The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 27-52
*3 -o-"* # mmumuM wm a ia nu iuy . T H E C E D A H V I L L E H E R A L D BULL — KDITOft AND FlTBUaHBk Vates c I rmi 9 Port Oflet. C ilan iU t, Ohio, October IL1M 7 , yiUDAY, 8 BPTSMBK& X, IMS GftKKMt COUNTY MAS AM O N IC T LEMON IN NEW D IA L l r-w The enaouncemant of the H o « « A AUtoo*1 Co*. maaafaeturwrs of oocslag*, tisat iha binder twin* ditfrton had been eteeed down todetniuly, coma* w oo narprlae » b « » « * * knew* tbe reeuK of tit* RooaevaU-Hull free trade peek*.! What b«ui happened to tke Under twine trade which hen reduced snien of twenty-Sve per cent due to importation of duty free foreign twine, in juefc what has happened to other linen of trade. The ahoe industry la suffering from imported nhoen that cornea m duty fret while American labor if on relief and ahoe plant* down or running only a few day* each week. - ’ The Hagar Straw Board A Paper Co.» retired from the held and the plant told to another company that ha* not been able to keep it* mill* in operation, High tort of production with federal taxea and social security taxes made it impossible to operate the plant profitably. The f armer is suffering today in low priced wheat and com due entirely to Importation* of grain from foreign countries, all the result of the New Deal free trade agreements with foreign nations. Every time a factory closes due to poor business, just that many more are forced on relief. This reduces home con sumption of both farm as well as industrial products and at the same time the law of supply and demand forces down the cost of home products to a point where a profit is impossible. Thus what has happened in Xenia and Cedarville should be concrete proof as to the fallacy o f what Communismis dump for the nation under the smoke screen of the “New Beal. WANTS. FAlflfY ILINKS TICHTENfilWldAyBE? . Franklin D, Roosevelt now comes before, the public as an exponent of political purity; that we must have,a highermoral standard and more respect for party lines, Hut what does the record sayt S"‘ \ * >• - ' ' • • * \ Franklin Roosevelt is the biggest political sham that ever paraded before the people of any nation and so easy is ft to read through his promises and motives that were P. T. Bamum alive he would not want such a political fake in his sideshow',, At the last generarelection Roosevelt personally Urged Democrats in Minnesota to support the farm leaguers, a Com- 'munlstic organization. The farm radicals had endorsed Roose velt. In Wisconsin ho urged the Democrats to vote for the La- follette-Socialist candidates. ,^w o years before^ he urged Nebraska Democratsto elect George Norris, a Socialist who was running on the Republican ticket in that state,. In New York the New Deal, dictator urged the Democrats to support La- Guardia, Socialist, candidate for mayor running on theRepubli can or American ticket - „ . Tr . Where does Rooseveltget his standard of political morals and how can he publically charge that New Deal Democratic Candidates for senator have been defeated by Republicans vot ing in Democratic primaries. This charge is now made to ease the public conscience-that Sen. Pope, Idaho, was defeated by Republicanvotes, and. cloud the horizon because the New'Deal fallacy is slipping. r - ‘ . Any Democrat, that can- find solace in supporting FDR in the face of the record and what is charged now should in our opinion have his head examined. The break in Democratic ranks. Is only the separation of the sheep from the goats, or Democrats who honestly support the party and the Communists that how dominate tite Democratic party through Roosevelt, Lewis, Hopkins, lakes, Perkins andthe ilk of Harry Bridges, Ow meet N#w peat Sally paper frid* up wet will eebr a meanly. Th# Akron, 0,, Tints#- bUM, owned by tbe Scripps-Hevmnl taaffua, vohmUrily q«K to# field with ike Saturday iwrat. - t ip TimssPreM along vritii other paper* in -ike league (kale Save been strong supporters of ike Ktw Deal but ah have shownsigns of The oWnsrstrisd to yurehaae tho Akron BcoMH-Jouraiti but it waa not for sale and It la now to# only paper