The Cedarville Herald, Volume 62, Numbers 1-26
CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1038 T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D KARLH B U L L -------------- — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER •MIIUIXB—Nitlonal Vditorlul A bsoc .; Ohio Jtfwwaper Assoc.; Miami Valley Press A bioc * Entered at the Post Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1887, as second c lass matter .......- "• PRIDAY, DECEMBER 30 ,1938 ___ his mother if ahe knew he was the manager o f evpn a state liquor store." Few .there are to date that art) anxi ous to push the Democrats out of'the Greene street institution. One of the New Deal commissions Local Firm Opens Urbana Feed Store RURAL LABOR <1ETS GOOSE EGG FROM NEW DEAL New Year’s 1939 gives rural labor a perfectimaight’ ifs to how the New Deal has put its Jiand in£b the poor rnqrafs pocket . for the benefit of organized union labor. O f all the various Communistic Social Security laws passed and now,in effect, not one gives rural labor even faint consideration, - -■ When the. New Deal and John L. Lewis of the CIO hatched up the present- laws, one, o f the first things was. compelling employers o f labor to deduct one per. cent o f eaph man s pay and send it to Washington. The employer was compelled to add one per cent o f the wage and send it to Washington along with what had been deducted from the laborer. The theory is that labor will in years to come get back what has been taken by Roosevelt and Lewis as an income, tax on the wages of labor. The New Deal has spent what industry, the merchant or pro: fessional man has turned in fo r this money goes into the general reyenue fund o f the U. S. and o f course is^used to pay the salaries of the hundreds o f thousands of deserving Democrats, WPA, CCC; etc. Labor will only get back in return what it has had deducted plus a small interest. One may ask where’ does the manufacturer, merchant or. businessman get his<share,to’send down to Washington. In as ; much as this one per cent amounts, to the millions o f dollars business has only, followed the sensible rule o f increasing prices . to offset this extra expense. So after all the consumer, whether union, unorganized, widow or the. farmer- pays the increased cost in-what-he purchases. ... •Another grand, milking scheme/ o f the Roos.evelt-Lewils Com'niunistic crowd is now going into effect all over the land. In Ohio some 2,200 Democrats that have not been sucking the public teat get their first chance at the treasury milk pail. A scheme has been set up to pay unemployed labor, ninety-five p e r cen t union organized, S15 a week fo r not to exceed sixteen weeks ih any one year. But this does not apply to rural labor sueh as.we have in great numbers in counties like Greene. , p A s jrnithe,' case 'o f the illustration o f the first social Security this greiat pension fund has been collected by the New Deal froth 'a ll kinds of. business. The fund now amounts to $97,- 000,000 in Ohio and it came from everything'made and sold, paid in by manufacturers and businessmen and in most in stances prices were increased to meet the modern day tax that Roosevelt and Lewis'.wanted fo r .their union labor followers. Greene county labor will get little o f this fund yet every pur chase made in the county or state carries your share o f what is in this fund in Ohio. Here you find the New Deal goose-egg on New Year’s Day. Under this law every worker ,in factories and stores;where union labor controls operation, and in other places over the minimum, these laborers, clerks, bookkeepers, etc., after work ing 20 weeks can quit, go on strike, or if laid off fo r any cause after waiting three weeks, make application and get on the list o f pensioners and draw $15 a week fo r sixteen weeks.' Imagine two "employees working sixteen weeks, and then drawing &pension o f $15 weekly. Probably in that home father and mother are drawings $23 each for old age pensions