The Cedarville Herald, Volume 62, Numbers 1-26

OKDJUtVILLE HERALD, FltlDAY, MAY 19, 1989 * »*5- T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D yAMT .^r B X r t J i ------------------------E D IT O R A N D PU B L ISH E R MQhtMBt—NlltoJlti Editorial iUM.; Ohio Kuwvpapw Asuoc.j. Miami Vulicy Prow Auoc, S a t e r e d a t t h e P o s t Office.- C e d a rv iU e , O h io , O c t o b e r 8 1 ,1 8 8 7 , i i g e e o n d c la s s m a t t e r ..... Vi_ „ ................................... FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1939 ________________ AGENTINE BEEF HAS FDR APPROVAL Western farmers and feeders, out in the plain states where the New Deal dollar outshines the sun, are in a rage because Franklin Roosevelt thinks more of his Argentine foreigner feed­ ers than he does of those in the U. S. More than that—FDR and Wallace hand the western feeders a few dollars for the* vote to restrict crops. At the right time Roosevelt will stop the controversy by notifying the western senators not another dol­ lar for relief if you do not give-my plan approval. Roosevelt ordered 48,000 pounds of canned Argentine beef for use in the Navy. Beef from American farms costs 23c a pound, including corporation and social security taxes. In Argentine canned beef is nine cents u pound with six cents tariff, making the cost 16c, The biting part of the Roosevelt order was his statement: “ Argentine beef is not only cheaper but better than American* beef.” ' ■ The outburst over this beef order is only a part of the Roosevelt-Hull free trade agreement to take Argentine beef in competition with that produced on American farms. The extra low price of nine cents a pound is out of reason as everyone knotvs beef cannot be grown and canned for that price. One Western Senator points out that Argentine has more “ foot and 'mouth disease” than all the other cattle producing nations in the world and there had to be a market for the diseased meat even at nine cents a pound. The cattle feeder is facing the same free trade agreement that ruined the southern cotton market. It may be good for feeders and even grain farmers to face foreign competition. It may have tendency to awaken them from the stupor they have fallen into'when the'Roosevelt AAA check touches the palm of the hand. Argentine has a barter agreement with Germany to take her manufactured goods but Germany is guaranteed against the “foot and mouth disease.” ' ; We hope the King and Queen of England while guest's at the White House have the opportunity of trying a dish of Ar­ gentine's “ best canned beef,” on the Roosevelt table. The democratic powers have Japan on the list for boycott. But Japan has silk for sale, the only real silk, and to meet the boycott up jumped the price of silk. What American will'wear ..cotton hose as long as there is money to buy silk? Democratic states refuse UCC checks to coal miners out on strike.. Perkins frowns because Ohio does likewise. Reports we get by those who have taken in the New York World’s Pair is that New York is not doing by its visitors what Chicago did a few years back. Chicago promised no increase in hotel and restaurant prices and nade good, so much so the fair was continued a second year. The rail­ roads have made very low rates, so low in fact one cannot afford to drive a car to New York, if "auto hotel” rates are as high, as what visitors re­ port. Prices for necessities both on and off the grounds are in the robbery riass, if all reports we get is true. Then the fair is not near completed. Everything in New York is controlled, by some labor union and labor organ­ izations in that city, mostly controlled by foreigners, are out to soak every' kind of a laborer that reaches the city for the fair. Mayor LaGuardia, labor’s mayor,' boasts much about what the city is doing for the visitors but he should get on the air and tell what the city is doing to the 'Visitors. N a aH H an H tim cH M iiiH n iiitiiiiiin iiitiiiifiiin iifM fiifiififitiiM iiiim fiififiim ru fim m tttm tim im iim iiiifififiiiffm m fi HIGHEST GASH PRICES j H O B S ^ A N D C O W S (Of size and condition) HOGS, CALVES AND SHEEP REMOVED PROMPTLY § ‘ Telephone, Xenia, 454 XENIA FERTILIZER & TANKAGE CO. ( GREENE COUNTY’S ONLY RENDERING PLANT j H M IIItlllllllllllllllllllllfllllllim