The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 1-26
c i & A m V i L L E H e r a l d i « # d R A * ? § 4MMwM A* m «,} Okl* NMMMiwr j U mm .* Klwei Y»U*r Frew A mo *. fit tht Port Office, OftcUTville,'Ohio, O c t o b e r 2 1 , 1 8 7 7 > * * •ectm d e l * w rarttwr. Friday, April 19 ,1940 WHAT WEALTH BED FOR POSTERITY Demi columns a few days ago appeard the name,Qf o f a atrip# o f moderate priced hotels supposedly use o f laboring men in the cities. When Danny Driscoll ired fo r a fifty-cent room in a New York Mills Hotel, he waii the fiftieth million guest to so register since the founding o f these institutions It was a happy occasion fo r Driscoll even though he had bht 11,20 le ft after being assigned a room. He was escorted to a room where he was greeted by Mayor LaGuardia and others, including the grandson o f the founder, Ogden Mills Reid, president o f the Herald-Tribune, and son o f the late Whitelaw/Reid, known to all in this community directly or by historical connection. The eider Mills established a trust of several milions to support these hotels and Ogden Reid is one o f the trustees, , ' , Iscoll was treated t o a buffet supper‘and much speech- making,xhonor/d as fie had never been be fore and yet he. re led withOns mother some 200 miles distant from the b ig aflty. He had gone to New York in search o f a. position as a inger but could not connect. Rather than face charity he se cured a position as snow shoveler and earned 255. He sent $25 to his mother and used the balance to keep body and soul to gether until fortune came his way but the future was dark until he laid fifty cents on the hotel counter and became famous over night. There are o f course many such as Driscoll.that we never hear o f but there evidently are more that are not made o f the sarnie grit and determination to carry on without giving up; Had Darius O. Mills given up hope even once in his early days he , would never have accumulated the fortune that went into this trust fund fo r the benefit o f mankind in the years that were to fo llow . Tinder our present social set-up who is there that will have the vision o f Darius O, Mills to equal his gift f o r the gen erations that are to follow ?. No state or nation can provide permanently fo r the able bodied o f all .classes even during panics or. depressions. This must be le ft to personal effort o f such as Mill, Carnegie and Rockefeller. I f Carnegie had been branded a malefactor o f wealth .and a royal economist" how many cities and towns would todayThave a public library? THE AMERICAN GOLD SWINDLE The New Deal purchased gold to the amount o f $459,844,- 000 during the month o f March, the fourth largest, purchase in any one month on record fo r any nation. We tax our people to get government funds and then we purchase gold and bury it in the ground down in Kentucky. Most o f this gold is purchas ed from Mexico, Canada^ Russia and'the British Empire. These countries all want to sell in our market fo r the reason the gov ernment is paying much more than the world market price. It was argued here by Democratic leaders that by paying a high er than market price fo r gold we Would raise the price all over the world. England controls the world price. She is not pur chasing gold but her gold producing countries are selling here : at a big profit. Russia gets about $3Q profit fo r each ounce sold hero. Canadian gold mines"are working day and night to mine gold fo r our market and we give them a handsome profit. England always does business in financial affairs through the Bank o f England. Few people know it but the pound sterling has two values, known as the free rate and the official rate England takes the profit through the bank by purchasing on the. low rate and soiling on the high rate. England sells gold a t a high price to us and purchases her war planes on the free . rate o f exchange. Morover England is credited with purchasing her army planes from Americon manufacturers at $3,000 less ' than what the present administration Is paying. Thus King George has made the U. S. her financial agent and also her arsenal, evenithough she has not been' able to get the son&'.of American mothers in her army to carry on her war in Europe. Meantime the government engraving bureau is working seven days and seven nights, week in and week out, turning out TJ. S. bonds to pay our neighbors a handsome price fo r their gold. - i KEEP THE DOLLARS ROLLING By this time* the old rumor that a banker’s greatest plea sure iii life is to refuse a loan, should have been thoroughly exploded. Perhaps never before were banks so eager to make sound loans, and to put the money fo r which they are trustees, to pro ductive use. The typical