The Cedarville Herald, Volume 64, Numbers 27-52

. ' *v ------ ..^z, <C»».-jaWijfc ,.+£&i~-<L. ' ’“^-"“Mm iR^|fessnr" - • .'.***». r-*-*— ■. • y ^ | y «i ♦ BHI|!Wi>n|l»lluai|in»wn>wataljaiiU<a*iWiaBlMUmmi*g [towm ias fo r Auusrica f or Amarlami* ji f f w i i i i i Wtt at, »$* In Jh Jm jm a *m ■^Ws'WVvto* iM A Dp ngn Mpl =*SS n M m m m . m c m m v n i M m SM p , MBfBWWRI SMMHH o o c a r r m w s By CLARENCE J, BROWN Member o f Congress, Seventh Ohio District ■ Persistent whispers have been going through official circles in Washington duringthe past few days that under­ cover peace negotiationsare being .car­ ried on in Europe and. that there ie a possibility that hostilities may come to an end within the next month or so. Of course, no official, confirmation of the rdmors ’can be obtained, and it is impossible to learn definitely just what is going on behind the interna* tional scenes. .However, there are many people, who-zhould be in posi­ tion to know, who are firmly convinced that a-considerable number o f British leaders knew that •Rudolf Hess was coming to England, while Hitler and other German leaders knew -that Hess -was going to England- And as a stale­ mate becomes more likely, as A result o f the inability o f the Axis Powers to invade England or o f the British to get a foothold oh the Continent, and .both-, sides continue to suffer heavy losses from air bombings, many think­ ing people are beginning to believe that the time is hear for the working oat o f some sort o f a settlement that Will end the struggle. 1 w m m m w te Chargfeg nsgfcut mud cruelty and •••king eustsdy e f three minor child­ ren and temporary alimony, Mildred LaMar aidesa.diverse from Albert La­ Mar, Xenia, jn a suit filed this Week in common pleas court. The .couple was married Kaaeh 21,1226, at Rich­ mond, Ind. * GRANT DIVORCES The following divorces were award­ ed; Harold L. Camden from Cleon Camden, on hi* cross-petition charging cruelty and neglect, custody of two children to plaintiff; August E, Keiser from Octavine M. .Keiser, neglect charge; MaryLyons from Sam Lyons, confinement in Ohio penitentiary charge, custody of minor child to the plaintiff; Cjuilmer H. Wheeler from Dallas Wheeler, cruelty and neglect Charge, restored to her former name o f Pallas-Fugate; and Nellie M, Lyric from Elmer F. Lyric, cruelty. CASES DISMISSED These cases were dismissed; Citizens NationalBank,-Xenia, against Chester M. preston, and others; Clauer Bros., Co,, against Tony Kline; and Eva Naragon against T. ,E. Kline and others. * The President’s recent ten day ill­ ness has demonstrated how completely he has’centered all-power o f 'decision and much of the supervision, in con­ nection with the Operation of Federal affairs, in himself. As a result many o f the functions o f government -Were slowed down while important govern­ mental policies'Temain Unfixed during the President’s illness. Even Mr. Roosevelt’s closest friends realize’that it is impossible for any one individual to .’act wisely and promptly on the manyproblems that the President has insisted ‘ must come to his desk'for final approval and settlement. Because ,of anwaitegness, lack o f ability, or some other reason, the President has conwstently failed sndrefused todele- igate .any important powers or func­ tions fa hi* aebondmates. - .sgaeeh> iii which' he set forth a five’ point prsgram that should be followed ■after pease comes to the world, has created a gnat''deal o f .talk and dis­ cussion here. 