The Cedarville Herald, Volume 62, Numbers 1-26
C36DARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1039 T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D BuAiRLH BUIJ 4 —------— EDITOR AND PUBLISHER JM U o rin l A m o o .J O W o K cw « *» » w A sso c . ; U is m l V aU n y Press Assoc. Entered at the Post Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31.1887, as second class mutter _____________„___________ _—— —— FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1939 • NEW DEA£ TAKES SOCK ON JAW WITH JOHN L. LEWIS The Supreme Court, Monday, handed down a decision de claring “ sit-down” strikes illegal, regardless o f the fact that the White House has given silent support to this method of Communists taking over the property that belonged to another. It was an important decision fo r law and order in the country. It was a death b low to Roosevelt, Lewis, Perkins, the NLKH, Wagner ,law followers and others that represent a plan ot leaders grafting on labor. Employers o f labor in sections where Lewis and Communistic leaders have political control, now have some protection. This all depends on the law enforcement agencies from the White House down to the constable. If Roosevelt winks at this de cision as he has other laws it may mean little. With part o f the courts packed with New Deal puppets no one dare make a prediction. The supreme court gave a divided decision, Justics Reed and Black, the latter the KKK police court jurist, stood fo r sit-down strikes, probably fear ing reprisals from FDR. The court also gave approval of firing any or all employees that go on such a strike. The remarkable thing is that a court in this land had to be asked to hand down a decision that a property owner had the . right to defend his own property. MRS. ROOSEVELT QUITS D. A. R— WAS SHE EVER IN? W e imagine there are a lot o f broken-hearted patriotic women, Republican and Democratic, when they read Tuesday that Mrs. Roosevelt had quite the D. A. R. because the organisa tion had denied a Washington hall to a colored concert singer. We know nothing o f the truth of_what has or has not happen ed concerning the renting o f the. building. ■ We take it that the D. A, R. at some tim e 'or other had to stretch the rules and probably overlook some to get the First Lady a seat in the organization circle. I f so probably some o f the members that had to prove their worth might fee l just a bit jealous o f one resigning that probably did not have to trace blood lines back to the Mayflower. I f what the Roosevelt’s preach in and out o f the home, their ideas o f economic problems and how they should be solved— always at the expense o f the other fellow, their Communistic associates, social and political, their Russian Red plan o f soviet government, then the D. A. R. should be glad to welcome such a resignation whether it was a Ro'osevelt o f not. As two elder Roosevelts and ten little Roosevelts only reached these shores some months ago from Germany, the D A . R. may now feel fo r a time at least that our newest citizens would not want to risk their names fo r membership in the nation’s leading patriotic organization. After all was Mrs. Roosevelt ever a full-fledged member of the D. A. R .? Now it turns out that the National Lawyers Guild is a first cousin o f the Writers Guild, both being connected I with the Lewis CIO. In as much as j Roosevelt is credited with being a member of the. Writers Guild, this | should be convincing that the Com munists are not only after control of I newspaper writers but the lawyers as well. Now some of the New Dealers complain about the lawyers being under Communistic control, if a state ment o f Justice Pecora is true. He being one o f Roosevelt’S first line de fense artists, who dares challenge his ] utterance ? ( was made for spite because Vic would i not take orders from the White House, Meantime a University board com mittee is Investigating Red activities on the campus. The American Legion asks the Ohio legislature to make its own investigation, agreeing to furnish the evidence of what the Roosevelt Reds have been doing. Business men have had quiet a laugh to themselves since. Dr, Harry Hopkins o f the New Deal prescribed remedies for a sick business world over the radio some evenings ago. Harry became famous as the official “ spend more-tax more" agency, Roosevelt promoted him to head the Commerce Department. Dr. Hopkins says when he gets the farmer, labor leader, large and small businessmm on one side o f the table facing him, he proposes to diagnose their troubles tc give them the remedy. Hopkins is theRoosevelt trial balloon on a presi dential test. Funny isn’t it? CiisM could cas?® fo r furnace * 2 A W E E K Will Bay.. A ; W illiamson Tripl-i£e "The Williamson Heater Company: Our Tripl-ifc has kept our house warmer thU winter than it has ever been. 1 found that 1 did not need to fire the furnace, as often. ..The Williamson Furnace is the best looking heating plant I have ever seen. The Furnace is so easy to operate that a child could fire it.” Signed—Emerson Wright, Eaton, Ohio FREE: Furnace Inspection. Did you bum too much coal, did you have too much illness —were your coal bills too high this past winter? We make free inspection, locate troubles, do repair work. Modest prices. F u r n a c e * d e a n a d C. C. BREWER Phone: Cedarville 125 Herbert S. Bigelow, one time So cialist leader,' minister-politician, on e, term New Dealer for $50 a month old- j age pensions to be financed by a 2 per cent tax on land worth more than $20,000 an acre, and an income tax. This would not hit farm land but it would levy a new tax on city business,! manufacturing and residential prop.' erty. It