The Cedarville Herald, Volume 64, Numbers 1-26

ciauam u* herald , jtoay , N ovember n , w e T H E C E D A E V I U E H 1 E A U S * KARLII BULL-----------------EDITOR AND PUBLISHED IfKUDM) JMRtarW '*»•*«.; OM* Kewimsjwe A**9«.; MEast! V*U*y X*m» *»»•«. Y ’ * ~ ' E n te r e d a t t h e P o s t O ffic e , C e rta rv ille , O h io , O c t o b e r § 1 , J 8 8 7 , a s S e c on d class, m a tte r. Friday,-November 23, 1940 am HutHumMHMiMumnwimmMiwwMitm ............................................................................. The gasoline hound* have been loose again and reaped quite a harvest ip. draining gasoline tanks on automo­ biles. A cay on Elm street was drain­ ed. Another on Miller street. One on 0 . 0 . J a U* OHIO SCHOOL TEACHERS FACE NEW ISSUE T h e 'sch oo l teachers of, Ohio fa c e d the Davey issue o f re­ peal o f the sales tax , all o f which became * dead letter with the d e fea t o f the fo rm e r governor. Much o f the school revenue wuth Main and one on Cedar street cornea fr om sales tax so naturally the school teachers were Those who drive cars and do not work vitally interested in preserving the sales tax Jaw as it is, mUst have gasoline from some source, j Sen. W agnerJNew Y ork , New Deal Communist, has a pro* The gas drainers are not men with posal f o r a federa l law' that w ou ld strike a serious b low to the beards. Some o f the victims claim to Ohio Teachers' Retirement Fund. For several years it has been argued that the federa l government should haye more control over a ll educational activities. Even Roosevelt has suggested changes that would put school teachers under the N ew Deal. I f the N ew Deal* succeeds in back ing -th e movement o f Seri, Wagner, the Ohio teacher’s pension o r ; retirement plan w ill go into the scrap heap. Several thousand teachers are now draw ing benefits a fter retiring and these benefits are based on income as both the teachers and hoards o f education are compelled to pay a .certain amount into tfie state fund each year, • . The New Deal plan suggested b y Sen. W agner wou ld first compel every teacher to jo in a union, CIO or AFL , to have a .bargaining agent. This wou ld mean* each teacher would be •compelled to pay an initiation fe e and dues each month t o the union and .then do what the. w a lk ing delegate ordered , even, to go out on-a strike if the janitor^ or "bus drivers-should strike fo r h igher wages. This would fo r c e teachers to take, their turn at p ick e t duty around school houses ju st as is -com p e lled around .factories under strike. W hether the New Deal can fo r ce t h e ,W agr -r proposal fo r passage no one knows at this time. Since the ty hite House is a recruiting station f o r the unions and the order goes down the. line f o r Democrats to vote fo r 't h e plan or no more free spending in their districts, it is likely the Democrats will fo llow White House orders. The teachers can rest assured the Re­ publicans will oppose the W agner proposal. UNIFORM INTERNATIONAI. S unday ! chool L esson • g s zm mb ^ s rrs U w li .n , mm Leason for December 1 Cbuaell of RtBftoSi Education; tiled by penftUtiQtu * Student*! Kay’s la A Whodunit! AN EXACTING DISCIPLESHIP knpw who some o f the drainers f f f but o f course "must be able to prove it. They ate youths about 16 to 20 years o f age. If caught what then! No court but the juvenile can handle such cases and in this county we have a System -whereby the judge prides himself oft not sending over offenders out turning them over to parents or relatives, Even a second ' offense on-, tore breaking is not "serious With the Greene County Juvenile Judge who pats the boy on the head, and pro­ ceeds to lecture before groups about jls system o f juvenile operation. WHITE HOUSE UNION riEADQUARTERS . I f you want a jo b "as a carpenter bn a government contone-. ment building fo llow the example o f an associated Press re porter who checked up on .