The Cedarville Herald, Volume 62, Numbers 1-26

t'E»ARV!U.K HERALD, FRIDAY, DF.fTMRER 0, 1939 wma ilfilOTIlH w&fhtmm - \ ' j i ; ft i ’ f T H E C E D A H V I E L E H E R A L D KARLH BULL--------,-------- EDITOR AND PUBUSHEE JIESinEH—National Killtnrlal A mw . Olili- Vm-e. Uor A^stnMMiami Valley Vri'MAwoc. Entered at the Post Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1887, as second class matter k<| • Ddbjin lions in the Bouthwest. Th ing s w e re 1canse will be for hearing; on o r a fte r sweet also after he hired a Roosevelt, the 14th day of January, 1939. 1 son-in-law to manage his -Seattle I ' NEAL W. HUNTER, papers. This week the CIO withdrew1 Attorney for the Plaintiff., some 3,000 employees of two lle a rs t! (,12-2-7t-27d) Chicago papers. I t may be a little i ---------- --------- -- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1938 PUBLIC MEN AND THEIR BENEFACTIONS A minister of the First Congregational Church, Washing­ ton, D. C., takes young,.James Roosevelt, former secretary to his father, FranklimD., to task when it became known that he had not contributed one cent towards any church last year, the news leaking out in that no deductions had been taken when his income tax returns were exposed following a suit in Federal Courts over the $31,000 insurance, fee paid him on surity bonds for government contracts. The investigation also showed that young Roosevelt only took credit 'with a gift of $28 to charity during the year the big fee was paid and during the last four years his average gift to charity 'only $17, Meantime young Roosevelt was drawing $10,000.a year salary from the govern-, ment through appointment by his father without authority of law as no other president ever had such a ■secretary,'Following' the court exposure Roosevelt developed a severe case of stdmach ache and landed in California as an official of a motion picture concern tha t was in trouble with .the government over the company income taxes. . The plight of the eldest son of the first family brings to mind that FDR some months ago-sold confidential papers out of the White House to a New 'York publishing concern for a cool $100,000. The papers belonged to the government but the money did not go into the federal treasury. FDR announced later when the scandal began to leave an odor that he would donate the amount to charity. No such announcement has ever been made. , . Now the radio brings the. nation the news that the famous FDR birthday parties are to come in January to raise funds to c om b a t infantile paralysis,' No one could possibly take excep­ tion to such a. campaign b»ut the public has a perfect right to have a financial statement made public each year. . The public should know how much goes to Warm Springs where people are charged $1,000 before a patient can be admitted; Public bene­ factions in such cases should be made public, not secret OHIO RECORDS FIRST FEMALE ELECTROCUTION ; A new record was set in Ohio Wednesday night when Gov. Davey refused to interfere and permitted the order of the courts from the lowest to the. highest to be carried out. / By this Anna Marie Hahn, 34, widow,. Cincinnati, became the first woman, in Ohio to give her life in exchange for one or more men who died of poisoning,to get their money. While much has been,said in behalf of women that commit crimes, most.of which is from, the sentimental, standpoint, we see no reason .why a woman guilty of committing murder, especially after having been proven guilty in court, should not pay the same price with her life for her unlawful deed as any man. If society is to have the protection the law stands-for, backed by the'courts, then both men and women guilty of crime should have the same punishment; Tin* light by the Farmers freedom League of America has just started according to those in authority. The organization was formed before tin; election and a .number of southwestern counties in the stale are in the group opposing the AAA setup under the New Deal. A meeting was, held in Brookville last Monday when I. E. Baker and Col. William E, North were the speakers, along with Cong.