ins town of 850,000 people. The Toledo New*. He* withdrew about a month ago and discontinued due to lack of business, it being .a Scripps-Howsrd payer. Roosevelt prosperity will not meet the high union wagee, federal, state, income and social security taxea and have anything le ft to pay for new* print paper. The greatest trouble with this brand of prosperity is it is all wind* What4ha* happened in Akron and Toledo la taking place over Ow entire country. Gradually thou- and* are coining to realise fully that the spending of government’s dollar, carries with. it no profit to create prosperity. More than that'the gov ernment dollar is spent only Once and it la back in the TJ, St TVeasiiry. With Unde Sant spending 6* Cents of every dollar now in circulation you ^au-aae How little,profit there can' be. The entire nation .must exist, on the profits of thosewho spendthe 35cents of every dollar in circulation. And 125 million people cannot get-4 foot hold''on. doles^ relief,' or pensions, money the,gOvemment must borrow, leaving the nation only a mountain of debt; ~ „ - . Ml to# gram i that it ft# as# to# fate of the AnittS tit* flttNftHNNP ta heavy foliage And «C mmm times had ta be a poititeal ecu* Due DsssMsstk bosiMesnian it wsa oaly eertyisg to# New beat ptea s i dastrstliin of public property ta a eeariuetan a« that new tree# e#ute be aet out, creating mom and mors business. From the RapoMkan aagio there vrsm smiles, Republican headquarters have been opened in the Steele building and soon a great banner wilt grace the front of that struRure, Now that the trees have been trimmed on Detroit street next to Main, one will be able to see the Republican sign from far out East Main street, .T ithe* tm tha Natisual Deter I Rhaw, Columbus, in Oetobar, *au teal ' hi Frol O . RwaUau . OUete» them new at Me each or «*e at tls NOT FOR DEMOCRACY BUT FOR AMERICANISM The most important primaiy elections in the hiatory of the nation were held Tuesday. More was at stake in the California and South Carolina primary elections than waa at stake at the Battle of Concord or when Sherman marched across Georgia. Two issues were decided at the two primaries Tuesday One was state rights, long-cherished by the Democratic south but abhored by the New Deal. The other issue ..was the strengthening of ouirtwo party system, of government. When Roosevelt-could, not have his way in packing, the Supreme Court he took, vengenance against those senators and congressmen that did hot approve of his course. In view of the fact he injected himself personally and appealed for support of the electorate in these two primaries and that both, of his en dorsed candidates were defeated; there were signs that Rjamo- 9 , largo and small, rich and poor, were returning to the faith i ...... - a — i t i. .Reports the past few days bring W tlie news that social security for ail farm labor and domestic help Will soon be completed and Witt be recom mended to- congress and placed on Roosevelt’s “ must pass’’ list. I f this measure passes most every class' of labor will be included sad both em- frtoyeee and employer of ail labor, mute and female, Will contribute to the New hod. The employer pays ; ’tisshare .a* ated|rt^ < i» iiirt It goes’ *nto the general menus' fund o f the U. S. riie part deducted from.the 'vages of the employee is nothing more'- than a temporary 'income tax vhteh the government take* under the New 'Dtot, promising to pay it heck st some future limn with a small In terest. A t present -the gewmmhftt h i* little or nbfhfaig mactwil' cadi hi Hint fund emmjmiud with what h i* been paki hi. The .Newthaieia'have been being tida money to stimulate ..the iVrJS* Read mairkei The itcdtUd with bonds to replacethe cash already"spent.’ Tuesday was evidently Democratic day at the Ohio State Pair and more than one Ohio citisen, Irrespective of politics became peeved at the exhibit of Democrats rather than horses, cattle, hogs, sheepor swine. The fair management even yrent farther this year in injecting polities than was done last year fo r Gov. Davey, Never 1ms a Republican administration.ever .exhibited candidates at the fair aa was done Tuesday. Charles Sawyer, candidate for Goyemor and Robert Bulkley, candidate for Senator, held the stage at intervals during the day, The crowd evidently was tired of what had beep, paraded- before them and when Bulkley -was introduced to the grandstand audience,, the booing, whistling and cat-call# drowned, out the speaker. Many took it as a slap not only against the S«iator, 'wbo.has been.# Roosevelt-'’rubber stamp,” but the Roosevelt administration. It was nyticable that tbe farm atement iU the grand stand took the lead in drowning out BulkleyV talk. After a vain ef fort to proceed the -Senator stopped his talk and left the platform, an^ to this the crowd seemed pleased. It was themost outstandingrebuke ever given an phio politician. •' , JuvenileJudge Hurry Gram, Spring- field, sounds * timely warning about ihe use uflpcyclekon the sttpetaaRir' dark without lights in front and be hind as required by law. The Judge warns that all violators o f whatever age will have their bicycles confiscated for a 30-day period if the law is not observed. ' • crats, of their fathers, and lending'support to candidates that We siot up to betray,the party In behalfof Hopkins, Lewis, Wall*' i rei ce and the handful of Communists that have held the balance of power in the Democratic party- Roosevelt has injected himself in the Maryland and Georgia primary elections as in South Carolina and California- He faces defeat on the same issues. These states are certain to uphold the traditions of the Democratic party, With Commun ists holding the balance of power in the Democratic party and inroad being made in the Republican party, it is gratifying to know that the American system of government Is coming hack to its own* MechanicsfyrovwTri>m» •Mi' Mt 'T PTf w m Maw A m w im m iM n w m * * * ' “ TVWlWiniiSHtatWCwptai: «Kawt*A.K9,l. WcuMdft «<«««« witIS* ltmm «tt trta tmtmitme stl tx« *hm, ttm fc*sl«e«a!I* this*w^jht ■Mtmvf . , ’■ ■ ■ Sfgaed—P.C.Muss, QHn FJiKKs tuoncft Ittsptcfion. DMyoubarn mvwiadisoul,did $m hsv*Idsm«ehillaM* f*m test MU* t«> high this pant wham? W« msk» tm kt^ctloB, louts d» r*s&! w&tfc lesl pikes, , Now that n split has broken in the rank* of the CID with the Preacher Martin section of automobileWorker* withdrawing on threat, the sit-down strike may nuthave the force it once had. A ll rcfKWte, indicate Martin am several hundred thotumod auto work ers have broken with John L. Lewi* and.Communistic leader*. This may. or may nut disturb FDR who takes orders from lewis, The AFL and the the American legion have both de> manded that Harry Bridges, western coast labor leader, who is not even a citiren of the linked States, must be deported. “Sis” Perkins, Roosevelt’s department of labor female represent stive of the CIO says she will not ask deportation for Bridges. That also is orders to FDR,. Motorist* should keep in mind the experience o f a Steubspvitte business man who whs shot by a hitch-hiker early this weak, The "thumber” after spot. Refusing to turn over the car being given A ride drew a gun on the motorist and ordered him to a lonely spot. Refusing the turn over the Car the“ thumber” shot the Wotorht.-Cure must be exercised who is' picked up along tbe road, You mUst also re member that Ohio laws do not give motorists the protection desired where you pick up “ thumbers” or even give an invitedguest * ride. The legislature would do well to releSse moterist* from all responsibility from .free pas sengers regardless of whether they solicited the 'ride or were invited. Many a worthy person Witt be denied a ride in this state following what happenedto <J, B, LeVan, Who stopped two bullets from the assailant’s gun, after being robbed of |45. I KVY FOR ISSUE OP RONDS THE STATE OP OHIO, l GREENE COUNTY, as, | I, JamasJ, Curiett, the duly elected, qualified and acting County Auditor in and for theElateand Geeaty afore-. said, do hereby certify that the average levy throughout the life of the bonds, which will be required to pay the interest on and retire the bonds proposed-to be Issued by the Village o f CedarviUe, Ohio, ia the sum ?f 13,500,00, for