The Cedarville Herald, Volume 64, Numbers 1-26

C lu b an d S o c ia l A c tiv itie s JttM Martha Cooley of Michigan St»t« Collage Faculty, Marquette, Mich., waa called hare tola week due to the death of her sister, Mrs. Ray* mood Bull. *. ' Wrs. Harold Nichols (Nelle Reeder) of Silverton spent a few days the past week with Hiss Ruth Lewis. The Women’s Club will meet Thurs­ day, March 13th a t the home of Miss Anpahelle Murdock: Mrs, J. W. John­ son will give a book review, . * '4 • Weekend quests a t the home of Mr. and-Mrs, John O’Bryant and daugh­ ters,1Mary and Helen, near Jamestown were Misses Blanche O'Bryant, Cin­ cinnati; Edward O’Bryant, Spring- field; and Ruby and Mrs. Everett Lit­ tle and daughter Mary Elizabeth, near Bowersville. The Research Club members will en­ tertain their members and husbands with a covered dish dinner to be held Friday evening in 'th e parlors of the U, P, Church. Mrs. W. W» Galloway and Mrs. Donna Finney are hostesses. Dr. W. R. McChesney will be guest speaker. ' Dinsinore Collins Died Wednesday Word was received here of tho death of Dinsmore Collins, Wednesday night, a t his home, Edgewator, near DenVer, Colo. He Was the son of William and Katherine Dinsmore Collins and was horn in this township. He Ieft,thig community in 1002 and has been .» resident of Colorado ex­ cept for a few years in Texas. The deceased was married to Miss Laura Barber of this place and she survives with two daughters, Grace and Carroll; * brother Clark,- of Beau­ mont, Calif., find M. W. Collins of this place. No funeral arrangements have been announced, - Marriage of Miss Jean Elliott ■ ” To W alterH . Johnson One more noisy Fourth of July and the end is reached for the legislature in Ohio .has passed a ' law that will go into effect in August and make it unlawful for the sale-and use of fire­ works of any kind other than those who put on displays for organizations and these must b,e licensed by the state. Many cities had outlawed the sale of fireworks but they were sold outside In the rural territory; One of the largest public sales of the season for livestock and imple­ ments was that of McKinley Kirk, who resided seven miles south of Lon-, don. The sale amounted to $10,000. Miss Mary Os^erly,:75v.who.was welL known Sver the county as-a dressmak­ er and located in Xenia, died at her homej last Thursday evening. She is •survived by one sister Miss Catherine Osterly, who was associated with; her sister for some years'in the millinery busines. In this issue is the announcement of a Combination public sale of live-1 stock and implements on the E. H. Smith,farm. New Jasper, on Tuesday, March l i t h a t l l a. m, The Smith •sales in the past have been veiy,suc­ cessful, ' Mr. and’Mrs. Ernest Elliott, of this place announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Jean, to Mr. Walter H. Johnson, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Johnson, Springfield. The wedding was the elimaic of a high school romance and was sqlemni- zed in the presence of the immediate families a t Emery Chapel Methodist Church, Beattytown, by-Rev. J. A. Jenkinson,. Friday evening at 7:30, o’clock.. " The double ring service was read by candlelight, following a program of nuptial music by Mr. Smart, church pianist. During the service he played “Blest Be the Tie," The couple was unattended and the bride appeared in a street frock of navy crepe; with, navy and rose ac­ cessories, and wore a corsage of pink sweetheart roses and sweet peas. Immediately following the cere­ mony the couple left on a wedding trip and-planned to go to Delaware to attend the golden wedding anni­ versary of Mr. Johnson’s maternal grandparents-on-Saturdayr------------- Mrs. Johnson was graduated from Ross T\vp. High School in 1037 and M. Johnson was graduated from ithe Same school in 1035. Mrs. Johuson. was graduated from Cedarville Col­ lege in 1939 and has been employed as a teacher in Sprtngcreek Twp. School, Miami County, for the last two years. - Mir. Johnson attended Cedar­ ville College and is employed as fa dairy salesman in Delaware, O. CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, GOLDltJf RULE CIRCLE CLASS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Beniamin N,~Adams, Minister Saturday, March 8— 6:00 tq ’&OO P, M. Waffle Supper at the Church sponsored by the Broad casters’ Class. Sausages and jjlenty of coffee. 