The Cedarville Herald, Volume 62, Numbers 1-26
mrntrnm CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, 1I4Y IX W k •** Local and Personal The Kensington Club will meet Thursday, May 18th at the home o f Mrs. Howard Turnbull near Spring- held. Mr. Edward Nesbit, Indianapolis, Ind., a former resident stopped here Wednesday where he cailed on friends. Mr, Nesbit has been salesman in this territory fo r an Illinois wall paper nwi* 0rial a**"*^* for Mrs. W. R. Mc- ttESEAECH CLUB ENTERTAINED AT THE KNOTT HOM$ ■mrmmmrn * Members o f the Research Club en joyed a delightful luncheon last Fri day, with Mrs. W, A. Spencer as hostess, when the club met. at the Knott farm home near Pitchin. Small raffia baskets filled with spring flowers marked each cover as favors. Twenty-ttvp members and guests were enteitaincdv Following luncheon Mrs, J. E. Kyle, and Mrs. Belle Summers conducted a company for a number of year, Dr. and Mrs, Jphn Bickett of New, ton, Iowa, have been spending several days with their son-in-law and daughr ter, Mr. and Mi'ty,. Ward Qreawnjl; They leave here oh jr$rjjp to Washing ton andPhiladelphia and will return to their home after a visit in the East. Miss Dora Murphy, governess o f the ClarkCounty Children’s Home, Spring- field, resumed her duties Sunday after being ill six weeks from influenza at at the home o f her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Tinsley Corn. , 1Cbesney; who digd recently. Mrs. Me Chesney had been elected to serve as the. club's vice president next year. A business meeting was' conducted ■and.Mrs. J. Lloyd Confarr was named jrice'jrespleiTt to fill the vacancy creat ed. l^rMr^^McChesney's death. Other officers;are Mrs, Frank Creswell, presi dents Mrgk Meryl Stormont, secretary, and 'Mr's- A, E. Richards, treasurer. The afternoon was spent socially and iontests, arranged by Mrs, Rich- ard3,;wel‘e enjoyed. The blub will hot resume its meet ings until September but a picnic is planned for members this summer, the date to be announced later. Mrs. J. M. Auld and son, Harvey, spent Sabbath in Iberia, 0., visiting her. father, Adam Crider, who cele brated his 90th birthday, Tuesday, Neighbors and relatives observed the event on that day. The General Assembly o f the U. P. Church meets in Philadelphia, Pa., May 24, this being the eighty-first session of that body. Dr. H. B. Mc- Elree, o f the Second U. P.' Church, Dr. R. A. Jamieson, Cedarville, and Dr. R‘. W. Ustick, Springfield, will at tend. Dr. Ralph Atkinson, Los Angeles, Calif., moderator, will de liver the moderator’s sermon at the opening session. Mrs. C.- E. Masters and Mrs. Laura Cecil visited from Tuesday until Fri day in Mingo Junction with their sis ter, Mrs. John Ray and family. They were also in Steubenville, O., and Pittsburgh, Pa. D. A. R. WILL ELECT OFFICERS AT MEETING SATURDAY AFTERNOON Offi nrs for the coming year will be elected and annual reports will be sub mitted at a meeting o f Cedar Cliff Chapter, Daughters of, the American Revolution; at the home of Mrs. David McElro^t of near Cedarville, Saturday afternoon, at 52 o’clock. Miss Josephine Randall, principal o f Jafnestotyn High School, and a mem ber for the chapter will give a travel- talk. Mrs, B. II. Little, will be assistant hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond William son entertained members of the La- Petite Bridge Club and guests, at din ner at their home Tuesday evening. The decorations were a scheme of pink and white for the guests at quartet tables. Following dinner the guests formed nine tables for bridge. Prizes were awarded Mrs. H. H, Brown and 'Mx‘. "George MartindaleJ Out o f town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turnbull, near Springfield, and Mr. and ?.fllrs. George Martindale, New Moorefiehl; Oi. , For Sale—Ohe upright piano, one sewing machjpg, -Iqne .wooden kitchen cabinet. " / E. S. Hamilton. < Mr. and Mrs, William Marshall were host and hostess Wednesday