The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 1-26

s iv * I i ' G e d a r v l U e f t e r d d , C B D A R V IU J E , O H IO , F R I D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 9 , 1 9 8 9 mmmm 4 D V m V Q I 0 S AS TH P n U D U M M IMP- M i FMOKT PAG * . OFTi l f I f R i l m o e * s jg m o t c a m c * t o v o a P R I C E , 9 I J 0 A Y E A R "M. M* s|Mk$EBp *wu*',ldu'#ig|h > ta • SMi MaMt, smrth te aad enmity. atom o n l y te a M u r afaiU, an pWw^yy jtpMMnt and a topmetien to prevent th# defend , aa* fraiH aMtWaehMr «• gWMtean «d * w F p n ip ssamsu^neeawijp wm- chattel t wputy. The couple was married Nov, SI, 1911. In Citato* County. Olvera* m gramin pi groee mm- tart aad trinity Is requested by Gay 8. Patten, in .a suit sgriaat GWyI Prtton. wheua to wanted Sag*. 8, INC ta Pants. B« alas wnnte" tto te- fmutant tarred te Interact in bin proparty. * » • 8f*i *H I>U ta sk * : *k . « « * t f . A E T E B f a e m m iA s p a m m i t was net a gaea* Christmas for! tto ground- wan fro*#n‘*U d*y but Early Wednesday * fiim taeb anmr from tto toLthte section with th# en- ■ titoptata getting pa rto fit,' ntwatew»«ai»w«»vvii.iai'i.vii a»w<v««v»iawi>* f t u r T a f e u r B m l t i t i a n By CBtato* grans Lamata- ■ “QRam, fa s Retag % make a New Yeairi* resetattan, Sad this time I'm ■detortatotal in ftof up to it,” arid the wffto # mseggetaitaw borinees m**». ■ "WSBSPUmt* writing ybu so seri- espf*wwito48taey. **We hate, been f lf tHi along alt right. <Of course;, anybody can make a derision when he Want to.* What’s tile biz idea, Ines?” ^Swnatiilat ottwek f t r ' the other dnjfrff ah* yahi. “I t was juat like a thunderbolt ted ef « riete/afcyy ...A -tiMStehf dashed tote aay'mfad that:we humane* haaan tataa* with the church. Yon ate.wuwpm»d titoewmaatto la the ; f+jPLaymm-. tete’tiLk ItaV*.: *gtt&AtQ*faHM$hiLt; * :.wp^s,. ■ ^w^w,^w^^w<w^rmg* . Y Item wn a tete in to <^rch. We jt* t k t damp. Yl»« srtAn wn are badlc in town, wii'jyhm a trip to the f«i)cs or soowthted Ns* about #yiry Anadny. It is not fair to Mr. Sgnde; and cer­ tainly not to God. Yen know that was aamfWmt shout the Reverend l* Yorte. There were; sack smalt andi- Be was’-n ^md mam 'hot the did not £omp. All of them .to he able to carry on in basi- in the dabs, lodges, and the grange. JnaV see hew they go to foethsU and bkteetiwll games, but jfcmdsy morning comes their is mtmdi and. they are tired, ao they atay a t home. Glenn, weVe been deteg tiwt. This.theniAt teruck me; We miMt gat over it. We h*ve Mr. -Ppade new as our minister, snd we moist sigpoet Mmwith attendance as wall «ta witit eentHhotioiui.w V 4 M8o yoo w«nt te make a' New-Year retehtean out.of HV* asked Glens. ~*Yte ,"r*pttpi1***? ^ h e n the track waa leading the hswaahsld goods■ of the L* Portes late gaptember, 1 jeat ceted not go to sag *G<md-by*.' When I rteamed from downterm that day, I paused tiw church. The thought of the hweriptiaw on the arch of the chetth in Weyhe came to me: ‘If etery mewimr were "lute lflce me what kind «f ahtech wtedd my ehnrch b e t' I apeNsd the weed member, and atekpei te the weed me. 1 tgaUed it, aad »igieted % my self several A deeper retefsatien pf-meib- . 