The Cedarville Herald, Volume 64, Numbers 27-52

t o y BBntftz SN n H imi ’ Of Inter!®? Ftrai*Mn*» A** m m Is thair mm h m tfm a t ® West High Street, where he as one of the. moat attractive showings of ex* clustoe furnishings In the city; fur­ niture, rura, and carpets, draperies, slip covers, lamps, pictures, mirrors* Venetian blinds, etc. # Psy«hoIpgista claim that home dear oration*, color schemes, planned back­ grounds, etc., have a mors important bearing upon family, harmony being manifested in the home* than was formerly realized. - Robert Barnitz* service spells the ■difference between having, a mere homeland » real home, f t embodies harmony and individuality and every­ thing he offers is of highest quality a t reasonable prices* He offers a wide choice in 'draperty fabrics in various designs, shades and color, combina- ■tioiis,. Let him assist, you. with your decorating and furnishing problems, You will find’in him a wealth of help- f u r suggestions. He will- be glad to submit estimates,. . OEWtHOmm «n l Frtiifmti— >PmM* of CobvTiU«% Notekkerin* City I— — — * in— t t —Trrrni— rni rri npi FP]— — r n — ^ S C H M ID T ’S DRUGSTORE P. A, HINSON jTHE U, & CHINA CO, located on Columbia at Wittenberg, ‘Located at 3790 E#j*t M*i£' Street, at offers personalized floors of distlnc- tbs Eastern Limits of the City, tion, featuring fine linoleums, Congo- ‘America's Most Unique Store” is the *Located in the Myers Market, h»ndi— leum Deluxe Rugs, and Royalite Rub-; rendezvous for those *who love beaUti * and Brenlin Window .Shades. J not only for Springfield but for many Many interior decorators agree th a t: shoppers from surrounding towns the floor covering is the foundation;They are open evenings and Sundays Buy a home and Apply your rent on the payment. See us for plans. Ce- darville Federal Savings A Loan Assn. W a lt Optical Co. a o * CTlT E ?T * IH B ‘T S * a ' . A K D yn 1 ' .,. . . . ■ 41 S. Fountain Ave. \ ~ ' r O P T I C I A N S Bone 2-330l> iiim iH iiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiisM liim m iiiiiiiiium iM fiiaiuiM m iiiiM M H uiivfiim im M iittiam H M M H H nM aiiim tiiiiiiiiiM M im iiM iM * I FO R F IN E O F F IC E FURN ITURE , F IL ING EQU IPM ENT | I AND SU P PL IE S ; I * — S E : E — ■ I 1 Rottfs Stationery, Inc. I I t S. Fountain Are, Phone 7529 | Located at 13 West Main Street, oaeda »o introduction for it has long bun headquarters for people for miles her Floors; also Bella Venetian Blinds,' j ful things. It is the gift headquarters around for Prescriptions. This is tb* dag o f specialization. This shop, under the direction of four registered Phar­ macists, specializes in the filling of prescriptions. Teiy. patrons are as­ sured that they are exact in this Sendee, correct in their compounding and giving.of proper directions. They take care of their, out o f town cus­ tomers by, parcel' post* giving nil orders prompt, attention. . , Schmidt’s Drug Store maintains one Of the1most complete departments of surgical and sick room supplies, in this part of the State. Here they fea­ ture abdominal belts, arch supports, elastic hosiery, trusses, surgical band­ ages, etc. They give expert fittings. They have a very complete assort­ ment of canes and crutches, and also wheel chairs wkh tey sell or rent. McLaughUn’s j Health Food Center from wieh to build in evolving ;your decorating scheme. So the floor cover­ ing is a most important feature that adds to or detracts from the desired effect. Floor coverings that harmonize with walls, draperies, etc., make for pleasant surroundings, which ‘contri­ bute to a more livable home. Their Chinaware must be seen to b. appreciated—full dinner sets,, break­ fast and tea sets, or individual pieces. They have the largest stock of din- nerware in the State. They