The Cedarville Herald, Volume 62, Numbers 1-26
|S I w r a m i E i r n m c , trtd ' a y , ja no tr y is , im Local and Personal The Kensington Club will meet Jan. 17th at the home of Mrs. Melvin Mc Millan. : Mrs. Dorothy Wright entertained members of the Dinner Bridge Club at, her home Tuesday evening. . Mr. Russell Murray of Graniteville, ' Yt>» 36* Cedarville College,'' visited with fronds here the past week. CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson. Minister . Sabbath School,, 10 - g; m, Supt. Meryl Stormont. • Preaching, 11 a. ‘ m. Theme: *JDh.bmpi^pfgnt3.-'.; j,;'- ’ " ' vt Y. P. C. U„ 6;30 p. m Subject: “ FindinjJ Hidden Treasurers.” ; Union Service, 7:30 p, m., in the. Methodist Church. Illustrated lecture by Geo.'C, Southwell, a representative of ‘‘The Atnerican Mission toLepers." Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. M, Auld: Leader, Miss, Mabel Stormont. Choir Rehearsal, Salurday, 7:30 p m.. jn the Church. 'S- .L. ' The Calling Campaign being con: ducted by* the Elders. and Pastor is going forward with, a fine spirit.o f - Dr. Paul V, Volkert has purchased1Cood Will. .The rural canvas'will .be the Gray property on Xonin ave., and! e'onipletcd this week, and the canvas wjll have his dental office in connec- •>n the village will be made next week, tioii with the residence. . . • 1if weather and health permit. The Moderator's Team of the olftu'ch Ohio Governors % ’ Down To Date The Singing Sweethearts At Regent Mr, and Mrs. Charles Acton. Colum bus jpike, are announcing the birth of a daughter, Anna Mae, at their' home, Saturday. ’ . . Miss Loise Kennon o f the O. S. & S.' 0. Home, Xenia, spent' the week end with her uncle and aunt,' Mr. and Mrs,. George Morris. 1 ..Miss Nancy Finney, who has been' visiting at home with her mother,' Mrs'. E. E. Finney and family, has returned to Cincinnati U., where’she is a student. . . ' , 1 .Miss Avminla Ladd, 50, cplored, died • in Dayton,, Friday and w,as .'bui’ied’ Wednesday. . She was a former lesident of Cedarville. She is sur vived by her mother, Mrs. Lydia Ladd, and two nieces, Mrs. Dora Tracey and Mrs. Maggie.Juries. at large come to Xenia, January 25th for-this end of Xenia Presbytery, with; an afternoon and 'evening program. 1,1 is desired that a great number- from bur congregation miry be able to bene fit from this meeting. • The women -members of-Mrs. Mc- Kibbons Sabbath. School c l a s s held an all. day sowing , and noon luncheon at the- hoino of Prof, and Mrs. Q.. K. S^yallon, Thursday: ’■ / - AL A telegram .was received Thursday by J. EJ Hastings announcing the 'death of J. W. Radabaugh at his home- in Gelina. He was a former' resident of this place and is survived by -his widow, a brother, Tom, Dayton; Charles, West Milton, publisher of the Record in thilt place. ■ 7be funeral will be Held Saturday at 1 p. m„ in Gelina, with burial ' at North Cem etery., Cedarvillo. The body should reach this' place about four o'clock.’ - - r7 - j Mrs.- If. II. Brown was hostess to the Past Matron’s Circle o f the local chapter of 0. E: S., on -Monday eve ning. The president, Mrs. Kathryn Masters, appointed committees for -the year and plans were discussed for the benefit of the,Circle and Order. - After: tire business meeting- a .social hour -Avas enjoyed and. delicious -refresh ments were .served to the following members present: Mrs. Kathryn ■Masters, •Mrs. Anna, Little, Mrs.' Ada Stormont, Mrs.