The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 27-52
t m y : kilt 1 i i i k» n r uinyt ico n ^ > U | M f Oiitg nil » try, I h n It i4 that tun* The S tar g«St* th at jfarfadteaf, siHn* proto pm « sta fa es the wows G e t a ropy Jay. You'll l the 35 in- 'pcnts, adds re of know* > cu rren tis- lewsdealera is per copy. I a n KING train arveater- (oei in to t to o u r o ' small how you :or. a t al rter of.tto r cylinder,; «dUBtiml id u idw j; lUHlWHdE e* tbit fait •avukbfe the an« r. etml cbrcw IlatdM. up ivy ctrcw tbertyto.. nuatenfe inf. .Not icatnbino tick-Dccr. r purctoccct •Purohico NY f t A aoa » u tom to Mr. aad Mrs. WtilfaM HarMaoat loot fiatarday « t their haw* m u W lltertww . Mr*. I d h n it Mafcam to , -tlrocd. fa ia « vary critical filliv fag her eerawl paralytic atiwto “ Mr*. Mabel Wchtoc g $ Hillard, th , arc upemtbfa tba vraafc. end with relative* m i friends. HIM OteetSiy Lyfa o f Ttonrvffit, O., was the gM»t o f H arriot RHonour, Monday and Tuesday. *.■ - The Junior Missionary Boeicty of the U. P, Church enjoyed * noon picnic a t Bryan S tats Park, Friday. Mr, John Iwurhhead o f Covington, Ky., spent several day* here, th is week visiting among old friends, Mrs, W. A, iH th is woofc, a t thfa tta f . W. R, W att mm I Justiu Owens, J*?» forsoaviifa, spent tto week-end faj WrigbtsvUfa, Penn., visitfag thal haoyiaout F am e, Mr. Fred Shaw and fam ily of Terre Haute, Ind., form er raakfante, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Reinhard. Margaret Stormont, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Meryl Stormont, has been admitted to Miami Valley Hos- , Mias Rath Burnt is spending the » • * fa Newark, the guest o f Mrs. ^ e lu ia McCormick, a teacher In the Worthington school*. _ * f- H. M Brown, Dr, and j Mrs, H, M. Brown of Clyde, Ohio, en joyed a Sva day fishing trip a t Laird | Dike, Michigan. Mrs. Nellie I. Gregg, who was in Jh* faculty a t Knoxville College the last year, is spending a couple of weeks w ith her parents. Dr. and Mrs. C, M. Ritchie, She, will, v iy t her sister, Mrs. Alexander, on her way home to Pittsburgh, Dr, Robert Jacobs,, who graduated from the Medical College. O. S. U, last month, h as entered upon his duties as interne a t Miami Valley ■Hospital,': Dayton, Ctffinate W.«L % 9 . [WimnnwnroiniwiwiuiiHinoniiinmnntnMMWWUHiwiB? Xd*f)r yon to find « single atoUuwr e r trim has (a j ruined his heme through to tal abatinence; <fej thrash- ed h it wife through taking w ater; i t ) sent his chiWren out into tha straeis, shoeless, to beg, in order to supply Mm with water; Cd> aufitred from cirrhosis of the liver, delirium tre mens, Bright’* disease or gout through drinking water,-■’Colonel Al fted Forcelli. The promise th a t abundant beer would reduce the sale o f hard liquor has gone with the other prom- j iaes. Hard liquor sole increoso* in proportion as hear1is sold. Regula< Won, to which some sincere anti* prohibitionists have turned, is also failure. It does not regulate. II On May 23 the Senate approved House bill providing « $1006 fine fo r persons convicted of transporting liquor into a dry state in violation o1 state, law. .. pital fo r treatm ent during the sum -[ Wr, WH lardKyie of Manchester, mer. * ®» spent the week-end here with his Rev. and Mrs. Marion Hostetler and daughter, M argaret Ann, enroute from England to their home in Green River, U tah, spent last' - week here visiting relatives and friends. ' parents* Mr. and Mrs. J , E. Kyle. He was accompanied home by W« daugh- ter, Eileen, who had visited here with her grandparent* the week previous. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Iliff of this, place and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Iliff of London a re visiting their brother, Dr W. VV. Iliff, D.D., and wife in Chicago, the occasion' being, the birthday of Dr. niff today, Friday. Mrs. Chester Sweet, formerly -Miss Elizabeth Wiley of th is place, was the guest last week a t the home o f her sister, Mrs. James. Mitchell and family." ■ Rev. James L. Chesnut, D.D., and family of Fairmount, W. Va., visited the first of the week with Judge and Mrs. S. C. W right. - Dr. Chesmit lectured the past week a t Bethany College, while Mrs. W right and chil dren visited in Frankfort, O;, with her sister, Mr*. A. F< Peterson -and With her parents h e re .' . Misses Rachel and .Mary Ellen Creswell attended tha wedding of Mis* Verna Oerfetock to Mr, Albert Schneider, la s t Saturday a t tha Hart- wall Presbyterian C kgeli, near Cin cinnati. They were also guests a t the reception following the ceremony Which Was held a t the Hartwell Country Club, » ’ Mrs. Effie Lackey and Miss Ada Sterntont returned home Friday eve ning from Springfield, Tenn., wlfar* they were guests in the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brodfute. They were accompanied by Mrs. 0 . E. Brodfute, Miss . Helen and Jennie Bradfate o f Xenia. They visited the old home o f Andrew Jackson, “The Hermitage,1" a most beautiful home of the old south, and a t Nashville. They made the trip by auto. Miss Mary Margaret Bird, who has been Visiting her grandmother and other relatives fo r the past two weeks, is returning to her home in Helium, Pa., Friday. She cam* s a fe r as Pontiac, Mich., w ith friends, visit ing N iagara Falls, Canada and Hoar- horn, Michigan. She i* th e daughter of Harry F* Bird, formerly of Cedar- ville, and now pharmacist for the MacEslin Medical Supply House of York, Pa, Miss H arriet Rhone*? wo* a guost of-Miss Sara Stodebaker of near New Carlisle, loot Saturday, and was a bridesmaid a t the wedding of Mis* Studehaker and Mr. Paul Heckman of North Manchester, Ind* whkh took place a t eigh t o'clock, Saturday eve ning fa the Church o f th e Brethren, in NeW Carlisle. ' ' L Mr. and Mrs, % 0 . Ritenour, Jeanette Rltemmr, Mr, and Mrs, James Miller and daughter, Jean Leu, and Clarence Hamer, J r,, of Xenia a t tended th e wedding, Dr, Paul Sloan, .wife and son, Robert, of Buffalo, N, Y,, were the -bests of Miss Donna Burns the first of the.week, Prof. Sloan heads the department of psqhology in the S tate ] teachers College of th a t place. Mr. Herbert Pickering, local Phiko lealer, attended a gathering of Ohio dealers in Cincinnati, Wednesday evening a t Alms Hotel. New 1039 models were on exhibition- and dem- .nstrated, one being the “Mystery foclel.” A banquet was served in] onnection With the demonstration. Mr. and Mrs, Lester George and 'aughtera returned to CedarviUe from their new home in Troy, Monday eve- urtg, Juhe 21?, to be present a t a re- option held in their honor In the ocial room* of the Methodist church. A short program* was . presented ■onsisting of music by the Church .School orchestra, sq I os by Mrs. J . W .'j, Johnson and Carolyn - James, abort alks aa follows: Robert Dunevant .^presenting the Future Farmers, Mr, % fit Mooters, tb a Men’s Bible Cteaa. Ira. J . S; West, the Golden Rule Jirclc; Mr*. C. E. Hill, the Primary department, and Mr, John Mills, the Soft Ball Organisation. Mr, Cal .ilwry, on behalf o f the'Church School, Vesentcd a g ift to the George family. At the close of the program refresh- nents were served and a social hour wa* enjoyed, John Wesley, in a sermon one hun dred and seventy-eight .year* ago, said: “Drams or spirituous liquor* are liquid fire A d all Who manufacture or sell them, except ob medicine, are poisoners general. They murder hi* Majesty’s subject* by wholesale. They drive them .to hell like sheep. The curse p f God, is bn their gardens, their Wilks and their groves. Blood, blood is there.” . TEMPERANCE— ............. ............ I f legalized beer is to help raise the revenue, give relief to the un employed and bring back prosperity, why not do a*, in the beer-drinking; countries? ’/ : ■ Gregt Britian has lawful beer, and dire poverty stalks in its streets. Germany b * t lawful beer, and un employment>?threatens the life of Germany. Economic salvation is not to he found in beer, or else these countries Would be in better shape than the United States, and the fact is they *te worse off than 'America. To the astonishment of the prince i t the eunuchs, who had charge of the young men, Daniel requested th at he ind th e others be allowed to live on a vegetable diet and drink only water. I t seems, the brewers have forgot heir plea for the repesl of prohibition n order to raise a large revenue to jalance the national budget. They »re now demanding * reduction o f Mie-hulf of the. tax they have to pay. Why license a man to Ml^ intoxi- iants and then punish the man who Irinka them? ,v Will a’patriotic government sell any One the privilege to engage in any business that will take the lives o f ts citizens? , Mr. and M rs. Greer McCallister, t'cdihpanicd by Misses McKay, New] Burlington; Marcella DisbrO, Dayton; ind Ruth Kern, 'Cincinnati, motored o Evansville, Indiana, Friday* where j they attended the wedding o f Miss Catherine Block and* Mr. F , Forrest 3tretm ater a t the F irst Christian Church, Saturday morning * t 9:00. j The, bride wore White lace over satin I ■vith a finger-tip* veil and carried] bride’s roses. Her sister, Betty Jane Block, who was her only attendant] wore blue organdy with a peach pic ture hat and carried peach roses. After the ceremony, a wedding break fast was served a t the McCurdy Hotel to the members of the family and out- of-town guests. The couple le ft'fo r a vacation in the Ozark Mountains, Mo., and will late r reside In Evansville. Mr. Btratmater is employed a t Serve!, Inc, Mrs. Stretnsster has been teach ing a t Pleasant Hill, Ohio, and has visited in this community on many occasions. One surgeon says th a t liquor drink ing can be cured by a simple opera tion. Yes, it’s ju st a m atter o f cut to t the liquor.—-National Voice. Mr. 0 . A. Dobbins was chosen presi dent o f the F irm Fdrum a t the reg ular westing >iit Xenia, Monday eve* nirig. Paul Smith, vice president; II. W« Eavey, sesretery-tteasurer; W. N. Wilkinson, Bath, Stanley Heizler, New Jasper, and J . R. Kimber, Xenia, executive committee. Dwight Wise explained the wheat crop insurance. Sow ih Main ICOZY ra iPA ir , i WAYNE MOMUi ™ ,• PM ICIUA tAN fi SA TU RD A Y , J i i t f % FRANK MORGAN ROBERT YOUNG FLORENCE M€E "PARADISE FOR THREE SUNDAY M* MONDAY • m i f I f w r u “REBECCA OF gURETBROOK FARIT ^ ' —JWETPW*— B IL L B O B IN fO N , S U M M C K HA LEY iMOWI AT 9>ai ami r« if* WomenFind Treasure Disguised ^ s Trash Miami County Housemakor* Find Ingenuity Replaces Money In Restoring Old Furniture Trash may became treasure by fol lowing the methods discussed by Mrs. R*y, Smith, New Carlisle, and Mrs. George Wright, Covington, who have been studying the restoration of furni ture under the direction of the home economics extension service of Ohio State .University. These women say that Miami county cellars and* attics have yielded some pieces of furniture which have become beautiful and valuable under the re storative methods learned in study groups. Broken legs, departed cane, worn upholstering, nail holes, dents, and other furniture disabilities can be cured,'these homemakers claim. They issue a couple of warnings which may be useful to amateur furni ture refinishers. Lye solution should be used very carefully when used a t all in removing paint from furniture Plastic wood must be handled with gloves when employed to fill nail holes or to repair other defect* One woman who applied plastic wood without wearing gloves was unable to g e t the materia! off her hand until she took p a rt in a taffy pull. The Miami county homemakers say that an old table knife is an idea! paint scraper and th at pieces of glass can be used if it is broken squarely m there are no Jags to scratch, the aurfaea whkh 1* being scraped. Paint and varnish In place* which ate difll- ewlt to reach with a scraper can be removed with lye solution. The sedation is made fey dissolving one-half tu p of powdered lye in a cap «C water and adding this to one quar t a t hot paste. This should fee brushed m amah area* only, allowed to stand ■ for a fear minutes, and then scraped off with » knife. The' place then s I um >M be washed thoroughly with water and then washed with Dlmtme to neutralise any Jye which remains I f any