evening to 'members of the Sunny- side Club, five tables being formed for bridge. Prizes were awarded Mrs. Harley Davis, Mrs. H. H. Brown, M r . Amos Frame and Mr. Chester Murphy. A salad course was served duding the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reed, of Clifton; Mr. And Mrs, Paul Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Frame, Mr.'and Mr.s Har ley Davis, Mr, and Mrs. H. K. Stor mont, Mr. and Mrs. Aden ■ Barlow, Mr. and Mrs; Chester Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. M . C. Nagley and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. BABY CHICKS available on Tues day and Friday; 8 years blood test- flng and cullipg. - ■Order now. Phone j 1103, Ginavon’s Hatchery, 321 W . ; Church St. or Fairfield Pike, 4 miles north of Xenia. \ (4Q me wMr* say 1939 graduates . . . And no wondcrl Elgin haobeen the traditional American graduationgift for generations. And this year our newest ElginBoffer more smartness, more value, than over. One glance, and yon’II want to give one to your graduate. Seeparticularlythe18-jewel Elgin "American Beauty'* models, at only J29.75. Other fmeElgiMfrofln|lC.50up—each thoroughlyAmericaninwork manship, and a ‘most appro priategift for YoungAmerica. A—ElginAmerican Beauty.ISJnuelt /o r dependability. Herat. tlfully cared. P rkei at B —StHkingncicElitin Cacolirr,Sturdy and tKtumtc. Squat* m m if m y popular, «24Z§ Q i / A JL # y V u r J E W / £ & - £ £ £ & Springfield, Ohio Program-—Week of May L2 Friday and Satnrdny, May 12-13 Double Feature "K IN G OF CH INATOWN” The Jobes Family in * “DOWN ON THE FARM ” Snuday and Monday, May 14-15 “JESSE JAMES” Tyrone Power—Nancy Kelly Henry Fotida Special Matinee Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday And Thursday, May 17*18 “BURN ’EM UP O’CONNOR” Dennis O’Keefe—Cecelia Parker Cartoon—'Pete Smith*—BoHal . T H E A T R E Contract Let For Hauling Mail Ralph Oglesbee, Xenia, and Roscoe Fudge, Xenia Twp.; were the low bid ders on star route mail contracts from the Xenia postoffice. The contracts are for four years. Oglesbee was low bidder at $940 on the route from Xenia to Wilberforce, Cedarville, Jamestown and back to Xenia, a distance o f 28 miles. He will succeed Roger Rogers who did not bid again, Fudge was low bidder at $1,275 on the Xenia, Bellbrook to Spring Valley t o .Waynesville, returning by way o f Harveysburg, and New Burlington to Xenia, a distance o f 44 miles. He succeeds Everett Bailey. Two round trips each day are re quired except for holidays, when one trip is required. METHODIST CHURCHES WILL ALL BE UNITED There will be no longer use o f the word “ Episcopal” in connection with the Methodist Church, according to action 'of the Conference in session ih Kansas City where Methodist Episco pal, Methodist Protestant and Meth odist South have been united in one denomination. There are four Methodist Protestant Churches in the county, Bowersville, Painterville, Eleazar hnd Alpha. Bow ersville will ‘ have two Methodist churches as a result. There are two in Xenia and they will be known as. First Methodist and Trinity Methodist. GOLDEN RULE CLASS The Golden Rlue Circle Class o f the Methodist Church held the regular monthly meeting in the church parlors Friday evening, with the president, Mrs. Arthur Cummings in charge. Mrs. Cora Trumbo led the devotions and based the •Scripture reading on the theme, “ Kindness.” Mrs. Markle sang, “ Bo It Mine to Plant a Flower,” in keeping with the theme. ■ . ■ After the business session, the com mittee in charge had various interest ing contests and games which helped to make the evening a very enjoyable ohe. During the social hour, delicious refreshments were served by the com mittee. . QUEEN ESTHERS The Misses Betty Brewer and Grace Dock entertained the Queen Esthers at the home' df Miss Betty Brewer’s, Wednesday, with, twenty members present. The president, Miss Betty Irvine, presided*' Miss Ruth Irvine led devo