The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

a n M fft ff -WiiEllflPMliyF I N I IliPEI/ltiT i.I k aad amfcr n it— pry from A «Ht- ... im r as-tt iriio t1 U pmm cwt <wmetttaeisi at It nfeeta r .^Jir Of mmm mw teim te «£ w a r •ftaratton* mmte b* oenltaed to those. ,|l Ffigtf K«feor bring* out column after i* toff m ty by 6ohmxd*x bat editorial writer* regardhtosef peHtfeal feebefr. .. ^de xpese fiitftrwMed in * «rffcks*l editorial signed byJohn Knight, pu£fftofe*r jff the Detroit Free Prows, Akron Beacon- Journal a&d SLAwd Herald, Numerous other dally papers pot ’ the "heat” on Secretary of Navy, Frank Knox, who boasted much of crar navy strength and that thoee who looked with suspicion tm the ‘leese-lend” were "hysterical.” Mr. Knight points out that for months Knox was preaching we had a navy second to none in any port and that it was the army that needed modernisation. He said “the navy was in splendid condition - and canid give seed account of itself under any and all cir- cuftnetanees.” ‘ Mr. Knight wants to know why we had so many ships in one harbor? Why were the daps able to return the attack in two hours after the first? Why were our planer so slow to take to the air? .,What happened and what Mr. Knox has praised so much in magazine articles the public has not been able to fathom, Mr, Knight-quotes the'New York Times as saying; “we have suffered the worst defeat since the war of 1812.” Too much‘talking and denouncing dictators, too much bragging over the radio that has not scared any of the dicta- , tors. Knight refers to Knox as “our garrulous Secretary of the Navy” and if a,cabinet sbakeup is needed the President should act’at once. < ' - . „ Facts are facts and it must hevadmitted the Japs found one of our most exposed outposts unprotected as it should not be When We must travel 5,000 miles to reach it The Jap bombing r ofthe Arizona w*s a blow because it was the only outstanding battleship near there. Several other "old tubs of ancient vint­ age” were not equal to the' occasion and the many war craft "on Presidential order*" are mostlyinlJCepaper formative stage as it takes three years to produceaclas^pne battleship. None of the many lease-lend torpedo destroyers that Were in British . waters had been returned and the Japs knew as.much about our naval strength arqund Pearl Harbor as the government nr Washington did. ' v - -■ . . ’ , / , ■ As usual or as it frequently .happens the innocent must suffer unfair treatment. For the part official Washington did or did not do a number of ranking navy and army men must suffer. 'A t any rate officials will not assume,one word of the WaBTime after timemembers of congress have pointed out bur weakness by what,we were doing under the "lease-lend' act and this name from many prominent Democratic members as Well as Republican, However we had been tradedinmid-ocean , to Churchill and have had to pay the; penalty by. the disaster , in Pearl Harbor that Cost 3,000 lives.hundreds injured, to say nothing o f the property loss and the comfort our axis enemies would get out of it. - ; . - . ’■ . , This one incident around.Manila has not lost the war. It will do good in one respect— awaken the people to the effect that "White House and Navy and Army boasting” do not win Wars, Instead of so-called shak'eupsamong those who serve and carry out orders front headquarters, the nation expects strong action instead** vain word*. Anny and Navy mep onlyaet on iers from superiors arid here is .where blame, if any, should UUas* iftr i to lb# adwlals- teetiioi* figfewtog tha m R «t fatevm w ip iM tti 'fiiiiiil'it ya*t xgrimt * ©ampany tor a I 700 JMMfit, mtoov« wni. Tsaaday tfw pari that “Tammy TitoCork,* tonwar coafldantial Roo+g- vrit *dvl#or, mrivad tor aiding in argaaLriag s magneriiua ©ampany with yovwnwnent fond*. Tommy ad- rtdttod be&r* tha committee that ha received a toe of $ 48 , 000 . Fee* from; foot other diaatatotaled$ 100,000 «c- oordtag to hU vtetemeatbetor* the committee. The commit©* ie investi­ gating *l&iwe fees1* paid priiticiaBa for obtainingwareontracta. Several week* ago the New Peal filed chargee agatoat a -Republican federal office holder in Cincinnati, charging he advised thoea -serving under hh» that thejrcooldnuke poli­ tical contributions if they desired hut therewas nothing that would compel themto do*o. It was even indicated (hhCincinnati office would he closed, iue to the’charge*. 