lye fa left, the wobd will Be OPENING Announcement We are proud to be open again for business In our new room, after being closed for three weeks while remodelingwas done. Thanks for your cour teouspatience. Call and see the many improvements. We w ill again serve you with the best bread, pastry, cakes and fresh confections. A c . : Better Bread and More Bread R o l l s - C a k e s O ur b read is m ade from th e finest q u a lity —you g e t it fre sh every, day—-you g e t A h igger lo a f end because it coats no more—* 1(1 cents. ., Rolls—cake*-*huij8 are fresh every day from our oven and made from the best of all ingredients, , Cake orders fo r parties, events, anniversaries and birthdays designed and Iced in keeping fo r each occasion. Why Our Bread O ur b read is . no t sliced, and you g e t a fu ll one and one-half* loaf fo r 10 cen ts. F ou r ounces more b read—n o t sliced. In our new quarters you will find a new fresh line of confections. Many mw kinds have been added to our line. , PICNIC NECESSITIES ' The necessary plates, cups, napkins, and clothes to make the day a real one. To your order we can! supply the necessary rolls, buns, sandwich bread or cakes fo r a real treat. JULY 4—MONDAY T h a t d ay w e w ill be open un til noon. P lease p lace you r o rd e r S a tu rday evening b y ' 10 p . m. J Phone: 86«B2 CEDARVILLE BAKERY Electrical Work The new electric fixtures and all the wiring: for this improvement were furnished and in stalled by us. * W hen you need any th ing e lec trica l ca ll on us, w e can fu rn ish sam e. T h e re is no job too sm all o r too la rg e fo r us to do. Phone us. 1939 PHILODMODELS WESTINGHOUSE FANS NORGE REFRIGERATOR Pickering Electric Contractor « Dealer PLUMBING This is the year to make your place modern with the necessary plumbing, as material prices are very low. The work to make the bakery modern was done by us, The supplies were also furnished. Let us estimate your work and you get the work properly done and at a very low Cost. I Edward Harper P h m m 110 i x M»W.»NlMill|l|IWIIIII)IIMIW«IW»IHIIHimWtWHlmiWWMW»|HIHH»*IIHmuWtWW«IIHlHmHlim»WWIIIIII<l)tlNlll>IIIMIMWW Because We h ave a lw ays stocked th e beat qu a lity lum ber, we w ere called upon fo r th e B akery job fo r m a te ria l. *** , k -r . , 1 , ‘r This season .th e prices on bu ild ing m a te ria ls a re low . W e ask you r consideration f o r bu ild ing o r re p a ir work, BRICK—CEMENT-—HARDWARE MORTAR—4vOOFlNG—4,UMBER GET OUR PRICER-PHONE: SS . * * CedarviUe Lumber Co. MltHMIINlWM«WNNMMHHlNWHII|>NimilWir<WmiW»Wt>»IUN»limWWI»WIIUUIIHH»WN»miNmiWIIIIII»IMWIIIlN[Hllllllllllj r bfeatkad es dtecoiorwl and vat«l*h aem* of the damafai e*«a *4 by *«wta applied te tfe* wa*d will b!S*t<>r. the 1* f»rriHsrD A atep> at f a n f a fa lya sfeettM i»*t h* ywwltted to tow h ,wrung dry, »toc<d m pv tiw. the akin, and. th* dinctbrnN fo r t t with brawn «r»|>pi«g y*Mr moving it from tb* w*od wiihjn a f*w j and lrae*4 xrtth m hot iron minute* ahonW to Nwomtorod, Ap jfom od fat«M * tb# bfankot. and y a w plinailon* fafi to* bwg will rtmgton to* surfaro a t tto to in lin i* Anottor thtag faarapd by to* fare (rmsttte tuw-tora I* tow to topair|femk*n tm d to draw tto to tto fr eritinal yMttfan fa w t o * t t o i f a warn HMra «*o the d tfac t aamiat to <r*atewMI fib*r* took I f tto f a * ConstmctiMi Brick-dfarpenter AHthe work in the new front and the rearrangement for the C edarvitle Bakery room was desjgned and executed by us, We are prepared to make plans and contract for your home building or heavy construction work, Material prices are low now. GET OUR ESTIMATE WALTERL BOASE . *1*0roly, Mrs, Stolth and Mrs, Wright m V that moot of tto o f old fttnd- tpro roatorod b thotr aoanty by toMO- mators ara totag tofatod fa tto fa il «tyfaa which bring* « * tto baagty o f wood morir totter than tto brigb l, mirror-Uh* owrfaco i n * no p tfa to , Tto dolt finteh **n b* obtelaod wtth famfab or NhcHar I f trooted nffa ward* wtth liaoood ofl *ad Waxm cod rifa afao ftfo tto Modtod fa c
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