the purpose of ac quiring fire fighting apparatus and equipment, is .57 mills. WITNESS my hand and official seal it Xenia, Ohio this 15th 'day of JAMES J. CHRLETT, August, 1338. County Auditor in and for Greene County, Ohio. RESOLUTION NO. 201 Xenia carpenters felt the heavy hand, of the Rdosevelt-Lewis union order When Dayton union leaders de manded that' Dayton carpenters alone he employed to erect the fixtures for a new Xenia atone, in a* much as the Chicago company has a number of new improvement#, over=the coun try, it waa obey the Rooseveltdictat orship or strikde would be called on ether joh«. Xenia carpenters had to %y down their tool* but were given other work muchas movingand aiding in unpacking incoming merchandise! iThig WUa n fre * company, until the TM* attuatton yecatt* a-story M d as- to he# Washington -Chumb, wanted toeieli in an popularity when arri f f Rtoaevelt attended church. 'A .situWarareeted onCto lawii readings “ This to HooimtolUar Church,^ A street urcliant mutt have ben^struck with an idea for with a piece of Chalk tide Ik what he,wrote under the sign: “ This Church Formerly Belong ed to the Lord.” "The Ohioan,” Democratic party organ sponsored by Gov. DaVey and a number of political associates, will be dropped as the official organ, ac cording to Charles Sawyer, nominee for governor; C « G . Thom »R 1 W 1 RCH*^ Uefervflte 131 ANADEDSERVICE a a a a Gtt Wcdneiduy, Anirttfil Slab, find ’ev«fy W«dnegdRY _ iharaaftcp, feutekef duality eheap And lambs and veal calvaa wlil be gold at this batn at price* to bo announced a d A. M., for all animals received before ff IK M. MAKE GUN MARKET TOUR MARKET SPRUKFIELOUVESTOCK Ave. i i i l f C M I F A M T RFRlNGFIlltD, OHIO A •SSWTSWcr WffiWaB Xenians were much disturbed this week when the county commissioner* gave a contract or orders to trim the elm shade trees that have graced the Courthouse lawn for so many years. Work had no more than started than citizens began to buza, some favoring, the trimming while others openly condemned the aet as damaging to the future o f the tikes. Tuesday evening the Kiwanis Club by a unanimous vote went on record in Opposing the trimming plan and ordered Judge r>Frank I„ Johnson and Attorney J. A. |Finney to trite, such legal -steps as: f necessary to save the trees, Wednes day the county commissioners cancel- . ed the order tor wholesale trimming. Happy days will soon be here! Cali fornia nominate* a candidate for Senator on a platform of “ Thirty dollars every Thursday” for everyone fifty years rid and over. This can didate defeated the New Deader who had thp “Roosevelt Family Circus” en dorsement, With il l of tis that have passed the half century math, let’s hope the young folks who .will have to work to pay the Weekly stipend, get busy at once. B y the Way, what about beck pay for those Who have reached three score and ten 1 A tes took the trimming very seriously and looked upon the p!*w*s absolutely dangerous in that August was about the worst month of the year for suck work, It waacontended that October or after would have been a tottof *wrtk «a the sap would be m the decline, ©them held that totowmbti trimming was necessary I W A N T A M A H —with car; full time calling on Jams homes in Greene county. No •experience required. Must be satis fied with ffig a week to start, but jxcellent chance to dsub’e earrings with company helps - sale*, Special ft*!*, attractive premiums (silver- vatu, colfee percolators, saucepam*> ?tc.) We supply complete stock of products:-:you pay when sold, Im mediate tamings, No dull seasons- - big towltofta *11 year With Well- known bne 350 drily necessities^ -ftHee, fiamring, titracts, home ‘ttdidnes, etc, Details mailed free -no oWlgfttteu, Give your age, hind o f ear. # icj Address Box A care o f this paper, wi!run.iijawft»'jmim! RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO PROCEED WITH ISSUANCE OF BONDS IN THE SUM OF THIRTY- FIVE HUNDRED (13,500.00) FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASE OF FIRE FIGHTING APPARATUS T ftis COUNCIL PROVIDING FOR SAID BOND ISSUE, PASSED ON AUGUST 1st, 1938, TO THE