The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 27-52

t- 1 C *D A *m L i BtlALD, FRIDAY, JUM* * Mr. PMti Ciw iihm and wtf* art. .Viitaet this weak with niaUva* aa# i tor ths day ii irntl* in Mt. Clemaaa, Mkk |thiat nod tht RYN Ghe* «w* FHOsjr rat Uw he** « f V t Qwjf McKIroy Tbs r#U «ail wm aaawtratf by a cbUUheod Mr. sad Hr>. G. S. Sraia eatt*4 m Mr*. J«aai« FawMjf aftarBooti. Mr and Mr*. Waltar (tiff are •pend­ ing a WNk'i vecatieo at {lot Virgin!*. «M Moths,. The vmm «•; “Throughout 8an- l * nu Shadow groat hoortOehe* \m4 pato* flu* darting old lady ia at- « W the MH . TV grief I hav« 1Vt*t hot*, So do** not ropia#. May God ‘daaa and heap her that Dour Mother of Mint,'* bm’t. She dot* not repine, May <*od Mra, J, If. M«ii gave a talk on big. torital event* o f tW-jpast month »nd tk* greatnea* of Mather** Day, Mr*, Clayton McMillan talked on th« Mr. and Mr*. Jam#* Avramoff, and ----------- Mrs, Hot* Smith of UprittgfMtt apantfartklt, ‘‘ There atlil are Mathers” by Cedar Bay here with friend* j«d| Grace Noll Crewell, relative*. | Mr*. Chari#* Stevenson read the ---------------- — s *»oem “Your Mother'* pay” by Wib Mrs. Norman Sweet of Rwaford, Q,,<bar D. Neabit, after which a social -has been the guest of her mother, time followed in « “Who and "What" ■Mrs, Clara Morion, the fast week, [contest. Refreshments were served by I Ithe hostewe*. Mr*, Tat Conner and I Miss Arno Pickard left last week.1®**' Carl Spraeklin. rfor a visit with her sinters and friend*I —- ------ » » in Missouri. * | Mi»a Barbara Smith o f Ironton, ,s ................. {*Pent the week-end here with her Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Corn* *nd|«raiM*ather» Mr. M, W. Collins, family of fSouth Vienna, O. ............................. ... were Memorial Pay guest* of Mr. and Mr*, Alvin Link and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Deem and wife will spend the summer in Columbus where the former is taking special work in the 0. S* U. , 100 per cent protection, plus sound management. Gedarville federal Savings &Lo«n Assn,.. Word has been,received here o f the critical illness of Mrs. W a Mitchell in Payton, a former resident of- this place. ” Ben's Beauty Parlor announces that through June, July and August, the shop will be closed Wednesday after noons and evefiings, Rev, W. R. Graham, P.P,, La Fayette, lad., a member of the Board o f Trusteed o f Cedatville College, was here Thursday for the annual meeting of the board. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William - Nsgley, Payton- last Wednesday: Mother and son are do­ ing welK ' t s t 'and Mrs. P, F. Shtoades of Columbus, Mr. W. R. Snroades and family, Mr. 'L. H, Gray and family o f $pringfield and Mr. Walter Young and family of ■ -near Bjtchin spent Peroration Pay with Mr#. Jennie Shroades. - M*.Coltia McMillan -o f CoVrtlle Wash!, has been spending several days, her# visiting with his sisters, Mis*. Bally McMillan, and Mrs, E. L. Stormont, as well as other- relatives? Mr. Allen Turnbull aSid wife of Cleveland, spent Memorial May here with the former’s'father* Mr, H. A, Turnbull. Mr. Fred Bird Of Chicago was a guest of his mother, Mrs, Aletha Bird, and other relatives from Friday until Monday. Among some o f the older graduates 1of the local high School who' attended the idumni banquet last Friday eve n(ng were Mrs: Payson Gray, and daughter, and Mrs. Nora Bather Bald­ ridge, Payton; Mrs. Wm, Laiming (Basel Lowry) and daughter, Canton, O , a n d Mr. Homer Stevenson, Springfield. Mr, and Mr*. Howard Turnbull en­ tertained about eighty friends and rel­ ative* at their home near Springfield last Thursday evehing, celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding annivers­ ary. The couple received, numerous gifts in honor of the occasion. The entertainment was furnished by a stringed orchestra and an ice course was served during the evening* Guests were present from Xenia, Springfield, London and CedarviUe. Announcement of the coming mar­ riage of Mr. Ralph .E, Bull, near Springfield, son of Mr, Raymond Bull, to Miss Florence Brock, nfcat Xenia, vill take- place on Wednemay, June 1th. Mr. Bull was fornuriy a .tesi- hmt^f this place and his friends will interested in his coming marriage. Miss Lillie Stewart o f Columbus fa$ been visiting friends here the past veek. , Mr. and Mi's. .T. S. West attended she Oberiin commencement activities. Their daughter, Miss Ruth West is a member of the graduating class. She hits been employed as assistant in the ?irat Congregational Church of Mans­ field, O, ,Miss, Doris. Hartman also Attended the commencement. COLLEGE ALUMNI BANQUET The banquet fo r ,members of the Alumni Association was held at At- ord Gym ,Thursday evening. Th* address of welcome was delivered by Rev* Herbert Main, Loveland, and re- POnseby Roy Linton, president of the. seniors. , , Vocal Selections were rendered l>y Miss Paris -Hartman, Miss, Beatrice McClellan and Ray Sisson. The ad­ dress' of the evening was given by Rev. Orland M- Ritchie, ’16, Ph.D., pastor, of the United Presbyterian Chuveh, Lawrence, Maas* Pinner was served by the-Ladies’ Advisory Board o f the College- Freedom o f ■ ’ ■Press C O Z Y H. MAIN ST. CE0ARVILLE tO, Temperance Note* j^psaoa^ipfl Cedarvfli* m G f.IT . Revival of Prohibition msumm in the Midwest, on behalf of th# temper, am* fore##, and general public agi. tatton In other areas, against deplor able condition* caused by return o f Segal liquor, the editorial warns, show a rising wav# o f protasi which may gsin great and dfeeitv# propor. lions, Th# article goes on to say that Iowa Isas a growing tendency towards aridity. Texas, legally restrained as far aa drink purchase Is concerned, is wide open, lawless rather than drinkless, In Pennsylvania “alcohol provides now th# single political is­ sue most agitating to that state,” There “ the same popple who so ex­ uberantly voted against Prohibition four years eg> are now expressing impatience with the products of re­ peal. . j “Hotels, restaurants and clubs are licensed tf, dispense spirits for con­ sumption on the premises. Many of the so-called hotels are merely dens of sin. Home of th# restaurants don’t bother about food. Barbecues scatter­ ed along the highways are also sources of scandal. Some clubs are clubs in name only. Ex-bootleggers and speakeasy proprietors own them. “In Pittsburgh there are musical clubs without music or musicians. There are yacht clubs without even rowboats. Their business is merely the sale of liquor- The abuses of such concerns generate the. public irrita­ tion which is the force behind the present dry movement.” - The editorial ends by urging “ wise men iri the liquor business’ to stamp our widespread abuses which fan to action public irritation, or else - , . OS THE YUKON NOTICETOTHEPUBUC FRIDAY ‘The Daredevil Drivers' _- SERIAL-CARTOON SATURDAY GLADYSGEORGE FRANCHOT TONE MICKEY ROONEY eatsfJjRr—■> “LoveIs A Headache' SUNDAY a « i MONDAY “«#M is Where YeaMad it” A Usman#* h* Tedwtwi*# O U V A DE MAVILAND GEORGE BRENT TUESDAY “Wild Horse Rodeo” ..shun - c h a r l ie m « c a r t h y Fata Saafeh’ s Att4fa*ea|>ic# COLOR CARTOON ADMISMON— |<k au*4 IS# NEW YORK portraying -lhaUn­ adorned truth,*’ thl# *tktu* will h« dedicated to th* constitutional right •f freedom <H5the praseIn the ‘Ybltf l” at*.tu*ry group os the itrel Mail hf the |f«W Ydflt. Richard Allen and pretty Bom b Xoherta aieturad abova will bring Bpringfielda Kajeattc thaater fan# fiWt uutdo^msntk;Id - venlura in th# thrilling picture of the frown north, *q?aU of the yukon” whtch will open at the Majestic. Saturday, Jana S, with • midnight prevu# ahow for a three day engagement, . “Call of tha Yukon” la a dynamic drama of the frown North from the pen of the greatest of all.writer* of outdoor stories, Jams* Oliver Garwood. The story concerns the adventure* of s beautiful lone girl who‘ through her own atubhornes* ia stranded In the north-* era woode where she meets a haudeome half-wild trapper