The Cedarville Herald, Volume 62, Numbers 27-52

CEDARVIIiLE .HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 14 , lg tf Local and Personal Misses Caroline 'and Clara Gallo- way, who have been spending two weeks and more in Chicago, visiting their uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bowman and Dr, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Paul Qrr arc spend- Charles Galloway, returned home ing two weeks with the former’s 1Wednesday after a pleasant visit in father in Fair Haven, O. Miss Ann Gabriel o f Columbus was a guest last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Williamson. that city. Mrs. Belie Burners, who has been ' spending six weeks in West Virginia visiting among relatives and friends, is expected to return home, Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Collins Williamson and family had fo r their guests Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stoop o f Xenia. The dinner was in honor o f Mrs. Stoop's birthday. Mrs. Lee Rife o f Philadelphia, Pa., who has been visiting relatives in this vicinity and Xenia, has gone to Mon­ mouth, HI,, to visit with relatives. Mrs. C. L. Cluxton and two children, Marilyn and Neil, o f Dayton, have been spending the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Evans and sister, Mrs. Fred Dean. Her neice Norma Dean, accompanied her home to spend a few days. A lovely miscellaneous shower was given for the bride-elect recently by Miss Maurine Hobbie of Cleves, Miss Brewer was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. A kitchen, shower is being arranged by Miss Rachel Carter of Clifton in honor of the bride-elect. Mr. and Mrs. Merline Idemiller, nee Eleanor Hughes, have returned from their wedding trip to the wdst coast. Miss Marthena Smith, Selma road, near Springfield, will become the bride of Mr. John .Tobias, Cedarville, on Thursday, August 17. The ceremony will take -place at the home of bride with Rev. Paul Pfeiffer, Springfield, performing the ceremony. Following the ceremony Mr. Tobias and his bride .will leave on a weddihg trip to Kentucky and on their return will reside at Hemlock, 0 . Both are grad­ uates of Cedarville College. Mr. To­ bias teaches chemistry and industrial arts in the Hemlock school. ■. - Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brewer, near Yellow Springs, are annouheing the engagement, and coming marriage of their daughter, Miss Alma Lupile, to ; Mr. John E. Gillespie, son of Rev. and 1 Mrs. D. E. Gillespie, North Bend, O., I on Saturday, July 22 , a t.7:30 in the j United Brethren Church, the father of ■the bridegroom performing the cere- I mony. Miss Ruth Copeland o f this [ place will be maid o f honor and Miss ! Maurine Hobbie, Cleves, O., as biides- j maid. Mr. Gordon Gleason of North Bend will serve as best man. Miss j Dorotha Corry, piapist. Following *the ceremony a reception will be held .at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Gilles­ pie, . • RETURNED Dentist 27 •/« S. LIMESTONE ST. OVIK WOOLWORTH I ft 10 PHONE. OFFICE OR HOME 4061 Formerly on High St. S p r in g fie ld , Ohio. ACT NOW ! Before It Is Too Late Westinghouse Washer Ironing Board ; "Rinse Tubs Westinghouse Electric Iron * 6 9 .95 This combination at the above price is offered you only until August 1, Come in today and get this saving. 