The Cedarville Herald, Volume 64, Numbers 27-52

c x m i w j h * m j u b , w h d a y , < m m m a , i » 4 i T U I C I D A H V I t L E H E R A t D KAIULH BUXX _ — l O R O * A N & M U M H t tt K s U o i u l » # tp rtiU A s m c . ; O fc U V m w m h t JU m c . ; W n t T »U * J ' P m w A m m . Entered * t the Poet Office^ CedartfUa, Ohio, October 81,1887. as second claw matter. ^ ■ Friday, October 17,1941 r ~ v ”"" , DEFENSE — W A LT ER FOR TH E FARMER . . I. E. Baker, president of the State organization opposed to the wheat penalty, in a statement on the portion of the farmer and defense, fu lly explains the attitude of all farmers. In as much as the Russian w a r bug has bit the N ew Deal .w a r mongers and the average citizen is against much of the foreign w a r program, especially the part this nation is called upon to play, the farmer should first see what is behind the movement in the name of defense. The department o f agriculture under. Se?, W ickard is but a part of the w a r machine and being used to break, down ob­ jections to the part the nation Is taking in the European mix- up. Many are now skeptical o f any statement or order that carries W ickard ’s name. Deceit is hidden in much the depart­ ment lays before the farmers of the nation, Recent acts in connection with the 49c penalty on wheat is a ll the proof .that is necessary, .. , " President Baker says the farmers will do their part in any emergency, but he .points out there must be a. guarantee o f a reasonable profit, more than is now possible under the so- called parity plan. JHe wisely says that the. farmer should be placed on the basis of industry fo r war .profits i f it is going to be a “defense” program, . - H e quotes Sec. W ickard in a speech at Hutchison, Kan. when he urged farmers to sow several .million more acres of wheat so we would have sufficient foodstuff in case of \yjtr. He says the administration is co-operating with the Canadiar farmer in permitting the importation of 1,500,000 bushels of wheat each monRa in the face of the so-called,surplus. TJrgim the farmers to produce more now and then- back up a few months later with a surplus; and cheaper farm products, is the safeguard* Baker would keep before the public. A t present the AAA is to make an inventory o f all farm production and what .crops w ill be planted next year. Here each farmer should decide fo r himself, but he should keep in mind that what h e reports will fa ll first into the hands o' market operators and have a bearing on future market activi ties. - It will also place information into the hands of govern­ ment officials controlling loan and owned corn and wheat ir storage as well as cotton. The N ew Deal has set the halter: it is going to be up to the farmer whether he places his head ' in it or has it put on by force. By throwing himself open foi all i942 activities everybody will know as much about what the farmer-has as he will’ himself. There Is ho law -to compel the farmer to make such a report. RUSSIAN PRAISE LIKE HAILING JUDAS The pot continues to boil over the Roosevelt statement 4c cover up. Stalin and godless Russia with a coat of so-called Christian statesmanship. It matters pot the belief, be it Protes tant, Catholic* or Jew, all have, taken the trail with criticism " to the White House door and some of it blistering hot. Com­ munistic1 influence in the New Deal is responsible fo r Roose­ velt’s attitude. One critic quotes the following from the Bible “Bp not ■unequally yolked together with unbelievers: fo r what fellow ­ ship hath righteousness with Unrighteousness and what com­ munion hath light with darkness?” D r ;'W a lte r A . Maier* Si Louis, declares “ that praise fo r those communists enemie: o f Christ is no better than praise fo r Judas Iscariot,” Dr. Charles Boss, Methodist, who visited Russia in 193? says he .was told- there were seven churches open when he was ito Kiev, but we, could not find them, and the guides refused to locate even one. H e said one university professor told him he was not allowed to use the w o rd God in his teachings. Dr. Maier, Lutheran) says all seminaries were abolished. N o Christian faith taught in schools. A ll real estate owned by churches taken b y the government. Immorality was glorified. Every recruit in the army is instructed on atheism. Little Fin­ land, now .ignored by England and the U.. S., cannot under­ stand why we favor Red atheism with 98 per cent of the peo­ ple o f that country belonging to the Luteran Church, Archbishop