The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 27-52

"mar T H E C I D A K V I L L E H E R A L D I > ft ,Xv > ^ i»w BV tL__ — — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER turn,, mtm gwwwMW 4m* i ABWtt vteter taws *m*. m Meoiid elua matter . C tolarvilk, Ohio, O ctober U , m ? > \ rwtBAY* julv 22 , m s m m o e tu m e n a n t o u t d o * m m u c a n e f f o r t s RwH riig mu * b* 4*v*»optng * latent heat in tt># private aaoctfcolrof twn o f tlrestxte'a leadmg Democratic publishers, if w« m i tba 8— i y adltoriali* on from pages o f the rineinnali Eaqwtrar and tfc* Dayton Daily New*. Til# Stomfrcr fanot •truckwith th* Roouevelt id#* of “ Buy- »~-WKh Our Mon«y” a&charged in the Sejjatorialjprt la c _____ ________ ______ BMury flgkt down In Kentucky where Roosevelt annotated Sen­ ator Barkley aver Governor Chandler. The Enquirer elates that Roo#ev#1t *ThM not want Governor Chandler because Chandler ha* a mind of hfa own.” The NewDeal ha* jjuat increased WPA salaries in Newport and Covington to 860.80, which is more than WPA laborers get In Cincinnati. Relief foods are delivered in large paper bag* with “Gift of Sen. Barkley,” yet Roosevelt and Hopkins tell the nation there fa no politics in relief. The Enquirer sums up the situation thus ‘ ‘With our own money—money we pay in taxes—an Administration careless of traditional honesty In polities fa engaged in the purchase o f an election.” .> » \ ■ The Dayton Daily News has a frontpage editorial, which o f course cornea from the pen of Ex-Gov. Cox entitled, “The Day of Reckoning.” Mr, Cox did a pretty good job of diagnosing the Davey administration hut he failed in one thing. While the lead was hot and Rowing freely he did not let any of the fluid get intoNational Administration affairs ormuss upWalter Lock** New Deaf views on the editorial page. , The Gov. pictures the Davey administration as a ^sordid political spoliation such as the state has never seen before and frtust never again., . , The state of Ohio, in short, has been and fabeing operated by Gov, Davey on'a commission b a s i s , . „. Davey andlris fat-frying band have been exposed to view. -It fa the people of Ohio who go on trial now.” Pretty strong words from two Democratic sources. , If the'Hetald used the adjectives, adverbial phrases and pointed out the unlawful,acts or methods, or used a candidate^ name «S Gov;, Cox has Gov. Davey, we imagine pur good friend, R. W; MacGregor, would he writing a letter “To the Editor”,or someotber paper pomting out ‘ "hbw deplorable the .practice of attacking candidates and men in public life,” Gov. Cox should read Mr. MacGregor’s Iatest defense o f L. T. Marshall and “R, W.” should call the Governors attention to the fact that he is “assailingMr. Davey” and that is not nice. v 1 Moreover, .Mr. MacGregor.should use more caution when he attends these AAA crop control meetings a&to the temper o f his questions, and thepointed questions asked thatmight carry “a reflection on some of his political .(Republican-Demo­ crat) farlh leaders that Mr. Wallace has given power to p y into his private business as1 to how to farm and just What crops. . ho edn plant? We simplypoint this out that our neighbor does not fall into the same pitfall of “The Editor.” . ' TO REPUBLICAN COMMITTEEMEN IN GREENE COUNT* " - « ' _ , t *( sf i f . J l\, Not only members o f the Republican Central Committee, but all party followers should.give consideration to what has : been taking place in Greene county in the name of the party- . Itis unfortunate that party machinery, without the knowledge or consento f the membership, has been usedto force tradesfor party endorsementa, making Greene county the laughing stock .of the district' Mr. Oliver Nelson, country, hanker, .Fayette