The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 27-52

o n » w mam m I T M W KM M m FIKHT. i D V ||. « " * * ■ * * * KBST TOD ABREAST O T T H l t m m W UD THEM! ilfa S I X T Y V T R 8 T Y E A R OOLUMBU&-—Bute Censarvatite <oikmiMioMr Lawrence Wodhkll joi*- *d with hundreds of arganlxatton* end individual# in attempting to make the 1M8 Ohio State fs ir from August 27 to Septniwber 2, the "faiggeat and heat «r*r h*kT when he wraouneed tin t the divteion of conservation will sponsor th* most interesting and kutructive displey ’of its kind over arranged. Two large tent# aril! house conservation ex­ hibit# pertaining to all phases of eon- serration work, while in aquaria and tanks will he featured alMciftda of fish found in Ohio waters. In - addition various types of game ,management methods for the protection of wlld-Hfe and aid in its propagation will he dem» onstrated in conjunction with displays of native Ohio birds and fur-bearing animals. Stream and lake improve­ ment will he illustrated by special maps and motion pictures^ Manager % T. Sandies of the Junior fair itt- 'formed*Stat£ Dujector of, Agriculture ’Earl H. Ilanefeld, generalissimo .of 11 f annual Ohio State fairj that the ■youth of Qhio has expressed a greater interest than ever before"In the annual event' and th a t Junior’fair entries this year would, fa r surpass in munber and scope those of other years. The second annual Men's Week-end ; Gamp will tic held as the 4H Club' OMne* * dee»*s fr**n Camp. Saturday and Sunday, August , iGas Goins, 1040 E. Main Sto whom aha. |g and 14 , The camp opens Saturday j <married Janaary 20, IMS, charge* jnfwrmhin, August 13 with supper a tj « • “ neglect in tbs form of non-sup-]#?.oo unlock and ends Sunday p, m j imrt and deciarea the defendant aban-.,\UKUlit 14. doned her a number of times. 1 A pwjgram of motion pictures, Gros* neglect of duty and cruelty ?niu*Sc, stunts and sport* have been are are charged in a divorce action{w g ed hy committee -Saturday brought by La Vern Cook* ag a in st'^ .eninifo Sunday SchooPwiU he hcM Donald Cooke, 39 W. Second St. She charges abusive treatment, requests custody of a minor child and alimony. They were married June 20,1932 at Covington, Ky. Helen Storer, In a suit 'against Bransan Storer,''charges cruelty apd declares the defendant mistreated her. They were married in February, 1937. ■ JUDGMENT SOUGHT^..', • \ ' Suit to recover judgment for f 108- .50, for labor performed ift combining wheat and rye, plus a hauling charge, ha# been tiled J>y Claredce Brimgtt against Howard Kennon and C, L/Mis $uinn< Marshall and Marshall are attorneys for the plaintiff, ' out under the trees Sunday morning and following this the campers will * JI** tW H ^ s e n i c and hU-w the vote was due ho supporter! of turio Llifton gorge. I1or sports tbede ^ ^ pensions I u I uvm M t H i r NMEfWmES The primary cWtima Tuesday for nomination* for th e , major political parties brought out n large vote in the county. The right between Gov. Davey and Charles Sawyer for the Democratic nominate* for governor brought out the heaviest Democratic vote in the history of the county. Most In a quarterly report concerning activities o f the State Department t>f • Dublin Welfare? Mrs. Margaret All- man, state welfare director, revealed, tt« t $7,dlb persons are confined to various state hospitals and penal in­ stitutions covered in thi*'report. Thb Massillon State hospital with a popula turn of 3,149, inmates,, was, second, while the Ohio State reformatory at Mansfield, with a population of 3,046 inmates, was third in site! . Prediction that Ohio will again.rank high, probably' first o f'a ll states,, in honey production, for the current sea­ son was made by W* E. Dunham^ specialist in-bee culture a t Ohio State Untoeroity, following, a .'murrey fie hoooy-produsing rectietig. ' OWo b is to rink place In ■ time* to the la .t seven years. ♦The 89,006. Ohio beekeepers, 'with their^00,000 colonies, ate anticipating a lot of good honey this fall,” .Mr. Dunham said, "which .seems to- indi­ cate that barring unfdrseon develop­ ments the state Will pgain lend in pro­ duction-" >- • , ' A warning to, industrial workers to use more salt during hot days ^ya# issued by Superintendent Jbomas>F. Kearns of the division .of safety and hygiene of the State Industrial Com­ mission. “Salt is very necessary, to health,” Mr, Kearns asserted. ’“To avoid undue- fatigue, experts agree that wen working in the summer sun, in boiler rooms,’foundries, blast fur­ naces, bakeries and in other hotplaces should consume a large amount of salt. Fatigue, in many occupations, may easily result in ad accident, We of the division of safety and hygiene are attempting in everyway to reduce ac- . cidents, and with this thought in mind we stress the use of more salt in hot Weather.” J . ,Ofos Garber, director of Civilian Cohaervntioft.corps selections in Ohio, disclosed th a t 4,209 Ohio boyS, ranging in age from seventeen to twenty-three years, have been assigned to -CCC camps as a result, of duly enrollments.' Of that total, 1,004were sent to camps in the state, 314 to COG camps in *Kentucky and the others to camps in various district* throughout the north- west, The next titiC enruliment will be held In October, Director Garber an­ nounced. F oreclo sure action ■*_ Thp Hume Owners* Loan Corp., la plaintiff in a 83,969.36 mortgage fore­ closure action riled against fe. Daw-' son Smith, attorney fo r the HOLC.‘ D ivorces gran ted - Two wives have boon awarded di­ vorces from their Husbands, rsj fol­ lows! Bessie Btoakrield. from" Clsr- nee Breakrield, on ground of cruelty; ’vitb the plaintiff restored to her pre­ vious name of Ttfell and the defend­ ant hatred of interest In her property- AliceJSL- Zeincr from Frank ZeinOr, jOri grounds of grqss neglect, with the defendant barred of rights in his wife’s propel Ly. . . ND ri^UDD ^Dm '>l«aTEN ! ’ W. OrSmith and Son have recovered q ?26J.ll note judgment b ra , suit A- gdinst M. G, Taylor of Clayton, O. , V. *:■DAMAGE AWARDED Deliberating one hour, an all-male common pt«a« court jury *Tuesday momiug awarded Ottl* and Goldie Sodden a voidiet fo r 818M8, foltoww tria t of gainst thd village of Jamestown. All 12 juror# signed the verdict. ' ' The damage action wag baaed on a duirgea ditch dug la st summer incon- tiection with constroction o f a new rewuge disposatplaht was negligently left open ,until last April,.resulting in undermining'of a greenbouse owned by the Sodders* Representing the; village, Attorney Neal Hunter told the jury Sodders bad purchased fo r only $14.95 the atrip of land on which ih e greenhouse was built, and th a t be had previously offered to move the building a t hi# own expense mid give the village right-of-way benefits for $125. ’ , Chief €^o#hwell Talks i*-On Members will be archery, horse shoe, volley ball, swimming, batmitten, croquet, etc. The camp is located, on the Clifton George, one mile southwest from .Clif­ ton on the Clifton-Xenla Bike and all farmer# Interested in the week-end camp of recreation, fun and fellowship are Invited to attend. The following committee will be Jin charge of the program. Program Director— Paul Smith} Gamp Manager— H, W. Envoy, Music ' Emery OgHabee; Soprts ”Stanley Hetslerj .Sunday ’'Turning Service—Harry Martin} Na­ ture Hike-mEugene Good} Profeisor Quis;-J%B.Maaon; Bank. Nite—Lareh Ferguson. SECOND TEEM FOR ■ s f A f $ $ M N A t 0 R T v i ‘k Alcoholic advertising