The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 1-26
•* T l t B C l D A R V I L L E H E R A L D WSKtM BS®LL>------- --------BOITOR AND POTI4SSB8 lanniwf irnumii m t m adm *.: ow * ki «* m w aimm .; « i #» i v * h « v * ww xwa. Bhtterftd »t the Pc*t Office, Cedarville, Ohio, 7 October81,1§87,*s second clast matter. t. <■»<— - ’ ~ ™ May 17,1940 ** WAS NOTFJTBEFOREAND 15NOT NOW . - * One o f the oddities of tbe primary campaign was th? fac tional fight o f Democratic leaders and especially New Dealers in trying to defeat Martin L. Davey for the Democratic nomma- l E v . James M. Cox’s Dayton News on Wednesday evening speaks right out in tbe meet’i i f on the fitness of Davey. for gov ernor. The editorial is headed ♦‘The Primaries and is as fol- ■lftWg* “ The nomination o f Martin L. Davey, unfortunate as it is, was to have been expected. He faced a field o f candidates, most ' of them o f no great distinction or popular appeal, and he had the only effective organization within the party for the purposes of this primary, The great array o f spoils brought to the trough in his administration as governor was rallied expectantly m hope o f a happy return. Democrats, as the total vote sbrnivs. Were not much attracted to the polls. A minority rallied for its own special ends easily prevailed as against a small vote and a divi1frpheeNews said in advance of the primary that Davey was not fit to be the Democratic nominee; that if he were the nominee, he would not be fit to be elected governor. That judg ement stands, now the primary is over, as it stood before . “V ig flto th e Night’ ■ v~' I f. i f f igil In the Night" •opens at the Majestic Theater, Spring* field. Ohio Saturday, with a preview Friday night. It is notable lor the superb work, of its stars—Carole Lombard, Brian Aheme *hd Anne Shirley—and the heart-gripping human drama contained la this vivid picturizatlon o f the A. J. Cronin story. p S l ; ^ 1*. '^V ^ i Many thanks to my friends who gave their time and support to my nomination. To all of you, I will appreciate your sup- their time and spport to my nomination, Ralph O. Spahr * ■ —Political Advertisement A f t ™ % . # ~ ’ £ hd U l & F O R T - H A Y ES t - K l BUT 8 IDE ROOMliS) £ WITH BATH • FtiOM’ f i MEtsun jaus pwR r H i Rw W' W W ^NTw sal^RDRP R u l L GRIFFITH, Ms**** C O L U M B U S ALBfeRT mtniKVHUHii SOOO BOOMS IM S STATES tjfchi, itfttiHtUit It the Republicans had spoken as abruptly o f former Governor Martin I* Davey * s have same, prominent Democratic leaders the past few week* there, probably would have been a small riot in more than one sector. Probably no, candidate Irt either poli tical party ever faced a barrage o f opposition as Davey has faced during the campaign just closed. Democratic metropolitan newspapers continued to press down on Davey until the open ing o f the primary polls. Two .weeks before the election the average Demo cratic leader was convinced Davey had the governorship nomination in the bag for the third time. When such a campaign is conducted by party leaders against one pf their own fami ly little objection can be taken to ex pressed opposition from any source to the “ Vitamin I" New Deal specimen in the White House. "The economic damage he has developed in this coun try is to he a mill stone around the neck’s o f the third and fourth genera tions. Britain or any o f fy# peuw sioM . She Iosatad fa Ottiada nHiat ah* dhri. This was aa pear the «M $ fcy that gave her freedom in msjiy w iy* hut rim could not become a oiftxah again, She de lighted in fomenting strikes and caus ing trouble between capital and. labor. Emma was, just twenty years ahead o f the N «w Deal and advocated many things that have been adopted by the Roosevelt brand o f Communists. It is amusing to read that the law yers in the New Deal “ Lawyers Guild” a CIO organization, are going to clean house and remove all those W"Com munistic tendencies. That has been the charge o f the Newspaper Guild, com posed mostly of editorial workers and reporters on daily papers' It is un usual to find any organization taking a step to clean out this element