'W h ile/of Course, many .Administration “claquers” have been calltogMr. Hull’s effort a great speech and all o f that* there are many who consider itemuOh below-the standard set ;by the Secretary o f State in the past, and consider Indication that eifeher he was voicing theTopiniotis of others or tjiat Tennessean is beginning to slip q^, bit. The central theme e f the whole Hull -speech was free trade. He was plainly against protective tariffs and insisted that raw material supplies must be.made avail­ able ta all ,nations without discrimina- tisn. Just haw Mr. Hull qxpects the United Elates to continue its present wage rates, working schedules and bighapton* of living, and still compete with the -ptodusts o f the low Wages aad long" hours o f industrial Europe, without thd protortion o f proper tar­ iffs on imports, is more than most observers haw bees able to figure out. * - . -Jh.-.a.i,— .e * Therefore many familiar with the European situation who are insisting that i f any,o f the plans suggested by Herbert Hoover, Anne Morgan, Count Chambeos, or other humanitaxiaas, for feeding o f the helpless, agsd wo­ menand chikiren -of compared France and the Lowland Countries, had beau adopted and put into effect France might^net Leva so readily made her recent agreement with the Axis Pow­ ers. All of the plans celled for the setting up o f sratasroa* food kitchens lor the feeding of needy civilians hi the deVssted areas under the supervi* jrion o f an international committee. Food supplies far web kitchens’ tise would be sent on “mercy *hi<ps” to be passed through the blockade under an •fftwmant with the belligerents. Not aver a weak’s supply o f food stuffs would be in Storage in the conquered area at any one time, thus eliminating any possible Use e f such teqd for-mili­ tary purposes. According to reports, Axis propagandists used the refusal of the British to agree to such a feed- tog plan for the civilian population as A means o f turning public opinion .against the British and In favor-of to* Germane. . APPOINTMENTS MADE Appointed this week in probat^ court were: J, A..-Finney, .as administrator, estate o f Joanna-T. Smith, late o f Wit berforce, under $2,500 bond; Lillian "Wolfe and Richard Clark, co-executors o f estate of Martha E. Kaiser,- late of Xenia city, under $6,000 bond; Rus- sefl B. Stewart, executor, estate Al­ bert J. Drake, late o f Osborn, without bond; Willie Troute and Dora M. Troute, co-executors, estate’ of J, S. Thomas,* late o f Silvercreek Twp., without bond; J. D. Ankeney and Karl W-. Ankeney, co-executors, estate of Emma K. Ankenty, late of Beaver­ creek Twp.; Mildred H, Galloway, ad­ ministratrix, estate o f John H. Gallo- way, late of Xenia city, under $lG,- €00 bond; Robert W» Cook and Helen Stoncbumer, co-administrators, estate of Harry E. Cook, under, $2,000 bond; and Carrie Fitzgerald, administratrix, estate o f Wllliam B. Fitzgerald, late o f Yellow Springs,‘under $100 bond,. - a p p r a ise esfath s - ‘ ^ Appraisals wmu ttisdeitrthfe fofldw- ing estates; . Joseph Coble; gross Value, $200; obligations, not listed; net value, noth-’ ing. ' / . - • .j James H. Penewit: gross value, $2,- 490; obligations, not listed; net value, $2,490. Lavema Kate Wolf; gross value, $82,280.11; debts, $809.39; costs o f ad­ ministration, $150; net value, $31,020.