The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 27-52

. jaa*ar>~ wWC ** .V ,VJ^ ro,ro .- . . . .tjjk* A -f ;’J* k»S? . ; f ' | A rog g w m warn. * w m h r r w ® & m * m " r *>-r A 4 V M I fS O M f P 4 4TI- u / v m ■ »•* «iMigpfi! .« SXSY '^ ’EQtiD YKAR moepem mm No, 87 CEDARVBdtB, OHIO, l Y , MAY 31, U te •MhipH 4 U 5 A . Y B J U t •*** K 9 M C T 0 N COURT NEWS iWi4Wim|»M<nHiy|Mtni|i»iumiiiMni|Mn mm By CLARENCE J. BROWN Member o f Oengro*. . Sm iiA Ohte District . Apjnopateticm* for national defease have been movfeg. with astounding rtpidlfeitirorogb the legislative chan­ nels M»f Coiigiwss. Friday the House took up .and-passed the MUitary.Af- felTOJjMk erototofa* ttom* and emer- gencgeaajiiro»toatipftsJertheArsayas romrotod by the President, The first o f iroafcweektbe HoUso.wilt talcs up tbs NanakAffafea Bill* aa awandedby the Restate to autfemse addjtlopal-ap- yro|»iiaMom r*<pdrted fcy ■ the Fro*>-> dent* a* well » the' appropriation* originally made by the Novas earlier in. tberseeeton. Undoubtedly by the time this column appear* in W*nt both bttt« will have passed Congress and be on their way to the President. The tw* measures -call for more than thrifeMllfen dollar* for defense Pur­ poses-and, tarry appropriations for the-yeor, far abort .original, budget figu#** end al1 Probability will make expenditures for the year the greatest insthe<peace time history of the United States* ASK DAMAGES John X a t b o f Middtoport, 0.* op* Water o f a truoktog fefetoasa* ha*%eew named defendant in a suit demanding 11,850 damages,, tiled in common plea* Court by The Val Becker Packing Co* Fiqua, O,, and based on an aeddent last January 4 on Route 85, two mite* west o f Jamestown, involving two trucks and an automobile. The accident, according to the peti< tion, -resulted'when an east bound trsctor-trOck owned by Xerkle, crash* ed into a parked auto propelling the machine across the center line o f the highway and into-a westbound throe* ton semi-trailer outfit owned by the PiqUa firm. William Laqderbaek* driver o f the auto, had stopped his ear to clean1snow and, ice off the windshield. The Fiqua concern, charg­ ing the Middletown truck was being driven at excessive speed, considering the slippery condition Of the highway, sak* compensation for damage to- its. truck and loss o f service o f the equip* Went. Miller and Finney are at* tprneys for the.plaintiff. 1 .. The. American peoplq.may as .well realise aaw as later that these 'ex­ penditures do uot mark the end.. Thdy will go only,'a small way toward giv­ ing the United States the, national defense believed' necessary.- Other heavy .expenditures must be made if this aountry is to .approach the state, o f prppaMdoMs required to guarantee safety, o f our ^shores under present world* conditions. In considering the presentfeitiMtion the faci, should ,not he overlooked that, during the,last eight yearnCongress has appropriated, approximately.eight biHiqndolfera for national defense and that a large pto- portiOmof this amounthas been spent for other than military purposes. Al­ so that when Congress back in 1933 appropriated, three billionJdp'ee hun­ dred million dollars for wosK relief, it was provided the total sum could be apent/- oh national 'defence;,but, ac*- cording to General Hugh! Johnson, Secretary ICkes influenced the Adroin- tatratfen ta'upeni tite tetmey bn less worthy and less permanent projects. SUITS DISMISSED >, , Entries approved>by Comonkn Plea* Judge F. XI. Johnson disclosed the dis­ missal of two damage suit* filed against the Wabash. Portland*Cement Co. o f Osborn.