-olect Harry N; Routzohn, R,, Dayton. early but one FDR will be out of u 1 job in two years, if llearst can wait that long to hii'e the next Roosevelt, The Roosevelts are much in the public eye again from papa to mama. This time "Sonny Jim" who just g> out of a court tungle over a $31,000 insurance fee paid him on government contracts is now in the motion picture business.In Hollywood. The court de­ cision was that Jim was entitled to tin Judging from th.e way the' Demo- ,'ratic counties in the- southwestern part of the state went Republican one must" accept the verdict' as a strong protest against the* AAA and the New Deal. Petitions will be circulated for the repeal of the 1938 Compulsory Crop Control Act. To stop importa­ tion of farm-products into the United States. To prevent any further hin- lerance by the Secretary of Agri­ culture to the American farmer. • l,ig fee but it was careful to- poin. out that no undue influence fiom hi* oilice as secretary to his futher at $10,- 000 .a year anti cake;, \,.‘u u-i-il , • g the business. It is remarkable th ability the family possesses. On .month Jim is secretary to iiis fatboi • The, next an insurance agent. an executive in a picture company Not so long ago the'dispatches earru-t a story that the' same picture compupj, was charged with back income taxer amounting to the .sixth column <vn the adding machine. Yes sir! Jim mnj bo cheap at his reported sal-try of $f>0, 000 a year as a motion picture executive. , Farmers will also 'be interested in tome* of the provisions of the Roose- velfc-liull,free trade agreements with foreign countries. Ned only do they provide for this country taking so much grain- and meat but in case of *.var,abroad this country, is to furnish/ food stuffs 'of all kinds grown on the farm at controlled prices. In other .vords the demand .cannot force up the price to the farmers. This is how the New Deal is looking out for the in- .crest of farmers. U i a a a u i i a v Z Invest­ ments . Are Insured The dividends,for 1987 'and the first six months of 1938 were paid at the fate of Accounts opened by the 10th of each month earn dividends from the first of that month. PER YEAR Cedarville Federal Savings & Loan Ass’n. A Washington commentator this .voek lets ‘a little; light in on how the Ag, circles in Washington sol'd a great quantity of wheat abroad. . This is wheat-on which the government had loans and. according ,to this authority was sold at a loss of 20c a bushel. This reduced the Liverpool price and •resulted in a drop here. Uncle Sam ■ is t asking for bids on hauling the mail by truck on two star routes out. of .Xenia. One route to Xenia and the other ' Xenia, Bell- brook, Spring Valley, , Waynes-villc, ITarverysburg and New Burlington. The new contracts are for- four -years. This was part of.the Farley economy program which works this way. The government pays the. railroad so 'much a ton mile for hauling the'mail. The eastern mail. is. hauled through Cedar­ ville to Xenia which adds to the-cost father than put it off here.' The idea is to give a deserving Democrat a job—the Farley idea of economy. Meantime scores of towns in Ohio have decreased mail service. For instance it takes three days to' get a letter to Dayton and.a' return, a distance of 22 miles. Parcel' post packages from Cincinnati and Dayton require' three and four days, when you- can drive to Cincinnati by auto now in 90 minutes. In ordering from Springfield parcel post, packages must have no time limit. •* LATEST DESIGN GRUEN V AT C HE S [EVEdozensofnewGRUEN II watch styles to showyou, Including that most sensa­ tional of all wrist watches... a GRUEN CURVEX that's worn at the SIDE of the wrist! Come in and sec them... Prices start at $24.75. GIFTS FROM YOUR JEWELER flSE GIFTS ST THEIR BEST Tlie. Farley postal service is not much different with rural towns than it is in, the larger cities for we hear complaints everywhere we go. A mere mention, of the ^service to the average city businessman brings a retort of criticism.. There is no hope for im­ proved service with the star route plan but even the four year contracts will not meant anything when con­ gress returns to Republican control in two years. All this extra cost will bo eliminated and the mail service operat­ ed for the benefit of the .people and not political appointees! Democrat or Republican. When Farley took over the postal management his first act was to cancel air.mail contracts ami the courts sustained him. The same precedent will apply to the proposed four year star route contracts, ♦i;i T i f f any ’ s S. Detroit St. Xenia, O. ■gJB FOR BETTER SERVICE TO YOU we suggest consignors do not wait until afternoon to send Live Stock to our barns. -Pleas Come in; the Morning. MAKE OUR MARKET YOUIt MARKET SPRINGFIELD LIVE STOCK SALES CO Sherman Ave. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Phone: 5942 Tef ■We have had advance information what the CIO union leaders will ask of Ohio manufacturers and business­ men through a state wage and hour, law. No doubt such a law will be in- trodneed, the New' Deal is nmv trying to enforce a similar law on- firms that tfo an interstate business.. The Ohio law will hit all kinds of business from one employe up and if the New Deal adds farm labor and domestic help, this may be added to fanners also in this state. It is going to be interest­ ing to watch future developments. Ohio business interests and farmers as well can feel assured of one thing, no set o^ rattle-brained Communists down in Washington esm force such legislation on the new Republican legislature-in this stale. The Hem. ocratic business men and farmers can get down on their knees and thank God Unit their party nominees were defeated in the November election ami not have to submit to demands of the New Deni whether it soiled Ohio citizens or not. There was a time.1 when W. R llearst, multi-niillif naire publishei with a siring of 22 metropolitan daily papers in this country, hid’for lahoi union support, llearst. also was first for Roosevelt and the first to leave him when he became Communistic, Roosevelt pinned Severn! income tags on the publisher and then llearst hired a son of the. Roosevelt household to mnnngc n string of broadcasting t)fa- One of the unreported events in con noc’tion with the accident at Selma last week- when a Pennsy.passenger train hit a truck loaded with posts, result ingwith the death of the driver.' The fireman was. on his side of the cal and seeing that the train was t,o hi) the -truck..jumped back of the boiios just as a post crashed endwise through, the cab window on his side.' Mad lx not moved he would have met instant death no doubt. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF THE CEDARVILLE FARMERS . GRAIN COMPANY •■To- -Wholly It May Concern:—- Notice us hereby given that on the 21s't day of November, The Cedarville Farmers Grain Company', by virtue of a Resolution of the Board of Directors, elected to dissolve and completely wind up its'affairs! and that a Certificate to that effect has been duly filed in the oilice of the Secretary of State, at Co­ lumbus,. Ohio. WILLIAM CONLEY ARTHUR CUMMINGS A. H. CRESWKLL ■ W; J.'CHERRY - clayton M c M illan ■' H. S. BAILEY Directors of The Ootiarville Farmers '.rain Company. NO’J ICE OF PUBLIC SALE .In th • pursartce of the order of the -probate court of Greene County, 1 will offer'tor sale a t public auction on the 17lh day-of December, 1938, at 10:00 o'clock, at the West door of the Court louse in the eointy of Greene, State vf Ohio, the following described real state lo-wit: . Situate in 'the Township of Xenia, ’minty of Greene and State of Ohio, ind being all -of lot number 37 in South Park, an addition to the City if Xenia, Ohio. Situate in the Township of Xenia, ’ounty of Greene and State of Ohio, ud being all of lot number thirty- . :ght (No, 38) in South Park, an addi- "»n to the City of Xenia, Ohio, as he same is designated, numbered and known on the recorded plat of said addition. Said premises are appraised a t One Hundred and Twenty Dollars ($120.00) and must be sold for not less than two-thirds of said appraised value, and the terms of sale are cash in hand upon the delivery of the deed. OREN P. TRI5SSLAR, Administrator of the Estate of Jesse Tresslnr, deceased. Marcus MeCallister, Attorney for Administrator. (10-11-12-2) - LEGAL NOTICE Margaret Stevens, whose place of residence is unknown, will take notice that John Stevens has filed his peti­ tion for divorce in Case No.. 21,846 of the Court of Common Pleas of Greene County, Ohio, on the ground of wilful absence and that the case will come up for hearing on or after .January 14th, 1939. FORREST DUNKLE, (12-9-(5t-l -13-39) Attorney. SALE OF BONDS LEGAL NOTICE DU t»r. Md* for » W bonds bm> d liturlui* a, d itrm u t «f I ii U tc *! Iltftn ttiat uU vt’ spedllcd. pruvliled' ibttl « m ir ll.mul Interest rulo Is MU S'"'11 trai t,"“ n,i ■uciiile- (T line |«-r rent IN <»' * 1“'*' t „, aniim -ns theri-uf. Uaid 'W* •», due .81111 paval'ilc as r»Uews. U> w it. One bind un Oetuber 1st In cueU 1,1 ll,u >i',iri* jniiil l»10 lu UHlt. I'Olli .liii-Ji|Klve. Said bunds aru issued fur tb» liurpuse of purcliii-iKi; J-lm HtiUtluB API'amms and KunUuiit-m and under unlliorlly of laws Ohio, and of Tliu I’uifunn Bund .V't and under and lu aiTurdanw with a certain o r d i­ nance o f the said vtllaae entitled -"OIIIU- M .S tT VO. 203, AN OUltlNAM'K fltUV IU - 1NC t-'OB TIIK ISKPANCB OF BONDS OF Tit)-. V II.I,A(.K OF I'KDAIlVILliB. OHIO, FOB FitII p r tti-o s i; o f F i riruASiNO f iu k fic h t in c : A F FA ltA T lS AND I'.OUU'ilKNT," liaased on (tie 2 1st day of Novi-Diiier, 1938. Paid t,nmls -will he sold 10 tile lilalirat Iddder fur not less than the rare lalu e thereof and acenieU luieu-st. . ■ , Alt hhla niust stats the .number *>f bonds bid and Die cross amount of-bld and aucrued iuter- ,.