tions and Miss Norma Dean reviewed the study book. After the meeting hour was enjoyed by all. Games were played and delicious! refreshments were COUNT 'i GETS $8,605 RELIEF FUNDS FROM STATE Greene county has been alloted the su of $8,605 state funds for relief pur poses out of more than $800,000 that went to 41 counties. The March expenditure for relief in the county was as follows: ■ The encumbrance for Xenia city was $2,592.44. Other expenditures were listed as follows: Bath Twp., $145.41; Beavercreek Twp., $181.50; Caesar- ereek Twp.,. $169.41; Jefferson Twp., $66,13; New Jasper Twp., $104; Ross Twp;, $61.05; Siltfercreek Twp., $472- ,90; Spring Valley Twp., $91.50; Sugnrcrcek Twp., $203; Xenia Twp., $451.31; central oflide, $1,355.03. Cedarville Twp. trustees turned its relief back to the courtly. BIRTHS REPORTED FOR APRIL Charles Thomas Ahling, 130 Trurti- bull St., Xenia; Ruth Ann Ary, O. S. & S. O. Home, Xenia; Robert Barry Buell, 212 W. Third St., Xenia; James Albert Barr, Fairfield; Jimmie Brown, R. R. No, 4, Xenia. ' Wayne Edward Edmonds, R. R. No. 5, Xenia; Larry Leon Guthrie, R. R. No. 1, Jamestown; Neil Lamar Gus tafson. R. R. 2, Jamestown; Doris Juanita Gorman, 19 Lynn St., Xenia; Wayne Allen Grooms, R. R. No. 3, Xenia, Carol Ann Homick, 135 E. Main St., Xenia; Ronald Leo Hamilton, Yellow Springs; Connie Leoma Hite, R. R. No. 2, Jamestown; Nancy Fay Mundy, Yellow Springs; Chester Dean Mus tard, It, R. No. 1, Xenia; Wayne Leroy Maxton, Cedarville; Nancy Leo Matthews, R, R. No, 2, pCenia; John WiHinm McClain, R, R. No. 4, Xenia; julinnno McDermott, Dayton; John Phillip McKelvy, 21 Lynn St., Xenia. Kenneth Vernon Nixon, Yellow Springs; Gerald Lynn Nolley, Cedar ville; Virginia Ann Price, R. R. No, 2, Xenia; Donald A. Sueary, R. R. No. 4, Xenia; Harold Nathan Rumbaugh, R. R. No, 3, Xenia. Linda Jean Ringer, Cincinnati Ave,, Xenia; Alan Roy Rockhold, R. R. No. 2, Jamestown; Margie Ellen Rowland, Jamestown; George Harold Smith, Jr„ 713 E. Main St., Xenia; John Richard Stultz, R. R. No. 1, Yellow Springs. William Alan Schueller, 511 S. De\ troit St., Xenia^ Shirley Adeline Shaw, 243 Fair St., Xenia; Shirely Ann Van way, 29 Miller Ave,, Xenia; Doris Jean Wigal, R. R. No. 1, Jamestown. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister Sabbath School, 10:00 a, m, Supt. Emile Finney. Preaching, 11:00 8, m< Theme, “ Mother’s Day.’ ’ Y. P, C. U., 7:00 p. m. Subject, “ When is a Home Christian’ * Union Service, 8;00 p. m„ in the Presbyterian Church, Prayer Service, Wednesday, 8:00 p, m: Leader, Mrs. Leo Anderson. Choir Rehearsal, Saturday, 7:30 p m. The pastor and wife will leave Mon day to attend the Commencement exercises of the Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, In Pittsburgh Pa., and the following week the meet ing o f the General Assembly in Phil adelphia, Pa. Mrs. Jamieson will spend the latter week with the daugh ter, Mrs. Harley Bohlke at Amster dam, New York. The Young People’s Christian Union will have charge of the morning serv ice, May 21, and Frank E. Wiley will preach, May 28th. The Wileys move the following day, May 29th to Rush- ville, Ind., where he has accepted a call to the United Presbyterian Church o f that city. dent Rife. SCHOOL NEWS (Continued from first page) instruction of Miss Carrie M THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. David H. Markle, Minister Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Ser mon theme: “ Mother.*’ Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Youth Forum, 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship, 8:00 p. m. Union Service -in Presbyterian Church. Rev. Jamieson will bring the message. Monday, May 15th. County When’s Brotherhood at First Methodist Church, Xenia. This is Ladies Night. Dr. Walter Briggs of King Ave. Meth odist Church will be the speaker, , Friday, May 19th. District Meet ing of the Women’s Home Missionary Society at Milford, Ohio. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Benjamin N. Adams, Minister Sabbath School, 10:00 a. m. Mr. H. K. Stormont, Supt. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Mother’s Day Theme: ^‘Winsome Womanhood.” Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Leader: Ruth Ramsey. Topic: “ When Is A Home Christian?" Union Evening Service, 8:00 p. m. Dr. Jamieson will speak at the Pres byterian Church. ^ Senior Choir Rehearsal^ Wed., 7:30 p. m. Cedarvjlle New Baseball Champ In a play-off contest Monday after noon on the Dayton Oakwood diamond, Cedarville became champion o f Greene County rural scholastic baseball by defeating Beaver 3-2. A home run in the fourth inning by William Glass, a pinch-hitter, pro vided the margin o f victory for Ce darville. The play-off was made necessary when Beaver triumph over the local lads in a final league game a week ago ,and caused a deadlock for first place at the finish of the league schedule. By virture of the past-season vic tory, Cedarville earned the right to compete, In Class B district diamond tournament at Dayton this week-end. Draking a first winner o f the Enon- Mechanicburg game (in the second round) at 1 p. m. Friday on the Oak- wood diamond, Dayton. •Track News In the annual track and field day for Greene County rural schools, held Friday at Xenia, Beaver High boys and girls’ took first honors. C, H. S; boys ranked seventh, while the local girls were in fourth place. Winning|local participants and the events entered are .Albert Harris, 2nd in shot put;- Robert Wiseman, 3rd in high jump’ and 3d in pole vault; J. Huffman, J. Deck, R Luse, and C. Cul- lice, 5th in,mile relay. In the feminine division, Iva Turner won 2nd in 50 yd-dash and 3rd in 100- yd.-dash. Irene Eckman was 3rd in baseball throw. Cedarville girls* relay team, includ ing Frances Eckman, Irene Eckman, Vera Fields and Iva Turner, finished fourth. ' • ■Field Trips Chemistry classes, under the sup ervision of Mr. Deem enjoyed a tour of industrial plants in Cincinnati, Wednesday. Closing Events The following schedule will prevail for the closing events of the 1938-1939 school year: ■ May 17, 18—Senior Examinations. May 19—-Junior-Senior Banquet May 21.—Baccalaureate Service. May 22—Commencement. May 22-23—Final Examinations., May 25—Closing Exercises. LAW OFFICERS AREGUESTS ‘ ' .aaaa^MM< ' A group’ o f 22 law enforcement offi cers from Greene and Montgomery counties were entertained last Friday afternoon and evening by .Robert Pat terson, Jr., near Bellbrook* The group enjoyed a venison dinner and engaged in target practice. Deputy Sheriff Cecil Strobridge in a .38 revolver shoot took ' the honors. Sheriff Henkel, Deputy Ralph Davis, and Prosecutor Marcus Shoup were present. Mr. Patterson specializes in big game hunting. ..Concert—Monday ' Night Band and orchestra members pre sented a concert, Monday evening in the school auditorium. Instrumental solos were presented by Jack Huff man, Helen Andrew, -Jean Ferguson, and Wayne Corry. Proceeds of the affair will be used to defray expenses of high ranking soloists for the trip to Indianapolis next week to participate in the Na tional Music Contest. Teachers Enjoy Outing Members of the faculty enjoyed an outing, Tuesday evening in Xenia. On the invitation of Mrs. Hastings, hostess at the Greene County Museum, the group visited the museum, where many interesting exhibits were seen. Later In the evening, a wiener roast was enjoyed by the open fire in the log cabin. The economics class, with their in structor, Mrs. Wilson, visited London Prison Farm, Tuesday afternoon. Inspection Trip The Junior and Senior chemistry classes enjoyed and inspection trip to Cincinnati and vicinity on Wednesday, An early start was- made by the group who were under the supervision o f Mr, II, W. Deem, instructor, Mr, Orval Labig, student practice teacher in chemistry and Mr. Fisher who man aged the bus so efficiently. Visits were made at the Proctor and Gamble