-Joseph-J. Galeskt. o f Osborn had sought $2,515, ;ond Wil­ liam C. and Lulu Sopoh.-of-Bath town­ ship, has requested judgment for $2,- 005 against the company.» Their Claim* were based on damage-alleged­ ly caused, when cemenfc dust was 'car­ ried by prevailing, wind*, from* the nearby Wabash plant and -deposited on their properties. That: the latest appropriations Will carry .the*national debt -far over the forty-five billion deJlmr(debt limitation withta the next few. month* unless new j taxes jarfft levied*,, is absolutely certain. That the Democraticmajority In Congress will not vote for tholevy- ihg of.Sew taxesprior to -theiNovw- ber elections , soema .equally, as cer- tain.! President Roosevelt, in-hi* ad­ dress to Congress*, requesting -'addi­ tion*! funds for.defense gave no sug­ gestion.Its to how the money should, be raisedr: In aBr,pro1Mb|ll^.action will b* taken to raise the"debt limita­ tion to at least fifty, billion, and pos- sibly sixty billiori,dollars. Then after the election Will cqme the new takes. The tax burden of the peOpte Will be beavSy increased. The-only question, will*be.hOW much and how. Before the erisi* 4a over many individuals, both in and out of Congress, will wiWh that a little more economy had. been practiced by tour government during, the past few years. DIVORCE REQUESTED'. Divorce, on grounds o f gross neglect o f duty and wilfulabsence from home, and custody -of* three minor children are sought by George JD. Cavender in a'.suit against Rubye L. Cavendery FOirficld. They were married August. II, 1920. The lrtriband claim# his wife deserted htm and their.'five' chifereuc in March, 1933. ' ' DIVORCE GRANTED'. On grounda Of cruel^ *and. gnssa neglectt'JphndaFox hag beeawwiwdai a *divorce flam Ruseell- Fox*- Thay Ware married Kby 8,1980*. •Ruth Mae Burden was-awarded A divorce from Aliwrt A, Burden,* on charges o f gross neglect and.cruelty, and granted .custody o f two; miner children. The defendant was barred o f interest in her property- . W in s judgm ent •The Spring Valley National Bank has recovered a 3178.70 mortgage foreclosure judgment in a auit against George A. Baton and others. . ESTATES APPRAISER', Estates appraised th probate-comtr Thomas E. Middleton: gros« >value, 37,730; obligations,. 35,02«^5; nei val, Ue< 32,707.35. tola E. Middleton: gross value,’ 3 l^ 049; obligations, $272.07; net v*h»e, $1,867,33. Ora Masons gross value, $2,023.75; ohhgatipns, $l,591.90f net, value, $V 031.85. Cordelitt DaVisi grp** value, $1*420; obligations, $533A4; net .value, $93*.- 46. ThotqihiiheipresentspeKdingof more than.tinree bHlion dollars fo r national defena* is but a beginning* and many more billions will be expended irt the future-raising of the money ,is not the only, or meet serious, proMem con­ fronting America "today: Money can be appropriated for defense, and, even raised by taxation* in a very abort time,; but it takes month* snd even yearn to manufacture needed military And naval equipment. Machine took and dfea must ha rnada before guna and arinameaf ean he mattUfaetured. Indaferiai plan**; tnust b* equipped, civilimt wadibiisfe. and workmen trfdned* and soldiers and saikrs . TRANSFER REAb ESOAlEty Marcus Shoup,-as administrator’of th«f estate of Msrgare* BreeneWm, lafe o f X«nie,-wss granted permissien to transfer