1 felt ggilty te paasimr •? Yon kaow that the Bet- gpade printed la the holletin anday that * preacher emi*t get his iheat hta ever a huatmr yard, that' is, engKy seats, to a few memberh hi the hatet i f the dmreh. Gkmn, I . dVCGHBBT ftBQUMrrsa Jndgment for |U^Z7, dahned due for lsber end materials in the inatalia* tien o f a fomece fte tee tefaadates. is SM^ght in a site Msd by Churies L. Sekaaf and CHfferd Caylor, of Os- bom. Morris A Rice is attorney for the plaintiff. MYOHCB DBCRRXS Divorces have been awarded by the court *» fdlows: Rids donee from A. R. dunes grounds of gross neglect, with the plaintiff granted household chattels, and each party to, retain undivided interests m r&ri dance property jointly owned; Luther Bulger from Nannie Bulgar, on grounds of wilful absence, with the defendant barred of interest in her husband's property. the late SALRS CONFIRMSD Sheriff's sales of the defendaat'a personal property for fl,187,B4 and Other property for. I534.6T have been approved by the court in the ctae of Neal W, Nunter ' against Forrest Fields and others. JUOGMIMt GIVBB The First National Bank of Osbom has recovered a |M1.4S note judg­ ment. in a suit sgplust R. M. Denney add others. , . J . i' . -A Coed te Wwrit S mmhp 'I im # mmp c I in A nf tit tiw 1M MMiry Mr k i i W k u law, R. Las l ate ir teemed gff an tlivlNriiiMl Jylmr twi^r sWk of th i P«ML 1 . 3L- mUmmr WhriiK CtearriHs aad Warn, Otfe, Meat ek this kUh«e bate# redaaad ta emd waad, I note ghma the swterete te dteteerksg seam i t te*da°or mmw of it to mairkat mt tha D. 8. Krrin lime kilns, then « tbririag iadaatejr te Ce- dartelle tswnaMpk matrapaWa. H a Tarbox lamhwr Co^ b a it foe ma stsardy rate: of taste dimaateeos for fitting dn a ihrM iach atari tired««m mid room epmngk when loaded ta tha level of top of Ra d fete kdgk fhate vml rear staadarfis, to held 188 aahie feet, or ea t eord of wood, With a good team te heesea l kept fawey mekfag the hraateer :fiw some little ti^e. Nerlh ,-1 am jute weadariag whte the rteetiea te year eHiaww today would be, should a team o f ' harsea come to town aa mater pouter far this loaded cord of weod..f am surmising cord-wood In itsalf, fs'imarihiiig te.;n novelty In the 6W h these days, spd shogid sate a twri,' as above described, coma to your town it would bo gaped a t ais o.cwriaeKy, while perchance some droll fellow an the sidewalk wouldremark*. “1wonder where that guy’s goin with that Cord of wood, and continuing, soliloquies, “I'm gi«d he ririt tskhv it to my house, for I dorite I f I rated borrow sn ax in this whole town, sharp enough to mit irn g ll Biat ktete toiMdi stuff. Wouldn't that be npretejr good guess coming from tMs fiar.Jwteyt ' Never forgoteen is one little In etdent relative to fhe dsUveiY te -a single cote of this wood in Ctesr- vilw. The ceaatry ashoris were aS then in .-yoftmti what .waa-known' es the McM'iila»> skeri .oh the Cteumlam pike, to your', aeat, Wte under tha sitperviskm of »Bto '’Adda^ Wgtta, News You Read New 0 Yecds Thirty Years Ago Jesse Ikyier, Jamsetewn banker an as a ewsdMatafor congress. H a ergaal—Nan te the CedsrriUs Prtesette* Asesr i|tion resulted in th« foUewing eleetadr President, C. £. Cooley; Vice P rsA snt, J, H, Andrew; beeretory-Treamnftr, 0. L. Smith, Jto* wetes of f|d eteh to Morgan and Barry Keanon, ami f7d to Fred Ken- nan for the eaptifie of Ed Black fop theft te wheat from Wm. Conley was onf^ed'opaid. | TeSraship truetees organised by ekwtiag T. W. Stv John president, J, C. Towntley as gresident end F. A, Jackson, clerk, oenstituted the town­ ship board te kssfth orgenisstion. J. & Bsstingtewa*. chosen presl dost te tbs beerd^f education and J.! W. JriMRtm, J, N Andrew mayor of ' the Mayor J. H. Y chaswn president R. Hitchcock, Bpeth te Mrs. Aiteriter.Criif. ' Two amah ed for finding a B. MeeUteg, ha' ▼wteEPEtes■ •lEwWae A misceHaneous shower was given tftv tod M rg.fbpry Nateey, recent teds and groom, te the home of Mr. Louis Lartlck mmr Gladstone. Mr, Orville Bridgman and Miss Core Bailey quietly married by Rev, M ills.|r Hytor., / ' •* Mr.'and kM to .