The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 27-52

fftotag-fear per eeat o f *11 United State* voters wrwfiavee r#P«*-l o f re-! peel *nd a retam 1» INisvltTl^AtieAi, Ate— coedtag 1* tit* January, 1940 G*Hup ptaL " , .„ the effort* o f the liquor- autokttoed, propaganda group# which brought repeal and which for #1* and oae-half years have tried to convince American* that personal licensee,!* to bo preferred to personal disdpltn* there still are 4 opt of every 1QQvot­ er# who today IteUere prohibition to be the only, the final solution to the liquor problem. - In IMS lee* then one-fourth o f the nation’* electorate went to the polls, L # » than one-fifth o f the voters vot­ ed “ yes" for repeal. It is granted that opponents o f pro­ hibition are wore vocal than those Who favor prohibition and granted that this vocal strength has served to bide the benefits of, national prohibi­ tion from the eyes of the general elec­ torate. Facts are facts ahd John Q. Public is beginning to wonder if he hasn't beep misted in his judgment of repeal vs. prohibition. Without arguing the merits o t re­ peal and o f prohibition, there are cer­ tain, facts which the general pubic is ^untitled, to know about what pro1* bi¥tmU did for the United States, There now are millions of voters ^ who have come of age since -1933, * Their only basis, for discussing the prohibition period .has been onesided propaganda which usually claimed that prohibition did nothing but nuture gangsters (despite the fact, for in­ stance, that a writer in Collier's Week- 1 ly in January, 1940, said that Chica­ go’s’ gangsters were developed in the ■mad .subscription - wars o f '.Chicago -newspapers ip the pre-prohibition As » •tartar, just esusMer this; paring tbs who!«•IStb years o f pro- liUtien the pre-prohibition safeoee and b*t#l bars war# ckeed. Jn seams and hundred* « f amth *b# plaasa formerly used as saloon* war# oerapUd by banka, grow fca and many m ail eatablishstaftta. All advertising o f liquor* in news­ papers an dmagaxine* and by radio or the mails completely disappeared, Thera was marked decrease In the use o f liquors at many public social function* and all state dinners. Saving deposits increased amazing­ ly, rising from 1144 per capita in 1999 to 9333 per capita in 1929. Members of these associations rose from 41 per JO00 o f population in 1921 to 100 per 1000 in IMS, Idle insurance in force more than doubled, increasing from |4Eper capi­ ta in 1921 to fS58 per capita in 1929. Automobile registrations increased from 64 per 1000 o f population in 1921 to 191 per 1000 in 1929, Pupils In high school*, public and private, rose from 2,419,000 in 1920 to 4.252.000 in 1929, Students in colleges, universities, and professional schools, increased from 597,000 in 1921 to 1,- 143.000 in 1929. A steadily rising standard o f living which, if is believed, was due at least in part to diversion o f money from uh- economid liquof to necessities ahd homoluxuries. „ L *«»w « «u b j*ct* an d Scripture ie x U «#• p-niuiiton, ■ INVITING OTHERS TO WORSHIP <100' LK 8SOH T E X T —F w lrrl 99 . . a GO LD I f * T X X T —O m a g n ify Ah* L ord w itt m e, am i le t u i «K *)t h i* n am e to* ■gather.—P * * lm 9 t:3 . LBGAL NOTICE Marie H. Conner, whose place of residence is unknown wilHake notice1 thatW uly.lOth, 1940, Clyde R. COti- Uer filecl-suit for divoice on the grounds o f gross neglect o f duty, Be­ fore. the Court o f Common Pleas, Greene county, Ohio, in case No, 22312. That said cause Will come on for hear­ ing op. or after August 17, 1940, /le d l E. Edwards, .Atty. (7-12-6t-8-17) Dayton, Ohio HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, I 4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS ] ' , ^ , 4 , ' <f4 1 '12 * , » ' " Start An Account and Watch tt Grow | .6 N. Detroit St. , ' Fhone: Main 33 f NMNHHlffWIi i THE XENIA NATIONAL BANK ■OVER A CENTtJRY OF COMMUNITY SERVICE ’ Capital $IO0,fl09.