The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 1-26

1 / /v^ H |‘MW'*/, ■J; •: t. ■M W «•> ..JW » dew* — « • to MS •**4SI * • « » 4M -* 4M , i l l t o i f f -...M S 4 mm -M« -dew* .S J i d*W* MMW tMU HS4KS Hw» MG-tofta. #1> 9M i m m Ito* — IS m M M TS 1 Iroh i — »A 6 4 mm t t l W M i t * fin e s t to 10.00 lest H e i f e r * —MS to MS JM-NMftte -------------.M » to MO FatsC#v# — .....SSO to 0-05 Hid, Cror* . — — .- .5 .0 0 to 9M Thin Cows —----- 6.0D down Write ------ — ------T.76 down CALVl»^lS8 --------- -10.76' ■ GoodftCfaoice----- ......0 .4 0 to 10,78 MediumKind* _________ 8.00 to 0.40 Coll* . . . _________— ..7.00 down LEGAL NOTICE . ’ William Thompson, gfcofte place of retetonc# i* iteknownrwill t*ke notice .that ©nMereh I t / 1940 Jeanette Thomlfeea, fifed writ tot divorce On toe ground* o f wilful absence, before toe Ovott Of C6ma**h Weto; Greene County, Ohto,fates* No. 22,2X4. That Mid c J k W tefa mm On forbearing , on or gftor April SOto, 1940. ' ,F. W. DUNKEL, Attorney (B-17-6t*8-22) Ced- . Moneyto loan on rent estate, t arrilfe federal Saving? and fcoa» As- • b ociation< - 1 Two BstHi Twiu V . B o jm G e t H o n o r * a a B r g f 'weal to NSW OOVtoUMT <M Ktf > a to te w te Stitt. LEGAL NOTICE :m BomVedtrsl tkrtm * Ua* AaeoeUtfcm, Mate, Oirfo, y Fiaianr, ' Vs. No. 222S7 a. b , tuuou *«d totdMta. B. ***<**.,'*»»• n*t *uswn t » » Of ----- wafer St,. Salera, lad, t'‘r & / /, * ' j , ’ riffe*** 'WM/Swr;*, andwhoie yreaett Place of rr»Wfnce i» xm.- ' kao*a> witt take »«(« teat on tee Ssttj' day ofApril, W«, Bow<SVederafcSavingandfcow* a«inetatt«K -Of Xenia. Ohio, *1*3 IK peUtloa ' asaiaatwei la te^Cowwon .court « ' Owea* County, Ohio, jitfjlne for * fowcldeurr, 1* tea aura of Tweaty-Sii iftmdted and (Thirl* and 36-lW tX.lHrs JW.Wa.S6> with Intereei tro* tee .1 at dapof May, Wte ll^teon. at 1% P« adadm, oa a taoWaatwnote, and seekloa to foreoloae tportfuee ou real estate situate ter • to* TUfcw* Of Osborn, Orteae County, Ofito, batna tot No. 51 * of-Boymey's addiOonto. sstc mitaca * *aid defendant Is required tfc answer paid P*UMo*OftOtbefore the*»tiidayqfJune,1*4#, or the plaintiff'.auy take ludgttwat Ordering 'rt*a*a foreeloned, and' the said teal ' ipurpoeetoteyinctto;^W/ God's tow written }n too btorto of «dl men—swrely th*t to the ultimate foftlo<idtofoi»e«ortir «ndtberoin wwwfilftldtooseiuMoitof iMSofowr ptobtoms. Jeromltto too PtoPhot, to too mfatot f* a.dospidrinS poojge wcjtth only captivity and sorrow be­ fore them because of their sinful rebeUioB against God, gives a prophetic foregleam of the day whin eh Israel and Judah, should know God.- ton be forgiven, fellowship restored, and men over all the earth were to know God. Obviously, that 'prophecy Is still future to t Israel, but to the mean­ time God has permitted us to enter tide toe enjoyment of our covenant >ti grace* ' K..tteOM Covenant (vV. 31, 32); The promise of a new covenant a t open raises toe oueatipn, "What was the old covenant?” We, do not hnve apacO to make any W/nplete Study: o fit, but we not* that while God did make a great covenant with Abraham, founding toe nation of Israel (Gen. 17;1-14), toe reference by Jeremiah is evidentljr to toe coy entot with Moses (Exod. 20-23) •W» observe that it was . 1. "National <v« 32>. The old cov­ enant was made with Israel only, and could'bring,blessing to toe other nations,of toe earth only indirectly, as they might share to* pesos and " ‘ --** Vich would have come _ they been obedient to Was here dealing with s m nation for whom He had pish and purpose: only in the sense that it was national, bnt aiso in that it was con ditionfcl., %d'a promise hinged on His word m Ekodus 19:5: “NoW therefore, if ye Will obey my voice /'ftvUjttuftteajg: :.''ftaa%iNi.u 4 a*lhft%rv ia w -#k^\vfjasvan, ..iWlvaan' . Oat of to* Bkof* toaa 2M N Itona* >** laatitate pesters Made by the heps wal this f f OUa tost year, two ^snaasaHaiaiiiw wsueaaPlaa* asakfuafsiteul Issateni- PPtoPMr JFERfWJto jnRCfMTWd iwnn/F* abi*. ttsatimt .