beside relief each-week. Even Susie and Jane, both of whom may cle'rk in a large department store, they can get a sixteen weeks vacation, and by applying get their $15 weekly pensions for sixteen'weeks. Roosevelt and Lewis certainly have built a soft ' bed fo r organized labor, all at the expense o f not only rural labor, but the business men as well as.residents of rural counties such as Greene. The present setup in Ohio.means that some twelve or fifteen counties in Ohio will eat up 95 per cent o f the $97,900,000 now in the j6hio pension fund and the rest o f the state get little, or nothing. / ' , / , . No-legislation was ever passed in this nation That is as un fair, or discrimatory as the New Deal isocial security laws. In- 1 stead o f the burden becoming light next year, it will become heavier, and that will call for a higher tax which means higher priced merchandise everywhere, j ' From this you as a rural citizen have a perfect picture of . . what '.Communism, and dictatorship is in. America. There, is but one answer to it all, a pension for- every man and woman, rich or poor, black or white, in the United States. It-would not cost what the New DeaLhas cost to date.. At least it would be fa ir to all classes and it would be paid by the younger workers in America; just as the younger generations will pay fo r social security, old.age pensions, anclin additions the 37 billion dollar. ’ public debt the Roosevelt New Deal has hung over the head. . o f the present arid unbojm generations in this country. ' Some one shouldigive V. P. Garner a head and chest pro tector against a White House glass paper weight jumping up and hitting him in the eye. .HpiiiproM New Year Resolutions—That Roose velt for u third term. That the New Deal is forced to approve Harry L. Hopkins as Secretary of Commerce. That Chairman Dies, D., Continues his .exposure of New Dealers in being connected with Russian, or ganizations. Thfit. Gov. Davey suc ceeds in haying his appointments con firmed by the Semite so that the Re publicans will be .justified in. passing "ripper” ligislatinn that will put more Democrats- on the unemployed list. That-Republicans .use same rules with patronage that Ohio Democrats have njoyed under Goy. Davey. The New Deal set up a line'system 'or political purposes to pay. unem- lJoyed.ijilS for a 1 period ’ of sixteen voeks each year; Now We have reach* •»d the' time when Ohio Democrats hat have been on state rations will be nit of. employment and no place to ;?n- but 'WPA- or relief, and Ohio- will lave.much, to say .about relief soon iter January 9th. One aged Demo- •lat’ we learned of that has-been on fate pay knows he will be out soon ml has placed his'-iines for Republic an support to get an old ago pension. N. J. Laughlin und R. E. McDaniel of the Cedarville Elevator have opened <.a feed store in Urbunu under the has control of all.communications in- Jname of the «M> & L. Feed store.” eluding radio, Wc are informed that The store will sell feed only and all Washington has told Paul Sullivan indJ and mixiVj be done here news commentator on WLW, that he a t t ,le locaI plant ... change his voice, his crccendo and, de-j ■ - eendo, and style of comment that i i STILL IN DANGER regarded imitation-of FD.R. Being! under a dictatorship no one should be j Mrs. ■Emma Hildcrbran, 45, Ross pm-milted-to cop the style of a king,, Tap., resident shot by her husband, nor even the bray of the Democratic donkey, 1 Sen. Pope, western senator from Utah that was kicked out of thevljejn- ocrntic fold by farmers .opposed to Lhc AAA; gets a promotion and will be mimed by FDR to head the TVA Com mission. u lame duck choke to suc ceed ••'Arthur Morgan, who -Roosevelt moved when the Communistic board David, last, week when the latter was drinking, is still a critical condition at the, Haines hospital. , SALE OF BONDS LEGAL NOTICE Synluil jirojnrsnla '.will bo received at- the cjfllOM the yilluKC.Clerk of the Village of -CVtfiirvJtfo, OtMlurvUlt', ohlo> until