- 72. " o S j ^ m SSweuam m s Jl wWJWCWI w9wB U tt fW bU ttf; Q m y t e B f f t a r . Voting in to* wheat marketing quota referendum in Greene County will start promptly at 7:00 A. M., Satur­ day, in 1$ polling places, it was an­ nounced this week by the Greene County AAA Committee, Polls will close at 5:00 P .M . Two-thirds of the fanners voting in the referendum must -approve^ the quotas before they become effective, Chairman Joseph B. Mason explained. If approved, farmers- who have plant­ ed within 1941 wheat,allotments are not affected. They may market or feed any or all the wheat produced within their allotments. On toe other hand, farmers who have oyer-planted their allotments may market or feed- wheat grown within the allotment or- fed above allotment. ' I f quotas are rejected, no wheat loana will be offered on toe 1941 Wheat crop, With a carryover o f 400 million bushels of wheat facing farmers, and a bumper 1941 wheat crop anticipated the issue facing farmers, the chair, -man declared, is a choice between price-supporting whsat loans or cheap wheat.' - . The committee urged every eligible wheat grower in the county to vote in this, the first national wheat referen­ dum. in history. - Below are listed the official polling: places tor Greene County: * •*Bath Townshjp- 7 -Vote in Township House-in, Fairfield, Ohio. Beavercreek Township—Vote in Vo- Ag. Room, Beavercreek High School. Caesarcreek Township—Vote, in too Caesarcreek Consolidated School. ' Cedarville Township—Vote in Trus­ tee Office, ■’ Jefferson Township—Vote in Town­ ship House. Miami Township—Vote in Trustee Office, New Jasper Township—Vote in the Township House. Ross Township—r-Vofce in Township House.- * Silvercreek Township—Vote in the Trustee Office. Spring Valley Township—Vote in Township House, Sugarcreek Township—Vote in the Township House. . .. Xenia Township—Vote in Assembly Room,.Court House, Lo c k Did Fe* Had N<s While must vote tor their hide we what a one time ley Rohm, did partner on toe southwest of came to South county to 1914 farm. HO apj who rented south of Cbarh this farm four y TODAY, MAY 30, 1041 «* ¥ ' mmhmm m m A m m P fil'lH W A n ! Quota being told they control to save the history of tennant, S. Wes- 4i and his co# 550-acre farm, Solon. Mr. Rohm leston from Pike ing tor a level Mr. H. O. Cope — 218-acre farm iflMsn. He stayed pn jramk, In 1917 a part- The French, taapproatomen^.with Germany, mid her other former cne- Mlei miMiig up tiw Axis greup ha* b*o«ffht a number of perplexing prob­ lem* fer officialdom h e* to worry over. France has a M » t » r o f lilxnd : peeeeeetoMi to the Western Hemi- -ttih’ rr **ar the tlhitod itoto*, *a well m tondtory to geuth America. Wheth- tfim W m iM p*g* im ) MARRIAGE LICENSES (Granted) Carl Jos.ephBookwalter, Dayton, R. R. 1, machinist and Martha Lee Horn­ er, Yellow Springs. Rev. Vernon Van Buren,'Wilmington. Joseph, D’Angelo, Welisvifie, rail­ road car repairman, and Ernestine El­ ton, 132 Walnut St.', Yellow Springs. ,, Ralph Leslie Cook, 68 N. Fifth St., Columbus, laborer, and Albert Pearl Wilhelm, Osborn, R. R, 1. Henry C. Simons,. 1155 E. 57th St;, Chicago, HI, economist, and Marjorie Powell, 123 -Whiteman St„ Yellow Springs. Rev, J. W. Clutter, Yellow Springs. Scott H. Hopkins, Bellbrook, as­ sembler, and Virginia R. Barton, Bell- brook. Charles Clayton Haines, Xenia, R. R. 1, laborer, and Glendola Marie Shaw, Xenia, R. R, 1. Rev. Morris, Springfield. Lawrence A, Martin, 10 Stelton rd., soldier, and Amelia S. Charles, 2.10 Chestnut St. ■ Richard Atkins Poling, Fairfield, R. R, 8, cook, and Dot Prilcilta Wolfe, Dayton, R. R. 8. , (Refased) A marriage lk*nsd was .refused Clarence Porter, 1027 E. Sfccond St., Xenia, and Mary Frances Martin, who gave her Xenia address as “ 65 Joseph Ave/’, becsMee o f nen-reeidente. :v' Farm Bureau Field ■TW * ’w., S . I.,,*. ^ ^ , Day, September l6 The third annual state wide Farm Bureau Field Day will be held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds, Columbus, on Tuesday, Sept. 16, it was announced last week by L. J. Bennett, director of organization and distribution, Ohio Farm Bureau, Columbus. Program tor the annual review of Farm Bureau activities and co-operat­ ive services will again include a huge beef barbecue tor 25,000 persons, ex­ hibits, and a parade of County Farm Bureau floats and activity groups; An added feature this year will be a pageant depicting the objectives and Work o f Farm Bureau Cooperative organizations. Groups from all parts of the state will participate. nership wOs arranged and Rohm took over the Cor* 556-acre farm that he leaves now to retire and look after his own private j&terCsts.