The Cedarville Herald, Volume 62, Numbers 1-26

* NEW THINGS ARE ADVERTISED ADVERTISING IS NEWS, AS MUCH BY MERCHANTS FIRST. ADVER- AS THE HEADLINES ON THE FRONT TIKHMHNTS KEEP YOU ABREAST z J t i l ? 1 3 1 Z L l L L i U L L L k Z V L i ^ f u f l i i PAGE. OFTEN IT IS OF MORE OF THE TIMES. .READ THEM! SIGNIFICANCE TO YOU. SIXTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 1 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1938 BRICE, $1.50 A YEAR NEWSLETTER FROMSTATE DEPARTMENTS COLUMBUS — Industrial'accidents in Ohio during 1937 caused an eco- nomie loss in wages alpnc of at least $20,000,000, it was announced by Sup­ erintendent Thomas P. Kearns of Ohio. “Assuming as correct .the engineering estim ate th a t the indirect, or hidden cost of accidents, is four times the direct cost,” Mr. Kearns added, “ it may be readily, seen th a t Ohio’s in­ d u stria l accident bill' for 1937 reached the amazing "total of approximately $100,000,000. When it is considered th a t a t least ninety per cent of. these accidents >vere preventable by. the ap­ plication of proper safety methods and safe practices, there is no need for argument that prevention -work in Ohio industry is still a crying need in spite of the steady growth of .safety sentiment on the p a rt of both employ­ ers and employes.” The 1937 record fo r the state' as a whole showed 239,- . . ........ Spring Valley J|j[| YGIVES 11939 Farm Prospects 1---------------- COURT NEWS .■ .» . —— -«+ Woman Killed By Pennsy Train VERDICT1 ; Look Brighter Says 1U ' Ag. Economist SCHOOL NEWS DIVORCE SUIT ""■"Declaring he. worked day and night j to proper necessities andJluxuries of life, (.stepped but th a t she insisted upon keeping Pennsylvania passenger train at th e , Miss Adeline Ballard, S2, Spring, i givu his wife and two children ; Valley was killed instantly when, she j in the path oi. a westbound.] MISSPOWERS roomers a t all times and nagged lum i Main 'st, crossing in th a t place at 3:15' constantly, James Anders,on, Fairfield,; p. ni„ Monday. has tiled suit in common pleas court for a divorce from Pricilla Anderson, A jury in the Greene County Com­ mon Pleas Court, Tuesday evening re- ' turned a verdict awarding $G,000 dam- Said lo .be deal, Miss Ballard aP" agps to Miss Dorothea Powers of Gin- parontly did not hear the■train as s h e , cjnnriti her. suit against Glen -B. 1 3 3 0 Lamar St. Dayton, on grounds ( attempted to cross from the north B»j-j>jattr 0f South Solon. An automobile of wilwul absence. They were married . the south side of the street, accord-; neej^ent -in which Miss powers and on Labor Day,in 1922, according to th e , ing to Coroner II. C. Shirk, who re- ( Charles W. Hptchison, Jr., of Coving- petition. ton, Ky., and three others were in- I turned an accidental death verdict. Miss Ballard, who made her h om c jjured j u|y 18, 1937, Was ma(le the with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds j basis of the suit. ' in Spring Valley, is survived by a FUND TRANSFER SOUGHT Authority to divert $1,000 from the township road fund to t h e ' general j sister, Mrs. Janies fund,' to pay. present and future obli- j Valley, gations, is requested in an .ap p lic a -j —— , ^—■— - tion filed by the Jefferson Twp. board l ’ of trustees. {Republicans Name Pointing out a deficit of .$13:48.' exists in the. general fund, the ap- P a t r o n a g e C O I T lI T U tte e plication set forth the road fund shows ; 1 -------— a balance of $1,884.03. P rosecutor! Chairman and secretary of the Re- Miss Powers had asked damages Adams, Spring ( 0f- $20,700. The jury retired at 5:30 ■ ' jt. in. and deliberated one hour. ' s | Hutchison, testifying for Miss Powers; Tuesday, related how the automobile • accident interrupted his marriage plans. He was. the driver of the car' in which Miss Powers was riding onroutc from Cincinnati to Akron .to- be married, when they were .The.agricultural, outlook, .for 1939 is brighter than in 1938 due to increased industrial- production, Prof. L. H. Barnes, agricultural