commercial bank today advertises con stantly f o r business— issues leaflets and other literature— and does everything possible to attract and serve the legitimate bo iv rower* ^ Figures that back up that statement. During the first half o f last year, more than 14',000 loans were made during every banking hour by 41 percent o f the nation’s commercial banks covered in a survey. The 6,000 banks reporting made close tc 6,000,000 new loans totaling more than $10,000,000,000— re newed over 5,500,000 old loans totaling almost $7,700,000,000, and issued over 127,000 mortgage loans totaling $412,000,000. This amounted to the incredible sum o f $18,000,000,000— all in a six-months period. * It is obvious that the banks cannot loan to the insolvent business, or to the prospective borrower with a bad credit and Character record. But no man who is entitled to a ioan, undei the* terms o f state and Federal law, need worry about getting the money he needs fo r any sound purpose* It’s ready and waiting. The point is that today banks are not only willing to make loaiis— they are eager to do,so* And the record proves it. "Rebecca” There, ere numerous buildings lous ed by the government from companies end individuals. The two smart New Peelers were two clerks tn the Re finance Corporation. They pooled * small sum in certain property end sold at ■ big profit. With this they or ganized a company apd sold stock to get funds to take an option on a whole square. The square is said to have cost $360,000, They applied to the Refinance Corporation for a loan artd* the New Peal company placed a valun ation o f $3,000,000 on the square and the loan was granted- The building is being completed at present and has been leased to the government for $80,000 a year for forty years on a tax free basis. Planned prosperity we call it, i f you had the chance. Some time ago you read o f organization plan which was passed at the demand o f FDR. He promised a reduction in his official family in cluding departments under control of the cabinet. It is interesting to read the monthly official statement 'o f the ..number o f employees on the govern ment pay roll. Here are* the figures, official,-on the February report as issued by .the Civil Service Commis sion. In the city o f Washington them are 127,772 employees on the govern ment payroll. This is-an increase o f 353 according to the commission re port over last' January. The entire government payroll exclusive o f army: and navy is 939,015 for last Febru ary, a gain o f 612 over the month o f January. Planned economy. 4 ’ jmpprt wbiaot to on «*sy terms, The ■jMMrid be repealed bqt p$ s called enough eon- (mnpvM&vt IfamymU braved the or ders inn* on high and joined with a solid Repubbaan vote to defeat the mwwnte. Three time* last week New Peal measures that were as radical M if they bad Russian origin .were defeated by th e , combined vote o f those loyal to their country and not a crowd from “oyer there". The threat to cut off state relief, where congress men have the nerve to vote their con victions is gradually loosing its effect. We had the pleasure o f hearing Charles F. Kettering, Dayton and De troit, several days ago at .a luncheon meeting at the Press Club in Wash ington. He gave many interesting ex periences o f his work in science and research. He claims you cannot plan anything for certain for two reasons. One is your competitor may force you to change your plans and the next day you yourself may find your plans o f the day before are wrong. He illus trated by" saying the baseball man agement always planned to1win but the oppositior team frequently chang ed the plans. It was the' answer to the so called “ Planned Economy." Riding down Constitution avenue and looking to the left is a new muni cipal building covering two city squares and will he eight Stories high. A few more millions will be spent on this civic center. The six squares of army offices now located on Constitu tion avenue will be wrecked, these buildings, being erected during th£ World War. They arc concrete but 6f poor construction as great chunks .of cement have fallen from the cornice. Meantime while you look at the build ings being erected and those being wrecked you ace riding between some ten . squares o f other government structures erected within the past twenty years. The biggest o f them all is' the agri culture department with affiliate buildings that house some 25,009 offi cials, clerks, stenographers, etc. Near ly as many people on Uncle Sam’s payroll leave that one building each evening as live in. Greene county. m e A fesokgmmd of chilling mystery and eerieness, "fte- bavs its first showing at the Regent Theater Spring. Dfclo, m» Thursday. "Rebecca" Was