must be com pelled to toll the truth it. Indeed, 5fc is to be permitted at all any more thfcn the advertising of otore humftri drugs* , Chief o f Police Cornwell, Xenia, gave ah informal and instructive talk Monday evening before the Co-Opera- ntivo Club a t Old Mill Camp following the evening dinner* The Chief stress­ ed several things in connection with*; proposed "Safety Campaign”; that motor -ear accidents do not always just happen but that they are caused by some one’s carclemnes*} that edu­ cation of not only the auto driver but the youth that will he a 'driver and by strict enforcement of traffic laws, rules and regulations, without favoritism would in time greatly re­ duce our auto death ra te as-vrell as usual eliminate minor injuries. The Chief wap accompanied by Officer Anderson of the Xenia force. wM» helievre that these would be dropped unites Davey. was returned. In sue precinct, in Xenia.,two small ehi$lwn want from house,to house asking voter# to vote for Gov, Davey so “Granddad” would got his pension, , Locally the Republican* showed, quite a gain in “each p$*einct* The Re- pUhlicavs in the countjg ta n about $06 vote# polled more thaa the'Dsmocrats, giving the latter their largest county primary vote. The waoffieja! Davey vote In the county waa 2,448; Sawyer, 1,149. The surprise vote was that given Dr. W., W> McChesney and fip com­ parative small vote green his two, op- g iv e n 10,000 M a j o r i t y COUNTY TREASURER i ^ s - m ■ i & f ^ HAROLD J . F4MCWET (WhittHoney Prodiiuers Atisoeiation . &*uthwcsterii Ghiq bcfcfctepets will ^attend an all day mectinghcre August \ 12, Washington £* If. The JeW day |la spbnSored by the Ohio Money Fro jducers AsHOtiatlon and the Ettottsion jct-viro of Ohio Gtato Vnivcrasty. B. |L» tiehlom of Washington C?, II, will Ipresidf) at the meeting, I Soathwaatorn Ohio to tin li^ are J famed as honey producing areas, Tho I aster fioweta and riorer of thi# area are noted for the dependability of ntetar liow in “the fall season, ; IIBBART HOURS 4■ 1 I lr e » Aagnst 1% to Sept, §, 191$ I Monday c».’isajrtt,I to S R M . j Tuewlay to 8 P. M» I to5KM. J Thursday ta 8 p. M. I Thdtoday to 8 K M, I Friday, f lowed, to t day. j Saturday. -Aoursi f to 5 M* I and? toST .M , . J Mary f , WDlHumsai, Lllwarins OLIVER NELSON * 1 ‘ V. “*l , , »'*. i1- QmiaMMm*, A t the auction .sale'of 4-H Market fig s and Lamb* a t the Fair Grounds/ Friday the entire lo t of market pig# were purchased by Frank Creswell of Ccdarville for , $St59 per hundred pounds. ’ Tfie f a t lambs consigned to the sale wept to Mr. Creswell and Wm, lirenncr of Yellow Springs. The champion and reserve market pigs shown,hy David and RobertWise­ man respectively were included in. the sale to GreswcU, Other hoy* com' signing pig# were Gre>l Steiner, George- Stiles,-Ifclen. Scott, Harry Storieburner, Carl Watkins, William Kyle, Allen Johnson, Harold Johnson, Max Garber, Paul Watkins, Paul Stoncburaor, Donald Williamson Wen-; dall Garber, Dale Atfey and Ralph Dcnnehy, The champion 4-H fa t lamb fed by Clarence Williamson'was purchased by William Rrertner of Yellow Springs. The lambweighed 78 pounds; and sold for $10.09 per hundred, Mr. Brenner also purchased fourth place Iamb, shown by John Williamson. Fat lamb fed by Paul Dobbins, Wen­ dell Garber and Kent Clematis were purchased by Mr. Creswdl. Both th e -piss and lambs were cold by WcJkerfc and Gordon, AuctionCers. This was the first auction sale of fat pig t and lambs a t the Greene County Pair and will probably he continued in the future in connection with tha sale of Baby Hoove*. , M u y o r S a y s H u d I f e t t o C u t ? Y o n r ^ j i e e t t Major Kenneth Little has had: several cases of late that border «n wreckless driving and «eets8, speed fey soloists. He hast-been lenient than fa r but now says if th e re 'is not » Ijettor observant#-of driving rale# and less noise there will feo a financiafe csftsl'lrrati'jq fixed that may -feo re- niMnbtwd R ! s >B0 time. .