“ saw and hatchet carpenters” be­ ing paid $75 a week at Ft. M eade, Maryland., - - The reporter was unable to get employment as a carpenter at first whep, he was told he must join the union.. Seeing his chance at a “ jo b ” he ca lled at union headquarters on the Camp Meade site, and was told that by pay ing a fe e o f $57.50 ;he-could-get- a-"union ’ ca rd~N ot-hav ing -the -necessa ry_am o im t ■ he was told he cou ld make tw o .payments o u t 'o f his salary checks o f $75 a .week. A fte r pay ing th is sum each union mem- 'b e r had to pay w e e k ly ‘dues based on salary. A fte r joining the union the reporter got *on the pay roll as a carpenter not even owning a saw or hammer. The reporter says he waited f o r hours in line with taxi- drivers, clerks, farmers, miners and laborers before he could ge t in to sign a union (AFL ) card . • ■"« A ll o f this is happening in most o f the army camps with AFL union officials in charge .. John Lewis and. his CIO are now in poor standing with the New Deal. W illiam Oreen, head o f AFLy ris the fair=hraired5rinion-'labor—le a d e r -a t th e -W h ite House, these days. , •W h ile the tw o unions, AFL and CIO have both staged fake shows the past week about clean ing out racketeers and Communists from -their organizations, neither has taken a step along this line nor will either do so in the future. It would do no g o od anyway as long as the Queen-mother” o f the Com­ munists, Francis Perkins is in th cabinet and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt is. in the Wh ite House back ing Perkins and daring even the'Presiden t o f the United States to remove the backer o f the Communist movement in this country. No, Miss Perkins has not resigned as reported, and moreover she has no. inten tion o f resigning. ' ' • Nolan Secretarial School I COMPLETE COMMERCIAL TRAINING S. * • I Dictaphone, Comptometer, Stenotype •5 ' ' I Individual Instruction. Day'and Evening Classes I 414 S. Limestone , Phone 3272- • a 9 T A A /% # - • U j HOTEL U J S FORT . HAYES UJ 350 0UT8I0E ROOMS WITH BATH * FROM Hat, *sw yo* ki OM»*»mjpXd ga itnEfift >» Hotd Fed Heyes —(tmornht aaddhx ««Hi^ •ssdodAle MommA pvfoetMrvfa.IFI*M«iyMw ixodtihtoHmiwmwx pri&aMy pops?*. H m 4t> • m M C J n ShopendM)ic*daCWcta«lBttart rMhn-fm#*. Yo « 1 sppradMs’ Ad dsnlft Mil mat *r*Fi o tittn l It LGRIFFITH, One o f our citizens that recently md his car stolen and returned by officials a few days later had the gas ank drained last week. The cure is ,uto owners mtfst purchase tank caps J,'ith locks. One auto owner tells us .e cut his gasoline bill fifty percent he first week with his usual amount )f driving. The new fangled gas cap lid the trick. In speaking of boy thefts o f gaso- iner we were approached some days .go on North Market st., Dayton, by hree boys who wanted to sell' two .jacks o f cigarettes. All three were lirty, poorly clothed and not to ex- eed fifteen, years of age,, yet on the .treet during school hoars. Not fae- ng interested other than to know .he brand of-cigarettes "Camels*’, we .nformed the boys that was not our jrand. This •all hapened along the vail of Dayton city building with the police department on the second floor. Jid we do right in not reporting. the: iffair to the police ? Mayor LaGuardia, New York, New Jeoler, former Socialist Congressman . lorn that city, certainly made a glow- ng speech Monday over the air as he pictured .army life to the boys o f his :ity that wore sworn in at that time. Vrmy life is a bed o f roses according .o the Mayor, which •should be in- jfcresting toi those who may yet be, 7alled7 except the Roosevelt boys who: are needed at home. The Mayor-did not mention the fact that ICO. boys in army camp at Ft, Thomas, Ky., were poisoned on “ bologna", on the Roose­ velt Thanksgiving day, when the world had been told the boys would have ton!* o f turkey. „ The Mayor’s description o f army life reminds one Y the description Peter Grant, YJTLW news commentator gave recently o f how the people in London, Eng., took the air raids. He pictured the folks, old and young, out in the streets making merry while bombs were falling from a hundred airplanes, blowing up iarge'and small buildings as well as craters in the street twenty feet deep; This was part o f the build­ up o f radio propaganda to keep this nation interested in the European war, What the nation should know is just how muc hmoncy Eflgland sent to this country for war propaganda and in what circles was it spent? ^ Now we read an English nobleman is a guest o f the New Deal and the news dispatches quote him as saying England is near the. end with finances if the war is to continue. It is costing that nation 36% million dollars a day to keep up the war and Uncle Sam is to be played once more as the suck­ er as he was in the first World War days, <The English royalist will get a warm reception at the White House which is inhabitated by one who will­ ingly gives away “ everyboy’s shirt” but his own, * r- " ' T,.