Rimed with Laurence J and Joan Fontaine in the top starring rotes* while the fee* ting oast Indo les Anderson, George Sanders, & Abbrsy Smith, Reginald Penny and Jflfcrefine fuu**, One o f the greatest New Peal spend ing projects for private purposes is the new airport being constructed ad jacent Washington, D, C., on the south. Part: o f the tract is swamp and had to be filled fifteen or twenty feet deep. The high ground was low ered and this dirt partially filled the swamp. In fact the 742 acres was either cut down or filled with modern equipment and trucks to do the work* There will j>e four hangers 23Gx205 feet. The cement runways will be 875 x200 feet square, There will be 600,* 000 sq, yds. of paving equal to 51 miles o f highway 20 feet wide. Park ing space for 5,000 automobiles* In all there will be 18,478,856 eu. yds. o f gravel and sand UHed, or enough for a 20 ft. roadway from New York to San Francisco and back to St. Louis. This is how mdney is being spent in a small way in the nation’s Capital to create prosperity at the .ex pense o f the taxpayer who gets his tax from the consumer in the pric6 o f .goods sold. This is only a fraction o f the Nev.- Deal building program In that city, -several squares o f city’property were purchased by the government. All 'iuildings wrecked including a ten - story 600 room apartment house. The wreckers had to use tons r.f dynamite to break the steel and concrete wall? and render the enormous house; which was 'modern and in a desirable loca tion. a mass o f twisted wreckage so that steam shovels could load 200 dump trucks to f i l l ' a hole iri another, part bf the city for another goveriH ment building. On this site will be erected a hew army building that wifi' be about six squares long and house some ten thousand officials and clerks, ■ i •rr. "m ily* mm o f Itrs. EUqn Purdomt r . j . WARNER GETS THREE underwent an operation at the Me-* YEAR CONTRACT AT INCREASE Clellan Rosiptal in Xenia, Wednesday, Swpt. & j . Warner, Xenia, has been ftkp appendicitis. ; ’ given a threo-year contract as super intendent o f the Xenia schools by that S vbsm bt to UTSE H E B 4 W ,> hoard o f education. The salary is $4,* 000 with a $200 annual increase. Clark Gable — Joan Crawford They Bring Your Biggest Screen Thrill! There are a number o f conservative Democrats in both branches o f Con gress and they are gradually regain ing their moral courage to withstand the threats o f the administration if they do not follow the New Peal in tote. We sat in the gallery one day last weak and heard a half dozen Democrats attack in savage language A bill in the House which if passed 'Would have triad* every federal judge * Over in the Senate we found Sena tor McXeUer, Pern,, Trnn., talking to apyempty house, only ten tncmb?rs being in their seats, ThCiWaljac^ A g ricultural setup on (cottpn ,was ask ing fo r jut appropriation! o f cnly ? V 000-000 to make up for losses due to speculation in the cotton market. Mc- Keller was opposing the bill and ex posed some o f the AAA .methods of squandering public funds. He talked all afternoon and at .his suggestion adjournment was taken so he could continue the next day. A number o f the AAA official staff was in the gal lery and heard McKeller read a long liqt o f persons drawing prjncejy sal aries whom he*termed incompetant to run any kind o f business fo r them selves or anyone else. The cotton crowd had lost four million in cotton speculation. To show how the C. I, O. holds a hand with the present administration in Washington, we witnessed a picket line in continuous march in a circle abput the door o f the National Press Club in that city last Thursday noon, The building is within two squares of the White' House. Besides several hundred offices the Press Club,'a na tional organization o f newspaper peo p le has its quarters. It made no dif ference what your mission might be in the building you had to fight your way through the moving picket line due to a strike o f employees in a cafe teria located-in the basement..Even Charles F. Kettering, Dayton, had the same experience as members o f the club and guests. Once again" proving her dramatic versatility, Joan Crawford Bteps from her glamorous rold of Crystal Allen in "The Women" to the portrayal of the cynical and slightly shopworn cafe enter tainer, Jull, in "Strange Cargo," the powerful melodrama of a group of derelict, souls, at the Xenia- Theater, 8 days 'starting Sunday, April 21. The new lilt co-stars Miss Crawford with Clark Gahle for the sixth time. / . The strike was brought about by discharge o f three employees, ail of whom 'j had been Convicted in court on charges. One was serving time for attacking a girl employee in a hall