itM lllltlim im tlfl’ U flllllH ItllM IIIIIIIIIIIIM lilH ItllllllltllllH U IIIIM H tlllH IIIIH m iM IIIM IIIlii) Fairbank Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY May 19 and 20 I N P E R S O N LAZY JIM DAY Heads a Gala ALL-STAR WLW —Show Including 6 Helen I)iller Lafe Harkness Charlie Wayne “Happy” O’Halloran The Sunset Rangers Kenny Carlson The Kentucky Girls And other popular - Cowboy and Hillbilly entertainers In the Former Governor Martin L. Davey is just as clever as in his hey-day of politics while in the governor’s office. .Last week the Democrats attempted to have a love feast in an effort to shelve Martin if possible, if not to get a working agreement that the Ohio delegation might remain in con­ trol of the organization for the New Deal. In as much as Roosovelt-Far- iey, Hopkins, etc., openly opposed Davey while governor, there was not a chance of anything being accom­ plished in the way^of a harmony pro­ gram. Madam Perkins, who officiates for the CIO on a federal salary, and Postmaster General, who is a stranger to his. own working force, were on the speaking program at the love feast'. Neither love • Martin, neither does Martin give-a hoop for either, with FDR thrown in, Martin captured the whole show and'rather than take a bow, to the audience stopped to the "mike” and made a speech that'went onto the air. Martin .let the Now Deal know he will be a ■andidate again for Governor. With that off his chest there was nothing the .love-feast planners could do but adjourn. Even Jim Farley left the city before the meeting was over. . U f I 1A / BOONE f f L F V COUNTY We like the way Governor i 'sandier operates down in Kentucky. When John L. Lewis and his CIO gave orders to picket the coal mines in that state, Gov. Chandler issued a statement that rang true of Americanism, “ I will defend and protect any man that wants to work in the state of Kentucky." 'Contrast that patriotic statement with the acts of Roosevelt, Perkins, Hop- kiiis, Lewis, et al. The nation needs more governor's like Chandler and a president broad-minded enough, to know what his oath of .office roenns Sen. Barkley, the FDR stooge in the Senate, must have had a flushed face when he read the Chandler statement. Barkley was elected on WPA federal funds in h'is state. , Gov. Chandler had no sooner made ■'■.his statement until John L. Lews blasted forth his "CIO union bluff to frighten the Executive. The Gov- 'rnor called the bluff nrid Lewis went into “hiding. NHither Roosevelt or Madam Perkins have plunged into the controversy. As for Barkley, you would never know he wns a resi­ dent o f Kentucky. 3AMBL HUSH JUNIOR! YOU’LL WAKE PAPA. . . . I t Things have not been going good in Washington, -Sen. Harrison, D., Miss., had a round With FDR over re­ duced corporation taxes and words waxed warm between the two. The London Times carried an editorial -omo days ago quoting FDR. that the U. S. would back England and France in any war they might be involved, this country supplying war material men and money, A number o f sen­ ators have wired the Times to know the authority for the statement. This editorial stirred the'senators to quick action. The senate should demand public view of all the Roosevcdt-IIull free trade agreements with every na­ tion, Congress did wrong when power was given FDR-to make such agree­ ments ns he personally saw fit. >f’V *ba I (hose LUSTHO FINISH floors can iakt ttl A combination o f varnish and stain applicable in one ^operation. Floors and woodwork shine like polished [mirrors.. Lustro Finish protects your floors with a clear, smooth, tough, flint-like surface, Made in natural wood shades and clear.' V kAN K f^ l u s t r o f i n i s h VARNISH AND STAIN CEDARVILLE FARM IMPLEMENT, J ftc., Cedarville, Ohio The National Cash Register Co., Dayton, has for a weeks been faced with the most disgusting thing that qm happen’ any manufacturing con*, corn in nny country. The CIO has j tiled charges with the NLRB, Roost*- * volt’s hand picked CIO union sym -1 pathizer board that finds companies guilty before the evidence is produced. The employees have a local union but the CIO wants full control of the company property and even the hank account. The charges are to upset the independent union so. that CIO can force