% J . Fitch gave a New Year** party to * number , of friends, cards beisgr the fea tu re 'te euttotrikmeut, \ ‘ Number te anowa in, December 8 tainsJ ; depth'tesnow, t i n .' Highest tetoperetur* i t depress, lowest 2 be- km* Samuel Ckeeatel, observer,. his seat as succeeding, J. W Pollock, council. Cleik, H. M. Rshttey, Lea boys are reward vsetigsting county rikees. Tke ac count was for 88 days te flO a day aad compromised by cutting to 81 days. A. V. Poaahey, State Auditor, indignant when, Faulkner expoevtfe was published to theBeraU. B ury D Smith, prosecuting sttomey, cossuRsd by C. E. Brottou, representtog tha state auditor. Com thieves helped thsmsolvss to 40 bushels, of corn belonging to CJarswee Stocky on his farm south te town. The First National Bank, Osborn, earned a net profit of 48 percent ac­ cording to C. H, Simms, vice presi­ dent. ; . p1.-. The Greene county commissioners announce joining* with the state, to improve ten miles of read this year. Seven mile* of the Cedsrvills-Jsmes- town'pike will be built. jB e t t o r K m p JSyt I O n Y m t r B u g F u r Three positive eases te rahiea are repertoi to Yellow Springy aeeord- tog to Dr. Gordon K. iavege, Baelth Commlaatmwr. Ntostosn reridstes are reeeiving rabies vaectoe tnoeula- tiuns every 84 been. Of tha four person* were hittou by to p , A1 Morgen waa JbRtm by Ms own deg when trying to restrain it. "A* dog had to be shot through a window. “Bpsy** an Irish setter owned by Dr, H. L. Dsrsham, dentist, allegedly was tussling kmss Monday memfeg ami nippsd Harvey W. Meerehesd, prto- cipel te Antioeh achool, Carolyn Wingfield, a pupil them and daughter of an Antioch college phyairiaa, and to# maid to the Basil H. PHlate hosns, it was learned from Dr- Wingfield. Du, Doraham had provlouely stated that hie dog had been confined since Sunday and had not been a t large. The latest dog to be reported posi­ tive was’ owned by Ernest Morgen, heed of the Antioch Book Plate Co N U A U N I MM l Mrs. Jstesle te O. A. Humtoy right last a t 11:1k rieisek, following litem* dne to a fab seme months previous. fibewasthe toogbter te Jaaseaaui CMrtesa Harper Tewnrisp te ' « to plate and was mantel to Mb, Rpfcr, Dtoembar*, i m Rhewaa a maaSher te the Prwbytoriau Chareh, Xwto. Besitos the husband the i survived hy one sen, F. Leon Yenis city eenurissionev sad a < toeghter, Mm. P. F. Maftotocen, Pe- ' troit, Mkh, Mr. R. A TUsunstey te this place is a brother te the da- ceased. , The f uneml vms fcQM Ummipr 1 afternoon to charge te Rev, Derid M De«», her pastor, assisted bjr Dr, W«- B. TiKord, CtoebwwH, Intermant took place to Woodland Cemetery; WILL PROBATXD Iwortoy coeristent,^toteeeeileg aeitw H e wdl «f Heotore F. Crist, tote of the OW fiehocl Relemned Hmtoy* of Yellow fipriugs, nationerir kueumltoftoa' o* Covenantor fM t architect and fmtner member te the} I t choused one -afteteooa, > (ftiday Antioch College faculty, has been ad-j probably), this ItoMillen school was mitted to probate. No estimated dlemkssd • little msrly, and 1 teaChed value has been placed .on the estate. Mrs. Francis Laist, hi*' widow, was appointed executrix without bond.,The wilt Waa dated Jan. 8, 1918, ESTATES APPRAISED Four estate* have been appraised under direction of* probate court; a* a* falloW?: Estate of Frederick D. Berry* gross value, fHOt obligations not list* ed, ‘ Estate of Mary B. Garlonahi gross value, |8,lkk,$8$ obligation*, 1704.18; net value, 88,48088. ' Estate of John S. . Heeg: 'gross value, 82JKW; obligation* paid; net value, p pm ,- A~ ' . ' *•' Estate of James W. Keyes: gross value, 8*00; debts, 837A4; admini* trative cost* ♦n i-’M; U*t trim fkkdk. APPOINTMENTS MADE Kathryn Hsckett a* admtofstratirig of the estate Of Edward