economist a t Ohio State University, told seventy- liv'e farmers at. a . meeting of the Greene County Farm Forum in the Rotary Club rooms Monday night. Mr, Barnes discussed the outlook for farm- commodities, including hogs; cattle, sheep and dairy products and predicted the total farm income for 1939 will surpass the volume of pro­ ducts which will be marketed, ra th e r than to an increase in price. O. A. Dobbins, president and I-Ier- man \V. Eavey was toastm aster for the program which was in charge of Xenia Twp. members.. The .Caesar- creck Quartet, composed of William C. Miller, Emery Oglesbee, Charles Jjiw is anil Dennis Pagett, sang several songs accompanied ,by -Mi-sp P agett as pianist. Marcus Shoup represents the trustees.[publican Central Committee, Executive j injum l in a collision with# P ia tt’s ear •----- r - ' • 1!l,,d -Campaign Committees met- -last ,,i n .Route 42> twn miles ua8t of Cedar_ in „ fUpd which included 1090 W ,LL END 'RU ST ■ “ Saturday to name a patronage com- vj)k, The.a<.ci(|e„t.occum 'd a t a curve 10o claims, filed, which included , L’pon. the cross-petition of J. B. mittee for Greene county, where ap- . ifut,.hiKOrl- charged P ia tt’s civ fatalities, four permanent total dis- =Smith, a defendant in the case of plicants will file requests tor in d o rse -. aiso om iI)jed' bv j i rs P iatt and a son* d t S f i t i e s " '1 1925 PUVmane"- ' ’a r t' ! i-;harlt:S R' Bal6s’ against^ George ^T.j f" 1]. John, was. on the wrong side o f ‘the' ■j Whitaker-and others, for term ination1appointments a f te r .th e first of the hi(?|uvay- t.c.nh,,. Une. P ia tt denied of a tru st apd an ordor of distribution, : year. In a roster of the membership o f } court has directed the sheriff, as The .following is the committee.: charge, Wedding Anniversary Celebrated Nov, 24th Gregor and Karlin Bull, Codarville; Mrs. Matt i« McGinnis, Wilherforce. The committee meets Thursday by Senate Clerk Dwight I.. M a tch e ttc a]1 thp pr(1pc rty _ and House Clerk Fred-P. Elisass, list- ; • *' ed fifty-one attorneys in both branches , ’SALE AUTHORIZED' o f 'th e incoming legislature. R ep re -; . p tt|»llc sale of real estate- by the night for organization. sentative W. R. McChcsney of Cedar-j sheriff has been-decreed in the parti- ■— —:---------- ville, Greene county, the head of Ce^-.-tjon suit of Alice E. Swope and others darville. college, was the only college j agajnst Lloyd' Gand. president included in the membership.; ...___ There are several clergymen, d en tists,: DIVORCE GRANTED ' farmers, physicians, newspapermen, !. 0n grounds 0f ^-oss neglect of duty, druggists a former-banker . and the Charles Marsh has been awarded a operator of farm stone quarry as well | div0,.(,e fr(>m Edith Marsh. . a s other professions and occupations ■ listed in the roster. , : i' ... ESTATES APPRAISED' "— ' ! • Three estates have been appraised I Commissioner- Lawrence 'Wooddell under probate court direction as fol- of the sta te division- of conservation estimated th a t Ohio’s vest a rm y , of -more than 600,000 hunters \yill spend nearly $15,000,000 this fall and winter •conjunction with their .favorite sport: The estimate, Commissioner Wooddell wanted it made clear, was for the cur­ ren t season and does not include a per7 manent investment of some $15,000,- 000 in guns and other equipment. It was thought that approximately, $800,- 000 will be spent for. licenses:, $L- 800,000. fo r shells; $9,000,000 on trips, $3,000,000 on -additional equipment such as boots, hunting coats, shell vests anr related articles. Mts. Frank Owens Died Tuesday Eve. -Mrs, Minnie Belle Owens, 03; wife of Frank Iv Owens,-, died at her home on North St., Tuesday at 9:20 p. nr,; a fte r an. extended illness. In failing health- eighteen-.years,- her condition became serious a week ago when .she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Born in Codarville-, March 10, 1875. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hackett, Of nciir Xenia, ’celebrated their fiftieth wedding -anniversary Thanksgiving Bay a t the home of their son-in-law All five occupants of the two c a r s ; am| daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ran- • and three other d am ag o .-^ ,^ oilst of Ccdarville. 'ITle host pending, the result of th e »an(] hostess were assisted by Mr and Hutchison sued Glenn P ia tt; M rs.'H a ck e tfs son and daughtcr-in- nd was himself sued by j hnVf Ml>. an<l Mrs. James Hackett, also r, $(i,050 and. John P ia tt ( of near Xeniii, « 0' . Covers were laid for fifty-four rol- : ' * . , atiyes at .tables beautifully decorated with gold and "white appointments. A j large wedding cake graced the center] i of the brides table For Free Lunch Fund The Cedarville Public Schools will sponsor :.ui unusual program , on Wed­ nesday evening, December 7. Actual television will be demonstrated on the stage in the school auditorium. It will be possible to see pictures of local pupils and patrons projected on the screen by means of this new scientific invention. . This marvel o f'th e present age will soon bo as common in our homes as radio is at the -present' time. I t will be well worth .anyone’s time to see how actual pictures are-sent, through the air and projected on a screen. The proceeds of this show will be used fo r financing free lunches for our undernourished school -children. All persons interested in this worthy pro­ ject. are urged to attend, One 25 cent ticket -\yill pay : for two ' free lunches. ' . •Admission will be 10 cents for all school pupils and 25 cents for adults. Tickets will bo on s:i]e this week by Boy Scouts and other pupils:’ The pro­ gram will begin promptly a t R:15 p.- m. i D.L ELLIOTT < MEETS DEATH BYTRAINCRASH John Gillaugh Called By Death Wednesday P. A.ssen'ibiy .Program The weekly assembly was devoted to .th e Thanksgiving theme,'Wednes­ day, November 23. The devotional period in charge of the junior class in­ cluded Scripture" reading -by Berniece Frame, President’s Proclamation read by Maude Turner, and “G ratitude” ,a poem raid .by.Gail Shaw. The school orchestra- played a nuin- D. L. Eliott, Jamestown, met instant death Wednesday morning a t 8:57 when his log truck was hit by a Penn­ sylvania passenger train a t a grade crossing near Selma. ' • So fa r as known there, were no eye witnesses to the accident and-the truck wreckage with posts was carried a mile down the track towards Cedar­ ville before- the tra in ,w a s brought to a stop. ..For-a time .it coijid. n o t ' be de­ termined whether the coroner of Clark • or Greene; county could hold the in­ quest but later it was decided th a t E liott’s death took place in Clark county. The body was removed to the Sprague •' Funeral ■Home in South Charleston. The engine whistle was wide optm so th a t Elliot had warning if he heard the blijst. - The crash put the air b rak e s-and ' I steam chest on the locomotive out of . commission and another was secured from the Xenia yards. Born in Adams County, 0.;‘ on May 12, 1879,. Elliott had lived in Spring-- field the, g re a te r p a rt of his life. He moved to Jamestown a little more than a; year ago. He was a member of the' •Seventh Day Adventist Church. Survivors are His widow, Grace, five 'daughters,' Mrs, Naomi ■Cates, Mrs. ' Ruth Smith, and the Misses LaVonne, Maxine-and Wilnnna. Lee Elliott, all of Springfield, two sons, Marion of ' ber of selections a t the beginning and Springfield, and Leroy of Jamesto > a, four brothers, Harold. T. and O. G. Elliott both of Monroe, La., John of conclusion of^'the program. , . The -speaker of the morning, Dr. ,. . i a t " if o u ite en , David 'Markle, pastor of the local Lewis, Kan.-, and Noah J. of Spring- . honored guests were seated. Other Methodisl Ch6rc " .decorations were bronze chrysanthe mums and crystal candelabra with from -Yellow h, related' the details of the first Thanksgiving season, i U s - ing the symbolism ’of five grains' of. corn, he .urged his listeners', to be grateful for .the fruitage of history, rings, Xenia,. Osborn, T)avton, iu , :• i. , * ■ , , . . .. I .l.i .... .. , ^ lho wrt,k of (lie church, inspiration of 1.