have love­ ly things in crystal and pottery that would please the most exacting host­ ess; bridge sets, salad bowls, dough- Whatever may be your taste in ‘nut jars, vases, novelties, etc., in fact shades and designs, Mr. Hinson can china and glass ware for every need. serve you, for they have one of the j If you are looking for a g ift that is videst selections in the City. ^ different for a wedding, an anniver- Let him help you with your plans.1sary or a party prize, you will find He cun make suggestions to mefet a wide selection here. They have 39 your individual requirements—yet add ■many attractive things that are rea- that touch that is different to your name. SPRINGFIELD; CITY UNES, Inc. Which provide the transportation bus, iervice, so indispenBible to the prog- sonably, priced—suitable for town or country, house or garden. EARLE K* HAWKEN &SONS The Ross-Willoughby Company ......'. hi ■" a • 1310 West Main Street, has contribut­ ed much to the modernization of many a complete line of Dietetic and Aller­ gic Foods and the Battle Creek Sana-; tarium Health Foods. Through the discovery of vitamins —what they are -what they do—the medical world is forming an entirely new conception of the causes and de­ velopment of disease. The pioneer in this research was a Dutch Physician on the Isle of Java who discovered that liis chickens which were fed on .polished rice died, while those fed on l ice without the husk being removed, continued vigorous. This simple dis­ covery started continuous experiments which.haye proved the importance and necessity of vitamins to life and health. ‘ . McLaughlin’s feature, .foods that supply these necessary vitamins. They not only feed the body but they aid in keeping its processes in perfect "run­ ning order. Perfect digestion and per. feet elimination combined with suffi­ cient exercise ,sunshine and fresh a it spell perfect health. (;esa of Springfield, maintain their of- homes throughout this community, .ices in the Shuey Factories Building. They are wholesale jobbers of plumb- It is eminently'fitting in this com- fag, heating, and factory supplies and irehensive review of the onward prog- distributors . of Kohler of B&M MERCHANDISE COMPANY At 114 East Washington. Street, oc- Kohler Icupy an important place in the com) Giay Bamitz STUD IOS O F INTER IOR FURN ISH INGS ... - * • , M IRRORS FLOOR COVER INGS , ' U PHOLSTER ING 53 W. Highest, NEW LOCATION Phone 2-4841 LUGGAGE — HARN ESS h^ .L sMHES fJHANDBAGS G O L F 'B A G S .— BR IEF^ OASES — L e a th e r G ood s R e p a ire d —- . QUA L ITY CONS IDERED — PR ICES AR E "LOWEST ' 40 E^Mfcia St* Phone 4581 ^. v • • !■ “ F d r Sho e Repairing ; N eed s, N ew I d e a L e a d s ” We Will Service You While You Wait QUAL ITY H A T SB U V IB EW SO e NEW IDEA SHOE REPAIRING CO. 26 W. M«in S t, next to Fairbanks -Theatre , Phone 2-0383 Q r& D«irir T N s s f^ C o . . L O C A L A N D L O N G iD iaT A N C EM O V IN G -?*• AR Lw td fe I d pw re4",>—>. A g e n t F o r Up iled ;M d rii» ff A>Stevagf# Irtc. 1419 B. Monad: Dky e r N ight CaU 2-3961 ZHHMirtiHfiiilijmtWM.MlWinawaHIWVWM.'WWWanMmwijHIWSniMMWliMaiwnwwnwyjWwnilWMHuiiMiiiniiMi B & l § Mtestlttdfeff fo. new a w wmrvmwvm . H o te l;-— R thdie i l e i i l ^ BlmmmlifJKiMlmm E qu ipm en t 114 E. Wa*hingtsw 8 t = Phone 7410 nnminmimluHHW,|nii||HinwHwiiiiMiniimwrimij,"V«W<j!Hj*,lSllll,Hl*l|"»Wl“llw#<,IIM»l»f|ifHi|',«miinw»n»i»iiiii SEE DS FO R NEW* AN 1A JS JUL ' ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewinding — Repairing SPRINGFIELD ARW^TtfRE WORKS H I N. Jackson - R.MW*Mltfefc»Pfap.t DiaL7341. C om p le te Linewofr N M ta a ily ^ K tie w n * D fh n e rw e k e -.r- C r ^ s ta l iReH ser —- GsA s .n Nwvoltios OBKN B^ENlNffft^ANeKSVNDAYS 27M U| A niii^iiiiSM«w»<niinimlm»mminHiiiiiiiiiii{ii