«utd * ea*h award ©i flA 9 «aek ia toe *tet* poster eoatsst srhiali was jadged April 2. Bto Adaifts of Osborn, K. K. 1, ra- eeiYod tos award lit the High^&ehaol dhriston and Joe Xoltor, Osborn, R, f, to* award in tha upper grades conteat The toys exhibited their poster* ai tos Bath Csmaiwmty farmer’s Insti­ tute at Osborn. ... OFFICIAL POPULATION GIVEN AS 04 GAIN The offeial census returns for Cedar- viji* village is ydven a* 1,034, a gain of 04 residents over ten year ago. Tliere are 308 occupied residences and eleven vacant houses. u r m { NOTfCE OF W«»W7T»0M hsM Audi 60s 1 * * 1 A t * to* Eowrti *i ■ tetom IWto ef ito Gaasral flpwsd sf Itomaato, BW- & a*fte*wd Pnesbyteriaa Cteato la *• JWIteHsate, through Nerto Aaisriea, stweted a rssitotisa sswstrtos were totraysd dissolviag tto esrportedsa, and dltefb* by sneiay aGeas from g * iiriah|Wit and ssarsterv to wftota' to* osatemd attmtioa * f fton-1 eertlfy a psrtiieate of m S m to twiMsaal toadsra to tto »s*d of a . the Jtecretery of Stats of Ohto. St national etosaap w alien and anti- Asssrisaa actiritlte tors in tbs United States. That Congress will taka dras­ tic astiaa to give America protection agaiaat any possible "Fifth Column” operatifttM tors to this country seems certain. ORDINANCE NO. 396 (Bsetisa 1189, G.C,ofOJrfo) Lawn mowers sharpened, sickles ground and furniture repaired. Prices reasonable. Elmer Owens, 3t Why not buya home—-The rent paid will aid you in the plan through the Cfdarviiis Federal Savings A Loan Association. “Twenty Mule Tecum Z u X - PtaJfttiff. > - ssuth, a oiowa, aStecwer*M «efsti*; >- m imtoatmam SPECIALSALE AllSizes ChickFeedersand Water Fou i i l r - l i * k ‘ ms above all'people.” fa other words, the fulfillment of this cov­ enant was dependent on- the faith: fulness of the people.- We knowthat they failed. , 3; Broken by fame! <v. 32), God was like -an hhsbahd” <v. 32) unto Israel.. He was patient, fender, for­ giving, always trying to restore >them to Himself. He usedHis great pmtor m their behalf as He "took .them" by toe-Band,”, and -yet we read “my covenant they brake” (v> .32). - Human1 failure in apke of God’s promise and goodness, that < is tlw history of man under law.- Now,, however/we turn to tod new- covenant of grace. D. The New Covenant (w r 33-37). Jeremiah looked forward to the day when there was to be a cov­ enant that, is ' 1 . Personal (v* 33). The reference1 hare, is not to a .Jaw Written in a hook, which may be neglected or forgotten; or bgcitoen because there is bo power fa man to keep it. This ndW law* is to be Written in the hearts of men. It is personalr-not something which h« shares as a; member of a great nation. 2, Universal (v. 34). From the least to toe greatest, every man shall know. God. That promise awaits its future complete fulfill­ ment to Israel (and remember that .God has not forgotten His people). Even now, however, we have the spiritual fulfillment of the promise in to* Church. I t is true now that, ragardtem of.datioiMlity, education, u m i c c c T f A f i i i d h v r i r e n i i x n i i a i i s A s i t f t i f n i i i i S i S ‘ Paid F a r ’ >"* ' HORSES AND COWS » - (O f s ite and condition ) f - HOGS, CALVES AND SHEEP REMOVED PROMPTLY ** , ' • -Teiepbone,'Xen ia, ' 4 S 4 - _ ^ ( , n w « warm-iataa &TANKAGEGO. GREENE COUNTY'S ONLY RENDERING PLANT D a ily H og M arket W e now conduct* a h og market daily in addition to our regu lar Live Stock Sales EVERY MONDAY. 