«O— Surplus &Re*efve $286,000.00 ' ’ * Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent $2 and Up REOABLE— FRIENDLY — ACCOMMODATING W|)iiiwmiiHi^(iWiw,WMti#»w i«miiiiwimwWiiwrtirtiiit»w«iiiwiiiiwiNi»wiiH<w.wwiiiH,iwlii*,iii m i . R O G E R S R E A L E S T A T E FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES t * 21 K. Main St. Phone 430 f BONDS — LOANS — INSURANCE ! R E L D E N I f C O M P A N Y SPECIALLOANS FOR VACATION PURPOSES. 196 N. Detroit Phone 888 1 E I C H M A N ’ S das & Electrical Appliances — ZENITH RADIOS — Nu-Enatnd — Shftrwin William* Paint* 52 W. Main St. Phone Main 652 Mm»WI«W lllH«tWtWW> \ BRYANT MOTOR SALES Mercury F O R D Lincoln Zephyr HEAVIEST WRECKER IN XENIA 24-HOUR ROAD SERVICE 1W fc, Market Pbena Main 48ft Ilil HlW lW IiilllililMtlllllWlMlilM lWMrtHftMlWllIrtWWlK m ilW IIlNIIlllim dSW iliW WIHU llrtKHIMB THE GEO. DODD & SONS GRANITE CO. “BE SURE AHD SEEOUR DISPLAY AT THE GREENE COUNTY FAIR* Monuments —Mausoleums — Markers BEAUTIFULLY PERPETUATE MEMORY 115 W. Main Street Phone: 359 CINCINNATI N K m M N H I M H P H E 'SPPHWFSPg Stafti.*** ft»d <5* R m ) «#* ftam|a|y|ulj[|jHLy^| RLlLkAAf *G|Ni #N* w SHSK fu * IW I iaRy l u f l h k w t a jfculCuE:Likb wfmwm* tA lX i Ih c M k lJU K l i R A f Vtal im in RMHONFl o ANDUP Worahip i* not only fitting, but al> together natural to the *oUl aglow with th» love o f God. Ybt it i* a sacred privilege to which we may call ourselves and others and in the doing ot which we may he helped by an intelligent understanding of its nature and preparation for its prac­ tice. What is worship? How does it dif­ fer from prayer, or from praise (which we studied lust week)? While prayer, praise' and worship belong together and often merge in one blessed art of devotion, we may pos­ sibly distinguish between them by saying that in prayer we are con­ cerned with tour needs*, in praise, with our blessings; and in worship, with God Himself. . I. The Can to Worship (w . 1*3). This psalm has to do with collec­ tive rattier than individual Worship. It is not enough that man Should worship God in his own soul, there is an added blessing which comes to us only as we worship with oth­ ers. •So we need to be called to­ gether for worship. " True*’ worship centers in “ a new song” that is the song of a regener­ ated'heart, Worship is only a for­ mality without life until there is ft new song in the heart, and then it becomes life's greatest joy and*sat­ isfaction, Beal worship is aiPdfty to day” matter (v. 2), not just something we put on like our “ Sunday-go-to; meeting” clothes. Every day we are .to worship, and as We do, we shall “ declare his glory among the heathen” ; among those nearest to 'us, but ultimately to all the na­ tions o f the earth. Worship leads out in a desire that its blessing may be-shared with all the people Of the earth,, ? ' II. The Season for Worship (vv. 4-6), . . Why should w<* worship God? He is “ great” And is a .God So good and gracious that He Is “ greatly to be praised.*-' He made the heav­ ens. “Honor ahd majesty’* stand before Him like sentinels; “ strength and beauty” fllFthe holy place which is “ his sanctuary.” The very words bespeak that glorious majesty and gracious Ittvingdrindness which im­ pel the heart to worship. They, en­ courage - us whto need and seek strength and beauty o f life tq seek communion with Him who dwells eternally- in .atmosphere, - IH. The Manner o f Worahip (vv. 7-19L • : We have suggested that fellowship with God prompts us to worship. Some would feel that nothing more is needed, but experience tells us that, while we may worship any- -where, we are helped to do so by ' proper surroundings and circum­ stances. lYe are told to i*come into his courts1* (v. 8) and to worship .