8 Saced. The Commander-in-Chief might not have boon on job for all the public knows. It mustboadmitted -**---- '—*■ Kas happened in Ihe far Hast, our Murines, Bailors, Soldiers have given * good account of themselves. The Democratic National Commit; teeis hardpressed for funds to wipe outa deficitof thelast campaign, the ColumbusCitiaenquotesCharles Saw­ yer, Cincinnati, Democratic National Committeeman, as admitting the ad­ ministration had placed a 3 per cent assessment against all Democraticap pointees. The word was passeddown .he line by a subordinate that Unless She 3 percentWas forthcoming, some dewfaces Would'be foundin the fed­ eral offices. 'When pressed Mr. Saw­ yer admitted to the Citizen reporter inanswerto the troth of the assess- ment said: “What of- it, Its the sort of thing that has been going on for years.” Ohio.appointees have to' pay in to Deraocratic National Committee headquarters in the Neil House; Co iumbus. . . CaathaMiur .erndthafenw fttauA aava firuiiri fe 1^1 feM** IbiM' ■ A sULueA ‘■esaSaim-najm Usas^ U V «U il 9 U My JPMRP^I w sw PPi 9fmwW' f l v gardforKvaidsSfc. Shreeiteda tyrwrtjrwg; Inbiiaigr hi wl^eh a Xaaian with a bewnd dag pm mwosa tha field back ad his Imp- M 1 aa scared his at lsrwhftiK tfcme, ibat he lost four eweeRmaeahiar* . A ffeetghi hhplanw patrolman has been fired under chargee of miacon- net. W. 1 . 1 aUegof Deokhart, Flori­ da, filed the ^bargee. According to diapatehaa C..A. €Wns, h^bdjaly patrolman,was the victimfor having arrested Bailey for driving 70 miles an hour through a marked School in­ tersection. Ha was fined fS 5 in the Villa Rios #o«rt_Bailey said he was a former camp^gs manager for for­ mer Coverner Martin £, Davey iff Ohio, is said to havebeen in the flee, hog car at the time. Bailey charged the trooperwas workingwith thevil­ lage officials in operating a "trap” for speeders. The II. P. Churchchoir inconjunc­ tion with the Second tl, P. Church, Xenia, will htoadcaat for one-half hour on Saturday- evening at 7:30 from th* Presbyterian Church in Xeni* for that city alohe. The XensintttmClubwill be enter­ tainedthisFriday evening,Dec, 19 , at Jie home Of Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Williams, It being the annual Christ- maspartyfor membersandtheirhus- mnds, ' CEL£BRATtN<a TOi-BIWU OF WCHtB , ‘ Wo have had an unusual event celebrated In'this country this week, the moat Important since’the Magna Carta-—the Bill of Bights under the first constitutional government ever known ixrthe history of the world. The Celebration^was two-fold. First, it waa.the 160th an- -niversary of the adoption of this historic document. Second, it was a rebirth of a document, which only a few years ago was ,regarded as obsolete by those who govern us under the new dispensation, better know as the New Deal. •/ We can,agree with the program observed this week and probably no better time could have -been picked for the ob- ~ servance of such an event, It Was a good time to.acquaint all of tie-of the importance of such a document. It might be that some convertees nave seen the document in a different light bincedictatorship has become so repugnant, especially When a . dictator power which is thousands of years old took- the ad­ vantage of attacking one of our possessions. , It is to be hoped that some of those who so highly praised the Bill o f Bights this week will beconie pfirmenant convertees to this doctrine which a few years ago was regarded "Old stuff'* -i-hot in keeping with changes of the centuries-—and you have heard that statement before from the highest stotion in gov­ ernment, YoU will recall the fight against the ' nine old men on the Supreme Court” and how some were driven into retire­ ment because they stood on firm ground and refused to render decisions that would, destroy the "Bill of Bights.” Those members of that famous court living in retirement or