The Cedarville Herald, Volume 64, Numbers 27-52
Cfab md SocialActivities ° ir. sa* lb s . R**kto1ta9C]S»a aai «WW»« Jefcs «e4 Jane, Wm Mm* MarMiSua awl Mr, Js#oa Yesqpa, *f West HBtta*, m toaed t o t Friday from * ate* day trip tiwmgk MWti- v*> T h syag toasu im idsjset Lake Msnurtique to th* Upper FenimWla. Miss Berth* Owes* is apMsettng *«v- •r*l week* visiting: la MIKord, O., with her brother and da»*ht«r-m-l*w, Mr,' and Mrs. Raymond Ovren*. ' Miss Margaret Bailey leftThursday for a two week’s visit with friend* end relatives in Cleveland, O. Mrs, Aims Wilson he* returned after a two week’s Visif with. her daughter, Mrs, Dellon Kahle, Ft, Wayne, Jnd, Robert -Wilson made a trip there last week-end and accom panied hi* mother home, Miss Anna Smith has taken a posi tion at Wright Field, Dayton, in,the personnel department. Miss Alice Marie Spracklen, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spracklen, has returned from Dayton where she visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Craig,- Mr. and Mrs. C. P. RitefcJ* 4mm Us, warn mm * visi tors with their parents at CedarviMs. . H*a,._ Retort MacGregor and two daughters, whd have been visiting in Oranga, Ma**, for several weeks, re turned home Wednesday. Reeent guests in the homes of Dr, and Mrs. C. M. Ritchie and Mr, art! Mrs. A. E. Huey were Prof, and Mrs. C, P, Ritchie and.daughter, Jane Dee, of Pittsburgh, Pa., also Mr. and Mrs. W, J, S. Hemphill and granddaughter Mary Sidney, Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs, R, W. Hemphill o f St- Louis, Mo. W, J. S. and R, W, Hemphill are brother# o f Mrs, Ritchie and Mrs, Huey. . ■ Rev. and Mrs. Day Kennedy o f the Sugar Creek U, P, Church congrega tion called on Mr, and Mrs. A. E Kuey, Monday. Mr. andJU^S. J. S. West arrived home Monday from Eggertsville N, Y., where they visited their son-in-law and daughter) Mr; and A* Hutchinson,. Jr., for several Weeks. John Eldon Zimmerman, Old Port, O., has been .the guest for several, days o f his uncle and-aunt, -Mr,'and Mrs. Raymond T. Williafeson. - ^Thirty-five persons, attended the An derson picnic held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Estle,' near Clifton, last Saturday. They were descend ants of John and Harriet Truesdale Anderson, pioneer residents of Clifton and came from Gpliimbus, Springfield and Dayton to the reunion. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A- Jamieson ieft Monday on_a two week’s vacation, to be speqt in Illinois and Wisconsin, They will visit a brother of Dr, Jamieson, in Monmouth, Illinois, and spend Sabbath; at Hanover, Illinois, with Mr#, Jamieson’s people. Then on to Milwaukee to spend ten days at the Downer Home, with Rev. and Mrs. Frank E. Wiley. ’ - > - . The Kyle-Jackson annual reunion Will be held in Shawnee Park, Friday, August 22 at 6:30 R. M, MS'mMMIT (MuVCB m. & AIM* W toto Tebptai* $-lftl CWhlStStii N un -* to ........... it fee ........ They Mill*1two sonswtoMInet ito£tjpn«pi wmtimeWm family roof. JtopR He ufcto sett had taken We depegkw* aewae yeers before. Benewt o amminewfids peti tion. Edgar the yonegor son was due to go aeon and the peettsg wo«dd be - —-..........., •L - >hard- to ITWIW>n __ J Tke family ww Wm * *&**& evt* UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH porstipn. All their hopes tore oonsid- Rmlnh A. J sm I ams . erod together sine* the boys wore in ♦ “ day S too l 10:00 A. M. Theme, “Dhrktian Ways o f Gaining Income,” Chttrch Secriee lliOO A. M.Sermoa, ♦Tim Art o f Walking”. Note—Church Service Selma—0:00. Sabbath School 10:00 A. M. Supt, Emile Finney. Preaching 11 A. M, Guest Preacher, Dr. D. L, Ferguson, pastor of the United Presbyterian Church o f Hew Castle, Pa., Choir rehearsal Saturday 7:50 R. M No evening services. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Beniamin N. Adams, Agin]star 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School, Mr. H. K. Stormont, Supt. 11 A% M.—Rev, H, G. Wilkerson of the First Presbyterian Church o ! Bridgeton, N. J. will preach. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE .Raymond Strickland, Paator Sunday -School 9:30-10:45 A. M, .Preaching Service 10:45-12:00 N. Superintendent o f Sunday School, Rufus Nance.. Evening ' Junior Service 7:00-7:30 P. M. . Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M, Wednesday—-Prayer meeting 7:30. Hie Madison County Fair will open Sunday and continue" through Thur$- j day, August 21. The racing program 'opens Monday afternoon. - -Mr. Charles Ritchie, Toledo, and Miss Betty Bishop, Dayton, were the guests over .the week-end' o f Mis* Frances Williamson at the home" o f her parents,'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Williamson. ' , ' 1 Miss Nancy .Williamson, who has been attending summer school at the Bowling Green University^ Bowling Green' 0 ., has returned home. Her aunt, Dr. Florence J, Williamson, who teaches at Bowling-Green University, also has -returned to her home in Ce- darville to pass the remainder o f the summer. ' ' V Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Stretmater, of Evansville, Indiana, are announcing the birth of a hoy David Allan, Aug. 9. Mrs. Stretmater was a former Miami County teacher and. frequently visited here, ■ Mr. and Mrs. G, H. Hartman spent several days last week in BettsVille, O,, where their son,. Justin, is pastor if the Methodist .Church, Mr. 'Montgomery West has been ‘lcctcd as principal of a grade school :n Butler County. Miss D.oriS Ramsey as -been elected to teach in the intermediate grades of the Jefferson TWp. schools. Mrs. Martha Pyatte, wife of C, D. Pyatte, new athletic, director o f Cedarville College, has been chosen to teach ih the high school in the same township. Mrs. Pyatte taught last year in the Winston-Salem, N. C;, schools last year. The K. Y. N.1Club held their annual picnic at Bryan State Park yrith fifty member's and families'in attendance, For Sale—Upholstered davenport with two chairs to match. Also one extension table. Call Mrs. Mary Mc Millan, phone 6-1071, Cedarville, tf The annual picnic for the Clan Me ridian wilhbe held at the Alford Gym, Friday, August 15th at 6:30 P. M. Mrs, Wilson Crosby of Boston, !Mas*., is her© on A month’* visit with her mother, Mr* James Mitchell. Married, man with small family de sires to rent form of 100 Or lSO acres on the halves,'can finance himself. In quire Herald Office. Buy a home and apply four rent on the payment. See tu for plans, Ce- »darvill*F«d*r«l S*ving* A Loan Assn. Rev. Paul Duncan and wife of Coulterville, HI., at© guests this week o f the latter’s mother. Mrs. J. H. Stormont and other relatives. The Kensington club held, its regu lar summer picnic Wednesday even ing at .the country home o f .Mr, and Mrs, John A. Davis. Messrs. John^aWd Robert Hemphill of St. Louis, Mo., accompanied by their wives and granddaughter, Mary -.... . v........ Hutchison, were recent visitor* with Mr/ Forrest Nagiey and family of Mrs, C. M. Ritchie and Mrs, A, E, Alexandria, Va., are visiting here with Huey. his parents, Mr< and Mrs-M. C; Nag- ■ ley.. PUBLIC SALE Clean •sweep of all ’my household ROOClS* : ' Wednesday, Aug- 20, 1:30 P. M. 127W. Church St., Xenia, 0 . / Some very rare old piece*,' Ma hogany davenport, and octogon center table. Old chairs. Washing machine, sewing machine, gas range, bedroom outfits, dishes, cooking utensils. Ev erything goes. Don’t miss this one, T . D . S f L U REGENT Bad Abbott and Lon Costello LTOdone it again! Following *!* sir sensational suocww in Utti- wsal’a ’‘Buck Priratea” and Ab* >tt and Co*t*llo and Dick Powalt th© Navy, the#* two stsll*** madlans crash the screen with mm more hilarious performanc** the same company's "Hold That tost,” Which opens today at th* Meant Theater, Equipped with even a more irting story thread than the *ar> » Abbott and Costello vehklea Ml carryiag a more imposing sup rrtlng emit and a* elaborately im* eesly* ssonaUagr "Hold That host" i» probably destined to irpuse.evM the ettotmone piled ttp by UaiT*rs*rs Arq>y 4 Navy iaagh-jeritsw, Abbott and Oostella are in top rm throughout -Hold ThatGhct” rioidotent, IsediBg their andi- ioes mm laugh to hwgh ta ibroke* ohaln. Carlson is «*- lient at th* young doetpr, shar- g tomuM* honors with th* be*** and squally-talented Bveiyn Mrs, Tinsley Com and daughter, Leola, attended a dinner Sunday at the ome of Mr, and Mrs. 