- lows: Estate iof Fernando Jesse Sanders: gross value, $11,748.03; obligations,: da lighter of Henry, W. and $4,194.14; net value, $7,544:49. E state of Hannah L. Lloyd, gross value, $858.14; obligations, $811.57; net value,. $40.57. : I Estate of A lbert M. Bozarth: gross | vaSyue, .$2,087; debts, $805.79; admin­ istrative cost, $319; net value,. $1,571- .21. - Fallen arches from standing for two hours to witness .a football game and stiff necks from craning to see over o r around someone are, or will be, things of the p ast in seventy-six Ohio communities as the result of WPA stadium projects, according to Dr. Carl Watson, state WPA adm inistrator. II< said that the seventy-six safe, modern stadia and playing fields have been Catherine Houehlns Ford, she had spent her entire life in this place. She married Mr, Owens iri Dayton. Jah- uaiy 20. 1908. ' v “ .. .Besides her husband she leaves a daughter,. Miss Alberta, a t horiii!;,“twd I,t t>*In11-;-, Williiini and Alya Ford, Fe- ilnrville; two nice.s-and a nephew. ^ _____ •-Funeral services will he conducted APPOINTMENTS MADE. a t'th e McMillan Funeral Home, <’e- R. "A . Huston has been mimed darville, Friday at 2 p. m.,'in charge executor of the estate of J. W. Huston, «f Rev. A.. Hutchison, funnerly late of Miami Twp., without bond. J,-. pastor, of the local M. K, Church, with J. Curlett, Kenneth Fogg and J o h n ; burial in North Cemetery. . • Alexander were appointed appraisers. — ------------ . C. W. Ryan, has been a p p o M . BlaiVCliester To executor of the estate of Sarah Ryan, late of Xenia, under $1,000'bond, • John Gillaugh, 80, resident of-th is! a,. - , -, ,, t 1hose present, were place form ally years, died Wednesday j )rj ,-afternoon a t his "home following., a ; e . c , . • ,» , i , , , j - ... ■!bpriiigfu-ld, New Holland, Columbus i t;,,,,-,. ,.i., , ,, •- paralytic stroke some time ago. H e i / j. a . . . . . • ’ • .,| lives, work-for each life, and love of , . ,- , . ' . , , , ., - *and (. incinnati. . | r. , had .been in failing health' the p ast; i foul. ... - ■: i; ■ .1.. > ' --- —:---:------------- - lew years. . < t. ■ j . . Thai deceased was th e son of Conrad j F ^ r m 6 1 * S T o H c HT and-Mary Gillaugh and Was. born in] ' -.-Fairfield, O., October id,d.8u2. Other brothers, Horace, William, Charles, , and t\vo sisters Mrs. F raver Xenia, and Mrs. Sarah Crouse of this place passed on some years? ago. He is survived Crows, Hog Specialist.1 J. W. 'Vyuichet, will known hog j specialist of Ohio S ta te University,! will address a meeting of feeders and C. If, S. vs. Spring Valley . Three-. basketball squads will rep­ resent C. JI, S., Friday night, De- cembep "27 a t Spring Valley, for the second game of the 1938-39 season. field, two sisters, Mrs. Manless Reed and Mrs. Florice Fulton both of Sink­ ing-Springs, O., and two grandchild dren. , . ■ i t was the same tra in in this ac­ cident that figured in the boiler ex­ plosion several months ago when both engineer and fireman were killed. The latter a niile an d 'h a lf w est of Selma and the former- in the village. Evening Course In Dairying vived by oho sister, Mrs. Sarah j farmers ut the High School Auditori- Saturday rpglit, , December, -0. S. i The Board of Education tin t •r . Dayton, and one half-brother,' um, Tuesday, Dec. 20thVat 8 p. m. The' & S’' ° ’ l,llaketeers will meet the Red \/ocatioiml Agriculture Dcp rank,- Wilmington. j.irtort-ing ".sponsored by Frank Gres-1 “J1!1■Wll!U! flu,ntet- t,,c hill<1‘ l has authorized an evening M>i u'<ie muri’inil . IVfiuu Mtiwtici! ii . « , i \V'0(>(1. I J., I« . * 1 1 Honor Cong.-Elect He. was married to Miss innie ;\V(.|| an(n u Ueh wi„ be served. Bazel, Selma, February 2, 1893, and! m ,-. Wuicliet.will speak on i.