Hsckrit, la4« of Yellow Springs, under ILOOfi bond. Dora J. Sorenson ** cxeeutrix of the estate te HaRie M, Russell, late of Xrnfa, without femdk Msry R. Priee as administratrix of the estate of G. W. Priee, late of fill* vercretk TWp„ nadir $8,188 hood- G. W. Bishop, N. N. Hunter and Archie Gordon were named appraisers. Flora Black as axaeutrix of the estsje of Lydia A. Fwdkuer, late te Beavercreek Twp,, under 88JM8 bend. eon- also REAL EBtATR BEIT Suit to canee! a real estate {veyance on gyenud* te fraud, think w« ought to rewolve to 'toUeotK'^tinx an accounting and can every Buadey to 1940.’* | ceitation or reformation of a note mid *|H*8b well said, Ine*. and I'm; mortgage to the extent of her logitl wRh you,*' replied Glenn. “I can't for-itnato indebtedness, ha* been filed in get the speaker at Kfwanta the othei’j.omnion plea* court by- Susie G. CrdX day. Be teM ns that If every r it is e n j^ ^ i Timothy I». Treadwell,, 481 to thl* eeudry wwsM be stoeere Mj vtOodladd Ave., Goiumbw, Named We nsHgtoswi prteetolen and go to} r-o-riwfeiwteMit is George Watson, ten* emmtry would[mrt on the ptointiT* O larville Twp. to umirifish *erv|e*.Sflim Ferae l l l i r i etefti In the tong ran, plaintiff declaring rite sought Mb ___ In the tong nsn,l hid toe* *t ear fisfiew- to the Christ- *— _ - *■— ^—n —* F a 4 ^ edim>. tm BiiBWBPPwluw* »w“ Yen sau N atom te kuRd for XsMgetog mi m mush I yeu*re true blue, now,* a loan from Treadwell to liquidate a 81,178 fovestoenre Judgment obtain* ed hy tile Xeato >Netianal Rank m teal 'estate valued a t fffikft, ebarge* the Gotombu* me* intimidated her to to deeding to him a one-belt interest to the property and giving $4A88 net* mid mortgage on her toteceal TV property waa asbedsled te he offered a t iflWlNf to tiie petition, which, eheegee tiwt Treadwell waited until a tew minute* before the time te sale be* tite front of the. seheol campU* with my cord of wood just-as tVYriendly teacVr was *tariiug.dews>the road, afoot, for bur home a t' Cedarvifie western Urge, a good three-mile wrik oyer* a rough gravel highway. What was I to do t My tnapsporta- tion facilities were roomy enough but’ scareely hsitttog ’thir; tapte .of such lady like^yaaesugsyp; However,'! stopped rip tasim and had- th* aerire’te prsdNg/Mlm1Wylie a there o f ’my^ drivmr* ruakipn atop that cord of ,Wood,' it triUig a newly atoffed*bhr oeta watih f*# ef mixed clover and tlmethg hrifi- " ' Ratiwr.dnMuuriy the imSkrim mas acmmted, bat with giritoh agittty she clambered up thefrout,endte tite load, and thua perehed side' by side, wo mads- the-drimi towards 'town. - With due regard to those days con­ ventionalities (guess that’*,the word) Adda intimated it would be best not te mV* the rtrip; threugh town,* as: wss! Bo upon arrivsl a t the subur­ ban Itrip te rsfldsnees oesopted hy families of Atox Batts, Robert Pigg, Milt Robineoa and Hspry Hood, we came to a halt, I steadied the horses as she safely descended''to the wa*«a hounde, and inching out to the «*4 te the double tree, nimbly jumped to terrefirm* again. From there made solo approach to the corpora­ tion proper, each following their cus­ tomary route. Tripping along aad tending os by a half block or so in turning a corner, Miss Adda waved a cherry tele*, and I felt like the modem day Boy Scent, that my day’s good deed had maybe already been done, by means of that card of wood, even though no rubber tires softened the jolts. Mrs. Mftehalt of today can't be charged with having thumbed that ride, either. Again,. several ysert ago,.Dr.”1. Alvin Qrr; * real GedarviH* key, wbo until recently pastor te the Ffrwt 11. P. Church,: North Brio, Pittsburgh, Penn., mala a