A m m * ' S C H A J S E H H ? H B R E A D WHEN YOU W A N T TH E BEST a l w a y s f r e s h a t t o t m s m m cess, of this section of the State that .ye give due mention to the activities /if this Corporation, for it is one of he best conducted in the-country, with r fine record for service. They maintain the best of. modem iquipcnt Frequent patrons testify to he efficiency and* comfort of the Springfield buses and hundreds have iound that, riding these buses is the ,Inswer to their parking problems. The 'requent service helps, to maintain real -■state values to a high level in every neighborhood where these Lines tra-. /erse. . Their operators are chosen with jreat care.. The careful supervision ;iven to the loading and unloading of xhool children is not only the proud, joast of the Managament but an ac­ tuality as they andle thousands of .chool Children during the the schodl :erm. ■. . ■■ ■.i ■ FINK & HEINE CO Meat Packers plumbing, fixtures—-a trade, name which stands for the best in the Plumbing Field. They maintain a modern show room for the. display of their stock. Home Imercial life of this Community. They | handle a complete line of new store fixtures, hotel, restaurant, bar, and Ikitchen equipment and furniture -and Ithey also offer used equipment and builders can. visualize their completed^ furniture a t bargain prices. bath rooms, etc,, which combine beau­ ty with, utility, through this display, a-factor of importance to the plumb­ ing contractor with whom this Firm cooperates. Many today are taking advantage of a Federal Loan to build a home or modernize their old one. Why don’t you put in that modern bathroom that you have been thinking about so long? Your plumber, no doubt, is a customer of the Boss-Willoughby.Company. Ask IH Itm iM llffim illllllllM IIIIIH IIJIM IM IIliillllltim illlM M IItm i At the outset this Firm realized that la satisfied patron is .the best influence Ifor more businesa and they determin­ ed to build up their businesa on the Ipolicy of satisfaction to the customer. That they have succeeded is evidenced by the wide patronage w«ch they i‘e ceive. ,• They are the distributors for Stimp- son scales, food choppers, and coffee mills and also for the Warren com­ mercial refrigerators,) If you are contemplating opening a new shop let B&M figure with you for counters, cases, etc., to suit your needs. At 19 N, Fountain Avenue, hap long been the musical headquarters for this community. '•They carry such famous makes as Checkering , MMu- Zette,” Story & Clark, £ulhransen, ?teck, and Winter Pianos, C. 6 , Conn, Fan American, and Cavalier Band In­ struments. They invite you to come in to bear and try the new Hammond Solovox, *. Thii minds of the people are so filled with politics, wars inventions, speed records that even mothers forget the necessity of music to round out the education of their children, and they neglect their own talents. If tHis con­ tinues the time will come when we have~ nothing but mechanical music, and no artists to play for the masses* • ..... If you. have children in the home, Shere should be a piano or other in­ strument there, Hawken’s ore featuring some out> standing values. Investigate their easy payment plan, 1 , C A P P K L ’ S H mwb Fw aiihbm Co. At 1M East High StrMt, is ape of the large trading centers of this p v t of the state. They established their reputation upon the extent and quality of their stock and the reasonableness of their prices that attracts buyers not only in Springfield but from sur­ rounding towns as well. The‘family lives with its furniture every day throughout the year. That lit why comfort, up-td-dateness, and harmony of colors of, the home fur­ nishings play such an important p a rt in the. well being and happiness of the household. Cappel's are