- Ruby Murphy, Mrs. ■Hazel Edwards, Mrs. Zora Ritenour, Miss Josephine A Randall and Mrs. Brown. The next meeting will he held the first1Monday evening in Feb. ruary, at the home of Mrs. Ada Stor mont. THE METRODIST EPISCOI CHURCH Rev. David H. Markle, Minister ..'-Sunday-. School, .10 av m.. • -Morning Worship, 11. a. ■m. Dr. Charles E.Turley of Wilmington Dis trict- will 'preach -and conduct a brief session .of the Quarterly-Conference., Epworth League. (LUO p. m , Youth Foi-um, 0:30 p. m. Evening .Worship, 7:30. p. m,'.Union SorVice in Methodist Church. Di. George (,\ Southwell of Cleveland will be the speaker. Monday, 4 p. m., Junior Ciioir., Monday, 8 p. m., County Brother hood at New Buvlington> Wednesday,'7:30 p. ni., Aldersgata Group. Thursday. H):00, 2:00, 7:30, Meth odist Fellowship at Memorial Hall in' Springfield, with Bishops'.- Smith, Miller, and -Keeney, also Dr.. Burg; stahlef, President-elect- of Ohio Wes leyan. - i Friday,'4:00 p .‘m., Torch Club. John W, Bricker was the fiftieth in dividual to become governor ,of Ohio/ Monday. ’ When, he took the oath of. office it -was the seventy-sixth time such an oath, has been given in the. state. ■ Four .Ohio governors . have ■served ) non-consecutive terms as chief exec utive. Among those serving such terms were .Allen Trimble, Wilson Shannon, .Rulherfur B. Hayes, Jntpes M. Cox. - ' v i Here are tile governors of Ohio, tlieir political parties, terms and home -.good, fo r 3, 1803— Doc. .18,- fJ832- 181-1 1344 12- 1850- 13,. 1853- Albert Burrell Dead At 92 THE <J-T,R.ST- PRESBYTER IA N . CHURCH •; .■ •r--'; ■- - Rev. Benjamin N. Adams, Minister Sabbath Sc-hbpJ, 10 a., ni. . Lesson: “ IJcler Sees' Christ’s Glory,” Mat. J7:1-1.8; II Peter 1:1(5-18. Morning-Worship, 11 a. in. Theme: “ A l*e*uliar , .People.” * Sormonette:. “ Tree Surgery.” , 1 -■Qh'rist'iiVh:.:E'if"(.iea.vbr;-ii-;'30j apv ,nr.'Rei.; cepjtiori.of New Members. j Union Evening Service, 7:30 p. m; ■.'jivi*,.-.';.:0vfivgri0- .t.hvy,#if'..oi-\=ih<*■:■'-AAitcSfi* can Mission'to the,. Lepers will speak in the M. E. Church. Choir- Rehersais, Junior Choir, Wed. 4:00 p. in.:; Senior Gboirf Sat, '7:3o/b.-Ah»;.;‘L,\"'y%'-r,C> N‘-N; a v : Sabbath School . Workers Gotifer- sided on the farm where he died for j.ence Wed. 7:30 p m . ' A - Notice of Presbyterian. Meeting. •71 years. - . ■- ■■■. . . . I........................... Funeral, services will be held in the home at 2 p. m. Monday with burial in Woodland cemetery. Survivors in clude one son, 0mer, Springfield, and 1862-—Jan* 1.1, 18(14- Albert Burrell, 92, one of four .re- Tnaining Civil war veterans in, Greene county, died at 1:40 a, m. Thursday at his home on.the Wilberforee-Clif- ton pike. He had been ill since Saturday-of pneumonia, ; . . Mr. Burrell served during the Civil .war with Co. H, .154th regiment. He was the last commander of Lewis Post, No. 347.,' G. A. R., Xenia. He was born -.near Paintersville, and re- five daughters, Mrs. Flora Charters, Cleveland; .Mrs. Carrie Winters, Day- ton; Mrs. Alberta Frame, Cedarville; Miss Maude1Burrell and .Miss Edna Burrell, at home, . Presbyterial wijl meet Han.’ .19 (Tliurs.) at 10:00'a. in, at the West- minster Presbyterian Church at Day- ton. Reservations should be handed to--Mrs. Furst not later„than Monday. The luncheon will be 40 cents. Please, let Mrs, Furst know as soon as pos sible what cars will be available for transportation,., • • » v-r A .