“ In the beauty of holiness” (v. 9), or, as the Revised Version puts it, “in holy array,” ' ’ John Buskin wisely said: “ It can­ not be questioned at all, that, if once familiarized with a beautiful form and color, we shall desire to see this also in the house of prayer; its absence will' disturb/instead of assisting devotion; and We shall feel it as vain to aak whether,-with-our own house full of good craftsman­ ship, we shall worship God in a house destitute of it, as to ask whether a pilgrim; Whose day's jour­ ney led him through fair woods and by sweet waters, must at eve­ ning 'turn aside into some barren place to pray,” We are to give or ascribes unto the Lord praise and glory among our "kindred” (v. 7); that is* our own family, as well as in “ his courts,” His sanctuary. Note that one of the outstanding ways of wor­ shiping is to “ bring an offering” (v. 8), which meAns more*than casually slipping a small coin in the “ collec­ tion.” If our“ offerings” are liberal and regular the church will be able to send the news that “ the Lord reigneth” to the whole world (v. 10). IV. XI mi Uolveraality of Worship (vv. 11-13). A world which has felt the blow o f man's sin (Bom, 8:22) and has suffered from hi# wickedness and destructive violence wilt so rejoice in the righteousness of God's judg­ ment that even the realm Of nature will break into joyous worship. What a beautiful picture we See in these verses, hotv God’s creation will lift itself up in praise, the sea in tu­ multuous joy, when “ the hills shall break forth before you into sing­ ing, and all the trees shall clap their hands” (Isa. 55; 12). Can man than hold his peace? Must not “ mortal tongues awake” and “ all that breathe partake” in wholehearted worship of God? Who then will want to stand among “ them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (II Thess. ,1:7, 8), arid with whom God can deal only in judgment of flaming fire? WljfrH’WC.'JV f* StrfiSCRliiflfTfl Til* tl£ FAKM 4% LOANS No application fee, No appraisal tie. Refinance your loans at the lowest interest rates ever offered. MeSavaney A Go, London* O, ■GaRarWrtii' * LEON H, ELING Cedarvifl*, & Phone: 15 w*wwwa«wta*ww 4 wrong with my lights, and I'r* forty mUe* to fo . Can you h#lp * m ? n aaid a motorist as ho pull­ ed into s gasoline station three hun- ir(d inilea from home. Darkness had overtakwt him and hla wife, and a storm was threatening. The law re­ quired lights on hia car, hut ha had none. To vesture farther was danger­ ous, *nd he would be liable to arrest, It was an emergency, and the friendly light# of a service station never seem- d more welcome, “ I’ll look at your battery”, said tin station man, kindly. After a moment he aaid, “ It’s down. It needs to bo re-charged” . “Well* I can’t wait for that. I must reach Wabash yet tonight”, said the traveler, , * “Then, I would suggest'* new. bat­ tery, We have just installed, a new jattery Service for the public”,' ex­ plained the station operator tactful iy. * In a momentmore the deal was clos-, ed with fine satisfaction to both par­ ties, The new battery was installed, a new cable attached, bulbs and fuses replaced. With added fuel in the tank, the car wa* ready. Then, with con­ tinued showers; amidst loud thunder, and brilliant lightning, the motorist and his wife pressed on to their ev­ ening goal, and reached it successful­ ly. , ■ *■ The station man was a gentleman. iti no way did he take advantage of :he traveler's who were from the sec- jnd state :east. He was fair, courte- nts and obliging. While he was glad for the patronage,, there was no ap: parent anxiety for the profit entailed. Rather was the spirit of service mani­ fested, and the;money reward appear­ ed to be incidental, “ I took the station over last Janu­ ary”, he said, “after I had worked a year and a half as second man for my brother-in-law” . Evidently, this man had found a. place o f satisfactory service for his time ahd talents. The expression tof his personality will go a long way to 'aid the motoring public in his area in the enjoyment of travel. .He is in fadatas, and ha* ft# fikrlR many different pemas datty, to ha eaa txhibit good wQl awd ktaffy m m L** EPSaoa Y-^iw IWTlCfi DPIt pM lent man in that atattoa whom sow* ’ day it may induct into huger rwpoK-! sibilities, His kind*however, are gum. [ erou*, for, with few exceptions, meat gas station men are Hke him, kind, courteous, obliging. . It was providential that the motor- iat and his wife landed at that sta­ tion. One mile out the detour turned sharply westward into the open coun­ try, but in the fast-approaching dark­ ness, uncertainty developed. “ I think we turn west here’Vhe said. ”No, I think we go into the town first” , , the said. He yielded to her opinion. He proved to be right as to the detour. They had to return to that corner lat­ er, She proved to be right as to the thing to do, although at the moment it was not known that the battery was down. On that last mile the lights were tried. There was only a aus­ picious flicker snd then no lights* Her course led to the gas station at the moment o f emergency. His course led into the country on a stormy night with no lights. The experience turned out Well, hut it might have been mote exciting. Somewhere there is a statment that, “ all things work together for good to them that love God,” Beth that mo­ torist and his wife said that they be­ lieve it. The station man .seemed to fit into that Idea also, Three Cabinet officers have resigned; from office during the past week. Henry A. Wallace, Secretary'o f Agri­ culture, quit office to devote his time to the coming campaign as the Vice Presidential candidate on the Demo­ cratic ticket. Harry Hopkins, Secre­ tary o f Commerce, close friend o f the President and White House resident, resigned because o f ill health. Post­ master General James A, Farley re­ fused reelection as Chairman o f the Democratic National Committee and resigned from the Cabinet to engage in the beverage exporting business and to. become head of the New York Yankee Baseball System. For Side—Several head o f choice Duroc .male hogs, priced reasonable. Phone Cedarville 6-2784. W A aweepetake* ticket plus Jffe in Greenwich Village, make "Lucky Partners” ' Starring linger Rogers and Ronald Caiman, as delightful a modern laughdrama as ever was transferred to the screen. It begins a week's engagement at the REGENT theatre, fat Springfield, on September, 6th, Jane Withers jampe frem the Bow­ ery to Park-Aveaue in her lattat< starring film, “Girl from Aveiiaej -A,” which comes to' the Majestic< Theatre, BpWHgtteM, for 9 days; starting Wed. .Sept, 4th. . { Starting with a prevue Friday the Rita Brothers star fa*their lat­ est scream entitled “Argeutiae Nights” with the lovely Sisters. J- ** > - *■*£>- The State Theatre lu Spring- field continues it’s new season parade ot hits with the showing of Warner Bros, thriller “FkaWlng Gold” starring John Garfield, Franses Phraser and Pat 0‘Brleau Starts Sept, 8 tor 4 days. Last half . ot week etirreutly showing “Mewey , and the Wemm” wttk tomato f Marshall. . ' ...................................................... . .......................................................................