real estate. John A , Daria, as executor*Of .the estate o f Marietta Owens, late o f Cedarvilje, was authorised to transfer real estate: taught to operate the latest and most a. jMb^ailAfea.A#MiAn^g jBlllld {0t tugenfeas creation* Of ma ’s drotraotion sof hi* .felkiwmen.. Thu# time* roteurces, andmen Are all necos- Mk*y afewent* in national defense - appo in tm en t madm Sarah E. Gerard was appointed ad­ ministratrix o f the Estate, o f WSHam L, Gerard* late o f Jefferson -Twp„ Under $1,000 bond. Meet .atufent* o f work! affair* he* Hero tiMbthe UnitedJtatcs will not be roqnirod.te defend her shows with hi tii* »*«*> fatate—but with condi­ tion* am -they arono one ronbeabro* M yt-erota ia that rod* will not b* neMUMfey. Tbat 4hn United State* k W»t pgfeMMd to wage war at tiw prMmfetim*-k mrnSmt: That werorot proyfcpdw an erontimUty seem* mmt u ttr r * - Yet m wm t net let our xadlro aw ib ink f te eewditioro roro*' « i te lee** roe t em m m -wm view* ■print. We tua*t roattfe that our entry M o the proaaut stragg** wroM-hclp Ow duty k to k«wpwil« and fevats .*iw roifeigk* fetd JWidfeMi t»* wadi wlarirag natiwwl -dsfroeo in W bfeM sa nriTOk * . protibk, gewl to tw*«rfefe- Sfefell MARRIAGE DICENBBS. (Ckaufedk ^ Victor John Alchas, 17 Rita* St. Dapton* laborer, and Claris Maxing Freshour, Fairfield,, v, Roger lAroy Mdore, Hbllandsburg* O., farmery and Cynthia Anne Whit*, Bellbrook. s " " Alvin George Ewart, DaytonaR- R. 8* cabk-spSfer^ and Mre. Verda lrene Gilbert, Dsytopi R, R. 8. Clark Stewart Jones* Xenk; fit R-/2, farmer, and Ceedia Mae Byrd, 10t2 E. Second tit. H h r h v f ^ f t t f f c t f t i ' i CPJ bl A u WEJlit p u i s D f p o w t o t i Fm To Get All T l i e i r D h r l d e n d s County Treasurer Harold Fawcett hasiuat received from the State Bank­ ing Department a list o f unclaimed dividend cheek* on the closed Ex­ change Bank that hav* never been called f«r or if received have not been cashed. The amounts.vary from *few cent* to several dollars each and the amount yet due former depositor* Is around $4001 I f these dividend* are notcalled for within five years they will pass to the county, treasury. The- following la the list who have amounts due thenu t , Alien* E. A. Agent; Alien, Mrs,-E, A .; Andrew*, Frank; .Andrews, Mrs. Mary; Bussy, Mr*. Alma; Cedarville College, Sr. Class 1927;- Cedarville Grange, Rife, Carrie; C. E- Society, Presbyterian Chqrcb. Dean, Reft* Harbison; Deck* Qiha; Edgjnger, George; Engle, Donald; Fetgusort, Ed.; Folden, Chas.; Glass, Leonard J,; Harris', Stewart; Hughes, M: C.; Irvine, F; M-l Jfeffries, Wm. C.; Jones, Carl; Jones; Henrietta. Kirach: N. A.;- Kyle, Harriett M; /Lewis;-Herbert; Lewis; J. E.; Melton, Nettie; Methodist' Epworth League; Nelson, Dorothy; Preaby. S.- S,, Cliff- ton, D .; Prints* W. D,; Qseen Esther Circle**. M. E. Church; Reed,.Paul; Reed* Ralph;. Ross Twp. Community House: Saum, M. B.; Smallwood* Ernest; Adams* Laura;,Rickenbaeh, Dorothy Jane; Smith A Wiseman; Spahr, J. LeRdy; St. John, Thomas W.; Stewart, John A .; TOhias;1John; Truesdale, Ralph; Turner, Mrs. W, Burt. Whittington, Herbert L .; Willis, Hdywood; Willis, Kenneth; Willi* Mprtie; Wright*. Louise; Cedafrille TWp, School. Heirs Take- Action To Bividw Estate Heirs o f Peter Lang, late o f Fair- field* whodiedJune25"1928,'havebc: guh legal action "to liquidate hi* es­ tate valued at upward to $150,000. Partition:«f Bath:Twp^ real estate, including mora4han«8l$'»cro* o f farm land