1 ; . Phone Any Day .For Market Price ’ SPRINGFIELD LIV® STOCK SALES CO. Sherman Ave. Springfield, O . . . Phone 8942 wealth, or position,'toe grace of Ged is made manifest in toe hearts of A t Less Than Cost Get Yours While They "Lust. men and women, everywhere. 3. Assured by God tw , 35-37). The Old Covenant of law failed, for it hinged upUft the faithfulness of undependable man—“If ye will’’ (Exbd. But the new covenant U grace rests upon the “I will” of God (v. 34; sea also Heb. 3:10-12), This id indead “a better ,covenant, whteh Was established upon better promises” <Heb. 8:6). It is an "evamattog fcwehaftt” (E*b. 13:30). U K t m t C . 1 . MeOaiaa THE PU-R1-NA STORE Phones South Miller'St. F A R M 4 % W A N S No application fte. No appraisal fee. Iteiaaite* yarn* toaue *t to*' ■ fewest laterast rates ever offered.) liefthvaeey i t C*. Lsadte, Ik Cteler Write [LEON H.RUNG . CedarVM^G; Ptoetei I* m-BUIMi*' 1 say to thee, be thou satisfied. It is recorded of the hares that with a general consent they want to drown themselves, out of a feeling of their misery ; but When they saw a company of frog* more fearful than they war*, they began to fake courage ted comtort again. Cbm- paw thine estate with others.- #tt ou non* ’ ■ ui . insri!iskirim . itoSar-11 idhKigftii ! kifeif -Hob- vD*tef Gatei Seoratiy HhaHother* ttoyou a favor speak of k. When you do your neighbor, .a ktoduaSa, let hitti3H it Out; then you win find a lot of setisfai .ion in hw iR ii witn y*u w w i m w oectntb 'ww'rvHRdWH||PPM!HHe . liglHIRiUI0M9ENIMfitoH m A DAMS THAT ITAMM m || FMS 1 TDRE ■ ^ S ^ S L S £ ^ is ML ig» ggPEPrtea WMa» te» mm The man who tour bagun to Eva mot# aertousiy witoia, bftghte to Hta motel etespbf without. ~ PWliipe JDSrppMD' LEGAL NOtlCB Graes PH wtoa# pfeea af niidtece fe sstoMwa will take notice that om April t , 1043, M n Poe fifed suit for amase aa we grauiMM 01 sccqm neg# 1 Ew^toeteErilteteage. drto'ite tf IH^ka Hw|rt Safe' tiites Ne. «M 4 ^ ^ d «tea awsse will , f* W* WWXKMM* Attemey 1 0 SAYS ONLY BOB HUPPMAN mo *«sf ■* . (JgJUkVJULE, O. f «Vtfcfcf/‘V. GIVING CONSENT OF THE VIL­ LAGE TO THE IMPROVEMENT DP XENIA i CBILUODTHE STREETS UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE DIRECTOR OF HIGHWAYS. ‘ WHEREAS, The Director of High­ way* ia considering the matter *f tto improvement under his supervision of the public highway known as Skate Highway No. 6*;and ‘ WHEREAS, Xenia & Chillicoth. streetswithin this villsge lies in whole' or part along the line of said state highway, said Xenia A Chillicotke Streets being more particularly' des­ cribed ea follows: Beginning a t a point where Xenia Street (8, H, No. 6) intersects the south corporation limits of Cedarvilfe, Ohio, thence continuingover ted along Xenia Street, the. roufe of said S. H, No. \ to its intersection with S. R. No. 72 (Main Street). Beginning "at a point where Chiiltcothe Street in­ tersects Mato Street (S. R. No, 72) and continuing over and along Chilli* cothe Street the route of said S. H,. No. 6, in an easterly direction to the corporation limits, them terminates. WHEREAS, I t is proposed .to ex­ tend said highway improvement.into, within or through this village and along the aforesaidxXenia i Chilli* cothe Streets, NOW, THEREFORE, -Be It .Ordained, by the, Council*of the. Village of Cedarville, State of Ohio: SECTION 1: That it is declared to be in the public interest that* consent of said village be, and Such consent is‘hereby given, tout said Xenia f t CKilUcothe Streets ot so much thereof as. is. above .described lying along the line of said-State Highway No. tf may be improved under the supervision of the Director of Highways. SECTION2: Thattoe Clerkbe, and be is hereby directed to furnish to the Director of Highways and to top Board of County Commissioners of Greene County, Ohio, a certified copy of tola Ordinance immediately upon the