—1——'n—nHiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiimtilOlfi DAILY MARKET FDR L I V E S T O C K XENIA ONION STOCK YARDS Hill Streci Pkbite: Math 48 ■ii)iiini(,timmii)iiini)iliii»im>iti»imnH<H»t<i>it«HW»»ntww<,iww,w*iawt,)ww»H*,HHiwiMtim Hiiiin>iHHiiiiiOim M,iw FOE BEST — FEEDS, SEEDS, FENCING * SUITLIES P I T T S B U R G H P A I N J S BEAM F JU M SOPPITT Washington 8t. Phene 814 'iiwniHimnnm—ir-iiit—— ‘r*-T—“-i * t -T—mnimiuiiii)fin»m»ii. ,niim^i)HW*WH,wmiin>i>mn<nHHmliiiiitnW«»wH,;n^iwWHii>wuiniHii))iM<iii>iHiiUiiiiiiiMiilill»liliiWii,)wNtiii>iie e » DUNEVANT MOTOR SALES CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH GOOD USEDCARt 124*. Detroit - / Mata KM iw»oiiia»»tHmHOii»wiw«WMniMmmwii>immnniiiHi<nwwvwiwniwMWie*iiwnwiiaii)i*WMi»'WwMWm)i»)miiiiiieiii e a m # "Baby and 1 .. - and die telephone . . . and because o f the telephone . we areneitherfearsome nor atone. At. die touch o f a finger we are witfeia ‘teachof evcryconvenienccand every proiectidp that love, science wad society can give. During the working hours o f tbe day or the mysterious i. . • 1•. ..1 ■ - v.*. : : . ■. -v-.- ■■ ■*. •*f hours o f the night,; there is always a ‘ voice o f assurance and assistance at instant call. And compared with its ? ’ *• worth to us the cost is so little.’ * TUNE IN “ThftTelephortft Hour” * - ' ‘ Evftry Monday 7 P-M.(ohittHin«) WTAM-WLW^WSPD l ]? v r: Bin » i LI. xF.U wHn s v cn mp \N v 'li , \ . U.S.PAYENT NO. 21 G 42 S 1 h U Iho Hhtihd 0t* McCaflister Radio Service l i l l t t K H N U U I c r- toi vm t FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING SUPPLIES HIGHEST QUALITY wl LOWEST PRIDES J. P, BOOKLET SUPPLY 00 . 415 W. Main tit. Pitta* SIS By Cl ■ M. tie As these « f Represe: o f considei Buricc Com ftffl goeg < to have le in the Hou Present lm will JHiBS, numerous a ,«d. A tent tog the dm into the m. eabji Reyresentn ing ton -the that the fir ed.would be November ' the genera been' acrim •neeg on t) llhes, as wr , cra'tic mem on thpFloo debate. ' T h e fig h t ' hat* brougl ■ the Capitol, jammed an. tog admit Dewonstrai Fifteen hu; group o f Y hold a prs Of the Ca; dislUirsed 1 riot occur. <’ “ tofarches” ‘ broken up are.permit r group to c . tgtives. P literally Jim ■ - ' Office Suit pare the ; famous Bo.if ^ ade ago / ? .=• are oppose ■Those sup •done their <’ . finfl'affecti:. The ann , by Preside fifty so-cal Great Brit., tie island i ' bombshell last week. > legislators Britain obt.- realisation obtained, tlu condemnation o f the President in Regtrdlesa o f tlu j we become >lv thereof or r , t President 1 oofitempt for c and for Congres -been openl> .<& metho.i^ u». Of a dictab - Gwtgress Jato Sotien on ithe Affpropriai^jn U m The i.ii' proxhnateiy tv toffldfiiSf ptoxima: and to meatfor . feoee Con -trivets for placed mo) peetment vcp,,, ineat has in the last the area w tog wanui t o t h s “ w a Price# are MMt probl cost < 8 , . , i 7 1 % S a tt ts H - I m ! YEN 1 4251 L 1-v. SU PPLY PRICES mwi<iiimo>n*MiH,^in«noiiiii#Minmiwei#*>*)m;i^iewrtm*»iii<«w»i*<i>i«iieiiiiowwiiiime>iiii m wiii>im>iiHtiiiii,tHiiiiniMiwtiiinwm iiMiw m twmini#wii»iiim iiiiui»iiii.#un#iiniwi>tii>iMniiiW»iwiiw,wiimniiiiiw« i» FOR BETTER DRY CLEANING 1— CALL —- RE-NCW CLCSNCRS F«f r ift nat*wr StnhuVhMwMAIN 1M Xwl* WutanimwnwwwMHHMHiwiiiwimmiiiiiemwwwiHintwii ....................................................- * ‘ '"‘** 1 ***" 1 fT-frii-ini)i>ii iiii iii.iij. ................................ ....... ................. ..... ........................ — .... f 1 ITllfllllllllllllll L|l M ic im ta n a j m u tm m EM'MhWIPWtle Wfl OTV l VIft W ill BU ICK -PONTUC -aM .C .T*UCSS ■1^4—99 4Wbl Ihkf^^ihsSi SUM. BARGAIN* IN KBTTBR UBBD CARS Mg a n g ^ n ,g*. MUM NHSMHaHlCSMKMaN T l* Sei baarings > DM, whicl laet week, bta uf chi bill by the the mease toe Floor Won later have been the bill nf -bsetanccs actment t Imparabl and imlu nhray* in’ praetkalt; test i f a harried m PrseklC' frst of tb •ral tervi F ile *r to topiri 11. *HM« toC sto diffe (t* a ; m i - J ANING E I IS MAIN 1» (iwihwninwHiHii itillKIlllIKHtitoHi t o o . C.TRU- ’.II OARS |iM»Siiia»iiwniW