eventually would lead through the manufactured goods by higher prices' to those forced to purchase the necessities o f life.. 1 The yelp that comes from Demo, cratic sources over the change in many departments of state leads us to believe the New Dealers and Davey- crats have a short memory. In less than thirty days after Davey was governor he ordered the removal of Warden Thomas of the Ohio pen. Since the first o f the year the prison ers have complained 'that they were held ’ up on the price o f state store liquor'bootlegged by politicians' into the prison. Also it is intimated that snow or dope was sold each day to prisoners that could be trasted. It looks now like there is to be a change of warden and the Democratic chorus is singing in a b-flat cord. To the victors belong the spoils . whether under a Democratic or Republican ad ministration. The Civil Service means nothing for efficiency. Seventy-five per cent o f the Democrats under their own civil service never had a written examination o f any kind. ACHIEVEMENT DAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH IS years.” Mr, Fryman reports a gain for the Xenia exchange area of 151 telephones ' over last year’ s total making a total of 2,233 subscribers for this district as of February 1. Tropical Love CEDARVILLE HIGH SECOND IN COUNTY TOURNAMENT The Smile of Satisfaction comes from the knowledge that she has at her' beck and call one of the most important servants that any efficiently conducted home possibly could have— ELECTRICITY Because of electricity her home work ismade easier every day of the year. She can clean, run the radio, operate her refrigerator, iron, wash the family clothes, use her ironer —in fact, she can do about anything that has to be done In a modem home and still have time for many leisure hours each day. ' No one has adequately described the blessings which Bow from the use of electric service in a modem home. Sure, you can describe different things electricity does, but it is almost impossible to tell the whole story, Those who have employed electricity know its value and its LOW GOST FOR USE. T^oWonder She Smiles S1i« Dayton Power $t Light Go* If you are having trouble with your radio and its reception from Station WLW do not blame any one but the New Deal down in Washington. For some unknown cause the. New Deal has it in for the station and has order ed the power reduced to 500 watts. The order is being contested in the courts. A statement was made in our hearing a few years ago that it cost a Dayton station $12,000 to get any thing like full time having felt the heel o f the New Deal. Probably if Crosley could raise the necessary above the Dayton amount some o f the opposition might Jie softened. Achievement Day Program in Greene County have become an out standing annual event throughout the county and in the City of Xenia. The 1939 Achievement Day program will be held at the First Methodist Church, West Second St., Xenia, Ohio, on March 15. One of the high lights of the day program is the talk “ Denmark and the Danes” by Mrs. Herbert White, o f Columbus, Ohio. . Mrs, White was born and reared on a farm in Denmark, having come to America at the age o f 21 years. She is a grad uate of the Training School Ifor Nuirses at St. Helena, California. Mrs. White familiar with the rural organ iza tions throughout, the United States as well as in her native country. She appears in Native costume which adds considerably to her charming person ality as a public speaker. Other important features on the program will be some numbers by the county chrous directed by J.‘ Harley Waldron. “ Seeing Foreign Countries through the eyes o f our Friends,” which will include an exhibit and ex planation o f dolls collected by Mrs Reed Madden,' also an outstanding collection of dolls representing some fifteen different . countries explained by Mrs. Austin Patterson, and Mrs Lila Reed Jones will tell of her ob servations in the Scandanavian coun tries last year. Mrs. Jones has an outstanding collection of Post Cards and weaving which will be on display Lunch will be served by the women of the First Methodist Church and promises to be one o f the interesting social times o f the day. Tickets for this luncheon will be in the hands off" the various women their community and reservations must be made by Saturday, March 11 1939.' This program is arranged by the Home Extension Council and every women throughout the county and city of Xenia is invited. BELL RECOVERS ITS/ DEPRESSION PHONE LOSS, REPORT SAYS Charles K. Kettering, noted Dayton engineer gives away hundreds o f thou sands of dollars each year for edUca- I The Ohio Bell Telephone t!o. has tion and research work. His gifts to just passed its pre-depression peak in colleges over a period of years has number of telephones reached millions. The New Deal service in the state, it was announced hungry for money from every source |here today by W. M. Fryman, the The Greene County basketball tournament was run off with a few variations from those o f the past few years. In the first place the setting of the classic was changed from the Xenia Central High gym to the re juvenated Rink floor. Also the selec tion o f the mythical All-County teams was eliminated, and the award ing o f a sportsmanship trophy was abolished. The Spring Valley boys initiated the proceedings by.easily downing a hap less Bryan crew 4G to 22. Beaver creek met Bellbrook in the second game o f the upper bracket and lost to the Golden Eagles 23 to 25 in one of the torried games o f the tourn ament. An incident that rarely oc curs in any game marked this en counter. A Beaver player disturbed the basket as a Bellbrook boy was shooting. The goal was