'Cester Vaun- arsdall, near Jeffersonville. It was a surprise birthday dinner for Mrs. Chester Baker o f Springfield, Ohio. Supt. H, D. Furst, wife and son, Billy, who have been spending a month on vacation with relative* in Sb Augustine, Florida, and visiting various places o f Interest in that state are expected home this week-end. Mis* Bet'ty Nelson* who ha* been visiting in Detroit, Mich., a* returned home. ' vaca t io n for congress According to present plan* Congress will take a vacation for a month be ginning August 18th, There will be- no adjournment hut a rece** for a month to hold a check on Roosevelt declaring war without consent o f Con-' fra*#. - ......... Peaches For Sale FROM GlLLtLAN ORCHARD Leave Order# at Cedarville Federal Savings A Loan Association or Walter Huffman at Gillilan Orchard FAMOUS BARITONE AT CHAUTAUQUA grade school. If rovers** came, they were discussed in the family circle. In the final high school.year, Edgar was crowded off the first debating team to favor the superintendent’s son. It was a political move. -Do your best anyhow," hi* parents sug-* gested. “We have to take the hitter with the sweet in life." The registration date for military service came, Edgar was twenty-one eight days before. He wax in college,' A career was mapped out for him to‘ which he wa* naturally Inclined. Now, will military, duty change hi* career? Must a sorry European situation in veigle America? Must young men .of peaceful inclinations he transform ed into warriors? Bo ran the thoughts o f the family. By kindly consideration of the gov ernment, college hoy* might receive deferment to complete their courses. Edgar waB a senior, so deferment un til July first was granted.*.Mr/an# Mrs. Langston always believed their sons should graduate from'college. It had much to do in the fashioning of character and’ in bringing economic success. Now 'that Edgar is finishing, both boys completed their course at age twenty-one. Parental support then ceased, The final family reunion occurred over commencement Week-end, Nel son flew from the Capital, The alumni mnquet, the baccalaureate; the sym phony concert and the graduation ex ercises were high lights. The' family was happy. - Then came- a few side trips, several restful weeks, and fin ally July fourteenth arrived bright and"clear. "It wasr-the day induction into the Naval Air Service was to be consumated, the day of parting for Edgar and pis parents. “Takeme to .Toledo, andI’ll ride thfi bus to Detroit," said Edgar. “ I do Hats oft to Alexander Korda and to brilliant co-stars Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier for bringing to th* screen one el the most outstanding picture* -of the last 10 year«—“That Hamilton Wo man!" which opens Friday at the state. Produced qn a lavish scale and released through United Art ists, "That Hnmlltuir-'sWbmatt!’* brings to moviegoers everywhere one of the great, romances of « 9 time, the love story of Lady Ham ilton and Lord Nelson. As portrayed by Vivien Leigh and Olivier, these two exciting .characters come to life on" cellu loid and reach,a new high in dra matic Interpretaion, Mis* Leigh ia. of course superb as that exciting beauty of her day, Rmma Hamil ton, who ’ was* painted 40 times by the great portrait painter, Rom- • ney. Olivier is seen In the role of the hero of Trafalgar, the man who almost staked his reputation . that he might lay his love at the .fe«jit of the lovely and fascinating Emma.' ' - j ■ , — MAI M KliVANT WITH CHRTMJS—PLTM0UTB fetoe «us| Seetoew OOOO U K * CAM LONDON S2ad ANNUAL ti— 5 Days and Nights 5 AUGUST 17, 18, 19, #0, H . FEATURE ATTRACTIONS EACH MITE SUNDAY NIGHT Amateur Show Directed by Art Longbrake SUNDAY AYHpCNOCIM Feature Attredfen to ’ - I m Rnnnimnad ' MONDAY NIGHT Border Legion Rodeo A colorful Western Exhibition TUESDAYNNIHY' ... E*ra BusDstsurtou audbto 1941 Rtotie Revdero W ednesday n ight FlashWilliams ' and his c Thrill Drivers THURSDAY NIGHT ;' WLW Poona County ^ JamboKoe - V- . 