twelve noon ,H2■'££.) the 18th iluy of .January, 1H3D, for the purpose-of liouiRjice of bonds bf the ■ bh UI .VJII uku In the UkTjrvgute fiiim.of Thirty- however did. not know enough about farming to please Utah farmers; FOUNTAIN SQUARE 2 5 0 M O D E R N OU T S I D E 4 9 5 Q , R O O M S WI TH BATH F ROM You wiH be rinjrt there-when you register «t the Fountain Square ' Hotel. Facing all ”Fronti"inGncinnati-center of the shopping. dii* trlct end office building area. Thc food and service ere the best to be had in Southern Ohio. In the air-cooled Moorish Grill you’ll meet the leading men of Cincinnati, while the Olympic Cafe and Bar (also air-coolcdi is CincinAsti's scintillating center of night life, The rooms ere exceptionally pleasant...aH have full tiled baths. M .J .D E IN IN G E R , Manager ' Judging.’ from the action of Goy, . hive# in calling-another special ses sion of the legislature to pass “ school Jgislation," one must recall that his ffort to confirm appointees.'before the lepubiicans lake hold January 9, mothers ; the Sawyer campaign ‘ ory that a “deal” had been made '..tween John. W. Bricker and Gov. }-ivey. If the vote means anything Vw if- any other than Sawyer Demo- - 1 -fits believed the story. It was un- 'orumate that Charles Sawyer; as out- ,landing as he has been in the state, hould fall victim to such a campaign, is was mapped out by the New'Doal- • i.s.tff carry him to success. Another (ample was the fiasco of the method i fool old age pensioners in trying o kill oil Gov. Davey.' In Ohio today .Davey has- more' Strength than any ilher Democrate-, .so says Herb Men- rert, political forecaster of the Gin- ihnati Enquirer. - ■"When. Sec. Ropei- resigned as Sec ta ry of Commerce and Roosevelt lamed' Harry L. Hopkins, American 'u.-iness received as black an eye as he day NRA was horn; Hopkins has ‘bout as much sympathywith business mimed as he is with ■Communistic .flows as a hog has for a holiday. He lever has been on trie production or ii-olit side of any venture. Boasts that le specializes', in ' spending other, leople's money.' Never denys that his joker face is good at the game he -•pccializes in'-along -with- picking the ponies.;. 1939 looks like a funeral pro- -i-s.^ion now in-formation. Water never isex higher than it source even hough Hopkins ,is a Roosevelt , ap- joiiitee. ' ..... , ... flvi-Humlrcd Dollars ($3,500.00), tinted' tlie 1st numbers engaged in a personal light,, ,i„.v „r .lamiair, loso. Said bands' «ui be ten Morgan .'4s a recognized engineer and |U0I -In ininiiier and imniber«i from one (l) to .. i;-:i j , *i;„ • «> _ ; ,' tj ‘fan l!0);:bolh inclusive. KuWi nf- sald bonds Itubj did not fit- in.tlm New Deal, („ i|l0 denomination of Three Hundred picture. Pope is registered, as a New |aim Fifty Dollars ($ 350 . 00 ), and. win draw Deal farmer, who probably knows j l,lU'ri's' nlt<!,,r four ami one-baif HV 6 ) -•t*.". . , , |:l>«r cennmi tier annum, pltyable semi-annually more about water, povyer, electric j ,,,, H k * 1st.tlays .of. April ntnl -October-nf eat-li p'ants, power transmission and con- | -."I'O"presentation and surrender of the slrucuon of dams -than .Morgan, but] " l Z V not as much as- King Franklin. Pope| bill or l,l,ls for said bonds,- bused, on- and liearlnKi a dllferen! ,rate of- Interest, than that above speellietl,...provided 'that* where a frae '■i bmal Interest, rate la bid sneli fraetion shall ba one-(|Uarter of mie i>er ceiu (l; .of 1 |ior .Cent) pr muitlpies -thereof. ■Said 'bonds' will l.»e dtie and -jiayable as follows,' to-wlt :-”Dne bond 'em October .1st' In. eaj-li of the years from. llHtt. to". 1010,. both Inclusive. *.AH' bontls :!,, be eallable on aud after petober 1, 1010. -' Said bonds arc Issued: for the -puniiRto of ptireliasiiiK Flro Fijtltllni! Apparatus and and .under uulhorlty of laws of ,,f The I'nlform Bond Aet. and under and In nr-Corilanee with a certain' or(U:' name, of the . said Vlllape entitled ."O.ltDIi .VANCE, -NO. 303. AX OKDl.VAXCK VlMmi)- IXIi FOKTilE-ISSUANCE OF ItOXDS OF THE VII.DAOE OF CEDAltVIhLE, OHIO. FOK THE rcitroSE of rciituiASixf; fiiie fh ; iitin ( s AFIMltATCK AND EOCll'MKXT.