and elgbb'tenant dioiuea in .Fate-' field* formiajg.'partwfjtivS'LanE it sought iilra ptlttiroAlOAlMoimwom pleas court b y Daedal' l«a g .and Em, ma Kendigj; Eighfeew traoto o f prapr erty are involvad, * '■ Defendants named in the auit are Anna M. BOedsfcer, Edlth BoiIman, Ed- and Karl BOedricsr*Katis-LangvHerr, Peter "G. and-rFrank; L. Hertv-Miiio. Groth, Emfea'Hero, Anna: Frecdera and CharlexHerr.i Interpretingthe^ Long* will,'- the court o f appfelk-held>rlast'DeM<nber 11 that the estate, including personal property worth $50*000h’pas*eat6ihfo< ten grandchildren on - the: bask •: of parental representation, subject to life interests o f his thtfHC'rchilditenp Mrs. Katie Lang Herr^ DOniet tLaiup and Mrs. Anna M. Boafebaw Drive Started^ ^ By Red Cross A campaign-to- raise- $$,999>! as Greene County’s sham In -ths- natien-i wide -quest for- funds for Edtfepqaa war relief waa openedSKaday. by tkr Red Cross chapter under the chah>- tnanship of William H. McGerVey* of Xenia. Fifty volunteer' worker* in Xenia launched a city-wide hoOse-to-boum canvas* which is expected to be com­ pleted by Tuesday night, Sub-chair- men have been named in each of the 12 townships o f the county-and 'they, in turn, have enlisted a carpSo f Volun­ teer solicitors to assbt them in the project in their respective communi­ ties. * Daniel* Won SenatorialNominution Albert L. Daniel* according to offi­ cial reports ha* won the Fifth-Sixth Senatorial. Kepnblkan nomination, by aaloee-vefewf49fe« Hle.ealy,opponent was John Grierson, Hillsboro, who carried • every oounty in the district except Ro«*,and lost St by 1700. R a t i t R k i n a « ^ ' Chosen Bdord'Member ‘ Bids for* bilumineu* treatment o f 43.98 mllro o f *Mfe hi^iwaiw in throe cou*tiea, Indadlng 18X7. miles in Groane, ah a total eeet estimate of 348R8545* Wilt be tabulated by Ike state highway department June 14, Thw projert* emhraelaf afro tedte te lilqfnC| .JUPal's VVWpnPPv* fbea-lute- am - eaussKaroa* Ml R 9 PB mWWFFFfmmm MVwIPMftN traut and eempleted not .later than Atifftet III 1941b At a meeting o f the lot owner* o f Mfefciee Creek Cemetery Tuesday Pawl' Ratwroy Was sleeted to fill the vacancy on the board for the un- expired term of the late WJ J. Tar- box. Meter*, R. 8. Townstey* 3* E. Kyle and Edward Dean were re-elect­ ed, ' The former offkfert were re-eteeted a* fellosrot W, C. tHff* prorilent; J. S. .JroUPa^ra sms aii 4 .teipMtiMt t t m i v r m m The forty-foorth ment at Cedarvl In the First. day morning a$ 14 M.- Davis* D., D„ intendent o f Ml Presbyterian ChV ca* will he the - eomtnence- takas place Church, Fri- .M. Rev. Ray O., Super- far the-United North Awwi« REV. RAY WDAVIS opm Dwnocrmts Elect New Officer* For ControllingCommittee* antral. Grmw County .Democratic Ce l and Executive committee* met Friday night In Xenia and organized With Bert B. Bowermeiuter* Bower*- riile, chairman and E. M. Purdom, Xenia, *ecrotary. TUo central com­ mittee has 24 member* snd thi* com­ mittee will ako ho the executive com- rtltfcee. The divkion between the two factiens on the electfen 1* shown by a It to 4 vote for offkera. M r s . J , W ? C u r r e r Died Mondny .SOUTH SOLON—Nine week* ago Monday after her son was Wllod,(Mr*. J. W. Currey, 81; died in her residence here, -Death followed an extended ill­ ness and occurred at 8 pha, Mrs. Currcy’s son, Guy of this Vil­ lage* was killed when his automobile was struck by a train near' South Charlest4n. A resident o f