-> survived by bis wife, a daughter, i vantage of -Blending and -Mixing Your • st‘ .Mrs. Anna McFarland, College Corner, IQwn Feed.” ' i -<),; and two sons, George and Luw-1 , ___ _ . reiiccuif this place, besides six grand | -. e ehiidren. iXenia Skating •» Mr. Gillaugh united with the Gor.-j man Reformed Church in Fairfield: Rink Is Leased when a young man and a fte r locating .hero had his membership transferred to 1lie United Presbyterian Church 37 wood There will be two boys-’ O. S. & S. .O. Here Saturday Night ’ through the Department course | which- is avajiahle to all farm ers in- "Ad-! *“v; y Panios’ i terosted in dairying. This ycar-.the start ing at 7:45 >and 8:45, i courses i offered will be in dairying. “ ~ {This evening course will be held each , Miss Harden 111 j Tuesday, 8:00 p. m. beginning De- Miss Edith Harden, commercial in-1 eenitier 13. i struclor in the local high school .is ill j Walu,,. Rof,t,rs> the her<iSman a t the ; at her.Imme in Terre Haute, Indiana,! 0 s and s 0 Hoinc wi„ bo the ; Miss Harden’s illness is due to com . ,nslnu.tol, Mr. Rogers formerly hcad- j plications arising from infected .Ion-1 , (hc 1)ai|.v Ht,,d improvement As-*. SALES APPROVED Sale by the guardian of Joseph P. Glass, of his ward’s interest in cer­ tain property, for $1,750, to E, II. and .Ella Kinnumon, hns been confirmed by Hon. Clarence .1, -Brown, enngrexs- vears ago. I constructed, or are in the process of (the court. ;• construction, as WPA projects. “The The court approved adm inistrator’s th e funeral will bo held a t 2 p, m„Mbe old skating rink on K. Third sl„ man-elcet from the, Seventh District, Salurday'afternoon from tile McMillan | fm- the Uentral high school basketbal] will be honored by his fellow towns- Funeral Parlors with burial in Mnssics-I -R!l|h ''d s season. - ■ - men, a t the Hotel Bindley, Blanches- (‘,«.ck 'Cemetery.- -j. ’Iiu slees of the American Glirislian ter, Friday,-Dee.. 9th at 7:30 p.-m . v ' | Church Union, who. rejected an offer The party will be under the direction' »■ ■ , n '............. .... ■ ■ —- f i fo1' a year’s lease earlier in the week, frequent collapse rickety wooden stadia or the lack of any stadium ■whatever,” Dr. Watson asserted, “mo­ tivated communities or school bonrds to sponsor these stadium projects a t an average cost, complete, of $44,955.” sale of-property belonging to the Han­ nah L. Lloyd estate, to J. C. and Pearl M. Davis for $530. if Mayor Herman Shank and •other : village officials and guests will h e 1 County nm irniou in (lie District as well as close friends of Mr. Brown. . COLLEGE NEWS For Basketball! sils. Her class work will he in charge ,.- ....— , iof Mrs, Eleanor McUullisLcr. substitute Xenia city school board has leased ..aeher in- the high selmo), Miss Harden’s many friends wish for her a'speedy and ’complete re- love.ry to health. Mrs. 'Florence Aultnian,. teacher of •the Sight Saving Room, was unable to attend school, Wednesday. Mrs. Kathleen Cresweli, the elementary substitute teacher had charge of her room, The sp irit of Yuletide came officially to the sta te with the erection, under the direction of Acting Supervisor Charles Hutchings of the division .of State House and grounds of decora­ tions in the form of colored lights on the dome and fron t of the Capitol, Mr, Hutchings said th a t a twenty-five foot illuminated Christmas tree, would be installed in the rotunda of the Capitol within a few days to supplement the exteriar decorative scheme, SETTLEMENT APPROVED Xenia Banks Adopt Shorter Schedule Harry Sparks Is Restored To Job Upon, authorization by probate court Miss Eleanor-Baxley, 18, Xenia has been awarded $2,500 in full settle­ ment of a clai magainst H. H, Hantil-' tt I , # . Y, , ; . - „ 1 Harry A. Sparks, former Xenuin,| ton, Leesburg, Route 1, arising from I , , • , , , , ! „ . , , ’ . , 7 . , vvho was kicked out of the State High-, an accident last Aug, 9, in which her I „ , , , . . , ' [ wav Department when he gave dam- right leg was injured and was later ; . , * , ., a . „ . , . , L , aging inform ation'to the Senate In- amputated above the knee, The settle- , > . . - -...., - , . . . tr -v -i vestigation Committee relative to let- ment of a claim against H, II, Hnmil- . ting of highway contracts a t extreme Justin Hartman, an alumnus of Ce- *l' . darville College spoke to the D r a - actl.