* The'part­ nership lasted 13 years and then Rohm took the farm on a tosh basis and operated it at a profit during what we- have heard were depression times and; farm prices. In the meantime Core! 4tod Kehm were recognized a s ' the largest and most successful hog toed-' era’ in Central Ohio. And all this .be­ fore the days o f crop control, farm crop loans andYfm killing of little' Pig?. 'In recent years Rehm even while, managing the Cora’farms and continu­ ing successful' profit feeding, ’pur-] chased several farms, He owns a) farm near Florence Switch operated by his son-in-law, Ray Gordon, where 275 hogs are being fed;: another farm southeast o f Springfield operated by another son-in-law, . .Carl Tooker where they are feeding 200 head of hogs; and a Half Interest with H. O. Core in a farm west of South Solon .where they are toCtling 250 hogs un­ der the manage&eht o f his son, Luther. On the Bfifi acre farm owned by Core, Mr, Rehm is feeding 700 head o f hogs. . ~ Mr. and Mrs. Rehm aremoving into South Charleston • where they have purchased the elegant home of R. B. Dewey, and from there hC will direct the operation o f M* own farms. What a profitable 27 years the Core and Rehm tenant association has been' to both! Hie record stands in strong contrast to the Henry A, Wallace farm plan of government mortgages on farm land and mortgages on crops against the Core-Rehm plan o f cash farm opera­ tion. The farm profit fdr tenant oper­ ator Rohm wo* tote ate 1>p to mort­ gage interest, wfuclf accounted tor much o f hi* success. Credit farming requires a split profit or two profits, one for the tenant and the other tor the mortgagee, whether it is Uncle Sam, the banker or the ythree-ball agent with his three per cent monthly loan plan of, easy payments. Rablea Increase J m Nearby Ceunties IMWs* I* *h tha teem*** to g*igk- boring emintia* especially Hamilton, Warren, Montgomery and CUnton. It is absolutely necessary that tha rabies quarantine in Greens County he ob­ served. The Health Depertment i* re­ questing all officials to rigidly ©n- tofee the dog quarantine, This is be­ ing done with the id** o f preventing the rooccuranee of a rabies epidemic. Again Health' Department officials wish to recommend that all dog own- trs have dogs immunised if this ha? not been done within the last nine months. They especially worn persons living on boundary lines o f above mentioned counties. - AH dog owners should cooperate by keeping dog* confined on property at all "times, Fanners To i m 1942 * W h e a t A c v e s f e C u t B r ^ 0 9 Q » 9 0 0 A c r e s The battle bebwse* the tom to* tereetsto Congree* m i the New Deal* ers after days *<bickering ended Mon­ day when Roosevelt signed the Smith- Fultner bill granting .government loans equal to 85 pgr emit o f parity prices on wheat, cotton, corn, tobacco and rice. « - <r State Fair Pageant To Depict Ohio’s Part' In Growth Of U. S. A musical pageant depicting Ohio’s •part jn the founding, growth and de­ velopment of the United States will be the nightly grandstand attraction at the Ohio State Fair,Aug. 23-29. Announcing that he had contracted for the production with WLW Pro- ductlons, Inc., o f Cincinnati, John T. Brown; state director of