« -' ; • -■. For mostiis there laah t e n much coiaplaint Offa s t driving and tmneces- aary noire with hot-M and cut-suts about Ihe midnight hdttp. TAX LEVY GARBIED CLARENCE J.MROWN ponanta in mote tha' cteukty, than douMe the «w*MtMd[ vtea gf Dp, Ghapffdlte and Charle# X. Banvtr,. Mc- Chcsney, 2,Wi} Ghamhlire, 946 and ^ a v e r 42f, _ ' ’ • ;1| While L. T, Marshall carried Greene copnty by less than 1,900 vote* he lost each of”the other eight counties in th^ Seventh Districtto Clarence J. Srewiu Brown’s majority wa* about 10,900 over Marshall. Margaret Baker car­ ried the county and district for central committeeWornan, ^ .-'Denkacratic ^Governor—Davey, 2,448; Bawyer> 1,143. ^ ■Lieut, Gov.—Davidson, 152; Day, 372; Halpcr, 78; Mettenhaum, 346; Rogers, 175; Steele, 392; Uiblc, 450; Ward,251. , » State Treasurer — Kennedy, 900; Knialcy, 1^90. ‘ U, 8 . Senator — Bulkley,. 1,8*3; White, C28, • . ' -Congressman a t largo — McSwcen- cy, 946; Moaier, 889} Young, 1,328. . Supreme Court-short term—Bow­ man, G25; Dixon, 558; Koman, 77; Smith, Oil, Congress — Seventh diatrict—Ale- Bhire, 1,775} Ehel, 301. State Central Committeewoman — Gilligan, 961; Moore, 1^62. Satete Reprcsentativef, Kahoe, 1,015; Wolf, 1,339, ; Ccffnty Treasurer — Groves, 1,393; Eaton, 242. State Central Committeeman «* Ma* honey, t’Bl; Norton, 638;. Sullivan, S3G; Trump, 637. Reitthlkin "Gavemai*—John Brieker, SAIL Lieut. Gov^—Biachor, 891; Herbert, 2373. Of Stet0«Gtfffiihf 1,031}; Humtecl, 453J McCarthy, 294; Turner, Sift Stat© Treasurer—Dakar, 64$}, E- hright, 881; Hoover, 666; Lewis, 276; Williams; 270. Attorney General— Herbert, 1,636; Metcalf, 946, . V. S. Senator—Day, 1,123; Taft,1 2(21$. • ' ^ . • % ... • Congressman a t large —? Sands*, 1,482} Jeffrye*. ,538; aMarshall, ljB42; Wharton, 418; Yaarfck,219. Chief Justiee-i-Boyd, 1,888; Wans- maker, 1R67.' ^ / * , ■ , Supreme court—long term—Hart, l,19l; Tuimer, 1^36. . .Supreme court—short term—Allen, 335; Rich, 301} Struble, 49*;. Ward/ 785-. . ‘ , : j ; Cpngreisa-eeventh district—Brown, 1,389; Marshall, 2,494, ^ , \ .State (Central Committeewoman— Baker, 2,712; Rockel, 628. - . State Senator—Daniels, 1,861; Nel­ son, 1,*49. , ^ . y CHARLES SAWYER unmcediy :Wm mnbit T, H. Bell of W. a t, former Xenia city auditor, w*s kidnapped by a youijg uninasked;'white bandit early Tuesday evening; and robbed, of hi# purse containing-$41, a diamond rrng ahd-a camera. / ’ • ' ,? Zell was leaving Shawnee Park where he had gone to discus*' a Ki- ,. . Wanis meeting .with (he park care- , State Representotive—Beaver, 422; taker, wten the Jtendit got into the Chainblisa, 846;, MeChesney, 2,562. U«*nF — , ^ < t i ------ •« - • - 844} Nash, 1,687. J f CONGRESSIONAL'yOTE, <■ [ t The congressional Vote’by bounties was as follows: ’ Loimn—Brown, 2,- 850;, Mareball, 1, 594} Champaign- Brown, £,694, Mkrehall, 1,313;‘Clark Brown, ’6 ,3 * 0 ,Marshall, - 6,t99; Greene A Brown, 1,389, Marshall, 2,494; Warreh—Brown, 3A75, Mjov shall, 794; Clinton—Brown, 2,<88, Brown, 1,717, Marehaft. $70; Union —Brown, 2,505, MarohsU,.l,ttl6. *..» The tabulated Vote f<m to#.,local precincts will be found else where to this issue. fron t,wmt q f too. car with him ,and County Commissioner—Barnett, 1,- threatened him with a gun, ordering 4‘ TlT""1' ^him to driye info the country, About tW» miles west of Xenia toe-bandit made Zell atop toe oj»r,. aud then re­ lieved his vicitim of the mdney and ring. />t| ^ ^ Op, ' / ; ,s The bandit then took the wheel of the car and drove the: machine Into Tento parking a t Third and,We«t tea. and toiling Beltto .stayIn too car'until h# weat.toto ho$S« “totor a paL^ The tomdidt disapptoredtotatoaltMwronMd A # droroto paliea LiAgag . Beef Calf Sale At Fair Grounds 'writopanuds .