°'1 froa] nialies Club, Tuesday evening, talk concerned his visit to New York this lest summer, and the plays he saw on Broadway while he was there. Iexperienced' a change of h eart and ; authorized the rental for the duration i ivf'the season, ' Tlie action means th a t Central’s ‘ court team will tran sfer its scene of the inadequate gym* jjjs i nasinm in the school building to the huge rink building, both for practice find, games, of Judge Frank L, Johnson, guardian of Miss* Baxley, Xehia’s two banks have adopted a sho rter banking hour schedule effect­ ive Dec. 1 to comply with provisions of the wnng and hour law, • Tht> hanks will open a t 9 a. m, daily, a half Hour later than at' present, and will close a t 3 p, m„ lis a t present. They will be closed a t noon the year around on Wednesdays Jo nllow cm ployes a -half holiday, QUEEN ESTHERS The Misses Mary-Lou and Dorothy 'Nieman entertained the November meeting of the Queen Esthers, with seventeen members present. The presi­ dent, Miss Butty Irvin had charge of opening services followed by devotions lead by Miss Almeda Harper, A fter the meeting a social hour was enjoyed during which time a number of games and contests were enjoyed and delicous refreshments Were served. prices based on unreasonable high estimates, hns been restored fo tiis job by a decision of Judge Charles A, Leach, Franklin county Common Pleas Judge, Sparks was a civil service em­ ployee and a suit was filed to compel reinstatement. In ns much as admin­ istrations change in January it wasj certain Sparks would get his job back as Highway Director John .luster will loose his place when John -W. Briekcr flbecomes fovemor. Ja sle r- r<signed several days ago. More group pictures for The'Ccdrus were t a k e n , Wednesday morning. Work on the coliege annual is progressing rapidly under the direction of the editor, Bennett McNenl, ROAD WORKER KILLED BY CAVE-IN. FRIDAY Tonight the basketball season opens for Cedarville College when the first game of the year will be played with Springfield Y. M. C. A., in Dm Alford gymnasium. The reserve game begins at. 7:15 p. m. . , 'th e g irls'o f the Y, W, are hsivyig u chili supper tonight immediately be­ fore the basketball game a t ihe home of Maty Jean Townsley. The girls will then attend the game in a body. Report Cards Issued ’ Many sighs and groans were heard, Wednesday morning, when report cards for the second grading period were issued. sociatiou in Greene .County. The -local instructor of Vocational Agriculture' will assist in- this work, ' ; There will lie te ir meetings in this series, meeting each, Tuesday .evening for ten'weeks. Also, there will be no tuition charge. The. salary of the in- • struetor is paid entirely by the State and Federal Departments. The course will be organized around your particular problems so be sure ! to lie a l the first, meeting to present !.your dairy problems. ' For fu rther details in regard to this course please consult Mr. CL K. Swal- len,. the local instructor. RED CROSS NOTICE VICENA GRINDLE DEAD I)R. CIIESNUT WILL BROADCAST Radio Station WMMN will broad­ cast the regular church service of the F irst Presbyterian Church, Fairmont, W. Va. The sermon will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. James L, Chesnut, O.D., formerly of this place, Station WMMN has recently been granted 5,000 kilo-watts and is now the most •powerful in tho state, » Miss Vienna Grindle, retired nurse, died a t the homo of her niece, Mrs. J. II,.H arris, Clifton, Wednesday a t 4 a. m., without regaining consciousness after suffering serious injuries in a fall down stairs a t the Harris home, Tuesday a t 11:30 p. m. The annual Christmas party for members of the Research Club will ho held this Friday evening a t Geycr’s in Xenia, Improper Licenses * ... Costly