agriculture, said that it Would be presented from a $2,0Q0 revolving Stage .and would re­ quire a cast of 100 actors, singers and dancers and two carloads, of set-’ tings and costumes,’ , Entitled ’‘By Dawn’s Early Light,” the spectacle wjll be directed by Ho­ ward Tooley of Chicago, director o f special events at last year’s New York- World Fair and producer of patriotic: pageants at the^Centucy of Progress' Exposition in Chicago in 1933-34. Brown said the Littlefield ballet o f the Chicago Opera Company would have a part in the production which' will have its premier performance in Ohio at the fair. The White House made Democratic congressional leaders promise that be­ fore he would sign the W&OfliOfiQQ appropriation for cash parity pay. ments they must agree that the ori gixai budget estimate o f $8Z$,9fiO,0O0 must be the limit. Congressional lead­ ers are credited with agreeing to- the planwhich leaves the entire plan up to the air. v ’ < In addition the White House’forced the Department of-Agriculture to cu t the 1942 wheat acreage from 62,000,. 000 to 55,000,000. This would reduce the farm wheat'’ crop, and keep the- farmer from getting the advantage of higher income tor his wheat due to what,is termed a ."bottom” or 85c. loan price. The whest,aereagefor l941 was reduced' about ten per cent over the 1940 acreage. , Milk Production Ahead Of Last Year The Old Cedarville ' f . m . fo ster Call Issued For Boys In 21 Class Tlie New Deal this week issues a call for the registration o f all hoys who have reached the age o f 21 since October 16th last. They must register on July .first for camp training in preparation for Roosevelt’s army abroad. The idea is to get as young a men as possible to eliminate the claim of dependency. None will be made officers over night as in the case of the Roosevelt boys. ' ATTENDEDGENERAL SYNOD IN DARLINGTON, PA. Dr. F, A. Jurkat o f thf* Jtoce and Rev/ Robert Stewart of Marissa, 111., returned here Monday after attend­ ing the General Bynod o f the Reform­ ed Presbyterian Church o f North America in Darlington, Pa. Rev. Stewart returned' to hi* heme Tues­ day after * short vieit with his father- in-law, Mr, W. JfL Creswtil and other relatives. commencement . d inn er The ladtee o f the Methodist Church announce the annua! dinner on .June tth, the day o f Cedarville College Commencement, The price is 46c per plate. Alt resemtion* should be made SrHh Mr*. Chari** Ximhatt. Mrs. EmmaMcCallister Ervin Died Sunday Mrs, Emma McCallister Ervin, of Xenia, died at the McClellan Hospital, Sunday afternoon at tour o’clock, fol­ illness o f several months. She was the daughter Of George and Addie GreerMcCallister, and was born In Clinton County and lived in Xenia since 1805. She was married to Ben L, Chambliss, Xenia, August 29, 1900„ and he died August 22,1931, Her mar­ riage to Charles Ervin, Xenia, took place October 22, 1935, and he pre­ ceded her in death February 12,1936. She was a member of the First Metho­ dist Church,A . C, Turrell, W. C. T, U„ and the Xenia Sunshine Society. Surviving are the following brothers and sisters: W. B, McCallister, Mrs. Edward A. Kern and Mrs, Carl S. Van Horn, Xenia; Clyde McCallister, Ce- darrille; Mrs. D. M. Zrimer, Fort Wayne, Ind., and ‘Mrs, John Spnhr, Jamestown. _ Funeral service* Were conducted from the Neeld Funeral Home, Xenia, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, in charge o f Dr; R, B. Wilson, of the First Methodist Church, Burial took place in Woodland Cemetery. If readers of The Herald -should meet up with “The Buckeye Country” , a hook by Harlart Hatcher, Prof, of English in Ohio State University, they will reluctantly take time out, tor it