McNicholas in Cincinnati, Sunday, issued a. scathing statement against the attitude of this nation in recog­ nizing the godless set in Russia. Scores of Catholic leaders have taken a similar position. The N ew Deal is atheistic from top to bottom. No institu­ tion is more godless in Russia than Harvard University, the home .of the educated Communist in this country* From it you have a godless administration In control of all government ac­ tivities. You cannot uphold one arm of the N ew Deal and con- demn what the -other expounds. A s one of our Catholic, friends stated Saturday, “W e have reached the time when it is either swallow all of the N ew Deal, or none, of it.” I f the Christian religion is to continue growth in the nation it cannot depend even oh moral support from those vriio control governmental affairs. mm Mayor LaGuardi* and Mrs, Roose­ velt are a oomroittee railed “ Citwen* Defense." They want al} the police­ men and *9 the firemen in, the nation, down to town marshals and constables with sheriffs included,' wearing the same uniform, Roth are promoting the.Roosevelt-Russian war fo r Stalin under the guise p f defense. Some days ago LaGuardia proposed that every, man, woman and child in the United States be compelled to wear gas hiasks on the theory Hitler might start bombing most/any night. We xecall early in the war between Eng­ land and Germany eyery Englishman from the eldest to the youngest had to purchase gas masks o r pay a fine. English royalty controlled the com­ panies that made the masks, a ll of which were sold a t a b ig profit. The exposure had do' with the overthrow o f the^war cabinet and en­ thronement o f Churchill as prime minister. The explosion o f a ten cent firecracker over New York City hall or the White House after midnight, might calf fo r quick work on the part o f the sanitary department o f each 4 ty . .The only gas the people o f this nation have been exposed to so fa r is the "defense campaign." fo r godless Russia. « • . ‘ .■ than presided hr OmfttW# and such funds will ha raided I f the public does not pretest. fRev, Rricksr has said he will ligh t such a move to the la s t ' ditch. I t la kijown that Roosevelt and | his Communist partner, Harry Hop.-; kins, have planned to force the life insurance companies in this country under New Deal control to become "nationalised." In Germany Hitler did tbe same thing and it is called state socialism. L ife insurance com­ panies have millions o f dollars sur­ plus fo r the protection o f policy-hold­ ers, The New Deal wantB to get its fingers on that pile o f cash to finance the war fo r a few days. * * * - 3 - s * 5 J 3 ^ ■m p i aomib M A J E S T I C - F r a n k Buck ’ s “ Ju n g le Cavalcade” The Pathfinder gives editorial com­ ment1on Roosevelt's pla£ oft religious matters fo r support o f Stalin that is interesting at this timt. I t is recalled that everybody that opposed Stalin Vas-purged and put to death. A s to wholesale slaughter, the following figures from the Pathfinder should make the average New Dealer a .iuizzlirig on religious, matters^ In the death list were 50 bishops, 4,860 priests, 7,824 university professors, j 5,0Q0 police officials, 48,000 agricul­ tural agents, and,0,600,000 peasants put to death. When farmers call at' A A A headquarters they should clip ihis news item fo r the benefit o f the jounty Committee that is part o f the war monger camjpaigh to sell the farmers o f the nation the war under the guise o f “ defense” " The government has ?20G,000,000 of unemployment pension funds, that b> longs to the employees and eorpot- tions in Ohio- With the other state this fund amounts to about a bilbo dollars. The New Deal has been dratf ing on this fund fo r war purposes, and last, week there was only about 7 m il­ lion. dollars in the billion dollar fund, .except “ Jf owe yous," government bonds in |«ace o f cash. The motley went tb pay fo j, war supplies fo r Eng­ land, Harry M. Daugherty, noted politi­ cal leader, formerly vo f Washington G. H., died at his home in Columbus Sunday a t the age o f 81. Being the center o f a spotlight during the con­ vention that nominated Warren G. Harding, Harry became attorney gen­ eral and had much to do .with the Harding administration. He never completed his book which delt with his political experience' and the part ’■he played in the Harding administra­ tion. There was the Tea Pot scandal and other Aaffairs o f questionable Character laid at the Daugherty door, all o f which he denied. He lived