this village for many years,.Mrs. Cqrreylived her entire- life in GrCenc .and. Madison commencement Gilnman Trio The folowing i* program: Music. Processional “ Pomp and* Circuafetence”—Elgar Music “By ^he Bend Of jh l River’’—Ed­ wards s ' : -1 Invocation — The Rertrend Walter S, Kilpatrick, S f ^ X A , President-' elect o f Cedarville'College Music __ "Cantilena AmorotmT—DemOnt . Address-------Tho,R*verond Ray MI Davis, D.D., Suinsriidwodcnt o f. Mi*- Prosbyterian ___ Trio and HohOrs— herocy, Ph.D„ Trio cions fo r -the Uni Church o f North A M ubic !--------- - “ Rigsudon^—Raff Conferring! Deg: President W, R D.D. Fresidofetia Farow, A»ft6unf*teent%-fc. “Mah Lindy Lou;’—Strickland- BenediOtieit" ' Postiude .-w-Trio “Egyptian B*Bet {No. 2 )”—Luigini String Trio Personnel: Mrs.- Paul Gilman, Mr*. Michael Longo/Jr., Miss Lola Harkm The, following.!*, the, class o f 1940 for the;degree o f Baehelor o f AH* and the Ohio State Four-Year Provisional Hight’ School Certificate: Graca BlisaifethBickett < Phuline Fcyguson "Donald, Wv Foulk* Roydan.L: dohn*onf Rateel -P. Robert* Elwood,Ryman.Shaw I^iYemo A>Whipp, Candidate for fhe dogfee o f Bache­ lor o f Arts:: Eldon L* Gillespie , Candidates,for the degrge o f Bache­ lor, o f Scianoe in Education;. Irene Rose Goodin Dorothy Ahdertea; Candidate for the degree o f Bache­ lor ofvScktw*'In Education and.-the Ohio State Foqr-Year Provisional High School Certificate; James Eugene Stewart Candidates for the Three-Year Di­ ploma and the Ohio State Four-Year Provisional Elementary, Certificate; •TUniaCreswell Mary Elisabeth Edgington Geneva Janette Neal Candidate for the honorary degree of Doctor o f Divinity: Howard Dunlop Hafmaford* in ab<- setatia. Honor Diploma, Cum Laude: 1 Elwood Hyman Shaw Crown Club Honor*; Arthur W« Geake ’ Neil Hartman J* James Eugene Stewart B o m ' T e a c t ffc : A ir e A p p o i n t e d I n s u r a n c e A n d A m e r i c a n F a n n e r Two men Well-known in the field o f Insurance will discuss, “ Insurance and the American Farmer,” in an inter­ view over jftsdio Station WLW, Clm dnnati, Ohio, on May 81* It was an nourtced thi* week by Joseph B. Ma non Chairman o f th* Greene County Agricultural CowwrvaWcn Committee Laroy K. Smith* Manager o f the Federal Whoat Crop Insurance Cor­ poration. Washington* D. C,, and Ed­ ward P. Kern* Asaktant Superkten dent o f Agencies* Bankers Life Com- twny, D m Moinro* Iowa, wilt discus* life insurance aa R agplie* to the farmer and the ktoet innovation, in- suranoe OR'wheat. - . The Wtortlew art® Jte » part o f tXtof. rtttdar'featero* '^riwiHMy’s fart*w, beawt dally ewe WLW. The tim* of fern broafestt haa boro set for I fe ll -tn* m m - if • gknffmtffi nM . w* 9m wro-*«Ji mm mwmm* epauties. Survivor# arc the husband, a daughter, Mr*. Donna W°lf o f Chi­ cago, I|I., a brother, Howard Corfell o f South Solon and three,grandchild­ ren.^ funeral .Services were'held Wedne? day at the residence,. spe mmm € o B e t « D i r i i J n jm * A • A m C i i f I b D U d M Two etitdewto o f CederriBe CoMage suffered cute and lajuriog Tasefey m enhqr when their ear Wt a -brio fee the Clifton pike near the Steer Carry farm and was dttohod. The tejatrec were Helen Boon, who was driving and Mary Elisabeth Baftkrf,. The- fetter suffered a long ferial ent from the windshield and Mia* R om only broke*. The wound* were droned by Dr, Donald Kyle. f t e i i f f i i f r . D U n i f f i f t i n K ' •' ■ * * * C a n d i d a t e