26c, Also pie. Come one, come all! ] 7:30 P, M. Senior Choir rehearsal will start Easter music. 7:30 P, M. Communicants’ Class will meet in the Northeast Vestibule. Sunday, March 9— 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School, Mr. H. K. Stormopt, Supt, 11:00 A. M. Morning worship. Theme “Lead Us Not Into Temptation." 2:30 P. M. Joint meeting of Session and Trustees. 6:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor a t the Church, Devotional leader, Honey Lou Stormont. Bring your Bibles. 7:30 P, M. Union evening service at the Presbyterian Church. Rev. B. N, Adams, will speak on “The Tactics of the Enemy.” The. Junior Choir will sing “Sabbath Bells", Tuesday, March 11— ' 7:30 P. M. Broadcasters’ Class at Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Furst’s . . Co- Mrs. C, E- Masters was hostess to the Golden Rule Circle Class of the Methodist Church and a few guests Thursday evening, Feb. 27, and >re sided over the meeting. Helpful de­ votions were'conducted by Mrs. Rose Wiseman, her topic, “Prayer Meeting’’ opened, by the group singing Sweet Hour of Prayer". She read St. Mat­ thew 6—1:8 all joining with her in praying-fcfae Lord’s Prayer. She read sev^ralTmssages of scripture pertain­ ing to prayer and an article on prayer from The Reader’s Digest. ' Fitting tribute to Mrs, Mary Huff­ man were written and read by Mrs, Cora Trumbo. r' Mrs, Masters read “Our Own World, And You”, by Edgar Guest. The busi­ ness session closed by singing, “What A Friend", and prayer by Mrs. West. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Masters and her assisting hostesses, Mrs. B. H. Little, Mrs. Arthur Cummings, Mrs. Charles Spur­ geon, Mrs, R. C. Ritenour and Mrs. P, M, Sipes, , . Once again the Golden Rule Circle Class "has lost one of its members, this time in the death of Mrs, Mary Huffman; apd we, as a class, wish to pay tribute to her memory. • *Although we shall miss her kindly presence in our midst, we can think hostess: Mrs. H, D. Wright. Speaker, j 1 .. , . . Mrs. Treuer, a refugee from •Vienna, I°f he* &s be,”e welf med home by Austria. j the other members of the class who have gone before. For as the circle here grows smaller, the circle in the Saturday, March 1 5 - . 1ho“ e ab°ve grows ever larger. 7:30 P. M. Senior choir rehearsal. . Mrs* Huff™an wf s ln P°or health 7:30 P. M. Communicants’ Class. ‘f?r years, and we know that at _______ 1 j times she must have suffered greatly. UNITED PBESBTTERIAN CHURCH S ’ l l Z ’ T ” ' T T ' „ , . . T . -v , Pam, would give .up and spend the Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister (time lamenting our condition. But she Wednesday, March 12— 3;45 P, M. Junior choir rehearsal. Sabbath School 10 A. M., Supt. Emile Finney. Preaching 11 A. M. :Theme, “In the Last Days,” “ ' . Y.. P. C. U. 6:30 P. M. Subject, :went bravely on, uncomplaining, ac­ cepting life as it came, and ever hold­ ing fa st to her faith in God. Never did she grow bitter because she could not go and do as those in perfect health were able to do.. She went on. bow happy she must b« in that beauti­ ful land, where she is free from fill pain and able to enjoy to the fullest extent, the beauty' of her heavenly home. Although we know that Mrs. Huff­ man has passed on