«L In daft of (h'ltvary. All- bids u». lie Itc- ninipanliit u ilb a l>ond or .rertltied cllecli. pat* aldo t„ the Vlihuto of (\d urvllle, Oblr>. f»r 'Ihrt-e Hundred, and Fifty Dollurs ($359.09), mu u condition (list If the bid la arrepted the Milder nill receive and pay for such bonds us may be Issued as above set forth, within thirty (,’dii days from the (line o f■award, said lusnl lo he forfeited nr said checic lo -be .retained, ■hy the Village, If snl-l condltlnu Is i|i»t luitllled. Bids should he sealed and endorsed "Bids For Fire FH’hllna Appiiratus Bonds," _ 1-1Hltll U .1. .M i -C'OHKKI j I,, Mllav'i' f li-rtv. of Villaue id' fcd im H li’, Ohio F r i d a y — S a t u r d a y “ B a n k N i ^ h t ” -S C R E E N — “ L IS TEN DARLING " . Judy Garland Freddie Bartholomew Continuous Shows ‘Daily -Adultn Only 15c 'Til 2 P. M, Sualcd proposals will ho. ' tooc I vw I- nt tl?rs' ■nfflro of Uni Village. Cleric of the VlUaue of CtularVilU*, (Vdarvlllt*, Ohio, iintH Uvelvo ,nmm M2 N ,l or the Mtli day of poermher, 1028. for- tlu* purpose of bonds of the said .VIII jirl * in tile uwreaalu mtin of Thlrly-flyo-iluRdred * Ihillars (11:1,500*00). dated the 1st. day of .limitary Said honds will he ten (10)' In numher nmL numbered from One (1) (o Ten (10), Imih liielnslve. Kadi of said horids will he in (he denomination of Three Hundrod and Fifty Dollars ($330.00), ajid will .draw interest at the rale of four ami one-hnLf MM*) per cfiitum per annum, payable sumi-annually on the 1st days of April and Oetoher of each year, upon presenuition and surrender of the Interest eon pons to he attached to said Louis. Any ono' desirlnu to do so rimy present..a LEGAL NOTICE Ruth Shirk, whose residence- is un­ known, is. hereby notified that A, M, Shirk has filed' his petition against her for divorce and equitable relief, in case No. 218-1-8, of the Common Plea's Court, of Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will be for hearing on or after the 14th-day of January, 1939. NEAL ;W. HUNTER, • , Attorney for the ^Plaintiff, (12-9-1-13(1) ' . ' ;f A D€ Luxe TH€ftrr?e S T A R T S S U N D A Y DAYS LEGAI, NOTICE Edvthe Gartinger, whose residence j is unknown, • is hereby notified that ’ Iliu;ol(l.Garringer-has filed his petition against her for divorce, in Case No, 21844, of the Common Pleas Court,-of •’Greene County, Ohio, and that, said Week „"Oijr Gang" Comedy Pete Smith Short Metro' Newe ’ stone » * 0 0 N B Y cartoor it -tsa*.%tM^SXSX ■... I F r i d a y , D ed . 9 S a t u r d a y , D ec . 10 2 D a y s O n b ’ A HURRICANE Of ENTERTAINMENT! A ROAD SHOW .SPECTACLE! i V t A D B H A V IU L A N D 0 U V D 1C B P O W E L L In otinDQ TO GEI” *IR I1U .. Jmir - M•,,, Also “Our Gsna Willi GLENDA FARRELL — OTTO KRUGER HERBERT MUNDIN — DAVID OLIVER M g m . 4 . new tiNiVBBSAt/. ricit'BB e n i i i i M n H M - . A d u lts “ B a ro n in H o u r" 30 c till 1 T ill 5 P . M . M ain F l o o r - B a lc o n y 4 0 6 , G a lle r y 2 5 c E v e n in g s 55 o , 4 0 o , 2 6 o —- K id d le s 15 c A ll H o u r s l*> 3 D a y s _ i iS l^ rting- S - nday 2 - B IG H lTS^- lS c “ RlO GRkHOE F E A TU R E N°. * “ THE STORM ■>» Oufsf “ ^standing r,. . 2 - a a _ e s t artI. ^ ‘»2 $ . 'Sc I ? The R r T r T T ^ ay Brothers . 2 ? * * ! « • * - w * ®r°oka, Dick Ar r iL I P n WEEKDAYS Local Mrs l- Nisitmg 1as jclui ti- Mr. J- Chicago .hi- several a. Live-Murk Mr. :upi tertained with a fe-< nirtg. Miss- I:-, Thanksgr. c breaking i. improve Tile m Board of .; •lege will r. this Frida-. Mr, A. 1 Camp," mi - .Miami \ alb ir,g with |- has been- e shows Mi --1 ,Mr. and announeing liani Dale ■ Jamestown. ei:ly Miss ( of Mr. and .Springfield, The Whit,, .Scouts gave hour for- p the home o ur-day after part, of the ■ service worl Mr. and . are announc daughter, ■William An- o.ri Tuesday, darville Col school in .41 Twps. Mr. the Cincinm For Sale: excellent cm Grocery for c Y i Y- ; a i >! |HH'I tutec XM $ ft s