s F i l e E x p e n s e A c c o u n t s M o t o r A c c i d e n t / O n Y . $ * R o a d Mr*. Snsah Gilbert, 87*Xenia* Route 3, was injured aeverly in an automo­ bile collision Thursday afternoon at the junction of'the-Old Town-Clifton pike, und the WliberforcC-Yellow Springs pike at Northup’s Cprner. Joseph Richardson, Cedarville Route ’ driver o f the second car, .was uh- Kurt. Mrs, Gilbert, whpaecar plunged into n ditch^'and atruckTx tree was treated at the office o f 3^, David Taylor,. Yellow SpringviUr k; a -chin cat, requiring sejfei ktil Close, a bone fracture iulhei left and possible internal 1 At a recent meeting o f the Ross township board of education* teachers were- reemployed for the following year. No selection* were made for the post* of superintendent and coaches. Supt. H, B. Pickering resigned to be­ come head of the Greene County schools,. • The two vacant posts are expected to lie filled at an early meeting of the board, at which time school bus driv­ ers also will be selected. Teachers rehired were: Loren R6g- ers, Mrs, Martha Ann Lighthiser* Miss Lizzie Cowan, Miss Ruth Chitty* Miss Ej/sris Watkins and Mrs- Maxine Scsslar. Harry Mossman Was rehired ha school custodian., Most o f the candidate* .on both party ticket* at the primary election have complied'with the few-and filed their expense accounts. Most of the- ex­ pense f* for printing and advertising, James R-' Soward (D), defeated can­ didate for ‘commissioner* $24.40; Ed- WUtd lu DoWiuO (D), defeated candi­ date for sheriff* $75,12; Gqorge Hen kfl (D ), renominated for sheriff* $163.91; Walter N, Stewart, (H>* de­ feated candidate for commissioner* $54.50; -Robert A. Dorman; ( R)*‘ de­ feated candidate for sheriff, $112.43; Harry Hiles, (R>, defeated candidate for sheriff, $79,qO,' Steve G. Fhillips, (R ), - defeated candidate for sheriff, $24520; Walton Spahr, <H), nominat­ ed for.’ sheriff, $153.74; and..Leroy Wolf, (R ), defeated,candidate'for re­ corder, $25.25, . • ‘ ' Marcus Shoup, unopposed .for the Republican nomination for prosecutor, lifted no expenses, - . Pr. W. R, McChesney,- (R ); 're- uominated for state representative, $159,627 Earl Short (R),. renominated fo r clerk o f courts, $9; Ralph E. Davis 0 ) , - defeated for sheriff, $98.87; Charles R,. Bales (D ), nominated’ for recorder, $21:57. * , Ernest D. Beatty (R ), renominated fey recorder* $57.20; Earl Koogler (D) nominated by write-in Vote for treas­ urer, nothing;’ E. Dawson Smith, j(D), nominated for repreiehtetive, nothing; Jaime* H, Hawkins (D ), renominated f<te commissioner, $87.98; H. E, Hard­ en (D ), defeated for recorder, $42.52; Rtiph Kendig (D ), renominated fop commissioner], $26.10. Joseph Hackett (D ), defeated for commissioner, $10,30; Oscar S, Hull defeated. 4hierifft George H. ffteith (D), nominated by Write-in vote for prosecutor, nothing; H*nry W. Walsh (D)» renominated for engineer, $13.44; H. E, Jackson (R), defeated for sheriff, $68,41; George D. Ackerman (R), nominated for en­ gineer, $9; Ralph O. Spahr (R ), nom­ inated for commissioner, $73.06. The Democratic Full Ticket Club* sponsoring a successful write-in vote to abominate party candidate* for. prdaccuter and treasurer, spent $5 on" its; campaign* according to a state­ ment filed by Howard W. Young,' Oa- boCn secretary, M o t o r V e h i c l e F u n d s D i s t r i b u t e d B y S t a t e Distribution to Green* County and its municipalities of $27*752,40 in automobile license tag revenuej—the second advance allocation this year—- was announced Friday by Cylon Wi Wallace, state registrar of motor ve­ hicle*. The 47 pci* cent county shafft'waa $18,110,15 and the $9,636X5 balance was earmarked for subdivisions, in the districts o f registration, as follows; ■ 25# . District ttf District of 47# Registration County Bellbrook----- - 228.25 Bowersvilie* Cedarville Clifton —----------- Fairfield Jamestown Osborn Spring Valley Xehia Yellow Springs . 