The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

I r y i- * smarter « f * watisur Hie Y##*S* E msmi with th* , .*»•» with It Jhwihi <rf tii« fh* to*8htu# i o f “ i i M m * « f •nt aoc « f elwdee hurt fwoed cm mm warn vmmiMm* o f th* ««we~ . Natfta* o f M i o* jwwfertr. Boforo i WWW** toflo nrotuui wo wifi m m **$ nw I* j * o - III «&* mod* o f M i * . As th* dap* *ppraweh Boom moro sad wort o f th# m l wtswuff o f ^ 15 , THE FAW fBTi OtEED " llNBnv* la &* etpseiky o f thwpoil which I till to produce g * w o sad say ntiffhbors * » obimdtnce o f the aeeeeaitieB o f irft iMiwi nrrmintw • Ibetteve thst only &free husbandry eon ffomer from the the abundance which is eesentiol to the preservation of life sad dvilixatton o f the world, I- believe that only through government that recognizes and wmMMsts the right o f the governed ,to strive individually and within individual freedom for security and happiness can a fr#e husbandry exist I believe that no f orm o f government on earth guarantees to the governed greater freedom or better opportunity for the ■promotion o f the welfare o f a ll humanity than the government o f the United States as devised by our forefathers, And to the end,that civilization shall not perish from this ' earth, h * 1i | pledge my utmost capability, my possessions, and if God wills, my life, to the preservation o f the United States against all aggressors, whomsoever or whatsoever they, may be. , , — Indiana Jfsrmer’s Guide . i v T * , ■ ,.,»» _______ , 1 ’ ' f , ’ - > * • ' ‘ n * " tit l! I • "*_J , a * ’ ) , « * RATIONING OF RUBBERTIRES, ■ " Government rationing o f automobile tires brings home to the public with a jo lt that cannot be ignored what we are all m for . The idea has been too prevalent in America that we are so rich, so well supplied and so inventive that the hard­ ships which beset Europe after Hitler loosed his war machine could never be felt here.1 , 1 . , In the strict sense, they won't. However, it is more than* time that America realizes we cannot go on doing business as usual, playing as is our custom, and spending without regard for tomorrow. Those Who seriously need, a set o f .new auto, tiresright nowhave already been conyinced that the standards to which, we have been*accustomed have changed, and will change more. Those who will need new tires shortly, and‘will seek rationing cards to obtain them, are due for a shock when they find that in a large percentage o f cases the best they can obtain w ill be recapped tires—that is, old tires bn which new treads haVe beenjnstalled. ' It is going to be very difficult, fo r Americans to convince themselves that they must alter their buying demands to fit , their needs instead o f their desires. We simply must give up many o f those things Which we have regarded as*necessities but which, in'any other country on earth, would be termed . luxuries or, at least, near-luxuries. ‘ .> - - j The ban which covers rubber now includes golf balls, bath­ ing suits and bicycle tires. Indeed, it is well Understood that the game o f golf wilt be a thing o f the past after next spring's annual trek to the links cleans up the current supplies of gdlf balls. As to tires, those engaged in essential industries who can "prove they need their cam fo r their business will no doubt be given adequate rations. But clearly the day o f running the find 10,000 miles from the treads, then discarding them for mtwJiees,& * « * * duration. ■ ' The ratioafing o f tires i f only a beginning. As the war goes on, we wfll find more and more materials eseential to victory being placed on the restricted or forbidden list/ These we must accept and get used to. There is no other way to win the war. 