county, naked Greene county for an endorsement but was in­ formed that same would not be given unless he induced the Rayotto county committee to endorse L. T, Marshall. -As far ■ as We can learn, few of the members, and a number of the officers interviewed, never had knowledge of the Nelson request until it reached the newspapers, "Attorney Harry D; Smith is chairman o ftfie Executive .Committee, who failed to call* a meeting of themembers,.or even give thema chance of personal expression. •For mally years the Republican Central Committee in this copnty has been ignored. In return most of the members have ignored The officers and when election time came ,around the result spoke for itself. ‘ If one will compare the Republican vote, state and national* it will prove that the party has gradually slipped from year toyear. Two reasons must be accepted. The ;party heads could pot expect support from a membership that Was not counseled now and then. Another was that members ■have as much right to expect little compensation in this county as in neighboring counties, and at least be on par with Democratic Central Committeemen in Greene county, Until affair for politic always reedved a ,stipend each the Republican party became a one-man al gain, Central Committee members year. But central committeemen were not the only members ignored under presentmanagement. Eventhe committee treas­ urer* fames I . Gurlett, Was ignored, L. T. Marshall receiving . |500 from the State Committee, and dispensing funds from his pocket, with the approval o f Harry D. Smith, chairman o f the Executive Committee, who jumpsintoprintto defend Marshall. Mr. Marshall refused to accept a check from the State Com" mittee and was given Csah, signing a receipt but using his brother’s-name as follows: “<T«CarlMarshall, Sec,” One what grounds and what authority had Marshall in handling Com­ mittee fundswhen fie was not evena member of the committee? We give a facsimile o f the report of Madison county, R, B. Howard treasurer of the Ex Com. on another page and checks No. 52,58,54,55 and 56, were to district county chairman, who paid Centralcommitteemenin the respective districts. Find such a plan In Greene county you can? The Madison county com- mittee treasurer followed the Jaw and filed his report with the Board of Elections, No such reportWas filed in Greene county* yet a state ldw provides for such. H. II. (Jrabbe, London, Mar­ shall supporter, was chairman of the committee when this report was filed. In an endeavor to defend Mr. Marshall, Mr, Smith evident­ ly has placed himself in an embarrasing position and we have this from some of his closest business and professional asso­ ciates, As a directorof the Gitfaens Bank, artattorney, how can he justify the Marshall act and convince his committee mem­ bership of regularity when such funds were not turned over by Marshal! from the State Committee to dames J. Ouriett, com­ mittee treasurer? Would Mr. Smith endorse such an art on the part of any employee of his bank? Is it common business practice? Would he so advise as counsel an executor to carry estate funds around in hispocket and not use the common bank Account and withdrawal only by check? * Mr, Smith has a right to shield any Marshall act ho desires either as counsel or personal but he cannot have a militant working organisation when Republican Committee members are Ignored and misrepresented as they have been. And- Greene counfy Republicans, officeholders and can- j w w tto cows ft* tto dldato# wantanother of those “ dinners that cost |5P0 ormore,” fa drtSa his amt rights, tL •r+m 1tenant will to lift without tope of ^ Iprotection, The NewPul makes to f.efferfapayfour taxes, insurance, up., f keepof brings to®'fences of drains. fo« cannot jay these.charges