To Hunters (’harglrtl with possessing improper hunting licenses, Roger Sexton, 22, and Edwin Clemens, 22,' both of Ml. Sterling, pleaded guilty and were each fined $25 and costs, wiih $15 suspend­ ed, when arraigned Friday before E l­ don Bailey, Silvercreek township justice of the ponce. The arrests wore made Thursday by K. R. Stroup, county game protector, and Clyde Rudduek, deputy game wavden, who charged the yuohts were using hunt­ ing licenses issued to other persons. ■Mr, John Dorst made a business trip to Cincinnati Wednesday, ..S tu d en ts and faculty of Ccdarville College would like to express their sympathy to Mr. Frank Qwcns, who suffered the loss of his wife Tuesday night, .1, E, Linkhnrt, 58, road worker under the Greene County .Engineer's i;olfice, was instantly killed l a s t ‘Friday by a cave-in a t the county gravel pit on the Dayton pike a t 10 o’clock. He was engaged in loading gravel on a truck a t the time. The rush of gravel forced him against the end of the truck breaking his neck. Coroner-II, C. Shirk rendered a verdict of ac» .•idenlnl death. He had been employed by tlie county for a number of years, He is survived by his widow, Ada Faye Linkhart, and the following chil­ dren: Ernest. W,, of Cirelcville;. Mrs. E lm er■ Jones, Mrs. Thelma" Filson, Mrs. Lucy Shaffer and Raymond E„ of Xenia; Mrs. Mae' Burgerl, near Day- ton; Mrs. Anna Shaffer, Springfield; Robert, C arl,-Curtis and Betty, a t home, A brother; Brice, of Yellow Springs, and a sister, Mrs. Nellie Hot- lingshend, of I^ehanon, also survive. Next Week’s Game Bryan High will furnish competition for the C. II. S. basketball squads, Friday, December 9, in the Iocnl gym­ nasium. A SON IS BORN CHAMIMON STEER BRINGS ONLY $3.25 POUND . The grand ohpmpion steer of 1938 Internalional livestock exposition sold Thursdays for $3.25 a pound, or $1 a pound more than last gear's chnmpioti, and the highest since 1929. Dr, and Mrs. C. A. Hutchison, Jr., of New York City, are- announcing the birth of a son, Clyde Allen Hutchison HI, at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, New York, Saturday. Mrs. Hutchison was formerly Mifls Jane West, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. J. K. West, Dr. Hutchi­ son is engaged in research work in chemistry a t Columbia University. Vocational Agriculture News The F, F. A, has organized a gilt chain this fall which will continue for three years or longer. Seven F, F. A. members have received nine register­ ed Hampshire gilts by contract. Tho original gilt-becomes the. property of the boy when two 150 pound gilts or three 12 week-old gilts have been re ­ turned to the F. F. A, These animals were purchased from Mr, Robert Mac­ Gregor. A three year loan was pro­ cured from the Miami Production Credit Association of Dayton, The F, :F, A, plnns to give pigs* out to boys next year and possibly' sell,Severn!. ' 1 - Tite boys' on the chain now are Harold Cooley, Donald Brewer, E lmer Brower, Carl Watkins, Kenneth Bene- diet, Junior C rum rine,, and Vernon [ Dinnen. Other boys purchasing rog-j istcred gilts for projects privately are j Harold f e r r y - 2 ..gills, Earl Chaplin,] Jam es Ramsey, Ronald Anderson and] Joe Tucker, one gilt each. This is a ’ total of 15' registered gilt, projects. i . The purpose of the gilt chain,is to] got better bred hogs on more farm s] and to help boys finance, projects.! In spite of the fact th a t the local solicitors *in tlie Roll Gall fo r ..the American Red Cross have made an effort to contact everyone in the oomnuinity, there are still a few per­ sons whom they have been unable to solicit. It will lie-greatly appreciated if those few will give their contribu­ tions to Mrs. Anna Collins Smith. Pi.VNT SOON COMPLETED The sewerage plant fo r joint use of- Fairfield and Osborn is nearing com­ pletion, Fairfield will use the plant 011 a rental gallonage basis. The cost • of the plant was about $210,000, CHRISTMAS SEALS (Continued on page three) H e lp fo P ro te c t Yout Home from Tuberculosis