— M.l.,.—— ■ Mr, Nathan Plympton, Sr,, of Chi­ cago, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Turnbull and other i datives. . COLUMBUS ALBERT MEIFIMIEVEMTEH , OHIO HOTELS 50 b 0 ROOMS IN 8 STATES We, the undersigned, hereby notify huntevs that al hunting with dog or gun is hereby forbidden and that our hinds ajee posted according to law aJmes Kennedy, Massies Creek Cemetery CHRISTMAS SEALS QHKAOO. lUt ,, wrifiNori*.M xjhmmm ,, ...,, ....m u * •*rr«*,e«io, oouwiKJa ................. .. a g f uMR s a o t a o , r o a r haves ...................................... roar mekm emoamSTLowe. .rowtAW sou mb OANtOH. OHIO, m ..„„,„„SCM>CN m tpain ...osssr HOftTHClW i : - ■ mivwiwviw invinuiM« 11M«AllMMunnf VESN6 HAUTE. OfOMHA,T«WEHAUTE aamaom , ■nmum x. tmwsounitwi ASMUIHO. RSMTUOXY..........VEMTUKS OWKHSSOSamHRtICEY.OWBNSSOSO WAOO.TEXAS............. . Weak-kneed, watered-out, aiid “ sickly” religious philosophies and activities have no right to call them­ selves Christian. Following Christ is*not just a sweet sentiipental im­ pulse expressed in smooth, words and formal religious exercises. It a vital, virile, sacrificial faith which leads the true follower of Christ to' be willing not only to die for Him, but also to live for Him in the face of opposition, hatred, yes, “ through peril, toil and pain.” Let us put away these insipid im­ itations of Christianity which so often masquerade under itg name and face our time with a . call to disciplpship which demands every fine, noble, manly and womanly quality. The lesson 'for today "re­ veals' that following Jesus (and please remember you are not ready .to live for Him until you have been born again) calls for I. Co-operation (vv, 49, SOL The placing ,of the little child in their m id s t'(w , 46-48) and Jesus’ words concerning true greatness re­ pea led to John that he had boon wrong in condemning the one who was working for Christ but tfho was not of their party. The true disciple recognizes that the man who truly loves and serves Christ is to be ac­ cepted in His name. We may not like his appearance, or. his language, or his methods, or his friends, but we ought to love him and co-operate with him. Let us begin to practice that as well as to say we believe it. II. Humility (vv. 51-53). . , Gross discourtesy, evidently in­ spired by national hatred (the Jews and Samaritans: had no dealings > with each other), was shown toward the Lord Himself. His reaction ) -gives us an example-of-humility, f o r ' He said "not a word against them. ; The true follower of Jesus should expect such treatment from a. hos- i tile, devil-inspired world and emu- * late his master by showing love and III. Patience (vv. 54-58). | The disciples wanted to show their power and authority by bringing the fires of. destruction upon the enemies of Christ. That spirit has persisted in the church, -the desire to call the fires o f heaven (and possibly of hell) to destroy those who hinder or op­ pose us. Such is not the spirit of our( Gbd and Hjs Christrfor He hr “ long-suffering to us-wftrd, not will­ ing that any should perish, but that $11should come to Repentance.” IV . Sxerlllce fvv. 57, 58). The writer dislikea to use the word “ sacrifice” is connection with our life and service fo r ‘Christ, for in reality we sacrifice nothing which is not more than replaced-- (read - Matt, 19:29). But at the same time it is true that God does call upon us as Christians toehold nothing dearer than our devotion to Him. Following Christ is more than singing glibly or carelessly, “ I’ll go where you, want me to go, dear Lord.” The one who starts out with Him >s to count the cost (Luke 14;- 28-33). He must expect the same treatment as Christ i l l Tim. 3:12) .and be willing to take it gladly (John 15:29; I Pet. 2:21). We ought to make this plain to professed believ­ ers. Tell young people the truth and you will see that they are ready to respond to It, They a re willing to give >themselves sacrifloafiy for causes Of this earth—why not for Christ? V. Devotion (w . 