-WE lBk W ill Buy A W illiam son Tfipi-i£e [ O r f i u r n a c e lire inc.iurnacc in* v ; Tlic WilliamsonPnrnnccir.the l>cstlookniB>'“ Unj: nil tilt,ve ever seen, rile Ciirmtre is so cns> to ‘ Tlii V.’iIJiamsoti Iteater Company: Oiir Trial ife lias kept our house warmer this winter .ih-an it has ever'liecn, l tounri that l Oul tuit need to f the f e as often, ii ypeuile tiiht a child could fire it," sifcncd-^Bmerson WriffM, Jiaton, Ohio FREE: Furnace Inspection^ Did you burn toomuch coal, did you have too much illness —Were your coal bills too Inga this .past winter? we make free Inspection, locate troubles, do repair work. Modest prices. mp: W I L L I A M S O N ■ TRI PL I FE " F u r n a c e * C t a ln iit f C. C. BREWER Phone: Cedarville 125 Friday and Saturday, Jan. 13-l i The Three Mcsquiteers —in— ^Heroes of the Hills” also—NEWS—CARTOON and “Hawk of the Wilderness” Sunday and Monday, January 15*1(5 “STABLEMATES” — with — Wallace Beery and Mickey Rooney ■ Added NEWS—MUSICAL—TRAVELTA LK Shows at 7 and 8:45 P. M.„ Admission. 10c and 20c .counties, all of which' is every, home scrap, book: Edward. Tiffin, D.,' -Mar, Jail, 1, 1807, Ross. Thomas Kirkcr, -D., Jan. 1, 1807: Dec, 12, 1.808,-, Adams. • - --'Samuel;Huntington,-. D-,, .’ Dec, 12, 1808—Dee! 8, 1810, Trumbull. * Return Jonathan Meigs, D., Dec. 8,’ 1810 --Mar. 24, 1814, Washington. ' Othnicl' Looker, D., Mar. 24, ,1814 -^■Dec. 8, ‘1814, Hamilton. Tliouias- Worthington, D., Dix-. 8, 1814-- Dec. 14, 1818, Ross. ' Ethan Allen Brown, , D., Dec.-.4, 1818---Jan, 4, 1822, Hamilton. , . ■■•AllenTrimble,1 F., Jan. 4, 1822— Dec. 28^ 1822, Highland. ■Jeremiah Morrow, D.,- Dec. 28, 1822— Dec. 19, 182G, ■Wari-en. Alien -Trimble,. •-F., Dee. 19, -1820-.- Dec. 18 , 1830, Highland. Duncan .McArthur'; , F,', I83Q—Dec. |7, 1832, Ross.1 Rol.iert Lucas, D., Dec, .Dec. 12, 1830, Pike. . Joseph Vance, W„ Dec. 12, 183(5— Dec 13, lhJ8, Champaign, / Wilson Shannon, 1)., Dee. 13, 1938 —Dec. 1(5, 18-1(3, Belmont, Thomas Corwin, W., Dec. 10, 1840 -Dec, 14, 1842 Wan-.en.• Wilson Shannon, ;TL, Dec. 14, 1842— Apr. 15,' 18-14, Belmont.' 'lhom.-i> Bartley. D,..Apr. 15, Mordeoia Bartley;- W,, Dec. 3, —Dec. 3 1844, Rishl.and. —Dee. 12, 184(5, Richland. " William Bebh, W„ Dee. 12, 1.840- Jan. 22, 1849,' Butl<*r. Seabury Ford. W.; Jan, 22, 1849- ‘ Dec. 12, 1850, .Geauga. ’ Reuben Wood, D., Dec. July 13, 1353, Cuyahoga. William -Mediil, D„ July Jan. 14, 1850, Fail-field. Salmon P. Chase, R., Jan. 14, 1850 --Jan,- 9, 1800, Hamilton. Wilham Dennison, R. Jan. 9. 1800 --Jan, 13, 1802, Franklin, David Tod, R,,Man. 13 ■11- 1801, Mahoning. John Brough, R., ,.1ail. Aug. 29, 1805, Cuyahoga, Charles Andes son, K., Aug, 29, 1905- ...Ijin. 8, 18f!li, Montgomery. >. Jaeob 1). Cox.'R., Jan. 8, 18(5(5—Jan. 13; .18(59, Hamilton. ■Rutherford B. Hayes, .R,,. Jan, 13, 18(58 - Jan. 8, 1872. Hamilton. , 4 Edward F. Noyes, It.; Jun. 8, 1872 •--Jan. 12, 1874, Hamilton. William Allen, •!'»., Jan. 12, 1874— Jan. 10, 1870, Ross. RutheiTbr B: Hayes, R., Jan.' 10; 1870--Mai-. 2, 1877, Hamilton. Thomas L. Young,' It,, Mur. 2. 