-' pasited on tb<- -J.’ 1st..dji'y of Xovomber, 1OSSi j - ;V; -L>; Siiiil bonds will be sold, to the highest bldiler- The WPA in- Ohio' has been so. rot ten even the .Democrats that have in- leHtst in their party have demanded a cleanup. Congr.essnieri from Ohio who! cannot longer .face the disgrace with j crooked dealing, questionable purchase.! oi!"!’11',,,1,',' mid appointment'of heads incompetant ' as well as others'.of questionable char-j -acker; have placed the entire question | before Sen. Vic. Donahey in Washing- • ton this week. Reports indicate | Yiq, lias been much concerned over! what New Dealers have been doing} , . .for u.Ol less lluni Ihe’ face value Iliereof.. and .not only to the* party but to the nation, nm-rued interest- Ot-iier states are facing Democratic!' :l,ltls n"l!!l »(».*»-•the-nundter of bonds bid, ' , - rVr-m , i ... ' and-the Brass amount df bid and atvrued Inter- trouhle and now FDR wants a new ,.sl llelhcr> U1 ,jl(Ja t(, bo ac. relief .setup, under Civil Service,, i-omi'aided wltli a bond or certified check, pay- another means of smothering the, i’1.’1" ' I<’ ' ,,r cedarville, oido, for . lliree Hundred and- Fifty Dollars .($350,011), pmty Stink. [ bPoii i-ondlllon If the bid Is accepted the • --------- --- v— i - , ’ bj'lder will receive anil pay.for snob bondsins Im.ty b.e (ssiied, as above, set forth, within, thirty Idb) days from the time, ftf award, said bond to be rirfeited or said cheek to be retained i - l ‘ 11»0 >"1 INKb; KS'ki'rdiidlU'mIs.tiol ftilfliieii. .Itlds sliimli! lie sealed iind cndomed "Itid.s Fur Fire Ficblliii; Apparatus lli/nds.” • . • 1‘IEItltE .1. McCOIlKEU., : Vlllatre. Clerk, of Viliace ot Ci'darvllle, Ohio. |til! 33- It-1-13-3ti) All-Girl Orchestra At Taft Theater Mamma ' Roosevelt makes' a great uss after Christmas about the numer- jus -kinds of war weapons ■made as oys for the- American youth. Had •he known such were being offered-for ; nle “he woultl have, issued an edict hat would have cornpolled merchants !o have' put the weapons: under the ountcr or in the store fui-naee.;Mean- imcPaiJiv Roosevelt wants to spend r billion dollars building 70' million iollnr battleships and several .though and airpJanes.. Goyernment and •tti.vaijti concern^ are ndw"workingday nd mght.on.’ alj .ktnds.qf war craft. Mamma certainty does^rjot* read the 11 w* papers- or maybe she hits war ov.- thitiking young America cannot road, ' . ,' ' : ,', .. •Tlte American newspaper rentier ui«t have been amUsed when he rind of the, Roosevelt t-onring out party at. Hie White -House, j Tuesday night, as ’ cousin was given the riln o f the ■’louse, tilting with'some -IDO guests. The social' rejioi ter says' (he guests Core setyetl sausage, sjihjds, etc,, -a ’lenu much, after the table tit the Roosevelt -farm tip- the Hudson. No mention is made of who presided at the punch howl. * C I N C I N N A T I ALBER1 ONE Of THE SEVENTEEN The $18,000,000 drug store swindle! exposed last Week when the head of "'f'-Kcsson A- Robbins, N, Y„ shot him- -elf'fo escape conviction, has brought to light, lending Democrats that were on the company roll fo lobby for the Putman-Wright'one‘price retail bill passed by the last, congress. It is ■iiii-jud off that it cost drug interests lor-' Uinri a cool million to get enough Democrats to pass the bill, let alone ,s liberal gift to the Democratic Na tional Committee uiitJer a factitious .-ume. Nti wonder Cosier.shot liinisolf With a record of twentylyenra out of "e pen behind him. ’ 5 0 0 0 ROOMS IN 8 STATES CHICAGO, tkb.. . , o ORCAT NORTHERN etttOIT. ........................ BAVTON. CMC. . . i MI A MI OOUMMM. OHIO . C H I T T E N D E N ootwm ;*.OH > o,.< .;.,.ro*T haves .................................... meios n m M M n omo< • fountain souare cuncm. ................ . 91 MMM MO.