'State* — Ohio i Fournal FROM MOWON I WILL GARRY ON MY BUSINESS OF USED BUILDING MATERIAL At the new location in the edge of Xeida Comer tlnioa Bead and Wilmington Pike • With « bigger and better aseortment than ever l amnew wracking a barn 44 by 5S faat; aWo cow barn, 15 by 60 feet. J. E. WILSON * Address RFD 1, Jamestown, Ohio * 1 1 1 0 - C a ir o i l- B in d e r Company U f 112 & Main, Xenia Telephone 105 Distributor, of HIGH GRADE GASOLINE* KEROSENE, FUEL C el , DEI9EL o il TRACTOR AND MOTOR OILS , M andCourteousTruck SinrfcotoHIPartsoftheCounty Urn* is SOW' tiring As ysMs adffht M hm K stat «* A , im ai essential*, tht wa*to that w» we ew aw n i t* in tits ess s i paper sad twins, ab thong*Asst ar* bet fen*adfin firing# w* bars in mind at fids fins sad As {Map srs regard asealiy a* *d Btti* value. WMU tbs paper sank oeoto tbs merchantaboa* twioe what It for­ merly did, ysfc tin time any nst few far awayykeaAsseeof mnehef e*r paperterafwroheadSsewit bereririct- sd. Taint is soother article that Trill cost am aWd Dot bo so oommon as meat sTU is imported cafidds cot- tenWiaes. The public will tiso f«t * tsits *|:(nrryiitg. jroer tm. jMncss ss'msrdtaots will b« esaNs to have ddhrery as the ass of not only fires for sAoawblle* but trades will be limited. Both fires and gtsoHita wUl .* 0 st nor*. Ifendumtawifi h* eo»|Mgl- 3d to chsrgb' for deliveries of nier- shaedlsa to costonsrs. War is a Ser- loas thlQg bat psybig far war is an­ other thing and one that is going to. hit every person where the Wowmil pount. If yoa do not think so, just w*lt add see. A good Democratic friend Of the writer hi Columbus says he is mysti­ fiedby the report thata son ofDemo­ cratic Nat i onal Committeeman Dharles Sawyer has been able to on* list with the, Canadian aviation,forces lfter being tamed down on examina­ tion in this country. ThiSfriend says ie hasA nephew that tried to enlist with the Canadian forces ’ several booths ago andwas turned downbe­ cause of Slight physical defects. He' has since been called by his draft ward and lias pss«ad the ,TJ. 8.- Ex­ amination. The Columbus citizen'has i right to be exercised, even though ;hewhole affair if in thehands'of the "eaderSof hiaOWhipolitical party. We ashed-the question if the Columbus] Mend-knew where the soft of Vice President Wallace was in service and :he answer'was ‘*1suppose he is like :he Roosevelt boys,in a bomb proof jobsomeplace st a highSalary’’ while ;he garden variety of ns Democrafis vill eat the lead and smell the smoke GermanandJaparmies.” The Sit­ uationis enough to make a Democrat ut up and take notice, if he ha* a ion in the draft age—now 21to 44, The Chicago TribuneFriday carries an interesting chartshowing the rise and, fall of A basket of groceries, meats, milk, flour, vegetables, ate from January 1914, when the.AAA picked the towmarket as “parity^ for wheat., Themaritetbasketof thesame amountof provision*to January, 1914 cost *3J8. In January 1»K» g A Jahttaiy; J9IU, 4S.6J: January 1911,: $4^6. January 1918, January 1919 fft&O. The fame maricet basket composedof productsof the farmand garden, all prices based on govern­ ment statistic*, for December 1941, $ 8 . 70 . The record speaks for itself and is' positive proof that the farmer isnot gettinghis share of presentday war prosperity as compared to labor and industry. Government control of prices under the “parity rule” means depression prices .for all farm pro. ducts during war-time prosperity. The AAA is purely a political New Deal organization to keep the farm vote Under control and cannot-be defended as any thing else in the free of gov- emmet records of market prices. 9gM* Pigs IB SB, 1M1 find totimielitf let their read­ ers. OvriMs saw<f tits tovewtor* that his iirveagtoa wffl to A s frdare 4- — ig J a ^ A DV mtWm IM9IMPRI01 liwwfiR?. wBllll dsriraefien s f His sad property In war -fiase. We mm Igttjtoifstt gas used to the fi«*fc Werld W«r has bear euttowed. said se tor »• aetiea to wai” sad fids f-fiTtifTtf abeut all the first and- naewd da—nattons ef the globe have net resertad to it With tin tarioha ktoda e f hemiba, tor torpedoes efiL, life and preperty are about m .safe ^under poison gas, Mr, Wright may bars souaded a new chord to fiw totierest of hnspamfiy. The airptom has its ptoovApt hi not the only isnptolw* BMt^iui' be need, -War it- aetf tomwa ae bounds tor man him- saUisrdiuKmatbtoftoS^wars. Feapto are wopdartog as wa observe the Christina* saeaen 'ff we have net been re«pon«nde as a nation for bringing the .present .war to on* peesestionL Mixing to another roan’* fight seldom ever brings about lasting peace be cause.ptoof cannot be enforced at the point of agon. We speak o f <tobe having a form of democracy but all etocttotM aiw directed by the soldiers. Greatposters to all public