DEP UTY STATE SUPERVISORS OF ELECTIONS IN GREENE COUNTY, OHIO, TOGETHER WITH THE A- MOUNT OF av e r ag e TAX LEVY, AND THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF YEARS TO RETIRE SAID BONDS, AND DIRECTING THE CLERK TO GIVE NOTICE OF SUBMISSION OF SAID BOND ISSUE AT THE NEXT NOVEMBER ELECTION. WHEREAS, This Council on the first day of August, J933.duly passed a resolution providing for the sub mission to. the,electors of the Village o f' Gedarvitte, Ohio at the next No vember ‘election, o f the question of the issuance of bonds in the sum of Thirty-five Hundred Dollars (|3,500) far the purpose of U ml purchase of fire fighting apparatus and equipment, and o f the,levy a’ tax to provide for the pftymentlthereof, and, s- WHEREAS, The County Auditor of Greene County, Ohio, hsS.certified to this Council that in accordance with his calculations the average annual evy throughout the life of suchbonds, which wifi be required- to pay the in* ,ferc8t on and retire such bonds, as- aiming'that they are all issued in op* scries, and that the amount o f the tax iat of said Village remains the same throughout the life of said bonds as the amount o f tbe tax list for the cur- reqt year, is ".57 mills; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE SOLVED by the Council! o f the VR {ago of Gedarvitte, State o f Ohio* that this Council proceed with the issuance of said bonds and that the Clerk be, <lrid ho is,' hereby directed to Certify to the Deputy State Supervisors o f Elections in Greene County, Ohio, the resolutiono f this Council.,calling such election hereinbefore referred: to, to getherwith the amount of theaverage tax levy as estimatd by said County Auditor, and tbe maximum number o f years to retire said bonds, namely: Ten (to ) years, and to give notice of said election in accordance with Sec tion 2233-31 of the Genera) Cod* of Ohio. - Passed, August 15th, 1338. ' KENNETH L. LITTLE, Mayor, Council of Village of Cedar, ville, Ohio," Pftrre J, McCorkett,. Clerk of Village of Cejarvllls, Ohio. Friday — Saturday “ B a n k N i g h t ” SWftSfi)IfSfrtfHfta —aCRItN— “FAST COMPANY” Florsnss Rise Milyyn Oaujlaa Contfseews Chew* pally Adult# Ortfy He I t l g P. *1. X£NIA STARTS SUND AY ‘T h r e e d a ys imt ftobt Taylorh»<Tl»sCtowdtearir hw . a fmarsi at ML K fhMts 'Mr*. Wo GWfc Post Ymmgsteaui wW» Tlrny w#rem vlj Fmf.ftnd) f<Mir i*tighh and Mrs, C, Wytte $* pri Iowa State nephew of I Rriwn T v ! * md MaiMwa CFCalKvatt \n “ThaCtowdRcwa*! Ns leagsr wffi Ism tons fans aav# to drag memtora fljth* ansoslte sex intoItoaawa tous* ftotort Taylor for in “The Crowd Seat?* wWshsftoa aanday.^iriptember ft at to* driuto ato eoriad tiuwiwr * Xmla. to# a thre* day *n*sf«msnt, M-a-M nas riiws Its India* M is star, a picture which .take* up toe he- ntea t r ^ t o w i T y s s k s t Oxford” left ott «nd lesd. him toraarii to to# Rtot Lovely Manreen O'Sullivan ft Taylor’s romantic interest Others 1* toe brilliant east include Frank Morgan, Jane Wyman,. William 0*r*an, Lionel Rfendet and Nat Pendleton.- ProftG. W Jik M pells, Ind., <Sowd*0«to* waa a visito. tbers of to# member <?i t „ bpg - i i n«* Critege and i up toe be- school year ii 3 locl8 liSn> tie' interest. Prof, Alfriiano Wyman, Worth, Tcxa- brother-in-lan < Furst and i Ewing teach | Wesleyan Col -f .• Dr. and M returned from » Monday eveni hundredinure ' the Bible Col and fifty-four present tor ti • Friday afterm ’ whowas has h '.'Lake, making ' home since rel * Just year, ma rime to toe c paator praa ca response, "'•'ttHliwfiiua' ■r “hzsZLsri*’ " m S r L s " 8 * ^ -rawsAS?"", k ‘*rV r ’ a , . . . Mil • W ^ 0 office T w S S » - « r * " " ^ M o n k *,Hadi< , Quick • V am elimir • All-ov f.v w a rm n a c e Why put comforts 5fi.. i t stove cm' Come in t y | you all ab— ful new t y ^ C fgATORt^JJglj gUCK JON**. f « * " * ■ ? « « « » » • > „ t m n s im th e rn e c k t 7» ritia s i F U R N lT i.^ * « . D r ** South Main Street P i;o v Movie stores 3f*eat- arises 136?# to«t> o i# vop* fof. ■■ «# ■ ¥ MM IMBCKIIMC * * s s a “HKRALDWANTANDSALEADSPAr BSgia tiMlay. tkamiaf PAY
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