The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 1-26
* crdamvili e F riday , dbcekaek is , im i - S R Tk« R m I Glory W*P How O ther Lands Mark Christmas A Mtfiimg p* ## «*» rnsrli, Amerkm km ctm I m I «Mt CkrMmm lr*dto«M from tmmllw *mfmm krmght mm* j*« **«* /r«M («*•£** Itodt, tn tkm fm-mmy pimft th* YtAmidt i\mM t *! byt*** •g#t stiff trndms- Her* art afew «/ ib«m: f ENGLAND: Christmas to rural Englishman means not only the observance ol i Christ’s birth, but also a parting of ~ the ways between the old year and the new. Preparations are started lor the next year's farm work, which begin* right ’ after Christmas. . Throughout the island such trap. . pings as the holly and mistletoe re- j main undying traditions, nor it any ; Christmas complete without the Yule log burning. On clear frosty nights the carol singers raise their voices over the countryside. To unifoam mhknahonal ICHOOL mmmjkmtMM wMSSTSasNBii JLdMSMK ftttt 0 tgMNa|NHf SO S u S lI^ hsrmlSiiii tor p^easesw^^^we reactions y o i i n good news uusow txxt —auraww u.uas. GOUMRt TtunuoaiM 1»»S m , aa ye Oat fetor tea are toiwy Mas, aad % wlU Siveyeureac. M t a e p k ia w m a a i Mam n( «Mi locIaiK aaaafc aad wwty ta baart; *to 7 «*tiMt*toi^uafeyQ«r*Mi)a, ifiygMas;,s»7s &.M‘ m * " * * * ’The responae which men and women-make to the preaching of the gospel today determines their des tiny for time and eternity, just as it did when Jesus was first sendingout many Englishmen’s despair, such » disciple* to preach, purring Gary Cooper, and with Apdrea Leeds andJDevfd -Hives heading an unusually important east, Samuel GeWwyn a sew adventure drama, 'The Real Glory," will ope* Tbareday at the Regent Theater, Springfield. . ■ The story unfolds a thrilling and exciting tale of the Philippine Scouts gad their heroic bravery at the oonclualo* of the Spantoh- hmerican WICr, when ,the Philippine* were; overrun by laeuneo* UonieU and reHglou* fSnaUca. SIXTH AT VINE STREETS ANTHOWELSASSHt.MANAGE* WRONG SIZE LAMP BULBS ARE m is fit*- TOO! There’s a tight size bulb for every reading lamp or fixture.)Yet two out of threebulbs used inhomestodayAte wrong size for easy seeingwithout eyestrain! Check your lamps end fixtures today. Proteayour family’s eyesightby followxng this table of correct bulb sizess I.B.S, table lamp#, 100- or 150-watt bulb I.B.S. floorlamps, 150-wattbulb I.E.S, 3-light floor lamps, 100 200 300-watt bulb Two-socket lamps, two150- or 75-watt bulbs Thrte socket lamps, dine 40’s or three 60’s Kitchen ceiling fixture, 150-watc bulb x . . . . THEDAYTONPOWER&LIGHTCO. v you n phiming , dkof in American customs as the turkey din- , tier are gaining a foothold. j GERMANY: ». Two years ago storm troopers, in ! Berlin lit bonfires in the public squares as a revival of the pagan custom of celebrating the winter , solstice. But this distraction will rnot stop the Christmas-loving Ger- Imans from decorating their trees in i every town and village, and joining f in die famed Christmas hymn, [ “ Still© Nacht, Heilige Nacht.’ ’ ITALY: Most Italian families celebrate Christmas eve and spend the follow ing day quietly in their homes. Here it is a feast more for grown-ups than for children, whose merry making day comes 13 days later, on January 0. On Christmas eve fami lies gather around the "ceppo” or Christmas log biases,’ At nine p. m. r ..- How do you react to the gospel !message? Indifference win keep a j man from Christ just as effectively |as open rejection, A childlike faith, on the other hand, will bring a man iotrrdelightful fellowship with Him in both life and service. The Lord gives rest for thsvsoul and compan ionship in the yokefellowship of Christian service. I, Childish Disssfisfseiioa (w . 