The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 1-26
i>tiiHjiiiiiiinMMiiniin>HHinow»Hiim'» !Local and Personal Public Sale—Household good* of late Etta Owen* on Saturday, De cember 16. John A. Davis, Executor, The Mizpah Bible Class of the First Presbyterian Church met Tuesday afternoon a t thp home o f Miss Bailie McMillan, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Tpwnaley enter tained a number a t young folks last Friday evening a t their country home with a turkey dinner. * The annual Christmans ^party for the Research Club will be’ held this Friday evening in the U. P. Chu.-ch social rpom, the dinner being server by the Ladies’ Aid of the Church. John Pitstick, -farmer, residing near South Charleston, formerly of this place, escaped with his life Wed nesday afternoon when hjs car stalled on the Pennsylvania tracks east of Springfield. Seeing an approaching train he alighted to a place of safety and left the auto to its fate. The car was wrecked but John escaped just in time. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Davis, who have been visiting with their soiv-jn-law and daughter, Chap, LaClede Marklei 2 o'clock, and wife, San Deigo, Calif., and other (he assistant hostess. Mrs. Anna Wil points of interest, are expected to re-,son will read a paper on “National Mrs. Belle Summers will be hostess to Cedar Cliff Chapter, D. A. R., for the regular monthly meeting at her home on Xenia ave., Saturday, a t Miss Wilmah Spencer will turn home Saturday evening. Mrs. 0. E. Bradfute of Xgnia, formerly of this place, was honored a t a banquet in Chicago while attend ing the annual meeting of the Ameri can Farm Bureau, Her husband, the late 0. E. Bradfute, was at one time president of the-federation. Defense” and Mrs. M. J. Bahin will review a Christmas story, MeMmbers are urged to pay their annual dues at this meeting. . Mr. and Mrs. Ward Levering are announcing their marriage which took place in Richmond, Jtyd.,. December 4. Mrs. Levering was formerly Mrs, Daisy Armstrong of Cedarville, and Mr. Levering was formerly from Piqua. Mr. Levering is employed as a meat cutter in Dayton. They will make their home a t 600 S. Detroit St.., Xenia. Mrs, Jdsephine Heitzman, 72, wife of CaSper Heitzman, Bainbridge, died Wednesday morning, at the home of her daughter Miss Georgia, who sur- vives along with - another daughter, Mrs. Bertha Alexander, Xenia, with a son, Harley, Riderwood, Wash. The funeral will be private in Greenfield this afternoon with burial at that place. Mr. and Mrs. John Hardy, of New York City spent Sunday and Monday as guests of their cousin, Mr. W. R. Watt: They were enroute home from Lufkin, Texas, where Mr. Hardy was on business in connection with a large paper mill being erected in that sec tion. The mill will convert under growth pine into newsprint and will have a capacity of 150 tons daily. It will be a two dryer machine, each turning out a sheet 134 inches wide traveling a t a speed of 1,10ft. feet a minute. The company has 110,000 acres of pine undergrowth under lease. ' Mr. George Hardy, father of John, has been engaged in architecture and engineering for a number of years arid has erected a number of the largest mills in this country and Canada. The Elder Hardy has had much to do with perfecting machinery to convert; pine into newsprint, a special process being necessary to re move ’the .pitch and rosin before the pulp can bo;bleached. LITTtE’S GROCERY NOW Agents for ReNew Cleaners .Xenia, Ohio Mrs. Depew Head of Columbus, will give her second book review at the Methodist Church, Wednesday eve ning, December 13, at 8 p. m. She will review, “Grapes ■ of Wrath," “Factors In the Field" and “Back to Dust,” presenting the social problems which confront the public today. For Sale-—Shepherd pups, six weeks old. Reasonable price, John A. Davis. - (2t> The Pennsylvania railroad will raze the Ipatoric Detroit street depot in Xenia, soon. The property was ac quired 7$ years, ago by the Little Miami R. R. The depot was deeded from James Gowdy to L. M. R. R., for depot purposes only and will now e- vert to a number of heirs, according to reports. The real estate is valued a t $3,600. The building, is in bad state of preservation. Dog tags are now on sale in the county1 under the direction of County Auditor, James J. Curlett. They can be secured a t the following places in the county through deputies who will issue them until the expiring date, January, 20, 1940. James Bailey, Standard Oil Station, will handle the tags in Cedarville; Minnie Wetzel, Bellbrook; Harold Van Pelt, Spring Valley; Claud Chitty, Bowersville; Glen L. Deaton, Yellow Spriggs; Mer- vil