way. ■Twq others engaged in a fight while on, duty throwing knives and dishes at each other. The union de manded of the management that the three be re-instated as soon as they hud served their ^sentences and this was denied:. The picket line was form ed and under the Wagner labor law local officials could not Interfere and all this within a stone’s throw o f the head o f the government who dares to lake issue with the Communistic group. > f , NOTICE The City will not haul, any trash or ashes this year. Should you want same done, get in touch with Hayes Me Clean,‘phone 94: ProgramForRecovery Oatlined By While DUDLEY A. WHITE « COLUMBUS — (Special)—Con gressman Dudley A. White, of Norwalk, candidate for the Repub lican nomination for United States .Senator, i* on record in favor of no compromise on the principles o f the Republican recovery pro gram* He outlined the program . at the Republican. state-wide meeting here* s "I f this nation will take politics out o f relief/’ he said, “ If it will preserve the American market tot the American farmer; substi tute a program of plenty for the doctrine of scarcity; if it will put more business into government and less government into business; return to a Sound fiscal policy to restore confidence;- curb| reckless spending and waste; if ititvul take the guess and gamble but o f So da] Security laws and admitilstra- -tion; if it wjll restore the govern ment to its proper to16*df impar tial refetee in labor disputes; if it wilt restore to Congress the pow ers delegated to bureaucracy, and aboye all, if it will reestablish con stitutional government, then we shall see the- greatest forward surge o f recovery and re-employ ment ever recorded, in history." rlwnnNwwiinr i ''Trii i ’ 7 wiri i ui issm Dr. H. N. Williams DENTIST . \ YeWew Springe* Ohio X-RAY EQUIPMENT SIMON KENTON DISTRICT | EOT SCOUT e m e u s j Will be held in Xenia Central High.School Physical Education Bldg,. | FRIDAY EVENING A T 8 P. M, I CLOWNS’ ADMISSION 15c SPECTACULAR ACTS FUN | HIGHEST CASH PRICES j t Paid For i j HORSES AND COWS J % ' (O f size and condition) ' ■ i | HOGS, CALVES AND SHEEP REMOVE** PROMPTLY | 1 * Telephone, Xenia, 4S4 - | | XENIA FERTILIZER & TANKAGE CO. ( { GREENE COUNTY’S ONLY RENDERING PLANT J Daily Hog Market W e now conduct a hog market daily in addition to our regular Live Stock Sales EVERY MONDAY, Phone Any Day For Market P r ic e . SPRINGFIELDLIVE STOCKSALESCO. Sherman Ave, Springfield, O. Phone 5942 •AMAIN G9t> Tte rtN F r i d t j r I v l H R A * A N D - l a f i n H u Tw ta T t a f f l D « rU »§0 |!K:RN.' mtomm SUN.—M0N,— TUB. KlThur*. DAPHNE , - l Af wk8j DUMAURIER'S V 1 1 Celebrated Novel % i ' Starring Lkurence ^ Olivier Jean Fontaine • ■* ' **’ ‘ i PLUS • i . c a r to o n Singing Djude rThure^ * 3pays/ A Dashing Adventure. of the ManWho Stole Hearts As Well As Jewels* “ R a ffle s " - With m DavidNiven ™ Olivia De, Hqyiliand nnn SAT. fAc .4 Days. Cedarville Farm Implement & Supply Co. • WHERE TO STAY IN £ | H Q j R ) | A | j Edw, G. Robin son -— In — “ Dr. Elnch ’ a Magic Bullet" - - W i t h —- Ruth Gordon Otto Kruger i&mBAina fir 8UNV , v MON. 1 “ VOUNO TUBS, i BUFFALO / MttimtflMRflWM W ^ Tkkperfectktotioftflvti you utfP* *otyace***tooilport*ofOn. tit* idea! a t . ! tomwdtegMO et tU fbtoce vriH(Sake yew,ridt Aftstafd*' • jiMM inARfA^ u. nm wwtwnwin* omtic mop , endtar. RATES lAHDUP ThePALACEHOTEL ItHIHAt vmi im in ANmOW ItSM S IlbM AH AD lR Miss Naif Cincinnati the week, w na Finney. Mrs, R- \ ill for some] ter at this [ON. Money lag needs, and Loan Miss Get Miami Unif that school with her pij Clemans. Miss Rutf J. R, Clark day eveninjj state llbratf speaker atl banquet in ] Mrs. .Tea been spen has return town. Mis ter, who t< College, M vacatipn w Miss schoolmate Thursday ri hbr eleven were Misst“ Ramsey E l lor, Mildre Ferguson. Mrs. Am is spendin brother-in-. Mrs. Clyd Mi's. Ke cing at he. which she ■Miami Val Mr. W. "M r. Ralph •' byterian C session o f ford, O. „ tPHNE 1 [YURIER’S -Rev Mai sbrated No> to the Cl filled the r his wife day from The ant meeting held Thun “near Pitcl officers to (^aurence Olivier n Fonta , Mrs. R< is having farm o ff former h< ter. sbeec, Starring PLUS t CARTOON nging Dude 23 j Mr* and Mrs. Ern end in R< N orm a n I A D j| g h j 1 Vdventi W, MelinS e M a n M Hettinger troit Mic Mr. Finni ney, and Paul and Messrs McCorke Florida Saturday panied h Miss AgJ Caldwell Invcrnes Miss 1 by a gro a t the 1 evening. Ramson ty wer Ruth ( erine B srs. Ed Ralph I Hearts As Jew affles With vid Nive )livia D* a^illand G* Rot son j - In Elrich's lagic Bui - with~ itb Gordl tto Krugi “ YOU! RUFFA KILL’ tOY ROGEF LLL 1 NQ F# VANCE” lies Stephen
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