for most all organizations have . denied having Communists in their . ranks The Guild for lawyers and newspaper workers-is a product o f the NRA days, the dead Blue Ragle, when Roosevelt urged all business and labor to or ganize, boost prices and hold up the public by the heels while the pocket book was pealed back. Thermare those who profess to know that John L. Lewis means just what' he has said that he intends to organize a third party and make nominations for president on down the line. This is disturbing to the old-wheel-horses in the Democratic party. Lewis dump ed a few hundred-thousand dollars in the Roosevelt campaign. It* is said the Communists did the same thing and In return, also were given 500 ma jor appointments in the various de partments, mostly war, navy, stateand labor, Qur -wjiole government from top to bottom has been dotted by Com munists which means a situation far n» 9 re dangerous to the average-Amori can citizen than he -realizes. Lewis claims'Roosevelt has not made good all his promises. One must smile when you read o f the cost o f relief in Dayton for April, $99,519, And this in a city that boasts o f monthly factory ‘payrolls amount ing to several million dollars. Dayton was one o f the cities that urged Gov ernor Bricker to call a special session o f the legislature to provide funds to care fo r the unemployed at the ex pense o f the whole state. The situa tion is only proof that the relief pro- .gram for .most o f the cities tha.t de manded legislative aid was only a racket. It Was a plan to milk the rural counties to care for the city popula tion. Light Vote At Primary Election In what was a light vote at the primary election Tuesday there was a 'very light -vote out here as well as elsewhere over the state, l With favorable weather farmers were kept at their work o f corn plant- ;ing and preparing the ground. Nom inations were made f o r state, district and county offices. John W, Bricker has the highest vote o f any candidate in the state. His opponent w ill. be, Martin L. Davey, whom he defeated two years ago. It is reported that Davey will campaign fo£ higher old age pensions and also o f repeal o f the sales tax. Both would ]be popular issues hut he does not say the present tax levy. How would you like to be the milk man in Chicago? 'Just think o f it, $48 fo r a four hour day six days a week. That is what the drivers •of milk trucks in that city have been granted under the terms o f a new union contract. Just a short time ago the AAA fixed the price milk dis tributors in that area were to pay the milk producers. How many cows and how many days would it take a daily farmer to dear $48 for a six day week -of four houba each? The milk driver has not a dollar invested. The farmfer must own so many cows and own or rent so much land and throw in his long hours o f work to produce" the necessary feed. It is a plain ease o f the union milking the farmer who finds himself helpless. Postmaster General-Fariey spoke in Cincinnati last Friday evening and his address was broadcast. It the “ Gen ial Jim*’ had a good word fo r the New Deal we did not hear it. His talk was that o f a presidential candi date fo r he repeated a former state ment as well as one credited to Roose velt that “ every major scandal in the history o f the country happened under a Republican administration." That sounds good to a gathering o f Demo crats. Charley Sawyer did his part in explaining why he was not a candi date and this was to add more weight tft bog,down the Davey campaign for governor. The Herald just a few weeks ago uncovered the AAA cotton scandal and the part Sen. Kellar, Dem, Tenn., had in exposing not only scandal but what he termed bold theft o f government funds amounting to millions. I f the Republicans ever get control o f the federal government his tory for all . time will record" the greatest in New Deal that was ever dreamed of. ‘ The news reports tell us that Em ma Goldman is dead and what a hec tic career she lias had. Those who re call the days of the World War over 20 years ago and how Empm fought against the draft will recall