visit to our First 11. P. Church, Denver, and frees it* pul­ pit impressed hie aadtenee that he gpMfE pjf Mm UMtoMl 'WuMwElsp as a mdrit te deep seated, tense, cam- eetneac, fiewlng from every vesud. - ' The 'Service conehcded, the eungsu* getton filed toward the lekby deers and, in this, Lama and I had the ep* posterity to greet him. Expseestng, Ms surptiec a t meeting hte, wham he: L & J t e r i Jhm JlmQ Pfil JKnQWlI' M umrm JNMTOTP wm. their old home neighborhood, he turn­ ed to me and reaching out hi* fe te gjJE2X‘.2? „ , . . . right hand, netted, “and te this Din Sere- taring, ever the bank’s Jedguisut} »* ^ ,__ M { O r n n m m O m r u m r m m i { O u M m * m tm. ttnii gWltU’ • vumw- n m * M , . Jtgmr$Jk0b AWatek Night Mcettog/urvteewUa held ffi;the MTE..enaw*.' Ifc G»~|f. Hartman, Prof, L. D. Parker and Rev. W, P. Harrimwl w«w the speakers At the Sunday*morning service 4(1 persons were received' into full mem­ bership of the church., Tfte ttensu*'triton*- fiave started work Tor Uncle Bam.’' Do hot ask questions but answer what you are aritod, Mrs. J. E. Mitdiett will trice the census in town and L. W, Bate­ man in .the township. FOx drive Started on the Henry Batsmen farm of 2Q0uacreu. Guests were Gov. Cox, Mayor Thornes and A; G. Baxter, Columbus. Rev. R, 8. McEthinneywas installed pastor of the Xenia Ave. Covenanter Church/ Rev. Fulton, Belle Center, delivered the charge and Rev. John Foster, to the people. The marriage of Ifisa Mcry.Lucile Marshall, Columbus,, and Mr, James H. Hawkins, took place New Year’* Day. Sixty guest* wot* present, moat afthem fr*m Greene county, 'Shelton HaggSsd, Columbus, known to hU local friends te tk e "Big Boy” announced that he has been granted fc**k pay pension te fki# * year for: nkwteeu years, total $8,788. He was htjurte while serving In the regular army. The annual dinner of the R. P. Church waa held in the charrk parlors. Dr. W,R. McCheeney waspraswnted a cheek for $188 in recegnitioti te his rervioe ter th* congregation while the pastor was given a handsome clock. The fir* department was called to the home te Mrs. Flora Dobbins, Fire confined to the basement wRh slight dsmeg*. ' ■. -V, A nine pound sow was born to Mr, and Mr*. Arthur Bull, Christmas day. Charieo Buck he* rented his farm find moved to Springfield. „ Mr, and Mrs, G. E, Jobe expect to’ leave soon for an extended visit in Fterida. -. Howard Arthur, who te attending fttantor Military school, Stanton, V*., is home for the holidays, % Eton Harness, New Jasper farmer, nearly free# to death, when hi* auto overteiWMl aad hte cletim* ware Hoik­ ed wKfc gasslkie while pinned under the w sbins. ■ H e Mnnteek Theatre te rinwkti, H u ligh t te Happiusss.” Xersaan Sifstey t e dawn with pneu- aumte, *' Cborrii pasters: M. I t, 'lev. V, X. Buster. U. P. Cbuwk, lew John Pi White'. A.' P. Churrh, lev , W. t, Hatriman. CHfton u . P. Clmrrii, lev . 1 , O, MeUbben, Prwbfterlan, lev . Wm, T, Meltimey. r . County Auditor A, ,1 , ehepn off 8k days New# You Rwad la H e ra ld Tew Y ears Ago; Miss Sallie Bj^hr, dsught«r o f the late Gideon Spahr,, died at West La- __fayette, O., aged 8S years,' former belonging to T, ‘re»ident of Cedarville. g been lost No- Dr, F. MV Chambliss resign* as coroner having been elected a member of the Xenia City commission. Dr. R. L. Heine* appointed by the county commissioners. The safe to the general store te Clark A Cpkher, Selma, was blown by yeggmen Sunday night, Between $500 and $70o, in. cash *tad check* taken along with, a quantity te mer chandise. J, G. McCorkell, village clerk, gives notice that plans for the-seweragedis­ trict* ire now on file for inspection end property owner* haring objec­ tions must file same. - Mr. and Mrs. O. E, O’Brien an­ nounce the birth of a'daughter on Tuesday. , A New Year’* arrival 'Waa a girl a l top hew* te Mr, and Mr#, Roseri w f i rUi^ . :V-•:' H e annual bampiet to members of the Research Chib win be held at the home of Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Kyle, Friday evening. . A son was born to Mr. aiid Mr*. Walter Boyer, Washington, C. H., Monday. H e I. 0 . 