**• teriMtog which toe bandit toterad hut the residents of the house said ttiey did noitJsee' ^ivhody'enter, ,C...' r , -Police believe toe -bandit took A chance and ran through toe house into * back ,alley without being noticed by the occupant#, Two. suspects werje picked up by police but release* later when Zell failed to identify either of them as the bandit. ; ' With a top price of 22 cents a pound fo r the grand champion calf and an; averago of 10.8 cento fo r 55dwad, toe Greene County 4-H beef calf sale held Friday in Connection with- toe county fair attracted buyer* for .market* as fa r as Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleve­ land. <r Casper Arnett had too grand chant­ age and also in 1935. He fed a Here- fordlealf weighing 840 pounds, while the reserve champion was a 939 pound Angus shown by Richard Lewis. .. The 55 calve# Averaged 758 pounds apiece and brought $4,836, an average o f $81.96 a head, or $1081 a, hundred pounds.”’ Among thh leading buyer# were the Kroger Grocery and Baking Company, who took .eight head and these will he handled through their, packing plant a t Columbus. Other, buyer# were H. Kemper's Bonus, Faulter Packing Cpttb patty, Charles Sticker, Braun Brother#, Val Decker* 0 , Anderson, Wm, Bren nor find Xenia Abbatoir Company, , g f n e r a i , a s s e m b l y ■Bsivcwtoek Twp, voter* gave prow l to a tferca mill tag !oVyfo r stip^, port of toe schools duo to llmitoflottl of finsnegr andri' toe 1.9' toll! 4imitn» jtfete ■ I I X« oju voters, kilted the proposed! I$< 6,090 bond issue a ,m w field] Jbowse, If was given n majority Lay ^ a d to fiat* m two -tofeda Vote.. I f wail pkmnad a* AW#*Afgojsto, | iL S. « . A, A. Wednesday, Aegnsti# The Methodist team of the (A S, S. A. A. league defeated the United Prei feyteriana by a icore of 2L3. For th* Methodists, 21 runs on 18 hits and 4 w«tk#r For the l^eshytesiaft 8 runs' on 2 bite and 3 Walks, Winning pitcher, Happing struck otsfc3 men ant taring pitcher, Andrews, struck ont l . The Methodists committed 2 er» I ro rato too U« P« 6. JRuunlttg Bcotot ■ iMothodisi h i. rPfC3, Standings ] rdethodsst IU» Pres a |Pres. Pat McGuinn Injured In Truck Accident P a t McGuinn, 10, son o f Mr,, apd Mrs.,Clarence McGuinn, Cedar street, suffered concussion of the brain Thursday meaning when h it by a track owned by tha Patrick Furnace Go,, Springfield. Th* accident happened on the Clifton .piker north, of town when young Put and Richard Kennon were riding their bicycle#. The wet roadway is said to have cailsed toe truck to skid When the'breaks were set. The Kennon youth suffered slight bruises and both bicycle# were damaged. The injured hoy was.taken to McCleUMn hospital for treatment. C o m C r o p V o t e Is Abandoned MmonSwrolT | Morris Flaroheim, 17, Oiateaaati, idied Tuesday, a t d:«K *, wu wMwut regaining consefcmsiies*, fUKewtag a nutor crash on toe Cehm*e» pike east of Cedarville, jftmday. TBayeato was drivhif the ear aecmapenied fey throe companions emwtee to New York City. Flaroheim suffered a skull fracture, The auto skidded mt the atfepery rail* a t the Pesmsrivaaia rguroad -crossing, the riur over twW&g, The auto was glmost fi complete wredc. .. The rompunion# in toe cm-} Cft*rito-!