taking effeet thereof., SECTION Si TJ*t this. Ordinance shall $ak* effect Snd be in force from and.after toe earliest period allowed by law! Passed: May 20 1940/-' ,Attest; F .J . McCorkell, Clerk * G, Hr-prouse, Vice*lLiy0n , . L I * i i * ■ N k n ■ A k M J U 9 m * * ' t t k ' J k m f i t f e k A S td a f ' WORKSHOIS 4 t e I fim a i f t i f f ' mnoowTsout W BM wwwpite FOG R IA L M tY IC * SultsU* far eMetedeer wssr. le ft buck m m mm Pm tble cordsefe*. Perfectfib tfeg. UaasMl geed-teilte' voicoMKNiT«r i anincE] ■Ht riM t I t e M t r w C * rd S o l» l H O IK SHOES 0 t /m.1 .*^A|:'1^3'^.ftemGIguG'■ • aitt- M^MlIr lNrfa wr GetiMin* O ak $ • !» f*! 0 D IA A rD f " V A L U E D lU U C a l P A C K A G E " nHawCorhytrsl YaarDaJgaDaakrHat - - • v.■ ■, 1 * " t■ ' 'V - ' ■V*' •■-.*#■ ; ■ I : . .1 ,* • mm i m m r i v iw i M f t w i f . IN sm s mWw IPw V M p PraVS JFWI fir stent tee fries *1 tte im ter cm ! ^ s s ^ m - x & s m buypks ,J t won’t U kmg -isterl'Wltfi' % «to i eprewiingtheurgetobeootontheopeo road, youli #000 be compeiring motorcar value*. w £ l 1£yfSL * * * ****^ I ^ J & S JW * 40 * * * & * t o * f ***** to p *** wkh the otoert. (^ p a re H*bea«ty,iU*i»«ndroo*ni- B#te, to interior, and gorgWippototateata. - And let’a not fergte Ylircugh tho year# B r ig T h * ahmto been famoua fior-ffa* .and. Itfaand fagtor ^ -^ F o a r teH te bow DM* titia bfeIMG' Dodge corn.? m : p dm pm titoa# te.the ettmlfer Gteft youll hardly-notice the ' '■ dlilerciitetempiwfAtidwtoi^ y meft* 'tiit ftfi dtwn-toyw ntent, Imlanoe on teay m nm l, aMWnaei frtWG: MW MMkMtlGfe ite>ii«teiai Paul aift a n ito l tto teL tetei^am aw ..^KH I^ h HR jppiTI VtoM.S am c r m . Appropristil haye: been rapidity nelatof Con. took up and fairs DHl. coni gencymuthwi reqnastedby of next .week the Nsml.Aff toe Senate to propitiations .j dent, as..well in. the .sessioi time' this col both bills, wil and be on the' The two mea; three,billion poses-and, the- year,, far figures: and make expend! greatestInthl the United S r all outdoor wear, uppers with fiex< originally mat 4 «*«■Perfwt “ * nusual good value The Ameri realize now penditures do will go. only■ ing the Uni defense bell heavy,^expem this country of preparednej safety of ou world- conditii present-ritual be overlooke. eight.yearoC approximate]; national defel SlEftI Leather Sofa SHOE fXFORD 98 portiomof thi for Other tha >u,,Joor*- «te«» W«U zor ompr urn h«»will mty , » , ««tl s o . that when *today.,. appropriated, dred million it wasprovidi spent on na' cording -, to s=r m j; \])S f istration to i f ^ t, worthy and nandday.Ml woar, ia Thht the 1 p carry .the *na fortyrfiVe hill withki'.the j new ?taxes >i certain. Thai in Congress ing ofmew 1 her eledtionsj tain. 1 Preside dress, to Co tfonajfunds geation-hs be raised, will be taker tion to at lei siblyisixty bT the election,| The, tex bur heavily incr will' be.hov the crisis il both in ted-j that a little practiced tyl the past fee Thoughihij than three defense is more billior] future, rais the only, orj fronting Al be apprepri| raised by time, but year* to mj And naval and dies and anner Industrial civilian trained, taught t o fagentow destrection| time, ireseii wiry den -. SIM'tlAl'aWd Af a ... .k. |M )•C h TIWIMMIMvIi9 *StoteilEteBWtektetefe s w i n t r c t i Most.sts lieve that-j bewqui in to# nea tfenswi hrtriy fiCvvviHWnr*-1 net tetepetei .AA»m*i(tl', I • t ir F ** WW * | long nowl'Wi be out on the op motorcar volte cs is that you coi xrint by point, wi fits size and root) jpointittefits. forget Econotr years Dodge Ifanious for gas a iger life and Wgh m to Sprint* We into the WW fHIWd - mwm* 1 isaidi. fee hovr little go really cost*? tee to the »m 111 hardly notice youpay(Andwl (resent Car may i full doteft-j -on easy term* :-)NALU H£MH Ueadi