still serving must have smiled if they heard the sweet praises of the famous document from those who at one time planned to destroy it Thoia members that Khve passed on must have "turned over in,their graves” . The Bill of Rights is Still a living document and it wilt continue to live as long as we have an educated people with ‘Amoral code, . . Member*: of the AAA committee* all serving under -the New Deal and must take orders from Washington, mustbe includedin the 3 per tent as-' cessment class. As there are 88,000 onthe AAA payroll, or were before the food program survey added sev­ eral thousandmore, thejpickingshould be rich for the National Democratic eampaign iund. t " ; s Dispatcbes state that it is now “Capt.” jaqiea Rooaevellv eldaat pm. of the White House occupaut. fkn mouths ago it was "Col.” Jaihee,,who surv^rfdtheworldf*r Wrea|of 0m aeeohdWWRf Whr.'The airplane was used and>thetrip made at' .government Wtpense. -Meantime James was supposed to he*making motionpictures out IlkCalifornia. The question now is: "Just how jfar did James get from the California shores!’’.Jumping,fromColoneldown toCaptainis anewprocedure Inmili­ tary ranking, IPapa has just given James another assignment. It la a member- of the Marine Corps. 'Pre­ viouslyhehadbeen“liasionofficerun­ derCot. BiUDonovan,of theco-ordina­ tionagency.”'Thepublichadnotbeen let in on.that appointment. Anyway, nowit ia"Capt,JamesRoosevelt,” the fellow that abehdpned his wife and small children to marry a nurse fol­ lowing divorceproceedings. A Xenia township farmer who for­ merly resided in Cedarvllle township calls the writer by phonp to extend congratulations on the report of the - The - CarroH-Binder Company 110-112 & Mabtt Xenia Telephone 105 Distributors of HtttH GRADE GASOLINE, KEROSENE, FUEL OIL, DEISEL OIL, TRACTOR AND MOTOR OILS FastafldCourteousTrack MateMParUoftiuCounty m e n »ktWM>M ea*l MS • i m n a i i i m m mass SOUTH DETROIT ST XENIA, OHIO S.W 4 VS.!, >.» U4» wap- Mrs. W; C. Hig, Mira. R. R. Towns-, ley and Hra, Robert Jaeohe, of Day: ton, entertained a number of friends at dinner la#t Saturday at luncheon. . Hr. and Mrs. Panl Cummings and daughter, tyttn,rriumed home Wed­ nesdayafter spendingseveraldays in Mt. Clemass, visiting relatives, •1 , 'IJ t.^ni.iiiii>iiii|i>ii>l|ii .... . ' “, TheCountylhaft Boardhimturned twodraftdelinquentcaiea overto the departUtimtof Jpatiee. TheyereDen­ til Ernest Fergmm^.Fairfield; Mau­ riceAbraham Idler, Dayton. npim|i A N A liE TMAYffFANI|S * F O E & X W «. ' FURNITURE - BUDGRT PLAN --v'‘ 4 ‘ t AVAILABLE , Adair’s N* Dsttelt At . .Xmsla, <h ’J l*M A. M. Sahtotk Sebeel. Mr. H. X, Stormont, Supk tl'M * A. M. Mandng Dr. Marshall Rarriagtoa, Prieeatoa, N. Y „ wfll 6 ff 0 F. M. Christian ?:*• P. M. Unto* Sarvtaa M tba Unftad PreabytorisA Charah,.A «m- tata will be presented. Saturday, Dee. 37 , T:Z0 Senior (dioir rsheamd, UNITEDPBBSBmSRIANCHURCH -Ralph A. Jastiesea, Miaktar Sabbath School 10:08 A. M. Supt, Emile Finney, Preaching't l A, M, Theme, "The 7 irst Chriatmas Eve.” No Y. P. C. U. meeting on account of the special Christmas Service at 7:30 P, M., inwhichour choirwill be assisted by the choir of the Second United PresbyterianChurchof Xenia. The Cantata to be presented by this choirof forty voices la "The Baba of; Bethlehem,” All are moat cordially invited to hear this message in song. Those who have heard the rehearsal assure us a real treat Is in store for all who coma. . The Women’s Missionary ocSlety will meet Monday at 2 P. M. in the church. An address will he given by Dr. tv L...Guay of Xenia on "Chris­ tianity andDemocracy in America,” Prayer meetingWednesday at 7:30 F; M. with Mrs- Emma R. Marsh, Rmiday Barvleea Mseday fdbeol f : 9 $Ju M. to IlffB: A.M. Freaeking 11 : 0 ft A. JR, to IStftft M. Rvangahatie Barries Bffft P.