that Uncle Sam got after her and deported her back to Russia where she was born. Emma was a radical Socialist and a laborer disturber. She believed in the confiscation o f personal property and real estate. - Uncle Sam shipped Emma back to Russia where she could live under Communism, that new brand o f gov ernment formed during her absence. A few years and Emma WAs satisfied asked to return to the U. S. but was denied. She married an Englishman but never lived with hini long. This, gave her ah official residence in Great 1 PHO TO -F ILM S 1 | Developed and Printed ENLARGEMENT d o n e Fully Equipped ip make sitting in Yeur Own Heme OUTSIDE AS WELL MakeAppointment • ■ . * ‘ Vincent Rigio, Jr. XBNIA AVBtnm V 1 l'. i ■ ■q ■ . • ■ 't You do not hear any slogans that he (FDR) kept us out o f the war. Not long ago, Ben. Reynolds, N. C., Dem., made an impassioned speech on this subject- which was the answer to the Roosevelt and New Deal attitude. Last Friday even Cong, Sweeney, Wooster, Dem., went on the air to make known his attitude that he was against go ing into the European mess now or in the future, Thjs week conditions abroad-were more serious and promise other countries will engage in the con flict before long. One speech was made in London which, indicated the U. S. was not doing its share to “ save civili zation". That things are^not bright is in the manner in which congress is moving. Roosevelt wants oplj^tOC million more dollars fo r what? Peace or War? his third request this session fo r more war funds. That business fears the worst is proven by the fact that wheat,- com, oats and hogs have tumbled in the big markets. Everyone is uncertain aato the future. Few there are even in Democratic ranks that have any confidence in the New Deal, administration and Demo- cartic families, with sons o f draft age are going tq take no chance this year. Even the Democratic mothers have not forgot the World War, That Italy is nearing the time to enter the European conflict is proven by events this week. He is waiting for the right time to join Hitler fo r a slashing blow according to some ob servers. The fact that Holland has fallen into German hands proves that English supremacy is after all not much aid to the smaller powers. The Royal family in Holland has fled to London for safety^ More can be ex pected o f England now that Chamber lain has stepped out o f the picture to be succeeded by Churchill. Belgium no doubt will be Hitler’s next objective. European countries arc paying the price for their theory and practice of militarism. It is encouraging to read o f the number o f towns in rural counties that show a growth, in population under the new census. Ten years ago most of these towns showed a loss. During that time the drift has been back to rural’ counties. Previous to the last panic everyone had to move to a city to be in style. The continued higher cost o f city life changed the trend and in recent years it is “ back to rural life". Just at this time there are few desirable houses in most o f these towns fo r rent. Many ate not modern and o f course will be the last rented. Some' are badly in need of repairs. Cheaper rents in smaller towns has been a big factor in drawing city peo ple to the country. Most o f these coun ties have as good schools as can be found in any city. Electricity is avail able and the,modern telephone is at cvety door, afid the city resident has irt the country all that he must have or does'have in the city, lyhy not buy a home now? Easy Payments. Ccdarvillc Federal Savings and Loan Association. t “ P A P E R H A N G I N G J a IIIA«"*"• * Interior P a in ting ESTIMATES FREE New Spring Wile o f " SUN-EAST WAUL PARER VENETIAN BUNDS CLEANED AND WAXED T E D B U R B A CedarvHle R 2 WAGGONER NOW LEADS IN >, DISTRICT COMMITTEE RACE With first one candidate, leading and then the other It) a close race between E. Greiner, Springfield,-and Charles'J. Waggoner, Lebanon, the actual result will hot. be known, until the official count is completed. Early returns gave the race to Wag goner but on late returns Wednesday from over the district, Greiner