Tritl," Fairfield; R. L .George, Jamestown;' Fred Barbard, Beaver creek; F. W. Reese, New Germany, Miss France* Finney Bridle Of Mr. John Sitter Miss Frances Finney, daughter ol’ Mrs, E, E. Finney, became the bride of Mr. John Slifer, Hamilton, O Saturday afternoon a t the bride's home a t four o'clock, Guests and relatives numbered thirty-five for the event. Dr, R, Av Jamieson, pastor of the Cedarville United Presbyterina Church, officiated a t the single ring service, which was preceded by a short musical program. Mrs. Dorothy The- skin, Cincinnati, sang “I Promise You," accompanied by Miss Mary Alice Whittington, Cedarville, on the piano. Miss Whittington played the “Bridal Chorus” from “Lohengrin” as the bride and bridegroom and their a t tendants took their places before an improvised altar of yellow and white chrysanthemums and greenery in the living room,. Miss Helen Finney, siste r of the bride, was maid of honor, and Mr. Oscar Cohen, Hamilton, served as best man. The bride wore a gown of blue silk crepe with black accessories and her sister wore a frock of gold crepe with black accessories. Both wore corsages of roses. A wedding supper was served a t the Finney home' following the ceremony. There were covers for ten guests at the bride's table which was Centered by - a wedding cake, surrounded by flowers and fern. A two-course sup per was served. • Mr. and Mrs. Slifer left Saturday night for Hamilton where they will reside at .3664■Denninghofen St. Mrs: Slifer, who is a niece of At torney J.. A. Finney, Xenia, was grad uated from Cedarville High School and Bliss Business College, Colum bus, and has been employed in Cin cinnati. Mr. Slifer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Slifer, Hamilton, was grad uated from Hamilton High School and attended Miami University. He is a member of the Hamilton city fire department. , CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, DKC8UXKK *„ i& CHURCH NOTES Mid his friend the roofing man, half! Members of the gunnyside Club en-' Amo* Frame, Up. and Mrs. |L 0* jokingly. ijoyed their Chrismae banquet Wed-' Nagley, Mr, and Mr*. Harley Devi*, ‘Well, yes, it was a steal, but neaday evening a t Pohlkotte's dining Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards, Mr. and please don’t tell the police, or any- room, Yeljow Springs. Gift* were ex- Mrs. I|, K. Stormont, Mr, and Mr*, Ibody. You are mighty fine to bring changed and bridge enjoyed during II. H. Brown and Mr. and Mr*, this to me, and I thank you, but pro-j the evening, i ...........^ .. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Ralph A, Jamieson. Minister Sabbath School, 10;00 a. m, Supt. Emile Finney. ____ ___ ____ Preaching, 11:00 a . m . Ordination Bftqrnoon’ Bnd two Gyp»y women'Arthur Reed, Clifton; Mr. and Mrs, cago. and Installation of Mr. Meryl Stor-| c*me alon^ 1 did not w°nt my fo r-1 * V n£fc 40 tel1 ” h®ple?ded- | Th08e Present were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Herman Randall left Weda*s- 11 right then, You see I was Ralph Campbell, Springfield; Mr. and day to spend three days a t the In* taking leaves in my front yard one Mrs. C. M, Preston and Mr. and Mrs, ternational Live Stock Show in Chi- mont and Dr. Donald F. Kyle as ruling elders. Y, P. C, U., 6:30 p. m. Subject, “Our Part in the Missionary Enter prise.” Leader, Emile Finney. Union Service, 7:30 p, m., in the Presbyterian Church . Christmas Can- tune told, but they would not leave me. Right, out there in bright day- ilight one of them got my billfold, r never missed it till supper time. Say, don’t tell it, please. The one smiled, the other laughed heartily. The factory man enjoyed jr au i vn en imriBi c 1 ; ——- - ---- ^ tata by the Musical Department of I ^ most’ Something had beep put the College, under the direction of Mrs. D. H. Markel. Bible Study, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m, Choir Rehearsal, Saturday, 7:30 p, m. Those wishing either The United Presbyterian, or The Christian Herald over the precise old bachelor, and he had to take it good-naturedly. For once his dignity had collapsed. The story leaked out among intimate friends, as many good stories do, and waves of laughter ensued, Gypsy ethics doubtless considered it WHERE TO STAY IN CINCINNiTi not already done so. please report by Sabbath, if you have j ®0Qd business to lift a billfold,' but to astute Mr. Macauley, and to most of us, it was thievery. Let us hope they will not pick any more billfolds. His staid dignity would not permit a report to the state police. Anyhow they were women, so why? Life is replete with experiences. Some of them dethrone dignity, and mangle pride, Even' the discriminat ing become victims now and then. A sturdy faith in the Almighty helps us to meet daily events of whatever kind. Humor will ease the memory of deception. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Honest souls press hopefully on into the new ex periences until their days are ful filled. Life is that way, METHODIST David H. Markle, Minister ‘ Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. We shall have as our speaker! Rev. George Garden, Superintendent of the ] Boys High School Hyerabad, India. Youth Forum, 6:30 p. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. Union j Service in Presbyterian Church. The Cedarville College Music Department! under the direction of Mrs. David Markle will present an International! Christmas Carol program. Wednesday, at 8 o’clock, Mrs. De-1 pew Head of Columbus will give | another of the book reviews under the auspices of the Young Women’s Mis sionary Society. Golden Rule C lass' Entertained Thursday Twenty-two sheep claims amount ing to $423.25, which have accumulat e d during the last three months, have, {been approved- by county’commission- jei;s and - ordered paid. The j largest individual claims, each for ; $49.10; were filed by Alfred Webb and Frank Smith, both of Jefferson Twp. For Pick Up and Delivery SERVICE | ; Fop Sale-Apples and | , Nagley’s Fruit Farm. cider at § jin itH tiiH tiM iH iM im m n m m H im itiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio iittiH 4% FARM LOANS j Prom pt and Confidential Service • Write or Inquire | LEON H. KLING f I I Cedarville, O Phone: 16} Phone 184 XENIA i 1 i s - i | S s *' “Don ’ t ha ve d i r t w i th T tU M U P im A WZBK * | a EE WU 1 Bay A m WlllUmaon T rlp l-lfe "TheWIBUmsooBeaterCotnpany: Ml mti mi ii hit jrjinn ihumwiw It WefindthatthehouaeIsmuchtnorecomforUble aadwcalMdo««t bar*thedht thatweibidwiththe oldfurnace. Webav*Wvtdataort hellonour^coal bin. That hi itaelf, I*fcMdeetataequality but the beetMit aboutthe tunaoe ie—youdos t bare to be afraid ot orer-heatinr the house.” Ocaed—Mr. aadMrs. Howardfloor, Zanesville, Ohio FREE: Furnace Inspection. Didyoubum toomuchcoal, didyouhave toomuchillness —were your coal bills too high this past Winter? We make free inspection, locate troubles, do repair work. Modest prices. G. C. BREWER Phone: Cedarville 125 W It LIA M S 0 N • TRI PL I FE ' rnr*a«MCi*aa«d PROGRAM—WEEK OF DECEMBER 8 Friday and Saturday, December 8-9 l Sidney Toler—Pauline MoOrts T a “Charlie Chan At ■ H , Treasurer Island i ' Magic Carpet-Cartoon—Law lehr If' • ■ Sunday And Monday, December 10-11 '■ E a Joan Crawford—Norma Shearer Rosalind Russell—Mary Boland A “THE WOMEN” T Also Lato News We%esday and Thursday, December 13-14 R J*n* ‘Withers and The Bit* Brothers E ’ ^Padk Up Your•Troubles,, News—Cartoon Adventures of Newsreel Cameraman A meeting of the Golden Rule Class of the Methodist Church was held at the home of Mrs. G. H. Hartman, Thursday, Nov. 30th with thirty-three members present. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. C. E. Masters. Roll call was given by Scripture quotations. The devotional leader, Mrs. Rigio, was unable to be present. • ' \ During, the business part of the meeting, Mrs. Neiman, chairman, re ported on the Thanksgiving baskets presented to twenty sick and shut-in members of the class. Cards of thanks and appreciation were read. A lamp was presented to Mrs. Maywood Horney, who had served as the class secretary so faithfully the past seven years. ; The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. George Hamman and singing, “Blest Be the Tie That Binds.” Ad journment was followed by a social hour and delicious refreshments were served by the following committee: Mrs. Kimble, Mrs, .Frame, Mrs. John son, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Pyles and Mrs. Hartman. For Sale—Large gas range, cheap. Phone 177, Ceddrville. I Am Now Taking Order* For Genuine I * PFISTER HYBRID SEED CORN These field proven hybrids are Con sistently high yielders of large deep full grained ears of high shelling per centage and feeding quality. Carefully Graded To • Insure Perfect Planting1 A grade to suit you and a variety to suit your soil, Would Appreciate Y6ur Order CARL SPRACKLEN Cedarville; Ohio R. jf, D. 1 The Ideal Chruitma* Gift j A Beautiful dormant SPECIAL Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday* $1.95 Complete. Other Permanents $2,50 to $7.50, Complete. Shampoo and Finger Wave, 50c, Rosen* an d Flight Cosmetics, THE VANITY BEAUTY SALON Xenia, 359 Yellow springs, 440 Jamestown Open Evening* by Appointment ttiitmHtiiMiiiinmi THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Benjamin N, Adams. Minister 9:45 a. m., Sabbath School Or chestra. 