The Cedarville Herald, Volume 63, Numbers 27-52

w tn m tiU B t to , ism Wkmilm 'IMPKOV tD UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL S UNDAY I c h o o l Lesson of CNcyH» (lUtoMMl t r WnMntXtviHfW Unlo«.) Henry Fonda and Gene Tiernery, as they appear ot Frank James,’' new 20th Century-Fox Technicolor opening with a prevue at 11:30 F. M. Saturday and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday at the Xenia Theater, teturn, Suction seen NOTICE; tO CONTRACTORS Sealed Proposals 'will be received by the Board of Education of Cedarville Township* Rural School District, Greene County, Ohio a t the Office of <aid Board -of Education in the Town* ship Building a t Cedarville, Ohio, un­ til twelve (12) o’clock, Noon, Eastern Standard Time, on Friday,,September 27, 1940, for furnishing all materials , and performing all labor necessary fo r thfe erection and construction of a Garage according to plans and speci­ fications prepared by Msriay W. Lethly"& Herman T , Hunter, Associate Architects, Ideated a t 352 East High Street, Springfield, Ohio. Bids will be publicly opened and read- Plans and Specifications a re on file in the Office of the Clerk of the said Board of Education, Cedarville, Ohio, and, at* the offices of said Architects, Springfield, Ohio. - All bids must be made out in ac­ cordance with the laws of Ohio and upon bidding forms which will he fur­ nished by the Architect. ^ Each bid must be accompanied by , a Surety Bond o r a Certified Check ’ on a bank doing business in the State of Ohio in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the'amount of the bid, con­ ditioned that if the bid is accepted, the successful bidder will immediately enter into'a contract and give bond to jthe amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price for the . faithful-performance of the Contract, The right is reserved by the Board of Education to reject any or ail bids and to waive informalities* By’order of the Board of Education of Cedarville Township Rural Sehool ’'District, Greene County, Ohio. John W.1Collins, President* A. E. Richards, Clerk. . Dated this 27th day of August, 1940. (8-30-9-27) Wanted—Hauling livestock and all other kinds of hauling. Price reason­ able. Paul Reed. Phone 118 Cedar­ ville, Ohio. • 2t For Rent-—Furnished apartment. Modern, five rooms and bath. Apply a t this office. * LEGAL NOTICE Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio Dale L. Lockwood, Plaintiff, ys. Felieite Lockwood, Defendant, Felieite Lockwood, whose last known address is care General Delivery, Day­ tona Beach, Fla., will take notice that on the 29th day of July, 1940, Dale L. Lockwood filed his petition against her for divorce ih the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, on grounds Of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty. Said petition will be fore hearing on'and after the 7th day of September, 1940, at the convenience of the court, and unless answer is filed by said defendant prior to that date, judgment may be taken granting a divorce to the plaintiff. DALE L. LOCKWOOD, Plaintiff Smith, McCallister & Gibney, Xenia, Attorneys for Plaintiff. (8-2-6t-9-6d) LEGAL NOTICE Virginia Shouse,, whose .place of residence is unknown, will take notice that on the 6th day of September, 1940, Fred J .’Shouse filed his petition against her for divorce on-grounds>of extreme cruelty, in Case No; 22366, before the Common Pleas Court/ Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will come on for hearing on os after October 26,1940. MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for (9-13*6-10-18) Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Effie Humphrey, whose place o f resi­ dence is unknown, will take notice that on August 23,1940, Walter Humphrey filed Buit for divorce on the ground.