Richard Arlen. Lyle Tnlbot and Mala, famous Eskimo actor have important supporting roles. . T ™ “ I have yet to investigate a single1and'he is no more than a primitive crime committed by an Indianwho has * savage. not been influenced by alcohol,” is the assertion o f Mr. J. Allison Moore, special agent of tho United Statealn- dian Service, as quoted in a preib's re­ port from Fresno. Calif. Red Man, In Liquor Sees Red “The crime rate among Indians varies in direct proportion to the amount of liquor they “get,” he pointed out, and added that a sober Indian is |a .good Indian, and a good Indian is 1a good citizen, hut give him a drink, Safe and Sure w-* , * “ « , » ' " For 54 Years This , Association Has Paid Dividends The lost DividendWas Paid At The Rate Of ’h. • - 4 % PER ANNUM J AccountsOpenedby June 10th DrawDividends from June 1st and are Federally Insured, SPRINGFIELD FEDERAL SAVING and LOAN ASS’N U E. Main St. SprlngfieM, 0* "The Pioacer ASaeciatiee ef BpriagfisM The disposing of alcohol to an In­ dian on a reservation iaa. penitentiary offense under the Federal law, and also a^crime under most state laws. " “Only a thin veneer o f civilisation is present In the Indian’s makeup,” Mr. Moore declared. "Give him » drink or two, and this veneer disap­ pears' and ho reverts to his savage type and performs acta o f violence/’ ' The damaging results of repeal are increasing every day, yet the majority of the people are entirely indifferent and ate doing nothing to' check the ravages of liquor traffic. Mr. Justin Hartman has been elect­ ed to teach English in the Bellbrook schools. Federal insurance gives full protec­ tion up to 15,000.00 with CedarviUe Federal Savings A Loan Assn. 1 . ........... .....'■[ ........ ............ i ... r ' : i in tm thi* iaftomigilM i m R w «n ld fc» nlnsoet «l>«r«tw wAUw this W«rl( ia going onu Tiuaalc ynst. . vi CEDARVIUE BAKERY ? Dp P. M . GILULAN B R O W N S D R U G S T H E D R U G S T O R E HEUUMNTAHDSALEABSPSr By the Many Conflicting O REFRIGERATOR CLAIMS I •IBAffnC' tM A MM CAPACmrf m tm H tm uAuu BJUyL J t d t f o r n tm U * ! I Th*GSJUftOsnese h N«* by the world'# lasgeit etrifilca! mseufsetarifig towieer, 2 U -« sriWeeM th# #Hw##t *#j itkmtaf «#We*t,s«d«h# ttmi toldmsklfl* mstheeli**, ,hs#n»j'!.#is# IX ymm * 6«a«r«( it##wic ‘ mUmmr tVP#afWM4M T*##t*llsM hw H Nf “ umBPmi is ■ 1 11 )«new j twdiiyjj McCALUSTER RADIO*SERVICE A n n o u n c e r n e n m t h , - ! . . * ^ • ‘ , ' •' - [The Cummings & Cresweli Company has been dissolved. The entire interests have been taken over by Frank Cresweli and the business will be fonducted under the above name. Improvementa w ill be mndn and th# present line trill bn incrnnantl to car# fo r the trade which the firm hns en joyed in the pant fou r years. Under the new setup, we will endeavor to Improve on our service, prompt deliveries, low prices and courteous dealings. Grinder'M ixer'Corn Shelter W e have a full line of ingedients to make the proper grinding and mixing to fill your requirements and to meet your formula. Try us on this service. These Low Prices Keltog Henlitjr, ten — tlbkd Sf per tent Dairy, ewt, Uidetr 24 per cent Diky, cwt, Ubkn IS per cent, Dairy, ewt. *|L*t . tlhieo 2S per cent Reg Supplement, Ingredent Prices Tankage, (^liuahna wt Swift -.-.12.25 Meet.Strap, G#l«mhni m Bwlft, f i t * Oil Meal <»o.»>^.-.n^ii--MTO^S2.SS Say Bean Meal U» to ’d:-S.'massesCD - t it s C»L U .B Ubicn Ail Utah Starter, cwt, . m DMD Uhles Develep, cwL tlidcn Egg Mash, cwt* t.t> o^ ■- gl-tS UMc®Mash Dmr*lep#r,€Wt.« « « . « » Fall ttae ef Keksmewfe# fence, Btesl* FwaP'aawAWAatn dEghM^^uanyg .JNsBtSir SvritLwSSi iWOBI^ts i* s Grass eeei aai lawk fertfiHaer.- Pert- land cements any gaaatlty. W ill Buy Your Live Stock WiththemeweeeMMCtMNitforArmour**at ColnaibiM, tlwmoat (> direct aetl' «al»*factmry eonweellott, Yon «an gat tin baat In price for yonr Hogs, Cattle and Sharp* Phoho IBBalway*' ■ for tho boat ptfeo* ' # Frank Cresweli Phono IBB C idsrvflh , O . 1