to a better land, we realize that those friends and rela­ tives. who remain, suffer a^osg in her death; and to them we wish to extend our deepest sympathy. There is a gate a t the end of the road Through which each must go alone; And there in a light we cannot see, The^Father claims his own. Beyond that gate, this loved one Finds happiness and rest, And there is comfort•in the thought That a loving God knows best: brought out many point# of eoatoatkm anc^varying ideas concerning toe na­ ture thin future world order will take, and more particularly the immediate stops necessary* Dr, Eddy’s position favoring the lease-lend bill and Ameri­ can intervention to aid in ending Hit­ lerism was the chief point under dis­ cussion, - The students and townspeople pre­ sent will remember this meeting as a stimulating and profitable forum. The afternoon program ended with tea served by the Y, W. C, A. C O Z Y • THEATRE m ' F ri. a n d E a t , M a rs h 7-8 Lloyd Nolan—Marjwto Weaver “MICHAEL J b HAYNE.. PRIVATE DETECTIVE" News—Cartoon—Sports LEGAL NOTICE Sun* and Mon,, March 9-10 Errol Flynn—Olivia DeHayUand “SANTA FE TRAIL" Also Late News Events COLLEGE NEWS Maurice Peck, address, unknown, is f hereby notified that the 'tbidersigned § Irma Peck, has filed her’ petition | against him-for divorce in Common'll . . . . , , , Pleas Court of Greene County, on the jf W e “ *a n d Mar. 12-13 grounds of wilful absence for three J Jon Hall—.Victor McLsglen | j years, an,d that said cause will he for f Ij hearing on or after April 12, 1941 1’ (3-7, 14, 21, 28, 1-1,l l ) Guest speaker at the .college chapel Monday morning was the Reverend Mr. R, A, Jamieson of the United Presbyterian Church of Gedarvilie. His topic for the morning talk was “The Second Mile." . Forrest Dunkel, Attorney for Irma Peck “SOUTH OF PAGO PAGO” I 'I 1 Plus another thrilling episode of I “WHITE E^GLE" . iiiim iiiiM iim im iiiiM iiH iiim m im iiiiiiiP iiiiiM iiiU iiiiiiiiiiiM The regular meeting of the Chi Sigma Phi Sorority was held Tues­ day afternoon in the social room a t Harriman Hall.. Plans for an all col­ lege dance were made for March 18. ‘The Drama of L ife’. Leader, Paul doing her share in life’s work, keCp- Dobbins. ing up. her home until a few weeks -Unioi. Church Sei-vice, Presbyterian before her death. Always she seemed Church, 7:30 P. M. . to be upheld by such words as these: Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 P. “Be stroi)g and of a good courage. be M- a t the home of Mrs. Emma R. not afraid, neither be"'th'ou~di3'mayedi -Marsh— ----............. .... •—:—; " Cornelius Grinnell, who resides on -the Yellow Springs and Cedarville pike near the famous mill of "that name, states he has purchased a windrow bailer and will do custom bailing. The equipment will do regu-^ tar bailing also and has h.,.sHcer,,at-' tachmento With a> shortage of farm help such equipment will be necessary this season. The Broadcaster Class of the Pres­ byterian Church will hold an Easter market and bazaar Saturday after­ noon, April 42 a t the Clerk’s office, beginning a t 1 o’clock.' (3-7-4-ll-5t) ON RADIO PROGRAM Mrs. C. W. Hemmer of Lafayette,' Ind., broadcast a .15-minute piano radio program of compositions by Vic­ tor Herbert Wednesday afternoon over station W,B,A,A„ “Voice-of Purdue.! Mrs. Hemmer, was formerly Miss * Thelma Smith, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Smith, formerly of this place. Mis* Jeanette Neal To ,, Be Bride of Clyde Walker Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Neal are an­ nouncing the engagement .and ap­ proaching marriage of their daughter, Jeanette, to Mr, Clyde Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Walker of 2228 Old Troy Pike, Dayton, Ohjp. The weeding will be an event of April 5th in the New Jersey Presby­ terian Church at Carlisle, Ohio. The