with; outtope of IncomeendthereIsaa in-. cart#-with the groped stendlsg’ idle ' the is the dosed factory, ' Wh*n t , T» Rarslwll *xpm**» him* »df directly <* farouck mm* * W* «W>torter«, wtoeWBy wto» R ***** w sappectiiig tto entire ticket, and not hat own mmpeifR, there might I* a wntwfwiy B thig m u * mm pieced before some of the eeadkbtee ttet ^'blt the d#»t" two yaw# ego. We reeell m incident thefc c»n to eup- ported frem Kepuhiicea fMate heed- mu*rtcr#, Bricker heedguertere in Jgediwm county by R, 8 , Howard who came to Greene county *fc the requeet of his fellow cowtien# that were bucking Brkker for governor. Scout# hodcoveredGreene county wadreport, ed to State Reedquerfar# th#t '‘prick­ er we# clipping in Greene county,” &Tr. Howard wee delegated to cell on h , % M«r#h«ll,;the geHtreliiwmo, end present « pleu for » Seturdey night meeting, with bund, in front of the Court House. With * flesh Marshall said: "No, I’ donY expect to let tuiy candidate come in here . (Greene county) to - over-shadow my cam­ paign.” Mr, Howard reported to his committee, Mr. Bricker lost the county to Davey. Marshall lost everything but his hat and hatidker-i chief. And like- McGinty, down -went other Republican candidates. If any­ one requests Vre can get affidavits to supprrttto above. Howard Hughes, millionaire, at a ;ost of mo^e than |300,000 for one of the most modern airplane of the day andall the latest ptientifld devices for direction: and recording air travel -made a trip around the world in three days aftd a few hours, a marvelous recordfor the latestin truVel, Money, taleftt, and equipment received a set­ back Monday when it was announced that an unknown CaUfomia bay, 31 years old, with a ?9Q0 second hand plane, a tank full of gasoline and a compass left New York Sunday morn­ ing for ^California," but'landed in rtaldonneV Ireland, 08 hours #nd X?' minute# later. Like "Lindy” this toy, Douglas* Corrigan, is tha tonsation of tto day, 'No million#, to pobUcityi -tnd unknown youth wins public Ac- claaim. It is proof there is -"still the- top." for individual nitiative. ’ - ' Ralph Murdock finds a good dead of pleasure of telling howto feft whefi i Democratic county candidate asked him for his support at the primary. T. can1! do you dnjr goad for ’itoi not .vokiaar- fate -yoa* for aayttdng that Itoka jjtoi a Dsinocvat, tto vnqr they have htuased np everything and yverytody.- ‘ * • Wd were* interested, in aft editorial in the Farm Journal this week headed "Ves-Men” and "No-Men." The Jonr- nhl admits if has just uncovered what this two-personage in 'the White House is and had long sought some why of Saying things other than about the President of the United States^, at times head of the Democratic party. .The1 Journal should to . cautious vyhat if says following What Arthur .Morgan testified fa a few days ago When he repeated a statement of a fellow member o f the TVA tbat God had selected Roosevelt and the Ten-, neseeeValley, one or both, for the new experiment in power- making- One world personage once said "Me and Got," indkatfag a partnership in the World War but "Me"; got licked and we have heard tittle, since abgut the partnership* There have been many New Deal partnerships such as the wedding o f the Democratic patty fa the CIO and John h> Lewis; Who Roosevelt selected as his partner in the manufacture o f rum down in the Virgin Islands, or some sea posses­ sion we do not knew. Wednesday, the Cincinnati Enquirer carried a striking"carfoon showing Rooseveltonhisthroneinheaven,that had become a WRA project. Down belowprobably representing St. Peter at his desk sat Jim Farley, looking upthe'record of each Senator stand­ ing, in line. In heaven was Alvin fiarkfcy of Kehttoky and at the imt' of the ladder stood