1. • ' ; ■ / PICKERING ELECTRIC Contractor and Dealer —Your eyes are worth the price of all the glasses ever made and like as not you need but one pair. Why hesitate? Examining eyes and relieving eye trouble is not a side line with us, it is our Specialty. An appointment will assure you of prompt attention. » Dr. R. C. W ilkin Optometric Eye Specialist Over Woolworth’s Xenia, Ohio Home Culture Club Enjoyed Covered Dish Dinner The Home Culture club held its an­ nual covered dish luncheon and busi­ ness meeting at the home o f Mrs. Margaret Milroy, Tuesday, July 11th, After the luncheon, the vice president Mrs. B. N. Adams, in the absence o f the president, opened the meeting by having .the club motto read in unison. The various committees gave their annual reports which were very in­ teresting. The following persons were- elected as officer’s for the coming year: Mrs. Paul Orr, president; Mra. B, N. Adams, vice president; Mrs. R. C. Ritenour, secretary; Mrs. C. E. John­ son, treasurer. It was decided to observe Guest Day this coming year. Various other topics discussed and plans made for the coming year, The club adjourned to meet at their regular meeting again in September. Mr. and- Mrs. A. E. Richards enter­ tained a number of relatives and friends from New Paris, Sunday. MRS. MARIANNE MITCHELL MARRIED IN WEST NEWTON Mrs. James E. Mitchell announces the marriage' of her daughter, Mari­ anna Mitchel Confer, to Mr. Wilson Hill Crosby, on Thursday, July the thirteenth, at the Second Congrega-’ 'tional Church in 'W e s t Newton/ Mass, Mrs: Crosby is the widow o f the late George Wm. Confer o f Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Crosby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Crosby of 133 Dartmouth street, West Newton, Mass. He pre­ pared for college at Phillips Exeter, arid is a graduate of Harvard Uni­ versity. . On their return from their wed­ ding trip, they will reside in New York City." - - s Friday-Snturday, July 14-15 c Richard Greene—Basil Rnthbone “THE HOUNDS OF THE T BASKERVILLES” M “ Hunting Dogs” and Comedy IT O Sunday-Monday, July 16-1? E Mickey Rooney*—Levis Stow? “Hardy’s Ride High” A z News— Cartoon—Our Gang T Wednesday and'Thursday, July 19-20 ■ . * Dennis O’Keefe—Florence Rice R Y “The Kid From Texas Silly Symphony—“ Crime Docs Not Pay” E AIR-CONDITIONED Mr. M. W. Collins has been confined to his bed a few days this week suf­ fering with an infection on one foot. Dr. R. L. Haines has been, named executor of ■ the estate o f Anna Miller Townsley, deceased, and announces a sale of personal property at the late home, Saturday, July 29, at 1 o’clock. A more extended notice appears in this issue. . Mrs. Clyde Hutchison and son, Clyde, Jr., of New York City, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. West/ . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Payne entertain­ ed members o f their neighborhood club at a picnic Friday evening. Mr. Glenn Humphrey of Blan- chcstcr O., was a guest this week of Mrs. F. M, Reynolds and Miss Re­ becca Galloway. The county commissioners have named representatives from every ward and township in' the county to serve on the Greene County soldiers’ burial committee.. Thirty-two mem­ bers have been named -and each will draw $1 for every service performed. Hugh Turnbull and . Fred Townsley have been named for his township; Silverereek, C. C. Mock and J. E. Syfred. The duties are to arrange for decent burials for indigent soldiers, sailor^ and marines; their -wives, widows or mothers. For Sale—One 1938 Frigidaire. Box slightly used; good care. Priced low for quick sale. Phone 78. Ce­ darville Farm Implement. SEARS HQTEL—Attractive rates for full time boarders and roomers. Modem conveniences and good home cooked meals. Sunday dinners, fried chicken. (4t-6-16d) IIIIMimilimuilltMmMIMIIimHlMHIIIIMIIIHitlMlilMlMiUll'M |Old Mill j | Camp I j When you are in harvest or | [ threshing — give your hands | I a good meal. | ! i [ Come to the Old Mill Camp | 1 and you will be pleased. I Plenty at all meals served* § You can Phone reservations* for .......................................... . LIVESTOCK MARKET July 13 HOGS Basis Columbus weights and grades, less trucking and insurance of 15 centp per hundred. 