1 - ' ,t ' ,* - not want a scene at the naval base* «MW»NH0MH*0lM C O Z Y i THEATRE m P it !., and to tf* 115*16 BILLELLIOTT IN “ ACROSS-THB SIERRAS” Also Late News, Sports, S Stooges; “Cuckoo Cavelier*” * cm Davis, MMXA Auer «xtd rat? ISetafift raw a ****** •k rase t o seeotoary tftoedy iot *. Lewie «rt tt» 0W*f *** *rt*M&g ft— start t# tmmfo tie rn Andrew. JMeters stow to to itowatoe We pay for HORSES 1400 COWS 12.00 of fcis* and condition Hogs, Sheep, Calves, etc. Removed promptly call 1 XENIA IW ftO Z E K PH0NR MA, m Reverse Charge#' X. G. Buchsleh, Xenia, Okie JOHN CHARLES THOMAS John Charles Thomas, who 1# regarded ax mo of the foremost singer# in the world, is to appear as soloist on the WLW-MUml Valley Chautauqua program next Sunday, August 17, A featured personality of the Metropolitan Opera, Thomas will bring to the stag* of the Chautauqua a program that is creating much attention from music lovers throughout the Middle West. . In addition, the WLW gym* phony orchestra, directed by William Stoss, wld take part In this all-star attraction. This program will conclude a Series of eight Sunday afternoon entertainments that have been presented jointly by radio sta tion WLW and the Miami Valley Chautauqua Associrtion. During the sari*#, thousands Of persons have tr*v*l#d to Chautauqua, On near Franklin, on rent* No, 28 between Dayton and Cincinnati, to attjm the va rious programs, Th* program Sunday stem yd IdNt$vm*MX* Sun. and Mon., Aug. 17-18 Herbert Marshall—Virginia Bruce "ADVENTURE IN . WASHINGTON" New#—Bsiter Keaton Comedy . Wed. andThur*., Attg. 20-21 Robert Stevens— KarenVerne “MISSING TEN DAYS" Also Comedy end Serial iimniiHiHtinWHiwimiw>nniinuim»imm»Hwiinmifi It will not be bo - hard to part in Toledo." “You drive the car, and we’ll do as you think beat," said Mr. Langston. At Toledo he drove by the bus ata- j’ tion. 0n and on they, traveled, until ;i they parked in front of the naval base headquarters. The three did their best to make it a pleasant trip. Edgar left, the driver’s seat, Father •Langaton stepped^over from the opposite side, He bid a hasty adieu to his sop. Mrs, Langston embraced him in true mother style, and kissed him good bye. Then the car started toward home with mother waving at son 'till the ear was out of the son’s sight. It was" a hasty hut significant part ing. There waB no scene, but there were tender thoughts, Will they ever- meet again?' What will the NaVy and the emergency do to their son? The Langstons met'a moral^obliga tion. Will the government now do as well? Will the parting he worth all it cost? ‘ - HARNESS RACES Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ‘,v BAND CONCERTS-L*IV^STOCK PAKADE&-BOY SCOUT EXHIBIT-GRANGE SCHOOL—4-H CLUB—VO-AG. DISPLAYS EXCELLENT DINING SERVICE. ' ' Membership Ticket, admitting’man, wife, .and children under 12 years , of age, $1.50; Single Admission, 25c; Child under 12 ,16c; Grandstand, , 25c; Night Show, after 5 p. m., 25c Gate; 25c Grandstand. • Stewart Anderson, President - Fred' M.~Guy, Secretary For Sale-rA $teel cot in good condi tion. Will sell reasonable. Phone 6-1524. Mrs. Cora Trumbo. 86-2 HR I^MHN F. I#. NELSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Jamestown. Ohio | • Especial Attention Given * SCHOOL-AGE EYES ntU0Ww>n to0M»»HHtm H ifm iiiw#«m*tm MniM»>ii>m iiMme J r. E. Third Sb, Xenia, Ohio w I l X X t o ’JR ' J B i '' JE # 'We have white pine joice, studding and heavy timbers well seasoned and In good condition# Plenty of sheeting for all hinds of building. " ’ ' Now is the time td get good lumber cheap for your farm buildings. All material for sale on the site. Apply to Pm L.Murphy Manager ■*-?** . * i No, Jrott oeadn't raise your voice when you talk with grandma by telephone. Even if her bearing is impaired, modern tele phone equipment provides an amplifying device for her telephone so she can bear dearly and distinctly. Years ego, whan grandma was a girl, it was necessary to about to be understood over the telephone. But continuous research and development have made your telephone easy and natu ral to use. This constant search foe better equipment and methods to improve your service never ceases and is particularly valuable in meeting the rapidly changing communktotoni pfoh* l»m* demands arising from ibe national defense program* YHI OHIO i m f i i l S N A N t CO. TUN*IN"tMSTtltSHONCROW MONDAYSAT? f. M. ovta wtam . mw *#< wtrn 1
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