Sen. Thomas of Oklahomaready for the ascension, I f press reports are correct the New Deaf farmers drawing $10,000 salaries down in Washington to the $8 and $ID * day committeemen in "the eototies will soon to around fa tell farmers and tenants that wheat aver­ age this fall must to cut 32 per cent over last year* We hope this order is put into effect, It will'to a costly leteon to land --owners that are rent­ ing fame and of tours* a bitter ex­ perience for tto tenants in the end, D M A # A m # D o lla r |gaito« tufa jMCfagtfaa, ■took*; musir, WMfwrs, mi WHNfi ftfa iimmmim m tvsnfa far fa* fm days, A uurs* will h* at fa* «#m» 22mm t # Fatfawr Varibi Wbrna!1" f<* **$ mum * of tmimmm *> ----------— Pm9 fU la ll Prise sprained tolls fait may result. m Wmm m . as*—s. f Ohio tom# ag*ute have eompiatsr ,^r . fdfifalls <.f camp eoata and will furaisit Rriaas far wWak farm products w #:mfarmatkm of tto hast ^ rmiSsa fa soli’ m Stoma at* not giway* au 40 **** *11"Metimw.. of curat* iadax of tto phase* o f agrter??* “tete, Ttoy rise- may to aid* fa cuMur* wfaeh aro moat mwfttobfe to .,i* « »» making piaas for gr*** fatval cafa* tto farmsrt m/uHt tto ronJ^wh womanwill not tor# fa fttwifa •umet’* dollar variss with each farm ^ iraasporfatioR Parafay La— r — Ray MBand mat WEEXCHANGEFI/H!R for WHEAT CHARIJE8TONMII.L8 MUkf* »* CHASM owt OHIO PRIDE FI j OUR t IB Ssirtli Oaaritoiww, DonT forget to see 4'The Right &P? *h tto ogata house tto ffiKh at 8:11, .11# Uaited Fresbyteriin WANT AND SALE ADS PAT" fotthg piopte a«« using the ~mmeg for ttoir datofat# eontsatioB Into* product, according fa professor R, B. flfahx, dairy tachtology depari.»mr,t Ohio State UnivwsUy. A chart prepared by the Mlih In­ dustry Foundation stows that farmere fare totter in sharing fa e retail' prices 'of milk and totter than with several other farm products, Wto" the consumer psys u dollar for butter tlm average share returned to fas f*rm is §0 cents. . Dairy farm#r# do not cqfleet such uiarg* part o f tto milk dollar* The* are paid, on the average, 50. cents out of each dollar but in turn pay live cents fa fa* trucker who haul# the milk. However, the farmer gets a larger share of tto milk and totter dollar than from dollars' paid for tort, wheat, bread, or tobacco. Out of the doHsr consumers pay fa? beef, tto farmer’s average shore is #0cents, to-get# 85 centsfromtto Wheat dollar, 13 cent# from eachdol­ lar spent for-breadand3,*cents from each dollar spent for tobacco. Fro- cessing costs, distributors’ costs, and other expense*comeout of the dollar paid far farm products which, pass ihfaugh many hands before ttoy are sold over the cetofar. Frofesuqr Stoltz says that the pro­ cessing and distributfag of dairy pro­ duct# Is, Organized so that only a'few steps intervene between the milk as it leaves the farm and as it is sold Tnfluid form or is manufactured and then sold. Miss Prices totiavss fae brief vaca­ tion camps far Ohio rated woman arc one o f the most valtwhl* of tto «xtea» siuti piojacte. The casnpa hava only a tow# history hi p*fa* aTttote bat they hava «m mtetotoa rtisad i f ten suits, At this spastol stem* Awawt-71 to Iff, waasaa cat# awaM1st tto m« dm p*r*od o f san rsgiator far a pott jf tto tiawi. - hlthragb tht ssasitw* it f*asfa (IjilM' av* op*» -fa waman i t o s d t eaeuti**, Mia* i*rfca nays, fa* psagtaashaa. toaa perisHy arrnugid far -mmm frasa, jountiea'wto.n no le*s| camps have been piaanad. - tovaral (M* etemtiss wHS campa each yaar, and tto** are £r*upa o f cotmtisa which, peal ttoir ••esoureea far the annual vacation far ,’Ural women. ^ 1 , For. Home Products Will TradePeace IWlBW Staff Eatenaion Originatna Barter Plan gold Site Uji Trfaiiriff Phil Butter has, bton elevated to' its Highest farm by the home economics extension farvice