* of wilful absence before the Court of Common Pleas, Greene county, Ohio In Case No. 22,341. That said cause will come on for hearing on or after October 6, 1940. W. Dunkle, Attorney. (8-30-6t-9-10-4) * For Rent-—Furaishfed apartment. Modern. Five rooms and bath. Apply • a t this office. (2t) . fib . -&P- f d t t n t F/E. IffAUGHT SPOT?O mm «« lefimtA k t their minriow rente of «{»*• ghwMch Kttk teethe life, liberty mk Th*ppi**Mth*t ere U* birthright, Some style* come in Stop in. Let nettest your 1_ toperfect nt mid comfort—ie smeri, yoethfitlBrnt* hrrnc**! e m u it L n s a o n f o r S e p t e m b e r 2 2 , Lewtm #UW*cl» »nd .Scripture text* m - tected, end copyrighted tty Intcroatiodel Council ot Rcllfiou* Eflycatloo; UMd by nermimSon. - THE VOICE OF WISDOM LISSOM TEXT—Pro'-crbc 4:1017. GOLDENTEXT-K;o 3 ffiy heart with *11 dUigenee; tor out ot it ere the ii*uea ot life,—Proverb* 4;*3. What to do and how To do it*-, these are the vital thing? which the book of Proverbs imparts. It deals with every condition of life, good and bad, in the revealing light of 'God’s holiness and love. Good ad­ vice may have its value, but we also need to know how to put It into practice. Therein is wisdom dis­ tinguished from knowledge, A man may have an unbelievably great store of knowledge, and yet be a foolish man because he does hot have the wisdom to use it. Knowing that these notes are used -by a great pnany boys and girls, as well as by their teachers, the writer would suggest an outline for next Sunday which can be remembered by everyone who has ever' crossed a railroad track. What does the warning sign say? "Stop," Look, and Listen.’’ Then what? If all is clear, go ahead, That is just what our .lesson tells us. Stop, for someone has a message for you; look, at the two ways of life; listen, to the wise words of counsel. Then go straight ahead in the right way. I. Stop (w . 10-13), . Life moves on a t a rapid pace. One of the devices of the devil to gain and keep his hold on us is to Keep things moving so fast that we never stop to thinV, or to heed the counsel of others. The wise man has something of importance tg say to the young man whom he calls his “ son.” Let us stop and give heed to his warning, for we are assured that it will mean for us a long and happy life ( w .10 , 12).' Nobody but a, fool would hasten past such a “stop” signal, nor thrust aside this opportunity for lifergiving instruction (v. 13). Here is some­ thing fa r .more important ’than mathematics, literature, or econom­ ics. .Here is life. II. Look (vv. 14-19). There are really only two ways of life—“ the path of the just . . . that shineth more and more unto the per­ fect day” (v. 18), and “ the way of the wicked,” which is only dark­ ness and stumbling (v, 19). There' is no middle way. Wb cannot walk in both paths; it is “either—or.” Young people should get hold of that fact, for in these days there is a constant attempt to blur the colors, making things neither black nor white, but gray; neither good nor bad,, but just advisable or inadvis­ able. The. moral laws of God are not changed; right is still and will eter­ nally be right, just as wrong is and always will be wrong. Wickedness ‘is so Wrong that it causes men to Spend sleepless nights trying to en­ trap others (v. 16), But no one need go that way; just do not “enter” that path, “avoid it,” and if by chance yoti have wandered into it, “turn from it” (v. 15). God wilJ help you, . - III. Listen (w . 