Company, Ivorydale, O., where much was learned about the making o f soaps and other products; the ■Grasselli0 Chemical Company, Lockland, O., who makes chemical re agents; the Andrew Steel Company, Newport, Kentucky, whore various high, grade steels and alloys are made and the Cincinnati Water Purification Works where the water from the Ohloi River is made safe for use, A brief stop was made at the Lufkin Airport on the way home. The trip was en joyed by all and any things were seen which aided in the understand* big o f things studied in the chemistry classes. LIVESTOCK MARKER May 12, 1939 HOGS Basis Columbus weights and grades, less trucking and insurance e f 15 cents per hundred. 200-225 lbs..........................6.95 250-276 lbs______________ 6.00 250-276 lbs......................... 6.70 Clipped lambs ________ 9.00 FRANK CRESWELD 7Phone: 100 1cent SALE SATURDAY and SUNDAY M A Y 13-14, ONLY Regular Price—one quart Fairmount Ice Cream .........25 And one-half dozen Cup Cakes.................................... .40 SALE PRICE FOR THIS SALE One quart Fairniount Ice Cream, any flavor...... .......... 25 OneThalf dozen Cup Cakes ............. ................. ...... .,oi ’ .26 We carry at all times a large variety of the choice flavors. MOTHER’S D AY Do not overlook this day and a box of choice chocolates will £|dd to the pleasure. ; MOTHER’S DAY CAKE Yes, she has made for you many a cake for your birthday. Repay her now’. , . NOTICE-STARTING SUNDAY, MAY 14 Store open week days, 6.:00 a. m. until 10:00 p. m. Sundays—9:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m. and Noon 12 until 10:00 p. m. . HEADQUARTERS FOR PICNIC SUPPLIES Cedarville Bakery Phone 86 Baby Chicks &Custom Hutching ALL CHICKS BLOOD TESTED 2,000 STARTED CHICKS To Select From This Week Home City Hatchery Tel. Dial 5093 424 Hubert Ove, . Springfield, Ohio J "tiititliM iiiiim tiiiiiiiiM iim iiiiitiiitim iiiiM M iM iiiiiiil'M iltiiiiiim m iititim iiiiiM iiiiiiH iM iiititiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiifiH U H iH m M Make Your Hone Citadel •f Health and Comfort Sobtctibt 45 m THU BBltALD AkCOHAMt BAUNCiD Oil tURNtft VNIf NO. 11 Comjriotei, automatic, economical ' alt burningwrit that wpplle* both heat andhot watOri s«S3 A.O.P. "IMPIBI" IDEA! 0 AS FIRED ROILER Immaculate, attractive, tllent end completely automatic. Maintain* even temperature without human control. It he> no moving parte to require aerviCe.. tONlEAM AIR CONDItlONIND For All Fuole —Coal, Oil, Oil Heati, Rltere, humidifies, circulates the air In winter. Provide! Cooling ventilation In summer Companion Lavatory, Neo,Angle Bath and One-Piece Ctoeet erill make any bathroom really beautiful. with A merican Heating Equipment and evftattdardf* Plumra| ^betwe* F ORGET the memories of discomfort, trouble and high fuel bills caused by your Worn heating plant last winter. . . forget the inconvenience end embarrassment of the Old plumbing f i xt ur es f or now you can have mod ern, carefree heating and new, beautiful plumbing fixtures on new liberal terms. You will be surprised how little It will cost to enjoy the trouble-free com fort of A merican Heating—the beauty and convenience of .JlandaftT Plumbing Fixtures in your bathroom end kitchen. Your Heating and Plumb ing Contractor can help you plan new heating and - ptumblpg, arrange financing and provide the skilled workmanship so essential to satisfactory service and health protection, Call him today!' yitll 6nt exhibit! aI the New York World'! Pair and Golden Gate Exposition A m e r ic a n .^ ^ ta t td a u d . R a d ia t o r ^ ^ a iu t a p j CORPORATION NEW YORK PITTSBURGH Boilers and furnace* for Coal, Oil, Gaa * Radiators * Plumbing Fixture* an< Fitting* ‘ Air Conditioner* * Coat ft 6a« Water Heater* • Copper Plpt^ ahd Fitting* • Oil Burner* * HeatingAccessories CaprrlilitM*yUS*. AmericanttaditutraudstandardhanitatyCorpArausa
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