1877. —Jan. 14, 1878. Hamilton. . Richard M. Bishop, DI, Jam 14,1878 —Jan, 12p 1880;.Hamilton. - Charles Foster, R., Jan. 12, 1889— Jan, 14, 1884,-Seneeu, George Hoadly. R.; Jan. 14, 1884— Jan, li, 1880,Hamilton-.' • - • Joseph -Bv Foraker, R., Jan. 11, 188(5 —Jan, 13, 1890',' Hamilton, James E. Campbell, D., 1880—Jan.'11, 1892, Butler •William McKinley,. R,; 1S92—Jan. 155, 1890, Stark. Asa S. liushnell, It., .tan. 13, 1806- Jan. 8, 1900, Clark, George. K, Nasb, it., Jail. 8, 1900’ —.fan. 11, 19(34,• Franklin. Myron T, Herrick, R., Jan., —Jan. 8, 1900, Cuyahoga.; John M. Puttison, D., Jan, —-June ‘ 18, 1900, Clermont; Andrew' L, Harris, R., June 18, 190(5 -Jan, 11, 1901), Preble. . Judson Harmon, D,, .Tan. 14v 1909 -Jan. 13„ 1913, Hamilton. ' - James M. Cox, D., Jan. 13, 1913- Jan, 11, 1915. Montgomery; Frank B. Willis, It., Jah. 11, 191 —•Jim. 1 1917, Delaware, James M. Co'x, D., Jnn. S, 1.917— Jan. 10, 1821, Monlgomcryi Harry L, Davis, R,, Jnn. 10, 1921 Jnn. 8, 1923, Cuyahoga. Vic Donnhey, D.( Jnn. 8, 1923 - Jnn. 11, 1929, Tuscarawas. Myers Y. Cooper, It., Jan. 14, .1929 —Jnn, 12, 1931, Hamilton; George While, I)., Jan, 12, 1931 Jan, 14, HT35, Washington, Maritn L,' DuVey, D., Jail, 14, 1935 •—Ian. 9, 195i(i. I’orta'ge, John. W.’ Brieker, It., Jan. 9. 1939 -Franklin; , , H-. Democrat.' F - Federalist. W. Whig, R.- Republican. , Counties, listed are those in which governor resided at time of election, Jeanelto MacDonald and' Nelson Eddy; romance in .-modern dress .in tlio1technicolor, production of "Sweetliearts”-. which wjll open''at Regent theater in Springfield for a week’s engagement. . Florence Rice, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, .Mlscha Auer'.and -Herman Bing head the brilliant supporting cast of '‘Sweethearts," Tl|'p gay story- concerhs two,fanre-weary .Broadway musical comedy, slurs wfiiQ are in love off (lie stage as w;e,il as. on, but. do.not realize It until a conniving producer trys to' separate them. BIRTHS REGISTERED FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER 1938 Xcriia Nexl Allen Pettit, Jamestown. .Myrna Jean Primmer, Jamestowii. 1Arthur' Fred Bowel-master/ Cedar ville. . Janies' Loon Hardeman. 220 E. Oak St., Union City.'. . .' .Bertie Mae. Prodan,. Jamestown Thomas Winferd Howard 73 •Drive, Fairfield.- .-■■ j Donna Mae Hcider;-90 N. Main ,/St., - Fairfield. /. ' .' * - ■ Ronald 'Lee Reese’, R. R. 2, Dayton. • Harry A. McAtee, 31(1 Central. Avc., Osborn. '. • | Sarah Loii GantTni; Osborn. . Phyllis-Jean 'Massie, 3(5 N. Pleasant St., Osborn, James Warren Gilley, R. R., Osborn. David Albert Sheehan, Waynesville. Mary Leah Smith, R. ’R, ,2, Spring Valley. David Milo Beal, R.. R.-2, Waynes ville. Thomas'.'..Daniel. Griffis, R. . R. 3, Xirnia. | Oliarlcs Frederick Dean, It. R. 5, Xenia, Linda Lu •(flemans, R. R;-1,; Janiesj town. 1 Janet. Louise Butts, R. R.- 2, Xenia. Ruthann. Darner, Yc-llow Springs. James Charles- Hilderbrandt, R.' R. 2. Xenia. ’ ■ Carol Riie Limes, 103 Chestnut St., Xenia. Peggy' Lou Fudge,! 758 S. Monroe St'., Xenia. • Warren Holly Bennington, -42 CI(iarlos St’., Xenia.' ' ‘ ■ M ax Robert Barney, ‘19 Xenia Ave,, Xenia. Grooms, 239 E-. 3rd' St., Xenia. ■-. ’ .■/' ■ ■ ” - Wyona May ('anip,'425 E. Market Sl„ Xenia'. ' , Francis Eugene Sturgeon' 50 I.ynn •St. Xenia.' (rloric Janetta Scott, 1119, E, Muin St,, Xenia.- /. ; . Maynard, Edgar LeMur, 709 S. De troit St., Xenia.