199.75 446,50 . 58,75 . 658.00 . 716.75 . 1,104.50 329.00 .5*440.25 1,067.50 County ...„7*88LW Regis-' tration 118.75 106.25 287.50 81X5 850.00 38U6 587.50 176.00 2A03.75 562A0 4*192.50 18*116.16 9,686X5 County 47',<> 18*116.15 KENSINGTON CLUB MET WITH MRS. A* B. CRESWELL •‘War and It* Aftermath” was the subject-of an address by Mrs. Walter PUrdom, a club member, at a meeting Of the Kemdrigten Club at the home of Mrs, A, B. Creswell* Cedarville* Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Purdom a graduate nurse of St. Luke’s Hospital, Cfevefend* also discussed work of nurses in tenement district#. Mrs, Robert Jacobs sw two safest aeeempanfed ter Miss Der- etha Gattf* , Rifenluii im i wsw served I f Mss, A g ron o f fecal otifeens mat Mro day erorttg with the npeamAmUfm of CedarrNfe Celfege at whifeh dm*** campaign te cfew tbs crifego « f fefet' wifi be uadertakmi a*a tribute toffhv W. R. McChesney, Atiriag |ria||Swt, and that the newly afectsd profegisfe Rev, Walter S. KUpateiek. vriR.lmaa no handfeep in his aihalnjsfeaties duties,, , Representativas will caavpas tiro* community during the. next ffefee. weeks and wmtributors *can sign, tfew pledge, cards for cash ‘pbytotei;>brt:; partial payments over-the petsfed ef* ope year. The increased edit iffop rotioa-dfer t. te requirement* of bote tee State North Central Assoefetioa haa it Impossible te keep tiro hfedfesfete^ *: anced the past two years.. \Uiitelir ’ mndicap has hero the greatly redferod* .1 income from investments* semstWan* - every College in the 'conntey.iaia irodv to face. College enrollment dropped* all over the country due te ecoaomfe. conditions and in the teacher, training^' fchpqfe due to the change from twfe'- te four year pormal ooursea bafeig'-re­ quired. - ' These conditions are aot looal bub generaland in timewill comet teeter^ * selves, as, students Can phm for the Tour-year requuremente. The canvasser* have been given tet^, facts a* te the situation and wilffer able to answer any or •a ll 1 qaeetieae ; pertaining to the debt lifting' earn- ptign. Scores of other colleges have started or are planning-te start camprignirT * lift accumulated debts; and. from the reports given out Cedarvilfe Col- ege has h debt far belowmost schools of, its class; at least in comparison with endowment income,' o W l ( i C o n t e n t f e D e c i d e d tin1 F a v o r O f jt ) r . H a i t t e s f-N N e a l H im t e r l s R e - e l e c t e d C h a i r m a i i jNeal Hunter was re-elected chair­ man of the Greene County Republi­ can Central Committee at a meeting in Xenia, Monday nightijfra Knis- ley*; Osbgrrt was made secretary. ‘ The executive committee was named and; 175 Republican men and women were named on this body which will meet soon to organize. The committee went, on record as Opposing the proposed constitutional amendment in this state for re-dis­ tricting the ateoe to alter the hUmber o f representatives in both branches of the state legislature. The plan which