Rev. James Mentze’r will ^officiate. Miss Neal is a graduate of Cedar­ ville High School and College and is now-a teacher in the Johnsville-New Lebanon School. Mr, Walker is a graduate gf Stivers High School, Dayton, and also of Co- darvillg College, He now is a teacher of science in Carlisle High School. The betrothed couple plan to make their home a t 12 Fifth Stl,'Chautau­ qua, Ohio. “for the Lord thy God is with ttute The Joint Meeting of the Trustees whithersoever thou gdest”. .Mrs.Buffiman was faithful In her and Sessjion- will be held Monday, March 10, a t 7 P. M. a t the manse. Following "a covered dish dinner, a t which the wives have a prominent part, the business meeting of the Joint Boards will be held.. Word has come from the choir di­ rectress that she cannot he here for Saturday evening this week,, so there will not be the usual choir rehearsal. METHODIST CHURCH David H, M*rklc, M^ister,,, Sunday School 10:00 A. Mi .THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Raymond Strickland, -Pastor' Sunday School .9:30-10:45 A. M. Preaching Service 10:45-12:00 N. Superintendent of Sunday School, Rufus. Nance. Evening ■ * " . Junior Service 7:00-7:80 P. M. Evangelistic Service 7:80 P. M. Wednesday—Prayer meeting 7:30. Russell G. Barr, 30, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Barr, Xenia, died Friday in a Dayton Hospital. Mr, Fred Barr is a native of Cedarville. Subscribe To THE HERALD OPENINGMARCH7-8 I ' . * ’ . a ♦ ' * I GREENE COUNTY'S ONLY DRY GOODS STORE I ■« . / . . . I It’s an event you must attend. It's your | store—Jamestown's newest—^designed f for your convenience. _See the attract- | ive merchandise carefully selected for appeal to Greene,County shoppers. # SPECIAL — LOW OPENING EVENT* PRICES 4 - FAVORS FOR VISITORS AT THE OPENING COMPLETE LINE OF NEW WALLPAPER ' \ We invite you to see how we have provided popular merchandise, a t .ecwiomical prices— ih a bright hew setting. It is all’for you— our customer. . Max Kohlhagen, Proprietor JAMESTOWNDRYDODSSTORE Jamostowti, Ohio . loyalty to her Sunday.School Class and the other organizations of the church. If at all ahle, she was present a t the monthly meetings of the class, always willing to take her turn in entertaining dr in doing the other things requested of her. I t means so much in the success of any class to have those who are loyal to .it—those _we_knouc_wfi can- dependupoh-4» strengthen'it-by their presence—not oecfisjonally, ^ whenever they can possibly do so. , Mrs. Huffman had a fine spirit of neighboriiness, and was always.,glad share anything she had. She loved the. beautiful flowers God has given us; and spent much time among her own flowers, enjoying them herself and always being glad to share them w th sonie one else so t,lmt they too might enjoy their beauty. So many of us are so busy searching for the big things in life that we pass unnoticed the modest violet in our own garden; but Mrs. Huffman saw .the true loveli­ ness of the flowers and they greatly enriched her life. ... ^ Like most mothers, her thoughts The visit of Dr. Sherwood Eddy to the College campus was the occasion for an intercollegiate conference on a scale which has* not been attempted for some time. Dr. Eddy's morning address to the college assembly,., in the chapel, was devoted to an analysis of the interna­ tional situation. He discussed the gen­ eral breakdown of international re­ sponsibility, and the| various factors involved in it. A short ‘period of questions and answers followed his talk. V • . ‘ At 4 p. m.,yin the. Alford Gymnasium, a large group assembled from this community and from the surrounding -colleges- JEresident -find—Mrs. A--.. D. Henderson “of- Antiocir College, "Dr7 Milton, S. J. Wright and a group of students from Wilberforce. Profes­ sors Hall, Farr, and Wakemap