- Juditlv Arlene Pierce, 80 Home- Ave., Xenia; - . . ■:• ■ , ■•’ ■ Sharon Ann • Weaver, R. IL 1, Yellow Springs. - ’ Rnyieen Ellen Owen. 505} W. .Main St.] Xenia. • a meeting, of jhe Dramatics Monday evening, Miss Gienna '.Basote. gave several readings Which included a one act'play. Election of the officers for the second 1semester was potsponed until next meet. The College basketball team- scorecl mother viettiry against the Y. M. C. A. Triangles Tuesday night ■ at Springfield, The final scor-e' was .37- 1-1. The .reserves also won ■their game with ;; score (if 22-20. The lat ter part of this week, however, more formidable foes in Ashland Thursday night, and Rio Grande Saturday night will he met. The loss of Clyde Walk er, captain a four 'year veteran,'will piobnbly be severely fell in these two games.’ -Walker has his leg in a oast•its ' the result of :td'rn 1 iga'men.ts retjoived in the Wilber force game last Saturday, and will be out for (lie rest of the season. : Rev,*Thomas Talbot of Kentucky spoke to the members of the Y. M.- C A., Wednesday morning. The Obi Sigma Phi sorority held a rush party -at, the home of Mrs. Robert Townsley, Wednesday eve ning. In addition to. the'members of the sorority-,' the follo.Wing guests were in atieiulanee:' Misses- Janette Neal, Betty Nelson, . Helen Ross, Kathrine Randall, .Anna Louise Rit- eitoiir. Janice' Finko, Ila/el McClellan, Anna- Mary McClellan, Isabelle Mc Clellan, Rachel llaiTiman, Mary -Bat- dorf, Vmia Owelis and Ilea (rice Col- Jiei'5 .Dr, and- Mrs-. W . IL- McChesney spent,-Hie eaily part-of the ..week at' Columbus where they attended the in augural ceremonies of .Gov. Brieker. Jan, 13, Jan. 11, Cedar Cliff Chapter i D. A. R. Meeting 11, 1904 8, 1906 DEMOCRAT HIGHWAY WORKER HAULED HACK “ LEGLESS” Bystanders a few days ago were trcnted-io a feat, not usuiilly wifness- wl • here, A Democratic highway (employee Hint had done the bidding in primary and regular' 'election of higher ups was lifted and carried to his boarding house, , Bystanders- say iho fellow must hnvo been .“loglefcsJ' Delegates and idternatos. to the state convention'of-the Ohio Society, Daughters of- the American Revolu tion ,in Toledo, March 1-4*16, and the Continental,Congress in Washington,- D, C. ' the week of April 17, were named by Cedar Cliff Chapter, D. A, R.,.at a meeting at the home of Mrs,. Roger'Henderson', of Clifton,’ Tuesday afternoon,- * ■ By reason of- her office, Mrs. J, 'Ervin. Kyle, regent;' will attend both conventions and Mrs, Henderson, vice logout, will serve, ns regent's nlter- nnlo, * , Other delegates to the slate conven tion will bo Mrs. M. J.', Babin, Mrs Paul Orr and Mrs. Raymond William- s( n. Alternate will be Mrs, Mac Har ris, Mrs. Paul -Townsley, Mrs. Donald Kyle, Mrs. Hairy Wr.igld and Mrs. H. C. Aultmnn, Mr.v Fred Townsley was elected delegate to the national convention with Mrs. Belle SiirtiVners as nlternnt-e Other iilternates will be named by the chapter's council of safety. Interesting' papers bn "National Defense” and “ Americanism” were pi'Osonled by Mrs, Belle Summers and Mrs, W. A. Tqrnbfill, respectively, ‘in which they emphasized the necessity fop-American women, to be informed |m these subjects and t.o be prepared to take, a stand oh their convictions on such mailers. The papers were filed in the chapfer’s 'library for fuiui-o reference. Mrs, M. ,L B'ahitt ‘'discussed the work carried on at Ellis Island'and exhibited., n number o f articles made by immigrants, A social liour was enjoyed and re freshments were served by Mrs Henderson, assisted by Mrs, Wallace Rife. ' , ; QUEEN ESTHER The' -Misses -Alm'da’. Harper, and Xbfima Dean- entertained the Queim Estheis Wednesday, evening,' at the -inme of Mi«.