18- 19). ' . . Jesus, who was skilled in the art of teaching, took a familiar scene from the daily life of the people to show how utterly childish was the criticism of His enemies: Children at play, trying to Interest their com-' panions, present * wedding «dene of great joy with, no response. They then try the opposite with no better result; The enemies of Christ were Just like such children, and His enemies are the same today. Opposition to the gospel tikes to clothe itself in learned phraseology and express it- . ;lf in the terms of dignified logic, hut in fact it is hut an expression of personal feelings encouraged by the devil and altogether like those of disgruntled children- Not often does it show its true nature in a forth right expression of unbelief and in fidelity, for it prtfers to hide be hind some self-righteous criticism which it can level against Christian people or against their faith. Why notbe honest, unbeliever who reads these lines, and tell the truth about your reasons tor failing to accept Christ, When you do that you will find that they are not rea sons at all hut only excuses, and there wlU then be' hope tor your re pentance and conversion. II, Deadly ladiffefeaee (w . 20-34). Rejection Of Christ may be and all too often is simply indifference to His holy person-and work. Je sus pronounced an awful judgment on the cities which had been hon ored by IBs presence And His great works, and which should have been awed by Hi* message and power but which bad passed Him by in bored indifference. These again aura typical of count less thousands who today comfort themselves by saying, ”1 do not op pose the Church; I'm not against Christianity- I just don’t take any position either for or against." By so doing they have declared them selves to b* Against Christ. Jesus said, “ He that i* not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad" (Matt, 12:30). Let not such think for a moment that their judgment shall be less severe than th of the cities of Chorazin and u, .n- saidat III, Childlike Faith <w. 25, 25). God the Father and our Lord Je sus Christ have a great and loving interest in the touching beauty of the faith of a child. The unques tioning dependence, the absolute as surance of tha child heart, these are the things that receive an answer from the Almighty, This Is not intended to reflect In any way on those who may have learning, wisdom and power but who with all have maintained a childlike humility, God knows them and hon ors and uses them. The point we do want to make is that all too often learning and standing in this world are a barrier between men and God simply because men put their trust in these things and not in Him. It is always a serious mat ter when a man permits his God- given ability to think, to coma be tween him and God. What tolly it is to expect the Infinite and eternal God who made all things, including the brain of man, to in turn pass through the narrow compass of finite thinking, IV, Rpstfat Ceeiptaioeshlp (vr. 27-30), A study of tha theories and philos ophies of this world leads only to unrest. Bewildered and unhappy is ibe man who put* his trust In them. But in Christ the weary and be labored human soul will find per fect and eternal rest. Why then doc* the mass of men reject Him to" go on to wander in despair? The rest which w* find in Christ' is not a useless and inactive repose. Far from it, It is a blessed yoke- fellowship with Christ in carrying forward Hia work, Here man finds his real usefulness, tor only here is he liberated from the limitations of sin and self and Joined in a yoke with the One to whom dwelle aU wisdom and power, T-nn/—— ■ LEGAL NOTICE Irene May Guenther, whose place of residence Is unknown, will take notice that on October 18,1089, Torrence 0. Guenther filed his certain action a- gainst her for divorce on the grounds of wilful absence, before the Court of IN ITALY—Childrch o f thc Ital ian Alp s, at Christinas Tithe, pray ing before a wayside shrine. begins the "cenone," or big supper, at which no meat may be served. Gift* tor children, which come on Epiphany, are brought hot by Santa: Claus, but by an ugly witch whose name Is “ Betana." FRANCE: Exchange of gifts comes not on Christmas butmostly onNew Year’s day, which ih France is the big family day for reunions o f cousins, j aunts and uncles. Santa Claus is "Pere N°*V’ who leaves his gifts in .wooden shoes. Christmas eve is not spent at home but in revelry and feasting, BELGIUM: Neither Santa Claus nor Pere Noel visit children here—but