The Cedarville Herald, Volume 61, Numbers 27-52

C U tS V IU A MBUiUK wwmAt. S tm U tBB fcS i, t i n t TMB BA I V I I LB HI*. ALD b d it o b a n d F u d U B m MMt vara*' t C «d a r d li«, Ohio, October 81* 1M T ,, * | r t o d a y , S e p t e m b e r u , m * SWEETENING THE TtoMMAMV TICE* TkAMMHiC XwOttMM Of till N « « York of Mwapaptr ipaei fcfo appsireti vttt Oa* itttk •P m iittif « f Ueargig. • • purge*, game to the la Anorienn newanapara covering tht trial of Bln< os, fttamber of that famous ____________ , ___ that ha* had political protection to •pant* a $80.M*.OOt**«*r poHcjr rachot in Naw York. Iw ttH f l o r a haa oaddaniy declared a mistrial for Hinea,re- firT im of the fact that Prosecutor Dewey produced more than forty wWaimii to prove hie caae. It h iiUwatfiw to ravlaw the early history of Fecora* a Haw Deal product, brought before the public by FDR to send Apdrew Mellon to prison, a clever method of using: the former secretary of the tremaury aa a political scapegoat to attract New Deal attention ■«.. . Following months of publicity and a few weeks of actual trial Andrew Mellon was acQuitcd. Fixing judges is one thing but fixing twelve men on the jury is something else, Mellon in his advanced years died and left moat of his vast estate to the government that future generations could profit from an educa­ tional standpoint. Fecora did hi* part in the New Deal setup and was re­ warded by being given a judgship appointment. Now comes the season for elections. Regardless of the fact that FDR has pttblfcally condemned Tammany, nqw comes his political asr aoefate, Fecora, who declares a mistrial against a Tammany racketeer and he is given his freedom—until after, the No-, yember election. TheNew Deal must have Tammany and its political power to carry New York. We have had instructed juries from Judges as part of our legal proceedure but it appears that inside in­ structions for judges from higher up is now.the order. Justice Fecora is on the spot ancfCongress should start an investigation Immediately followingthenext session opening in January. "AND THE STRONG SHALL DEVOUR THE WEAK” With Japan gradually conquering her weak neighbor, China; civil War in Spain where the strong are over powering the Weak; .why then object to Germany's invasion of Czecho- Stovkia? Italy took one’ of the oldest Christian nation's in Ethiopia in her greed for more power and not one of the dominant powers of the world protested. * Mussolini informed the world what he wanted and would take. Hitler has <ione the same tiling for Germany. . When England, posing as a consort for Ethiopia, gave con­ sent to the wishes of Mussolini, the whole World gasped, but the Italian dictator had his way. The Czechs have no more of a friend in the part England and France are playing than had Ethiopians. England will, sit at the table and nod consent to divide a weaker nation to have “peace” with Mussolini and Hitler. , "• I1'1, ^ " • < 1 ' - i We- of this day may not have to live*many years to. see the Germany of .old march across France demanding payment for France's part in the World War.. When France betrayed the Czech treaty Monday she deserves any penalty Germany might demand. J~ INVITATION LADIES INTERESTED IN THE SUCCESS OF THE . REPUBLICAN TICKET ♦IN THE COUNTY AND STATE ARE REQUESTED TO MEET AfBS.ROBERTA.TAFT - ThursdayEvenin^,September 29,1938 Xenia Armory, 8:00 F. M. TEA WILL BE SERVED Mr*. Leona Brewer, County Chairwoman. Miss Margaret Baker, Woman Committeeman, AKITCHENEXTENSIONTELEPHONE It cosft llttfa to hava m oxtro telephone in the kitchen, neor you while you work, It not only saves step*, but if allows you to talk while you welch the cooking. A phone coll to our business officewill bring one promptly, SHEEP LAMBSCALVES - flow Ewing HaHdla* *t This ®»rii • EVERY WEDNESDAY tiitm announced at 9 a, m>, for all animals received b*forib 8 p. mi * We invito you to avail yourself o f this added mtvltm, Raialer l i t * Steels Attette* Every Monday s p a m e m w u v x s to c k saveb go . tAre. aram orii u*t oMgi aopHBRiSi?wsmai Hire » a bit « f news * f interest to New Dealer*. A wealthy SprisgftoM mimuffcciureri * Democrat i t the old school, one who contributed 95,606 w tbs Democratic