‘- Bluestein,, 18; Alfred Haktoum, 16; and Thomas Lehman, 17, escaped la- jury, ^ * Goroner H, c . Shlck rendered a ver­ dict Of accidental death, -Tide wwt toe sixth auto fatality fo r the year, " p in body ifras 'tou t % Cincinnati fu r ■ burial. - - . . , - Ruling Juvenlkr ■ Can BeDetaincd . Attorney General Herbert a Duffy ruled Tuesday to Prosecutor h$smtis’’: Shoup that detention quarter# toe" juvenile delinquents may im 'qepdly ahd properV^mam todat thgittrespe County Infirmary or matron sgtpototod by toe juvenile court judge,'to bepaid either on u salary or per day baahn., H o n * H a m i l t o n F i s h , lA t C h a u ^ d o i i ^ . ; - ' $ |m d a y l i i a i i d T d f e y Thursdaybight .'Ateateurk 15‘’fe a » ;1 of age snd older will compete a t Miami Valley Cljautauqu*. Five prise# will ho awarded to the confeatemta. who are judged best afte r th* ballots have been tounted. ’ 1 The Roy Sparklets comptoed of twenty-fmte, glri# vrili 'gjto tore fete-- Igremayon Friday, Atgoet a t a t^ id c ■ «»d 8{i5. The**, gfaiLvwWtmtoS* »tt batic nimtoers, Tfwre wfll\to A'liia* 'Rletechangeof costomM aitd jfiregrop. in the evening. - ' 1 Jack’s Xylophone Band will oome to Cfeautouqua for the fourth 'toms',mi Saturday, August 13. They will pre­ sent program# both aftoraooa and evening. This band is compored of fourteen youth# who ,entertain with', novelty number# and peppy music. The Wenzel,Trio of Middletown will give an' hour's program a t 2:86 on Sunday, August 14, Mrs. Florence Wenzel, Miss Grate MeM and Mr. Earle Turveyh a te sung over the audio many^imet and appeared before many ' audience# in Souther* Ohio, The Honorable Hamilton Ftto, Re­ publican Congressman from New York will speak 4 t 8:30 p. m.» August 14. Mr. F ib H lives in Hyd* Park,' th* same district that is the home of President Franklin D. RooemreR, In the last election Hamilton Riek se­ cured more vote# on his return to Congress than did President Roosevelt, He will discus# toe political situation of -today." ’ . - 6 4 e* 7 - ? i. 0 t 2 0-«ft W h ' Met .4 3 .667 J8 a* j m .1 4 } Mr. P, R, amt daughter, I 'Wis, ferdy Wilson' of Jamestown, ■ 1Mrs, Chas. t'r.nnpr of .tinhorn and IMis. Jhmna Messer of 'Crilarvilte and IMr. Lhas. Conner and rose, tiavM j and James of Oitena, leave# Thar#* 1 ’ey morning for Lennov# tow* They will, attend the John»an renahm, Aug Ht% a t Collet* Spring*, Iowa,' They wilt he gone -ten day*. Wi » . MsGEEttlEY m * r » § to - r f f f f 8WkALD tf A news dispatch Wednesday tete* ning, from Washington, D* C,,' stated th a t the AAA had dropped the pro­ posal fop A 1938 ren t crop vote tor timttatiofi of crop due to what looks like a shortage in the nation. A cheek of those who have' signed ter crop control and those not signed n four central Ohio corn counties, in M ing Greene showed 84 put cent of he farmers opposed to any control] dan, When that report reached Washington some days ago, then came he announcement 0 # the withdrawal 5f the torn crop vote. Farmers c*rv ell and feed a# much corn a# they tertt, which most of them- would have lone h re 'pM ite of the vote eftteemeJ-I* h K Kyle Enter* Miami Valley Hospital M» K, Kyle, prewHwnt fiifton n<ke ’atmer, entered th# Miami ValUr lospifal, Dayton, Monday tor observ­ ation and treatment preparatory fori % major operation later.. Mr T tHtea tyle. Xf»la, if taking Ms hrotiier*# ,1nee on the farm to t the preaenf. Mr and Mr# frn l Ort ite iM l (•owe laat Tueadhy after a to ll wttli Mr. and Mr# AlfMI Tawaatay. r i BaanaarlHa, OMa WE MUST' HAVE THE NAME We. are in receipt of a welt written article on law enforcement and tha sale# tax but it is unsigned by tha writer. We must hare the name of the writer which doaa hot mean thag the name will be paMished, The letter i# worthy of pubiieatRm, *M c M illan cLAK REfontm The McMillan clan reunite and a*-> t.uti pietne will he held a t Affert Gysa on Friday, August 39 a t * k aVledL.- Alf members of the fsmiUea afe urged to l* present. COUNTY AUtMTON 1 A