St. Nicholas makes the rounds, surprisingly, on December 01 A quaint Belgian cus tom is the putting up the chimney Of a few carrots tortile little donkey on which St, Nicholas make's his visits. RUSSIA: This anti-Christian nation forbids celebration of the Yuletide but no. longer compels foreign residents to import their own Christmas trees. Making an about-face, the Soviet government uses this emblem of childhood for its New Year's cele brations when Dadja Moroz, or Un cle Frost, appears with gifts tor good children. POLAND: This Christmas celebration lasts until February 2 and is preceded by, fasting which is not broken until the .first star spears on Christmas eve. In all homes the tablecloth is placed over a layer of fragrant hay in commemoration of the manger. HUNGARY: St, Nicholas leaves boxes of candy .tor children early in December* aft er which the youngsters must be on their good behavior. They write let ters to the angels, who, they be lieve, bring the presents, If they find bits of tinsel on the floor, they claim this is angel’s hair and proof that the angels are everywhere, ob serving which boys and girls are good, HOLY LAND: - Where it all began nearly 20 cen turies ago, worshipers reverently hai) each Christmas at the church of Nativity which is built over Christ's traditiomiljbirthplacc. it has remained unchanged more than 1,100 years. There pilgrims gather from all over the world to intone "Glory to the New-Born King." Mary Parks, Whose places of resi dence is unknown, will take notice that on the 30th day of November, 1939, Jack Parks filed his petition against her for divorce on the grounds of wilful absence, before the Court of Gammon Picas, Gieeno County, Ohio,'Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, in Case No. 22,130. That said cause jr, Case No. 22082. That said causa will come on for bearing on or after will come on for hearing on or after December 30, 1930. December 2, 1080. FORREST mTNKT.E, Attorney* MARCH* SHOT1P, (m m s) ■ (1020fi-ll-M) Attorney tor PtetatMf Far- Sale-Shepherd pups, *1** week* old. Reasonable prise. John’ A, Davis. (ft) r m lMminamirtiliiWMliiiiiiiliHiniMaiMtotoawNtoegaMAMitMA T1*. Ciift A &MMstiff)l ParwMuat * SPECIAL Mondays, Tuesday*, Wednesdays $1.95 C m r M i Other Pem sasats IM t to fTJ#, (taepieto* flkaatpeo and Hager Wav*, 5 te, Jteaaae a* 4 Flight C mm «U c «. THE VANITY BEAUTY SALON Xenia, 259 Yellow Bpring*, 4«0 Jansstow* Open Evening* by Appointment —Your t jr « art wortli tlw prie« « f «H tfcl r I aiaa * *v*r w * d « and file# « M t y e « M » i butonapAir. Wby haettAto? Examining « jm tad rallavingr *|r« i* not a side line with ug, it Ig tnir SpeeJmtty, AnAppointment will AMure ym eC prompt attention, » Dr. R. C. Wilkin Optometric Bye Specialist Oner Woolworth’a Xsais, Oiie THIS MESSAGE TO SCHOOL CHILDREN SHOULD BE READ BY MOTORISTS, TOO, V / Am* • Every boy and girl has read about whales running'slam bang into boats) Folks used t o thinkMr. Whale did It because he was mad. Scientist* know th* reason. MotherNairn* pul the whale's eyes, on* on each side ofhis hugehead. He can see what is coming from either side-but he can't tea what is straight in front of him—ihat's hi*blind spot. MotherNature put out *y*s in th* front ol our h*ad*. W* can see what Is happening straight ah*ad of tis, but we can't sesrwhat Is coming from either eid*- Thoseat* our blind spoto ButMoiherNaturegave us something she didn't give thewhale-a neck-so w* can torn our heads quickly and see what is coining fromeither side. DonT have anyblind spot* when you cross streets. Use your md\ s -,; save yoar neck-loot both way* when you start across streets. ~ : ■■., ,.fc . . . awl |W, tM, Mr. MtforicL Keytar NICK . . . Watch both sides ol the strest, as well as ahead, and do your part to protect th* childrennowstaitihgfo school. Ohio Independent Oil Co. “M B ” HUFFMAN F T G A S O L I N E >Sold Only Through Independent Merchant*. * F. E. HARPER Plumbing of All Kinds Bath-room Equipment Modern Kitchen Sinks Hot Water Heating Let us Quote yen Prices mxiiiiffiin t .. . h W m
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