20-25). Listening is important business, calling for real attention and appli­ cation. Especially is that true as one listens to the truth of God, It should be received by an attentive ear (v. 20), kept before one’s eyes, and pondered in the heart (v. 21), Such listening is sure to bring re­ sults, and We find them enumerated in verses 22 to 25, Life is assured to those who heed the words of God’s messenger; not just a bare existenso, but a healthy life (v, 22). God’s Spiritual children are no t (or at least‘should not be) invalids tor weaklings. \ ^ Keeping the heart rignt^vT'23) keeps the whole life i(igfiti and the way to be sure that the heart is right is to fill it with God’s Word (v. 21). Then see how the whole life responds; the lips speak no for­ ward (R, V. wayward) or preverse words, and the eyes look straight ahead along the shining path of the. just, » * Now that we have stopped tor giva attention to the Lord’s word through His messenger, and looked, careful­ ly at the two ways of life, and lim taned to words of wisdom and guid­ ance, what comes next? Do we stand idly by and commend ourselves for our wisdom, or do we sit down and jake our ease? "No. Being assured that the way is clear, we IV. Go Ahead (vv. 26, 27), God wants His people to move on to greater glory and usefulness. At the Red sea, God told Moses, “Sptek unto the children of Israel that they *;o forward." "Move forward! vallnnt men and stromj, Yo who have prayed and labored Iona; Tim time has come for you fa rise, .or lot the sun rolls Up the stiles." Thoughtful, vigilant, feet lie bo led into a b/path on the right or left, turning his feel away from ev­ ery evil path, the child of God goes forward, and as he goes the road be­ comes brighter and brighter with the ,-(ioty of the presence of the Lord* saining more and more until that perfect day when he shall find him self at the end of Ins journey and at home forevermore in the Falhei h; house. “Mother, that's old stuff. We don’t do it that way now. Someone get am- nionia, please”. Falling from his garage roof, a nan lay unconscious, Screaming, as he saw him fall, hi* wife aroused he neighbors, Women rushed to the retie, mad "a young man took im­ mediate charge. His* mother quickly suggested whiskey to bring the victim .9 consciousness. He spoke the above voids, and in a moment the ammor. „ ,vas a t hand. Skillfully applying it :he nostrals, he soon had the unfott. uate man revived, and on his way - ..he hospital, His life was saved. The first aid administrator in th .•use works a t night in a big steel mi The accident occurred in late mor. mg. He was at home. For a diver don, he serves os village ncoutniasto and teaches first aid. Twenty-fom 3oy Scouts, .and a pack of cubs, love aim. They will do anything for him Their happiness is supreme when ho 'oca camping with them. Their week- !y meetings are enjoyable affairs, They see the value of first aid, and are -earning it. , ■ Ellis, our first aid man, is the ,’oungest of his mother’s ten children, Throughout her devoted life, she had m occasion made the old-fashioned whiskey-sling” for medical purposes ind the pure whiskey was used in em- rgencies, A little was always kept >n hand, but the family ethics did not icrmit its use for other than heal­ ing purposes. In the excitement of the moment, she thought this was the time to use it, but Shq was quickly and tenderly over-ruled. A representative of the present generation, her son, suggested a wiser course, and shield­ ed the injured man from what might has been his" first taste of a habit- forming element. Anyhow, the worthy scoutmaster was true to his high prin­ ciples and we feel like giving him a hand. Ammonia, used in laundry work to chase dirt, did duty in chasing un­ consciousness. At the same time mother love gave way to her progres­ sive son, hut she is just as highly re­ garded as ever. She recognized that her training Was of the past, 'F irs t aid is the contribution of a Christian civilization. In the long ago an injured man lay along the roadside. Two men passed by on the other side, but ‘a good Samaritan gave first aid. Since that day many have done as the Samaritan.-All legitimate medical service likewise is broadly inspired by the Healer of Nazareth. Human in­ terest and sympathy which" bring us together a t the. spot of misfortune are CXTMA VAkUtf RUG PADS ! • « . S&9S M r iM w if Waffled Deiign CURTAIN RODS . Extension 28 to 48 inches IVORY OR BRASS 6 FOR 39 c ARMSTRONG'S QUAKER 9x12 RUGS Th* H n v I u ) Gnolity Ray SAW S t#WE S8 E A lIXARK iM H IV BROADLOOM RUGS FOR OUR AHHIVtASAHY SALE O N V fl * 5 " • ij *.