of Ohio State Uni-, versity which now offers to trade afaftej ht|mtoa«i and.toisufa far carr •ote or cookies, according fa Miss Minnie Vrkse, state bomodemphstr0- tiott I«ad*r. s ■<-*' ' Tto tradingpostis tobcmaintained Gamp Dhfo, August *t to Iff and rund hma*',mak»r* of Ohio aimIn- ritteTto gferatel toto. .Gimp Otofo ia in ticking countyright miles east of; Dtiea, said will to the site for the'special homemakers* camp far rural worn***. The trading post idea originated withsome of tto tomeegtnswhowill have charge o#-tto program. The agents any women enjhy easting to campwhereftoy do nothavefa-pre- pafa tto food nor wash tto dishes, so as long as they am going to eat they may a* writ trade to some of theirhomeproducetowardpartofthe camp expense; ‘ . - the home agents have a barter list whichsay#thata peck,of carrotswill to crediteda* totogequal to 25cents worthof camplife. Onedorencookie* laid on thecounterbring*2ffminutes of vacation. However, there must have been some Scotch blood in the tradingpost stafftheywill notpermit enough good* to bartered to pay far theentire campperiod. The programcommittee hasrecom­ mended nature study, swimming, • Arc yon good at solving mysteriea? then ym*. will enjoy "Tto Night Cry,". % myrtery comedy given by tto United Presbyterian young people at tto spent house tto 2&th at 8il5, The prices are’ 10 and. 25 cents and tto tickets are on sal* now. For Sale—EsStman photographic for printing from negative*. Gftod condition, toe John McMillan, gpbaoriba x<w Tiue HlRAU) warns friik iy — Satardar “Bank Night” r«MiN are • « uch fooLt" Primula ban# Wayaraterris ffofttlmious ffnowa Dally AdutfaOnly ltolTII XJ'P. :*».■ . l ■ k S!* HSa*sTOi mS WteBk STAR X SSU N O A T .THRBK BAYS - n i / h ✓ f ^ V £ A.. i ? >tK t il P* l !1 i PHILCO * f t b in * t ■ i n ? Electric Push-Button T imi ng a N ^ v ; t iu n ( ( . I Hi , i u t f ! ! 939 PHILCO w fawwspy M M * Mm BSteotliv *** tiUt ml*! # sp # p #. is #. fair , ■RAitotelfa teg' aBkai' dtefartb. mM •ate W/mim mm •w*. S«« j«, *» amt „■ . ____ _ ... _ - *#***«*>* m Hteewt*» Mthtes.A-HW, Atetefal AM* *** tea «/ <*» vsft .«*?# m. -s- ftoa *# Hofanroto’s tosHttwi rwasrii* team*, XMratto mo*r and Itojr MUland, Jota toromwirtt aa eanaMy temoua com- mr fair, am aamaimd Mtotto toy*, to mm to ttoacrmn, * <mwr WmM. muriast rmmaai. "Tropte HOUdteT’ wWeb witt open IWImr Jriy ffib-atjam-Rfaiatthmtm, in torifaWrid, fa* « wmk'o .Ait fa t i» faythm at stohiwrcmfaaria and marry marimba*,, tto.*l«ry *C 'TVofte H*Maor«i# tto fftouridag advontitrm.of a rfatitete yoaag Matowood writer fa naapriMI mrai M«rie*. Hand- aamrir -momiirit,-MtejAag tm m m otetodr and nsatic, tfagUa* Mfai«m mmia, rStofae HoMay" fa « dam packac* of acraaa .% A w A #41 #*#*ra*355r1 : »SgLfJMfa,w - " W W ■ '• ' WHI i ’ .4* -'f J S v s i f t e « - * «h 5S S 5 *J 5 ?* ' - SjB iff - - is s M ^ L y S y ’ • w f f ! ! " " " w n f a l i g »« M -'ffMi *L*J*ft prim rt - ■■■■' ■ SSSTLtrmm^JSLjJBUP& SS!” riritefc Zifa*nw. g ^ y S & f h s ; - imwUMMH I - J, i, ; ‘ ' W c * w t a f W « t k MIHWHIT M fltll r Mm n*««*** Hnh% BMU IM I nrnMttfflsPKf Tto , iteg} my & tome < fast o W?3 Erflf, i* CJi/fan Jan* J Mr. y * 1 «« Sail with P son an Mr. ■- spent * Point V ■ .tto'Go- 1 Mrs- . home a law am Homer grandso panted 1 trip hm month. At a -Club, <fa ' judging tion the quets, Dibits ai ^Thard •. o f extei atad frit Bistance fire. ' ‘ Mr. " Mr. J ‘ hero on . Emma 5 ,. been ill . be jip ai Mrs. J ill at h< we are at this Who teac Called hi her motl The B the Day in bur ’ the.late have bet ; congratvi VTto'N: • -pVMbyte ' to toid,: , •tto youi " ’ mikkin(r . . '■giving-'O “Thg Nil Jaly.29t •gates to '" a ticket, and 25 i w a» s t;B m Ifou and it m Tlrt’i vre c.n •! Fin atttli M-i/t i r v i | one tif yoill in'al «Ti t