0 . F. held New Year’s danco in Nsgley’a Halk Dr. and Mrs, C. M, Ritchie enter- honor of their son, OrlsndM. Ritchie, acting Dean of Mhskingttm College, • ’ Mr. Forest Nagteir ’ and Miss Dorothy Strain, Xenia, Were tjutetiy married. Wednesday aftenuwn at th* horn* of. Mr, and-Mrs. Frank Btreet; Kenia. : - - ' «. A *on was bom to Mr. and Mr*. Wilbur Wfsecap, Thursday. Ml Emil Hauck, 5<^ Cincinnati con­ tractor, owner te the .George Little farm, Rees Twp., waa instaUtiy kilted when a Pennsylvania train hit hi* truck at SharonvlUe, Hamilton county. Leonard Hauck, 20, son, received a fractured skulj. > S g r i t t g V a l l e y C o u p l e I n F a t a l W r e c k Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hartsock of St. Louis, formerly-of Spring Valley, started: Saturday for their former home to spend the Holiday* When near East St, Louis they suffered an auto accident Which coet th* life of Mrs. Laura Cop*ey Hartsock, 82. Tha accident being due to icy jroadwsy, Mr. Hartsock, 84, died Monday te fractured skull. A daughter, Sylvia, J , Waa also injured but will recover. A son, Jerry, 7, escaped injury. Double, funeral services were held Thursday to the Spring Valley Methodist;Church. The - father is survived by hi* Parents, Mr. end Mrs. Lewi* Hart- sock, -thr*e testers *nd tooMtor; , 4r*'DaaM. AUltm*n ami Mrs. Er*e*t Irawford, Rente; Mrs, Shetdmrd, Co­ lumbus; and MaxU. Hsrteock, Spring Valley. * ' • ' - Mrs* HartsockMu daughter te 'Mr, and Urn, Arch Cop**y te Bpring Vktiey,' •'Who *«M*e-w«b a hrotiier, Philip,-te Dayton, NEW LIGHT RATES A lower electric light rate has been adopted to Xenia with the Dayton Power in Light Co. H * top rat* is d»76e per kilowatt hour with tower rates to other bracket* A five year renewal franchise was granted the company. celebrate golden WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Naws You Rood l« ' -H era ld Owe Y ear Ago Gov, Martin L. Devey slugs his swan song before the legislature and Are* a broadside against What h* termed the "cock-eyed bureaucrats to Washington.” James H, Hawkins elected chairman of County Commissioners a t organisa­ tion. ■ United Presbyterian Church observ­ ed 60th anniversary of the erection of the present building with a dtoanr and program of after-dinner speech**. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Btanforth an­ nounce the birth te a daughter,‘Janet. Death of Mrs. Nettie Frasier Nash, 88, a life long resident te th* county. H» (j. Funsett takes a position with a paper mill in Coshocton, 0. Mist* Frances Straley, daughter of Mr. and. Mra Herman Btraley, became the bride of Mr. Paul McClellan, J. Morgan Heffner, 84, superintend­ ent of the Galena, G., school* ahd former athletic coach to the Gedarvitle Public schools for the 19*64817 term, met Instant death when his auto was hit by a frieght train to Ms *Ry« i Th* comerskme laid Monday for th* 'newflQM fo Xenia CKy Hall, Hi* eeremony waa in charge te Xenia Lodge te Masons No. 48. Bfvtogbhe weather a weleome gseet with thu mercury 66 on Monday and 6* on Tuesday, NEW GUY MANAGER Ameid J. Dote*, 4k, Reid Gantrai- ^ j | tws^usmE PW1 IWWNPfi *WE p P w N f IteWa Wm wffivIsZlRHff to aw- * • padded Mi etty muMger to te ik X, fatvott, state