**« » -MARK TWAIN nuiuniinn i . IND1ANAPOLI8. INDIANA., i . J-ANTLERS SOUTH SEND, INDIANA ........O L IV E R ANDERSON. INDIANA......... .. . ANDERSON TERRE HAUTE. INDIANA.TERRE HAUTE JACKSON; TENNESSEE. NEW SOUTHERN ASHLAND, KENTUCKY. . . . . . . . VENTURA OWENSSOhO,KENTUCKY.OWENSBORO WACO. TEXAS. . . . . . . . . . . RALEtOH While scores of applicants for poli- Ciil jobs It'll their tale anti show their wares to win'a'place when Republicans take-control next month, -^e’ have sug* g 'fled /to a numher that a manager* ?hip (>{ the countydiqtior st.oi-e will he open soon, with several clerks. It is f’.upiising. the number that bnckawny. | at listing for these places. Sevef-al gave family Connections ns . reasons Why they could not; take such 1 a job, . One man tells us that, "It,-would'kill : — Phil Spitalny, noted, maestro, and 'nis All-Girl Singing. Orchestra, -heard every- night on the radio^networks in! he "Hour of Charm” with ,Dorothy TH-hmpsoHj will bring his famous en- ■cmble to Taft's Theater, Cincinnati, •o top a special; New Year’s Week •how, starting Friday, Dec. 30, under .hr. management of Willia mElliott. The thirty glamorous, .talented ,young: .vomen in thevi-oehestrir are exteremely /efsatile, and their stage, performance :wi 11 be a varied and clever. elabora tion of the “ Hour of Charm.." Supple menting the stag 6 show will be a film prugram, featuring a full length ,‘eature pieture and shorts. Performances will he continuous •.•laity; starting ;at • 1 ^.-o'clock no'on, and insuring four complete Shows a day, ; it 42 and (50 cents, Two special “ dc use”, performance, will be given New Year's. Eve. at 8:30 and 12-•.midnight. All sea‘ts;for these performances will •;e reserved at 85 cents and $1.25. Rc- lervntipns are-' now being accepted at. he Taft Theater ticket otlice. > ■ Featured in Spitalny’s •All-Girl •iinging Orchestra are Evelyin and ■ior. magic violin; Maxine, of the velr /,-cty haunting voice; the '“Three Lit- 0 le•Word,” a harmonizing trio .who 'ontribute stage comedy, skits; Rochel- 1 -j and.Lola, at their two gi-and;pianos; Alnm Adams, the tuba player; “ Pat” Harrington, ' of the .trumpet; Doz Thompson, personality drummer; Ginger Hannah,, America’s'No, •1 Jit terbug; a. lone male dancer, Louis Da Pron; and ■' Spitalny’s famous Glee Flub. Every member of the orchestra '•.'iigT-'ar Well as plays, Spitalny organize!) the orchestra .bout five jears ago, .and it has since' ■ver-iiu- one of the tnost popular at- it-ai-l';ms on Broadway and on- radio. During the past year it won every’ .wind for the host light musical pro- ./r:t .n- 0 u (he air. , _ ■ ^pitnlny iiitd His All-Girl Orchestra ill f resent their regular weekly ‘ ‘ ill. ir of niarm” broadenst over NBC froiii !J to 9:.-;0 o’clock from the stage of tlie Taft, theater, and those in the .udimjee at- that time will enjoy the thrill of seeing how a. eoast-to-coust 1roadeast is -conducted. The two Spitnlny stars In the ac-. i-ompanying picture are, 'left, Maxine "of the velvety haunting voice,” and Evelyin and her magic Viqlin. • ! I WANT A MAN j ■51■ J' '". .... . .*.; 5 --v- 1111 car; full time calling on § | -umi homes iii Greene Co’i .fy. N ot I ■.(j'l tu-nce required. Must by uitis- 1 | :ed With $30 a week to start, but'! | Xcijlknl chance to double earnings § 5 ; '.lb ebmpany helps—sales, special I va.V, attractive .preriiiums (silver- § yii e, coffee percolators, sauce | mm, etc.) We supply complete; tori; of products—you pny when | | -old. Immediate earnings. No dull f | eaf i ,i* - big business all year with § | M*!‘i,.',own line 250 daily necessities | | —coffee, flavoring, extracts, home f |, etc, . Details mailed free f no obligation. Give your age, | I kind of car, etc. Address Box A, | I care of this pnper, . | . LEGAL NOTICE ■E(lythe Garringer, whose residence is unknown, is . hereby notified that Harold Garringer has filed his petition against her for divorce; .in. Case No'. 