEP SMILING” E Jane Withers—Gloria Stuart - NEWS—COMEDY S O F T K URD Reg. U. S. Pat. Office—M. & R. • Lai)., Inc. MINERAL MODIFIED MILK WITH VITAMIN D The SOFTKURD process en ables this milk to remain liquid during digestion ! k Above Regular Milk Price ORDER TODAY—PHONE 197 HAMMAN DAIRY Fqr Sale—-Spotted Poland China Boars and. Gilts. *Walter' 10. McCoy, R. R. 4, Washington, Ci II., O. For Rale: Favorite Base-Burner, in 'veeilent condition. Call C, R> Masters Grocery for ■farther inforirmtioh. Dr Haul J. Volkert Dentist OFFICE hours Monday and Friday 1 r:30 A. M. To 5 P. ,M. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 9:30 A. M. to 8:30 I’. M. Office Closed Wednesday Afternoon . Phone: 73 introduced Rev. Applegate. Miss Beatrice. McClellan, of near Xenia, Ce- darvillc College student, sang two solos, “The Second Minute," by Besley, and “L’Amour ■Tou-Jours L’Amour,” by Frjmel. She wus. accompanied by Miss Rachel HaiTlman. , The program was preceded . by a banquet at which there were covers for thirty-five members and guests at tables centered with bowls of yellow chrysanthemums. A three course din ner -was served. Following the dinner a short busi ness meeting was-conducted when an amendment to the chapters by-laws was adopted creating • the office of librarian. Mrs. M. A. Summers was elected to this office. The next regular meeting of the chapter will be held December 13 \yith Mrs.^ Mac Harris and Mrs, Donald Kyle as hostesses, carried 3,<>po volts. Subscribe to “ TH E IIE F A LD ” > NOTICE! • ■mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam ThanksgivingUnionService WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29,J938 7 ;3 0 P. M. REV. MARKLE — Speaker SPECIAL MUSIC EVERYONE WELCOME L. .1. TABOR MAY NOT TAKE AG. POST! Reports out of Columbus 'have i t : that Gov.tclect John W. Bricker will offer Louis' J, Tabor, head of the Na'-j tional Grange, Secretary of Agri-j. ^culture, now held by Earl Hanefeld,' If he accepts he would have to re-, sign-his Grange post. Doubt, of ac ceptance is reported as Mr.. Tabor de clined- relection last year as head of the Grange, . R R HARPER Plumbing of All K inds Bathroom Equipment Modern Kitchen Sinks Hot Water Heating Let us Quote you Prices 1835 THE 1938 National Bank . v* .......... ....... ....... . |Now is The Time— I Come In Today | I Consult with us as td your feeding problems. You will j! | be welcome* - . . ; I We will give you the proper supplement, the;right-mix- I; 1 ture, and these, finery low prices. Act today. 1 . Get your stock on the right road for good healthy progress j I this winter. I CEDARVILLE ELEVATOR 1 i IFEEPSI ........ tnm iiiiimmii........................... ............... At The Vogue Shop You Bring Home The Turkey and The Bacon, Too. The man who c.omeft. heir fills week fpr Ills Thanksgiving suit and topcoat is in clover and the clover has four leaves He sees fireworks In, the do signing whflo.,hl8 dollar works overtime In the value, ■■ if . He gets glnniour in the .fab rics and grace In. the fit at a cost that doesn’t kick his bank balance all over the lot. It’s an art , . . pulling as much attraction into thrs price . tickets as the oustonW sees In the*mirror. VOGUE Suits and f£ $25,530. r$3$ ■at Phones 21 S. Main St. V C G L C • S H O P 20 ind 22 So, Fountain Avn. Springfield, Ohio Over A Century of Community Service THE HOLD-UP MAI* <5 AFTER YOUR CASH —NOT YOUR CHECK BOOK, NEITHER DO THIEVES WANT CHECKS —BUT CASH. WHY ACCOMMO DATE EITHER THE HOLD-UP MAN OR THE THIEF? START A BANK ACCOUNT. _ • ’ - ' ’ ' ■ ; • V ■ ‘ COMMON SENSE AND MONEY SENSE .- Tt is just common sense to be able to'-tell exactly how much money you have handled durihprthe year, and just where every dollar of that money has gone.' The best way to make a record of your income and outgo is by the means of a checking account. Deposit all income in the bank and pay all expense by check: then at any time, by add ing all deposits you will have a complete record of your income, and by listing all of your checks you can tell where each and every dollar has gone. , , This institution offers' it’s facilities to depositors, calling attention to the convenience ' (of location, it’s strength and standing, also to the courteous, friendly and helpful service which it maintains. It is our endeavor to serve you so well that you will recommend us to your friends and give us an opportunity to make your friends, our friends. - Our after hour-Depository Service free to our Customers An Old Friendly and Reliable Institution MEMBER OF SAFETY REPOSIT BOXES $5,000.00 F. I). I. C. • THE FEDERAL RESERVE FOR RENT—$2.00 TO $7.00 DEPOSITS INSURED
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