placeswarn the public .of the presence of the mill tary forces that line the streets to Havana, day and night, The Cuban politicj*n fiifeflgets thesupportor con­ trol o f the Cuban army Usually wins the.election and the-pest president us­ ually seek* refuge to New Turk City to stav# off a rerolotion that would cost the executive his head* The Democrat* in Ohio that have been trying to-make capital out of the surplus in the;state treasury due to goodbusinessmanagement byGov­ ernor Brisker addhi* appointee*; with the aid of a Republican legislature, may find an empty Christmas ‘stock­ ing, City potititian* are crying for a share of ihis-.,»tojriu*..Which the Gov- f pr ht# jdtomed t%use in paytoriit debts ho inherited from a Demo mafic administration. State Auditor Joseph Ferguaon ha* started to cam­ paign tor ti»e goyemorihip nomina- tien tm toO’DhtoKanatto-t^ket on A piriform of “spending the surplus.” Long ago Governor Brjkker stated a sniilrito to*the state ttaniurywas A necessity with the'the nation If we entored-the WAT, Now What-^do we And,t TWOweeka'.ago a Detroit speaker atotod from a radio [station to that A y that there would [ietio mmmmmsm aftm Itoreh-ist. Newwatoe* Btoffhythe. govern- till of riito rml tniek.'tireii.' ■It is predicted that efje third of the auto, mobiles on the idgbway todaywill be laid up due to lack of tire*. Reports ilso indicate the governmentWilllimit auto,.lubricating oils and establish “gasles* Sundays and Holidays” for all private cars«nd troeki, New York’s Socialist Mayor La- Guardis wants congress appropriate| $100,000,OtiO to purchase gs* masks for use in casewar reaches thi*'coun­ try. What a fine chance for the New Deal “brokers” to get to their work1 In behalf of their “legal” fees and commissions on contract*. A emigres -1 sional investigation gives account of th# modem day “Tea Dot Dome ac-j tivities” for the Second World War, With on* third of th* can off th* highway by March* there wilt be no need of 194ft keens* tags for cam to April. Thiswouldcut theuse ef gaso­ line and th* state, counties, townships anduiaaldpSliti**Will findroad funds cut to a minimum, Aa the state col­ lect* A tax On gasoline, this will be lost andwitt hit thecountiesandcities a heavy blow. After all it took* like Governor Brfcker Was months Ahead of theDmnecratk politician*to creat­ ing a surplusfor a “ratoy day.” Her­ bert Meogtrt, political columnist for the Ctodnasti Enquirer, aaya such a lorn on gasoline tax will deprive the Democretie candidates for governor of whai they think is a live issue to­ day. While Roosevelt wants school boys, of 19Upto parentsof 44for thearmy, Congress did not give in and fixed the ] limits for active duty at 21 to 44 to the lower House, It is expected that j all between (he ages of 18 and 84Will be compelled to register, Congress having just passed such a hill. Da- ing'thcse extremes hundreds of par­ ents will be registered that will have sons inactive war service. The draft­ ing of youngmenaround 19 to 22 will reduce 'the attendance to most col-, legesmore than fifty per cent. Mr. JohnMcMifiaa, whohas been * patient to the Veteran'* Hospital, to Dayton, for several months, is spend­ ing a few days here withW*parents, Mr, andMrs.J. X. McMillan. , Miss Maud* Hastings, who teaches .in Kent, O., high school, la home for ihe Holiday vacation. President BcviS of Ohio State Uni­ versity to a recent statement point­ ed out that it was just as necessary to have men for the army mentally fit as It was physically and for that reasonall studentsof draft age Should be exempted until their educationwas completed. The Commandant at Ft, Hayes immediately took exception to the Executive’s statement. . srirWm r Uluifl At a hearing inWashington before a congressional committee last Thurs­ day, according to theNewYorkTime* Frank Cohen, head of Empire Ord­ nance Corp., holding war contracts, deniedthat hehadhired CharleyWest to secure government contracts on a commission basis. West has sued for some $709,000 commissions, Cohendid admit paying West $4,906 but that “he WA* a good naturad fool for doing that.” West on the stand admitted Cohen bad paid him $1BIM9 ef the 1706,006 oa eenferaets totriteg i GLADSTONEAND „ 1 GKAFEGftOVE NEWS By Mr*. JohnR