is packed full of most interest­ ing information about good Old Ohio. It is a book o f more than 300 pages and goes back to the time When all west of the Allegheny Mountains was practically unknown—-just woods, and morewoods. Prof.Hatcher shows how the State was carved out o f the best soil and was the most advantageously placed in all the Great Northwest Ter­ ritory, All the great highways and all the great railroads must pass through Ohio. Prof. Hatcher writes as if he was explaining the country to a group of listeners. He is a native, his great grandfather being among the first settlers. The Professor saw the scar* Of a panther’s claw* on the head o f a very,old relative. The beast crept up as they were Sleeping around a camp fire, It just missed getting * sufficient hold, though it tore to the hope. This show* why the trusty long-barrelled rifle was hung over the fire-place; for there were wolves desperately hungry, running in packs, in the wild snow- covered forests, * To We Ohioans, “The Mftssics Creek” and “Little Miami” parts are the best, with Cedarville Towpship the “Show Place” in ail, The hook mentions Xenia, and Old Chillicothe and Yellow Springs where Daniel Webster some­ times summered. Nor Was Ohio set­ tled by a few families locating here and there; hut what might be called mass migration; coming from Con­ necticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, and some from the Carolina* and Tennessee to get away from slavery, The tome o f Ohio spread like wlldrflre and the trek was on. Especially was this so with refer, ence to Cedarville Township. Fami­ lies o f a neighborhood' would harness up their toiir-hom teams to tha Con­ estoga, with its high front and back; load up household goods and the family; and with a crack of tha long blacksnake whip ana a shoqt they ............ i. >........................ Cfreene County dairymen during the first the©* mmitiw oL lM l aold'1^89,-. 388 lb*, o f milk and'milk equivalent, valued at $41,269.08, to The Borden Company’s branches in Xenia, Dayton and Springfield, according to the com , pany’s regular quarterly report on milk receipts. «' ■: -• . 'V *■ , "1 Ip the corresponding period of 1040, the company bought from Greene Co. farms 2,021,355 lbs. of milk, costing $42,094.06. In addition, the county shipped substantial quantities o f cream to Borden’s of Spjringfleld, Current production in the Dayton- Springfield area is running ahead of last year, according to surveys made by two of the companies on May 15. Borden’s pf Springfield found that av­ erage daily production per farm on that, date was 226 lbs.,* as compared with 217 lbs. on the same date to 1940. At Borden's Finch Farms of Dayton it was found average daily per farm production was 168 lb*>> a* compared with 149 lbs. on the same date In 1940, Cong. Brown Named On Commitiee To , Study Farm Frobiem * \ ■ T— ' ‘ A dispatch from Washington, Mon­ day stated that Hon. Clarence J. Brawn, congressman for the Seventh Ohio District'had been^named on an executive eommittee to decide in what sections of the natioivthe organization would conduct hearings,tef obtain the opinions and .assistance'of considering agricultural problems, • The appointment was made by Clif­ ford. R /H ope, Republican, Kansas, Chairman of the Republican’ Farm Study Committee. - The Herald comraunicated with Con­ gressmanHrown,. Monday, and sug­ gested that such a meeting be held in Xenia' tor this section, o f the state, the meeting to be held, in the Central. High School Field'House; Outside,the' ws* question the farm problem is the next in importance with the people if congressional mail is an indication. t m w m VOTE REPORTED ON