long enough to see some o f the graft o f the N ew Deal brought to light. I f the Hillman contract fo r housing stands when the government will pay $431,- 000 more fg r erecting these buildings than another. contractor w iil do the job, the lid will be off the Tea "Pot Dome scandal. The New Deal now is A P L and against the CIO. The low bidder would use CIO labor. Hillman is connected with the AFL . The tax­ payer will foot the bill. Harry Daugh­ erty was a piker at gra ft compared with New Dealers. Now we learn that the New Deal )> hard pressed to find excuses fo r supporting Russia and :Stalin. Eng­ land is having-trouble at home over die same issue. Not everyone is sold on aiding Stalin. Many in this coun­ try sympathize fo r Russia hut few have any more use for Stalin than Hitler' or Mussolini, Many here <think about) the j same Of FDR. W e had an interesting chat some days ago with a prominent Demo­ cratic attorney in & neighboring city relative to trend o f political affairs* This friend has been a conservative Democrat fo r many years. He is now much perplexed over • the' position Roosevelt has taken on Russia in re­ gard to religious affairs. He has been solicited several times by administra­ tion spokesmen to take, part in the New Deal but has declined each time. I t is known thflt he is -person­ a lly against Roosevelt policies. He Says he 'voted fo r Roosevelt once and Martin L * Davcy, once. He supported Willkie for president and Gov. Brick- er fo r governor and expects to sup­ port the Governor regardless o f whom is nominated. When asked why he said his party, in the nation had left Jefferson, Cleveland and Wilson fo r Stalin and Communism. Not so long ago every community was combed fo r funds to entertain the boys in camp. Several million dollars were raised to erect buildings at the camps and provide amusement. Now we hear trouble between the New I Deal set and certain Democratic lead- *ers has broken out! An effort is be­ ing made to ffffco payment o f the 15 per cent oft total bid before a build­ ing can be, erected in any camp. Work on these buildings has been started several .times In* different camps but each time1the, workers have again gone on a strike. Letting o f a con­ tract fo r $430,000 more than the low­ est .bidder because the high bidder Used A F L labor with the USO scandal A U ^ «xdtk#mbmc«» ever cqKuted oa aim it brought to the sccewt fit "Icisk Buck’*Jun/fisC»Y*k*d«,’’ onemammoth thrill! An unforgettable feature motion picture o f jangle savage beasts 1ft action Is due for a gala showing in this city. It is Frank Buck’s “ Jungle Cavalcade,1' visualising his adventures in fetching the largest and most ferocious wild beasts from the depths of tropical Malay jangles to the mos of the world. . Frank Buck's “Jungle Cavalcade” shows, among, ither events, a stalking, preying, frothing female tiger cut a tiny baby elephant o ff from its mother. The baby pachyderm is no higher from the ground than a medium sired police dog. Still whimpering for its mother's milk it senses danger. Its miniature trunk trumpets an BOS for mama. The tiger relentless, tireless, latent on the kill, lopes along. The Wee elephant nine this way and that. It turns— It scampers to the brush wild With terror while the tiger enmy trails it with drooling tongue and bared tangs. • But Frank Buck Is there with a long barrelled rifle. A care­ ful, easy, well-timed shot brings the tiger down, An then follows a wild cha^e to capture the baby dfephaat with Buck’s bare hands, IF Y(XJ NEED PRINTING, DROP IN When the statement wks-niade that he would vote again for Gov;’ Bricker.J we were anxious to know more and in our questioning we found out our friend could not see the Roosevelt idea o f taking over funds fo r unem­ ployment insurance, pension funds of firemen, policemen and even school teachers. Such an act he says is a breach o f faith with those who scon­ tribute to tbe funds. O f course .it is known that Roosevelt is needing more money for the English-Russian war Bargain'Hour 16o Til BOO 1 Saturday T w in T h r i l l D a y s ! -SCREEN- “ Tw o La tin s F ro m - M anhattan” S U N .-M O N .