*M.; ' Wsdnsaftay.Berriee PrayerMeeting 8:00 P. M. Sunday School 8 upsri«tecd«t, Ra- fnt Nance,' Pastor, Raymond Strickland. CLIFTONPBBSBTTRIAN CHURCH Material A. Harris, Ministar 10:00 A. M, SabbathSchool, Robert Shaw, Supt There will be no regular morning Warship Servian in ear own Church but we will all join with the United Presbyterians in their service. "The Sweetest Story Ever Told", a Christmas pageant, presented by the community, will begivenSabbatheve­ ning, December 21 , 8:00 P. M, in.the Presbyterian Church. All arecordial­ ly Invited. CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIANCHURCH E. O. Ralston, Mlaistar Protect YomHorn* from T idm a fad * WANTED • LUNG BUFFERS TOTRY Lower’s Prscription BrottcWii** AvUunfty wwm Cottghs and Colda Etpeelsliy wendefful for that enugh that enuaea . ■worry. Don’t delay. Bold By BROWN'S DRUG STORE Manufacturedby C. Eower, Chamiat, .Marion, Ohio METHODIST CHURCH H. H. Abels, Minister Telephone 6-1381 * Combination, of Sunday School and Church 10 : 00 ,A. M„ featuring an Old Fashioned Christmas Service replete 'with an elaborate Christmas program of music, recitations, Christmas tree, gift exchange,, candy treats, candle lightingservice. All membersOf Sun- day School class will begin class ses­ sion promptly at 10 : 00 —no opening^ exercise, Program proper, , 10 : 30 .'’ Supt* -ClaytonWiseman. 1 .Selma Church service 8 : 30 . Sermon; ^Trimmingthe Tree.” | Methodist Youth .Fellowship to meet at Church 8:30 Sunday evening following choir program at United Presbyterian churth to tour town in' caroling. Thosewhowishtohave the , 10:00 A. M. Bible School- Paul-W, Rife* Supt. - . 11:00 A.-M.MorningWorship. Ser­ monby the pastor. 7:30 F, M. YojrngPeople’s Christian Union. ' ' , , t ■ - * „ A cordial welcome, to*all. HtifiMMWlffHWlMUil MmftWMftfitWM'MIHDtoiftlDifti FAEM 4 %LOANS No application fee. No appraisal fee. Refinance your loans at the lowest interest' rates ever Offered.^ McSavaney JkCo. , London, O. Call or Write LEONH. KLING CedaryiUe. O. . " Phone: «,1901 P. L; NELSON. O. D. OPTOMETRIST Jamestown, CHdo Especial Attention Given ' , SCHOOL-AGE EYES OtW* >»to IPRilKHtlP & m 4 iu jm $ £ i f GOOD SHOW! m m Pip*, ValvM and Flttiags for watinr, gse and •toant.'.Haad and Rleetrle Piinpa ‘far afi purpose*, Brito Pnlleye, V Brite, Flushing andHsatlag Beplffb1*, - J. F* BOCKLETT StfFFLY CO^ XENIA, OHIO P t dm m ond im t$ . IriMa* ckftfttondb. . . rim tecMycf natural fiuftMy uneaoeHed, . , oil tot M9m « f our newaff ftattnriiiftMtni <|diwp fPfVfM ,K 0 Tiffany's BOUTH DETROIT IT mnvc vpiD finip THIS YEAn v IV jm Ideal Gift At Christmas time our hearts are closest to home. Any­ thing that makes home more beautiful immediately wins a grateful place in our hearts. That's why furniture is such au appropriate Christmas, g i f t . . * the pleasure it gives endures all through the years that follow. Hake selections early to be sure of Christmas delivery. XHNIA, OHIO Ha umm Knee-Hole Desks ....$22.50 Secretary Desk.... $49.75 Break Front Desks $85.00 Love Seat $53.00 Cocktail Tables......,$7.50 What-Not ;...... $0.05 Book Shelves..... .....$8.95 Lounging Chairs ....$10,05 Commode Tables ....$12,95 Lamp Tables........?10.95 Nest Tables .— :....$14.50 Pembrook Tables ,.$12.95 Console Tables.... $18.95 ®ler Tables.........$11,50 Cigarette Tables ....$12.95 Table Lamps .......__$2.95 •Desk Chairs ,,.$3.50 Jr. Lamps ...,...$e.06 Cedar Chests $14.05 Hagaslne Baskets ....$1,05 Hassock* ...... ......... |1.25 Card Tables — $1.75 Woo? Blankets........$7.50 Studio Couches *4 $30,05 2-Pc. LivingBoom Suits ............,,...,.,.,$50,00 Tilt Chaim anil Ottoman ..$20.05 Breakfast Sets ....,.,.$10.95 Utility Closets ,.,.......$5,05 Gas Ranges $55.00 Kitchen Cabinets .,..$83,50 Boudoir Chairs $0.35 Torchiers* ter Pair $11.05 R. C. A. Radios ..,...$18,95 All Styles and Sizes of Mirrors Host Complete Show­ ing of llaple Furni­ ture in this section. T h e R o s s - W i l l o u g h b y C o . WHOLESALE JOBBERS OF PLUMBING, HEATING AND FACTORY MJPPUftf ' » - ' ■ 1tdtm mM RFs^ULaMRM^nsaSl^Li^A ^•awsRWnWMwMqnRE® wfE b AR w MRP as M*RW^R^ s FjBwRHtsMe Did W, Mftht at ; H wm H fi WMWl*Wl©©*lHtw»»WHIUumrtrtlwWl)W|l»»iV>H<WH>imilVl>WllHI0lMtWMI>Wl»>Wl>HIMW»>IW*WW*M>MWMWtn'lM»*l*l> A D A I R ’S i0*M N» DetraR Si, x**»i*s o, . CLJ " M Cedi *. .bers >fam nual - A at Ghr ‘ gue: , ceiv vtain IDs * W: War Vast ~ drei Spr '-fr ” i « » ,Ti i I T | I p i Suit ORB uffdP id,on, ville. f>ur*, ic, 18 it* : o Sat: Dee. Si Swvri ii.-r SUiu»*