was leading by 34 votes. As there are nine counties in the district the various boards , will re check. Iii' Warren county the rechec1, showed a loss to each candidate, 44 for Waggoner and 20 for Griener. In Logan county, Greiner lost 102 votes in recount and. Waggoner now leads by 44 votes, unofficial count. The official count will be necessary to de termine the winner. M rs .'S u san H anna D ied Tuesday E v en in g Mrs. Susan Jane Hanna, 81, widow o f Gilbert C. Hanna, died Tuesday at 10:15 j>.m, at her home on N. Main St, She had gradually declined after suffering a slight paralytic stroke three weeks ago. The daughter o f George and Susan Hits Kaever, she was born fit Monti- cello, Ind„ August' 4, 1868, but lived near Cedarville before moving to the village fifteen years ago. She waa a member o f the Cedarville Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hanmj, to whom she was married in Idaville, Ind., October 2, 1879, died Marri), 24,1919, She leaves six children: M iss’ Ora Hanna, teacher Jn the Cedarville schools, and Miss Edith Manna, secrc- ary to County. Agricultural Agent E, A. Drake, who resides at hpme; Mrs. Mabel Weber, Hilliards, O.; Arthur, near- Cedarville; Ijr. Miltn Hanna, Nilea, O.; Wilson of Hagerstown, Ind.; fifteen grandchildren and.three great grandchildren, Funeral services will he conducted at the McMillan Funeral Home, Cedar ville, Friday at 2 p. m., in. charge o f Rev, B. N. Adams, with burial in Mas- sie’s Creek Cemetery. Jamestown V oters R e jec t T a x L evy There was but two special tax levies before the voters' in Fairfield and Jamestown, Tuesday. Fairfield voters approved a one and one-half mill elec tric levy while Jamestown voters re jected a two mill levy for two, years for lighting purposes. “Primrose Path” Sr ' b't M i ■.V. ' ■ If ^ -V K " : -r- I * > < ' . -A’j The drama which follows when a friendless girl ashamed •f her disreputable family that she tries to disown it, weaves into a pattern of fascinating complications in “ Primrose Path," which comes to the Regent Theater, Springfield, Ohio Thursday, The stars are none bther than Ginger Rogers and Joel McCrea. ' BARGAIN FRIDAY AND 5 ’•SATURDAY] n m i Screw “BABIES FOR SALE" — With ROCHELLE HUDSON SUNDAY, M 0N D A T ,TD I»D AY KAY FRANCIS WALTER P M K M S p r in g 's in th e M ir Y d , that touch o f Spring is here and with Its coming there appears that disposition to throw off winter’s responsibili ties. That’s where your Public Utility comes in. It knows no season, no hour o f the day. th ey ate all alike to us. Yhe service that we ate pte- pared to render fits in nicely with Spring and Summer months and t h e life that we live during them happy, carefree months. Suppose you try letting the public utility service we render relieve you this spring and summer. A t Tow cost you get service and more leisure, h , , n a r r o w p o w e r a w * * 8* w w w » i i v - *' * M I J I i ¥ S E a * MS m Albert hoatess to me f t her home 7 fir . and Mr side on the 1 announcing tt May 5, Mrs. Wilson Carolyn, span' In Granville v Dorothy Gallo Denison Univr Mri». Fred • Mrs. F- IS . 1 • in Oxford, vrh- J Mother’s. Day former’s daugl .'/ ans. Papering a? possible arrai done before tl B. McFarland. Money to lo: pairs on your vilie Federal S tion. Mr. J. L. I spending seve .has returned i ■ daughter-in-lav Richards. Mr. and;Mrs ion Gity, Ind.. ' . have Rented t . Main street. Cedarvillians "knowing that - Dayton drugg i d on the Re.” ■ '' county for shi the second son ' ’ .way and- was b "a Republican 1 -fo r a number brothers, War . whom operate Money to It ■ curity. Cedarv Loan 'Associate » - ” ? " ' ' Jean Betty . lege -of Educ - Education, W < ■firsts in the ft ■ Tuskcgee Insti lOtH. The new < a forrrier mem School track te ■ ed Records o f 1I.R jn the 100 , which still stai - Jli»0fc|ne wo in 6.1$. Tn the ' won in l2.1. Ir tvon in 26.0. , tsssSapszrs!?-'■ FIWAY ; AND TURDAY I Y S ! LET* k T ^Thurs, M a y 16 1Wk. se f I. re t 99 tniD ION ON •UN* MON. YUM., • t M Our iisht TH i < M I . V,’i '.'v.-tJM, -.41 ^
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