every employee to join. It costs $18 to join and each member must pay duos o f $2 a month. This goes into the John L. Lewis CIO wnr chest, A nice racket, backed and supported by FDR and Madam Perkins. The Cash Register Co., is the oldest large industry in Dayton. What would the late John II, Patterson say if ho should return and find his life­ time efforts being attacked by a hand of ruffians? If John II. were .to re­ turn about the first order he would (Continued on page three) No Hills Ripped O u t . . . with This McCormick-Deering Cultivator Even cornfields with a good check sometimes have a few hills out of line.0 With the Farmall No. 215-H 2-Row Cultivator, however, this makes little difference because this cultivator makes full use o f the Farmall patented gang'jshift. With this exclusive Farmall feature, a simple turn of the steering wheel shifts the gangs and steers the tractor, actually doubling the dodging action or sidewise shift­ ing of the shovels. This cultivator covers 20 to 30 acres a day on approxi­ mately a gallon of fuel an hour. 11is especially adapted to the Corn Belt, where thorough cultivation in check­ row fields is necessary. Come in and see this cultivator and other McCormick- Deering farm equipment. C E D A R V IL L E L U M B E R C O M P A N Y Phone: 33 .04 THE IDEAL JEWELRY STORE -< i ! I 1 1 I I i 32 PC. SETOF DISHES our Choice: CANDID CAMERA 26 PC. SET OF I SILVER ! With Any Purchase of $10 or More V Special Prices On e These Perfect Blue-White | j i EXTRA SPECIAL! 8-DIAMOND Bridal Pair . . . . Yellow Gold Ring* * 2 4 * 4 Genuine Diamond*, Yellow Gold Rings. 0 Sparkling Diamonds, Yellow Gold Rings. Large Center Dia­ mond. Yellow Gold Rings, $9 .751 $12-5o| $50 -00 j BUL 0 VAGRADUATIONWATCHES) I a I V i «4* A ’O I GRADUATION WATCH SPECIALS f I ! $ E . 9 5 Choice—LADY’S or MAN’S Borne of these watches wfcrc priced up to $19.90, R ou nd , Square or Curved to Fit the Wrist. Yellow gold. «e£l wtrmztun*'** s r O R C 3 S . L I M E S T O N E S T . <>«WATCH CRYSTALS I S * -* -* * Springfield, Ohio The SunsetRangers and Eileen Graham—The Ozark Sweetheart Mr, and Mrs. j| proving, following monia by each, The county granted county oil on Wednesday afj July and August' closed Saturday Dr. Merle Rifcj professor of Grt College, visited : J. B. Rife and week, before si Greece, to be gq He will further whil eon the tril The Sunset Rangers, four man vocal, instrumental and enter­ taining band, will present their own sparkltug bit of oia-tlme, "awing,” and novelty numbers when the WLW Boone County Jamboree stage and radio unit presents matinee and evening stage shows at the Fairbanks Theater, two days only, Friday and bat- urday, May 19 and 20. Besides the Sunset Rangers, a host or other Boone County favorites from Cincinnati will appeal* here lq present a fast-moving and entertaining stags show for the entire family. Making up the Sunset Rangers are Tommy Nott, Charlie Linville, Flash Fields, and Brownie Reynolds. Tommy Nott, sen­ sational left-handed guitarist, also does imitations, is a comedian, a harmonica player, and stick-twirler. Charlie Linville is fiddler with the band, while Flash Fields is the flyng-flngered, accordion­ ist. Brownie Reynolds is a rural-cut-up of, top-notch ability, and plays string-bass, guitar, and harmonica; as well as vocalizing on some of the trio numbers with the band Alva Young, '2 killed and Mrs. near Bpwersville oualy, when theii Pennsylvania trai ital and j it o f. ole . lioone ( crossing .near tin [ eve" inf; nday ail ■ers, a « appear 1 lor- the y Nott, j iirny NO is a ooi rville is . ered aec on abillt s voeallz day orning. The frienght to pass o f the passenger bound track. 0 RIVE INTO S pr in g f ie ld -— 5 t iDENJOY a *®E hardys nine HIGH” ' 0 E 1 2 8 " *ooNev'V" h • * 2 ” ? s t o n e I 7 „ « C I U < A m «w<«SJSSS* 661 BE TTE DAVIS -G E O R G S “DARKVICTORY” Pius, pets News Saturday TEXAS” We have SP 3 Ca | Grain | order “ahe 1 |HU»| 1 IUIIMIIIIIIII>III»<*<I BEMKSBS': rgerald and Starring O’Keefe , bob baked “ P h fth tow ’ s S ta g e ‘‘OiTTRlAL” 2 B fe “ 2 1 * Sunday * v „ . . . - " n n « * • PERSONS in HIDING” n ge i * II FREE PASSES! Listen To CMARIRM. WARNER* “Swing Time” Program Every Saturday Night 1i:G0 — Tune in WHIO |To IS- |TR8 rime Svery [Night line In