* • • «««« 6x9 RKVSRS1RLK $?.«! CHENILLE SIMS ' Colonial Patterns * Specially Sate Priced JOHNSON'S NO RUFF-NO RUR FLOOR WAX For Ust 0 » . lillOteMI, Tile or Wood Floors GAL w*T » S iSS« *fS) 11.3x12 Infra Heavy Raps..». * 111 11.1x15 Itetra Hoavy Rags . . . . (11 9*lt Hoavy Roy, Grooa,.......... ; ....... . (2) 9xlSIx!fa Hoavy Rays.......... . (3) 11.3x12 Hoavy Axulosters ......... ......... (II 11.3x12 MotHra Axmtester (91 9x12 Axmtasters........ (fl '9x12' WMteas ..,.$ $ 2 .4 4 ..,.$ 4 4 .4 4 ....$ 4 4 .4 4 ....$ 4 1 .4 4 $34.44 ....$ 2 4 4 4 .,..$ 3 1 4 4 is i \ 2 PC. CHKN1LLE RATH SETS MMStKONS'S;OUAKut FLOOR COVERING Hoe, Greed. E na Meek, Yellew 66' Your Ckofee of Many Pattern* I *r » a Wide" 46 c SQ n> - \ • m PHONE ORDERS 0 NO C. O. 3J. SALES O ALL SALES PINAL- • QUANTITIES LIMITED • NO tAY-AWAYS \ - An •or eolyl ABnlvtnth 42 L Mata St. Springfield, Ohio Noar iimosteao Snlmribc io I HE HERALD Bea’s Beauty Salon I — SPECIAL — | OH Cfod. P e r m , ^ ^ 1.SO Reg, BOc manicure Facial Free v * CNll 14 for your appointment Cednrvillc, O, iewiwiiiiiii}wiii»i»iiwiiiiiiimiiit)ii»nwH»eHiwiiHii)ii>H ★ THRIIUNG NEW MGNESS in m l M ajor mminsions * DASHING NEW "AWSfOSTYtl” DESIGN WITHCONCtAlED SAPSTY-ST 1 M ATtACHDOOR ★ DE U1XI KNEE-AOION ON A ll M0DE1S - MM MUNCI. VMHMM MMRMWMMAIW MMOVMMWCXP.OO,inMM . * 0M6MA1 VACUUM. r a w n fW H n js i& > MM.TAt ONLYCHIVXOUt £■ MMMII It’s <a S1ZI son sa tion . . . a S T Y U s o n s o t lo t i. « • a DRIVE an d R ID ! so n sa tion M s g o r to oN m a|or d im ensions b o th fn sk io a n d o u t • . * w h b 3 " lo n g e r w h e e lb a se an d 3 -ttx ip Je ro owWh—s In a ll s o d a n m o d e ls ^ W ith d a s h in g n ow y "A r ls to s ty le ” olesign a n d longer# la rg e r , m o re lu xu rio u s U sh e r R od ies th a t s o t t h | h e w s ty lo t o r th e n ew y e a r tV W ith a m ig h ty 9 0 -h .p . V a lv e - I n -H e a d " V ic t o r y ” I n g ln e t h a t l i l t s p e rfo rm an ce a n d lo w e rs Wests *& It’s th e now ISrj*sss eganastias uksoiaslIsftLei m A j 4 (hJlAmi dtedt iwlHr®gvoleiW' gww ^ r I w « elTHP 'BtVMBBrfPe W f W■ •WWWWwNw- ■ ^ CHfVROLIT • • . holder o t Grst place hi mdt^rear eaios lo r 9 oat of the te d 10 years! *NEW KHMER ' W HRUAX * KHMER, IARSER, , " sewiRrtE R w BRB m I' MMHODUn VMMA1MN * W -H .F. VAIVE-4N- HEA0 “ V K tO R r BMM E ★ SAB-T-SHCUU HWRAUUC MAKES • ov^g , **9 •Pfwf|r fN giWflwmfWiWfWHPTWNnwnPlw EYE Si" n f CUMMINGS CHEVROLET P S I M * «a4 ■ . 'WUNIGRHiiMMilP n V I The death ooriy Sunda Oame as a #> ofWdal Ii the Speaker o f health he had-seem! of mere than MBsion of C< injury, He shbrtly befei _ make a politi he broadcast up, The ailir to the-Naval where for a lkould rMoovei $2444 438.44 (ALES IfITED Heston. $46.44 $52.44 $44.44 . . ,-$44.44 secona arteri: y th* twenty-* $36*64 76th. Oongre*| 1939. William B. figure. Bbm Confederate serving hie of, Congress,| 1918. to- sin served fpr and who hs the Senate, acquired greij Trained in th desfratovbe»| out- hiscaree actor in daughter; Tc{ ot the stag drew, great her" reach America’s g | -cs. Always n | head never the Democc time he w | highest of pulses and tmteirtactiq A . Dertoer hard fight intr to fh e . lowing the | ■ m i a i nwndation; -the great from the d^ nentatives and fifty pariimentail honesty,, an] the respect - o f a l l w h o j A 'state: o f the He the Sjpeake dentrthe the Dipk .States Sen| romlntative attendance! in-the Well foot hoursf tMrgOeat. aad-tUb hb .wenwn. i n | tkMr last g«aiteinan| Atehoma. egoefat;! to Ja« Pteiident-I gallon, made thel thOhr last AoMricani Under 4 May, for: ms 'at thel tUMdeatli VMM done the fOnei uMMdmot IBttaOmai,* ' ISE USonowl tk* 68 rd| tfMkHbn* pmrKTwij IRON LVI-IN- (ES \ giniring* G^pgi C«Urvillo,0 . i