CONTEST ' IN CENTENNIAL .CELEBRATION The following is the vote with the leaders in the county in the Dayton- MSami Valley Centennial Contest, Ruth Covault, Xenia, loads in Greene county with 662,016 votes, The vote of the local contestants this week is: Wanda Hughes, 418,446; Frances Pat­ ten, 399,191 and BettyTruesdale, 308,- 481. AAA Salary Comes - From Columbus In our recent issue commenting on the comparison o f cost o f operation of the county AAA: a* reported by Treasurer Herman Eavey and the re­ port issued by the Department of Agriculture in Washington, the state­ ment was made that. Messrs. Mason, Bradfute, Eavey, Stoneburner drew two salaries, one from toe funds al­ located the county on d percentage basts and the other from the govern­ ment. Following that statement the Herald suggested a statement from the committee. Our statement Was based on.figures our 'representative gathered in discussing the matter some time previous with Mr. Eavey, Mr, Eavey, speaking fo r ‘the com­ mittee,'says the salaries are paid out of the Columbus office and exhibit* toe monthly payroll. In comparison of the cost of operation in the county be­ tween the two sets o f figures Mr. Eavey has asked the department to break down its figures given, the Herald to see what all is included. He agrees to- give us ‘ this information upon receipt from Washington, It has never been stated or intimated at any time that any member o f the committee had drawn a salary illegal­ ly, only over the manner in which the salary was paid, direct, from Colum­ bus, Washington, ©r how it was based. <C0*ti»i*d *tt lia tpk f* } Ten Selectees Left F oif Cfymp Wednes, The following conscrlptees and two .volunteers in the county left Xenia Wednesday tor camp at Fort Thomas, Ky. . ■ ’ They were Wendell Leonard, Xenia, R. R. 3 ; Virgil Stanton Gill, James­ town, R. K. 2 (both Volunteers); Har­ old Wilbur -Baynard, Xenia, R, R. 1; Calvin Owen Dellaven, Osborn, R. R. 1; Benjamin Henry Hotopp, Dalyton, R. R. 8; and Charles Ltmn Whitting­ ton, Cedarville. The city-township hoard's quota o f tour men were Henry Clay Free, 282 s. West St.; Robert William Hornlck, 126 W. Third St.; Charle* William Donley, 62$ S. Detroit St.; and Rich­ ardRobert Luce, Hill St, Three Negro** will represent the board* June 2 tor the sixteenth call. They are Frank Russell TranSus, Wil- berforce, and James Bell Leroy, 420 K. Market St., for the city hoard, and Edward G. Melton, Cedarville, R. K, 1, tor to* county board, Sagefi* Willi*,’ colored, CedarviU*, left Tuesday for ?ort Thomaa, Harry D. Smith Talks ’ To Republican Women Attorney Horry D, Smith, Xenia, gave a talk Monday 'evening in com­ mon,pleas court room before the Greene County Republican Women’* organization on “The ’Constitution at the United Stat es , The manner o f drafting the document, the purpose and present day application. Delegates to the Republican Women’* conference reported on the resent meeting in Golumbua. Dates o f future meeting* in the county were announc­ ed as follows: June 23, Joy! 28, Aug. 25, Sept, 22, Oct. 27. i CONGRESS YIELDS TO CUT IN FARM PARITY FAYMttNT* Wednesday Senate and House con­ ferees agreed to the Whit* H#tfsa de- mand. to reduce term norite UMMsote from $450,000,600 to $212^06,000. Union labor protested the high Star* that It would iiHtttw to* tort e f Br­ ing store too* 16 pm »*& tendBee**" •velt demanded a reduction wr a threatimed vote. Commencement artfrtoee .M i to# . center o f attesties dfctrfag toe torn- iug week. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • . ■ The ftetorttmreuto sewiea wffl he , held to Utotedi Ptoskyteries (Mspeh# Bupday evMmr, June J, -at *s66 F .4f. President W. S. JDlpafariokw fllprcaeh tii© batoateortote *enutob Marie, ter the occasion will he .smde* to* disse. tioft o f Mrs. David H, Mavkle aai wiU include numbers by to* eefiega cbete and a tenor sol©by Ted Janies, senior. At 4^0 Monday afteraeoa, toewto-y' dent* to toe dtoertment o f musteeSE present a program to the eoBsveaM*- el. ’ TheCedar Day pregramwlll*heheld in the Alford Memorial Gymaeatew, and will lOdhl, A<So* pro­ gram‘ha* been planndd W to# •earn* mittee under toe direction of-MK©*- Margaret Nieatrath. In toe afternoon o f G©dor D#g to * Cedarville College hesetejll teotei Will meet, Wilberforce on toe eelegd Do-' mond. * , The annual meeting o f tlte Bsaed o f Trustee* will begin at 0i8$ A : Et. , Thursday, June 5. The annual alumni tangurt -IWl businesa meeting will be held in Al­ ford Memorial Gymnasium Thursday evening,, June 6 with dinner served at 7:00 p . M. All alumni sre aaged to make early roservatiosa with M te Glenna Basore, alumni secretary.. The week’* program wjltt h*;riimak- • ed with cpmmehcemeat eKtociso* Fri­ day morping, June 6, begtootoc e t 10:00. The exercises Will he heid ;to the United Presbyterian Church; President Kenneth I. Erawn.‘*f;.Datti- ©on University will be .the speaker. Music will be furnished •fay^toe'Gti.- man Trio, o f Springfield. A baseball ganmM^eto toe-toBfigh team and the alumni will beitiMMte*- ture’ o f the afternoon (ff rinENSience- ment iday. Cedarville ColIege Aiamid: - 'Please sendin yourreemwatioM'ffer toe alumni banquet to Miss Gkiuia Basore, alumni secretary. Dither-write or call the college office, <6-1041><e* - (6-2433). Dinner , will be seevrii ; promptly at 7:06 ptm. An tetDetotteg’ p ig m hurinto* -meetiartoto*WM]te an informal social periode«d daMWiig. u ...................................i ............ * , - r J : Pig Club ‘MbmbdrM Can Enter Contest ». A - *•. .. j -Sv •• r. :'V. ■ > kiaSn# j i |i nail * » 1 Anjr pig club member in fittn e County who owns one onniore fpiw*- bred Hampshire sow* or gilts is eli- gible to compete in the -1941 National, Hampshire Pig Club Contest. .HOm- - dreds of prizes—including * J lD bred sow, a$76-pair o f uwslariwLptge,. a $60 giltr-will be .owardSdftovboy* who make outstanding MCoeds wtih their Hampshire litter projects. ' - A speCiat prize a t * , “ Cowpleta Hampshirer'Dreeder’s Bu»ly,K lt,'.wril be awarded.1by DebMn* #;Ewtos;.'Qi- darville, Ohio to tim- GaMa Cttnrtr pig club number who ranks -highest in toe National Hampshire gontest. This prize “Kit” inriurise a dwrd reCr ord bo#k, pig **r masker, stoeldmita knife and zttbecriptteu to .to* breed magazine, “Hampshkw HtodtaHtm” The first price wiaaar train Sfoath- west Ohio will sdee be Wpandsd $n outstanding registered HOUpshlre weanling sow phr to additfam t* tow special county and natisnal prizes. All contestants are else riig j il* to win $4^00 to spuria! ***k p*6**toat are efferod to Hawpwhira. istiDli riw at 1941 state fairs nod $rt *ta*k show*. The effkiai trie* *Bdi.*»rtry hktak . for toe N*ttaw*l JS*«**blr* 3tfg Oeb Contest may ha obtained kg writijif Hempefeira Bwtoe Dsghdiy, Pitari#, ID. goth 4-H Ctob tteriher* uiriwte- dente to vaoatienal agriaiMswr «w riigible. Cattatety BiMtd , 1 Elect* OffleerB At a1msilia it ‘a t Dm tauritae* e f *n.w w iw e w u i m was anPiage* u w w Masetee Oraek DiLmi SfesOiMki DBy ffe in f QD y POTI WVvf W fH iip i VT* v* Riff, Con- toy. H u risotto* At offfcurawte* m m m m m . o . w m w m m i j , ’% tWW .swrii 'jMHMi Bull sh i mtoitopiitotoWiiPi Cteu-ks M. HastotoJIato Bi* tefl llrt Friday evririftf «n l surtonriy to- Ittred hto right ontti*. Mb .mg-,^ng||^ iMHtMBtteiiA imi iiw w w v seiw ou*e w^wimmnsuipr ©ew w s s . sjvw i