and a large number of Wilmington stu­ dents were among the guests at the Tea-Forum sponsored jointly by the Cedarville Y. M. C. A, arid Y. W, C. A. ’ At the afternoon session, Dr. Eddy continued the line of thinking he had introduced a t the morning assembly. In brief introductory remarks.. he. spoke of the necessary prerequisites to the construction of an intelligent world order, and Indicated that these must somehow be.on a more Christiun level than at present or in the pn°t The discussion following his tuik jm M iiiiiiiim iiiiiiiK iiiiiiiitiiiijiiiiniiijiiiijiiitiittjifuiiiiiiiiim iiiiiitM iiiitilH iiifiiifiiiim iiiitH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM M U iiiiiilM tiitl I STANDARD GRADES OF j I GENUINEPFISTERHYBRIDS j STILL AVAILABLE | SEE OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE . ' ’ CARL SPRACKLIN / | CEDARVILLE, OHIO Huin 1 iiinmi<i,iini,iniin liMiiiMiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiMMimiimiiiiiiiiiiiti miminimiinn r r Those applying for auto license tags’must keep in mind they are re­ quired to present their bills of sale a t the time, The only person that were largely for her children and, can. get tags is the one whose name their welfare. Their interests; their is. on the lull of sale or certificate of title. If in two names both must sign the application blank, Airs. Mary Pickering is the local registrar. troubles her troubles; and their hap piness her happiness, also. Yes, we shall miss Mrs; Huffman here; hut wo cannot help but think Latest best'seller brought thrllllngly to life on the screen by 20th Century Fox in Zano Gray's "Western Union, Technicolor pro­ duction which opens at the Regent Theater in .Springfield on Thursday. A trigger fast action film o •fthe roaring West, It depicts the building of the telegraph lino from- )Omaha to Salt Lake City. Produced on a spectacular scale, “western Union has a supurb cast headed by Robert Young, Randolph Scott, Dean Jagger and Virginia Gilmore. “Western Ufilon opens .In the boom days of Omalia, answering tho East's plea for a rapid means of communication with the west, a Western. Union caravan under Edward Creighton (Dean Jagger) la headed westward across prairie and plain where death strikes swiftly and silently by too arrows of the savage Sioux, . UncalledFar Merchandise-FromLeans Suits, Topcoats $ 4.96 up Table and Auto'Rudies $ 3 . 95 , $ 4.96 up. Shot Guns, Rlfiss $ 2.96 up, Hand Rags, Suit Casas 97 o up, Wrist Watches, Rookst Wnteha*—Ladtss’ end Man’s $ 8,96 up. Genuins Diamonds—Ladles’ and Msh's $ 6 , 16 , $ 7.95 up, Money loaned on Watches, Diamonds, Radios, Clothing,. Type­ writers, Guns, Cameras, Luggage, 65 W. tfafri St. Springfield, Chlo Open Kvenlnge, BfiB LOANOFFICE T h r i f t y S h o p p e r s throughoutti*Miamivaue, are planning to take advantage of the savings offered in fTLCV <rvlcf); U E SERVES his _ 1 party best who serves his country best, Rutherford B. Hayes to M m M tt IntugutMl l i i r t t t (M treb S, 1177). P ttM U ia t H iyts Incurrti th* iitllk t «/ ptlltlclMns by Securing tbu the PtetlSent theuld alweyt be mtnSlul that ceuatry rinks ebeve yerty, ■ You will find every department in the store offering Rike-Kumier qualify merchandise at especially low prices. New spring clothes tor your entire family as well as furniture’, home appllariees and household needs— all at Anniversary Sale savings. Plan yotir shopping trip Ho Dayton. Join the crowd at RIke’s. •listen each morning to Cornelia On-the-Air at 10:30 over WHI Sec the famous C & O -Miniature Railroad Exhibit in Rike’s Auditorium. Four complete trains in actual motion. No chi. ge lot admission.* ■ if The MKE-KUMLER Company DAYTON, OHIO . F. E. HARPER '-N ' Plumbing of All Kinds Bath-room E qu ipm en t M odern K itch en S ink s H o t W a te r Heating Let us Quote you Prices