campaigns ha* enough o f the New EM while trying to make a little money operating hi* plant three or tow? hoar* « tow day* each week Until recently * large: picture of Franklin P. Roosevelt graced the well* of this manufactur­ er’* office, The picture ia now mis*- ing. The answer ia that the manu­ facturer is still a Democrat and tor Democrat*. He ha* no use for a Com­ munist even thongb he might he the head of the Democratic party. Clark County Democrat* were shocked on hearing the new*, only a few day* be­ fore Postmaster General James Farley visited the city. Democrat* some of these days are going to'hear more interesting news out o f Georgia and where the birthdey dance food* go. The little White House is destined to become the smoke house.tor the ham actors in the Roosevelt Family Cir­ cus., We notice that another New Deal daily paper closes its doors and passes to the “happy hunting, ground*’—-the Flushing, N. Y. Journal, which has preached the doctrine of Thomas Jef­ ferson for ninety-seven .yean. In­ creasing costs, excessive federal and state Corporation, taxes and social security taxes with decreasing revenue under the New Deal prosperityperiod was more than the management Could face.’ Advertisers long ago toUnd that retail'business would, not keep the doors open i f the management had to depend on WPA,PWA, and doles to “prime-the pump” 'six years in Succession. - Almost every newspaper that has suspended the past year or so has be n an early supporter o f the New Deal, A cartoon some days ago pictured the financial condition of the insurance companies andi banks in the country. The largest buyers of government bonds have been these''institutions, both under government control to- a largeextenfc.The New Deal has pro­ posed nationalism -for the life insur­ ance companies and also intimation that there should be an investjgatibn With the cash box o f an -insurance company loaded with New Deal bond* what is there to investigate t From another source we learn that 20 bank* in the country that have gov­ ernment insurance tor depositors, have closed so far this year. - Bowfever, this bit of news was never given the newspaper* by the New Dealer* or newspaper* supporting that cause. <PCeaaar, « f I 1* * ’ Yeti. * ♦ * ' i And whan the purge ia over, How happy we will be; \ For the dictatorial purger - -if now tiw reel purge*, Mmtoaiitfbhg - a ■* H. J. Berrodin, chief of the state division tor the aged, in a press report given out Tuesday, seems to have as­ sumed Hitler’s attitude, that Germany is first, just as the Democrats are first with the old age pensioner*. The chief haa some objection to Republi­ can chieftains in the county sending a letter to pensioners, yet the smell of the recent Democratic primary is not yet out o f the nostrils o f Ohio citiaetu where charge* o f New Dealer* in Washington filed against Gov, Davey and Bdacnliii Indicated something was rotten with the *tato department. Gov. Davey refused to let Borrodin go to Washington to represent the state at a hearing. In fact the Governor ad­ mitted m°*t all charges of what his faction1o f the Democratic party had done to get the pension vote and he asked the New Dealers to admit they : had done similar things to get votes for Charles Sawyer, Davey’s opponent.? Of course neither the pensioners nor the average citizen will pay any at­ tention to what Berrodin has said or will say in the futur - Right or wrong he will still he the guardian angel for the1pension vote for' the' Democratic candidates and dc» all he can to see that no Republican gets a look in. Just to give the chiefj a few thing* to think about and keep the public in­ terested we might say that the old age pension board in Greene county has never been constituted according to the law which say* there must be two member* of each political party, meaning- two Republicans .and two Democrats. U. A, Spahr is the only Republcan member and has been the only member representing that party since the board was formed. The otherAtbree are Democrat*. week, Aratot Barbae*, V- learned that the toads wen* to ia weed for ffOreai tripe for Deaweratw member* of the Lofton that were out tor a free trip, fo e State Auditor is- aued the warrant and toe chuck -was cashed at a Cohmbnt bank, fo e Legten leader* forgot the baud* mid purchased ticket* and' set out for Cali­ fornia, Now toe bank ia out the f to,- 600 until an injunction suit brought by Herbage i» settled. The head of the Budget Gommiseion under Gov, Davey, a member o f the Legion, head­ ed the delegation to Lo* Angelos, and must answer to ton court in the in­ junction suit, Why they should have 116,000 to hire band* is a debatable question but bring* out toe suggestion «a the legislature does not provide joy rides for delegate* to conventions sponsored by bankers, grocer*, brick mason*, lawyers and newspaper men, The National Editorial Aaaoviation meets next June ifi Alaska and what a fine thing it would be to have Ohio taxpayers donate 916,000 to purchase tickets for publisher* at ha* been done tor member* of the Legion who asked for the unreasonable and the legislature was foolish enough to grant the request, What would the Legion say If the Communists in Ohio wanted 115,000 to visit their side- kick in the White House? FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Benjamin N . Adam*. Minister Sabbath School, 10 a. Lesson; “David: Triumphant Faith,” Psalm. 23; 27:1-6, MorningWorship, 11 a, m. Theme,: “Fallow Ground” Sermonet: “An Electric Light Bulb.” 1 Christian Endeavor. 7 p. m. Topic: “ Learning To Co-operate.” Leafier, the pastor. v Session Meeting, Monday, 8 p ,m., at the Manse. Dayton Presbytery, Wednesday, 10 a m., at Carlisle. Monthly. Missionary Meeting, fours-, day, 2 p. m., at the home of Dr. and Mrs. McCheeney. Malcolm W. Bingay, the “Good Morning” columnist on, the Detroit Free Press proposes a parody on the “Modern Mother Goose” in behalf of that little group of-United States Senator* that had the nerve to open­ ly oppose the Communist, Roosevelt, who sought dictation, by the Supreme Court packing proposal whichwas de­ feated. This Roosevelt defeat brought about his personal determination to defeat each of the member* as they come up for re-nomination. He was determined to use the Hitler method and “ purge” each from public life. Mr. Bingay mused with the follow­ ing oyer the “purge” : Ten little purgees Tore the firing tine; ' * ♦One’ was saved by patriots, then there were nine, ‘ Senator Van Nuy*. o f Indiana. Nino little purgccs, waiting for their fate; ■ *Ono defied the dictator, then there were eight, « ‘ Senator Gillette, of Iowa, * £ D Eight little purgees, oh their Way to heaven; ‘ One laUghted at Der Fuehrer, then there were seven, , ■ ‘ Senator Clark, of Missouri. ■ * * * i ' Seven little pttfgccs, fighting in the sticks; ■- i? ‘ One socked a man named Pope, theft there weresixv . ‘ COngfesematt- Ik Worth Clark; of - Idaho, • ■ Six little purgees, hornets in A hive;' ^Gao etung a Maverick, then there: were five, ‘ Pan! KiJday, of Texas, a » 4 Five little purgees, now nil out for goto; ■- .. ‘ One slapped down MeAddo, then there were four. •'Sheridan Downey, of C%!iforn?s. a ■# * Four little- purgees, fighting to he free; l *Ofto fought the Civil War, then there were three. j •Senator Smith,o f North Carolina, I - ; A Three little purgees, feeling father* Nue; i - - •One defied the Whits Bouse, then there were two, •Senator Tidings, of Marylind, >. .a # * Two little purgees, watching what ia 4mm, How that .Mr*-Borrodin has raised the question aa to the right o f Re publicans to write • letter to pen­ sioners we. have 'but one question to ask'him: “ Do you know whether or Uot .the wife of a Democratic member of the- Greene <county board trans ferred her interest in a farm so that the board could grant'her an old age pensionf '' Mr. Borrodin should make thi» investigation and: also give hi* findings to the public through the pres*, ^ Mr. Borrodin—“ Is it not * fart that Gov. DavOy stated In a pres* report following tofe ao-caUed Washington hearing that, he Would reorganise toe Ohio pension department with a new manager thus limiting your activities as a director or chief o f the depart­ ment?” Mr, Borrodin has plenty to think about whenever he attempt* to cover Democratic management of the pension fund to blind pensioners and the public over trumped Up charge* of what the Republicans have done. I f the department was operated with a degree o f 'business management there would be plenty o f funds for pensioners but to get this hundreds of Democrats drawing 9200 a month snooping about would he out of jobs. The Ohio legislature appropriated 915,000 to hire bands for tha Ameri­ can Legion delegation at to* annual UNITED PRESBYTERIAN i ,v'\ t Ralph A. Jamieson. Minister Sabbath School, 10 a, tn. Meryl Stormont, Supt. Preaching, l l a. m, Theme: “Drift­ ing.” Y. P. C, U., 7 p, m. Leader; John Taylor. Union Service, J8,p. m., in the Meth .odist Church, fo e theme of toe sermon, “The Lam# Walk.’