21844, of the Common Pleas Court, of Greene County, Ohio, and thht said cause will be for hcaijing on or after the 14th day of January, 1939. NEAL W. HUNTER, ‘ • Attorney for the Plaintiff. ( l‘2-2-7t-27d) LEGAL NOTICE ’Margaret Stevens, whose, place of residence is unknown; will take notice that,Jtflin Stevens has filed- his peti tion for divorce in Case No. 21,846 of ■fho.Court of' Common Pleas of Greene County, Ohio, on the ground of. wilful ubsence and that the case'will come up for,hearing on or after January T4th, 1939, ' . . FORREST DUNK^E, (12-9-(it-l-13-39). ' . Attorney. " LEGAL NOTICE II,; Eiwin Hamer, whose residence, is unknown, is hereby notified that Delia Hamer has filed her petition .igainst him for divorce, to obtain pos-, session of certain personal property, restraining orders, and equitable re lief, in case No, 21851, of the Common Pleas Court, of Greene County,, Ohio, and that said cause will be for hear ing on.or After the 28th day of Jnn- •mry, i 938. ■ NEAL W. ilUNTER, , Attorney for Plnintiff. (12-17-7t-l-28) LEGAL NOTICE • Ruth Shirk, whose, residence is un- kno\vn, is hereby notified that A. M. Shirk' has filed' his petition against .Kr for divorce and equitable relief, in '!.se No, 21848, of the Cpmmon Pleas Court, of Greene Comity, Ohio, and ,hUt said cause .will lie for hearing on or after the 14t|i day of Jnnuary, 1939. NEAL W. HUNTER, Attorney for the Plaintiff.') t.12-9-l-13d) -. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS The Cedarville Federal Savings . and Loan Association Please return ull - PaS3 Bookks to our office' before January 1, 1939, for .iwlit mid balance, ■ I. C.: DAVIS, Sec’.v. . ? 2 t) . ......................................... . NOTICE TO BiDDEKS Bids wifi he received at the office of the Village Clerk for 1 depository of village funds as required by law. Council reserves the.right to reject any or all bids. ! P. J. McCORKELL, Clerk ' Cedarville Village, Ohio. HEADQUARTERS for EVEREADY PRESTONE ANTIFREEZE FORD ANTUFREEZE Woodrow Ford Agency That Cooper Brand of Romance / Gary Cooper, tall and handsome, plays a cowboy from trie West and Merle Oberon, petite and lovely Is a „ ^ y 6 p J . a. ^ East in the tingling love*drama of two worlds, .The Cowboy an the Lady,’’ which will open a week’s engagement at Tthe Sta e theater In Springfield, with three gala prevne shows New Years 7 P. M. rings In the first of tlie three -gala-performances which will continue with a show at 9 P. M, wlili the last performaiKe starting at 11 P. M. Patsy Kelly. Fuzzy Knight and Mabel -Todd head the supporting cast of ..brilliant screen'personalities featuied , In “The Cowboy.and the Lady.” ' . * ■ / ' '•J Local an ce Mr. Allen Turn been spending th» his fathcl, Mr, Ik ' *,— _ _ 2 Mrs. James Dai to her bed by ilh| Mr. Frank C days in Chieago ness trip. Mr. George V Ind., spent the w of Mr. M. W, C\ - Mr. Hugh Tun pike,” has been q days. Jlis condi reported much in Mr. and Mrs. i( tallied -a number family dinner at Main street,, last Mr..Fred Bird > part of his Holid: his mother, Mrs, .■ relatives. I ^ ■c.xlSjV-s-X/r •Mr. N. J. Lauf the Mott residen moved to the Ta Maple st. Miss Ruth Burl ■ her of guests at| Thursday eve.njnp . Clifton pike.; ' Mr.. A. E. Huel heart i^ttaek seveij what improved at this time. Mr. and Mrs, ( their guest Mrs. ■lumbus, Sa.tur.da; Christmas in W atives. . Dr. and Mi's, spent, Christmas 26th, with the hr and family, at O . : Rev. .Orland the faculty of. Swarthmore Co!l^ the Holidays wit1' Mrs. C.,M. Ritcl ■Mr. and; Mrs, I Bernice WolfoixLJ and. Mr. Ralph, mas with Mr. J. in Yellow"Sprin4 Mr. and Mrs. children of .5 Sprit E. Bradfute and Xenia, were <ii evening of'Mrs ,Miss' AdaSto.rm Rev. and Mr holdjppen housc| sonage on New during the.' hou m. All niembei |j • and friends.are Miss Martha in Michigan St: Mich,, has beei Holidays withl Jeantte’ Cooley| •winter in Xeni| . Dan. om Die um 'tiu* ou> anil •St:i'c Year’s ' s wli'u-b i-miin, e Toild, 'itured 19 I V.i*"
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