mtimteer, to- seed Wilber It. levy , THREE DEMOCRATS ENDORSED Three, applicant* for two position* under the census setup have been .en­ dorsed by th* Democratic Executive committee. They are John Geiger and Edward Higgins, Xenia, and C#rl $mith. Spring Valley. TO FLY TO FLORIDA William Schmidt, Xenia, son te Ernest Schmidt, will fly ta.Ftorida from to* East Daytem airport in.Mt own plane where 1,600 otiwr pilet* will gather for a cavalcade. ANGUS E ftO * INJURED A 600 pound Augua steer loos* on the highway new Roeemoor fans, Route, 86, ditched a car driven by George Creighteu, E Charieetsu, W. Va., Tuesday pipkt, .The ear waa damaged and the'Steer slaugkteeud by farm employee* ** It suffered a broken to f f . Mb, and Itr*. & Beawa and i children,. Nod and Goto havu-rtewar. od borne after* djpendNe^GfaaltoiU-1 to Conttoentel, Ohi*. Mrs,. Jbowa's pattote, Mr. ami Mrs. X. W.PrtMWk' celebrated tite r golden. weddl«ig...un- niversary^ Christmas ’.iday,: ■ Mn- ITowant» a druegtot a t GswHteteii, and to has ownedTand opwkted Ma, owm drag storp owtiaaoMtir far. forty-seven soars. FERNDALE RBCUVE6 CUP ' .WON LAST F— itTAEY ' O, A. Dobbin* eras exhtetisif a fin* golden cup Wednesday that Fenriida Farms wmrlast February,when a bred: eow from the' farm took top honors for highest price. The sale was haM n'Deltoo* and a similar aria wifi to held to London this coming Primmuf* BANHBbg m u * m m asec N' Albert Daniel*, Gremfirid,v-«tete manufaotorte, aaaoutiees as' * w te didate for state senator fitent titis Fifth-Sixth senatorial districts with, the sndorsement te the JHHgMand county committee. He augend de­ feat a t the but eteotioik aad will try agato under tbs rotation rule. TO APPEAR ON PROGRAM: David • C. . BradfSte, ijCedarriE* township farmer, witt appear eg the program of Farmers* Weak scheduled from Jan. 89 to Feb. S a t OUo Mate University, Columbus, Mr. Brad- fete is one ef three premtote* OMu farmer* whs will relate first-hand ex­ periences in terming. GOLDEN RULE PARTY The annual Christmas party te the Golden Ride clam te the Methodist Church, was held to the ehuteh parlors, Wednesday, December 8k, with thirty-five member* present. The parlor was beautifully deco­ rated In a csmplete Christos** at­ mosphere. Mr*. Mandto flfeukey '-led the de­ votion* which included the ringing te Christmas song*. A program te Christmas stowtela ament was enjayeA : This torinisd a atery, “Ckrietam* Dag to the Mart tog,” by Mm J. W. Jehwoa; a poem by Mrs.Mayweed Barney; aad* play- I r t ”Ov*r tto •*<* Fane*,” by Mm C. % Maslera and. Mrs, CMffWi the wtihiRe ^ ° S S 3 r Mm sh u ,llH b ^ BEWARE OF BWINE INFLUENZA Au acute and highly awtagioka Ufftetitot te tto risgirtteey tea#* te »wtoa> asmuumly ea&sfi ’to g fiu” is vety prevalent tto* teB 'artt n t h winter mentiu. ' - Tto dtoeaee to ♦haught to to can*- edby th* bombtoed actien te,n riiiM and * karisrto upen the >m|lpa*ify tissuaa, Ctoages ' to ataaseiiMthi tosaperatwre emamen ta tell a te early wtoter, and oversrawdtog to pearly vsatHatod kuarteua appear to tever devsiopment te the dtoeeae. Tto oaeet te tim dtoeaee to sadden end neater 18k per see* *f tto toad may show tolsctien. The death rate ia usually low, but tto too* to body weight to sevacu. Baghmtog’iyptoms * are refusal te teed 1 allowed hp marie- cd prostration, "thumpy* toriathlny, coughing, dtoduirge team the eye* and nose, a high fever. The disease to eiten < tto acute form te beg ever, He high rets aad p ir i in hb mn»t f n | treme yaweteatiea aad i wright, am mfgoetiv* ewto* toffwam Ratoeesp may to but the animat easy to s mBI '^^wBmBHI^II ft* te a ton laxative * * 8 5 * t e fitok t a t t X 1 I , l I • Vi *4