- T U E S K T U J C S A L 1 I Dan WwuMii fanfa* We tom will quit farmfej* **d dairy sows, shipload farm impUmwnta at jmwk tala on tiu Fattanm* Mill road, I s*4# south a£‘Spring VaU*r *»d Paiatara- ville road. Soma household articles will also ha offered* Carl Spraeklaa i% the apctleessr and R, H. Rpracklen, Clark, Low* wl» he aarvad « » th* grounds,on day of aale, Saturday, Oo- iabar 25th at Noon. * Evans in the Columbus Dispatch gave Daugherty a peep inside o f the New Deal “ Tea Pot Dome." P U B L I C S A L E Having sold my farm, I will offer a t public auction on the farm known as the Patterson farm located two miles northeast o f Xenia, Ohio, ^jusfc off the Columbus Pike on • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1941 Beginning a t 12 o'clock noon, the following described property: l—Cow—l Guernsey and Shorthorn cow, carrying four calf, to freshen Dec. 8th. 24—HEAD OF HOGS—24 Three spotted Polayd China sows with 21 pigs. 45—HEAD OF SHEEP—45 Forty-five Shropshire and mixed breeding qwes, one to four years old. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Low Wheel wagon; International wheat binder; bay tedder; single row corn plow; John Deere corn planter with attachments; hay' rake; roller; manure spreader; McCormick mowing machine; Thomas wheat drill; gang plow; riding plow; four small plows; sled; gravel bed; harrows; hog bokes; troughs; corn wood; post# lumber; scales; small tools; lawn mower; din­ ner hell; etc. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Dining room* suite; davenport; bookcase; old-fashioned organ; two bed­ room suites; antique cord bed; several rockers; hall raek; kitcheri cabiset; kitcheft.range; coal oil stove; vacuum cleaner. Radio, fan artd washing mach­ ine for Delco system. Sewiiig machine; three 0 x,12 rugs; several small tugs; mirrors; picturei; cream separator; milk cans aftd strainer; dishes; kitchen utensils; and numerous other articles, TERMS:-CASH MRS. JAMBS I. PATTERSON, EXECUTRIX Sale conducted by The Bailey-Murphy Co» Wilmington and Xenia, Ohiov Ltihch will he served by Ladies* Aid o f U, P, Church, Xenia, Ohio Free Trader Hu ll and^FDR have Once more .signed a trade treaty w ith Argentina that makes the farmers o f America the goat. More dressed heef, grain and wool w ill come into Ameri­ can ports under this- instrument than ever before—-to hold down the cost o f living. Meantifiie the New Deal will pass out propaganda through its paid agency, the A A A county committeees, to keep the mind o f the farmer o ff his actual situation. Sen. Hugh Butler, Nebraska, says the recent treaty just signed is “ onp more evidence thht this administratioin is not interested in the welfare" o f the American farmer, Re says beef cattle, dairy products, Wool and, flaxseed are once agajn to be. sacrificed under the time-worn ex­ cuse o f a national emergency." , Wf pay for HORSES $4.00 - COWS ?2JK) o f size and condition Hogs, Sheep, Calves, etc. Removed promptly call XENlA- FERTILIZER , PHONE MA . 454 Reverse Charges E. G, Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio j . LEGAL NOT ICE • James J, McCabe whose address is |Battery “ C" 18th Coast Artillery/Ft* Stevens, Oregon, is hereby notified that Evelyn McCabe has filed her peti­ t io n against him fo r divorce in;.Case' * No. 22682 before the. Common PJeas ' Court, Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will be fo r hearing on or after November 22,1941. (10-10-6t-ll-14V MARCUS SHOUP | . ’ Attorney fo r Plaintiff ONL f Z E N I T H HAS THlji IT’S SHOWTIME R e la x A n d See A G o o d M o v ie T o d a y o fW ® N o intllHFIELP BIGGEST VALUE IN TOWN..: THAT'S THE NEW 194 a SpMfctr ★ HUw.WwtmaiMl ★ AmttfcM pint- Gwmliri F«n<ae ★ M • wMf* F «w » Oviput it P««UiFWN»TAti IftKttSTMKE SS661: Finely styled for the choicest setting in hand rubbed walnut finish. 8 tube super­ heterodyne, including rectifier and 2 double purposetubes,All tbc"YearAhead’ ’Features. McCallister Radio Service Cedarvill*, Ohio W O R L D ' S O LDE S T M A K E R OF F I N E HOM E R A D I O S ___________________ Thure. : - I °c t. 18' 0 a r k O ffk le j “Honky Took” W ith LanaTum er Pitta Ca irtooo * • ‘ Hew*’-*; Oct, 17Jl A «n (Maixie Sothem fn “LadyBeGood’ With Eleanor Powell Robert Young Sat Oct 18. J it 2 Biff Hit* F r a n k Buck ’ s “ J u n g le C ava lcade ’ — P lu s— . T h e C a r to o n S trip “Regular Fellers” . H ow in th e kO#t h J Rlohaftj Arlen “MEN OF.THE T,MBERLAND” Fiug * “BANDIT TRAIL" Sun. Mon Tuea “SHEPHERD OF THE HILtS" With John Way** Betty Field •I'LL WAITFOB VOU» Always a Better Show . In Spring- field WE PAY CASH FOR THE FOLLOWING Fence Wire . . $ 9.00 per net ten (2000lbs.) Old Black Sheet Iron . . $10.00 per net ton (2000 lbs.) Galvanized Iron $ 7.00 per netton (2000 lbs.) Delivered Our Yard, South Burnett Road and Big 4 Railroad Kasle Steel Compressing Co. Phoo 1740 Springfield, Ohio /