if adopted would put all' the rural Counties under control o f the cities. The contest in Common-fteM Court'-. *. .. $6L^§>. feros..teauirite''ni» teoafero'dtei^iBpw5«* ~ Townsley o f this place*whichhas bTOn ' - in session more than a Week, resulted ' „! in a'jury verdict irt favor o f Dr, R. |*» " ‘ Haines and other legitees* Tuesday^’ ,. Mrs. Sarah Weimer will receive $200.. The North Cemetery 'Afew4fi|*f^ iion $1,000; Earl Randall, ^$500. and certain silverware to the United Pres- “ byterlan Church. The residue o f the estate goes to Dr, R. L. , Hainwq Jamestownwho cared for Mr*. Towns- ley ip her last illness and during the . time she wa* ill following a broken hip. • . Nine jiieifs* Cousins* broiight‘ « ■ contesting the w ill'on the groui^.y ’ v- Mrs. Towrtsley Was o f unsound at the time* the will was Attorney Neal Hunter, Jamertowmv The case had to be* a^un rod ’lfei^vi-^. Week due to the sickness o f Attqtiitqr.!' L, T. Marshall but was resumed; on Monday-of this week, Four Victims III F r i d a y A u t o C r a s h Four members o f the Reese family* Colombo*, were injured in a motor crash on Route 42, between Xenia and Cedarville, last Friday evening, They Wore Kenneth Reese* his wife* Basel* a daughter* Jean, and sen* Charles, J. Roy Freese, 58, Middletown, Waa the driver o f the other car and It is claimed he lost control while driving in a wreckless manner. He was cited into Municipal Court* Xenia, by Deputy Sheriffs Whitten and bridge, who investigated, Freese is also said to have side- swiped a ear driven by Eari fijww, to stiming Cedatvlttt, R. f* provtoas the Freese car, Members ed the Rente famfiy were treated at the McCfeifeh Hospital for numerous rota, brtdeee and broken bones. J* Ray Freest to said te be an ottiefel o f the Aasertoea RoUhtg Milt* MMdfetewa, O. . Mto« XroMfe -MeCtoEwK* JteeMw^ year itudeat ad Cedarvilfe Cdfetfe Who.has bwm 11 ton days from gisadofer ferwf r t tiro htoaU rot -h pasroto, Mr. aM Mm Met MoCtoCnn, Htrak EA* to troffsetfeg hut to MM n ititibroMSrJl 4 ldkfs^yro^tiaiai . mompm to mmmn* C o l l e g e B o a r d M e t W e d n e s d a y •rot * The annual meeting o f the Board o f Trustees of Cedarville College whi-' held Wednesday morning With Ms W. Clyde Howard* D. D.* jneeideWlV' presiding. Reports from the yarioua depart­ ments were approved and action to-, wards the purchase o f property f0r: dormitory purposes in the future ap­ proved. Whatever nation to taken will be from investment funds and in* dependent Of the general fend o f tiro college. The following- trustee* Wer* re­ elected: W. Clyde Howard* D. D.* Chi­ cago! & C, Wright* Harry G. Foaads- ford* Cincinnati; S. Franklin drassroti* Dwight R. Guthrie, SpriagifeM; and Carl Shanks, Wiiattegtotv tin latitor being. suparintaadiMt at tiro Ctiaiau County schools. John L. Derst, ferot- ness maaager was mads a wsiwdric at tiw boart te fifia vacaacy iatileafei* . o f 1941, In tiro orgaatoitifert at Mm Maustii l/T«iltiWlrO CHQMI jpirVTOIVMINf mm■ ■ € . Iliff* vice prwtdroro; Was. XL Ttib fetrd, D. D . (fe to n tL seeretorts 3L Va— ■-=«-* JrLaJterobiBaMi* <ia*^rot tifiaHUHija. juwjrci wowraBnT| wwiMiMwwtror 'Kmi fMRiti m n wiurwc juyff^npvii^ wtm offtoto. ADAM Adam tSMtiw^ f l , itiSror at Mhau4 . « ' JkAUt ro stew Mb* WEI ^Htib $ffg FEPO OUm* m A , kte itiEI ti*EIEM 8 s^E^ 2 Eg tofUj;EM^EifEiEp hfe fernto irilwsiClss. Ito ««*-% at tiro Mto feMtisMIto Wattor R. flrtfeii and GMtoN CMtor of ~ AM tim f Jtro.