« Almcdn Harper, with’ fifteen members present. The president. Miss Betty Irvin,, presided, .and devotion's were lend-by Miss Grace ■Deck. Tlio study‘"book was reviewed by Miss Marjorie Fin ney. ' '- . /■: • -T "'■ ' ' ■ After Hie meeting, a social .hour wa>> enjoyed with delightful games iiid .((inic-sL:-, and- del/chilis refresh ment:,. were served. BOY SCOUT MEETING . [ A very interesting Boy Scout meet*. iiig under Seoul master Robert Fitz- waler and Ward Creswoll, was held in the. Presbyterian Church, Tuesday evening. First Aid requirements were the outstanding subjects of the meeting, under supervision of. Dr. Donald Kyle. . CnmmiUeonien, games and the Kangaioo Court provided entertain ment for the evening. Dick Wright won-fhe prize of a leather lariat for the best behavior and appearance. Parents are especially invited to the meetings,- SHERIFF JUST MUSI’ KEEP HIS. HAT HANDY ■Sheriff George Henkel had another call (his \Vay Wednesday evening when- lie -took George Gordon in charge and li.T him in his institution. Thursday noon no charge had been tiled, although intoxication was widen! at the time the sheriff called. P. I.- NEbSON, O. D. optometrist ’. , • ■ - - - ;f ‘ '. . ‘ Jnmesfown, Ohio Especial Attention Given School-Age Eyes 4 Great Sales D u r i n g O u t . . . TWIGE-A-YEAR This semi-annual event is looked forward to by all who respect exclusive merchandise of a fine order. Every item on sale is from our regular stock . . . no special purchases have been made. Vogue Shop Has One Sacrifice Sale A Season 1. Clothing Clearance f p , f ’ ;*• ■ , ’ s ' Our entire stock of suits and topcoats by such as Hickey-Preeman, Michaels-Stern, Fashion Park and Kingbrook has been drastically reduced for this event. I ; « 2. Manhattan Clearance ' . , Manhattan's twice-yearly authorized sale has be- ' come a tradition in Springfield and vicinity; Over 4000 shirts, pajamas and shorts and shirts have been - greatly reduced. 3. Hat Clearance With but few:exceptions our entire stock of fine hats by Dobbs, Mallory, Wilshire and Berg is included in this outstanding event. Your savings here are important. ' 4. Shoe Clearance -'V. This semi-annual clearance of Bostonians, Foot- savers and Mansfield shoes for men is your oppor tunity for tremendous savings on shoes that -are famous for comfort, style and fit. 20, and .22 South Fountain Ave. t Springfield, Ohla , ’ 4 >V K I . C « .MK T O A N E W T E A K The coming of a New Year is always a symbol associated with the newestof things in general; But as a New Year is ushered in we want, to talk to our friends about something that is old—Natural Gas and Electric service. Yes, old but always new, too, because with the passing of the years it becomes more apparent > in the conduct of honje life and industrial activities that Natural Gas and Electricity arc destinted to play increasingly important' parts in all manner of progress. ,Our hope and wish for the New Year for our customers is that 1939 will be a year of larger . happiness, increased prosperity and that our traditional friendly, relationships may con tinue strengthened. Dayton Power and Light Co. “HERALDWANTANDSALEADSPAr 1
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