prepared to furnish your home completely. What Dame Fash­ ion is dictating today about furniture, as to designs, finishes,'and comfort, features,•can be found there,. Their, store is Springfield's" radio center. In their service department, they feature expert -upholstering and they- are custom manufacturers "of high grade mattresses. . - , DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL — N ew C la sse s N ow O r g a n iz in g —■ ' SPEC IA L CLASSES I N Dictation-—Employing aviation terms. Given by instructor with govern- -f _ ment AIRFIELD' experience. Other classes in Bookkeeping, Comp-- i i tometer, Typing, etc. | j SPRINGFIELD BUSINESS COLLEGE ' | | 305 S. Limestone St. Phone 43?l | ROYAL — UNDERW OOD — REM ING TON TY PEW R ITER S andLSU PPE lES SOLD - i - RENTED — R E PA IR ED Low P r ic e s O n F a c to ry / R e h u ilt T y p e w r ite r s Typewriter & Equipment Co. i Phone 5721 | § 15 W. High St, ‘ Al. Garrigan tlllllSIM M IIIIIItllim iM M IIM IIIIIH IIM M lIlliaiM m illU K IIim iiytM M tllllllM llllllim M lllllim im illllK IM IM ItlltliaM K IIM IIIIM IU IIIIIIIi- Abdominal Supports Elastic Stockings G. G. DAV I S T R A N S F E R COMPANY Located on Bechtle Avenue', produce | md distribute the-” F & H” fresh and *| ;ured meats. It is a home Concern •1 but it is more than home pride and: I the desirability to patronize home in-11 terests which has built up the wide; i1 patronage of this Firm, Their “F&H” | Brand has met the demands' of the 'f public for quality meat products. | | They are extensive purchasers of I stock from the farmers'and thus have :| aided in stock raising in this communi- !i ;ty. . ^ 1 They maintain a modemly equipped § *' x packing plant where only _the best -1 w piethods of sanitation are employed.'| ” fheir meats are Government inspect?- i Canes and CrutchM Wheel Chairs for Sale or Rent 1419 East Mound Street, needs no in trodqctibn for they have been serving this community efficiently for many years! The public .has put, its stamp of approval upon their modern truck service, Moving by truck is the safest, most convenient, and most ecohomical way to move today The G. G. Davis Transfer Company established -its reputation upon their reliable and careful service, They maintain large covered vans, and the equipment is kept in first class Condi- Main Street Phone 6421 11 tion so that they are always prepare* I i I to answer all calls promptly. They qd and sent out with thb assurance . ...................... ...................................... .| only employ men in whom they have PnMrqriMK SCHMIDTS DRUGSTORE ££I I£| of satisfaction to, the consumer. “F & H’VBrand haras, bacon, and ready-to-serve meats are curejl by. their own process; it is their fine flav­ or and quality which has won for them' such wide popularity. Demand "F&H” when you want the best; I confidence to deliver the goods safeiy, 1 11All loads are insured Men Wanted . To sell Automobile Insurance. Fifty | yeans or older preferred. Write Vic I Donahey, 471 East Broad Street, f Columbus, Ohio. miiiiimmimimHfMHHHtiMBimiifMHiHmiiiiiiHiimfttiiiitf ATTENTION —HUNTERS! SECURE YOUR LICENSE, GUNS, SHELLS, ETC., HERE — H U N T E R S ’ O U T F I T T E R S - Davis’ not only handles local moving jobs but transfers furniture an* freight to distant points, being agents for the United Moving and Storage, Inc. Phone 2-3961 for rates on their service. They will be glad to furnish estimates. R E C O SPRINGFIELD Live Stock Sales Co. LEADERS IN SPORTING GOODS 18 "W. High St. Phene 9341 . ................................... ............................ EXTEND YOUR MILEAGE . . . . . WITH OUR RETREADS Cknfoii &XandersCo. GENERAL TIRES — BATTERIES — ROAD SERVICE 207 N* Fountain Ave. Phone 2-6141 m m m jm auto serv ic e TWO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK WRECKERS WRECKED CAR SPECIALISTS “We Never Close” Auto F*«me. and Axle Service-Body and Fender Work 25 E,' Columbia V Phone 8261 HiHHHHimiiirtttiiiiiiilHiHpiiiiiiinimimiiiHtiMiimitiiiiMiiiHUiilHiliiHmiiiiiiimmiHiiHmii,i, hi ,,,, Located at 880 Sherman Avenue, is an important factor in the commercial and agricultural life of this section of the state. They conduct a live stock sale each Monday and in addition maintain a daily hog market. Their yards are the meeting place i Ifor the buyer and seller of live stock 11to whose mutural advantage it is to make an exchange. They provide a dependable market for the stock rais era of this section and their activities cover a wide territory. They catej? to a patronage who depend upon re­ liable service in furnishing good stock at prices tha t are right, Those in charge of the Springfield Live Stock Sales Company invite all stock men to visit their yards when in Springfield, Call them for market quotations.. Springfield Live Stock Sales Co. DAILY HOG MARKET LIVE STOCK SALE EACH MONDAY 889 Sherman Ave. • Phone 5942 i«mfivw>w>i>iw>Hitiiini>imwnisoi>in>inn»>Htti>M,HWiHiiHwiaiwwsw>iMMininiHw>iw»NiM>iwiw<imnii>mwiMOi Pipe, Valves and Fittings for water, gas and steam. Hand and Electric Pumps for all purposes, Bolts. Pulleys, V Belts, Plumbing and Heating Supplies. J . P. BOCKLETT SUPPLY CO. X enia , onto . InwimwiiiuumlinmiMSiiiHHwmiimimoiiiiUimiiwaw C A R T E L ’ S HOUSE FURNISHING CO. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS CUSTOM MADE MATTRESSES UPHOLSTERING 126 E. High St. Dial $754 I | • K iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiM u iiM iiiH iim iiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiM iiiM iiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiim iiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiitiM iiM n M im im iiii 5 * | H E A L T H F O O D C E N T E R , | DieteticandAUergicFoocU I Battle Creek Sanitariunot Health Foods | IN THE MYERS MARKET Phone 2-0241 UMWIfMtMIMIIIIHIMIHHDHIHttHtMUlHKlMMIIMIMMMMtllUflllllllHMIflllllMtlMIHfMlltimiltMllimimitMIIHIIIHtlllllllMIIMlimi iMiMHiHitiiiiHMMtmiiiiiiMimimHMimimAimtiiiuitMiuiiiinmiiiiiiiMMliiiMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiuitiiiiiiiiiiimitiituiiiiiiiiim. 1 FOOTBALLS.............L ........ 39b to $2.95 I ROLLER-SKATES.......... ...... 89c to $1.95 | BASKETBALLS........... ...... $1.0D to ,$3.50 | MajesticNewsStand 44 S, Limestoone St. AND TOY STORE Springfield H AW K E N 1 MUSIC — RADIO i Chickerlng H - S ^ - a - Gulbransen "Musette” I jjB E E A EK Stock Story & Clark - •■ • • ” ,)W » Winter. C. G. Conn— Pan Atnerican —Cavalier Band Instruments Hear and Try the New Hammond Solovox I 19 N. Fountain Ave. Phone -7931 I t. A HI NSOK —L I N O L E U M S — Cbngoleuna DeLuxe Rug%— Royalite Rubber Floors PoUa .Vanetian BIinds — Brenlin Window Shades OPEN EVENINGS Columbia at Wntbaberg Phone 2-2931 fawilMIMIWIW.HIM.HlWWW«,BHWWHmiHIIM»mH.IW»IH.HHHHI1ll>WH.IIH«IH(l,lllllW niliiiitiHiitntiniiniiiiiiitiimtr—T-Ti—‘- ii—“.... ...... ‘••t"TT—‘“f"r-i‘rTT~ftmiinii>mniTm«in)'tiiilltiMiliiiimini The Ross-Willoughby Co. WHOLESALE JOBBERS OF PLUMBING; HEATING AND FACTORY SUPPUES Distributors for KohkrofKohier. PhrmMng Ftkturoe 1310 W. Main 8 t Phone MTB f? — DEMAND*— “F & H ” M#at Products — THEY ARE BETTES — Fink Ob lirfif CD* jnwwwemiHniiiiiiiitHHmmMmwWwHUwMiitwiwimWfwiHWiiiiniHen'iminlHnwi'iiiiiiiiiiiihiiihiinMtiiimiiw, CAREFUL SUPERVISION IS GIVEN TO : LOADING AND UNLOADING SCHOOL CHILDREN W HO R IDE O UR BUSES One of the first ehargea of our operators k the safety of the children in thrir care We are groad fef the fact that we handle ihoneaMds of school childnit dally didrthf■ tho sehoel SpriagffeMCtty Um, he. aanmjiii a " I » *.*•- * , J - 'J‘5i, ,