* ■ Choir Rehearsal, Saturday, 7:30 p. m. Rally Day will be one week from Sabbath, October 2. OUr Rally Day Congregational and Sabbath School Dinner and Social will be>held in the' Church Dining Hal), Wednesday, Sep­ tember 28, at 7 p. m. A ll member* of the Church organizations are urged to fce.'preseht. fo e Presidents o f each organization will present plan* for toe year, and all Will have opportun ity to give suggestion*, May we all hear and heed the Call which .come* from toe Head of the Churcli to Rally to His Standards, and unite Whole heartediy in Hi* service. Dr 0 Paul J. Volkert Dentist OFFICE HOURS Monday and Friday 0:3# A. M. t* S P. M. Tuesday, Thursday and Satwday #:M A. M. t# at## ,P. M. Ofilee Ctesed Wednesday Afternoon Phones 78 When you ntlacb tho«B nice „iiew auto tag* tonm iter POOHVISION caul' pul e * M y In Your Hand F. L NELSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST . - . Jamestown, Oh!* ' mutm A NAME THAT STANDS FOE GOOD FURNITURE ADAIR'S BUDGET FLAN AVAILABLE N Deirait «L „ %mbs fo ^g^i«>uteteha*ai . Tyrone Power and {^rnmNwMer in “Marie A atoinatto/ M38’s *ie»t scraea diam* “Marie Autotosu** too *tmy oi tb» life and sin* ot a royal bad-girt whoa* wild s^pades a* a love- starved baauty *U11 eontlnua to shock to* wofW ^Uer two cen- turies wilt ba neat feaiura attraction on to* Regent tosher acreon In Springfield begftratog a week’* vEgagement, Friday, September * With this magnificent production which set MetraDoMwyn- Mayer studio* back soma two and * half million dollars the in-' comparable Norm* Shearer, In to* title role, end* her two*year screen retirement. Mis* Shearer’s leading man J* Tyrime Power, in the role of the girt queen’* lover, the gallant Count «e Fejaem Their romonce Is woven like a golden thread through some q f the most spectacular scene* ever filmed. Rttih Bar Pranklut Uuivcrsi# Will cm MUIHSS m Mrs. W. W- Q* last. Friday after* toe Riusington Mr. WiNuun Ci from Ohm State eittod m position auraery firm, • k-r Mrs, Ed Hamiit with her daughtei Hugh Thomas, vf Chayteift LaCi- and Mrs, and Mil gave n dinner nine to thirty of home of Mr, and Five Greene Cou part in the Farid WHIO Monday, Sej 9:30. With Coun - Drake, Messrs. Williamson and Me program, ' Chaplain LaClede two daughters, hav - Castle, Pa,, for former’s parents, has received, his or ■ . San Diego, Calif., »- will leave Tuesday: ' Markle »nfi.daughter for several weeks, Mr. M. W. Collin a surprise Tuesday ’ found a number o f dents' nnd’neighbhr ‘ ‘ home of Mr, and k lister, honoring his i ■ day, -Softie twenty ■'!-geiit. ait tho.eVont ti his daughter, Mr: •Smith and Mrs. Met . the Recipient o| a m **, frln* etna, eg 4 i • « * « """— “ ™ * * • * * % * y L mSUtmM fW -u » k L s t l « r s H t o t e t e f i t o > . i • k'‘b . . * ■ fo e Northwest ' caravan celebrating , fo e caravan, visits he in Greenville, Moi Thomas, news comer sent- After a trip to will be in Dai’tom 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. S .tained Chaplain LaC . and family, Mr. and . and Mr, ami 4 a . s Spahr, whh aufferjed ‘ several month* ago of Mr- Townsley,. w tow family dipner, • Cedarvlllg^age herl I f , Cap’* *ad A general'invita fended tq Creehe c , . tend a tea.and me ■, Taft, wife of toe R< for Uriited States Xenia Armory, 1 Sept. 29th'At 8 o’c] a wonderfol’speakei ed lady, Miss Ate Springfield wl)l alsi is sponsored by. M Rejmblican Ghairv County, , ? »» WHb CXTHA fifar * Pay. O-BIG HiTSrJSg C m I m u it m m • “ W lS 0 F -TK SMBhE ■■USHERTIE110 m u H w F R l m We<| I t a W H & IM M l TOMAtCE* G m * Fwiwii* W lraeti OptO iiif-Fs IfYirt Wrnmm niklua*S 4 IN iin i1191 B" wum uuiTiunuuM tN r i