59-62), It has been said that Christ is either Lord o f all or He is not Lord at all. Even the demands which love may present on behalf of. our aged father must not be permitted to stand between the Lord and His disciple. Christianity is considerate and courteous, and our Lord is not here suggesting any neglect of the duties or amenities’ of life. The point is rather that the Lord must have first place whatever else may call for second thought. « - ’ The blight on the life and service o f' most Christians is that almost anything and everything, else is al­ lowed to take first place and the Lord must be satisfied with ‘second o f third place. Sometimes one won­ ders If He is given any real place at all in some lives. . • No one who puts his hand to the plough in God’s Kingdom and then Wants to defer following through un­ til a more-convenient season, or who wants-to go back to “ bid farewell” Ip someone who for the moment is fhore important than the Lord, is fit for His service. The way of joy and usefulness is the way of full and unconditional yielding to Him. 0 in Spite of Imperfections He brought me.forth also into a large place; he delivered me, be­ cause he delighted in me.—II Sam, 22 : 20 . * The Main Issue Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.— Proverbs 4-:23. » . — ~ . c L m w i i A r ' tk - w .’ hxsi * - P r i Friday AM® 'Saturday Tw f» Thrill N t o ! — - — aCHKP* — “You'll yiafi Out,” Kay Kysers new melody-mystery-meloiiraina In which are featured, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugoai, Helen Par­ rish, Dennis O'Keefe and Kay Kyser’s Band, featuring Ginny 'Simms, Many Babbitt, Ish Kabibble, Sully Mason and the College of Musical Knowledge. Is now at the Regent Theatre, Springfield, O P E N ! Remodeling*of building having been completed, I am now ready to receive patients. DR. G. A; SMITH SURGEON-DENTIST 27 V% S. Limestone St. Springfield, Ohio Phone Day'or night 4061 Note: Come to residence office evenings, Sundays or holidays. liUHHUI; Before You Buy See the Ford Tractor SEE IT ! — TRY IT! “TUGBOATANNIE SAI1S AGAIN” SUN. -w- MON----- TUES. THEROBiH-'HODDOF EARLY CALIFORNIA LIVES AGAIN!. _ a d d e d — CARTOON AND NEWS For demonstration of Ford Tractor or Ford Car — CALL — Phone 337 Help to Piotect Your Homo from Tuborcufoit$ \ PARM LOANS EWVWIWaiMwn WWwBj Feirs^prslad, prompt Ntvke end sttrtvttvs t«m« wvs to*; •tahM m m t wEHiiMtitMt lean* Mf lle ii then Sevshtestt MB* Um DeRu* to fstimrs. Phone “ f our wptMwntaittt E. A . O S T E R , .v ■ Yellow Springs, Ohio • — OR C. C. McFARLAND, Salesman, Phone 630 at M. & W . •Service Station^Xenia, Ohio 1 w k : rhurs. VNov- Frl t Wk. iNov, 29i pul'V In the Zcr Pr'*° - play Wltn Wltllam Cargan Harry Carey When a"representative of the tele­ phone companyvisitsyou,whether you are a housewife or an execu- . tive, he calls to serve you. True, he knows technical detail* thoroughly.. He represents the painstaking research of the Bell Laboratories, the manufacturing skill of Western .Electric-!sixty- five years of Bell System experi­ ence, keeping pace with progress. But more important to you, he is trained to suggest only th a t typeof telephone service which will serve you best and most economically. THE OHIOBELLTELEPHONECOMPANY tune in " thb te le phone h o u r " E ver y MONDAY B P.M. • WTAM ♦ WLW * W&Pll Sat. Nov. 30 2 Big Features' ^ 5 days 'George Brent and Brenda Marshall In “ South o f Suez Feature No. 2 «* Gene Stratton Porter’s ' “Laddie ’5 With Tim Holt IP YOU NEED PRINTING, DROP IN m u m ' a Days n , ■ —------ Starts n * Roy Rogers as Sun. J "YOUNQ KILL HICKOK” Plus “ WHO H ILLED , a u n t MAQOll>» Clark Gable Spencer Tracy «3Q0M TOWH” Plus — “ ■“ S S L * Mrs. < had foi Mr. Ber Trumbo children and Jut and Mr Hiamisfc ^Testerfi Befon cards loi ing this all kind with nai Miss spent T1 Mr and Mr. a. Coe and giving w ton, Virg Miss ] senior s' mental n ' tion as Methodis Harrimai part in t State R a ' Mr. a’ family Thanksg ,following burg, 0. Mrs. Jo) Mrs. Elrr Barbara Mr. and two sons ■ row, O.; ers and Mr, and ton, O. Fred 1 Dayton, Wednesd ley Fun M iiiiiiiiiiin m | . Fri. I Lew l | “DR. I | News -■ | r Sun - I James | - ' “NC ! ■.. -i 1 Wed E E Waite Cartoos