10:00 a. m., Sabbath School, Mr. H. K. Stormont, Supt. 11:00 a. m., Morning Worship. Theme: “The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting.” Junior Sermon: “A Worm’s Eye View.” 6:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor, at Mr! and Mrs. J. A. Kreitzer’s home. Devotional leader: Jeanne Wright. Topic: “Death, Immortality, Heaven, and Hell.” Members are reminded to read I Corinthians 15,- in prepara tion for the discussion. 7:30 p. m., Cedarville College Christmas program at the Presby terian Church. : Tuesday, December 12. 10:00 a. m. Dayton Presbytery meeting « t West minster Presbyterian Church, Dayton. Wednesday, December 13. 7:00-to 9:00 p. m. Choir, rehearsal for Christmas program,. Non-members are invited to join with the Choir in preparation for the Christmas pro gram. Friday, December 15. • 2:00 p. m. Women’s Missionary Society will, meet at Mrs. S. C. Wright’s. . Sunday, December 17. 2:00 p, m. to 4:00 p. m. Choir rehearsal for Christmas program. CHURCH OF THE NAZREN e ' ' Raymond Strickland, Pastor Sunday School, 2:30 p. m. Services, Preaching, 3:00 p. m. Mid-week Meeting, each Wednes day, 7:30 p. m: Dignity Dethroned By Charles Evans Lsmale “ Is this your billfold?" said one. “Why —, where did you get it?” said the other. “On the highway, near Point Isa bel,” was the reply. “It was in the middle of the road. Our roofing salesman lives north of the village. He saw it, Your name was on it. He knew I’d be down, so he held it. He thought I might know you.” The roofing specialist was speaking to a retired hardware merchant. He had a merry twinkle in his eye, for the older man was very precise in language, attire, and manner. He ap peared the soul of dignity.' To have met with a situation in which he would be the butt of a joke, or the innocent victim of a raw deal, would be to dethrone his dignity. His good nature, however, would afford hila rious merriment and great laughter. He had seen seventy-five summers, but was in excellent health, Since he never had time to engage in a thrilling'courtship, he commands his own way, He met with moderate prosperity. He is now the bell wether of a family sometimes locally called the House of Macauley, who are descendants of a shepherd dan ori ginally from the highlands of Scot land. Nieces and nephews go Out of their way to do him deference. He is a casual philosopher and humorist. To his clerk he would em phasize care in little service*, saying, “You know Emerson said, ‘The crea tion of a thousand forests is in one acorn’,” When BUI Andrews of the South Side came in, he would say, “Here comes a -small purchase, but a lot of gossip." At the moment when the billfold turned up, he was non* pulsed. “I’m surprised you lost your bill fold, You fcust have been held Up” •IIH IIIU IIIim illlllltllllM lltlllllim r-liiiiiiiiiu iiiim iiiH iiiiK iii ' \ Get Her One of Our $4.00 \ Duart Permanents Today for #2.95 FOR CHRISTMAS Who Knows, Tomorrow Be Christmas? May fBea’s Beauty Shoppe | Cedarville, Ohio i / wmcaittifimriwi S ^T h ipefM ilK aUM ghw tM easy mmm t e d pods at e * stone*—ami the idsai o» waM stes at dwMas* mDstokeyew MftkfdL Ybd n|oy fi*Oid a T w e * • fiat imteerant eeKce dap- A / RATCS H i ThePALACE HOTEL ANDUP S IX TH A T V IN E STREETS ANTHONY ELSASSER, MANAGER 1 Phone: !4 . F. L. NELSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Jamestown, Ohio Especial Attention Given • ■, m . School-Age . yea ONE HINT is worth a MILLION HOPES... SUGGEST AN ELGIN NOW I J^, At tmr store Isone75thAimi- w versary Elgin that is just a little bit more "yours” than any other. Comeinand selectit today! WhicheverElginit is, youmaybe sure it issmartly styled,. .'amaz ingly accurate. Start hinting foe your chosen model early. Santa will be pleased to'know our new Elgin*are reasonably priced.. attractivevalues nslowas$24.75. A—Charming diainond-tet moduli JS jn n l Elgin. Black silk cord. $ 3 9 ,75 *—Trim modem design. IS- jewels. Curveddial. Model 3814. $29.75 C —Interestingly differentt IS jewels. Unusual case and band. $33.75 T I F F A N Y , Jeweler S.-Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio Z d C H f i The Gift o f Lasting Happiness The bright, cheerful lamp is always , appreciated—and at our low price you can afford to give the best. Floor lamps with candle and ttite- Iite in the base. $7 *50 up Table lamps—bedroom lamps—bed lamps — novelty lamps — pin-up lamps—new styles. $1.25 up XJse Our Christmas Lay-A-Way Plan MAKE YOUR CHOICE EARLY b Pickering Electric Phones 22 M«t2fei Street \
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