Irwin Mr. David Reid of Duke University, is at home for the holidays, Miss Rebecca, who attends Miami Univer­ sity, la also at home. Mr, and Mrs, Hamm* Bland of Jamestown,wars visitors ofMrs, Wm. Stifiworth and sop, Earl, Sunday. Mr. Robert PautUnof Dayton, visit­ ed his grandmother, Mrs. LuViti* Ritonour, Sunday. Mr. andMr*. John Irwin celebrated their twenty-seventh wedding anni­ versary, Sunday. All of the children j were atbom*. They tee Mr. andjMr*. Ralph Cummings, ef CeiarvilW; Mr, |and Mrs. Robert Irwto *M daughter, o Ann, and Mr. and Mrt/'Waadell irwto and daughter Nancy Lee and Miss Pauline Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson are the proud parent* *f a baby hdy bora Dtewhty moridng. X* hfc*-bewigiv*« 'the name ef James Rehert, H, ftmday ftriwel l»M A. IL'CkjUm Wfewtan, fhwg, Chnnshlev in 11^6 A. M. fterawn “The NewYear* M. Y. P. fdto. CMr praetiea Sat­ urday orwiaf TsBQ r a r rw pwm ttbw an church Ratoh A. JaatiMMSL IMalater Sabbath Schoel 19:96 A. M. 0upt &»U* Ftoney, Preachtog 11:00 A. M. Theme, “God Bleu America.” ’ Y. P. C. U. 6:80 P M. Subject “Th* Gift of a NewYear.” Leader, Harold Cooley. Why jiiot meke this a special wwricA for member* who are now at homefor vacationperiod? Alumni and forgeurmembers. '" Ne-aervloe at 7;S0. Prayer meetingWednesday 7:80 P, M. Place will be announced cmSab­ bath, Open for invitation*. THECHURCHOF THENAZABENE Sunday Service* Sunday School 9:30 A, M. to 11:06 A-Mr V - Preaching 11:00 A. M. to 12:00 K. Ev*n*eli*tic Service 8:00 P. M. Wednesday Service Prayer Meeting8:90 P, M. Sunday School Superintendent, Rn^ fua Nance. \ \ ‘ Pastor, Raymond Strickli • ' . CUFTON U nited P resbyterian church ELO. Balaton, Minister 10:00 A. M. Bible School. Paul W. Rife, Supt. , 11:00 A; M. SfCrningWorship, Ser­ mon by the pastor. 1 7:36P,M.YoungPeople'* Christian Union.. - A cordial welcome to all. CHURCH OF GOD E. C. FREDERICK, Pastor., Sunday School, 9:30 A. U. Morning Worship,' 10:30 A. M." - Evening Service, 7:30 P. M. Prayer Service Thursday evening, 7:30 P. M. ' All Welcome* ’ » FARM LOANS ,- qHtoMer.aajatoaaBflifimdkB't guy i|ywT i pranpE rnttiot and atfnsrtiv* trim* lari«.«a> mdtoC.% eUaenMiiaatieii lean* StiTMtor th u Sevmtaen Mfi- Nen DoBan to lArimnL Phone 1 er.mito rita enrawreeeatathf* erift ( V IN IIIW P V uWd • „ m&k‘ ' w iiiiw iiftiA k ujisg ^^nsea^aflrjr let. l^s^hMstsh iel0l he S .per cent «n M m s 4aM ur Wmjmy wii fc I per cant fha aaaal 4#jr aqri dlvi* dead wilt he paid Jaasmry 1, 1MB. Ctiaridariaff rntoa paid aa e$har in- vaatoMAtsthe 8par eent rntowffl pow- rida an aitraeti** tneaaie. Then it m tax ett satit an toMiriMMnk and ne* eewntifare tomwed ay to $M9«. FARM 4% WANS U f f ftllg > M n a t f w | I a n E 7 & fea, Rafiaanea yppr leaas at the lowest totoreet rate* ever afferad. MeSavaaay A Ca. Laiiden, 43b , Cafi ar Writ* LEON H. KLING ' C*darviBe,D. Phene: 9-1*91 mwmetoiHNcl few _ Mini, r MMM m W i IMIIMI1*1 Pip*i Valve* and FRtiags fee waferi-gas and rietoa, Hand and Electric Pmape far all parpoaee, Ralto. Prileya, X Brito^ Ptombbg mid Heating SnppRe*. ‘Ja P . BOCK3LETT SUPPLY CO. X enia ] OHIO nifMiwmw A NAME THAT STANDI FONGOOD FURNITURE BUDGET FLAN AVAILABUE ' A d a i r 9# N. Detroit St. k iriin n in »i»iN iM iM M n > i> i IM nO . ....... mm0 F. I t NELSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST Jamestown. Ohie l , , ( i r * VY.-V^v' r * , * a j* J ^ if ( I , \ ’ , t >- 1 Especial Attention Given . v ;t'; v j 14' "• *" SCHOOL-AGE EYES i i a t v -i-t '> s * ■* TWWWMWIlWWMMflNMIMlWlWhlHniUHM.IUMlMlfflfW- fiWEH"CWTIS” * fiWttM "HtHBttTTA” n icti MCivet i « « m tM t: •lltlipiu MAMMAH SOUTHDETROIT ST .XENIA, OHIO . i . . a ' e R A W r u r 8 - ■ ; > |^ i " . 0 BEEFHIDES HIGHEST..PRICES in - a ~ , r t <* r < ‘ / ‘ ‘ ’ 6*. * " . ’ 1 . ^Dealer Lots Bought x " ' ' BENNIE SPARROW X . % . • 1 *■ Elm Street Cefiarville, O. »v* ‘ . . . Ifs C h r i s t m a s T i m e A g a i n “ ^ . ■- , ' w ' * , ' ' '* x * *. ' 9 , ‘ , 8 ' , - > , ' ’ % Let not these troublous times diminish our ever- • .<* • ^ • i • * . ■ .■ - . lasting faith Jn Christmas and In the peace and good will that must emerge from oictoru. ■ ■ ' '■ 1 .-■■■■ ■ " " ■ r i- ■ | ■ . ■- < . THE DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT CO.