missed but the .basket was allowed. As two points was the margin o f their defeat, it was only natural that the Beaver boys should claim two point to their credit, when a Bellbrook player com mitted almost the same offense in the last few seconds o f the game. The officials ruled the ball had been in and then-out before the basket waB touched. \ In the lower bracket Cedarville scored the only major upset by down ing Ross High 26 to 22. Based on the season’s record the Ross cagers were favored to go to, the finals, but scrappy Red and White team was not to be deniedl. Ross came back courageously in the second half and cut this lead to two points, but Cedar vjlle slipped in another bucket in the closing moments to clinch the game The second .evening opened, with Spring Valley girls defeating Jeffer son girls 17 to 12. This gave Spring Valley third place honors in the county. Cedarville then-came through with flying colors agamst Jefferson, win ning 34 to 19, The boys reversed their tactics of the previous evening and came from- behind to win. The score at the.half 12 to 12.' Gaining momentum they scored 22 points in the last half and limited Jefferson to 7. This gave them the right to meet Spring. Valley in the finals. In the final, round Bellbrook .won the consolation game from Jefferson 33 to 29. and earned the third place honors. Ross High girls then met Beavercreek girls in the finals o f their division. In the championship encounter, .'Paul.. Orr’s charges tangled with Joe Waddle's fine team. Spring Valley was favored to win because of a very successful season and because they had also won the county league. The local fans were encouraged however, because the Red and White team had its full strength together for the first time since ehrly in" the season. BOB RICHARDS. passed a law that taxes gifts. The Communistic money grabbers now say that Kettering owes the government $1,625,482 gift taxes for 1935. Just how much money Kettering has given away can be figured from the amount of tax demanded. Contrast this acl; o f being taxed for aiding educational work and research with the fact that Roosevelt sold government papers out o f the White House office for a cool $100,006 to a string o f newspapers and the flimsy statement that the amount Would be turned over to the govern ment. The deal was made nearly two years ago but no statement has ever been made that the $100,000 , has reached the U. S. Treasury. You get a pretty good picture o f gratitude in the divorce suit o f Tom Mooney, noted labor leader who has sued his wife, Rena Mooney, for di vorce. Mooney served twenty-two years in California prison for alleged bombing during a parade in Los Angeles. All those years the little wife worked and slaved to get means to hire attorneys to secure freedom for her husband. Both state and na tional Democratic leaders with Com munistic traits.made the Mooney case a state-wide affair with the result that a Democratic candidate fqiv governor was elected and recently gkVe Mooney his freedom. Less "than ten days afterwards, Mooney announced his in tention to divorce his wife, who has been on relief for five years. The New Deal had much in common with Mooney in prison as a political issue but no sympathy for the little wife that a labor brute now casts aside. Mooney should be considered a parole violator and returned to prison. But what about the Democratic Governor that pardoned Mooney ? company's local -commercial manager. “ The company today passed the mark of 821,832 telephones,” said Mr Fryman. ' “ From this pre-depression high of 721,832, reached in April, 1930, the total dropped to 525,036 in July;*1933 the low point o f the depression'as far as the telephone business in Ohio was concerned. This represented a loss of 196,796 instruments in a little more than three years. “ Since the low point, the company has regained that loss in less than five Mrs. Laura Cecil and Mr. and Mrs. Dessinger of Columbus were recent guests o f Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Masters. I. R. Kneisly, Osborn, one o f three assistant fire marshals. appointed Wednesday by State Fire Marshal Ray Gill* and assigned to Greene, Clark, Madison and Champaign counties, formerly served as Osborn postmaster. He Was ehdorsed for the post by the Greene county Republican organiza tion’s patronage committee. His son, Robert, is employed as bookkeeper in the county treasurer’s office. Subscribe to “ TEE EERALD” COAL! For Every Need Golden Eagle— A Quality Coal for furnace, stove or grate. Low in ash, high in heat units. Give it a trial. We have Pocahantos fo r your furnace, GRASS SEED OF ALL KINDS The Roosevelt administration was not able to bluff Sen. Vic Donahey in supporting Dean Herschcl Arant, who Roosevelt named for a Federal judg- ship on the sixth district court o f ap peals. It is claimed in Columbus circles that Roosevelt knew Donahey was adverse to Arant, dean o f OSU law school, and that the appointment PURINA FEED Sow and Pig in Meal and Checker. Hog Chow in Meal and Checker. Purina, the only Startena made. PURINA FORUMLAS Grinding! Mixing o f Purina Formulas* C. L. McGuinn The Pu-Ri-Na Store TELEPHONE— 3 South Miller St. Cedarville* O. If you are frozen stiff and disgusted to the marrow with win ter, and you want to take an Inexpensive but merry trip. to Honolulu, visit the Regent theater in Springfield next weak, where the musical comedy “Honolulu” will open Friday, March 3. Robert Young, Eleanor Powell and Burns and Allen,,pictured above, are the merry stars, Eleanor has three, great opportunities to dance In this Him wliloh Is well supplied with comedy, romance and dancing.
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