1(50-180 lbs. .................... 7.20 180-200 lbs..........................7.25 200-225 l b s ........................ 7.00 225-250 l b s ....................... -6.65 275-300 lbs..........................0.30 Spring lambs ------- 9.00 FRANK CRESWELL Phonal 1 M Boys Equal Girls In June Birth Report Donald Gene Bryan, R, R. 1, James­ town; Mary Catherine Compton, 205 Fayette St., Xenia; Kenneth Allen Compton, New Burlington; Phyllis Jean Cooper, R, R. 3, Xenia; Lowell Jan Clemans, Cedarville. Larry Lee Davis, 931 N. Detroit, Xenia; Dorothy Kathleen Dodd, R. R. 2 , Xenia; Jerome Hall Hill, 132 Hill St., Xenia; Cecil Wayne Hill, R. R. 4, Xenia; Marion Carolyn Jones, 835 N. Galloway, Xenia, Donald Eugene Jackson, 905 E. Main, Xenia; Jesse Franklin Klontz, Ccdurville; Angela Irene Kelble, 120 S. Mechanic, Xenia; Adrca Jeanne Kelble, 120 S. Mechanic, Xenia; Gwen­ dolyn Jane Karns, R. R., Osborn. Sandra Charlene La Fang, R. R, 8 , Dayton; Nancy Ann Lamme, R. R. 1, Spring Valley; Gloria Jean Locke, (59 S, Second, Fairfield; Frederick Dale Miller, R. R. 3, Xenia; Michael Her- an, 328 E. 3rd, Xenia. . 9 Patricia Ann Mattson, Xenia; Wil­ liam Harvey Potter, 50 Trumbull St., Xenia; Virginia Lee Pitstick, R. R. 1/ Osborn; Frances Dileen Piatt, 324 W. Main, Xenia; Ronald Melvin Patton, Fairfield. George William Reeder, New Bur­ lington; Dorothy Irene Simmons, Pat­ terson Field, Fairfield; Barbara Anne Siler, .03 E. Xenia Dr., Fairfield; William Wright Strome, 90 N. Main, Fairfield; Richard' Eugene Strayer, 12 Catherine St., Xenia. Roger Eugene Spnhr, R. R. Osborn; Miriam Ruth Tietmeyer, R. R. 1, New Burlington; Carol Ann Webster, R. R. 2, Xenia; Thomas Edw. Yeakley, 238 W. 2nr, Xenia. ROBERT BELDEN ADMITTED TO NAVAL ACADEMY Congressman Clarence J. Brown has endorsed Robert Belden, Beavercreek, a 1938 graduate, for entrance in the U, S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., where he will take a special en­ gineering course and rank as midship­ man. He is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Charle Belden aiid was regarded one of the most promising'students of the Greene county school system. His credentials permitted him to admis­ sion without examination. He had many honors in state tests during his school terms and also during his first term at O. S. U. COLLEGE NEWS The first five-weeks session of the summer school will close: Saturday, July 15, and'the second session o f five weeks will open on Monday, July 17, The opening day will be taken up with registration o f students and regular class work will begin on Tuesday. At the close of the second session com­ mencement exercises will be held in the college chapel for the students completing the requirements for grad­ uation. During the first session chapel pro­ grams have beeiy held regularly on Monday .of each week, with the fol­ lowing speakers bringing helpful and worthwhile messages: Prof. C. W. Steele, Dr. David H. Markle, Rev. O. E. Bowers, Supt: Jllarry B. Pickering, and Dr. W. R. McGhesiiey. Mr. Paul Bilgcr, Director of Music in the Ar­ canum Public School had charge o f the music at the chapel programs. Mr, Bilger is a student in the summer school. On the evening of July 7, the sum­ mer school students and faculty laid aside their work for a few hours and enjoyed a picnic at Bryan Park. - The charter members of Chi Sigma Phi Sorority and a few invited guests entertained at a dinner party at the Sears Hotel in honor of Mrs* Margaret J. Work who was the first .faculty sponsor of the sorority. Following the dinner the guests, went to the home of Miss Glenna Basore where they en­ joyed listening to Mrs. Work’s Inter­ esting accounts of her experiences in Egypt where she has been teaching for the past three years, in the Ameri­ can School for Girls at Cairo, NOTICE After a 30-year partnership in fu­ neral service, the senior partner, M. C, Nagley has sold his interest to J. H. Nagley, of Xenia, Ohio. Mr. M. C. Nagley, will now devote his entire time to his farm, grocery and meat business, We wish to thank our friends for the many favors shown us, in *he past. For all o f which, we are truly very grateful. M. C. NAGLEY, 4 J. H. NAGLEY. (7-14) .. Mrs. Paul Edwards entertained thei Past Matron’s Circle o f the O, % S., j at her home Tuesday evening, nine] members answering to roll call. After a short business meeting cards were enjoyed and delicious refreshments were served. Members present were* Kathryn Masters, Ruby Murphy, Mat- tie Cummings, Fern Frame, Nelle Creswell, Josephine Randall, Adn Stormont, Zora Ritenour, Hazel Ed­ wards and one guest, Mrs. Esta Wil­ liams, The August meeting will be a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. K, Stormont. Subscribe to “ THE HERALD” r CHURCH NOTES THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH llcv. Benjamin N. Adams, Minister Subbath School Orchestra, 9:45 a. m. Sabbath School, 10:00 a. in. Mr. H, G. Stormont, Supt, Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. “ My Brother’s Keeper.” Christinn Endeavor, 7:00 p. m., at the home of Mr. Paul Ramsey, Dis­ cussion topic: "The Jewish Question.” All who seek or offer transportation will gather at the church for ft few minutes at 6:45 p. m. Sabbath School Orchestra, 8:00 p, m., nt the church, Wanted—To of 200 acres, more or less. Cash rent, To jj;et possession this fall for seeding for March occupancy. Address by mall “Farm,” Cedarville Herald. <4t) NOTICfe We wish to announce to the public that we hkve purchased from M, C. Nagley, his interests in the funeral business. Friends desiring our serv­ ice, will for the present, please call our Funeral Home at Xenia, Ohio. Telephone S06-R. ’ ' Signed, HARRY.& MARGARET NAGLEY. (7-14) For Sale—Trailer with cover, also an open rack for same. One Mullen 18-ft. canoe. Call phone 41, Cedar­ ville. Dr. H. N. Williams DENTIST Yellow Springs, Ohio X-RAY EQUIPMENT Satisfied Users Praise the e e a , j «4 f A NAME THAT STANDS I FOR GOOD BUDGET PLAN a v a i l a b l e Adair’s ! N. Detroit St. Xenia, O. i . . . Built Entirely of Steak There’s a reason why thousands o f users o f McCor- mick-Deering Manure Spreaders are so enthusiastic about their machines— it’s because these spreaders are undisputed money makers. Returns come back many times over in increased yields when the McCormick-Deering Spreader is put to work. This all-steel machine is built with a low, large-capacity box which can be loaded easily. The beaters tear the mahure apart and shred it, and the widespread spiral throws it out evenly on the ground. Five spreading speeds give a wide range for varying soil conditions.) We will be glad to tell you more about this great soreader value. CEDARVILLE LUMBER COMPANY Phone: 33 Subscribe to r T B S HERALD The First Time! In our 31 years in the Grain Business this is the first time we have had a car load o f Wheat loaded ready to bill out on July 4th. We find most o f the wheat making good yield but much o f it is LOW GRADE on account o f the Wet Weather. DISCOUNTS are heavy for low grade wheat. I f it quits raining the quality will get better, but who knows? Our prices are based on FEDERAL GRADES and DISCOUNTS accordingly. We are Buying and Storing in same way as the past eight years. .Or we can handle Wheat on Government Loans* Call and see us when ready to Thresh. We are ready to serve you in any way. C . L . M c G u i n n The Pu-Ri-Na Store TELEPHONE— 3 MllimtltHltllH 3 I F. E. HARPER Plumbing of All Kinds Bath-room Equipment Modern Kitchen Sinks Hot Water Heating Let iis Quote you Prices